#A Game of Chance
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freakaz0idartz Ā· 3 months ago
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Oc posting bc I miss them
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the-masked-ram Ā· 2 years ago
Patreon Update
Patreon Link Carnal Thirst- Chapter Two (First tier) 'His eyes turned to you and there wasnā€™t a hint of surprise. It was as if he expected you to be there the entire time, there was no way you would have denied him. You swallowed; how could he be so confident?
As you finally reached the bottom of the steps his intense youki swept over you and you gasped. It felt like you were being surrounded, engulfed, and invaded. Like he was entering your mouth, your throat, and your lungs. You could almost taste him, flavors of white ash, burning pine, and cinnamon, and you could see his aura of multi-hued purple and the deepest black shifting endlessly.'
A Game of Chance- Chapter Three (First Tier) 'The singular emotion in that word was nothing but desperate pain. A wish to die. She shuddered violently and when the growths continued, he recognized them, recognized the change and spike in her energy. When she looked at him again, he could see her now vertical pupils vibrating. Her entire aura shimmered around her, bright tangerine changing into a hellfire red. Then it seemed to pull into her and quickly explode outward, pushing Hiei back to slam against the wall with a groan.'
The Forgotten Wing- Chapter Eight (Fourth Tier) 'Shadows engulfed him immediately, thick like tar, living and pulsing. The voices quieted and for once Maalik wished they would stay. There was no sound, no sight, in the room, just black, endless darkness that seemed to stretch into a yawning cavern beyond what was possible. The air was wet, humid, and immediately, Maalik fled out into the hallway. Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  He leaned against the ash covered walls within trembling limbs, sucking in air as the voices cackled at his dismay.'
Feed the Rich- Chapter One (Second Tier) 'Levi squatted on the balls of his feet, right above the body that was merely a mash of splintered bones and pulverized flesh. Entrails were strewn everywhere, and the air smelled like iron and yet had the acrid tang of bile hanging in it too. Whateverā€¦ whoever?... had done this had very much done it with sheer rage and likely with the intent of beating the shit out of this poor victim.'
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chloesimaginationthings Ā· 5 months ago
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The day FNAF Charlie Emily was shut out..
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thenevarranaccord Ā· 1 month ago
Whatā€™s really jumping out at me on my second playthrough is that the writers of the first three games understood that your character was the main character. The Veilguard writers clearly thought that the main characters were their characters, the companions.
Every scene is about setting the companions up as cool or competent or sympathetic. Often, this is done at Rookā€™s expense. The companions get all the witty one-liners; Rookā€™s attempts at humor not only frequently fall flat, but are frequently called out for falling flat (even when theyā€™re completely automatic and the player has no say in them).
The companions have all the knowledge and skills; Rook just brought them all together and gives them all pep talks so they can focus. Iā€™m trying to edit out all of the comments where Rook is like ā€œUmā€¦ what????ā€ from my videos, and let me tell you, it takes WORK. There are A LOT of them. I can count on one hand the number of times when the Inquisitor or Hawke comes across as dumb, but it seems to be a built-in, unavoidable part of Rookā€™s character. I have not selected a single ā€œpurpleā€ option in all of Act 1, and Rook is still coming across as the kid who tries to be the class clown to cover for the fact that heā€™s always confused. Rookā€™s role in most scenes is to say ā€œUhhhā€¦ what?ā€ so that the companions look smart.
Rook is always the one offering sympathy and never the one getting it. No one actually comes to comfort you after Varricā€™s death. No one asks you how youā€™re feeling about having to lead the team now that Varric is gone. No one tries to reassure you or give you advice for dealing with the trickster god haunting your dreams. Weā€™re told that Neve could keep Solas out of your head, but she never actually offers to do this for you. No one comforts a Shadow Dragon Rook when Minrathous is destroyed or a Grey Warden Rook when Weisshaupt is destroyed. Rookā€™s problems donā€™t matter. Only the problems of main characters matter.
