#911 s8 spect
exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
Eddie getting more and more reckless the longer Chris is away.
Eddie throwing himself into dangerous situations because without his son he isn't sure what the point of living is.
Eddie slowly figuring out who he is outside of being a dad and starting to be more careful at work because Chris will come home and he needs to be there when Chris is ready.
Eddie going missing during a natural disaster and Buck loses his mind trying to get to him as he's swept away.
Buck spending the days following Eddie going missing looking through hospitals and morgues trying to find him.
Buck telling Gerrard he needs to be the one to tell the Diaz parents and Chris that Eddie is missing/presumed dead and Gerrard just rolling his eyes and saying something mildly homophobic about Buck and Eddie.
Buck calling and Chris knowing immediately that something is wrong by the sound of Buck's voice alone.
Bobby having to balance his own guilt of not being the captain and thinking he would have noticed Eddie being more reckless and trying to support Buck and Hen and Chim and Ravi through the grief of losing a team mate, a family member.
Bobby taking up the mantel of searching hospitals for Eddie when Gerrard won't give Buck more time off.
Bobby picking up the Diaz parents and Chris at the airport and telling them they haven't given up yet.
Chris feeling grief and confusion and anger that his dad is missing and maybe dead without them getting the chance to make up.
Chris realizing he didn't tell his dad he loves him when he left and that the last thing his dad said to him was how much he loves him and the last thing he said was 'okay'.
Buck getting a call at two in the morning four days after Eddie went missing from an unknown number only to have it be a hospital in Newport Beach. They finally managed to get Eddie's phone unlocked and Buck is listed as the emergency contact.
Eddie washing up on a beach miles and miles away from where he was swept away with a head wound, internal bleeding, and a broken arm. The paramedics and rescue team are shocked it isn't worse.
Buck calling Chris and rushing to the Diaz house to pick him up and take him to the hospital.
Eddie waking up from a medically induced coma with Chris and Buck in his room.
Chris tearfully telling Eddie he loves him and even though he's still mad he wants to come home.
Buck tearfully telling Eddie he's never allowed to do that again because he doesn't think he'll survive Eddie actually dying.
Eddie tearfully (and high on painkillers) telling Chris he loves him more than anything and Chris can be as mad as he wants to be - Eddie will love him no matter what.
Eddie turning to Buck when Chris leaves with his grandparents a few hours later to get breakfast and telling him he dreamed about him.
Eddie telling Buck he's sorry he's too late, but he loves him and thought Buck deserved to know that.
Buck telling Eddie's he's a dumbass and he's not too late.
Chris walking back into the room an hour later to find Buck and Eddie both crammed into the bed, sleeping together.
Helena and Ramon being a little confused about their son being cuddled by his best friend, only to turn around and see the rest of the firefam arriving and smiling fondly, like they were waiting for this to happen.
Eddie and Chris taking time to get to know each other again, but doing the work to rebuild their foundation.
Eddie telling Frank three months after he went missing that he never wants to scare his family like that again, but going missing like that might have been the best thing to happen to him since Chris came home and now he has Buck as his partner in every way imaginable.
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