#80s!noel gallagher x reader
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leaawrites · 3 months ago
Pretty little liars P2. I need it
AKA...What A Life
Dilf!Noel Gallagher x actress!reader
Summary: in which, a video shoot is bringing out the jealousy in her.
Warnings: jealousy, fluff, making out, I kinda mixed 3 requests together
Wordcount: 1.3k
Part 1, Part 3, Masterlist
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“I’m gonna shoot the music video for the new single next week. Gonna be needed in America for it,” Noel said over the phone, the disappointment of being away from her for even longer was visible in his voice.
The strain their separation left on him became clear every time he inhaled deeply as soon as she spoke, like he wanted to grab her hand through the phone and pull her on his side of the world.
And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t hide her own pain. Until she remembered the reason they found themselves in this situation in the first place. “Where are you gonna be, maybe I can visit? I’ve got some days of next week off.”
The silence on the other end had her regret her words for a second until he spoke again. “Are you sure? I mean, you know what we agreed on.”
After the hectic weeks of making themselves look like they were nothing but acquaintances, knowing nothing more about the other than what they might’ve found out over a shared dinner. They hid in plain sight and when rumors would turn up, they quickly burned them out.
“It’s not the public,” she answered, slightly rolling her eyes at the protectiveness hidden in his words. She was well aware of his intentions being nothing but meant good, though she hated he had to think about them beforehand. “We’ll be fine, as long as no one talks.”
“I’ll make sure they won’t.”
“A proper fever dream this is,” she mumbled as she read through the script. “How did they get you to agree to do this?”
They were sat in the little trailer Noel was given for the shoot. They had already recorded most of the ‘AKA…What A Life’ music video while filming the other two, or they would do the rest later.
“I grew up in the 80s, love, I’ve seen much worse.” Noel chuckled, leaning his head on her shoulder as she was sat in his lap. Her back pressed against his chest in comfort, his arms wrapped around her waist in protection.
“You can sit in my chair, I won’t be able to sit down a lot anyway,” Noel instructed her as they made their way towards the set. His hand in hers, holding it tightly and squeezing it whenever someone looked their way a second too long for their liking.
She watched the first couple takes being shot, listened to the corrections of the director and, while listened to the music, imagined her own little music video that she would shoot instead.
It would be less, definitely. The same storyline, but less on acid.
“How are you feeling about this?” Noel asked, his arm sliding around her waist, pulling her closer, as he saw the sceptical look in her eyes.
“I’ve stopped questioning anything about it at this point,” she confessed, not tearing her gaze away from the built up scene.
Climbing out of the trunk of the car, she could see Noel’s hand sliding up the girl’s thigh while helping her out. Lingering a second longer before going back to her waist until the director shouted “cut!” and the camera stopped recording. It was now a file saved on a card, but she could still see it playing out in front of her eyes. How his eyes looked at the blonde like that and how his hand moved over her skin when it wasn’t written like that in the script.
Looking at the curb in her finger, she loosened her fingernail from it, the pain shooting through her all of a sudden. It hit her like lightning , she shouldn’t feel like this. Not when , what he was doing once, was what she was doing for a living. Noel didn’t need the music videos, he wasn’t depended on them, she was with filming whatever the writer wrote from their imagination. She shouldn’t feel like this when Noel obviously didn’t feel like it either when watching her movies.
Looking back up at them, a certain darkness still filling her eyes, Noel was already stepped away from the girl. But she was looking at her, a second longer than a casual glance around the space. She wore a glimmer in her eyes, a certain look lingering in them as she caught her eye. A smirk on her face.
“Okay, that was good. Let’s do it one more time!”
The time that passed, before they were laying in bed side by side, was filled with silence. Unspoken thoughts running through the thick, tense air.
He watched her as she settled down beneath the sheets, her eyes not moving over to him once.
“What’s got you so down now?”Noel asked moving closer to her side, hovering over her. His arms found their place around her waist while his lips trailed pecks down her neck. All while not trying to overstep a line he was unsure of existing.
“Nothing,” she quickly replied, though he didn’t believe her a word. She knew that. She knew as he looked up at her, his head tilted and the same question still lingering in the air, awaiting a true answer. Taking a deep breath in, she finally confessed. “I didn’t like the way you touched her.”
