#A.B.normal Short Stories Collection
abnormalpublishing · 8 years
The Mysterious Stranger: The Blood Orange
The Mysterious Stranger: The Blood Orange
The Mysterious Stranger: The Blood Orange By Robert J. S. T. McCartney
  It was here—here where the stranger stood atop the mossy hilltop. He looked down at the village that laid nestled below in the sprawling green fields. Gray puffs of smoke rose from chimneys and dispersed into the kaleidoscopic swirls of magenta, orange, and the pale green horizon. The stars began their celestial occupation…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
For Pluto
Pluto by Robert J. S. T. McCartney
  Many years ago, I was born from a great spark of life.
Some years pass and finally, within the night I drive away, leaving behind my ever luminous father. And so begins my epic journey. . .
I come upon first my big brother, Mercury. He tells me, “You can’t stay here, dear brother, although you are most welcomed, I know you will find yourself too close to home.…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
The Lodestone Files: The Things in the Shadows [Part 3]
The Lodestone Files: The Things in the Shadows [Part 3]
  | [To Part One] | [To Part Two] |
Much of the blob, or whatever the hell it was, fell to the ground. Inside the sable goo, was something else, something that tore at the darkness and demanded to be free. Finally, a hand punctured the makeshift bubble. It was human, or rather at least it appeared to be. Inch by inch, more of the being was uncovered and before long, James only gazed on in awe.
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
The Lodestone: The Things in the Shadows [Part Two]
The Lodestone: The Things in the Shadows [Part Two]
[To Part One]
  Inside the gas station, which was a small adjoined little building that attached to the diner’s own plot. It contained the essentials—alcohol (both beer and liquor), soda, snacks, and assorted candies. It was well-kept, in spite of the other nearby stations that were a bit. . .run down. It was all about cheaper gas prices anyway. . .maybe. . .doubtfully. Political agendas,…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
The Lodestone Files: The Things in The Shadows [Part One]
The Lodestone Files: The Things in The Shadows [Part One]
The sun had already begun its descent upon the horizon. The stars ignited across the fading daylight, and exploded into the template of the nightly majesty, that was no stranger. The moon was set high, full, and brilliant, even amidst the presently rich summer evening. The skyline was articulated with precise brushstrokes of pink, peach, and azure. The white caps of the clouds radiated a…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
The Middleton Files: Retribution
The Middleton Files: Retribution
His gaze fell upon his reflection in the red pick-up truck’s rearview mirror. Sweat beaded on his dark brow. A pair of bright verdant eyes flickered with each hesitant blink; shifting from the outside world back to the confines of the driver’s seat. Silvered hair with sparse strands of black peppered the man’s scalp. His clean shaven face was wrinkled with the creases of age and told of a long…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
Suicide Movie
Screams of horror and terror filled the darkened room. So many faces were contorted, twisted into obscene ways, questioning the origin of such inspiration.
“Hey, I’ll be right back.” The man leaned over and whispered into the ear of his skittish love.
“Aw, but it’s getting to the good part. You’ll miss it.” She whispered back, while she cautiously munched on another handful of popcorn.
The man…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
Dead Echo
In a small bedroom, there sat a young man on the edge of a bed—rocking. He held his head heavy in his hands. His eyes were clenched shut, and streams of salty tears rolled down his flushed cheeks. Small tufts of sandy brown hair poked through his pale fingers as he slid them front to back. In his troubled mind, invisible knots twisted together, binding themselves tightly.
The doorknob began to…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
The Crucifixion of Edward Croix
The Crucifixion of Edward Croix
“There are worse things in life than death.” It’s true, at least for me anyway. I don’t even know how long it’s been. I lost count of the days and stopped caring really. There’s no hope of leaving this place; truth be told, alive or dead, and in all honesty, I’d rather the latter.
My name is Edward Croix. I used to be a pawn in the great game on Wall Street. I was married, had kids, had a nice…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
The Messenger
To say, “It was a dark and stormy night,” like how so many stories had begun, would be considered an understatement. This particular night was truly a testament of nature’s wrath. . .and beauty. The inked sky was full of irregular crackling javelins of light that blazed across the darkened heavens. In its wake was an absolute drenching rain that could soak down to the marrow of man. The…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
Cure for Pain
It would be here, in this room where they’d find him. There would be no letter, no prim and proper folded attempt at saying goodbye; nothing to leave behind, nothing to say, or to pass on. It was to be his goodbye. The radio held its farewell ceremony, commencing its invisible fanfare as it sounded off from the corner of the bare apartment living room. The young man walked slowly to center of the…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
A Strange Man at a Bar
A Strange Man at a Bar
A lone man sat on a bar stool, hunched over, face flat out against the cool of the polished, hardwood bar counter top. He pushed himself up, erecting and straightening his back. He rolled his head from side to side, and front to back. His sleep deprived eyes focused onto the environment that bewildered him.
  Where did everyone go to?
  He scanned the room for a soul, but only found that he was…
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abnormalpublishing · 8 years
As I was ripped from my slumber, my thoughts plaguing my sad, old mind. I wandered outside from the cabin, sitting down in my cherry wood rocking chair. Here I sat, contemplating matters—those of old, ones long past, but still stung the soul, leaving me to weep hysterically. Through the blur of tears and night mist, I stared up at the stars that twinkled and winked back at my being. A gust of…
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abnormalpublishing · 9 years
  The somber gray bedsheets torn, and tattered. The alabaster covers—ripped by the ravenous razor blade teeth of a demon so putrid. The bondage of body and traitorous mind held repulsed to a shell of its former self. The heartbeat of a horse’s gallop, the panicked breathing like that of a mother in labor. The sudden rush and reminisce of life! Ah, Incubus, how were the nights when you would so…
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abnormalpublishing · 9 years
At a Bar
When you’re in a bar (or any busy setting) and all the loudness drowns out to silence, and you’re left alone in your own thoughts; drowning not only your sorrows, but drowning in your own thoughts and feelings. You wrestle your thoughts, each glass (or bottle) slamming each other to their hopeful defeat. But each one, each one creeps up from supposed submission, and sticks its tendrils in your…
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abnormalpublishing · 9 years
For Mom
A cool crisp summer breeze swept across her face, only to escape and disperse over the mirror-like lake. Azure seemed to stretch on eternally all around from where she sat. Verdant rolling hills sprawled everywhere, nestled in the small cove she had come to know only recently, with flowers of exotic properties and those of familiarity sprung from the earthly womb. Birds chirped and sang of a…
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