#A King’s Ransom
nexttopbadbitch · 2 months
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I don't think we appreciate this conversation enough.
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falling-star-cygnus · 5 months
my toxic personality trait is taking the unyielding stance of support for obscure media i’ve barely interacted with the second it gets hate, binging it all over again, and making it my entire personality for however long the endorphins last
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I've been looking at Viking-age beaded jewelry for my LARP outfit (can't stop picking at the thing). The glass beads are beautiful and more intricate that you would expect, and it's interesting the way the colors are just thrown together asymmetrically.
So I thought I'd make some of my own!
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for the prompts, if you're still needing them. these are.. a LOT.. because I love your writing and consume everything you ever put out... and I would love if you chose any or all of these... 72, 75, 66, 64, 62, 47, 33, 25 🥺
Anon, I have wanted to do all of these so bad! But I couldn't quite get there. 😅 So here was my top three:
#25: A king's ransom is used against Thorin...only it's Bilbo who is revealed.
Most Valuable Treasure in Erebor
Rating: T
Warning(s): Canon-Typical Violence
“You have to leave, Bilbo Baggins. Now.”
“What?! Gandalf, no! I can’t. I’m one of the Company.”
Gandalf turned to face the hobbit, his blue eyes wide and nervous. Never a good sign on a wizard.
“I don’t think you’ve realized quite what you’ve done.” The wizard urged. “Thorin won’t be forgiving on this slight, I can promise you that.”
Bilbo shifted from foot to foot, wondering if Gandalf somehow knew what Thorin thought of his gift. He decided to play dumb. “Well, I imagine he’ll be disappointed I gave his present away. But he’ll use my share of the treasure to get it back. You’ll see.” 
“Bilbo, the King Under the Mountain’s weak spot has been successfully identified, but it wasn’t a shiny piece of metal like you seem to think.”
Bilbo blinked and blinked again. “ME?” He finally asked incredulously.
Gandalf rolled his eyes before grabbing Bilbo’s arm to lead him away as if still anticipating enemies. “A bachelor you may claim to be, but I never took you as obtuse to courting customs.”
Bilbo’s cheeks felt like they had caught fire as he stumbled over his own feet. He certainly wasn’t, but he also didn’t expect it to be that obvious. Did Thranduil know? Living as close to dwarves for as long as he had, did he know what value Thorin had put on the mithril?
#66: The mountain is rather big, and Bilbo gets lost...a lot.
The Love of Mahal's Children- Chapter 2
Rating: T
Warning(s): None
Ushmik was wise enough not to answer, but he did turn his accusing glare onto Thorin. The King sighed, especially when his Consort raised an eyebrow at him as well. 
“He will get lost. He always does.” Ushmik implored.
“Let’s not forget who broke you and twelve other dwarves out of the Woodland Realm. I will be fine, Thorin.” Bilbo argued.
Thorin was beyond exasperated. He knew this is how anyone who had to deal with him and Dis for extended periods of time probably felt, but his empathy was buried deeper below his annoyance with every moment.
“Ushmik, Bilbo has lived here for two years at this point. He can surely find his way to the opening of a tea shop without that much hassle.” 
The older dwarf let that settle for a moment before nodding.
“Fine. I will do it. I’m not that sick anyways.”
Thorin sighed as Bilbo all but wrestled the dwarf back into bed.
“Please Ushmik, take the day off. I don’t want to have to order you as your king.” Thorin remarked wryly.
Bilbo, trying a different tactic, moved to take Ushmik’s hand. “Akhrâmadad, you know that I love our time together traversing Erebor very much. But I want nothing more than for you to get well.”
“It’s just a little cold.” The dwarf mumbled petulantly.
“Even still.” Bilbo smiled. “Please, let me prove to you that I can do this. It will not make me need you any less.”
#72: It's been weeks since Bilbo and Thorin have been able to be intimate.
Every Wedding Has a Few Disasters- Chapter 2
Rating: E
Warning(s): Smut
“Now to us dwarrows, we usually give a simple toast at this time and let the party get under way.”
There were many stomps and shouts of approval at that, and Bofur waited for it to quiet down before continuing.
“However, to our newly crowned Consort and his lovely family here with us, I’m told their traditions require me to make this speech a little more personal and well…you know me, lads. I’m never one to turn down a chance for storytelling.”
Bilbo had to hide a laugh at his cousins’ horrified expressions when Bofur was pelted with rolls and pork. To think, he’s at the point where this is normal behavior. 
“So this little story comes from a few weeks ago when wedding planning and their combined duties left them next to no time for…other aspects of their relationship.”
“Oh Mahal.” Thorin grumbled, his face turning ashen.
Bilbo pat his hand apologetically while trying to hide his smirk. Bofur had given him a heads up earlier that day. He supposed he forgot to pass on the message to his new husband. The miner’s eyes twinkled brightly seeing Thorin squirm as a grin split his face.
“Trust me. This is a good one.”
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luckyshinyhunter · 26 days
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👑🐧The parallels between Simon and Evergreen is just nuts, this episode man!🐧👑
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five-miles-over · 1 year
Since I am currently obsessed with your Tom Hiddleston character headcanons and I noticed requests are open👉👈 Could we get some soft, fluffy Headcanons of the Tom Hiddleston characters on their wedding day to you?
