#A.Nobu | HC
momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
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NAME .   Aburame, Nobu. NICKNAME .  N/A. AGE .   20. SPECIES .   Human.
MORALITY .   lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true  RELIGION .   None, but he does respect other’s beliefs. SINS .   greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath  VIRTUES .   chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice KNOWN LANGUAGES .  Japanese, English, and a bit of what the Sunagakurens speak. SECRETS .       -  The reason why he uses fireflies is simple. He was deathly afraid of the dark as a child and neither of his parents helped. Especially not his father’s tales of the desert. He only got over it thanks to having to for Shinobi work and the fireflies he caught as a child.
BUILD .   scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average  HEIGHT .   175.9 cm  SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS .        - Microscopic openings here and there that have healed up just enough to allow his insects to come and go easily without hurting him.     - He has two long scars on his left leg, from his upper thigh down to his ankle in a swirling motion, from where he got attacked as a genin. This happened during his chunky exams. Luckily he would be able to finish despite the injury and achieve a promotion for it. ABILITIES /  POWERS .      - He can pretty much find his way out of any area— so long as he has the open sky and knows his placement. It’s common yes but he’s glad he knows this. It’s helped him out of a few bad predicaments.    - He’s made his own special insect bombs from his fireflies. They’re so small that one can be used as a distraction. But a whole bunch? Perfectly placed in an open field or a closed area like a jar? They can take out nearly anyone with ease! 
FOOD .   Toffee and chocolate covered blueberries. But he’ll eat anything really. DRINK .   Black coffee- milk with just a hint of sugar.  PIZZA TOPPING .   He’ll eat anything, even the pineapple.  COLOR .    Zesty Yellow. MUSIC GENRE .    Pop, folk, and jazz are definitely in his top three.  BOOK GENRE .    Science Fiction- like the really accurate kind too. MOVIE GENRE .   Once more science fiction, his second favorite is documentaries. Any kind really. Especially about food or science. CURSE WORD .   He doesn’t really do it but if he does it’s just a slew of fucks and damns and whatever else he can throw in there. That’s if he’s angry though. SCENTS .  Vanilla cupcake, freshly made bread, wet grass, and burnt sugar oddly enough.
BOTTOM OR TOP .      - Bottom- until he gets comfortable with you or you tell him outright you want him topping that night. But even then he’s probably a bottom.    - Shirt or pants though? He’d rather go shirtless and wear snuggly warm sweat pants!  SINGS IN THE SHOWER .   Never. He just doesn’t do that. LIKES PUNS .  Yes. He’ll snicker on duty if it’s a really good one too.
TAGGED BY .  @yxksha TAGGING . @tohomonai, @hoflichkeit, @foxkage, @dotobe, @slainkin, @akimunchi, @ofkxnoha, @inumbratte — remember none of ya’ll gotta! And steal if you want!
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
Hey,hey just lil naught things for/from—
   Kin       • Oh yes, this jeweler has some accessories hidden upon her person. But you’d never know it unless you were really looking for it. Safe to say though, her jewel is a tad more designed then others. || aka nips & clit.       • Despite not being a Shinobi or anything, she knows how to tie a sturdy knot! This has surprised a few people and led them to some speculations. No one has asked to confirm though. (Yeah, she totally can do shibari. Wether is be on herself or more importantly on her partners.)       • Likes biting and scratching. Meaning she’ll leave marks on you. She’s at least considerate enough though to try and keep them hidden. Though sometimes she forgets to keep it hidden (or she’s really gotten into it.) at which once it’s all said and done. She’ll feel bad but she’ll tease you about it.
  “Dear, could you come over here? I have a piece I believe you should see.”