“What?” He asked, shocked at the answer.
“I know it sounds stupid, okay?” Her hands found their way to his hair, gently brushing through it. “You have to witness me filming stuff with other guys all the time and you don’t react like this, but - I don’t know.”
“You think I don’t feel jealous whenever I see one of those bastards touch my girl? Fucking hell, I do.” His fingers trailed up and down her sides, softly massaging her skin, calming her mind.
“But you’re not so pathetic about it,” she continued arguing, looking up at him with guilty eyes. Her hand falling to his cheek, caressing his skin.
“If only you knew,” Noel chuckled slightly, a breathy tone leaving his mouth, before he connected their lips. Moving their lips perfectly together, like every time they touched, Noel let out a soft groan as he pressed his body against hers. Pressing her body further into the mattress.
“What specifically didn’t you like?” He mumbled agsinst her lips, leaning close enough to catch them in a quick peck every once in a while while waiting for an answer.
A slight blush crept up her neck and cheeks, avoiding his gaze by turning her head, he moved it back. His eyebrows raising in wait.
“When you got her out of the truck,” she started telling him, “your hand moved over her thigh and she just looked so smug about it after the scene. Like, I swear I saw her smirking at me afterwards. It just pissed me off.”
Stifling a small laugh, Noel moved his hand from her side down to her thigh. Grabbing it and throwing it over his torso, pulling them closer together. Pressing himself further into her body.
“Like that?” He asked, his eyebrows raising in suggestion.
“If you’d done that, I would’ve driven the car into a fucking tree.” They both laughed at her words, though they knew she wasn’t serious, Noel wouldn’t have put it past her.
“I wouldn’t have,” he answered, his lips hovering over hers once more. Leaning close enough to feel his breath move back towards him after it hit her face. “You know why?”
“Why?” She asked, slightly moving her hips up towards him to close the left-over space between them.
“Because I’m yours, and you’re mine. And no one is ever gonna touch you like I do, so I won’t do it to anyone either.”
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lgwifey · 3 years ago
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80s!noel gallagher x fem!reader
summary : Just a relaxing day after traumatic exam preperation, ruined by a group of eleven year olds.
warnings : proof read but probably got mistakes in, slightly heated half way through, swearing but it's the Gallaghers so what's new, periods. I think that's it x
"Y' stress 'bout it too much."
Y/n scoffed at the weirdly relaxed voice coming from the direction of her boyfriend. She just rolled her eyes before looking back down at the mindmap A4 sheet which held the subjects of the third and final maths exam, her third to last exam of the year.
He reappeared beside her, where he had started an hour ago but gradually drifted off the lie down on the bed, which y/n had make neat for him whilst he was grabbing drinks downstairs. She was a slight neat freak, just slightly.
She felt hands softly hold her shoulders and a leg appear with side of her bare ones.
", it's not like y' gonna fail."
The thick text book and it's loose pieces of paper where sat on the litter desk which was near the end of Noel's bed but Liam had basically took over when he started highschool.
"Maybe, but I don't have a fall back like you Mr Gallagher."
As she finished her sentence, she leaned back into the chest of Noel, the older boy letting out an 'umph' as he felt the impact.
Y/n looked up to him. Her y/h/c locks falled against his tshirt, her eyes looking into his pale blue ones. Across her lips, a grin was smothered and her cheeks smiled up. He left a peck on her lips, his lips having curved up into a smile after seeing her face properly.
"Soon i'll be makin' enough for the both of us."
"You're the only sixteen year old lad I know who actually has a plan for 'is future, y'know that right."
" 'm mature s'all."
"You're a freak of nature darling."
She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before shifting away from him. Her arms slid out of his jacket which she'd 'borrowed' whilst they where at school, since it started raining and her blazer was doing little to nothing to stop her chemically white shirt from going outright translucent, she dropped the item of clothing onto the back of the old spinning chair which was half tucked under the desk.
Noel gave a whine as she strolled over to the corner of the room which held his prized vynil collection and the record player. The complaint was not only because he'd lost the heat which raidiated off of the girl but also because he knew which record she was going to play, it was the record she always played. The only reason he had it in the collection was because she'd bought it for him as a gift so then she'd have her favourate songs at his house and he loved her too much to actually get rid of it.