Aaah, thank you so much for your request, @queen-paladin and thank you even more for your patience! This was fun to imagine, I hope you like it!
Multi-Character Headcanons: Tom Hiddleston Characters On Their Wedding Day
(Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters or images. This is just a fun listicle, not designed to offend anyone. As always, please feel free to leave comments and/or constructive criticism below. Thank you, and without any further ado, please enjoy!)
Characters in this list: Will Ransome, King Henry V, Prince Loki Odinson, Loki of Asgard and Jotunheim, Bill Hazeldine, Coriolanus, Jonathan Pine, Robert Laing, Magnus Martinsson, Oakley, Thomas Sharpe, James Conrad, and Jaguar Villain! Tom Hiddleston.
Will Ransome from The Essex Serpent
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On his wedding day to you, Reverend Will Ransome would wake up at sunrise, taking his time to wash himself, get dressed, and make his way to the church for his own wedding
He would take advantage of the early hours of the morning to be alone with his own thoughts, except almost all of his thoughts would be on you. Will would mull over how tomorrow, he would wake up as a married man. Instead of an empty bed, Will would find you by his side as his wedded partner, a gift bestowed upon by God for him to cherish for the rest of his life. Instead of spending the morning contemplating in circles, the reverend would be with his newly wed wife, talking to you about his thoughts and eagerly listening to yours. And instead of retiring alone at nightfall, he would be comforted by your warmth and your love, spending hours in your arms until you both drifted off to sleep.
Heavenly father, hallowed be thy name, grant him the strength not to stray from the path of a devoted husband.
After an hour or two of solitude that would finally come to an end after years of longing, Will would politely interact with the guests while taking his rightful place at the altar as the groom.
As soon as Will saw you enter the church, holding a bunch of wildflowers and forget-me-nots, his heart would swell with joy and gratitude. He would silently thank God for bestowing him this gift of spending his life with you. And before the official vows, he would make his own, silent promise to make you happy as possible for as long as he lived.
Wedding superlative: Most likely to get caught in a compromising position right before the ceremony (don't ask me how I know this, I just do)
King Henry V from The Hollow Crown 
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On his wedding day to you, King Henry V would remain as stoic as possible in the presence of his servants while they readied him for the ceremony. 
Yet, occasionally his eyes would drift towards the small, intricate portrait of you that stood on his dressing table. Henry commissioned for it to be painted (based on his own description of you) for his personal desire after the first meeting with you. Every morning and every night that he could not be with you, he would look at the portrait and remind himself of the one that ruled his heart, his only beloved. 
And it delighted him to know that one day, that portrait would be replaced with a larger, more grand painting of you and Henry, the rulers of England. Perhaps, if God willed it, you would be holding his future heir in your arms when the time came for your portrait. 
Thinking about the heir would almost make Henry break his stoic facade, not because he would be thinking of fatherhood but because he would be musing over your wedding night. How would you feel after the ceremony? Would you be open to consummating your marriage? 
He would gently lick his bottom lip, remembering the first time he kissed you on the lips. It was on your third meeting, after Henry sweetly asked for your permission to do something so bold as to embrace you. If it weren't for his own restraint, Henry would have been caught blushing like a virgin by his own servants. That would certainly set some tongues wagging about the castle.
"Nev'r has't i seen true beauty until this moment.  How f'rtunate i might not but beest, yond while oth'r men spendeth their whole liveth seeking Elysium, i has't t bef're me", were King Henry's thoughts as soon as he stood in the church, gazing upon you while you entered, wearing a pristine white wedding gown and holding the arm of your father.
(Translation: Never have I seen true beauty until this moment. How fortunate I must be, that while other men spend their whole lives seeking paradise, I have it before me.)
At that moment, all of the royal stoicism the king of England had faded away like the morning dew. He smiled as if he were blessed with everything he could ever want. 
His eyes did not leave you even as you stood beside him at the altar and knelt before the priest. 
Henry recited his vows without flinching or faltering. As soon as the priest gave him permission, the king of England lifted your veil and proudly brought his lips to yours.
Your wedding would be one of the happiest days of the king's life, and one he hoped that you would also cherish
Wedding superlative: Most likely to have a coronation and a wedding on the same day
Prince Loki of Asgard from Thor:
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On his wedding day to you, Prince Loki of Asgard would be pacing through the palace in the hours before the ceremony, his hands behind his back
He had already imagined this day more times than he could count, marrying you, the love of his life. And with each day leading up to your wedding, his fantasies would grow so vivid, so exciting, so intimidating that he would hardly be able to sleep
Thoughts would be plaguing his mind every waking moment while the palace was being decorated for the celebrations
Would he be a good husband to you? How would he be able to satisfy you on the wedding night? And what if he displeased you in some way, shape, or form? Would you go to Thor instead and seek comfort in his arms? No…no, no, it couldn't be. Loki shook his head. You loved him. You would never betray him and he would never betray you. 
With a million butterflies in his stomach, he would go to the throne room with Thor by his side, wearing his armor, brand new emerald green robes, and his signature golden horned crown. 
Seeing you standing next to him in a beautiful wedding gown completely took his breath away, and it only strengthened his resolve that he would stay by your side for the rest of his life. 
