#A and B both have boyfriend (my bff’s bf lives in italy too so long distance for now) so obviously they don’t want to get hit on like
finewalls · 5 years
#today’s rant about men:#so few nights ago my best friend was at this party with her friend (calling them A and B so it’s easier)#A and B both have boyfriend (my bff’s bf lives in italy too so long distance for now) so obviously they don’t want to get hit on like#then this guys let’s call him dick comes along and starts chatting A and B up and the first things A says is sorry we are not interested#now dick says ‘i don’t believe you i don’t see ur bf here and blah blah’ and now A and B are naturally being like ‘wtf dude can you leave’#now dick doesn’t understand that no means no and A B decided to leave on their own bc they don’t want to deal with this dick#so what this guy does is he fucking follows them outside and says ‘im coming with u’#a reminder: A and B have both been drinking so brains don’t function the best way at this point#A B starts say they are goining home now the train is coming so bye bye dick#them mr dick gets in the same train evem tho he said he lived in the otherside of town#dick kept saying how he’s goining to go in with B to her house and isn’t leaving until he gets what he wants#at this point AB are fucking scared and don’t know what to do bc they don’t want to go home if dick is following them#B being thinks the only way to get rid of this dick is to give some contact info to him so she gives her snapchat and dick finally leaves#my friend actually came to my place to sleep bc didn’t want to sleep alone so we talked about these things and why do men act this way#like when she told me the story i got so disgusted and mad and just uncomfrotable it’s carzy#i asked why didn’t they call the cops or ask for help so she said in her drunken mind that didn’t even come across#but i’m just so fucking mad at this whole situation like u don’t follow anyone home from a party#girls! when u are out and drinking please at least stay together and don’t be left alone.. men usually try to get just one cornered#thank god my friend didn’t leave her friends side bc god knows what would have happened#also if u see something like this happening please go and check if everyone is okay bc this shit happens and it’s horrible#if u are a man or a woman who does these kind of things.. stop! don’t do that. seek help bc no#i don’t know my point really but i’m just so mad someone made my friends feel uneasy and scared bc someone was being a creep#hey kat enjoying my rant? now u can be mad too#to sum this all up: men are dicks and i am mad
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