  Tsume      • Doesn’t get attached too easy, so has plenty of one nighters. If you get brought home somehow it means she likes you. Otherwise it’ll be at your place or a hotel/motel and she is showering right after and leaving you without a second thought.      • If it’s just a physical thing expect it all to be rough and fast with no emotions to keep her attached to you. Also don’t expect her to fully remember your name after it because she really doesn’t give a fuck. But if she does care for you. Expect it to go kind of slow, with ease, that way she can enjoy the moment with you. Although, if she does like you she’ll go crazy if you want.      • No, her favorite position isn’t “doggy style”. If you ask her that she is legally allowed to knock you back ten years because obviously you’re still a child. It’s actually cowgirl and reversed cowgirl. Which means she’s usually in control. Though she likes it when a partner can give her a bit of a fight for top dog.      • She was fifteen when she first did it. She figured that “hey I can kill people why can’t I sleep with them too.” She did it with some guy her age before eventually getting together with Hana’s father. An arrangement upon her own father’s death. He was a good guy and he loved Hana a lot, he would’ve loved Kiba a lot too. She misses his scent.   
           “Pfh, are we goin’ or nah? ‘Cause I can find someone else real quick.”
  Shibi      • Doesn’t have a very high sex drive so he doesn’t necessarily have or want sex very often. But with that said, if his partner is needing attention he’ll willingly go down on them. Keep in mind though you need to be in a relationship for this to happen and he doesn’t accept romantic relationships easily.      • Doesn’t have much in the way for preferences but will easily go from top to bottom if his partner so wishes. Honestly he views it as a equal thing regardless.
                                            “A thorny predicament. . .”
  Nobu      • Doesn’t like to take charge very often. But when he does— he takes charge. Afterwards though he’ll go into super care mode. Hope you like to get pampered.      • Makes you breakfast the morning after and may even send you home with a care package if it was really good. Believe me, you’ll want the care package.      • He respects others- just he still doesn’t understand how the whole ace/aro thing works. He’s willing to date someone who is though! He just might mess up a lot by not showing a lot of physical emotions towards them. Thinking they don’t like it at all. Might even deny it when they actively try to kiss/hug him if he feels they are just trying to do it for them.
                              “I-I’ve never done something like this before.”
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
As far as Aburame go—    Kin is defiantly the best and one of the more easier ones to interact with. Probably because she wasn’t born into the clan and also is use to dealing with people on the daily. She’s an outsider in the eyes of the clan elders but has certainly earned her keep after all the years she’s tried to make herself useful to the clan, specifically for her husband’s sake! So she is usually the one to talk to people one wouldn’t normally find a Aburame associating with.
   Shibi is the clan head obviously! So he’s use to most people outside (inside the village) of his clan knowing who he is and knowing to steer clear unless they have business with him. Which is different for actual clan members who he almost becomes more gentle around, who he eases for. Yet, he will talk to most people even if he doesn’t necesarily want to— well unless they’re a Nara. Never the less Shikaku. But it’s different when he’s on mission or something tragic has happened to his Nara comrade.              He knows when to put the gloves away and give a hand. He knows respect.
   And Nobu? Well, he’s use to being on the lower end of the totem poll- and as a child adored that they (clan elders and the likes) never botherd him! But as he got older, got higher ranks, and eventually became of some importance as a Shinobi and a clan member. He learned he needed to be a bit more uh- communitative with others. Regardless though he’s never really had a problem with the whole “dispute” thing.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
amehanaa | ok but pls tell us Nobu’s favorite time of day, weather, season, what tastes he likes best (sweet, spicy, etc) and what kind of flower you see him as?
@amehanaa​ | ask me about my firefly son! My pizza boo always come through
Favorite time of day, season, weather?
His favorite time is midnight and is just as the sun is about to fully set. He enjoys the colors of the setting sun but he also enjoys having a crystal clear view of the sky since he likes astronomy. Suna definitely has that, clear open skies, so he likes stargazing there the most.
Winter— which is odd I suppose since he mains explosive fireflies and fireflies tend to be thought about in summer? But he just enjoys it. I mean not a lot of people are necessarily out during the winter and it makes doing things slightly more easier. 
Clear weathers with slightly crispy air. Like where it’s just cold enough to go “huh, just a bit nippy but doable.” 
Favorite taste?
Bitter kind of hardy flavors for anything not classified as a dessert. 
What flower is he?
Desert marigolds. I’m not sure what it is about them, but they make me think of him. Maybe it’s that pretty yellow color? 
