#86 Mahi Mahi!
kiddiesmores · 2 months
“𝟖𝟔 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐢-𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐢!”
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It’s your first day on the job out of training, you’ve never been so nervous in your life! You finally met the big boss that everyone is saying the be weary of but he doesn’t seem to be as scary as everyone says he is…
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Harmless flirting, Whole lotta swearing, Yelling customers.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.8k
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞: SHES HEEERREEEE!! Pls enjoy as I try and bring my vision to life! Feedback is welcome but don’t be rude, I argue back. Enjoy!
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You shoot up, looking around in a hurry for a sign of danger. “What! What- Huh? Brooke? What is it? Is something on fire? IS THE DOG OKAY?” You question, grabbing your roommate's arm in fear. She laughs at you, shaking her head as she points to your phone, “Your alarm has been going on for 5 minutes, don’t you start your new job today?”
Your eyes widen, grabbing your phone and staring at the time. ‘9:30am’ it reads, making you gasp and jump out of bed. “SHIT SHIT SHIT, I'M GONNA BE LATE! '' you shout as you rush to the bathroom, your uniform neatly folded on the counter as if you’re going to your first day of school. Brooke follows you into the bathroom, watching you as you quickly brush your teeth.
“Did you still need me to drive you?” She asks, fixing her hair in the mirror. You nod quickly as you scrape your tongue, spitting out the gunk and shoving her out so you can change.
You make sure your hair is neat and tidy, fiddling with the shorts and collard black shirt that hosts the “CHOPS BAR N GRILL” name and logo in the right corner, your name tag taking its place on the left.
You let out a sigh, the nerves of starting a new job sending tingles across your body. “I’m cool, I’m cool! Everything’s gonna be fine- and i’m gonna make so much money-“
“9:45 AND WE LIVE 10 MINUTES AWAY LETS GOOOO” Your roommate calls out. You quickly shut off your lights, sprinting around the room looking for your bag.
You speed walk to the living room, slipping on your work shoes and kissing your roommate on the cheek, “I love you.” She waves you off, “I know.”
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The ride there was smooth, Brooke playing old 2000s songs so you can jam out and not think about how nervous you were about your first day. She was the reason you secured this new job, her boyfriend being one of the line cooks and all. He put in a good word for you with the owner as they’re extremely close, making your interview process very simple. You have to tell her to kiss Charlie on the lip real good for you for this one.
As you pull into the parking lot, a wave of anxiety rushes over you, but she’s a step ahead of you.
Hands on your shoulders you stare at your bestfriend/roommate. “Repeat after me, and close your eyes.” She states and you listen.
“You’re gonna make a lot of money.”
“I’m gonna make a lot of money.”
“You’re hot and sexy”
You laugh a bit, “I’m hot and sexy”
Her thumbs stroke your shoulders comfortingly, “You’re gonna have the best day. You made it through the training week just fine, it’s just time for the real thing! Plus, Charlie is there so you’ll have him there for help. I will literally pull right back the fuck up if anything happens.”
You nod, putting a hand over hers as you let out another sigh. You force your knee to stop bouncing, nodding affirmatively and letting out a “Thank you” before grabbing your bag and hopping out the car. You walk with purpose to the front doors, opening it and saying a hello to the hosts who greet you with big smiles. They wish you good luck as you make your way to the kitchen which you reciprocate with a thank you and a smile.
You set your bag down in its designated spot, fixing your face in the mirror and putting aquaphor on your lips. A hand clasps your shoulder making you jump, “Who’s ready for their first day on the floor!” you hear. It’s one of your managers, Rosemary. She’s a really sweet lady, yall are close in age so it’s very easy to talk to her. You put a hand on your heart, “Damn it Rosie, you scared me..” you respond turning to her.
She laughs, “I know you’re nervous, but trust you’re gonna do great. You were amazing in training, and there will always be people to help you. Just ask okay?”
You nod again and she claps her hands together. “Perfect, let’s get you clocked in- good job getting here on time by the way! And there’s someone you need to meet before you start!”
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Rosemary guides you to the office where you’re met with a man dressed in a black chef button up with the facial hair you can swear you’ve seen on the logo. His expression is hard to read. It’s grouchy- yet bored- but not angry? He’s sitting in the chair and looking at the computer, an excel spreadsheet on display, checking the inventory from the night before.
Rosemary knocks twice to get his attention and he mutters “What is it?” She smiles, “This is our new hire, Y/N. You didn’t get to meet her during interviews and training but I wanted to make sure you knew who they were before you bitch about seeing someone you don’t know on your line” She jokes. His head turns, looking you right in the eyes, you have to force yourself not to flinch.
“Y/N this is Jay! The owner, manager, executive chef. He’s usually here on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sunday mornings. Saturday night occasionally, so you’ll be seeing a lot of him against your will…” Rosie teases. You let out a nervous laugh, “Nice to meet you sir..”
You reach out a hand for him to shake which he takes, “Welcome to the team, and don’t call me Jay, she only calls me that to piss me off. Call me Schlatt. Have you ever served before?”
You nod, “Yes sir, this will be my second serving job.” He hums, “Good, so we don’t have to teach you to hold a tray or anything.” He stands up with a grunt, and you take him in more. He’s fucking tall, and b i g. You both seem to realize he’s still holding onto your hand and you laugh a bit as he retracts.
“All the advice I can give you is don’t fuck up, but I don’t think i’ll have to worry about that with you. I’ve heard good things, now if you excuse me.”
He gives Rosie a push on the shoulder and makes his exit. She squeals a bit, shaking your shoulders, “That’s the sweetest i’ve ever seen him! You’re so in!!”
Your head tilts, confused, “What do you mean? He seems nice enough..?”
Rosie’s face drops, “Y/N. Schlatt is TERRIFYING. You’re lucky we caught him before we actually opened, he’s a beast when he’s in that kitchen. Just make sure to handle your business so he doesn’t have to leave that line.”
You nod quickly, your head feeling dizzy from the amount of times you’ve done it today. The phone rings and Rosie excuses herself to answer it, asking a coworker of yours to show you the section you’ll have for the morning.
All you could think about his ‘words of encouragement’ he offered, ‘Don’t fuck up’. You were determined not to disappoint him.
“Y/N! You just got sat!” The host comes back to tell you, and you smile at her sweetly.
“Thank you!”
You look in the mirror, forcing a smile on your face and rehearsing your script in your head before turning the corner with a shout, “Corner!”, and heading to your first table of the day.
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The morning runs smoothly, you only need to ask for help twice. Once when a lady asked if you could just sell her raw chicken that she could take home for herself to cook and again when a guy tried to buy a case of beer off of you guys so he didn’t have to go to the store. Only later to find out that they were together but just came in at separate times…
Other than that everything was going good. But alas, all good things have to come to an end.
While it was slow you stood at the host stand, joking around with them as you waited for your next table, greeting everyone that came in. An old couple walks in, the man sporting a flannel and a trucker hat and the old lady in a blouse and pearl necklace.
The hosts greet them while you smile. The hosts lead them to your section and you follow behind them.
“Hello! I’m Y/N i’m going to be taking care of yall today-“
“Who are you? We ain’t ever seen you here before.” The man interrupts.
