haikyall · 4 years
time and time again
Summary: Soulmates will always find each other in the end no matter how longe they've been apart, but Bokuto and Akaashi don't know that. Heck, they each don't know the other person even existed. WC: 3k Genre: Fluff Pairings: Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji
This is my entry to the bokuaka big bang!
Kuroo opens the door for Bokuto and Daichi as they enter unfamiliar territory. Their curious eyes scan through the place, embracing the peaceful ambiance. It was busier than most cafès; this cafè, in particular, was very noisy.  Bokuto, on the other hand, felt a sense of familiarity about the place, yet he has never set foot in this cafè.
Kuroo spots a booth with empty seats and leads the trio to sit there. He also offers to do the ordering given the fact that he was the only one who knew how to do so, as it was evident that their way of ordering differed from usual cafès.
Bokuto sits down and can’t seem to sit comfortably on the cushioned seats. It was like something was bugging him, something just really kept on poking Bokuto’s brain to just keep looking for something, although he didn’t know what exactly he’s looking for.
To Daichi, this mannerism of Bokuto's is quite a normal sighting, especially when he enters a new shop. To him, Bokuto is taking in the new place by trying to remember every single little detail it has like how the table and seats are very low, or how there were high stools that show the contrast. He also notices how Bokuto’s leg keeps on bouncing. He assumes that the owl is anticipating his order or is just excited.
“Excited, Bokuto?” Daichi tests his theory, and Bokuto is caught off-guard at the sudden boom of the fellow captain's voice. He had forgotten that he was with other people. This sense of familiarity and restlessness was mentally killing him.
He scratches his head. Maybe it was that, yeah, he’s just excited.
“YEA! HAHAHA~” He laughs out, deciding to brush off the fact that something was indeed bugging him and he can’t seem to point his finger as to what it is. He proceeds to tell Daichi about how a cashier from another café asked him out one time.he was asked out by a cashier when he was in another cafè. “There was this one time, my friends and I were in this other coffee place and the cashier kept on asking, like, these personal questions like ‘are you more of a bacon or egg person and I didn’t UNDERSTAND HER BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH~”
“Mhmm?” Daichi hums out, he was interested. He didn’t necessarily understand how it was personal, but he kind of knows how Bokuto feels being asked the question.
“IT WAS THE CASHIER’S WAY OF ASKING IF I WAS STRAIGHT HAHAHAHAHAHA”, Bokuto explains loudly, and Daichi’s brain doesn’t believe it, but Bokuto was genuinely laughing and he’s physically unable to lie. His eyes go wide and he finally starts laughing at how lousy of a conversation he was hearing.
“PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHA,” he laughs till his lungs can’t take the lack of oxygen and deeply inhales, and Daichi slowly realizes how Bokuto lays out the story, “Wait, you didn’t understand?”
“NOPE, MY FRIENDS ONLY TOLD ME WHAT IT MEANT AFTER OUR ORDERS WERE TAKEN,” Bokuto explains, and Daichi nods his head, understanding why Bokuto wouldn’t think it was more of a sexuality question rather than a general preference question.
“So what did you say?”, the crow asks the question.
“Egg, whICH MEANT I WAS STRAIGHT HAHAHAHAHAH,” Bokuto excitedly explains starting to laugh, and Daichi joins with a chuckle as he thinks about the stupidity of the question and how innocent Bokuto could be sometimes, and his chuckling deepens. Kuroo finally comes back with a tray of their orders and sees the two gasping for air in laughter and is interested as to what’s got Daichi laughing.
“Oya, oya, what are we talking about, here?” Kuroo asks, and Bokuto was the first one to regain some sanity,, explaining while laughing,
“I just —heh— told D-Daichi about the —hehe— cashier story,” he explains as Kuroo gives each of them their order and starts to settle down. Meanwhile, Daichi just keeps on laughing and banging the table. It was rare to see Daichi lose his chill like this.