He would probably struggle to look you in the eye, keeping a shy, boyish smile on his lips the whole time simply because of how much you resembled a goddess of beauty
In the presence of the All-Father, Prince Loki would make his vows to protect you, remain loyal to you, and perform his duties as a husband with utmost respect. And when the time comes, in front of all of Asgard, he would bring his lips to yours, sharing your first kiss as a married couple.
Wedding superlative: Most likely to get shy when putting the ring on his bride's finger
Loki of Asgard and Jotunheim from Avengers: Infinity War 
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On his wedding day to you, Loki would probably be overly excited about making sure this wedding was one to remember for the centuries to come
Until he met you, Loki believed he would never be able to find true love, let alone find someone to spend the rest of his life with. But all of that changed when Loki had a crush on you and Thor decided to play Cupid, conveniently leaving his brother alone with you in parks and cafés. Loki and you eventually caught onto Thor's plan, and eventually began placing bets with each other about what stupid excuse Thor would use to leave the situation. The result? Loki fell hopelessly in love with your wit, your humor, and your beauty.
And now that he would finally get the chance to celebrate his union with someone so special, Loki decided to leave no stone unturned in making your wedding as wonderful as possible.
With his brother's help, he arranged to have the magic of Asgard brought to your Midgardian venue, complete with a long banquet, floral arrangements with Asgardian flowers, and even a few lute players to entertain the guests while they dined
Loki even had a special tiara made for you to wear during the wedding - a simple yet elegant golden wreath tiara with diamonds and emeralds. He would've had a more extravagant design made, but every other female in his life suggested that he should choose a tiara that would suit any wedding outfit you chose
The moment he saw you, walking down the aisle in your wedding outfit, his jaw dropped. For a moment, he felt like his heart stopped and he went to Valhalla. When you approached him at the altar, he couldn't help but whisper, "You look absolutely ravishing, my dear…My Queen."
After bringing his hand to your lips, he would recite his vows to you
"I, Loki, prince of Asgard, Odinson, the rightful king of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity. I promise to always keep you safe, to keep you happy, and to keep you loved. You are my everything, and I will never ever stop fighting for us, wherever our journey may take us. And I swear on all that I hold dear in this life, that I shall never betray you, nor let anyone, man or god alike, take you from me. For as long as I live, you will be my wife and my lover."
Possible first dance song: "The Only Exception" by Paramore
Wedding superlative: Most likely to instigate a brawl between two people at his wedding (and do nothing to stop it)
Bill Hazeldine from Suburban Shootout 
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On his wedding day to you, Bill Hazeldine would wake up, giddy as a schoolboy (after being unable to sleep last night until he called you on his mobile). His parents would giggle while he darts about, getting ready at a pace never seen before.
It was no secret that Bill was excited about marrying you. He spent weeks planning the perfect way to propose to you, visiting at least six different jewelry stores for the perfect ring and seeking your entire family's permission two weeks prior. And the night he proposed to you, he surprised you with a homemade attempt of your favorite dessert and your favorite film before presenting the ring to you. 
And of course, you said yes, much to Bill's immense delight. Finally, he would be starting a life with the you, the person whom he loved the most. He would be marrying someone who loved him for who he was and made him feel like he was capable of anything.
When it came to the wedding, Bill would be critical of every single thing about himself, bugging his parents and his best man with questions 
"Is this enough cologne? My tie, is it too short? Please, I don't want her to be disappointed."
"Bill, she loves you," his mother assures him. "She's marrying you. She wants to spend the rest of her life with you. Now stop fretting. You'll sweat through your suit."
After about a thousand assurances and countless intrusive thoughts, Bill would be nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet while waiting at the altar.
But as soon as he saw you, coming down the aisle, all of those thoughts would disappear. All Bill would be able to think of is how gorgeous you are, and how he's going to marry you in front of the whole world. 
Your first dance song would almost 100% be "Wedding Bell Blues" by The Fifth Dimension. It was his mother's choice, and once you heard the lyrics, you couldn't help but approve (seriously, if you haven't heard this song before, look up the lyrics because it's about marrying a guy named Bill)
Also, someone would probably need to make sure that Jewel Diamond doesn't show up and seize the microphone to sing "Part Time Lover" or "Like a Virgin" at the reception. But if that's taken care of, you and Bill will probably have a great time celebrating with your family and friends.
Wedding superlative: Most likely to cry when he sees his bride walk down the aisle
Caius Marcius Coriolanus from Coriolanus
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On his wedding day to you, Caius Marcius Coriolanus would put on his armor and his military regalia as if he were going to lead a campaign. His mother insisted that it would make him look distinguished, and send a message that his bride - and their family - ought to treat him with respect. 
Many of his army men and his comrades would be in attendance, some of them even bearing gifts. They all knew of Coriolanus's feelings for you, teasing the general of how reluctant he was to approach you when he saw you for the first time and Cupid struck
But instead of rudely telling them all to shut up as usual, Coriolanus would bear it with gritted silence because deep down, it was all true. Coriolanus deeply loved you, and would never wish to live without you or hurt you in any way. 
Too proud to be caught smiling in public, Coriolanus would simply let his eyes speak his adoration for you when you entered the temple of Mars, dressed in fine robes and jewelry with a veil over your head. 