You freeze, regaining your train of thought after the question threw you off script. “Oh! Yes haha, I’m new here! Today is my first day on the floor!”
“Oh isn’t that cute! You’re so precious, are they treating you right?” The woman asks, making your heart warm. “Yes ma’am, they are. Can I get yall started with some drinks?”
As she’s about to answer, her husband cuts her off again, “I don’t know how I feel about some fresh face serving me. Where’s Jessie? Usually we get her on these mornings.”
You blink slowly, is this guy serious?
“Jessie isn’t here today, but I promise I will take care of yall well! This isn’t my first time servin!” You joke, his wife laughs again.
“Well I will take a nice cold sweet tea and he will have a Tall Bud Light, dressed. And we already know what we want to eat. We come in here often!”
“Of course, what can I get for y'all today?”
You learn their names are Tim and Pam, watching as other servers go up to your table while you’re away and conversing with them.
Pam orders the chicken breast with a side salad with ranch and mash potatoes, while Tim orders a 8oz filet, medium with a loaded baked potato and green beans.
You double- No. Triple check to make sure everything is right before sending the food through. Now all you had to do was wait as you got them and your other tables refills on drinks.
The expo slides your tray to you, muttering a “You're up.”
You carry the tray out to your table, passing it out swiftly before asking if everything is alright. They say everything looks fine but as you turn to leave you hear a yell. “GOD DAMN IT- SEE PAM! THIS IS WHY I DON'T LIKE NEW PEOPLE. MY STEAK AINT COOKED RIGHT.”
Your blood runs cold, you swore you sent it in right? It’s impossible. “I’m so sorry sir, I can send it back-“
“GET ME SCHLATT” He shouts, making you flinch. You nod, rushing to the kitchen, hands trembling. The kitchen is busy, plates are being shoved up on the counter constantly and you can hear Schlatt bitching before you even turn the corner.
You take in a deep breath before putting your face in the kitchen window, “Um…Schlatt? My 411 wants to talk to you-“
“I’m fuckin busy, what is it they want? And why me for fucks sake, where’s rosie? ROSIE” he shouts. You take a step back, finding your voice. “He asked for you specifically, Tim? I think his name was..”
Schlatt lets out a loud groan, slapping his towel over his shoulder before barging through the kitchen doors. “Fuckin Tim, follow me. I’m gonna show you how to handle his ass so you don’t have to bother me again.”
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As yall approach the table, you hear Pam trying to calm Tim down.
“Finally! Just the man I wanted to see, your new waitress over here is already causin’ problems! I said I wanted my steak medium well, this shit is damn near raw!”
You look at Schlatt as he stares blankly at the man, his jaw clenched. You swore the man said medium, and even so the steak looked perfect to you so you had no clue what had made him so mad.
“Damn it, Tim! You do this shit every time man, at some point I’m gonna tell them to stop servin ya entirely!”
Schlatt rubs his temples as you stare at him as he lectures the table in front of you, apparently this isn’t his first time bitching at the guy, and evidently it won’t be the last.
“This steak is fucking perfect, just because you don’t like new people doesn’t mean you interrupt MY day. I’m getting sick of you messin with my servers. My day’s already shitty enough. I should fuckin known, you never order your steaks medium well in the first place!” He rants, throwing his hands up in frustration.
He lets out a sigh, “I’ll comp the meal today, but tip your fuckin waitress and get the hell out, I ain’t dealin with this today. .” Schlatt storms to the other side of the store, leaving you to smile awkwardly at your table as Tim grumbles and pulls out his wallet as his wife rubs his shoulder.
You make your way to the POS system to watch Schlatt comp the meal on the computer, mumbling about how he doesn’t have time to deal with bullshit or whatever.
“Thank you for…setting him straight for me, I didn’t know we could talk to people like that.” You joke as he hands you their new receipt. He looks at you, eyebrow raised, “When I told them to hire you I thought I told them to make sure they have a backbone. Don’t let anybody give you any shit, you’re too sweet n’ pretty to be talked to like that.”
You nod dumbly, watching him go back to the kitchen with the towel over his shoulder, hearing his voice boom as he yells at whatever poor cook for fucking up Tims filet. Your stomach is full of butterflies, “He thinks I'm sweet and pretty?”
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The rush is FINALLY over and they cut you for the afternoon. You quickly popped in your earbuds as you roll silverware and conversate with your coworkers in passing. Once you rolled the silverware count and finished your side work, you decide to go out for a smoke break before going to sweep your section for the shift change.
You grab the cardboard and slide it between the door to make sure you aren’t locked out, stepping outside for fresh air.
There, you see Schlatt, cigarette in mouth as he scrolls on his phone while sitting on one of the empty barrels. The only other flat surface is the barrel in front of him, and god knows you needed to sit down after running back and forth all afternoon. You let out a sigh and walked up to it, “This seat taken?” you joke as you sit.
He looks up, shaking his head. “It’s all yours.” he grumbles. You nod, taking your vape out of your apron and hitting it. He looks at the device in your hand, “Didn’t know you were a…Watermelon Ice Geekbar kinda person”
You laugh out loud, “Yeahh, trying to ween off though..” you joke back. You offer it to him, “Wanna try it, tastes better than your cigarette” He scoffs, “Yeah and fucks you up worse than one too.”
You smile at his jab, shaking your head and hitting it again. Yall sit in a comfortable silence for a while, letting the sun hit your face as you try to decompress from your day.
“So, minus Tim being a dick how was your shift?” He asks, ripping you out of your dazed state.
“Oh um- great! It was great, the tables were nice for the most part besides a few weirdos. Everyone was really helpful…” you respond sheepishly, toying with the vape in hand. “Thanks again for your help..” you mutter.
He grunts, “Good to hear. It’s no problem really, but you really need to start talkin back. Not like me, you’re nicer than I am I assume, but don’t let anybody walk all over you like that.”
You watch him ash out the cigarette before standing up to go back inside, but your heart is racing. “Can I ask you something?” You call out to him before he goes inside.
He turns to you, waiting for your question, “Earlier, you said I was ‘sweet n pretty’? What did you exactly mean by that?”
He looks you up and down a small smirk on his face, “You been thinkin about that all day huh?”
Tingles rush across your skin, embarrassed as he clocked you. “No-no! Of course not! Forget it, sorry..”
He laughs, and you can’t help but stare at him, smiling shyly.
“Don’t think too hard about it sweetheart,” he starts, opening the door to go inside.
Once he’s halfway in, he peeks his head back out,
“But i’d be lyin if I said I don’t find you very nice to look at.”
And with that he’s gone. Your mouth is left open, trying to process off you heard him correctly. That was definitely him flirting with you right?
The after work debrief with Brooke is going to go INSANE.
//taglist @invadermeweatsshart @ohgodthebogisback
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thesamoanqueen · 4 months
Warnings: voyeurism.