“Ah, the cashier that didn’t know that’s not how you check out a guy and ask if they’re straight, damn, she does not get laid a lot,” Kuroo says, chuckling as he remembers the story, and shakes his head at the obliviousness of both parties in that conversation.
“SHE WORKS IN A CAFÈ, GODDAMMIT HAHAHAHAHA,” Daichi says, and everyone laughs again at the thought of the scene playing in their brains.
The laughter seems to die down as people enter the café. Bokuto turns around as he unconsciously follows the sound of the bell ringing with each movement of the door. He sees an exasperated, lean, and messy, black-haired boy, holding a laptop bag, along with a silver-haired, livelier guy, and a smaller guy with bleached hair with roots starting to grow out. Bokuto feels like he knows the exasperated guy.
Bokuto doesn’t know the guy.
The bugging sensation is back, more intense than ever, and Bokuto is restless again, appearing to look at anything but the new arrivals.  He tries to calm himself down, but his eyes stray back to the trio that recently entered the building, and he’s back to being fidgety and restless yet again.
“Boku-dude, you okay, there?” Kuroo asks, clearly disturbed by Bokuto’s hyperactivity. Bokuto recognizes the nickname and realizes that somebody is talking to him, and he finally relaxes, looking at Kuroo as he replies.
“Yea,  it’s the coffee in the drink,” Bokuto quickly explains and Kuroo raises an eyebrow, he’s been watching Bokuto the entire time since he sat down and he hasn’t touched his drink yet. Both Daichi and Kuroo know this, and they both let it slide as they see Bokuto might get his emo mode out of schedule and both of them are not in the mood to handle it.
“Told you, you should cut down the sugar, seriously, black coffee for breakfast and then WHITE CHOCO MOCHA FRAP? YOU’RE FUCKING INSANE,” Kuroo continues, not showing that he knew that Bokuto gave the wrong reason for his hyperactivity.
“HAH! JOKES ON YOU, I DIDN’T DRINK BLACK COFFEE THIS MORNING,” Bokuto says, indicating his attention is back on them. Both of them sigh in relief, but Kuroo is impressed, Bokuto isn’t drinking his usual black coffee.
“Oya? Is that so? So what did you drink for breakfast?” The former Nekoma Captain asks, and Bokuto is silent, probably remembering what exactly the owl did drink for breakfast.
“… egg?” Daichi says after a moment of silence, and laughter breaks the momentum of peace, and Kuroo starts scolding Daichi after that bad joke.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I HAD TO OKAY?” Daichi explained,
“…. red bull…” Bokuto says quietly and both of the other captains he was with nearly stand from their seats in shock.
“You drank RED BULL FOR BREAKFAST?!?!” Kuroo asks, and Bokuto puts his hands up in defense, ready to explain.
Daichi facepalms, “Yeah, but Red Bull is worse than coffee.”
Kuroo finally calms down and sighs, “Bokuto, you suddenly have a ticket to go to the mental hospital, signed by me,” he says.
“HEY! I WOULD DRINK RED BULL RATHER THAN…. Eggs,” Bokuto points out, and the three of them start laughing once again.
As Bokuto and his friends continue to bicker, the exasperated man he found himself ever-so-fond of settles his laptop bag under their table while his friends seem to be taking turns going to the counter.
“I haven’t been here at all,” the dark-haired man starts, and it leaves the two men with him bewildered. The man pushes up his glasses to take a look at the menu on the café wall. Alas, the font is too small for him, and he’s far enough that, even with glasses, he can barely make out what the menu is offering.
“It’s not that far from where you work, Akaashi” The blond dude says. He says this without looking up from the little Switch console he brought with him.
“Yeah, work is kinda building up on me so I don’t exactly have the time to go out,”
“Guess, I’m ordering for you,” the silver-haired friend chirps, and Akaashi nods. It turns out to be, this friend over here, might be the most cheerful of the bunch.
“If it’s not coffee, I’m not drinking it,” Akaashi warns, and his silver-haired friend lets out a sigh. He may or may not have a different idea for an order.
