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cloud-somersault · 1 year ago
I wanted to send these to you before i posted them on my insta @wrappedbinding i really do love your writing thank you so much!
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OH MAN THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!! I saw this ask and started crying immediately. no one has every bound any of my fics before, to my knowledge! This is the first time! Thank YOU so much for reading my writing and liking it enough to do this!
is it really that big???? it's so huge! it truly looks like a bigass novel...i can't believe that.... Wow, it looks so official....this is so pretty, i love the pictures you took and the flowers and the mirror. it's SO NICE
thank you!!! i love seeing this. i can't..believe i wrote all those words...in those pages and tHE QUOTE AAAAAA that it's macaque....on the back... i'm gonna die omg..this is so beautiful. i'm truly so moved idk...this is a huge honor. i've NEVER had a fic bound before i'm gonna sob for 10 days straight HOLY SHIT!!!
and i love that the color is red...it's a good choice. since it's stonefruit trio and they all have red.. in their outfits and!!! THAT'S MY USERNAME ON THE BOTTOM AAAAAAAAAA WITH THE SUN THAT'S SO CUTE! And the moon on top I LOVE all the sun and moon and star energy here!! this is so perfect, thank you so much for showing me pictures i'm gonna treasure them forever
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pinkgy · 1 year ago
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After 600 lesser keys, but anyways, AAAAAAAA
I’m going to start to save keys for when Satan and Mammon are added to the regular banner.
I had his artifact in my AppStore account :( But anyways AAAAAAAAAA
I’m also saving my Solomon seals, if I’m not mistaken @jazeswhbhaven said in a post that we should save the seals for those cards that we know that will not be added to the regular banner (like the Christmas ones) and that’s exactly what I’m doing.
I hope I can get Attacker Beel soon :( But if I’m being honest, I’m more exited for Attacker Mammon iykyk.
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magnoliaschnolia · 11 months ago
Hysterix and Dimacrodon!
aaaaaaa I forgot to post yesterday I was playing minecraft with my friend aaaaaaaaaa
God I'm never going to reach the art that I'm actually proud of at this rate
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Based off of Platyhystrix and Dimetrodon, these two are based off of the theory that Dimetrodon's sail was used for intimidation, combined with famous false-face intimidation displays on creatures throughout history to turn its famous sail into a toothy grimace.
While Hysterix is a bit too young and anxiety-riddled to properly make use of its disorienting and diversionary psychic powers granted to it via use of its sail, its older sibling in Dimacrodon is an expert in using its abilities to both defend itself and to feed itself. Having little to no capacity to hunt or even forage, a Dimacrodon is evolved to subsist solely on the fear and negative energy its intimidating and illusory excel at creating. It's favorite and most reliable strategy for feeding is lying in ambush and luring simple-minded hunters towards its true body using an appetizing illusion of a Rattata or Pidgey, only to lash out in menacing snarls, deafening screeches, and blinding lights emanating from its sail, sending any would-be hunter running for their lives.
While extraordinarily rare, a Dimacrodon in an excess of fear is free to gluttonize this abundant resource, and with the increased energy a few special specimens are able to metamorphize into...
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Mega Dimacrodon! First Mega since the Starters!
While a normal Dimacrodon is a mild nuisance with illusions that lose effectiveness on anything more intelligent than a human child, a Mega Dimacrodon is an insidious but silent horror capable of infesting and overrunning entire settlements through psychic ability alone.
Capable of unexplainably manifesting in any sufficiently hidden and dark areas (including but not limited to: alleyways, basements, and behind large pieces of furniture that its dimensions should be unable to fit behind) and armed with dozens of glowing eyes that can induce insanity at a mere glance, a Mega Dimacrodon's psychic abilities are unmatched by any other Pokemon on the island, used solely to cultivate and feast on as much fear as possible. Targeting human settlements, a Mega Dimacrodon's hunting patterns consist of hunkering down in as discreet of a location and possible and using its illusions- which are almost impossible to even recognize as illusions and easily able to fool even Human adults- to hide its true body, cultivate paranoia and distrust, and feast on its spoils. If left unchecked, a well-established settlement can be reduced to babbling hysteria within a few months, with ancient artifacts even suggesting that one settlement worshiped a Mega Dimacrodon for up to 50 years, violently defending its true body from other settlements and offering up all that they owned to the beast.