A/N: tagged by my gorgeous gurl @harmshake for the "May Writing Challenge" 200 words exactly. Another AU, I'd like to call "neighbors with benefits"
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Living in a big city, an apartment from which you could go to the office for your internship every morning was a dream came true. The reality behind it, the one your mama had preached for weeks, was that it wouldn't go the way you wished. The apartment was indeed in the rich area of the city, but was a ridiculous studio apartment on top of an unrenovated building, with a kitchen and bathroom separated by a very tiny wall and a bed overlooking, almost touching, the desk. You had smelled something when you managed to secure it, but the excitement of moving had been too much. Now you were surronded by boxes, lost and anxious, with at least ten missed calls from home.
The only positive note was the rooftop terrace almost entirely at your disposal for a break with an amazing city view and-
- Jesus!
Surprise made your taco fly away, but it could also have ended up on someone's head down in the street and you wouldn't have known, eyes glued to the opposite building, where your richer neighbor had just finished to take a shower. Spying was creepy, but no one warned you when you signed up that across the street there was a tattoed hunk of a man at least twice your size walking around half naked.
And they should have because he was definitely worth more than the apartment rent, a walking antidepressant. Probably him and his cake were capable of solving problems you hadn't even had yet and yes, creating worse ones, judging what he kept no more hidden.
- Damn man...
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @alyyaanna @reignsangel444 @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @joannasteez @reignsx @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @333creolelady @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @spritelucozade @dreamsinfocus @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @southerngirl41 @smile1318
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thereignclub-trc · 2 years
100 foods that you should eat:
1. Oysters
2. Liver
3. Eggs
4. Wild game
5. Salmon
6. Bone marrow
7. Kefir
8. Microgreens
9. Steak
10. Shrimp
11. Scallops
12. Raw milk
13. Blueberries 
14. Pomegranate 
15. Kiwi
16. Potatoes
17. Butter
18. Olive oil
19. Ghee
20. Chicken
21. Rice
22. Spinach
23. Carrots
24. Clams
25. Mussels
26. Avocados
27. Coconut oil
28. Watermelon
29. Yogurt
30. Sauerkraut
31. Kimchi
32. Sourdough 
33. Raw honey
34. Bee pollen
35. Cacao
36. Fresh herbs
37. Sweet potatoes
38. Lobster
39. Crab
40. Pork
41. Bone broth
42. Raw cheese
43. Onions
44. Zucchini 
45. Cucumbers
46. Garlic
47. Ginger
48. Turmeric
49. Strawberries 
50. Blackberries
51. Raspberries 
52. Colostrum
53. Honeycomb
54. Dark chocolate
55. Sardines
56. Tuna
57. Cod
58. Pumpkin seeds
59. Brazil nuts
60. Mushrooms
61. Grapes
62. Oranges
63. Apples
64. Dates
65. Asparagus 
66. Cherries
67. Lemons
68. Limes
69. Bananas
70. Mango
71. Dragonfruit 
72. Olives
73. Pineapple
74. Peaches
75. Grapefruit
76. Brussel sprouts
77. Beets
78. Cabbage
79. Cauliflower 
80. Mahi mahi
81. Seaweed
82. Salmon roe
83. Cod liver
84. Lamb
85. Coconuts
86. Tomatoes
87. Pickles
88. Artichokes
89. Beef tallow
90. Squash
91. Avocado oil
92. Spirulina
93. Eggplant
94. Celery
95. Chia seeds
96. Flaxseeds 
97. Pistachios
98. Cinnamon
99. Goji berries
100. Vanilla
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mintmatcha · 2 months
hey can you tell Bakugo to 86 the mahi mahi
how come Terry never orders enough fucking Mahi Mahi
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atomarium · 6 months
your ask box wanted an ask in it
do you like fish
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Who doesn't
I like all kinds of fishes
Here is my top 250 fishes
1. Salmon
2. Tuna
3. Cod
4. Trout
5. Bass
6. Snapper
7. Mackerel
8. Halibut
9. Swordfish
10. Sardines
11. Haddock
12. Flounder
13. Mahi-mahi
14. Catfish
15. Perch
16. Tilapia
17. Carp
18. Pike
19. Anchovy
20. Herring
21. Grouper
22. Sole
23. Barracuda
24. Bluefish
25. Redfish
26. Wahoo
27. Pompano
28. Yellowtail
29. Rockfish
30. Bluegill
31. Walleye
32. Whitefish
33. Rainbow trout
34. Lingcod
35. Skate
36. Bluefin tuna
37. Striped bass
38. Marlin
39. Sturgeon
40. Eel
41. Butterfish
42. Wolffish
43. Opah
44. Tilefish
45. Drum
46. Tilapia
47. Gurnard
48. Threadfin
49. Monkfish
50. Opaleye
51. Triggerfish
52. Cutlassfish
53. Pomfret
54. Bullhead
55. Croaker
56. Tautog
57. Sheepshead
58. Wrasse
59. Parrotfish
60. Hogfish
61. Porgy
62. Permit
63. Amberjack
64. Bonito
65. Tilefish
66. Croaker
67. Hogfish
68. Mullet
69. Ribbonfish
70. Drum
71. Saury
72. Tarpon
73. Mullet
74. Bluefish
75. Garfish
76. Wels catfish
77. Gizzard shad
78. Bowfin
79. Stickleback
80. Freshwater drum
81. Sucker
82. Bullhead
83. Sculpin
84. Mooneye
85. Goby
86. Chub
87. Mudminnow
88. Dace
89. Silverside
90. Lamprey
91. Minnow
92. Darter
93. Smelt
94. Sunfish
95. Sturgeon
96. Shad
97. Sablefish
98. Greenland cod
99. Hake
100. Grenadier
101. Cobia
102. Tilefish
103. Pollack
104. Oarfish
105. John Dory
106. Swai
107. Largemouth bass
108. Atlantic cod
109. Kingfish
110. Wolffish
111. Skate
112. Arctic char
113. Goby
114. Lumpfish
115. Gourami
116. Gar
117. Codling
118. Butterfish
119. Blenny
120. Wrasse
121. Roach
122. Rainbow smelt
123. Peacock bass
124. Pompano
125. Pikeperch
126. Minnow
127. Leatherjacket
128. Jackfish
129. Halibut
130. Gurnard
131. Grouper
132. Grunion
133. Grunt
134. Greenling
135. Grayling
136. Gray mullet
137. Grass carp
138. Goldfish
139. Golden perch
140. Ghost carp
141. Garfish
142. Fusilier
143. Flathead
144. Filefish
145. Electric eel
146. Dogfish
147. Doctor fish
148. Dory
149. Dolphin fish
150. Dolly Varden
151. Dogfish
152. Drum
153. Dusky grouper
154. Dunkleosteus
155. Dusky shark
156. Duckbill
157. Driftfish
158. Dragonet
159. Dorado
160. Donzella
161. Dolphinfish
162. Dogfish
163. Dogtooth tuna
164. Dogfish
165. Dory
166. Dusky grouper
167. Dunkleosteus
168. Dusky shark
169. Duckbill
170. Driftfish
171. Dragonet
172. Dorado
173. Donzella
174. Dolphinfish
175. Dogfish
176. Dogtooth tuna
177. Eel
178. Emperor
179. Eleuth
180. Elephantfish
181. Eelpout
182. Elver
183. Escolar
184. European flounder
185. European seabass
186. European perch
187. Flathead grey mullet
188. European eel
189. Eagle ray
190. Eastern mosquitofish
191. Eastern little tuna
192. Eastern mudminnow
193. European minnow
194. European sprat
195. Emperor tetra
196. Emperor angelfish
197. Emperor bream
198. Emporer red snapper
199. Emperor sole
200. Emperor shrimp
201. Emperor scorpionfish
202. Escolar
203. False trevally
204. False cat shark
205. False scad
206. False trevally
207. False cat shark
208. False scad
209. Fantail darter
210. Fathead minnow
211. Fathead sculpin
212. Featherfin squeaker
213. Fingerfish
214. Fire goby
215. Firefish
216. Flabby whalefish
217. Flagfish
218. Flat loach
219. Flathead catfish
220. Flathead grey mullet
221. Flathead
222. Flathead sole
223. Flounder
224. Flying gurnard
225. Flying fish
226. Freshwater butterflyfish
227. Freshwater drum
228. Freshwater eel
229. Freshwater garfish
230. Freshwater hatchetfish
231. Freshwater shark
232. Frigate mackerel
233. Frill shark
234. Frostfish
235. Fuji fish
236. Finescale triggerfish
237. Four-eyed fish
238. Fringe-scale sardine
239. Fullscale sculpin
240. Fulmar
241. Fusilier
242. Galjoen fish
243. Gaper
244. Garibaldi
245. Garpike
246. Ghost fish
247. Ghost flathead
248. Giant catfish
249. Giant danio
250. Giant gouram
What is your favorite fish ? :3
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prettypinkprint · 2 months
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mommiessecret · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kahala Mens Hawaiian Shirt LARGE Blue Made Hawaii Button Fish Game Aloha.
