#911 timeline is very jeremy bearimy
buckleylove · 4 months
imo it’ll make the most sense for season 8 to not have many time jumps and to pick up exactly where they left off. i understand time jumps can be useful tools in progressing a story, but they’re gonna run into a problem if they want to have a time jump to progress a different storyline because it’ll just keep adding more and more time onto how long eddie and christopher will be separated for. and it’d get to a point where it doesn’t make logical sense like surely they won’t make it so he’s gone for more than just the summer right? right?? they can’t have a new school year start with christopher still in texas right?
obviously eddie and christopher’s relationship won’t be repaired overnight but in my head it makes sense for him to come back for mid season 8. so assuming season 8 has 18 episodes, that gives them 9 episodes to show eddie slowly start to regain christopher’s trust, realise the reality of his relationship with shannon and explore more sides of eddie’s character. and then for the rest of the season they can work through it together in person after they’ve both had time to process separately
but this is also 911 and the timeline is whack anyway so who knows
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tiltingheartand · 3 months
i'm sorry; that's classified
what's classified, precious?
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a lot of things actually!
that's the working title (i ... will not be using it, i just hate coming up with titles so that's how it's saved) for the fic this snippet from several sentence sunday is from.
i suffer from a Terminal Case of “what if this character i just met who has a military background was on a gate team?” (… note, for those reading this who do not know what that means: this is a stargate reference.) part of this is the fact that eliot spencer quite literally would have been on one in canon if the sets had still been around, but also it is a symptom of my incurable Let’s Cross Everything Over With Everything Else problem. so. anyway.
the original version of this idea, before tommy kinard waltzed back into all of our lives, was going to have eddie be the one to have been on a gate team (and, i think, have that possibly have been one of the reasons he reenlisted? i can’t actually remember now), and that would have required so. much. timeline fuckery. and like, yes, the 911 canon timeline is very much doing the Jeremy Bearimy thing anyway, but i would’ve had to start screwing with the sg-1 timeline too and that was. a lot.
whereas tommy kinard, the man that he is, slots into the sg-1 timeline perfectly without any fuckery required; whenever anyone thinks he was actually in the army, we have a Hard Date of when he was in LA at the 118 — 2005 — and that is exactly when it needs to be to not require me to start moving things around in the sg-1 timeline.
ANYWAY. jesus goddamn christ. all of which is to say, this is the fic where jack o’neill and daniel jackson are in LA and get embroiled in some traffic Incident (i’ve rambled and/or bounced ideas for this and the original version off of @wilddragonflying and i’m fairly sure goats are involved) that the 118 rescues them from.
and then a few days later they swing by the firehouse just to say thank you, again, and tommy’s there specifically to pick up buck (and say hi to everyone while he’s at it), and then tommy goes downstairs and sees jack and daniel at the same time they see him, and it’s. A Moment. because a) they all know each other from something so fucking classified that in-universe the president of the country doesn’t even hear about it until after he’s been sworn in, and b) they all knew each other when DADT was in effect. different goddamn world.
so tommy’s acting weirdly distant and buck can’t figure out why, and then it comes up that jack and daniel are married (the 118 already all know, because it came up the other day, but why would tommy know), and — this is the snippet that i posted in the link above — there’s a weird semi-standoff until they all realize Hey, We’re All Okay Here.
(ask me about any of my WIPs, if you’d like!)
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