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the-alan-price-combo · 1 year ago
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"We're Gonna Howl Tonight!!"
(more Alan doodles under the cut eeee)
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anotherler · 8 years ago
So I kinda binge-read LQ’s blog for several hours last night and today and I’m still not back up to the most recent post...there is so much material on his blog...bless. It’s been an emotional journey so far. I can’t really put my feelings into words sometimes and I just read some parts of his blog quietly but my notes capture some of it.
It’s a little odd, if you ask me for both aproach the blog from an analytical standpoint but be really emotionally invested at the same time. Without further ado, heres part 3.
Part 1 / 2 / 3
113. LQ gets defensive about his surroundings…that’s a bit of a red flag, isn’t it?
114. Oh shit. Oh shit. We’re getting to the part where I voiceacted some of LQ’s lines HAHaha. I kinda…know these posts too well after reading through them aloud and listening to my own recordings…oh boy. Kinda tempted to try my hand at voiceacting again.
115. LQ first mentions the possibility of him being cursed. He later calls HQ his curse…just saying.
117. LQ is a butt pervert
118. Oh dear…LQ thinks that being himself and being alone is all in one…oh man.
119. LQ really doesn’t think he’s worthy of anything…but I think he’d certainly want to be.
120. This really hurts.
121. LQ has probably been taking medication for mental reasons as well…maybe. I remember he had a box of medication given to him.
122. He claims his mother doesn’t like people acting “abnormal”…possibly another reason why he’s so hard on himself and why he tries to hide and excuse his emotions.
123. Suddenly he’s very pale.
124. FemLQ! Spot the diff
125. Poor LQ…he’s pretty uncomfortable and weirded out…
126. I’m…laughing about Mori leaning in with the askbox for the “dressup as my OC” answer. That’s the icing on the cake. Also LQ looks really good in that outfit.
127. Take a shot everytime LQ says fake it till you make it…but on a more serious note, it’s important to keep a positive mind but not good to ignore a problem when you have one.
128. Well well well. If it isn’t Static Oncie.
129. How can you feel nostalgic if you’re living the mentioned great time? (He’s not)
130. TBH I had a theory that Static Oncie became HQ but that’s…kinda incorrect and correct because it was confirmed to me that they are not the same BUT HQ DID come from LQ’s mind like static Oncie did so Static Oncie, LQ and HQ are all one in the same probably.
131. LQ repeating his opening speech. It never gets old.
132. Here we are at the waking up event by the way. Buckle down, folks.
133. Here is the second time LQ cannot read his monitor. Frankly, he probably only doesn’t read it cause he doesn’t want to.
134. He manages to forget entirely for a whole day.
136. Omg I voiceacted this whole part…gosh that was fun…poor LQ though
137. HEALTHY LQ. MY HEART HRUTS….like………bro even his hands are okay this is too much
138. Oh man. I get it…being healthy caused his mind to work properly and he started to remember…oh shit.
139. Strange static formations…do they have anything to do with anything?
140. …Looks like LQ couldn’t find his Mom.
141. LQ comes back covered in blood and makes expressions like he killed someone…not suspicious at all.
142. Another side note. I’ve been thinking about LQ’s static. And it’s been explained before but it does really aid LQ when it comes to selective reading and not “seeing” certain things…the thing is, The static builds up between him and the viewer so he doesn’t really notice it (at first that is. He sorta sees it as normal for him). Like many other aspects of his blog, the static is a manipulation of what is seen.
143. Main reason why that comes up is cause he’s found Dr. L’s medicine and the static covers up the words on the box he finds it in. At the last panel he covers himself in static and tells everyone to go away.
144. The static formations behind him look like a face and it appears as though hands are resting on him. I’ve mentioned the possibility of it being HQ or static Oncie at some point but I think that generally it’s a manifestation of how he wants someone there with him but he’s alone.
145. LQ’s sticky note clad monitor. Golly. Really hard to read…and he’s pressed his bloody hand onto the monitor at some point too.
146. I wonder if LQ ever did sum up the courage to look back at his blog posts.
147. LQ has a major aversion to being called cute hehe
148. Oh shit it’s the crawling AMV. Shout out to Mori for making me cry when I hear that song. All thanks to LQ. But it was a good idea to make a shitty AMV…I couldn’t be happier tbh :” ) Also confession back when I watched this the first time I didn’t know this song had a…reputation. So I kinda took it seriously LMAO
…okay I’m not done talking about it uh. The song kinda fits???? And probably the reason why I took it so seriously was because of the subject matter at some points. The crawling AMV is a cinematographic masterpiece. Fucking fight me.