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xavierradioug · 2 years
At least 150 killed in fresh fighting in Blue Nile
At least 150 killed in fresh fighting in Blue Nile
At least 150 people were killed during two days of fighting in the latest ethnic clashes over land disputes in Sudan’s Blue Nile state, according to Al Jazeera. “A total of 150 people, including women, children and elderly, were killed between Wednesday and Thursday,” said Abbas Moussa, head of Wad al-Mahi hospital. “Around 86 people were also wounded in the violence.” Clashes in Blue Nile broke…
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Spoilers for chapter 90 but I wanted to discuss Kuro’s past and the werewolf.
I think the Sloth Pair talking about Kuro’s past was such a sweet scene. You can clearly see that Kuro is conflicted but he tells Mahi that he lived in England. (I think he said he was born on the countryside though). Throughout the chapter, Kuro becomes more comfortable and relaxed. He doesn’t reveal anything big plot wise but I like it. (Mahi asks him about how he learned Japanese too).
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Sidenote: Hugh had a castle in England so I wonder if Kuro and Hugh knew each other when they were human.
Also, Gear’s back. Youtarou also appears in the chapter and he’s much older (15-20 years older than his first appearance). Yet, Gear appears the same age.
It’s clear that Kuro knows Gear and that he’s a werewolf since he took him to that house. He also said his name in the last panel. Whether they knew each other before he was turned into a vampire or after, I don’t know. Gear was hiding beneath a church in chapter 81 so I’m curious about how Kuro knew to take Mahiru to the house.
I had a theory that Gear could be Sensei. In chapter 81, he had a story that resembles Sensei creating vampires. He also spoke about having “multiple lives” and how he knew the components of “living things”. Then, Chapter 86 had him appear in Kuro’s flashback.
Learning that Gear’s a werewolf, I’m on the fence. The Servamps said that Sensei have lived a long time and he might not be human anymore. This could mean that he became a werewolf. Also, Kuro didn’t have a big reaction to seeing him. He had a lot of guilt over his decision so seeing him alive would be world shattering to him.
The story in Chapter 81 had an interesting line about Sensei speaking with werewolves: “The werewolves were the first to listen to him, but they told him that there was no method.” Maybe that’s how he knew Sensei’s research and Kuro.
I would like to also talk about the flashback Kuro had in chapter 86.
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The speech bubbles don’t make it obvious who is speaking, The first time I read it, I thought it was Kuro asking Gear/Sensei that. But, was Gear asking Kuro to make him a subclass? Kuro had this flashback when Tsubaki said: “Make [Toru] your subclass so he can keep on living”.
Werewolves are immortal but maybe Gear has a curse or illness. He might’ve asked Kuro for help but he couldn’t. Considering everything Kuro has been through, it’s understandable.
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Moda Summer Gifts Co., Ltd. https://www.mselectronicgifts.com Whatsapp/WeChat: 86-18938503836 --------------------- Kaihanga hoahoa Hainamana ultrasonic home armasonic homoma smokedifier, kaiwhakatuma kino
—————————————————————————————— Ingoa Hua: Muti-mahi taiepa-hangai-hanga nekehanga mo te ultrasonic sulasifialif rama rama Tauira: TD- YT 01 Te kaha tank: 200 ml Te Mana Whakatau: 2. 5 w Taonga Whakaitihia: DC- 5 v Whakatauranga I Whakatauria: 108 KHz Pūhiko: 18650, 2600 m a Tiwhikete: CE / PSE Rauemi Hua: ABS + ACYCICK Te taumaha kupenga: 360 g Raupapa Paerewa: Q / DQDZ 1 - 2017 Te waahi o te whakaputa: Hangaia i Haina Te tawhiti o nga nekehanga: i roto i te 3 mita Rahi Hua: 150 mm * 150 mm * 45 mm _________________________________________________________________________
He mirakai Ruoodier Rududier teitei, Humidifier mo te whare moenga o te hau maroke, te haina o te waitohu Humidifer Rulogy, Ultrasonic Armoma Soodutifier Kaitoha, Kaihanga Hoahoa Hainamana Horoidifier, Mini Sudimifier ki te hoko, te toa tongi, te toa ipurangi shenzhen ultrasonic arrahonic artrasonic artrasnic arramanic artrasonic viffuser Haina, Sududicier me te Disenance Openga, he Harudier Merdifier Hauadivers China, Tutorials Homemade, OEM Sudiafiers mo te Arotake Bondom, China China Haumaru Rūma, Humibifers wheketere mo nga taonga kaainga, Humibifier USB Jobber Factory China, China Hononing Horoising Sugle Sigle, Ka hokona e nga kaiwhaiwhai rongonui te tepu pouaka whakaata mo te whakapaipai o te whare, te hainatanga mo nga taonga o te kaainga, te kaiwhakanao Hainamana Jobber Hadie, Ko nga mahi a Haina e mahi ana i a Haina, ko te Hauauru Haumii, Hainamana Humidifier hou, Sudiodier hou, Sucklifier i roto i nga akoranga whare moenga mo nga taonga kaainga, Ko te Kamupene Air Paidiers pai o te Humidifier, Nga taonga haangai pono mo nga taputapu taputapu, Nga taonga whakahoahoa Mure Horahia mo nga taputapu, Whakatauhia te shenzhen ultrasonic Armasonic Direning Hoahoa Hoahoa Hoahoa, Humidicier me te Stone Stock, Hauahi Haumaruiti a Hainamana, Humidifier Homemade me pehea, Ruhocier arumoni mo nga tipu, Haina Kaihoko Kaihoko, DEhumidifistions, Humancialier arumoni mo nga tipu, he kaihokohoko pai ki te kaihokohoko Sourdicier, Skudicier mo te maroke hau maroke, hoahoa Hainamana Hoahoa Hoahoa, Hopudal Home, Rorohiko Horidier Roodifier Roodifier mo te Whakatuwheratanga o te Kaainga, Te Kaitoha o te Whakawhanautanga o te Whakawhanake Huruhi whakahoahoa, tohatoha o te Aroma Aromalifier, Haina Te Rohi Haumidi Timi Hapu Haumiru nga Kaimana. Skudicier i roto i nga ruma moenga mo nga taonga kaainga, pouaka hokohoko pouaka whakaata Aroma Awer Vaffuser me Haina Haukoi, Ko nga waitohu a te Rultrasonic Sudiosrad Brander, tino pai te hanga Hainamana Hainamana, kitea he kaiwhakatuma mini sudicier he kaiwhakarato, kaihanga o te sholizer, Nga tuhinga raupapa ma te mēra shenzhen Hainamana Awesonic Arrasonic Speffuser, Humidifier me te tank taara, te kaainga portabiarier Hainamana
0 notes
kiddiesmores · 1 month
“𝟖𝟔 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐢”: 𝟖𝟔 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬!
