Party is this Wednesday for the Orchestra of Southern Utah.
You are invited.
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lnkedmyheart · 2 years
I know for a fact that deukae and 8eez know each other personally. They may not be close but I know they know each other. Watching then interact would be so cool. Siyeon being a huge fan is just a bonus. I don't get to see her fangirl often enough and the one time I did it was behind closed doors.
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yunhogf · 5 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! so far it’s going great hehe 😊🥰💘💞💘💞💘
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lixbf · 5 years
🌺 hhhi
omg hi!! we havent been moots for very long but youre really bringing that quality ateez content and you seem like a very cool person!!
send me a 🌺 and i'll compliment you
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lilacwoo · 4 years
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Hello, I’m late! Everyone else made one so I wanted to make one as well! I just wanted to say thank you so much to all of my mutuals and all of my followers for making tumblr a fun and interesting place to be! Thank you all for the nice comments about my creations! Huge thanks to all of the cc’s still here for taking the time to make & post things & being like...the backbone of tumblr! Happy new year and I hope that everyone stays healthy & safe and that 2021 is an amazing year for us all!  @8eez, @bluumin, @cafehwas, @ceojongho, @choisansexual, @cresentsan, @cultursan, @damnyongguk, @ddeonghwa, @frogjoong, @got7, @halahala, @hauuks, @hercupid, @holy-yeosang, @hongchamp, @hoshi-gf, @hwacinth, @jaemtens, @joonghwas, @jungwoyoung, @junhee, @kihyunsgf, @kunwoodz, @levixackr, @madeitwang, @park-seonghwa, @pinkjwy, @prksnghwas, @sanbotaged, @sanshine, @seonghva, @seongsangies, @seungyoune, @shuhuas, @simpforjackson, @sirensan, @songmingki, @songmingkis, @spotlightmp4, @strikingtaemin, @taekwccn, @teote, @wabisaba, @woo-san, @woojjongs, @wuuyoung, @yeocult, @yeonjun4thgenitboy, @yunhc. @hldmtght
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sensuals · 5 years
url giveaway
alright so i’ve decided i’m probably never going to use any of these so i’m giving them away to whomever messages me first (one url per person)! i’d really appreciate if you’d use it though, some of these are pretty good and i’m sick of seeing good urls go unused, which is also why i’m giving them away. 
edit: just to clarify, you don’t have to do anything, simply message me what url you’d like 💖
 i’ll keep this post updated :)
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golchas · 4 years
I think I’m finally getting rid of tumblr so I’m gonna see if anyone wants my urls before I deactivate my account. I have a few for multiple groups, including this url tbh
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mawklee · 5 years
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@homophobicmark tagged me to post 9 pics saved on my phone that describe me! thanks for the tag!! 💕 I had more pics of people collapsed on the floor but I thought 2 was probably enough
I tag @677 @cevichae @taemsbaby @sexua1ity @dilftaeil @wintual @yoota @yutaurl @bisexualrites @cuntysicheng @4joy @8eez ! go ham
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kaixuxi · 4 years
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Uhhhhh @svnshineboi tagged me ig so here’s......the thing for u lockscreen, home screen, the last idol I saved, last screenshot and last meme? Every screenshot on my phone is aggressively boring this is actually one of the more interesting options
I mean I’ll tag @8eez and @floofsta-x and @shrugmaster even tho she was already tagged ngl I don’t think I know anyone else but if u wanna do it u can pretend I tagged u and we’ll just like retroactively BE friends
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sanhwaiting · 3 years
sweetheart you are too kind to me. well my biases are jongho, wooyoung and yeosang. i really love jongho's voice, smile and all around personality because he is just the sweetest most loveable teddy bear, i really like yeosang mostly because of his humor and creativity (like the gummy bear concert he had once) and he just generally brings a smile to my face whenever he so much as breathes, he feels like comfort. I am ABSOLUTELY in love with wooyoung's dancing, it mesmerized me and, just like the rest of them, he's a sweetheart, annoying, but sweet. i also think I have some of their personality traits (woo the most) but my friends say im a mix of mingi and woo lol
it's the feeling of comfort that draws me to them, im not exactly sure how they comfort me but they do. especially hongjoong. he's my role model so im always trying my best to follow in some of his footsteps you know?? he's the best role model lol
but I don't wanna go on and on about this so I'll stop there lol. tell me about all your 8eez opinions now hm? lmk what you think :)
those are very good bias choices and very good reasons to love them!! i'm so glad they make you smile and comfort you 💓💓
my biases are san, seonghwa and wooyoung :D i totally agree with you about woo; he's an annoying sweetheart who threatened me into letting him join the bias line <3 and i actually wrote out my whole sanhwa bias origin story here if you're interested (disclaimer: it's very long) fhvkvds
ateez has really changed my life!! before them i barely knew a thing about kpop and now i see how incredibly talented, funny and kind they are, and they make me smile every day and through them i got to meet so many moots and friends like you :))) + now i also know how to gif and code blog themes ksfhkfsv
how did you get into ateez? 🥰
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trailofkisses · 4 years
when all of 8eez dyes their hair black . Then u will know
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zoozkperi · 4 years
8eez summer music relaxation 2020
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kalpadesign-blog · 7 years
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8uZZing Zombie 8eeZ on the hunt fer 8rainZzz
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cfhetland-blog · 7 years
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8uZZing Zombie 8eeZ on the hunt fer 8rainZzz 
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saltyjedo · 10 years
So yeah, I don't know when My phone will be turned on again, but until it is I can't be contacted that way. . . I'm going to tag this with people who actually text me and stuff so they know.
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o-l-d-s-o-u-l-s · 10 years
*Questions Tag*
 Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and then write your own 10 questions Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule 4: Actually tell the people you tagged that you tagged them
I was Tagged by Pohpsy
In my last questions tag I accidentally only tagged 8 people so this one is to make up for that mistake! XOX
1. What is your worst fear?
My biggest fear is putting off everything that I want to do thinking I have more time, but in reality I'm just wasting time being unhappy. 
2. Who’s your favourite supermodel? 
Heidi Klum 
3. Do you play sports? If yes, what sport?
4. Do you have snapchat? What’s your username? Message me :) HAAH
YASS my snapchat is Opheliaa_rose
5. Favorite song? 
that is so unbelievably HARD. I would have to say either any song by Marina & the Diamonds, or any song by Dog is Dead 
6. What do you eat for snacks?
I really like to snack on chocolate, but also CORN NUTS. <--they are the best!!!
7. What’s your favourite season and why?
Spring is my favorite because of all the new life, and it is so exciting to see all the flowers. Also my birthday is in spring.
8. How old are you and where are you from? ;)
I just turned 16 and I am From Rhode Island, USA :)
9. Coffee or Tea?
BOTH. Tea is amazzzinnnggggg...My mom hates when I drink coffee, but i drink it anyway.
10. Rate my blog? HAHA xx 
100000000000 INFINITY!! ahaha
My Questions:
What do you want to do when you're older?
What do you like to out on ice cream?
What's your most embarassing moment?
Do you have an Instagram?
Who is your idol, or inspiration?
Cardigans, or pullovers?
What is your favorite store to shop in?
 When is your birthday?
What type of music do you like?
Rate my blogggg xoxox ;) Pretty please
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