The sixteen year old fell back onto his bed with a thud as the disco music started to echo through his room, the girl dancing through the entire room with her school skirt flowing around and her shirt loose and half unbuttoned, her hands clutched onto her stomach which he found unusual but didn't say. The dark album cover had been left to the side of the table the black record player was situated on as the super-trouper vynil spun around the it.
Noel had gave up, his girlfriend laughing a 'you told me to relax' to him when she caught him rolling his eyes at her childish antics.
By the time the second verse had rolled around, y/n was in full preformance mode, singing along to each lyric perfectly, mimicing the swedish vocalists' robotic tone
"I said, I was not exactly Waiting for the bus"
It was the only moment Noel found her to be stood still, only for her to start shouting the chorus a second later and for her arms to almost hit him accidentally.
When she finished spinning in a circle, once the song had finished, y/n found the single bed to be vacant of any Gallagher. She soon found the reason when the sound of Mr. Blue Sky started playing, the 1980 ABBA record being slid back into it's cover and back onto the shelf. Even if he hated it, there was no way Noel would risk scratching the disk.
He gave y/n a laugh as she grimaced at him, making his way over to her.
"You're such a child."
"That's my favourate song y' prick."
His arms wrapped around her waist and he left a kiss on his forehead before slowly dragging them both back over to his bed, ELO playing through the air.
"I love how this is the only song y'know."
Y/n found herself layed under Noel as he drifted a hand through her hair and left kisses on her every few seconds between his conversation.
" 's a banger."
One of her hands held onto his jaw, leading him to her lips instead of everywhere else.
Their lips attached with love and adoration, the fast beat of the music slowing down towards the next verse. The song always left a smile on y/n's lips and therefore put Noel in a good mood.
The couple started to heat up their activities, Noel's hands falling onto y/n's chest as he unbuttoned the school shirt. She did the same as she struggled pulling his t-shirt over his head, Noel ended up helping her out and pulling it up himself.
As the song drifted off to a diffrent tune, which y/n had no clue off, she found herself dragging Noel back to her mouth and sliding herself on top, spinning the both of the around with a grin.
Her hands pushed her discarded shirt onto the bedroom floor before reaching down awkwardly and picking off her knee high socks, Noel gave no help what so ever to the task and instead opted for tangling his hand into y/n's hair and depthening the once lulling kiss which had turned firery with exhausted teenager hormores and over-worked exam preperation.
As if a sudden bucket of realisation was dropped on top of y/n, she sat up awkwardly, forming a gap between her and the confused Noel.
"I fuckin' forgot."
She gave a complaining whine as she headbutted her boyfriend's chest, falling back to lie on top of him more casually. He gave her an even more confused look before she explained.
"I started yesterday."
As if the words didn't make sence to him, Noel furrowed his eyebrows.
"My period."
"No. I knew what you meant."
He grimaced, feeling bad about his immediate reaction and deciding to cuddle into y/n more to assure her that he didn't find her disgusting.
With his head lodged between his girlfriend's neck and shoulder and wet kisses being pressed into the crook of her neck, Noel explained his confusion.
"I just though y' stopped two weeks ago."
"I started again 'cause of exams, 's pretty common."
"Good t' know y'not gonna die then."
Without the couple noticing, the white door of the shared bedroom creaked open with a group of year sevens wondering in.
Y/n and Noel didn't notice the company intill his eleven year old brother let out a scream and pushed his friends back out of the room, a look of horror engraved onto his features as he screamed at Noel to fuck off.
Y/n gave a laugh and pulled Noel's old t-shirt over her head, hoping Liam hadn't noticed her bra being mostly just lace without any padding and leaving her boyfriend to having to get a different top. She opened to door again once Noel had reach over for a top, letting Liam back into his room with hid posse of mischeiveous goblins following him. The eleven year old held a traumatised look on his face whilst his friends looked at y/n with tomato red blushes on their faces, she gave them a sugar sweet smile before walking back over to Noel's bed, sitting on it cross-legged as he switched the record player off and sliding Out Of The Blue back into it's cover.
"So what y' doing today lads ?"
The brunette in need of a serious hair cut gave the sixteen year old girl a glare before answering for himself and his friends.