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You and Schlatt cannot stop flirting with eachother, but will it go anywhere?
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Drinkin, Cussin
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.5k
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞: LORDDD chapter two is finally with us 😭🙏🏽 sorry guys I was in such a slump, please forgive me! I will not leave you guys high and dry again! Enjoy!! Love you!!
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Your first few weeks at Chops went as smoothly as they could. Following Schlatts advice to not let anyone walk over you definitely helped and you’ve even got yourself a couple of regulars because of it.
However, even though money is good, it doesn’t stop the lingering tension between you and him. You pray nobody can pick up on it, and luckily no one has (besides charlie), but it’s agonizing to say the least.
The small brushes against your back whenever he’d scoot past you, the sweet, “You look nice today,” he would tell you every time you came in. Don’t even START with the free food he hands out.
Somehow he always has an excuse. “They fucked this one up, take it.” or “Come try this, it’s going on our seasonal menu next month.” Who were you to deny him?
It didn’t stop at work either. Charlie, the little shit he is, pesters you outside of work about him constantly.
The two of you decided to go out to eat after work one night, catching up on each other's lives as if you don’t see each other daily. He wasted no time bringing up Schlatt.
“Oh he definitely likes you,” He starts, his words muffled due to the handful of fries he has stuffed in his mouth. His lips formed a small pout, “He doesn’t give me free food.”
You laugh to yourself, waving your hand to dismiss him. “I don’t mind a free meal or two…or seven. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he likes me— I mean, aren’t you guys close?” Your voice lowers, taking sudden interest in stirring your drink around to avoid eye contact, “Does he like…talk about me to you or anything”
Charlie smiles, shaking his head at your bashfulness. “Not explicitly no, but whenever I see him making food with no tickets in the window, I try to steal some right? And then BAM! HE hits me! Literally hits me!”
A scowl paints his face as his voice deepens mockingly, “ ‘It’s not for you, don’t touch my shit’ like okay ASSHOLE! And then I see him offer it to you, so obviously there’s some connection there!”
You laugh loudly and roll your eyes at his Schlatt impression, stealing a fry from his plate. “Well he’s definitely helped me save on groceries, I haven’t paid for a meal in a month” you joke.
Your knee bounces nervously as you think of all the times Schlatt has spoiled you with meals and sweet words. But your mind can’t help and only comes up with the worst possible scenarios.
Say you actually do get together, what happens if you get into a fight and have to go to work together? Would he fuck up your food? Fire you? Oh god, would he fire you? Is that even allowed? What if-
“You’re thinking too hard about this.” Charlie interrupts, snapping you back to reality. Your eyes dart back up to meet him as he looks at you with gentle eyes. “No! No, I’m fine. I’m chill..” you mumble, but you aren’t fooling anyone, not even yourself. “I just wanna be sure I know what I’m getting into..”
Charlie smiled kindly, reaching across the table to put a hand on your shoulder. “Look Y/N, I’m coming to you as friends of you both and telling you that you have a chance. Don’t get in your own head. Nothing bad will happen to you, even if things do go south. But I know they won’t so that’s out of the question! Trust me, okay?”
You give him a thankful smile and nod, “Thanks Charlie…I’ll let you have half of whatever he makes me next time if you’re right”
The next night at work was peaceful. The restaurant was pretty dead towards closing, only a few people sitting at the bar and maybe one or two tables of two in your coworkers sections. Rosie sat in the office doing paperwork, all the other servers chilling at the bar area talking amongst themselves as they had been cut for the night.
You were adjusting your tips into the system, too in your own head to hear the side door open. A pair of hands wrapped around your waist, shaking you from your trance. Looking down frantically, you recognize them almost immediately, “Oh- hi Schlatt. Didn’t know you were coming in today.” you breathe, placing a hand on your heart to try and ease your heart .
Your voice is low, giving him a gentle squeeze on his hands as you look up at him with a sincere smile. He stares down at you, a tired gruff expression painting his face, he seems exhausted. He hums, leaning down grazing your ear with his lips, a small gasp escaping you as his breath tickles it.
“Wanna go make out in the back?” He whispers, his voice low. His thumb strokes your stomach, eyes trailing your face awaiting your answer. You’ve never turned your head so fast. “Wait- huh?” You question, wondering if you heard him correctly.
“Do you. Want to. Makeout. In the back.”
He articulates every word, expression serious. You’re blown away at his bluntness, mouth floundering as you try to form a coherent response. But he looks so cute, cheeks red and eyes tired, meeting your crazed stare.
You wanted him terribly.
But you can also smell the whiskey on his breath, he’s been drinking.
“Maybe when you’re more sober.” you tease, patting him on the arm, pulling yourself together with a teasing smile.
He pouts, making your heart melt. “I’m 250 pounds, it takes a lot more to get me drunk.” He argues, making you roll your eyes. You turn to face him fully, arms crossing over your chest as your nerves ease just a little when you see him slightly rock on his feet.
He’s just as nervous as you are. Or drunk, maybe both.
“I’ll tell you what, ask me again tomorrow and maybe I’ll follow you up on that offer.” You suggest, holding onto one of his hands.
A loud groan escapes him as he begins to lean against you, his head resting on top of yours as he pulls you into a hug. “But I wanna kiss you now…” he complains, making you scoff. Your hand rubs his back, “How did you even get here if you’ve been drinking?” you ask, trying to dodge his statement.
He pulls back, turning and gesturing to nothing, “Charlie. We went for drinks at a friend's bar down the road and wanted something free to eat so we came here. Waitin on our ride now, his girlfriend I think I dunno.” He grumbles.
‘Charlie’ You think to yourself, you’re gonna beat his ass when you see him. Which might be soon since you hear your coworkers and him laughing at the bar.
Schlatt looks down, head tilting to the side while he brings his hand to your cheek to pinch, “And I wanted to sneak a look at you.”
You huff and shove him away playfully. “Oh shut up!” you grumble, forcing your attention back on the screen so he can’t see your smiling face.
