#AAA thank you what if I died I started shaking /pos when you sent an ask
honeycrashed · 1 year
Kazemaru and Fubuki 🔪👻💤. Enjooooy! (no pressure!)
FINALLY POSTING THIS RAHHH I really had to draw one of the asks
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
Kazemaru usually isn’t the type to get into serious fights, unless you start provoking him about questioning their club’s skills, then maybe you’ll get a bit of a rise out of him. He doesn’t care much about what people have to say about him, so long as you don’t undermine his or his club’s skill.
He’s an instigator for petty squabbles in the clubroom though, handling bets on who would win. Keeps a tally for “Days without stupid arguments” in the clubroom.
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(He was let go when he fell asleep)
(Someoka once tried to just put him on top of the closet and then he proceeded to jump Someoka.)
Fubuki: //actual violence skip to the GO Fubuki part if you're sensitive to that!
Instigating Fubuki will lead to Shirou doubting himself silently depending on who it is. He has to hold Atsuya back from harming the person, But they can’t always hold themselves back. This will lead to situations where Shirou’s just silently trying to stop Atsuya from doing it while the person mocks him more, leading to Shirou doubting himself more and Atsuya getting even more upset. And their body feels cold but there’s a warm burning pain in their chest and maybe tears are about to come out, and maybe they’ve already landed a hit or more, and maybe they’re being dragged away, and maybe it hurts to breathe from that kick to the ribs, It's hard to differentiate when it feels like their brain is being disorganized.
//The audio in the bg while I write about Fubuki getting kicked in the ribs:
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GO Fubuki is more inclined into getting into fights.
Petty fights with Atsuya usually go like this,
Atsuya: I’ll be in charge of this one since I’m taller.
Shirou: We are the same height? (Shirou lets him do it anyways)
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👻 A headcanon about what scares them
Losing himself to the want for power again. Sometimes when he watches over his friends' smiles, He thinks of that day he gave in to the aliea meteorite's powers. The day he lost himself, along with his team. He's wracked up guilt over it and he knows that they've put it in the past by now, But he can't help but beat himself up over it. His hand still stings as a memory of that day.
(skip this part if u have an issue with like. bug/worm mentions. just skip to Fubuki then.)
Worm. he just do not like them they make him cringe thinking about worms on his skin ewww yucky
if I get personal this means acknowledging my fears that hit too close. I'm not doing that! not today !!!
Shirou has an interest in unnerving things, playing lots of horror games and being an avid fan of horror media in general. Atsuya isn't as good at stomaching such things, But he insists that he can. He can't, and Shirou notices this, so when Shirou can tell Atsuya needs a break, he goes off and does something else for them.
💤 A headcanon about their sleep
Sleeps on his side. Argues with his life that it’s the best position to sleep in. (Kidou would argue otherwise, finding that sleeping like you’ve been put in the coffin is much better.)
Kazemaru argues with Kidou that side sleeping is much better and Kidou just offhandedly goes "Not for your uneven ahh face from the center of gravity pulling onto your face while you lie down like that for hours"
"let's not talk abt faces here mr marks on my face from wearing my goggles all the damn time" Kazemaru would shoot back.
And then they laugh at each other and hug, then Kidou goes “Obviously sleeping on one’s back is better though.” And then they get launched into a 2hr debate.
Stopped by Endou mentioning that he just sleeps on his stomach which is the WORST for anyone's back. ever. especially with all those hits he takes from those soccerballs.
(Gouenji silently overthinks which position really is the best to optimize.)
When he does fall asleep on his bed, They prefer having a plushie to hug. If he's in Hokkaido, they prefer to have a cozy soft blanket.
If he's staying over at Inazuma City, (Kidou’s house bc there are probably sooo many guest rooms..) He likes having the air conditioner on high, Kidou swears it was like a barren frozen wasteland when he opened the door to Fubuki’s room.
Caffeine makes him sleepy! He doesn't remember this all the time though, leading to “oh.shit.shit.shit.shit.” moments when he drinks coffee while pulling an all-nighter to cram a project and realize exactly what he'd done. He likes the taste of the coffee though, that’s what he drinks it for. He only avoids it when they’re sleepy, at least try to.
One late night hanging out with each other, Kazemaru mentions how he once spotted Kidou just pour the beans into the cup and then chug it. Atsuya wants to try it once, but Shirou constantly tries to stop him.
Atsuya’s usually the one who’s fronting when they wake up, finding himself wherever Shirou passed out last. This time was the washing machine! He was taking out the laundry! Atsuya tries to get them to a bed before their body passes out.
Heavy sleepers, once he falls asleep there’s no chance of waking him back up.
Always looks like he’s about to fall asleep.
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