"Well we where gonna play cards but now we're gonna 'ave to nick mam's bleach for our eyes."
"Oh shut up y' little git. 's not like we where actually doing anythin' ."
Noel found his spot back behind his girlfriend with his arms wrapped around her waist and her back pressed comfortably against his chest.
"I'll 'ave you know i'm traumatised."
"Aw, we'll pay f' your therapy sweetie."
Y/n have a mocking pout to Liam, who in turn flipped her off.
"Right, out."
Noel slid off the bed, grabbing Liam by the ear and dragging his younger brother out of the room, leaving the rest of the children to follow their little gang's leader.
"Fuckin' get off Noel !,"
"Y' can find somewhere else to play your little game."
" 's my room too !"
"Yeah, well y' should've though of that before y' started acting like a twat."
He gave a sarcastic smile before shutting to door with the small group of uniform clad eleven year olds looking at him.
When he turned back to look at y/n, she gave a small frown at the fustraited look etched into his face and waved him over, back to his bed.
As she went to sooth him, a muffled conversation came through the door, clearly Liam and his friends playing cards in the hallway instead of downstairs.
"Your brother's bird has nice tits."
"Shut up Har, she's a total minger."
If eyes could actually turn red, y/n would've sworn Noel's turned jalapenos pepper red and before she could mutter a word, he was back out the door and heading for Liam.
"Noel !"
Y/n jumped off of the bed, heading for her boyfriend before cramp hit and she sucked in a sharp breath, eyes widening and hands gripping her stomach in pain.
As the pain soothed off, she went to take a step towards where the sixteen year old was dragging his eleven year old brother down the stairs only for another cramp to hit and for her to muffle her pain by biting her lip.
Maybe she should just let them get it out of their system.
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years ago
Playlist-Chapter 2: The magnificent seven
Pairing: 80's Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, smut (Virgin Noel and Virgin Reader, Loss of virginity, P in V sex, unprotected sex), language, mention of blood and wounds, maybe a few spelling mistakes but I hope not
Words: 4632
Summary: You and Noel are now misfit teens. Something happens in high school, you think Noel is being beaten by his father, and something that wasn't planned at all in your mind happens.
A/N: Heya ! Merry Late Christmas ! I'm late, my computer had a problem and I couldn't publish the chapter without it. This chapter might maybe shock some of you because there is CONSENSUAL smut between teenagers, and they're not underage ! I don't usually write this type of stuff because it makes me ill at ease, but this is part of the story so I had to deal with it the way I could. I recall that sexual majority and age of consent in the UK is 16 years old. In case I might have problems or maybe you doubt it, here's a link that will witness what I say : https://lawstuff.org.uk/police-and-law/age-of-consent/
I just hope you won't report this chapter, I took a lot of time writing it and it would spoil my work so if you're shocked I'd advice you to to skip it and not read it, but you might have missing elements for the rest so it's both my problem and not at all. As per usual... Enjoy !
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“Ring! Ring! It's 7:00 A.M.! Move y'self to go again Cold water in the face Brings you back to this awful place Knuckle merchants and you bankers, too Must get up an' learn those rules Weather man and the crazy chief One says sun and one says sleet A.M., the F.M. the P.M. too Churning out that boogaloo Gets you up and gets you out But how long can you keep it up? Gimme Honda, Gimme Sony So cheap and real phony Hong Kong dollars and Indian cents English pounds and Eskimo pence
You lot! What? Don't stop! Give it all you got! You lot! What? Don't stop! Yeah! »
Teenage years came, the outsider era as well, Noel and I were now 15 years old. We still were neighbours and the best of friends, we were inseparable. Noel and I now had some male friends. He had stopped stammering. We were some kind of hooligans, and I wasn’t scared to fight with someone else if needed.
Most days, we were skipping high school to eat these famous “magic mushrooms”.
Noel was still in probation for what he did 4 months before. When he was still 14, he robbed a local store and was arrested. That’s when he decided to learn guitar.
We were punks, heading out every weekend without our parents knowing to go to gigs, and to go in fields to watch the stars and smoke pot, taking the cassette-radio with us to listen to The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd or even the Sex Pistols. I had the Cassettes and Noel had the Vinyls.