He chuckles, hands back around your waist while his chin rests atop your head. You can’t help but melt into him, bodies swaying a bit as he tries to stand still.
“I mean it,” he starts, staring at the screen with you while you finish adjusting tips. “I’ll remember in the morning and ask you again. Will you say yes then?”
If your pupils could form hearts they would have.
“I will.” you whisper, looking up at him, almost deciding to throw out all your morals and makeout with him right there. A wicked smile paints his lips, “Heard.” He mutters, giving your waist a small squeeze before stepping back.
You almost whine at the loss of his warmth, watching him gather his things before leaving. He waves a bye to you on the way out, a giggling Charlie following behind him with big thumbs up causing you to scowl playfully.
You fiddle with the strings on your apron, an excited squeal leaving your lips as you smile goofily to yourself.
Rosie steps out of the office to look for the commotion, peeping her head around the corner and seeing you giggling to yourself.
“You’re still here? Hurry up and go, our labor is high as shit!”
“Sorry! Sorry! I’m gone!!”
You hear a mix of voices and a crashing noise before her door swings open. A dazed Charlie in a crop top and his boxers greets you while your face grimaces. “You are not Brooke.” You joke, face still disgusted. He scoffs, leaning on the doorway, “She’s in the bathroom, said she’ll be out soon. Whatcha need to go in so early for, you’re good for another hour. I know, I made the schedule.” He smirks, arms crossed. You cross yours back, “I open actually smart ass, what are you doing here anyway? Weren’t you with Schlatt last night?”
He laughs, flipping his hair, “My girlfriend— who loves me very much— picked us up last night. Thank you. Oh but you wouldn’t know anything about being in a relationship would you?” He taunts making you scoff.
“Okay I’m ready, let's go! Bye baby, see you in a bit” Brooke interrupts, kissing Charlie on the cheek and taking your hand while a cheesing Charlie tauntingly waves bye to you while you glare at him.
“AND THEN, HE WAS LIKE ‘OH LET'S GO MAKE OUT IN THE BACK’ LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAN.” You gripe, flailing about in the passenger seat with your head shoved in your hands. The car is silent for a bit, making you peek at her through your fingers where you’re met with a blank stare, “It most likely means he wants to make out with you.”
You bitch and moan the entire car ride, Brooke's grip on the steering wheel getting tighter and tighter as you repeatedly ignore the obvious attraction from the man.
She pulls into the Chops parking lot, parking at the very back while you continue to rant about how nervous you were. Her eyes look ahead, squinting as she sees Schlatt standing by the to-go door holding a cigarette while you slumped against the passenger window, head in your hands completely oblivious to the man. The two make eye contact, acknowledging each other with a nod of the head.
And a lightbulb goes off in Brooke’s head, hand quickly signaling and mouthing for him to come closer to the car. He stares back confused, slowly walking over as she directs him to the passenger side.
“I’m just so scared, I don’t know what to do.” You pout, looking at Brooke still oblivious to Schlatt.
“Well he’s coming over right now so you better figure out something quick.” Brooke points, making you turn to face the front but not seeing anyone there.
There’s a tap on the window, making you turn to face him.
And you scream. Loud. Cowering back with your hands back over your face.
He flinches, muttering a ‘What the fuck’ and cackling while signaling to Brooke to roll down the window, which she does. He reaches a hand through to poke at your arm, slowly uncovering your face while you stare back with a nervous smile. “Hi..” you mumble, making him chuckle. “How you doin?” He teases with a sly smile.
He opens the car door, “C'mon I’ll walk you in.” He insists, grabbing your bag from the floor board. You turn to Brooke and all she offers is two thumbs up making you whine. You step out, slamming the door and rushing to walk next to Schlatt.
“Have a good shift you two~” Brooke teases as she drives past, making you flip her off while Schlatt shakes his head. He opens the door for you, dropping your bag off in its designated spot as you start your opening duties.
“So how you doin?” He asks again, making you turn your head. You laugh, “You already asked me that.”
“Well you never answered..” he jokes, crossing his arms with a sly smile. You shake your head, “I’m fine, how are you? Your head okay?”
He shrugs, “M’fine, Charlie was worse.” You roll your eyes, “Yeah he was at my apartment this morning, answered Brooke’s door with a crop top on, don’t even know where he got that!”
Yall laugh, the banter continuing as you finish all the opening duties before the others show up. He leans against the expo line, gazing at your figure from the back.
“So…you still thinking about that offer?” He asks lowly, he watches your arms tense, your voice lowering with a teasing tone, “It’s only 10am..” you joke, looking at him over your shoulder. He chuckles, crossing his arms, “Yeah, and?”
You smile, turning to face him, mimicking his body language. “Maybe, you gonna get drunk again before I give you an answer?”
He scoffs and turns his head, making you giggle. He pushes off the counter, heading to the kitchen as your coworkers start making their way in. “Have a good shift.” he mutters, “You too!”
Apparently the day wanted you to go to hell. The hosts triple sat you, people called out left and right meaning your break was cut short as nobody could handle the amount of people coming in today, everything sucked. Not to mention the Sunday crowd was stingy with their tips as always, if they even tipped at all. Why the fuck do old people even still come out to eat?
Now you’re trapped with a 20 top, who need accommodations for every fucking thing but decided to come in 30 minutes before close. Just your fucking luck.
Not gonna lie you were handling it well, to your table at least. In the back you were irritated, constantly refilling drinks and beefing with the ice as it gets lower and with Cooper when he pushes out another dessert for you to run.
You felt terrible for the cooks who have to stay longer due to your table's terrible time management, making a mental note to buy them a drink next shift.
Schlatt especially, but in all honesty you really couldn’t tell what he was feeling right now. His face seemed focused but irritated, you couldn’t see what he was doing, but he seemed really into it.
Your table was finally content, laughing with no cares in the world as if it’s not 30 minutes past closing and they were still inside, so you took the opportunity to put the rest of your tips in.
“5…3…5…6…wow lucky 10..” you mumble to yourself looking at the receipts until—
You flinch at the harsh noise, looking down to see what caused the commotion. It was a plate with a brownie sundae on it, and you looked up to see who left it there and it was no other than Schlatt, avoiding eye contact with you.
“I have a dessert for you.”
“I’m going out back, find me if they need something else”
He walks off quickly, another commotion following, the sounds of pots hitting the ground.
“WHO FUCKING LEFT THIS HERE? FUCK!” He shouts, making you laugh quietly to yourself as a clearly stoned Cooper comes from the kitchen coughing and walking up to the fountain for a cup of water.
“I don’t know why he gave me this, you already gave me all my desserts?” You question, pointing at the sundae while looking at Cooper. He laughs, shaking his head, “I think it’s for you man.”
Your nose scrunches, “But why-“ “I dunno, I’m gonna go smoke again though.”
Annnnd he’s gone. You shrug, pulling the dessert over to you and looking down.
You gasp, realization washing over you as you finally take in the dish. In chocolate syrup, written around the edges of the plate were:
“Wanna Go On A Date?”
The words were shoved awfully close as the plate was not fit to hold a dessert and a declaration of affection, but you understood nonetheless. You smile to yourself, giddily eating the dessert (after taking a picture of course).
