merakiui · 4 years
My first proper writings in a while pftt it’s not too rusty I think
JueYun Karst, a sacred place to all Liyue’s locals. The abode of the mighty Adepti, which mortals may not trespass without sigils of permission. It may sound like some mysterious haven to them, but you beg to differ.
Same river, same rocks, even the Qingxings in the mountains taste the same as they were the century prior. Here you lay under your favorite cherry blossom tree, half dozing off with a novel covering your face. I wonder when Ganyu would bring new sequels, what happened to this couple, did they elope or?You roll over and stretch, yawning.
The life of an Adepti such as yourself is repetitive, to say the least. Especially when your powers were not meant for the battlefield, more for healing and caretaking. In this era of relative peace, boredom is on way to describe your daily mood. Now Rex Lapis had stepped down from his archon post, the contract between Liyue harbor and the Adpeti had been completed.
Maybe it’s because you are young for an Adepteus, or how your curious nature often gets the best of you, you long to explore the common world. The world must have changed a lot since the war, and whenever Ganyu comes by she would tell you what is going on in Liyue recently. Why haven’t you gone to the harbor? Because all the senior adeptus objected to the mere idea, saying how you would get lost and never come back. Your battle prowess is not enough, they always preach, as if you are still the same fragile newborn centuries ago. You are not supposed to talk back, so you have no choice but keeping your mouth shut, only silently cursing them once they are out of earshot. All the mortals you dealt with in offering ceremonies were nice and respectful, not even wanting to look at you in the eyes. This is how things should be, you said to yourself quietly in the head as you nod to conclude the ceremony. But...this is just distressing somehow, you are just being ungrateful, it happens.
That is, until you met that strange man when you sneaked out the borders of Jueyun Karst a few days ago.
It was an spontaneous decision, now you had gotten yourself lost around Cuijie slope. Maps aren’t exactly available to you, and it has been too long since you last saw the common world. How many times have you passed this flower? Is it even the same flower or just the same species?
“Are you lost, Miss?” You’re not! You are just-
Eh, what’s with the mask? Does he have some horrid scar that needs to be concealed? No matter, might as well ask him for some directions. “Greetings,sir. I am heading towards Liyue Harbor. And yourself?” You try to let your smile come off as non-condescending, as to not have him yelling “Oh forgive me the mighty adeptus” similar to those mortals you encountered on Qingyun peak.
How unusual, someone like you is out and about on her own. Perhaps you know your destination, but Dottore is sure you never got the correct route. Judging by your fine attire, that vision trinket around your waist paired with antiquated speech, one can tell you are not from the surrounding villages. So what is a young maiden doing here all alone? The Doctor might have devoted most of his hours on research projects, but he however knows ladies of rich families travel with attendants.
Unless, you are no common young maiden at all. There is just something about your aura...That feeling cannot be put into words,yet. Silently signals his subordinates to stay put, Dottore had started his analysis the moment he began to answer your rather intrusive questions. Half-truths of course, to appear as sincere as possible. This is usually the work of an underling, but this time...maybe he will see to it himself.
“So you are a doctor? You...fix people up? What a coincidence. I happen to practice the same profession.” A fawn, that’s what you remind the Harbinger of. With those eyes gleaming with curiosity, but cautious as if you would bolt if he had passed the safe distance. JueYun Karst, where “spirit guardians”of Liyue dwell, is nearby, if memory serves. Human-esque immortal beings...it’s not everyday people came across any of them. Not that he wants to attend those pretentious ceremonies, and Dottore doubts he would be allowed to watch given his Fatui status. The subject of immortality is irresistible to any researcher, but the sources are scarce.
My, my, is it possible? Are you a real adeptus in the flesh before him? It is indeed a bold assumption, but there is no other possible hypothesis. You don’t even recognize the Fatui emblem, saying it looks like some strange butterfly?
(I did fem reader here since it flows better! Hope I did not overdo the mood hhhh )
-Wonderful anon
WONDERFUL ANON!!!! This was absolutely amazing!! OMG :O The way you described the reader as a poor little fawn who’s curious but also still wary of Dottore... *chef’s kiss* And I love how scheming Dottore sounds when he’s lying to her. King of ulterior motives!!
You definitely didn’t overdo the mood! It felt perfect. The introduction of the reader’s innocence when it comes to human culture and Liyue Harbor itself was very fitting. It’s good to know that because it makes it easier for her to believe whatever Dottore says, under the impression that what he’s saying is true. Poor adeptus!reader has no idea about what she’s gotten herself into. And the fact that she doesn’t even know about the Fatui... Oh, Dottore is going to have a field day with that.
I adore the idea of Dottore being interested in the concept of immortality. Like many scientists and researchers, it’s one of those things that seems unattainable or difficult to truly comprehend. But now that he’s found this lost adeptus, he’s going to make full use of her to test all sorts of things related to immortality.
10/10, wonderful anon!!!! This was such a lovely read. Your writing is delicious, so thank you very much for this meal!
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