Any strange occurrences observed, such as civilians disappearing after ducking into dead ends or dangerous Pokemon inexplicably appearing outside windows, are to be reported to the nearest Trainer or Gym leader, as these are possibly illusions caused by a Mega Dimacrodon. Acting quickly is the key to defeating a Mega Dimacrodon, as it is most vulnerable before it can fully cultivate an aura of fear within its hunting grounds, to a point where merely finding its true body while in this vulnerable period can cause it to dissipate in a suffocating flash of pure darkness, leaving behind only amnesia for those under its madness-inducing effects and its pitch-black "slobber" excreted by its sail. Said slobber actually functions as a surprisingly effective skincare ointment, and is prized by dermatologists and dermatology-inclined individuals who are able to stave off the minor impulses of cannibalism present after application.
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anantaru · 2 years ago
I've been saving up primos for Alhaitham after getting myself to soft pity in preparation for his banner. I've been collecting currently available ascension materials, talent materials, farming artifacts, etc. BUT I DON'T HAVE GUARANTEED ON THE 50/50 AND MY ANXIETY IS THROUGH THE ROOF AAAAAAAAAA
i feel this so much nonnie, i‘m 15 pulls away from a guaranteed 5* but i have to win my 50/50 this time, last time i was guaranteed scara so i wasn‘t faced at all BUT NOW 🥲🥲🥲 i need my trophy husband alhaitham so badly, please hoyo 👺!!!!
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ryebreadedd · 2 years ago
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ok then a bit more of a fair fight
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angrelysimpping · 3 years ago
SPOILERS FOR AFTER KYLARS MANSION! please don’t read if you want to figure out the rest of the quest for yourself!
yoo! was jw how far you got with the new kylar quest! i got to the part where kylars parents show you the secret room, you talk about it at the temple, and then the guy who overheard you corners you and mentions something about some ritual going bad and kylars parents wanting kylar to be safe. he said something about a blood red moon, sacrificial alter and something silver. on a blood moon i tried going around the manor, temple, forest, and ancient ruins in the lake, but i couldn’t trigger anything else. i think i might be missing an artifact or something? were you able to figure out the next step by chance?
AAAAAAAAAA, I haven't got there yet! Right now, Kylar's parents just hiss at me dismissively from under the bed.
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drysauce · 3 years ago
LEN DID YOU SEE HEIZOU!! What r your thoughts on the boy
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when i got a notification from the leaks subreddit in the middle of doing physics with my friend i was like okay hold on for a minute because there's heizou's drip marketing and i HAVE TO see him
hes so pretty!! looks like a fusion of kazuha and early design xiao lol but either way im really pleased with his design, and i can't stop laughing at the sideboob window hshzjs
but tbh he looks NOTHING like i would imagine a detective to look like nshdbsn i can't wait to get to know more about his personality, until now ive been hoarding every heizou crumbs that ive seen and he seems like a really fun and original character!
im planning to c6 him when he's released, i already farmed some VV artifacts but i didn't expect him to be a catalyst so i don't really have a weapon, maybe i'll steal the one that sucrose currently has lol or maybe I'll finally manage to get widsith from gacha, that would be even better
ALSO leaks say that cyno will be in 3.1 and is a hydro polearm! he's gonna be the first hydro stick ever which makes me want to pull for him even more, but im also interested in the dendro archon, ive heard she's gonna be a hikikomori lol
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laughableillusions · 3 years ago
I heard you were back on tesblr and I would like to offer a thought : tld joining the Companions after being alone out in Skyrim for years and Farkas helping them acclimate. He teaches them to cook and reminds them civilians don't like it when someone walks around with their weapon drawn.
Farkas would be so understanding honestly, he gets not knowing much abt how to socialize, he would invite you to tag along with him and Vilkas on missions so you can get more acquainted with the land. He would give advice on how he’s gotten through most situations (mostly just being polite and listening) and wouldn’t say a word if you preferred to sleep outside on a bedroll instead of in a bed, only that you stay out of the way of the training ground.
I think he’d also be sheepishly curious, he’d ask politely about your adventures and just listen. If you have any cool weapons or artifacts from your travels he will look them over extensively, as you what they are and what they do. He’d tussle your hair teasingly with a lazy grin like every big brother should and just…oh man…
I love him sm
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killzcount · 4 years ago
same anon as before- literally any z nation thoughts u have!!! hot take about your favorite character? random detail you love?? favorite one-off side character??? i want to hear it all
HIII <333 first of all, i'd just like to thank you for taking time out of your day to ask me this!!! literally saw the notifs as soon as i woke up this morning and kept thinking about this as well as a decent response throughout the rest of the day NDNDNSJDMSJDNSSJ
i have so many thoughts anon it's so terrible because i cannot for the life of me organize them i think i am the most incoherent person i know BUT one of the MAIN things i always think of as i watch the show is: wow i wish cassandra was still in this!!! i miss her a lot and i think she had so much potential and that she did NOT need to die (or at least die THAT EARLY) perhaps i will make a separate post on her because once i start talking about her i'll never stop :( another thing i think about is: what this show would've been like if it had a much slower pace, much like the walking dead does!!! i think each mini villain/funky zombie/dilemma-of-the-moment the gang encounters in each episode would take like. A WHOLE season to solve if the show had twd's slow ass pace :/ okay maybe not a whole season but like half?