Once you finish, you come up with your own plan of getting back at him. You see him turning the corner while he comes back in from smoking, “Schlatt!” You call, making him stop, turning to walk towards you.
“What is it?” he asks, nervously picking at his hand with his fingers. But you smile nonetheless, handing the plate back to him. “Can you take this to the dish pit for me? I think that table is finally ready to check out.”
You try to ignore his face drooping slightly before he grunts out a ‘yeah’ and takes the dish from your hand and turns on his heel to head back. You shake your head, printing out your table's receipt and walking over to check them out, beaming.
Schlatt however was not happy, his brain was doing loops trying to see if the signals you were sending meant nothing the whole time. He drops the plate in the dish pit with a huff, eyes squinting as he sees the mess on the plate he gave you.
There written in the leftover sauce was a “Yes”.
Now it’s his turn to start beaming, eyes lighting up while his heart starts to race. He laughs to himself, shaking his head as he turns the corner just to be halted by a mass bumping into him, you.
You step back, about to apologize until you realize it’s him, “Oh! Hey..” you smile, waving the merchant copy of your receipt, “$60 tip!”
He whistles, taking it from you, “Very nice, it’s the least they could do after keeping us all here an hour later.”
You nod, taking it back and putting it in your book, “Should’ve been more, honestly..” you mumble, making him bark out a laugh. He follows you over to the POS system, leaning next to you as you finish closing out tabs and adjusting totals. He watches as you pout, hand rubbing over your stomach as it growls, “Hungry?” He questions, laughing at you while you hush your stomach.
“A little, haven’t really found time to eat today..” you sulk, printing the checkout and stapling your receipts together. He takes them, watching you put your tote bag over your shoulder, “Woah woah- slow down, let me make you something before you go!”
You frown, adjusting the tote bag, “The kitchen is beyond closed, I can just hit up the gas station or something-“
He pulls you in by the waist, big hands tightly holding your hips against his as he speaks.
“Let me tell you somethin.” he starts, pulling you closer making you giggle. “Tell me somethin.” you mock, mimicking his accent, “Yeah let me tell you somethin.” he repeats, getting closer to your face.
“Who owns the restaurant?”
“You do-“ “I do, that’s right, see you’re keeping up!” He interrupts. You roll your eyes, about to argue but he cuts you off again. “Let me worry about the numbers, and the inventory, and the time. That's my job. Your job right now—“ he points to your stomach, “—Is telling me what the fuck you want to eat. So tell me, what. do. you. want. me. to. make.”
Your body tilts back as you let out a dramatic sigh , causing him to laugh and catch you with his free hand.
“I want a filet.”
“What size.”
“8 ounces. Medium well.”
“No, you always get medium well, do medium.”
“Fine! Medium.”
“What sides.”
“I want a baked potato. Loaded.”
“You’re fucking with me”
You roll your eyes, annoyed. “What’s wrong with applesauce? This is MY meal”
“You’re getting broccoli.”
Your face changes from annoyance to disgust. “I don’t fuckin want that!” “Oh no!” he mocks, holding you tighter in his grip, “Don’t care! I’ll grill it, it’ll taste better.”
You huff, “Fine!”
He laughs at your pouting face, cooing as he leans down to press a swift kiss on your cheek. “Aww, i’m just messin’ baby, you can have some fucking applesauce.I don’t give a shit.”
A shy smile forms on your lips as he kisses your chest,, his thumb rubbing your hip while you look away bashfully.
“But I'm still gonna give you some broccoli, if you don’t eat it you're paying for everything.”
You wait patiently in the dining room, bouncing your knee and scrolling through your phone to distract yourself. Your hand ghosts your cheek, thumb tickling the spot he kissed, having to hold back your giggle as you replayed it in your head. It felt nice to finally admit you both had the hots for each other, the last month of sly touches and casual flirting finally feeling like it was worth it.
A text pops up on the top of your screen, it was Brooke asking if she needed to come pick you up. As your fingers hovered over the keys, Schlatt turned the corner, setting down a to go box on the table.
You offer a sweet smile, muttering a thank you before typing out a quick, “No I’m okay, I have a plan.”
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thesamoanqueen · 5 months
Wannabe (not her)
Warnings: Cheating; Smut.
A/N: tagged by my gorgeous gurl @harmshake for the "May Writing Challenge" 200 words exactly. Second oneshot, a lil bit spicy today uhuh~
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A good girl, good student, good daughter, good girlfriend or maybe not anymore. That night you had stopped being her, giving in to temptation after weeks of teasing, on top of him in the dorm with tears of pleasure falling from your eyes. Guilt, that was the lie you wanted to believe, but true was Roman tasted like every dark thought you had ever had, in the weeks of tutoring, in your entire life.
- “Th-There are people outside” – broken cry at the idea of being exposed, while your body throbs desperately around his flesh like with no one else before.
- “This isn't about em gorgeous” – everything about him is made for the hidden you, hands forcing you to ride him, tongue licking away the sweat from your throat – “ain't done with you and you ain't done with this dick yet” – his thrusts, rough, deep, able of fucking your soul and mind.
Fear gives you chills – is it that or him? – but your hips keep moving, Roman humming in your ears. You don't want to just be a good girl, the future wife and successful woman. You want to be more and in that room cheating is simple and you give in and let Roman play with the real you.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyyaanna @reignsangel444 @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @joannasteez @reignsx @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @333creolelady @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @spritelucozade @tribalchiefdaily @dreamsinfocus @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @southerngirl41 @smile1318
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moreisasmith · 4 years
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(01/22/21) 2020-2021 Coronavirus House Arrest Day 312 - A Democratic-led U.S. House Of Representatives plan to send Donald Trump impeachment articles for Donald Trump this coming Monday... and MLB Hall Of Fame and American icon Hank Aaron passes away at age 86. With the bar officially open until we are free to FULLY roam uninhibited, tonight's elixir is this simple #cocktail with a sweet kiss: Sake Lemon Drop 3.00 oz. dry sake 1.00 oz. lemon juice 1.00 oz. simple syrup Paired with leftover homemade tequila tomato salsa mahi mahi and steamed broccolini. Drank and dined while watching "Sleepy Hollow Season 2" streaming on @Hulu. Continue to stay safe, wear a face covering, wash your hands, and drink plenty of liquids! . . . @SakeOneDragon #Saké @Sadaf_Foods #LemonJuice @MasterOfMixes #Bartending #Cocktails #Liquor #Liqueur #Mixology #MixedDrinks #Drinks #InstaDrinks (at Silver Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKX0TQDhT7f/?igshid=eurep3rn2y8g
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grexitdrachmaendebt · 4 years
Η μάχη της μπαταρίας: Η εξάρτηση της Ευρώπης (€€), το Ασιατικό μονοπώλιο και η Ελληνική σφήνα
Η "στροφή" της παγκόσμιας αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας προς τα ηλεκτροκίνητα οχήματα προβλέπεται πως θα δημιουργήσει μια αγορά  €250 δισ. ευρώ ετησίως από το 2025 και μετά, σύμφωνα με στοιχεία της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής. 