      “When we think that someone else has power over us, Desert Marigold helps us recognize how we actually give the power to them.” Taken from another site that may help explain it a bit better.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
🎐- Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything? // any or all of your muses
@shadowkage || Unusual Questions - Kintsugi, Hinata, Nobu, Hara, Shibi
She collects jewelry of all sorts, I mean is it really all that surprising? Currently she has a wall fully dedicated to just that in her closet and most of the jewelry she owns has been bought by her or generously gifted to her. Which honestly she can’t complain too much about.           * (though she does also collect a little bit of what Shibi & Shino do, but that’s a family tradition for most Aburame)
Hinata actually collects the the flowers she presses during her free time! She has all sorts of books in her room filled with the flowers she’s pressed and the information she has on them down their pages, all neatly together of course.
This little sweet pea hordes cups of water in his room, mostly on accident - ok entirely on accident. He’ll get back from work, a mission, what have you and he’ll want to drink some water and then go to bed. But he never fully finishes his water and tends to forget about it the next day.            * (he’ll kinda grow out of this in his later years.)
He is the one who will horde the pillows and blankets in bed. But this tends to get compromised by all his dogs that jump up into bed with him as they all become self sufficient heaters for one another. Not that he minds though, he actually likes it!
Unsurprisingly he collects insects, though that is fairly common among many in the Aburame compound. What may come as a surprise though is his small collection of kunai. He has a variety of types in it and usually keeps them in the display case, hung on the wall in his room.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
||\ Headcanons - Shibi, Khünbish, & Nobu.
Because I had a dream last night and Shibi has definitely labotimized someone via bugs. It’s a really simple ass trick when you get down to it. It’s basically aim for the eye, shoot bug into the eye, and then just let that fucker do it’s thing and eat at the part it needs to eat at. Larvae might be preferred because it’s easier for them to get through the human body as they eat their way through but they can be a bit harder to control. So the next stage in the cycle is preferred as they listen more.
Shibi did this only because it was require do of him to do so for a mission. He’s not exactly proud of it but it had to be done under orders.
Khünbish also has done this, though his was more towards the fact he lived his life in constant war and he generally found it amusing. So he has definitely done this a few times (probably like a handful or two) to foes who dared to mess with him or his clan.
Nobu in younger years never has to do it, but in his older years he and another aburame are sent after a pair of rouge ninja. They would have to bring in one and cripple the other. He regrets this immensely and wishes he and his cousin never had to do such a thing. But it was his duty so he did it. But he wakes up to the screams in his head some nights as he feels it burn in his mind like a fresh fire.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
What was the last thing they cried about? for Nobu
@shadowkage || Ask a nerd
Nobu, like most Aburame he tends to have his emotions under control pretty well, though sometimes he slips up as most do. 
But the last time he cried was actually over something rather trivial, much to his embarrassment. Nobu cried over a compliment on one of the pies he baked for the bakery that lays inside the Aburame compound. They told him that the design on the pie was so well done! With little flowers, a crust bow,and a well defined whicker braid touch around the brim.
They complimented him so much on it that his insects even got semi emotional about which caused him to tear up slightly.
If it had to be about a mission though, it would be about a small political family’s children that told him his insects were cute and fun. He cried about that only once he got home thankfully.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
||\ Tag Dump - Character - Nobu.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
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The Last - height chart:    Hinata - 5′3ft (160cm) | Chōji - 5′10ft (178cm) | Nobu - 6′6ft (198.1cm)    Tsume - 5′4ft (162.6cm) | Shibi - 5′11ft (180.3cm) | Kintsugi - 5′6ft (167.6cm)
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
||\ Headcanon - Nobu.
Modern - Hes the kind of guy who gets peppermint, pumpkin spice, and what have you themed coffees for the seasons. It’s the only time he’s ever really following the trends and it’s usually on accident he’s following them too. But honestly his favorite seasonal drinks are those with peppermint or that taste like candy canes!
Modern - He’s not popular in real life or really online either. But those who follow his twitter and what not are all pretty much in awe by his culinary talents and how tasty his food always look (without the shoe polish, glue, etc that many companies use to sell their products.) and how easy his instructions are to follow! Why doesn’t he have that many followers then? It’s because of the ridiculous usernames that never stay connected and make it hard to find him. 
Ptmuch All - When he’s not off on a mission he helps teach a sweets decorating class on the weekends at the bakery shop where he works part time.
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