“… Darn it,” his cheerful friend says in defeat as he walks away. Akaashi looks for a table and immediately lays his laptop bag on the ground, leaning on one of the legs of the table.
As Akaashi and his blond companion settle down, he gets a notification from his phone. He grabs it in his pocket by instinct and instantaneously looks at what caused the sound. It turns out that there’s a last-minute meeting to be held in 10 minutes by his boss. Akaashi sighs, was a day-off too much to ask?
The gamer boy across Akaashi notices the dismay on his face and asks, “Really? Still working even now?”
Akaashi sighs, “Yeah, not as flexible of a schedule as you, Kenma,”
“Aren’t you on your day off?” Kenma points out as Akaashi chuckles at the observation of the CEO. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t get a lot of those.
“That’s also what I thought till I got the text that my presence suddenly matters,” Akaashi answers and sighs, “you don’t do much though,” he continues.
“Yeah, but then meeting assholes murder you every time for it so I think we’re even,” Kenma says, rolling his eyes at the thought, causing Akaashi to chuckle again at not just the action but because of Kenma’s.. colorful choice of words.
“I agree, then they take all the credit,”
Kenma then pauses his game to massage a budding headache just from thinking about his company’s growth and welfare, “then come crawling back to you when something goes wrong,” Akaashi nods in agreement and comfortable silence fills the air. The silence doesn’t need to dissipate. Akaashi is also aware that both he and the person in front of him are generally quiet people and would prefer silence over the conversation.
Akaashi suddenly feels it. The uneasy air, the stuffiness, the stillness. Akaashi looks around the café to see what exactly is causing the sudden change in atmosphere. He looks over to Kenma and he sees the gamer boy fiddling away with his switch. Akaashi knows it's not from the man across the table.
“This place feels… odd,” Akaashi says, shifting in his seat, trying to sense what exactly is making him uncomfortable. It doesn’t seem to be his seat, no. It’s the atmosphere, it feels stuffy as if something is going on. He turns around to see if someone is staring at him.
No one was giving him a single glance, but his eyes fell upon one person. A man with white hair and black highlights. A guy with his friends, who was probably peeing his pants in laughter as they bantered on. He seemed ecstatic, attractive, like the entire room was watching them, although no one was.
“Is that so?” Kenma says, not feeling a single strand of discomfort. He looks at Akaashi, wondering what’s got the editor so fidgety. Akaashi fidgets around so much that it causes Kenma to look around just in case he could see something that would cause Akaashi to be so unnerved.
“Yeah, I’m not exactly sure why or how, though.”
Kenma, seeing that there is nothing that could make Akaahi want to leave, shrugs. “Maybe it’s cause you haven’t been to this place before.”
Akaashi nods. That’s a good argument, he’s never been comfortable in new places, he always felt like some puppy in a wolf’s territory. “Yeah… maybe.”
“Hey, here’s your drink— Akaashi—,“ the silver-haired boy finally comes back with all the drinks in-hand, and Akaashi takes the drink given to him and starts to get up from his seat.
“Sorry, Sugawara-san, I have an emergency meeting to attend,” Akaashi says, looking at the time, completely forgetting he had a bag on-hand when he first arrived at the store. He was already a few meters away due to him jogging.
“Oh, it’s fine! Take care, though!” Sugawara and Kenma both bid farewell to the rushing editor as they see him brisk-walk farther from the café.
“Isn’t today a day-off for Akaashi?” Sugawara mentions as he takes Akaashi’s seat, settling down.
“That’s what I said, too… his bosses are honestly merciless,” Kenma mentions, shaking his head in slight frustration at the fact that Akaashi simply can’t rest. His eyes then rest on the forgotten laptop bag of Akaashi and his eyes go wide, “Suga-san…,” the gamer boy says, pointing at the bag. Sugawara was taking a sip of his drink when he looked under the table where the object in question remains untouched. The man sipping his drink then nearly spits it out and panics.