HOT TAKE ON MY FAVORITE CHARACTER... hmmm this is a good one anon!!! while i don't think my take is steaming hot, i really think that 10K did NOT have to have a love interest/s after cassandra . maybe that's just me because i love them so much... i guess i just don't really like the fact that the writers paired 10K off with any girl remotely near his age that wasn't addy!!! not that i think he's meant to be alone for the rest of his life, but i guess it's more like a 'can the writers stop making every girl extra a potential love interest' MAYBE 10K just needed friends his age :( maybe a dog :(
random detail i love... wow anon these questions are really making me think thank u for giving my brain something to think about! i love that they're all so consistent on mentioning the fact that they 'were nowhere near the grand canyon' perhaps a little cheesy of me to think so, but it's just so cute and heartwarming for me because despite the many arguments, trials and tribulations, and other terrible scenarios they all faced, they can all agree on that ONE specific thing :D very sweet me thinks
AAAAAAAAAA by one-off side character, do you mean a character that only shows up in one episode? i'm so sorry i'm unfamiliar with that term :( if so, i quite liked that religious guy the group encountered in canada in that one season 4 episode where they were looking for an artifact(?) DNEHSKBSKDNSJDJDJDJ i think he was pretty cool and neat! i also liked that old lady who owned the restaurant at the season 2 finale!!! she had a lot of weapons ... very cool ... the hackerville people were also pretty neat since i just finished watching that episode hehehe
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jam-is-my-food · 4 years ago
AAAAA im so excited to watch s&b !! im waiting for one of my friends to watch it with her but im just AAAAAAAAAA the amount of self restraint im practicing ...
okay so i kinda like to describe carmen sandiego as if you took "be gay do crime" and made it into a kids cartoon. (except theres canonically 0 romance ?? which i actually appreciate a bit like theres NO romance. but also.... emotional support sapphics my beloved but ANYWAYS) basically it follows carmen sandiego who was raised on this school for thieves. so obviously she has lots of cool thief-skills and when shes like ?? seventeen i think ??? (idk ages in cs are weird) she escapes the school bc the thieves are evil, pretty much. and now she's a ✨ thief who steals from other thieves ✨ and she goes around stealing back artifacts and returning them and we have !!! found family !!!! and the most amazing characters every i would die for each and every one of them (almost) !!!! and GORGEOUS animation !!! and the capers themselves >>>>>
to summarize i love this show too much for my own good and i will make it everyones problem /hj
🌌anon (sorry this got kinda long-)
ahhh that sounds really good wait i wanna watch it LMAO i’m halfway through s&b and i shall watch it next
wow okay i feel like i need to rant about something now uhhhhhhh
i don’t know shush my mind is blank oH i’m presuming you’re a grishaverse fan from the fact that you’re going to watch s&b have you read row? because i’ve been meaning to post smth about my thoughts on it and keep forgetting LMAO
also all of your asks are giving me happy bubbles thank you
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seelestia · 2 years ago
YOU'RE HEREEEEE <3 and dw sweetie life happens and those things are more important <3 no no i SWEAR it's been a month my sense of time is most definitely not warped and yes ofc i missed you wdym ;;;;;
*covers zhongli's ears* 'ancient fossil soul' oh my god 🤣🤣🤣
shjdfhksd oh gosh the angst yes yes bring them all to me omnomnom ah well ultimately it's up to you but i wouldn't mind hearing you ramble hehe ;))
fatui!ayato ohoho the potential for villainery and plot twists!! i'm trying to imagine him in fatui outfit but i can't...
fatui!ayato who lures you in and gets you to fall in love with him with all his gentlemanly ways... and when you realize just who he was, it's already too late for you to turn back. will you let your love drown you or will you try to swim back to the shore? :))
random person: "you know, that haughty yashiro commisioner-"
lia: !!! 👁👁
random person: *gets shivers down their spine* "m-man, sure is chilly today..." *walks away silently*
lia: 🙃
he did.... he did..... kazuha i'm so so sorry lsdflkjsd I ACTUALLY DID FINISH THE 2 ARCHON QUESTS THIS WEEKEND!! and i'm so excited to see al haitham again in 3.1 aaaa
that's awesome!!! h-how did you even get a 250% energy recharge accidentally-
oh that was my brother's build with the 80k meteor lmao my zhongli isn't as awesome hsdlfsjdfhkj but i will get there!!! eventually... hopefully...
i am so soft rn lsjkfdjskldf oh my lia aaaaaaaaaa that was beautiful ;w; so much potential for angst too, imagine you just staring back at him confused like 'do we know each other?' and you are totally right i am so into the 'predestined lover' trope it's the hopeless romantic inside me lol...