We never were at Noel’s place. He didn’t want me to meet his “dick of a father” as he said before. And to talk to each other when we weren’t together, we were using a chalk and a slate that we were showing to each other from our windows as these were one opposite the other.
He shared his room with Liam, who even though he was a kid, could be a real pain in the ass. Why? Because this little bastard, sometimes, when I was calling his brother with the help of my torch lamp, was the one answering by showing me his butt.
One day, the first separation came. We were in chemistry class, and oh, it went bad.
So what shit do we have to do today? I asked
Huh… We have to create a formula for the dilution of a chemical solution… I don’t know shit!
I don’t either. Chemistry is shit.
We agree on that.
Ready to make the classroom explode Noely?
Fuck yes, I don’t even understand why ye insisted on coming in chemistry class or even school!
But you followed me! I said, winking at him
Ye know I’d follow ye everywhere, cock. But still, why?
Just need some grades to go on our next year of high school, I don’t want to repeat a year, and my parents would kill me.
But ye suck at chemistry!
And so do you.
Well anyway, I just want ye to know that if ye do the wrong mix, I was happy to know yer fer 10 years me dear Y/N.
Shut the fuck up you fucker! I answered laughing and giving him a punch in the ribs
Miss Y/L/N, Mr Gallagher, do ye need some help? The teacher said when seeing us
Nah thank you mister, I can slap him alone.
And I can her make her think she’s going to make the classroom alone as well, thank ye. Noel added
Ye two should mind yer language and stop being cheeky before I send ye both to detention!
Yeah well, it won’t be the first nor the last time we will not be going because we ain’t got time for that shit. I murmured to Noel
Too right. We’re ghosts here. Kaboom?
Kaboom. I answered, a mischievous smile on my face
That’s when one of our classmates decided to be a complete idiot and throw a flour bomb at the teacher. The classmate right behind us.
And he thought it was Noel.
Gallagher! Out! To the director’s office! the teacher yelled at him
Why? I didn’t do it!
Yes sir! He didn’t do it!
Y/L/N, you want to join him?
No, but I swear!  It wasn’t Noel!
Shut up ye bitch! I heard behind me
What did you just called me fuck face? I threatened
Silence ! Y/L/N, yer going to detention!
Perfect! I’ll be coming at 28pm during the weekend of the 42 of Novembruary!
There’s nothing I could do. Noel got accompanied to the director’s office and I left the high school, waiting for Noel outside.
I saw him appear in front of me 2 hours later.
As Peggy was working at the high school’s canteen, she already knew everything.
So? A full month of detention and public apologies to the teacher or are you gonna be hanged on a public place?
I got expelled.
No fucking way. Noely, I’m going to see the director and I’ll tell him I witnessed the scene and that it wasn’t you!
It’s too late Y/N… He won’t believe it. They know about what I did 4 months ago, the robbery. They needed a head of steam, they found one and anyway, I was fed up with school, so all the better.
But…What about me?
Don’t worry ‘bout that, we’ll keep seeing each other everyday.
Fuck, I’ll stop going to school as well and find myself a job.
No Y/N, don’t quit high school because I won’t be there anymore. Yer smart, much more than I am, obtain yer GCSE, do it fer me, please.
I’ll find meself a job. But with me case, probably going to have to work with the other crap.
You mean…
Me father, yeah. Oh fuck, I don’t want to go home.
Let’s walk to the happy forest.
The “happy forest”, yes, the forest next to our high school, that’s how we were calling it.
We got home at 7pm, high and Noel was absolutely petrified. He knew what would happen.
By the time, I started asking myself some questions, started understanding that my best friend was in danger, and I understood it this evening.
See you at the window?
As always. He answered squeezing my hand
Love you Noely.
Love ye too cock.
He hugged me as if his life depended on it and went to his house.
At 9pm, while I was reading a book, I heard it.
Tommy was back home and was shouting at everyone.
I heard loud noises coming from his house and I knew it was nothing good. It lasted about 20 minutes.
I approached my window waiting to see Noel appear on the other side. I saw the light in his room go on, but instead, I saw Liam appear, afraid and crying.
He didn’t seem hurt which were good news.
Then the door opened, and Noel appeared. His nose and mouth were bleeding, and he had a hand holding his ribs as if he had been kicked there. He was crying as well.