“Oh shit, Aka—“
A new voice enters the conversation, “Is it fine with you if I return the bag to him? I can catch up to him; noticing his speed, he would be near the subway station by now,��� the pair looks up at the new voice and sees a lean man with black highlights on his white hair. The silver-haired man silently smirks before replying.
“Uhm… yeah, sure I guess,” Sugawara says, knowing Kenma is too shy to rebut and say the stranger might steal the laptop. He hands over the laptop bag and the stranger takes off. Kenma watches the whole scene unfold with both eyes.
“You are stupid.”
“No… I just feel like being cupid. That guy has been staring at Akaashi the entire time he’s been there. He only looked away when the two of you were looking around,” Sugawara says, taking another sip of his coffee.
Bokuto runs as fast as he can, keeping the man he's pursuing in his line of sight. “Hey! Wait!” He screams, but as he’s too far, and Akaashi can't hear him. Bokuto makes it his mission to be faster. He’s a volleyball player anyway, he can get faster, right?
“HEY!!” He tries again after closing some distance, though not much of it. He’s still far and Akaashi heard him this time, but he feels like he wasn’t the person the voice was calling out to, and it would be embarrassing on his part if he turned around, assuming it was him.
“ AGAASHI! ” Bokuto finally reaches Akaashi and suddenly blurts out his name. It freezes both of them because they do not know each other. Bokuto is freaking out internally, what did I just say? He starts to think of some lousy excuse. He scans the laptop bag for a name tag at least and finds nothing. He tries to remember if the stranger’s friends even said his name before he interrupted them. Everything moves in slow motion in his view as he tries to make up for an obvious mistake.
“How do you know my name?” Akaashi turns around, cautiously.
“You forgot this” Bokuto says, and just like that, they are both transported to a temple, and both of them are wearing hakamas, and the laptop bag is non-existent. Bokuto is holding a katana.
Akaashi is shocked. He looks at Bokuto to see if he is just as shocked, but he doesn’t seem fazed at the fact that they were just surrounded by buildings and are now surrounded by mountains and trees, empty streets, and ancient temples.
“What?” Akaashi says, still bewildered at the part about suddenly traveling to some olden time. He looks around to process where on earth they are.
“Your katana, you forgot your katana… W-weren’t you leaving, Agaashi?” Bokuto says, poking at Akaashi’s arm. Akaashi’s attention is back on Bokuto. It was only then that he noticed this man’s features, the jawline, the golden eyes, the bright smile, the radiant personality. He seemed… attractive. “You can’t leave training without your katana, Agaashi~” Bokuto teases with an eyebrow arched.
Akaashi couldn’t help but feel a little tug deep inside him when he saw the taunting look of his new formed friend. So many things are rushing through his head right now, it felt like he’s in a world one of their clients back at work made. The details, the sounds, the feeling was so surreal Akaashi swears this might be some daydream.
Akaashi wanted to ask where they were but Bokuto didn't seem to know what he was talking about and it was like he couldn’t change what his mouth was saying as he says, “Oh, yes… thank you, Bokuto-san,” Akaashi’s eyes go wide as his hand mindlessly reaches to grab the katana by the handle and Bokuto gives a slight smile. He doesn’t know this man.
Suddenly, everything is back to normal; they’re in front of the subway station entrance, the katana has disappeared, and the laptop bag returned; the two men are both back in modern clothes. Bokuto seems to be the first one knocked out of the daze, as it seems that both of them were stuck in some trance. Akaashi sees that he’s already holding the handle of the bag,“Hello? Sir? You forgot your laptop bag… Your friends were supposed to chase you but I figured you’d be too far to reach so I offered to do it instead. I’m sorry, the name just blurted out and I swear I don’t know how—” Bokuto tries to explain but Akaashi cuts him off.
“Did you see it, too?”
“I- I mean, YES, I DID SEE IT. I MEAN, THE VISION? NONONO, IT WAS LIKE SOME—“ Bokuto freaks out as Akaashi takes the bag and smiles softly at him. Bokuto finally calms down and realizes that the man in front of him has a nice smile.
