liberamind · 6 months
2024, me estas costando
No sé lo que es bueno o lo que quiero realmente, quedarme o irme ya no estoy segura de ello. Las lágrimas no cesan y el ardor en el pecho me abruman.
No quiero caer al fondo de nuevo, porque de ahí salgo pero al extremo a centrarme sólo en trabajo y el vivir queda a un lado. 2023 me rompiste y a la vez me hiciste crecer. No sabía que hoy necesitaría tanto a 2 personas.
TMC ojala bajaras del cielo un ratito, A2D2 éxitos en tu vida y en tu nueva etapa.
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christophernolan · 26 days
Hello, I am Aya from Gaza 🍉🇵🇸 I apologize for what I am about to ask. My heart is heavy and exhausted. Unfortunately, the situation has become difficult. I have lost my brother, my friends, part of my family, my home, and everything. Please donate only $20 from each person. $20 will save my family from death in Gaza: I do not know if I will survive or die in This is war, but I know that your help will contribute to saving my family from death and completing my education and future that I lost. I hope you will contribute by spreading the link or donating to me. Thank you very much💔🇵🇸🍉.https://gofund.me/a2d2dd8c
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person1-8 · 28 days
Hello, I am Aya from Gaza 🍉🇵🇸 I apologize for what I am about to ask. My heart is heavy and exhausted. Unfortunately, the situation has become difficult. I have lost my brother, my friends, part of my family, my home, and everything. Please donate only $20 from each person. $20 will save my family from death in Gaza: I do not know if I will survive or die in This is war, but I know that your help will contribute to saving my family from death and completing my education and future that I lost. I hope you will contribute by spreading the link or donating to me. Thank you very much💔🇵🇸🍉.https://gofund.me/a2d2dd8c
I will help by spreading your message👍 I want you to live in peace. https://gofund.me/a2d2
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royaldaughters-blog · 4 months
Вот и подошёл к концу Летний Челлендж от книги фанфиков.
Я участвую уже во второй раз (предыдущий был связан со днем Святого Валентина и все семь работ получились у меня стеклянными)
Подведём итоги:
01.06 Каникулы
Фандом: Мгчд (Кирилл Гречкин/Алексей Макаров, Олег Волков/Сергей Разумовский)
02.06 Подростки
Фандом: Гарри Поттер ( Альбус Поттер/Скорпиус Малфой)
03.06 Моря/океаны
04.06 Детские Лагеря
Фандом: Гарри Поттер (Теренс Хиггс /Перси Уизли)
05.06 Дача
Фандом: Гарри Поттер (Эдриан Пьюси/Невилл Долгопупс)
06.06 Фестивали
Фандом: Сильмариллион (Мелькор/Саурон )
07.06 Обещания/Клятвы
Фандом: Мгчд, МГИ (Олег Волков/Сергей Разумовский)
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leiajoydesign · 6 months
Sunday 31st March 2024 - Research
The article discusses findings from a study by music tech company A2D2 which reveals that female DJs perform nearly twice as many shows as male DJs, despite their underrepresentation in DJ Mag's Top 100 list. This study, titled "The Hardest Working DJs of 2023," analyses data from Resident Advisor and highlights the determination of female artists in an industry historically dominated by males. It also notes a significant rise in gender diversity in electronic music festivals over the past decade. The study identifies house and techno as dominant genres in the UK and highlights the popularity of German and Belgian DJs. It concludes by naming German DJ Claptone as the hardest-working DJ of 2023, with South African artist Black Coffee closely following behind, noting Claptone's unique approach to performing multiple shows simultaneously.
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thejewelryhut · 9 months
Drape Her Nape Neck with TheJewelryHut Designer Vintage Inspired Style Sapphire and Diamonds Gold Drop Necklace
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Luxury Within Reach. The Classic Combination of Dazzling Diamonds and Vibrant Blue Sapphire.  Capture her Heart and Smile with TheJewelryHut Designer Vintage Inspired Style 18 KT White Gold Drop Necklace Adorned with One Genuine Pear Shape Madagascan Sapphire (CDC Certified), 6.00 CTTW, Surrounded and Enhanced by Several Round Shape White Brilliant Diamonds, 10.36 CTTW. This Necklace is ready to ship 1-2 Weeks.  A Certificate of Authenticity is also included.
If not Now? Then When? Shop TheJewelryHut:   https://www.thejewelryhut.com/?page=search&itemvid=90FCED32-A2D2-B234-D37BA0E6A9A3136F
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grad502-rubybird · 2 years
Week Ten - Asset Development
Over the weekend I did some work focused on my three extra collateral aside from the multi-format zine. I experimented with adding the offset stroke to some existing designs I had, as well as creating some new ideas. I’m quite liking the offset stroke idea because it links back to the irregularity of microplastics, and the imperfect nature of this. It also ties my typeface in quite nicely because the irregularity and unevenness of the typeface is what I like about it.
Here I have added the stroke to the text on one of the poster series I have made. I quite like how it looks, and adds a bit of extra detail. One thing about these posters I’m not sure about is the bottom border that had extra information on it. Some areas seem much larger than others, which creates a messy hierarchy. I will probably change this on these posters and also the poster I will use on the back of the brochure.
