#AAAAAND car problems. ofc
chicaquedicess · 15 days
someone has to be doing brujería on me dude the amount of horrendous shit happenening to me lately can NOT be a coincidence?????? just today alone i had a baby migraine, overslept, had some random bitch in accounting pop off on me, had the store manager get pissy w me for no reason, lost my favorite ring which was not only expensive but one of a kind and sentimental, and the cd I ordered came in shattered 😶
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loyalhorror · 4 years
i’m just like. i don’t know what the fuck to do tbh?? ideally i do NOT want to be moving anywhere while there’s Ye Plague, not least because a) i don’t want to do video flat viewings, that sounds like an anxiety nightmare, b) the travel issues, and c) how the FUCK would i move all my stuff i don’t have a car lmao
not to mention the difficulty of REALLY not wanting to change doctors (you’re supposed to when you go out of their like...range or w/e; i’m technically out of mine already but they kept me since i’m something of a Complicated Case) and not knowing if they’d be able to keep me if i moved further away, because frankly every place around here is just... another old tenement flat and i’m not fucking risking it again
and then there’s the issue of cost, like i’m currently paying £375 a month which is frankly amazing and gives me a lot of wiggle room to just not worry about money, but getting another place that cheap is unlikely and, i mean... given the state of this place i don’t think i’d want something this cheap again klndflkdjdnfkj
aaaaand there’s the issue of nobody fucking wants to take pets so ofc i would have to make lots of phone calls to negotiate about that, which i previously had someone at my uni (a housing advisor) do for me but ofc im not there anymore so, yknow
and. and. and. just, FUCK. there’s so much and idk what to do??? i don’t want to bring it up to my letting agent just yet either until at least an ATTEMPT has been made at solving the current problems in the flat but just. aUGH
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