“You can ask for my number from my friends back in the café… and thank you, Bokuto-san, ” He says as he waves away from the volleyball player.
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck Candy p24-27 (timeskip!)
Page 24
Okay, as dark as the subject matter became, this was almost a reprieve from the previous action.
So, Terezi and John are both depressed. Terezi struggles with the same issues we heard John get more into. Of course, it's just a matter of question now whether this Terezi is in fact the same one that Meat John met. I'm inclined to say yes, as the Furthest Ring is supposed to be outside of timelines.
Thus that means she was able to hang on long enough to recover (via shaving cream and tobacco) from exhaustion. To meet up with John and have "a moment". Only to lose him in the end. :(
But even so, she would have hung on. In any case, I like how it delves further into the actual problem for John and Terezi. Their Ultimate Reward doesn't feel like one. I think John and Terezi share something, a feeling of enjoying the chase, the taste of adventure, I should say. But what could they find that fills this hole? Exploring Universe C together, maybe?
In any case, Aradia and Sollux have appointed themselves as part of Calliope's court. Or acolytes. I think Calliope might be the drive behind the narration of the Candy path, even if her personality doesn't leak through.
So, more information about what's she's doing here! She seems to be building up strength to rescue people from Dirk's influence. Now that Lord English is dead, she's found another one worthy of her opposition, someone that has too great an influence on too many innocent lives.
I mean, I remember I didn't 100% trust her in the Meat timeline, since in the end she still has an alien look on life. But it's a worthy cause, I would say.
It seems that Calliope has retreated, or at least, migrated to this timeline, up until she's ready to take over the narration of the Meat path.
This, together with John and Terezi's feeling that nothing is real anymore, is one of the most meta things to happen in these epilogues.
So, does that mean that the Postscriptum of Meat took place on Candy Earth C? And then, is that Davebot a ghost from the dreambubbles or not? ... Hey, in fact...
Does that mean that, every ghost of the dreambubbles was "saved" by Alt Calliope by moving them outside of canon, outside of Dirk's influence? Wow. It's like the theory that went around in late Act 6, that maybe the kids would move into blankspace to escape the influence of the Green Sun!
Now, Blaperile already theorized Vriska's ghost might end up on Earth C. It could happen. Though, if Vriska would survive the journey, wouldn't Davepeta and Lord English have as well? Maybe it only works on ghosts?
I mean, I'm pretty sure that the Feferi and Eridan making out in one of the previous pages were (alt) ghosts.
Page 25
I didn't know I needed Karkat the tortured grassroot rebel leader in my life, but here I am.
They're trying to get the Mother Grub to safety. I can see how it is THE most important asset fought over in this war. (And whatever propaganda Jane has going for her, this IS a war, she's just delusional about it.)
Jezus, the fate of that top analyst. It's like a Hunger Games thingy. Jake's just a figurehead to improve Jane's image at this point, while she doles out corporeal punishments...
Swifer Eggmop continues to be comedy gold.
The fact that bucket taboo is now blasé, hahahahahah.
And then.
The mystery arrival.
By all accounts I thought it would have been Vriska.
But Meenah? How did it even work, the fact that Lord English' server connects to Earth C? ... Okay, fair enough, he's fated to grow up on the planet in the future, and Candy Earth C is looking to be more and more like the timeline it'll happen in. But still.
She's so supportive for a battle hardened Karkat, it's adorable!
His commanding her around does make me wonder... Are they good for each other as kismeses?????
Meenah is so punk, she doesn't really care she can't be in command, hahah.
It'll be a big shock for Jane to see Karkat got his grubby paws on an alternate Condesce though. That MIGHT hurt her image as well, or her self image. She's been influenced by Condy into this ruthless business persona, she just doesn't realize it. To see a version of Condesce reject her policies might be world shattering news.
Still unsure if we're going to see Vriska, Davepeta and LE land on this Earth as well. If so, how would LE even be able to be defeated, I mean... He would have survived a black hole and all prophecies thrown as his life. Outside of canon, but not powerless.