YES YES EXACTLY like. it's out of their control so no one can be blamed for it, right? but then what do you do with these anger and sadness and lost promises? hhhh it hurtsssss so gooooood
i think it saw klee holding a bomb and fled but we can pretend it's zhongli who made them run sure lmao /j
i have diluc (who came home at 79 pity instead of zhongli) and c1 qiqi (who came home at 77 pity instead of kazuha)... my luck is rotten as you can tell :D
GO GET YOUR STRAWBERRY TEA!!! i have them too but i haven't touched it since the sampler pack arrived ahah i have so many tea slkdjflksdf
YES, I AM BACKKK! hehe, tyyy, rin jie~ your sense of time is getting rusty like your dear hubby (/j) but i'm glad to know that my chaotic presence is missed :( i missed you sm too! although i know i can just barge into your inbox like a madman anytime 🤫 (/lh)
but the way you covered his ears 😭 i wasn't joking when i said i'm literally hu tao 2.0, so his pretty brown hair would turn gray when i'm around... i'm so not sorry, rin jie. (/j)
eeeeee, okay, okay! maybe not a full-on ramble buuuuut the fic will focus on the influence and differences between social statuses, so i think you can see how these would connect to ayato, noble!reader, and thoma. btw, the tropes in that fic will be a love triangle + unrequited love + right person, wrong time! anddd, my mouth is now zipped until it is finished 👀
is ayato's palette so bright to the point it's kinda difficult to imagine him in an emo clothing??? fatui!ayato's design will take a whole 180° turn from his original blue and white palette but he'll always look majestic no matter what! you and your beautiful writing need to stop coming for me, i swear 😭 if he charms me only to use me, then i think... i might have to save my own heart first <//3 but i don't think i can escape ayato's grasp so easily; what that man wants, he makes sure he achieves it. (omg, he might've been a slytherin, after all??? 👀)
i finished the sumeru archon quests too and i'm kinda excited for what's to come! tho, i'm completing the aranyaka quests and i'm currently on part 3 😭 i swear, aranyaka part 2 exists to advocate back pain but the aranara's are all super adorable !! accidentally because my hp artifacts just happened to roll into lots of energy recharge, help 🤧 it's fun being able to use grandpa's burst so frequently and the petrify effect is sooo 🤌 good luck building him to the best of your abilities, rin jie! maybe you can flex him to us sometimes??? 👀
YESSS, YOU GET ME. after all, it's in a human's nature to find something to blame like transferring the burden of pain from your hands to another's — but in these cases? you have no option but to hold onto this burden and the longer it stays, the longer your hands burn. this is a meeting of minds. the both of us rn 🤝
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a child holding a bomb is two terrible signs manifested into one. (/j) but i hope you get to pull more characters that you can try out new playstyles with in the future! alhaitham, maybe 👀 (/j) like personally, i'd definitely prefer a new character than a constellation 😭 but oddly enough, losing the 50/50 actually gives me a sense of security sometimes because yes, guaranteed next !! so, i do this strategy where if i'm on the 50/50, i don't save and instead do a pull every time i can but it has to be on a banner that i'd regret the least! like the thought process of: if i win the 50/50 here? cool, new chara! if i lose? cool, guaranteed for me! this teaches me to be at peace with the 50/50 system + get a new chara or a guaranteed chara! but only if you're on the 50/50 tho, that is the most important part~
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chicchanooliner · 4 years ago
Had been co-oping for an hour to farm artifacts for geo traveler and all I can say is “AAAAAAAAAA”
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loruleheiress · 4 years ago
well, somewhat of a shut-in anyway. she does venture out for the sake of threads, mainly to add her growing list of “things my ancestors FUCKED UP when breaking the artifact that held our world together” 
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perfect-jerry-blossom · 4 years ago
i took a bad image today while scanning and i was like “wow this sucks” but we’re not allowed to delete images, so i took a better one right after it and that was the one i did measurements on etc. tell me why my coordinator looked at the shitty image and was like “this image is really bad. it’s in the wrong place, there’s too much artifacting, you need to do better.” like YEA I KNOW THATS WHY I DID A BETTER ONE PLEASE LOOK AT IT AAAAAAAAAA
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