His eyes darkened with lust when you came closer to him. And in that moment, all he wanted was for the priest to hurry up and stop talking so he could kiss you, claiming you before everyone as his wife
After the ceremony came to an end, Coriolanus would keep one hand on the small of your back, determined to keep you close to him while he musters small talk with the guests…and insults some of them.
At some point, perhaps at sundown, he would cut his conversations short and bid his in-laws good night. Tightening his grip around you, Coriolanus would bring you to his home as fast as possible so he could finally drop his guard and…privately celebrate your union
Wedding superlative: Most likely to get into a fight at his own wedding
Jonathan Pine from The Night Manager
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On his wedding day, Jonathan Pine would be extra vigilant, keeping an eagle eye for anything that might go wrong. 
While you were getting ready, he would be pacing along the oceanside and through the rows of seats for a possible threat, or someone who could be smuggling a weapon. Even after Angela Burr assured him that no one knew about his wedding except for the few people in attendance, he would still insist that someone keep a tab on you and give him constant updates while you were getting ready.
Jonathan had already loved and lost someone, and he would never forgive himself if someone took his bride away from him.
Until he saw you, he would not be able to let himself rest for a moment, rubbing the nape of his neck while pacing, adjusting his cufflinks (which happened to be the ones you gifted him for Christmas), and thinking of every single way that someone could sabotage this special day
And the moment you came down the aisle in your beautiful wedding gown, Jonathan would breathe a sigh of relief and beam with pride. At that instant, the only thought in his mind when he looks at you would be how amazing and how happy you look while you approached him. And how every moment leading up to this one was definitely worth it. Nothing would be able to hold a candle to the first time he got to see you as the one he, Jonathan Pine, was going to marry.
Holding your hand, Jonathan would quietly say his vows, knowing that he had already made every single vow to himself when he proposed to you. That in his mind, he had already promised to love you through thick and thin, in good times and bad times, even when the two of you would be miles apart. You would be the one he fights for and stays alive for, every single time.
Possible first dance song: "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls or "The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra (Or "Shakespeare" by Miranda Cosgrove)
Wedding superlative: Most likely to have a destination honeymoon
Robert Laing from High-Rise 
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On his wedding day with you, Dr. Robert Laing would be thinking of nothing but you, simply put. 
("Ruhi, come now…" "You know what, Robert? Somebody had to say it.")
When Robert originally moved into the high rise, he was disillusioned with the thought of being involved with other people. He wanted to be alone, nothing more. But now, three years after that day? He couldn't picture a day without seeing you, without indulging in your witty banter, without giving you a kiss before going off to the medical school, or without you simply calling his name. It had to be magic of some kind, an enchantment Robert couldn't quite explain with all of his scientific knowledge.
And that's how Robert Laing, a doctor of physiology who lived on the twenty-fifth floor of the high rise, let himself fall in love you and share his life with you. 
Sure, Wilder and a few other guys in the high-rise would be pouring drinks and making crude jokes about Robert finally getting a 'ball and a chain' but Robert knew better. You wouldn't be a ball and a chain to him, but rather an angel. 
With you by his side, Robert could begin a new life at the high rise, one where he wouldn't have to be alone. A life of comfort where he could come home to someone who would care for him, and a life where he would have someone to cherish and protect. It would be a new life with a new purpose, all thanks to you
So when he saw you in your wedding dress for the first time, he couldn't help but stare. You looked like an absolute dream, so radiant and so gorgeous. 
He'd continue to steal glances throughout the ceremony, even while reciting his vows. And when the officiant finally says "you may now kiss your bride", Robert would put one hand around your waist and use his other hand to cradle the back of your head, passionately capturing your lips with his
Possible first dance song: "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" by Frankie Valli 
Wedding superlative: Most likely to burn the dance floor at his own wedding (and get quite tipsy in the process)
Second wedding superlative: Most likely to eat more cake than the bride
Magnus Martinsson from Wallander 
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On his wedding day to you, Magnus Martinsson would be one of those grooms who makes snarky jokes about his life being "over" but is secretly freaking out on the inside
It wasn't helpful that his colleagues at the station kept making jokes about him being 'tied down' and how you were way out of his league. 
Magnus would find himself in a downward spiral of thoughts about the kind of husband he'd be, and whether you really were making the right choice in marrying him when you could have better. 
His comments might get so bad that even Kurt Wallander would have to intervene and tell him to stop unless he wanted to hurt his bride
Wallander would take Magnus aside and assure him that there are many great things about marriage, and that he is lucky to be spending his life with someone like you. That most men, especially those who joke about marriage being the 'end of their life', would desperately want to find someone who loves them as much as you love Magnus
With those words, Magnus would calm down, fix his curls, and go to the altar to wait for you. And as soon as he saw you walk down the aisle, he would realize how right Kurt was. That he, Magnus Martinsson, was the luckiest man in the world because he was going to marry you. That all of those jokes were false, and the only thing that mattered was how much you loved each other
Magnus might not choose to write his own vows, sticking with the traditional "in sickness and in health, till death do us part", but he would be sure to tell you how much he loved you throughout the wedding
Possible first dance song: "My Girl," by The Temptations
Wedding superlative: Most likely to show up to his own wedding completely hungover
Oakley from Unrelated
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On his wedding day to you, Oakley would be the most chill groom ever. Seriously, anything could happen and he'd be the one reminding everyone to calm down. The rings are missing? Don't worry, they'll turn up anyway. 