... Still, think of the irony.
John thought he had chosen to AVOID fighting Lord English by staying on Earth.
How do you expect to avoid him, when he's ALREADY HERE? :o)
Page 26
Another powerful page.
The Candy path is really much more existential than I could've expected. And, it's very much more of a continuation of the Meat path than vice versa.
So, Meat John's car ended up sucked into the black hole after who knows how long, after he and Terezi zapped to Earth C.
And Candy John is here to find it, more questions asked than answered. Just like how the meteors sent all this anachronistic crap back into time, hurling to the Earth for people to ponder over, like Nanna's note to John in the joke book.
Wow, John.
I think it's good he's in the Troll Kingdom, he might be able to catch up to Karkat.
But... Really now.
If this means Vriska, Davepeta and Lord English will end up here, and only Dead-Jade, Davebot and Aradia escape back into "canon"... What is going to be everyone else's fate.
I mean, I don't think Adult Jade is going to open a portal just like Dead-Jade.
Page 27
I was always surprised before of every long timeskip.
But 10 years. TEN. YEARS.
Though it is cool to see their kids growing up, I'd say. Of course Vriska would be looking forward to her sixteenth birthday, it's the equivalent of 8 sweeps!
Seems that despite everything, Vriska and Tavros and Harry Anderson too can keep in touch right under Jane's nose.
It's all kinds of weird and awesome, to see a Vriska that's kind of balanced. You can see the influence Kanaya has on her Quite Clearly, when she emphasizes her words.
Karkat got an eyepatch - actually, seeing the role he fills, it's quite fitting. Karkat grew into an admirable, suave leader figure, who knew?
Calliope emphasizes again, that what happens on this Earth won't matter for canon. Though I wonder then, what her plan was, why she had to wait so long to leave.
From the Postscriptum, it seemed as if she devoured bodies to charge up, so why did it take so long, and whose did she eat? Other Space players like Kanaya, Porrim and Jade?
Meanwhile, Dave and Jade illicitly support the rebellion too! It's weird to see them be so awkward about their breakup, but at least they put that all besides them and focused on the bigger picture. And hey, Dave and Rose, and Maryam and Vantas, united in a rebellion against a condescending figure... Time really does repeat itself.
John still suffers from the feeling it all doesn't matter. But it's very intense to read all this. So, only when he's 44 does he do away with Terezi's picture.
And through it all, he has suffered from the same ennui and desolation he has felt since he came to Earth C. In the Meat timeline, he felt as if he let time pass him by. But we see now that, without a purpose, John is just as lost.
And Meenah and Karkat are an item now. Contrary to what seems to be the popular belief, I think they're not <3, but rather <3< or <>, but who even knows. No references were made to more ghosts arriving on Earth C, which merits attention.
It's just such a strange world, both alien and so far removed from Homestuck, and in other ways, exactly what the doctor ordered.
It was cool to get a visual description of Harry Anderson. I’m looking forward to the first image I’ll come across from him.
Now I’d just like one from Tavros, to get an idea in what manner his appearance differs from John.
0 notes
thisislizheather · 4 years
2020 Resolutions Revisited
Resolutions in 2020? It seemed like a good idea in theory. Even though many things took a wrong turn this year, some notable things happened as well. I spent hours upon hours with Nathan on his podcast, I naively made a list of quarantine things to do back in March when we were all still optimistic, I played dozens of games on Jackbox with my family on Zoom, I took a lone 15 mile walk from Queens to Manhattan mid-shutdown, my grandmother passed away and I wrote some things about it, we were able to still spend our anniversary in the hills in Vermont, my friend Irene and I spent the day in Sleepy Hollow, I wrote about the full moon on Halloween, even though there was nowhere to go & nothing to do I still had to dress up for October 31, I wrote about the greatest holiday side dish, I compiled my favourites of 2020, I spent Christmas on Zoom, and I found my favourite photos of the year. Here’s how my 2020 resolutions went.
1. “Read at least one book per season.”