149. Merry Christmas from the year 2012
150. Tax evasion: just say two very simple words in the English language; “I forgot.”
151. Is…LQ blocking out his blush with static? He probably is
152. Also looks like theres static rising up from those papers he dropped…interesting.
153. aesthetic: floating things (Christmas cards in this case)
154: So it seems that LQ has in mind not to work for his company and have people under him manage the tasks for him with his directive…makes a degree of sense but then again I don’t know how companies work. Then again, I can’t help but think that LQ doesn’t do that work because he doesn’t feel that he can.
155. For someone so insecure He also sounds rather full of himself sometimes.
156. On a side note this is one of my favorite parts of the blog as well…for LQ trying to show that he’s working and the pretty colours the static and distorted picture make.
157.  Another major thing I give this blog a lot of credit for is how complex it is. I’ve been trying to figure out a few things definitively the whole time I’ve been making these notes but I’m still unsure. Things add up but not everything happens with clear reason. It’s very interesting.
158. The GIF effects on this blog are top notch tbh
159. Did Static Oncie (LQ’s subconscious) know the truth about LQ being an aftermath? Because everything he said could be taken in that context to some degree although it mainly pertains to part of the valley’s destruction. However, everything has been adding up to this moment. And the clues are abundant.
160. The moment at the end where the static goes off is apparently the moment LQ’s hope dies. Er…static oncie, that is. I think about that a lot. Was static Oncie only there because of LQ’s hope that things could change? Static Oncie was there to cryptically remind him of the truth when LQ wouldn’t look back on it. And though he was rather agresive, he definitely isn’t as aggressive as HQ.
161.  The truffula on LQ’s lapel…I used to think it withered but maybe he actually tore it off.
162. In addition, when static Oncie says unless you see spirals in his eyes. Like the motif of the seed.
163. I really like the perspective of his lurkim in these panels
164. At this point…I think LQ has started to starve himself just…generally neglect himself. You can understand why.
165. RIP.
166. swone. BODY ONCE TOLD ME-
167. Honestly Swone why did you think mr mc lives in a lerkim would have a functioning oven. Surely you had some other options…orrr maybe you didn’t okay Swone. Now I’m also lowkey gonna talk about Swone cause he’s visiting.
168. wow….this is awkward. Talk about breaking and entering.
169. I’m FUCKING LAUGHING AT SWONE’S BLUNTNESs. Apparently LQ isn’t so easy to fool.
170. Was Swone prepared to bring his cleaning supplies or does he just bring them everywhere he goes???
171. Off topic again but goddamn if Once-lers are a pack of weirdos. Litterally you have two of them in one room at like, neither of them is the straight man (figuratively and literally most of the time). They’ve kinda all got issues to iron out. And yeah, these two are no exception. Swone is a fucking weirdo.
172. LQ has pretty much remembered all sorts of things and why would he push his memories of Swone away? Yeah these two had probably never met till then.
173. ……….it’s not Christmas.
174. Stove-ler.
175. LQ’s gloves got all torn up as well….he may have also lied about wearing his bandages underneath his gloves cause I can’t see em.  Hard to believe I didn’t notice until now. They don’t get like that till he’s dishevelled…it’s hard to think that maybe he did that to himself…hrm..
176: He mentions he can’t take them off so he’s likely neglected the care of his arms.
177: Probably was something of a nightmare for Swone to navigate around LQ’s house…and LQ himself. No offense but he was definitely gross.
178. The posts without any dialogue can be very powerful.
179. HOPESPLODE (sorry that was…uh…RIP Static Oncie)
180. TIME FOR PAIN (specific to this but applies to a lot of this blog cause there is a lot of hurt feelings)
182. o mg I remember the post about the “do you like the colour of the sky” post I actually watched Mori stream the drawing for it aaaa good times UuU
183. Poor LQ…..
184.  LQ arguing against his own existence because new cgi movies hurt his eyes. I have nothing so say about that just. Think about that for a second.
185. Super high quality-ler spffpfff I love this blog
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