His chill attitude also means that he would be perfectly fine in getting married while wearing a t-shirt and cargo pants. Somebody might need to drag this cocky handsome bastard into a suit, reminding him it's his goddamn wedding day, not some picnic
Oakley really isn't a fan of formal wear, especially anything that requires a tie
He would probably be joking around with his friends, having a smoke during the hour before the ceremony. 
He wouldn't even be freaking out about the fact that he'll soon be a married man because…this is exactly what he wanted the minute he fell in love with you. He knew that he needed you in his life, that you were the one he wanted to love for the rest of his days, and that the best thing to do was to tell you exactly that… before asking you to marry him
And the moment he saw you standing in your wedding dress for the first time, all of those memories left his mind and the only thing that Oakley could think about…was how he would never forget this moment. And that if the world were to end tomorrow, he would be the luckiest guy on the planet just because he would get to call you - this gorgeous, funny, and kind person standing before him - his wife.
Also, Oakley would totally be the type to make his wedding kiss with you totally epic, either picking you up and spinning you around, or turn it into a dip and kiss (which looks something like this)
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Possible first dance song: "Teenage Dream" by Boyce Avenue or "Lucky," by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat
Wedding superlative: Most likely to get drunk during his own wedding and say something extremely inappropriate
Thomas Sharpe from Crimson Peak
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On his wedding day to you, Thomas Sharpe would have every detail in its perfect place. From the flowers to the organ playing the wedding march to the seating arrangement, every single thing would be immaculately arranged to your liking.
He would play the part of a doting groom very effectively, almost ignoring Lucille most of the time in favor of talking to your family members. He'd play with the little ones, laugh at your father's attempts at humor, and assure your mother that her child will lack nothing in their marriage
The moment you entered the chapel, a warm smile would spread across Thomas's face and his face would light up as if the in the world darkness was finally gone for good.
As if you were made of glass, he would carefully take your hand in his and lead you to the altar, kneeling before the priest. 
Then, Thomas would make his vows to be with you in sickness and in health, till death do you part, and kiss you slowly, savoring this moment of purity. 
After the ceremony, Thomas would lead you in a waltz - your first dance as husband and wife - with a pace so swift yet so delicate that it would not extinguish a candle
At a specific moment, when the guests are dining, Thomas would lightly tap on his glass with a fork to get everyone's attention. 
"On behalf of the Sharpe household, I would like to thank you all for attending this lovely occasion. I could not be more happier than to be marrying the lady seated right here," Thomas would gesture to you with a proud smile. "She is truly a blessing, and until death parts us, I promise to hold her close and to treasure her always. May our days together be filled with happiness and joy."
Wedding superlative: Most likely to have an eloquent wedding toast that makes everyone go "Awww"
James Conrad from Kong: Skull Island
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On his wedding day to you, Captain James Conrad would be silent to almost everyone before the ceremony, pretending to be completely calm about his impending nuptials. But his dark circles and his red eyes wouldn't fool anyone; it would be pretty clear that he hadn't sleeping so well lately
Actually, after he'd finally left Skull Island and settled in the United Kingdom, James had been dealing with nightmares about Kong and other terrifying creatures he'd encountered. Eventually, Preston Packard and Mason Weaver coaxed him to start seeing a professional about his nightmares and traumatic flashbacks. 
That's how James Conrad gained the courage and the hope to start a relationship with you, the beautiful neighbor who lived a few doors from his flat. And now, nearly two years after your first date, he proposed, you and James moved in together, and you were getting married. 
James could not have been happier about your union, but the past week leading up to the wedding had been tough. 
The two of you thought it might be good to have a little separation before the ceremony, and James thought it would make the wedding sweeter, so you agreed to sleep over at a friend's place. 
James found himself deeply missing your touch (and your cuddles - shh, don't tell anyone I told you) and many of the nightmares from his past returned. So after talking to you on the telephone every night, he would hold one of your sweaters like a security blanket while trying to lull himself sleep
When he finally saw you coming to the altar in your wedding gown, it felt like he'd been underwater for hours and was finally coming up for fresh air. From now on, he would never have to sleep alone, or face anything all by himself. Whatever happens, if he ever has to return to Skull Island in his dreams or in real life, he would have you by his side.
He'd be grinning the whole time from ear to ear, just enjoying the moment with you, and would always have his arm around you. Whenever James wasn't trying to stifle a yawn, he would be holding you close and stealing kisses, much to the amusement of everyone else around him.
Possible First Dance song: "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" by Elvis Presley
Wedding superlative: Most likely to never let anyone else dance with his bride because he gets jealous
Jaguar Villain!Tom Hiddleston
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On his wedding day to you, Thomas would be dressed to the nines and poised like a prince, wearing a sharp three-piece suit (with a pistol concealed in his jacket) and Dolce and Gabbana citrus cologne
To him, this wedding was not unlike any other important engagement. A place where deals could be made and broken, offers could be extended and retracted, and alliances could be tested
Therefore, only the best of decorations could be present. The cake and the champagne had to be of the utmost quality (no cheap, off-brand liquor allowed), and the floral arrangements needed to be elegant enough for royalty
It would also be an opportunity for Thomas to reward his those closest to him in his inner circle; by inviting them, wining and dining them with a gourmet meal, he could reward their loyalty while also keeping them near should they try anything suspicious. 