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These are some concepts I am working on for the social media posts format. I want to hero statistics in these as I think they are very effective ways of communicating the issue for a smaller format. I have tried these with and without the offset stroke as well.
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I also played around a bit with the paper plate experiential format. The message I want to come through in these is that the products are not plastic, and are not harmful. I created a quick png of a paper plate because I think the circular shape is very important and will dictate the layout of my designs. It also helped to see the designs mocked up, even though the quality isn’t great.
Plate Image - https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/259396076?currentModal=ImageZoomModal&selectedUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fdigitalcontent.api.tesco.com%2Fv2%2Fmedia%2Fghs%2F7a8f97f8-83e5-457f-bb4e-40904e9a83f1%2Fd5f19b11-0850-4021-a2d2-25d2c151270a_1796166256.jpeg%3Fh%3D540%26w%3D540
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I tried to do a more symbolic one without words that communicated the same idea. I found that the cross through looked too even and almost made it look like eyebrows on the skull. I then had the idea to make the cross out of the chopsticks icon I have been using, which I think is a bit more successful.
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z4howard · 4 years
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a2rollerderby · 6 years
The Brawlstars are on their way to Atlanta for Playoffs this weekend! We are so excited to follow their progress!
Stay tuned for updates on their playoffs experience.
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helenofself · 4 years
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fast forward series: a2d2 (33)
the older he gets, the more a2d2 realizes how right his dad was about growing up. to be honest he is still upset his dad was right he would need glasses. moving back to dc after living in austin and san jose was a surprise to nobody but himself (another point for his dad). he still likes staying busy, some of the hats he wear include husband, father, and senior civil engineer for the department of the energy.  he does wonder if his daughter is karma for the hell he used to cause as a child. only four years old, gabrielle already has his determination and refuses to take no as an answer. he refuses to acknowledge the knowing smirks from raf though, because he wasn’t that bad as a kid. his project involving the dc metro is supposed to go live this weekend, but the biggest question on his mind is how he would pull off a neon fairy themed birthday party. a2d2 blames the book of fairy tales raf gave her for christmas last year.
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liberamind · 5 months
A estas alturas ya no creo en lo que llaman amor, además que de bueno puede resultar entre 2 con diferencia de edad de 10 años y con distancia de por medio.
Cuando el mensaje que realmente me gustaría recibir es de A2D2.
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yourenotevencool · 7 years
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jbgranic · 5 years
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From this past holiday Monday. This is A2D2 Aerial Circus..
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martymcflyby · 8 years
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roller derby has changed me 100% for the better
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文:吃編 Yahoo時尚美妝、圖:品牌提供、編輯拍攝 天氣漸熱,肌膚容易出油,照鏡子就能看到鼻翼、下巴、額頭那惱人的顆粒感…這都是因為老廢角質堆積,導致粉刺生成、毛孔粗大,肌膚當然暗沉無光!不能再靠彩妝品遮瑕或修圖軟體了,徹底清潔是保養的第一步,這回就來介紹兩個赴日必買的洗顏新品,在台灣也能買到囉!
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第一個要介紹的是「Melano CC維他命C酵素洗顏慕斯」,是日本樂敦製藥推出的新品喔,而且台日同步上市,洗顏慕斯貼心的按壓設計,輕輕一壓就能產生濃密輕盈的彈力泡泡,添加檸檬、葡萄柚精華,散發清新柑橘香。
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Melano CC維他命C酵素洗顏慕斯 NT.390
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接著是毛孔專家艾杜紗將於2018年7月推出全新的「Royal Jelly蜂王漿潔顏乳」,是一款適合夏季使用的洗面乳,能有效解決皮脂及毛孔髒污,擁有高持續力的細緻彈力泡泡質地,添加雙重蜂王漿及雙重玻尿酸,洗後肌膚不緊繃,清爽又保濕,輕鬆洗出手滑肌。 艾杜紗 Royal jelly 蜂王漿潔顏乳 (屈臣氏販售) 120g NT.220
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白茶爽 白茶多酚洗顏皂霜 120g  NT.190 富含茶多酚, 能緊緻肌膚,維持臉部光澤有彈性。
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白茶爽 白茶多酚泡洗顏 150g NT.290 立體細緻的泡沫,溫和洗淨毛孔髒污及老廢角質,讓肌膚潔淨透亮。
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白茶爽 白茶多酚潔顏皂 85g NT.290 內附網狀起泡網,輕輕搓揉即可打造豐盈細緻的泡沫,溫和洗淨臉部髒污。
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a2rollerderby · 6 years
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We're just FOUR days away from our next home games!
See the A2D2 Ypsilanti Vigilantes go up against Windy City Rollers Third Coast for the first time! Plus the A2D2 Arbor Bruising Company vs The Windy City Rollers' Second Wind!
We'll be opening doors at 5:30pm // First whistle at 6pm! This is a wheelchair accessible, kid-friendly event. Bring $$ for food, soda, beer, and merch! Can't wait to see you this Saturday!!
More event info HERE
Photo by: Derby Pics by Phil <3
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