For winter, I read Jenny Slate’s Little Weirds, A Short Guide To A Happy Life by Anna Quindlen (super small book but I’m still counting it) and Johnny Carson by Henry Bushkin. For spring, I read Untamed by Glennon Doyle. For summer, I read We’re Going To Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union. And for autumn, I read Sofie Hagen’s Happy Fat.
2. “Start doing pilates again. I used to love pilates and then abandoned it once my old gym closed down. More pilates in 2020.”
Gyms closed in March, so I’m afraid this did not happen. Bonus note: I did finally quit the gym in early March, which is something I’d been wanting to do for a long time. I’m thinking about just getting back into Pilates DVDs, that might be the answer.
3. “Juice at least five times a month.”
January - 5 times
February - 5 times
March, April, May, June, July, August, September: not even kinda!
October - 1 time
November, December - whoops!
WOW. Just wow. I guess in the midst of a global pandemic, juicing just vanishes from your entire mind. Fair.
4. “Take Baby Dog on an adventure at least twice a season.”
Winter: I took her to Central Park and to volunteer at an elderly care facility that has a monthly dog event.
Spring was a pretty hardcore lockdown situation.
Summer: We drove her to Vermont and walked her once to Central Park.
Autumn: I took her to Canada.
Winter: We took her on the Polar Drive.
5. “Properly go on a date with Nathan at least once a month.”
In January we didn’t do anything and in February we went to a Raptors game and also to a museum together and then the world stopped. In August we were able to safely drive to Vermont and it was wonderful. Other than that, "going on physical dates” would have been impossible with everything shutdown.
6. “Try at least one new restaurant each month.”
January: Portale (phenomenal) & even though I’d already been to Peter Luger I went again to try the lunch burger (it was good, but nothing to travel to Brooklyn for).
February: Frank (very good! But I have no urge to go again).
March: I Sodi (wildly disappointing, will never return).
April - August: restaurants were mostly closed.
September: Gramercy Tavern (wonderous), Atoboy (fantastic, tuna was heaven on a plate) & Arte Cafe (so perfect and casually great). Note: all were outdoors and/or takeout.
October: Erin Mills Pump & Patio (delivery) (great!)
November & December: none
7. “Submit pieces to publications at least five times each month.”
In May, June & July I think I submitted pieces about 10 times each month. Does that make up for every other month? No. Must get better and more regular about this one.
8. “Go to at least one literary event every two weeks.”
Hahahahahah, not a chance in hell.
9. “Save $50 every Monday until June to use for Europe spending money.”
I did this and then the world told me to go fuck myself. Europe was postponed and the money that I saved went towards rent & living expenses for the coming months since I wasn’t working.
10. “Once a month, call at least one person I haven’t talked to in awhile to catch up.”
This was actually a great thing to do during the beginning of quarantining. It did fade around summer for me because the looming loss of regular life was starting to set in, but still. I liked this resolution. I wish I’d kept it up.
11. “Every time I buy something new, I’ll donate or throw out one piece of clothing.”
I did this about half of the time, mostly because I kept forgetting. You know when you buy something new and you’re just so excited about it? It’s hard to remember things when excited.
One thing (not listed) that I did keep up with? My monthly roundup posts. I can’t believe that I’m still doing them, to be honest. Here are the links to the last twelve months of them. (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
All in all, I think it’s a miracle that I attempted to accomplish anything last year. 2021 resolutions coming soon!
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HAHAHAHAHAH. i love you too :’)
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stelamaris · 7 years
Chapter 4 Replies
i like your theory about the guardianship, though much that is sinister can be made of it. I wonder why Rita did’t mention the guardianship in her article during DH. Probably didn’t advance her argument so she left it out?
Not sure how public his guardianship was, but yeah, she wouldn’t mention it if that explained all of Dumbledore’s actions regarding Harry. He was EVIL and SINISTER and had NO ALTRUISTIC MOTIVES WHATSOEVER, OKAY? Oh God, I just realised that when it comes to Dumbledore, fandom has turned into Rita Skeeter.