But none of that would apply to you. No, Thomas may be emotionless and calculating in matters of business, even at his own wedding, but you were not to take part in any of it. In fact, your innocence was one of the reasons why Thomas was so attracted to you. You gave him something worth living for, something that was worth defending and protecting. He could not afford to corrupt you with his dirty world of schemes and plots
During the wedding, Thomas would be your Prince Charming (like always), making sure that you were comfortable. 
He would hold your hand and tell you how beautiful you looked whenever you got nervous. If you were hungry, he'd make sure that a plate of food was brought to you. And if someone dared to make you uncomfortable on your special day? They had better prepared to have the living daylights pounded out of them.
Also, Thomas would never admit this to you until possibly years after your wedding to him, but he secretly bribed the person who showed you your wedding dresses to only show you designs that he approved of. He knew that you would look stunning in anything you wore, but he always liked to be the one in charge
Possible first dance song: "Fly Me to The Moon," by Frank Sinatra or "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King
Wedding superlative: Most likely to carry out a murder at their wedding 
Taglist: @thatdummy-girl @icytrickster17  @mischievoushiddleston,@lokischambermaid , @lady-rose-moon , @lokisgoodgirl , @lokisninerealms @jennyggggrrr ,, @tom-hiddleston-imagines , @lokiismineforever @smolvenger @winterfrostlovetriangle , @the-haven-of-fiction , @turniptitaness  @cakesandtom ,@sallymagnoliaposts @leahs-reading-nook @holdmytesseract @muddyorbsblr
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thistransient · 4 months
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durian season is upon us
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vbecker10 · 2 years
I don't even remember what I was looking up lol but I ended up with these and got distracted...
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@sarahscribbles @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @gigglingtigger @kikster606 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @xorpsbane @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane @thomase1 @simplyholl
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August reads:
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed (Los peligros de fumar en la cama) by Mariana Enríquez. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
A short story collection is always hard to rate, and even though not every story here was my cup of tea, the ones that were let me thinking about them long after I closed the book. It’s a very grotesque book and the mix of everyday life with horror was done in a very compelling way. Although a product of its time, this book does have some problematic aspects, so take these stories with a grain of salt. And please, do check the trigger warnings.
Carrie by Stephen King ☆ ☆
Oh, the horror of menstrual blood. No woman was consulted in the making of this book. It clearly has some merit but, after all, it is a book mainly focused on teenage girls written by a grown man. (Carrie White did nothing wrong)
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
For me this was a very immersive and enjoyable book, mind you it didn’t change my life. But it was good for its genre and the pictures added to the experience. It’s a slow and very hit or miss book so keep that in mind. All things said, I will eventually continue the saga.
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nexttopbadbitch · 4 months
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arpeggio-the-parrot · 22 days
The things I’d do to get my hands on authentic concept art or unused voice lines/outtakes of Arpeggio … anything from pre-production or that didn’t end up in the final game PLEASE I beg
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radioactivepeasant · 11 months
Snippet Monday: Blackmail au
"Travel the stars with us," the Precursors said, "Become one of us."
"I will," answered the hero, "but only on one condition: in the next iteration of this endless cycle, let the child have his family. Let at least one iteration of us know his father."
"If we allow this," said the Precursors, "you will still be the chosen hero. You will still hold the blood of Mar. And you will still suffer. But for one lifetime, we will let the child be a separate person, in exchange for your service in this lifetime."
"Then it is agreed," said the hero, and so the wheel of time turned, changing direction ever so slightly.
Part One: The Bargain
"Ah, there he is, right on schedule." Krew chortled as Jak slipped through the pub door.
There were a lot of people at the bar, all Wastelanders. Tess shot a worried look at Jak, but kept her bubbly smile up. What was going on? Were these friends of Sig’s? Jak wasn't so sure, considering the concerned grimace Sig was sporting.
One of the newcomers, a broad, scarred man with a drooping mustache, stood up and approached Jak slowly.
"Yep," he drawled, circling the boys, "Nipper's got the eyes alright. Same jaw, too." He snorted. "Heh. And here I was afraid you was losin' your touch, Krew. Right. We'll take 'im."
"Excuse me?" Daxter sputtered.
"Sorry, Jak," Krew said without the slightest shred of sincerity, "But after that little racing stunt of yours, I had to do some thinking. I've got a lot of money riding on Errol winning that final race. I'm afraid you've just become too expensive to keep on. No hard feelings, eh? It's just business."
"Ok?" Jak eyed the Wastelanders suspiciously. "And that's supposed to keep me from racing because...?"
"Because you're under new management, shall we say." Krew gestured to the Wastelanders. "Don't think of it as being fired! Think of it as a transfer of sorts."
Daxter bristled. "You wanna run that by us again, Morning Breath?"
Instead, the Wastelander turned on his heel to face Krew. "Now, you an' me, we both know you're askin' too high for the state the brat's in. Come on, Krew, you ain't fed him this whole time?"
