#AAA: Standard Issues: Vol. 0 | Iss. 0 | [Intro.]
archsarmedadvice · 1 year
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An Overview Of Content
Hello to our esteemed readers! As this blog stumbles into the wild world, we believe it would be useful to define the present scope of what we hope to make out of this whole project. At the moment, this blog's main posts will be split between the following;
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The 'primary' content of this blog. Planned and hoped to be a monthly exercise, the Standard Issues will comprise of our answers to questions we receive from you, our readers. These will likely be the most in-depth of our posts, hence their relative scarcity to give us time to put in our best in research and thinking. The blog's inbox shall always remain open to any suggested topics for future Standard Issues.
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The subject of military-esque Worldbuilding and writing is a broad one indeed, and we do not wish to 'clutter' the reading of the Standard Issues with certain pieces of information which we believe have a broad use across the topic, or which may help provide a baseline of understanding towards the former's more in depth coverage. Setting Conditions will be the platform for such content.
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The final currently envisioned piece of this blog. As just a small part of this great ecosystem of Writeblrs, we hope to play our part in fostering an open space for the creation and celebration of everyone's creative works. In line with that, we will be accepting submissions from our esteemed readership of advice for fellow writers, their own works one may wish to share, or anything else we deem fitting the broader themes of this specific blog and that community-centred goal.
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The creation of this blog, like the creation of all things, is a continuous experience of trying, discovering, and learning new things. Just as we hope to develop and expand our own knowledge and experiences to provide you all a service we can be proud of, the form and shape of our content is always subject to change and growth. If our esteemed readers wish to provide any suggestions on that front, our inbox remains open to all comers.
Goodbye, good day, and good luck to you all! May your inspirations last long and serve you with distinction.
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