Coltrane has said in interview that what he’s wearing makes him 8'6 always
Thanks, I did not know that. But I still think that’s too small, really.
Dumbledore being somewhat Harry’s legal guardian would make so much sense, and be so much infuriating tbh
I mean, it’s only a theory but it does make a lot of sense. But it does make me wonder how Dumbledore thought he could remain cool and aloof from Harry when he had to mentor him. *lol*
I wonder how many drinks that you would actually do if it were a drinking game
Way, WAY too many. *lol*
or Hagrid was minimizing what DD said to imply that they didn’t talk about him as much as they did. Hagrid isn’t the best at all social etiquette so IDK but it’s a thought.
Good point, Hagrid may have been trying to stem any questions about how aware DD was of Harry’s treatment.
I wonder if there is a child welfare service in the Ministry and if DD thought that taking matters into his own hand was “saving Harry from the Ministry’s childcare”.
Given how terrible the Ministry is at everything else, it wouldn’t surprise me.
If DD was Harry’s guardian then he could have signed Harry’s Hogsmead permission form hahahahahah
Hahaha, yup, but he probably wouldn’t have given what he knew about Sirius at the time.
Yes! Imagine if you’re Hagrid, he’s not even great at feelings and he has to tell Harry this HUGE thing
Well, it’s more that he’s not good at articulating feelings. But this would be a doozy for anyone, really.
the Ministry NEEDS child welfare. I mean there’s other issues with kids in the wizarding world having awful experiences namely Snape and Voldemort. Ron’s family barely made ends meet. It seems like theres no welfare system at all?
Off-topic but the Weasleys aren’t destitute, they keep chickens and grow their own veg, they have food and clothes (even if the clothes are second-hand). I suspect that Arthur’s salary hasn’t been raised much since he and Molly were newlyweds. So this is a salary that would be fine for two people or two parents and a baby, but the more babies they have, the harder it is to stretch the salary (plus Fred and George came along so then there were two babies at once). Given that he’s the head of a department that deals directly with Muggles and keeping wizarding societ secret, Arthur should be getting a fairly big salary, but clearly he doesn’t. Nor is he willing to kiss up to Fudge to get the salary he deserves and Molly supports him in this. I do agree that there seems to be a lack of welfare because Molly should be getting some money from the government for each child.
I thought he was thrown out of a window? I don’t have the book with me to check.
def seems like DD has a lot of power, but as you can see from my prev. comments I guess it also seems to be the Ministry is a bit incompetent and/or there’s no system in place.
Oh, I agree. As I said to Jo, even if the Ministry did have a system in place, it would probably be terrible. Dumbledore just exploited the lack of rules, I think.
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thealesanauniverse · 7 years
So tired of old issues. Hay. I wanna be reincarnated Steven, And maybe I’ll choose to be a guy. However, my raging curiosity of after life is still here. I have this kind of theory that if I die, there might be something good that will happen; that maybe it’s not really the end, it could be a start of a new life. It’s like re spawning, like where the hell did they get the idea in games where you just died but in a few minutes you’re alive again. RIGHT? There must be something in this world. I’m not suicidal ya! But I thought about that when I am so depressed. Depression sucks big time. Especially the anxiety attacks. I fucking hate that man. 
Idk, but I feel sad atm. Guess my hormones are a bit fucked up because red days are coming bitches. I hate this. I HATE THIS HORMONAL IMBALANCE PIECE OF SHIT!! HAHAHAHAHAH omg. Okay I don’t wanna sleep yet I need someone to talk to, Actually, I just wanna talk to my boyfriend since he’s the only person who has a lot of sense in a conversation, if ya know what I mean XD but he’s also tired and that idiot didn’t have enough sleep last night. If I’m a casual gamer well he’s a hard core one. Like so hard core. Like yknow compared to BBC PORNS HAHAHA best analogy ever. He’s like that hahahaha well it’s bad in a good way. 
I’m sleepy stevieee, I have to go. Oyasumi <3</p>
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