Jak went rigid and began to back towards the door. Whatever was happening here, he wanted no part of it.
"Well it's wholly up to your lord's discretion, of course," Krew said, oily smooth, "If you can't come up with the price, I'm sure the Baron would pay fairly for a soldier of Jak's caliber."
One of the women at the bar laughed meanly. "Lordship said you might say that. He also said to remind you that you could do that, but only if you feel like being hanged with your own entrails."
Krew fanned himself and hovered higher. "Oh dear me, that sounds like bad blood, doesn't it? Speaking of blood, you'd best get moving if you don't want to lose the boy, there. I'm not responsible for losses incurred during pickup."
Jak had barely gotten out the door before they were on him. Someone grabbed Daxter from his shoulder, and four more sets of hands pinned his arms. These weren't weak, exhausted Havenites. Or indolent KG looking for excitement. These were real Wastelanders, and they were more than a match for Jak's struggles.
"Let him go, rot you!" he snarled, lunging for the woman holding Daxter by the scruff, "Get your hands off him!"
"Easy, boy, easy." The woman took a step back. "Just gonna hang onto Shorty here as insurance."
Sig finally managed to push his way through the crowd and elbowed one of Jak's captors in the gut, hard. As the man doubled over, Sig ripped his hands off of Jak's arm.
"Hands off my rookies," he hissed.
"Sig, w- what- what- what-" Jak could barely speak. Rage and terror constricted his lungs, his throat.
"I don't know, cherry." Sig shook his head grimly. "But I'm gonna find out. No matter what happens, you stick close to me and do as I do, okay? We're gonna get you through this."
Then he shoved the rest of the Wastelanders away, one by one. They parted like wheat before the wind, like they knew Sig. Like they respected him. The second he was free, Jak had to lock his knees to keep from collapsing. He couldn't even bring himself to be angry that they could all see him trembling uncontrollably. Krew had sold him to Wastelanders like a piece of meat. Like a slave. What would happen to the search for the Tomb if he was imprisoned in the Wastes? Would The Shadow force the Kid to search in Jak’s stead? He wouldn't put it past him, not after the jobs they'd sent him to do.
"Oh, I do so love facilitating family reunions!" Krew cooed, hovering at the door, "It warms the heart! And me wallet!"
He waggled his fingers meaningfully and cast greedy eyes over a trunk the one called Kleiver kicked in his direction.
"Mmyes, tell your liege lord I'll keep me eyes peeled for the smaller brat, eh?"
Jak's already chilled blood froze. He lunged for Krew, barely restrained by Sig at the last second.
"Don't touch him!" he growled, "Don't you even look at him! I'll kill you! I'll rotting kill you!"
Jak didn't see the Wastelanders around him, even Sig, suddenly exchange extremely grim looks. But when Sig tugged him away from the bar and towards the waterfront, he knew something had changed.
"Quiet, cherry," Sig hissed in his ear. "You're gonna have the Guard down on us with that yelling, and I don't want to give Krew any ideas about collecting that bounty on you!"
They had to physically drag him into the air train, and even that was only possible because the woman holding Daxter captive went in first. Cursing Sig every step, Jak struggled in vain to get his arms free.
"Jak!" Sig finally exploded, "Knock it off! We're trying to save your ass, here!"
"I didn't ask for your help!" Jak aimed a kick behind him and met hard metal armor. Memories of the prison clawed at the edge of his mind, threatening to pull him back into a dark place.
"You have no right-! You can't buy- you- you-"
His breathing became rapid and labored. "I am not a thing!" he screamed, finally breaking free.
Seconds too late. The hatch was closed.
"Jak! Jak, look at me, kiddo, look at me!" Sig desperately tried to grab his arm.
"I don't know what's going on, you gotta believe me. But I know Krew wasn't joking about selling you to Praxis, and I'd die before I let that bastard get his hands on you again."
Kleiver curled his lip at them from across the hold. "Paid a ransom that coulda fed a garrison for a month and this is the thanks we get? Ungrateful brat is what you are."
Sig glared at him. "Ransom?! You walked in there talking like an auction! Who's ransoming Jak?"
The woman holding Daxter spoke up.
"Lord Damas wants him. Krew contacted him, month back. Said he had proof the Heir of Mar abandoned a bastard son during the coup and if nobody came forward to "take responsibility", he'd out him to Praxis."
Jak went very, very still. Was Krew using him to defraud someone? Wouldn't be out of character. But where had he gotten the idea to pass Jak off as the lost Heir? And did that mean little Mar was abandoned? If he was, Jak knew he was going to make this so-called lord in question pay in blood for it.
"Jak? Bull. Damas lost the baby in the coup. He didn't abandon him." Sig snapped.
"Not on purpose, at least," Kleiver snorted. “If you was carryin’ a deposed king’s brat during a hostile takeover, would you say anything?”
Sig tightened his jaw and said nothing.
Jak didn't know how long they were in the air train. He'd blocked everything out. The Wastelanders, Sig, even Daxter. He'd shut them out and retreated into the one corner of his mind where the darkness couldn't touch him. The place where he remembered the sound of the ocean, and warm waves against his ankles. He was free there, and they couldn't take the sea from him.
