#A.R. Orage
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Orage's headstone.
"You grieve for those that should not be grieved for. The wise grieve neither for the living nor the dead. Never at any time was I not, nor thou, nor these princes of men. Nor shall we ever cease to be hereafter. The unreal has no being. The real never ceases to be."
[Thanks Ian Sanders]
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santoschristos · 1 year
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Megalocosmos - Cosmic Consciousness
We are the universe being conscious of itself.
Cosmic Consciousness is consciousness of the Cosmos, it is the awareness that there exist other planets than our own, other suns and the Sun Absolute, and that they are the centers of a being; it is thus a consciousness of the body of God. (A.R. Orage)
Omni Cosmic Eyes I, II, III by Mahaboka
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cuarto-camino · 7 years
(vía https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_oyu4TT_k8)
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rigeljdawson · 4 years
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“Jealousy is the dragon in paradise.” -A.R. Orage
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It is difficult to see in what other direction we moderns can look for a new image and therefore attitude towards life. We have no longer the possibility of religion in the traditional sense. Ordinary goodness - in the sense of doing what others call good - has no intelligent appeal... The belief in world progress is superstition. But the clean, strong idea of life as a field of exercise for the development of all our muscles - physical, emotional, and intellectual - has still the unspoiled quality of [humanly] idealism... Life lived in that attitude would certainly be interesting as well as profitable.
A.R. Orage
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sometimeshsu · 13 years
"Jealousy is the dragon in paradise; the hell of heaven; and the most bitter of the emotions because associated with the sweetest." - A.R. Orage
For those who actually know me, I actually hate Valentines, I only ever say it to either my mum (since she no longer has a valentine) and also my best friend just cause I can. But you know what, seeing people holding flowers and just seeing people being together makes me jealous. I stumbled across this quote today and it just fit perfectly with what I'm feeling. The only reaosn why I'm so jealous is because between a couple they have something so sweet and pure. Whereas I have this bitter envy for what they have. I want something sweet like that too. I want to love and just be loved in return! Man, I sound like a such desperate old man ranting about how my love life is so unfair..
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crashinglybeautiful · 13 years
"As completely as the dreams of the night, the mass of our life-dreams of yesterday fade into the oblivion of our unconsciousness."
A.R. Orage
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The purpose of man is to develop from this essence a certain type of reason, which will constitute him one of the permanent brain cells of all life.
God is both the creator and an evolving being. He aims at developing by developing his brain cells. As we develop will, consciousness and individuality we become more ready to take our place as one of the brain cells of the universe. It is a necessity for the universe taken as a whole to develop individuals having these three functions. At about the age of twenty-five George Bernard Shaw had a realisation that nature aims at brains. All his paradoxes and plays flow from this mechanically. But let us define “brains” more clearly. Ponder for a moment the thought that nature aims at individuals having will, consciousness and individuality. A realisation of this will draw together all other knowledge and ideas, as opposed to modern attempts to find a unity of thought. It is like lifting a tent-pole with the canvas which had before lain shapeless on the ground."
~ A.R. Orage
(Ian Sanders)
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"Personality - We have a saying, 'He stands in his own light' He can't see his real self because of his personality."
~ Kathryn Hulme
"Ordinary man is at the mercy of his organism - at the mercy of the instinctive centre; impressions received by the senses, of appetites, inertia, disease - at the mercy of the feelings; associations connected with people and places past and present, likes and dislikes, fear and anxiety - at the mercy of the mind; imagination, day-dreaming, suggestibility."
~ A.R. Orage
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Eclipse over Stonehenge
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"Before birth the embryo repeats physiologically the history of the species; after birth, according to Gurdjieff, we repeat the history of the planet; two centres are split off, objective conscience sinks, deserts appear, emotional deserts".
~ A.R. Orage
[h/t Ian Sanders]
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Flowers in Green Vase with Handles by Odilon Redon (1840 - 1916)
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"Personality - We have a saying, 'He stands in his own light' He can't see his real self because of his personality."
~ Kathryn Hulme
"Ordinary man is at the mercy of his organism - at the mercy of the instinctive centre; impressions received by the senses, of appetites, inertia, disease - at the mercy of the feelings; associations connected with people and places past and present, likes and dislikes, fear and anxiety - at the mercy of the mind; imagination, day-dreaming, suggestibility."
~ A.R. Orage
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Monument Valley at dusk
It's always a challenge to get a new perspective on a place so many other photographers captured so well and in so many different ways.
I'm not sure I've done so, but I'm pretty happy with this shot anyway.
[Jim Wright]
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"Before birth the embryo repeats physiologically the history of the species; after birth, according to Gurdjieff, we repeat the history of the planet; two centres are split off, objective conscience sinks, deserts appear, emotional deserts".
~ A.R. Orage [h/t Ian Sanders]
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[from my photo files :: brooklyn bridge in rearview]
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“Gurdjieff was decisive, that his school was a school of individuation, and that a man must find his own work in life. How should he know it, how choose it? That, no one else could tell him. There were certain laws about it, however —three in particular. 
The goal of achievement which a man decides to aim at must be such that it involves no violation of moral norms. 
Secondly, he must get something for himself out of it—whether it be money, health and happiness, or honour; genuine profit must accrue to himself.
Thirdly, the task he assumes must be neither too big for him, nor too small. If it be too big, he will incur failure, compensated by megalomania; if too small, his powers will decline even with success and his career will be embittered. 
But provided these three conditions be fulfilled, it does not matter what any one thinks of a man’s work. All that is necessary is that it should fit him; and that it should be his true desire—if you like, his whim—to do it. For example, to have the best stamp-collection in the world would not appear to many people to be a life ambition of the highest dignity—and perhaps it is not. 
But it is a job of a man’s size: and if it is your real whim, you had better live for it. Whether you succeed is, of course, another matter.
"Whilst they were talking in this vein, someone asked Gurdjieff if he would disclose his own ‘whim,’ and he said it was to live and teach so that there should be a new conception of God in the world, a change in the very meaning of the word.”  
~ Philip Mairet,  ::  'A.R. Orage: A Memoir'
[Thanks again Ian Sanders]
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