#A Venue For Creation {VRhoc}
verjolt · 7 years
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sometimes u wanna get a good screenshot
sometimes u miss time things and get the ol razzle dazzle
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verjolt · 7 years
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“There’s a Dark Force in all of us, my dear.           Just make sure you don’t drown in the abyss.”
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verjolt · 7 years
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When you think of a mentor, you probably think of someone serious - not so much a sassy cat and his equally sassy best friend.
Crimson Duelist V’Rhoc Tia, mentor of Vachiq Kha and Shizu Akagawa (among others, probably): a really big fan of giving out lectures to his students - and even to others! Though he at least has the manners to not lecture total strangers unless asked... And he’s a frightful worrier, too. If there’s something to worry over, he’ll worry. Still, it’s all out of love for his students, whom he views as his children.
Fortunate, then, that he has his best friend Xoirxa Kha to keep him in line! Reassurance for his worries, advice for maybe toning down his lectures, advice for letting his students live outside of their training... Honestly, one would think she the mentor and he the student. A better friend he could not ask for.
As a disclaimer: have I mentioned I adore @hikarimasamune‘s character designs lately? Because I do. 
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verjolt · 7 years
Muses sexualities? :)
A good question! I’ve not really put a whole lot of thought into their sexualities. Being aro/ace myself, it’s not something of a priority to me. But! I would probably say that Vachiq is still figuring herself out in terms of sexuality… she has had crushes in her past and will likely continue to do so, but she has no set ‘label’ that she’s sure on. Maybe she never will be. Who knows? She’s still growing!
As for V’Rhoc, he is panromantic/asexual. There’s no real ‘reasons’ for such a thing, and he’s quite comfortable with who he is - he just likes everyone!
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verjolt · 7 years
What was life like growing up for Rhoc?
V’Rhoc’s youth was something of a trial. He hails from Gyr Abania, and the usual tribulations that come from being from such a place had quite the impact on him as a child - that along with the fact that his parents, hailing from the V clan, sought to make their own clan in the southern Fringes. As expected such a thing failed, the majority of the would-be ‘Vi’ clan cut down: V’Rhoc and some few of his siblings were left to crawl back to the ‘mother’ clan, barely able to survive, much less live with any luxuries.
Such a history shaped him to be who he is now, ever the man for frivolities and - quite honestly - a drama king. What he lacked in his youth he does all he can to preserve now, treasuring each person he comes to know and each material object he comes to possess.
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verjolt · 7 years
Are either of your muses insomniacs? Is Vachiq haunted by dreams of Garleans or perhaps that's the one place she is safe from them? Of course Rhoc has nightmares about what'd happen if he talked back to Xoirha...
I think we’d all spend every night sweating about Xoirxa’s rage…
To answer properly: yes. Though Vachiq doesn’t have many issues getting to sleep, she is prone to nightmares that will wake her in the night and she will be reluctant to sleep again. While the Garleans plague her dreams, she often has nightmares of her homeland as well: her tribe’s deaths, her tribe’s reluctance to accept her, Imperial occupation within the Steppe… Some nights she will forgo sleep entirely to avoid the problems.
V’Rhoc is more of a traditional insomniac. He doesn’t have many nightmares, just a simple struggle with actually getting sleep - something not helped by how he has a tendency to overwork himself for the sake of his students. He’s had nightmares in the past (yes, even of Xoirxa) though they are rare and not a chronic case like Vachiq’s.
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