When they landed, he didn't even notice until a blinding light pierced the hold-
Along with the smell of salt air.
Jak raised his head slowly, squinting through hanks of hair into the light. His free place in his mind didn't have the smell of the sea. Why did he smell salt?
"Everybody out!" Kleiver bellowed, "You know I don't like monks, so let's get this over with, yeah?"
Sig wrapped an arm around Jak’s shoulders and pulled him to his feet. "Stay close, kids," he murmured, and Jak finally realized that now he had Daxter. "I...don't know what to tell you. But I'm gonna do whatever I can to keep you two safe, okay?"
They exited onto a spire of rock, high above what seemed like an endless stretch of desert on one side, and a turbulent sea on the other. A Precursor temple sat before them, surrounded by ruined columns and porticos. Three zoomer-like vehicles were parked near a tiny natural waterfall, which seemed to mean something to the Wastelanders.
"Welp. He's already here." The woman in the yellow turban sighed. "Fingers crossed this checks out, everybody."
She waved to Sig.
"Get him inside before noon, huh? I don't feel like losing a layer of skin to the sun, thanks."
It was nearly ten degrees colder inside the temple. Personally, Daxter thought the weird people dressed in rubber emanated half the chill themselves. One of them approached Sig, holding a small plastic cup. Their eyes flicked to Jak, and they held out the cup with a bored expression.
"Blood or saliva sample," they said flatly.
Jak balked. "What?"
Sig cringed. "They want to...to see if you're who Krew claimed you are. Just...spit in the cup, kid. Their computer will tell them if Krew was lying or not."
When it became clear that the monk wasn’t going to leave until they got what they were after, Jak begrudgingly spat into the cup. The monk exited the chamber without a word.
Jak spent the next three hours huddled in an alcove, behind a small Precursor statue. He clung to Daxter like a lifeline, glaring out at the monks and Wastelanders watching him and whispering amongst themselves. Any time one came close, Jak scooted further back into the cloister. None of them looked small enough to get around the statue at the mouth. They couldn't reach him here.
One man in particular wouldn't stop staring at them. He had a commanding presence, despite not being the tallest or broadest in the room. Scars decorated his face and arms, and sharp points of Precursor metal had been set into his skull. Which was admittedly kind of badass. He watched Jak with dark, piercing eyes and a hard set to his jaw. When a monk placidly paced forward and presented the man with a datapad, murmuring, "Positive match, sire," the man's eyes darkened further.
He turned on his heel and disappeared through a door.
"I'm going to pray," the man snapped in a rough voice. "Leave me. And get the boy some water, for the gods' sake!"
Was that the man who had supposedly paid a ransom for him? Jak retreated into the very back of the cloister and buried his face in Daxter's fur.
"Rot this day. Rot this whole rotting week," he mumbled.
"You said it, pal." Dax wrapped his arms around Jak’s neck and tried to comfort him. "Hey, they made me spit in a cup too! You think their computer will tell them I'm an ottsel? Or a human?"
Jak blinked. "Uh....how smart are computers supposed to be?"
"Like. As smart as Vin, I think?"
Jak shrugged, grateful for the distraction. "Maybe. That'll freak ‘em out, huh?"
"Oh yeah. So what do you think is up with Spikes? Wrong answers only."
"Wrong only? Uh...he just found out he's part marmoset."
"Or his application for a piercing refund was rejected."
"Or," Sig interrupted flatly, "he just found out he had a kid he didn't know was alive, and he's dealing with a lot of guilt right now."
Sig crouched at the mouth of the cloister and looked in at them. He seemed to have aged years since that morning. He held out a hand and sighed like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.
"Come on out kiddo. We're gonna get you some food, some-"
He closed his eye and shook his head. "Volcan's bones. I...I didn't know- none of us did...gods, he must've snatched you the same year we lost Mar-"
"Mar?" Jak interrupted sharply, "What do you know about Mar?"
When Sig looked up again, Jak was shaken to see tears in his eye.
"I ain't talking about the founder of Haven, cherry. And I don't think you are, either."
He sniffed and cleared his throat. "Little thing. So...he's so- he was so small. Sweetest little kid you ever met, always getting into trouble."
He cleared his throat again and tapped his cybernetic eye. "Only takes a moment. You look away one minute. Not even one full minute. And that's all it takes for the world to end. Praxis sympathizers ambushed us. Shot out my eye and took- took Mar. We never saw him again. But...but I think you did."
Jak's stomach churned, and the world began to spin. Mar? The little boy he'd been so desperate to protect? This had to be some kind of trick, they were trying to trick him into giving up Mar's location so they could get to the Tomb. Daxter's claws dug into his arm, pulling him back to earth before the dark eco could take over.
"I have to go back-" Jak croaked, "You have to take me back- take me back! Take me back! I can't leave him alone!"
Sig shifted and looked up at someone just out of sight.
"I was right," he said heavily, "He knows something."
Next >
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scatterbrainedbot · 9 months
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Awooga??? New Year new mutual???
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hi kredena!!!!
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luckyshinyhunter · 2 months
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🌊🚤Talk about character progress, s1 Finn would have a heart attack!🚤🌊
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kurtismcilroy · 8 months
I'm feeling silly today and wanna see (I'll do a part 2 with the rest!!)
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