Η ζήτηση για μπαταρίες θα εκτοξευθεί και από την επιταχυνόμενη στροφή της Ε.Ε. προς την παραγωγή ενέργειας από καθαρότερες πηγές.
Ωστόσο, «η παραγωγή μπαταριών αποτελεί μια βιομηχανία που απαιτεί τεράστια κεφάλαια, μεγάλους όγκους και εξαιρετικά αυτοματοποιημένες παραγωγικές διαδικασίες».
Η μάχη των €5 δισ.
Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή έχει εγκρίνει από τον Δεκέμβριο του 2019 την κρατική χρηματοδότηση επτά (7) χωρών (Βέλγιο, Φινλανδία, Γαλλία, Γερμανία, Ιταλία, Πολωνία και Σουηδία), ύψους €3,2 δισ. ευρώ, για την ανάπτυξη τεχνολογιών που συνδέονται με τις μπαταρίες στην Ε.Ε. Στην πορεία προστέθηκαν και άλλες πέντε χώρες (5) μεταξύ των οποίων και η Ελλάδα.
Στόχος να δημιουργηθεί, με την προσθήκη ιδιωτικών επενδύσεων άνω των  €5 δισ. ευρώ, μια καθετοποιημένη βιομηχανία μπαταριών στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ενωση ώστε να περιοριστεί η εξάρτηση από την Κίνα και άλλους διεθνείς ανταγωνιστές. Το σχέδιο της Κομισιόν καλύπτει όλους τους τομείς, από την παραγωγή και επεξεργασία πρώτων υλών, μέχρι την επαναχρησιμοποίηση και ανακύκλωση των μπαταριών που θα παράγονται.
Περισσότερες από 20 ισχυρές ε��ρωπαϊκές επιχειρήσεις και άνω των 70 εξωτερικοί συνεργάτες – μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις, ερευνητικοί οργανισμοί, κ.α. – συμμετέχουν στο πανευρωπαϊκό σχέδιο.
Η τεράστια εξάρτηση της ΕΕ από εισαγωγές πρώτων υλών για την παραγωγή μπαταριών μπορεί να ευνοήσει και μια προβληματική ελληνική βιομηχανία, την ΛΑΡΚΟ, υπό την προϋπόθεση πως θα επενδύσει ποσά που ξεπερνούν τα €300 εκατ. ευρώ, σε μονάδα υδρομεταλλουργίας, ώστε να παράγει κοβάλτιο και όχι μόνο σιδηρονικέλιο.
Το κοβάλτιο είναι μία από τις τέσσερις – πέντε (5) κύριες πρώτες ύλες για τις μπαταρίες μαζί με το λίθιο, τον γραφίτη, το μαγγάνιο και το νικέλιο. Σήμερα σχεδόν το 80% της παγκόσμιας παραγωγικής δυναμικότητας σε μπαταρίες βρίσκεται στην Ασία, με την Κίνα να ελέγχει περίπου το 70%, τις ΗΠΑ το υπόλοιπο 15% και την ΕΕ να βρίσκεται κάτω από το 4%.
Ειδικά στις μπαταρίες λιθίου, η ΕΕ ελέγχει μόλις το 0,2% της παγκόσμιας παραγωγής.
Πρόκειται για κατάσταση που, σύμφωνα με πρόσφατη έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, είναι μη βιώσιμη.
Με δεδομένο πως το 40% του κόστους ενός ηλεκτρικού αυτοκινήτου είναι οι μπαταρίες, η ΕΕ βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπη με τον κίνδυνο να χάσει μεγάλο ποσοστό της προστιθέμενης αξίας κατά την παραγωγή τους, όπως και την τεχνολογική γνώση που μπορεί να αποκομίσει.
Με πολύ οδυνηρές συνέπειες για την ευρωπαϊκή αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία, η οποία αν δεν αναπτύξει ολόκληρη την αλυσίδα παραγωγής μπαταριών εντός της Ε.Ε. θα χάσει εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες θέσεις εργασίας.
Η Κίνα προμηθεύει και το 70% του φυσικού γραφίτη, ένα μικρό ποσοστό του οποίου χρησιμοποιείται σήμερα στην παραγωγή μπαταριών.
Ο πιο ακριβός συνθετικός γραφίτης αποτελεί βιώσιμο υποκατάστατο. Περισσότεροι παγκόσμιοι παραγωγοί μοιράζονται την αγορά πρώτων υλών σε νικέλιο, αλλά σχεδόν τα δύο τρίτα (2/3) προέρχονται από πέντε (5) χώρες (Ινδονησία, Φιλιππίνες, Αυστραλία, Ρωσία και Καναδά).
Κύριος παραγωγός εξευγενισμένου νικελίου είναι, και πάλι, η Κίνα με μερίδιο κοντά στο 30%.
Το ασιατικό μονοπώλιο
Το σημαντικό πρόβλημα για την ΕΕ είναι η απουσία παραγωγικής δυναμικότητας για επεξεργασμένα υλικά που χρησιμοποιούνται στις μπαταρίες λιθίου όπως τα ηλεκτρόδια. 
Οι ευρωπαϊκές εταιρείες παράγουν λιγότερο από το 20% του όγκου που απαιτείται σήμερα διεθνώς για την κατασκευή μπαταριών, ποσοστό που δεν θεωρείται ικανοποιητικό ώστε να καλύψει τη μελλοντική ζήτηση μπαταριών λιθίου.
Απαραίτητες για την παραγωγή τέτοιων μπαταριών είναι και οι εξευγενισμένες πρώτες ύλες, που περνούν δηλαδή από επεξεργασία σε ειδικά εργοστάσια.
Η Κίνα, η Ιαπωνία και η Νότια Κορέα παρέχουν σήμερα το 86% αυτών των υλικών και η Ευρώπη μόλις το 7%.
Το εξευγενισμένο κοβάλτιο
Και αν η εξάρτηση της ΕΕ από τους διεθνείς ανταγωνιστές είναι σήμερα τεράστια στην παραγωγή μπαταριών, είναι ακόμα μεγαλύτερη στις πρώτες ύλες που χρησιμοποιούνται.
Σύμφωνα με σχετικά πρόσφατα στοιχεία, το 54% του κοβαλτίου διεθνώς εξορύσσεται από ορυχεία του Κογκό, το 8% από την Κίνα και το 6% από τον Καναδά.
Το εξευγενισμένο κοβάλτιο παράγεται κυρίως στην Κίνα (46%), στην Φινλανδία (13%), στο Βέλγιο (6%) και στον Καναδά (6%).
Σχεδόν το 90% της παγκόσμιας παραγωγής λιθίου εξορύσσεται σε τρεις χώρες, την Χιλή (40%), την Αυστραλία (29%) και την Αργεντινή (16%).
Η Κίνα ελέγχει σχεδόν το μισό (½) της παγκόσμιας παραγωγικής δυναμικότητας για την επεξεργασία ορυκτών ώστε να παραχθεί εξευγενισμένο λίθιο, με τη Χιλή στη 2η θέση.
Στην ΕΕ υπάρχουν 14 ορυχεία για παραγωγή λιθίου σε διάφορα στάδια ανάπτυξης.
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keomusic · 4 years
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