This day, I understood that his father had been doing this for years and that when I punched him earlier this day, he was already hurt.
He saw me watching, tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
I grabbed my slate and a chalk and wrote on it before showing it to him.
“What happened?”
He then grabbed his, wrote on it and showed it to me.
“The usual, but worse”
“How long has it been?”
“Years. I didn’t want you to discover it. And certainly not like that.”
“I had doubts. Deep down I think I already knew.”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t Noely. But why didn’t you tell me?”
“Shame, and I didn’t want to worry you.”
“I told you I already had doubts about it. You should have told me when I first saw your bruises.”
“You would have told your mam.”
“Which would be normal, yes, but if you don’t want me to tell, I won’t. At least as long as I am sure your father isn’t planning on killing you.”
“He won’t. Got to comfort Liam.”
“Go. And treat yourself!”
“I will.”
My protection mode had been activated.
After this, Noel got to work with his father, just like he told me. I succeeded my classes.
In November 1983, everything changed.
November 1983:
Noel and I were now 16 years old, and we had discovered a new band a few months ago that became one of our favourites. The Smiths. We were planning on going to their gig in Huddersfield, but we wouldn’t go. Because as I said, everything changed in just 3 days.
November 21st 1983:
When coming back from school, I wasn’t expecting for Peggy to be with my mother in the living room.
I came back home, screaming as per usual.
Y/N, how many times will I have to tell you not to scream for God’s sake!
I know! You just know that I love having all the attention on me! I joked, taking off my jacket and dropping my bag in the middle of the hall.
Y/N, school bag in your room please.
It will be, but first I want my snack! I’m hungry!
There are cookies in the cupboard above the closet. Tea’s with me in the living room.
Thanks mam!
I took my pack of cookies and my favourite mug with me and went in the living room to find my mother.
That’s when I saw Peggy was there. I was used to see her here. So used to it that I know recognized her from behind.
Heya Peggy!
She turned to face me and that’s when I saw it, the black eye she had. The blackeye her asshole ex-husband gave her.
Hello me beautiful Y/N.
Fu…Freaking hell, Peggy, who did this to you?
Y/N, this isn’t… my mother started
Who? I insisted, stopping my mother before she could finish her sentence
Thomas, sweetheart. He found us, I don’t know how and who told him.
I swear I’m going to kill this motherfucker.
Y/N, language!
No mam, I won’t apologise for saying the truth and I what I think.
She’s right Y/M/N, even though it still doesn’t look good in a pretty girl’s mouth like ye Y/N.
I know, but I don’t care Peggy. You moved so he wouldn’t find you, hurt the boys and you anymore and start over.
Don’t worry sweetie. If he comes back, I’ll call the police.
You better. Was he drunk again?
As usual.
How are the boys?
They’re fine Y/N, don’t worry about this.
But I am worried.
Yes, I ended up opening my mouth and telling my mother. Because Noel was presenting more and more bruises everyday and I was shitting myself everyday by the idea of losing him, so I told my mom. That’s where we discovered that Peggy and Paul also were victims. So my mom invited Peggy, telling her she knew everything, and she helped her to find a new home and she moved out with the boys. I still admire my mom for that today.
So Noel and I weren’t neighbours anymore, but he still was alive, and it was and still is what mattered the most. Especially when he was coming to see me like he did that night.
November 22nd 1983:
It was about 10pm and raining as fuck. I was listening to The Clash’s The magnificent seven when I heard a noise against my window. Then again. Someone was throwing rocks at it, and only one person would do that.
I opened the window and received a stone in the face.
Oh fuck, soz Y/N!
What the fuck Noel?!
I thought ye didn’t hear me.
Come on, come up here, it’s cold and raining you fucking moron!
It was my visit of the day, as per usual, we were still seeing each other everyday.
Noel climbed up the hedge to my bedroom window. I stepped back to give him room to get in. And that’s when I saw these again. Those bruises and blood running down his face.
Oh my God! Noel! What the fuck happened?
Noel walked painfully to my bed and struggled to sit on it.
He came back.
Your father?
Who else?
You’ll tell me everything. I’ll grab the first aid kit. And be quiet, my parents are asleep.
He nodded as a response.
I went downstairs to grab a tea towel and some ice, came back upstairs, went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, and came back in my bedroom.