Rook is a secondary character in their own story.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs Ā· 3 months ago
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Happy one year anniversary to In Stars and Time!
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katsinspats Ā· 3 months ago
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Tragic: Guy you based your entire villain backstory on doesn't even remember you
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fruitjedi Ā· 1 month ago
Iā€™m like nine percent sure anything will happen here (Iā€™ll probably do some of these regardless) but I saw this and found it fun
ā­ļø15 notes and I talk to my one teacher about respecting me
25 notes and I start seriously looking into medical things I want
ā­ļø75 notes and I actually tell my director about future plans and ask him for advice
175 notes and I look into getting a private lesson teacher
ā­ļø215 notes and I start making time for my writing and reading interests
290 notes and I start truly planning my future
ā­ļø376 notes and I start playing live shows
550 notes and I start caring more about looking into my chronic pain issues
ā­ļø720 notes and I talk to my audio teacher about forecasting (this has been reached but I competed ig before it was reached cause I had to )
ā­ļø1220 notes and I stand up for myself more
1559 and I try to prioritize my health and feelings
1780 notes and I ask for help when I need it
2025 notes and I start letting people in more. (Not just close friends)
Edit Iā€™m not setting an absolute limit but if I feel like you spam too much I will cut you off at some point .
Edit: beacuse I canā€™t cut the reblogs off in the replies Iā€™ll dm you. If you donā€™t wish to be dmed to be cut off keep it at a max ten reblogs per person.
Edit: I have achieved some of the pink goals
Edit : thank you everyone ā¤ļø
Edit: Iā€™m adding some more stretch goals and the current 650 (the highest)will become higher (and I ask out teh guy Iā€™m into)
Edit: I had to do 720 early
Edit: 1559 no longer applies
Edit: holy shit- this got above 1,000 notes. I wasnā€™t expecting it to get more than like 10
Edit Iā€™m removing 1559 (and I talk to the choir director) and beacuse it no longer applies and changing that and changing around 2025 (and I ask out teh guy I like)
Edit: HOW DO YOU GUYS KEEP BLOWING UP THIS POST??? The most notes Iā€™ve gotten ever is like 30. Wow. Thank you.
Pink have been reached
When I actually get to completing the pink goals they will get a ā­ļø
@skythesnake you canā€™t be every single note
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pimientosdulces Ā· 1 month ago
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embraceweird Ā· 17 days ago
the fact that Jean makes the "defensive" comment while tightening his glove strap with his teeth (arguably the sexiest thing you can do while gearing up) is diabolical
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kukobs Ā· 2 months ago
i love reading andreil's interactions pre-tkm or even pre-trk because they're so hostile with each other it's so funny, they don't like each other at all. meanwhile i'm rubbing my hand together like "hehe you have no idea what awaits you you FOOLS. you guys are gonna LOVE each other unconditionally, live TOGETHER and raise KITTIES while living a good, domestic life forever you MORONS šŸ˜"
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chthonic-kids Ā· 11 months ago
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freakaz0idartz Ā· 3 months ago
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They know all about it!
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Original ^
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toramirr Ā· 4 months ago
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ā€œTheyā€™d been so discreet for so long, and Kevin had undone it all in a heartbeat.ā€
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chloesimaginationthings Ā· 3 months ago
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How Jeremy Fitzgerald survived the FNAF bite
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wordvomit555 Ā· 4 months ago
I think that the most special thing about David Wymack is the fact that he not only gives people another chance, but also doesn't force them to do anything with it. There are so many characters out there who give a second chance and are disappointed if the person doesn't then raise to their full potential, but not Wymack. He will give you a chance and what you do with it is entirely up to you. And if you fuck up he will give you another one, and another one and not once will he make you feel guilty for fucking up again.
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octylish Ā· 21 days ago
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90% of gamblers or whatever lets go gambling
also eye view bc i needed to convey how cool it would look in motion
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