Here. Thought you might need this. I said handing him the tea towel
Thank ye. He answered, taking it
I opened the first aid kit bag and took out compresses, alcohol, and bandages.
So? I said, starting to treat him
He came back, fucking wasted as per usual. He entered through the back door, and he found mam. He had followed me when we were done working. He started hitting her and tried raping her. I heard her scream from me room even though I was playing guitar. So I rushed downstairs, and Liam joined me. We got to take him off her and I fought with him. And… ye can see he won, Paul had to come home to take him off me and kick him out for it to stop.
For fuck’s sake… huh… this is my first time doing this and this is alcohol so it might hurt.
It’s okay Y/N. Do it.
I started dabbing the compress on the wounds on his face to remove the blood and clean these. He hissed in pain several times but did not complain.
Take off your jacket and your tee. He also had you there.
Noel executed himself and oh, with the blood, so many bruises were there. Asif his father broke him some ribs.
Fucking hell Noel, how could he do that to you?
I don’t know. But at least, he beat the talent into me.
Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. I was horrified.
I cleaned the wounds once again and when I was done, Noel picked the tea towel and put it on the bruise that hurt him the most while I threw what I used to treat him in my bin.
I came back to sit next to him, watching his face contort with pain, his teeth biting his lower lip and had trouble breathing.
Can I…touch?
Why? He answered
Yes, ye can.
I put my hand on the massive bruise on his ribs.
Does it hurt?
Yea. He always kicks me here.  As if he knew what he was doing, where it hurts.
I ran my hand there carefully so I was sure I wouldn’t hurt him more than he already was. And suddenly, I burst into tears.
Y/N? Noel asked, stunned
Soz Noel, don’t mind me…
Noel took me in his arms, holding me tight and left a kiss on my cheek.
When he let go of me, I made sure to lower my head so he wouldn't see me crying.
Hey, I should be the one crying here. He chuckled
But it didn’t make me laugh and my tears were getting worse. I was hurt to see Noel hurt.
With his hand, he raised my head so that our faces faced each other.
Our looks met, and Noel held my face in his hands.
He paid attention to my sad look and my crying eyes for a few more seconds before crushing his lips on mine urgently. As if his life depended on it.
I answered the kiss even though in shock and troubled. It wasn’t my first kiss, and it wasn’t his.
He ran his tongue on my lips, asking for entrance and I let him.
Our tongues met and he deepened the kiss. I went from being sad to horny and sad.
Noel laid me on my bed, him on top of me, still kissing me, his hands roaming over my body. He was so tender. One of my hands went in his hair and the other went caressing his back.
Then his hands tugged at my pyjama, which was only an oversized shirt.
I pushed him a little bit and unbuttoned it. I wanted him. He wanted me. Maybe was it a mistake to do this now, but in truth, I never thought it was one.
Noel put his lips on my neck, kissing it and made me shiver. God, his kisses were everything. They then slid to my still covered breasts.
He pushed aside the edges of my shirt so that he could see them, my top being now exposed to him, the only remaining fabric being my undies.
Noel was in awe. And he didn’t know what to do with them, which made him as nervous as I was.
Are ye sure ye want this? He asked
Yes Noely. I want this. But…
I… I’ve never done this before. I answered
Me neither. He answered, smiling
Good, we now knew that we were two horny, virgin teenagers, who wanted each other.
Noel seemed lost, so I helped him by kissing him passionately.
I tugged at his jeans at the same time, indicating him to take these off.
He got the message and stood up. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped them before stepping out of them. Meanwhile, I took off my shirt and stepped back on the bed to rest my head on my pillow. Noel came back on top of me, kissing me again. He grinded on my clothed womanhood, making me whimper at the sensation.
Noel was hesitant. His fingers were tugging at my undies but didn’t dare to touch my womanhood as if I would change my mind. But I was sure. I grabbed his hand and put it on the hem of these to show him he could take them off me and touch me the way we both wanted.
He didn’t hesitate anymore and slid them off. The second after, he was looking at me, naked under him.
Yer so perfect… He whispered
I blushed. I was ready but couldn’t get enough of his lips on mine.
Please, kiss me more.
And like this, he was back on me, trembling and dry humping me.
I could feel his clothed member twitch against my thigh.
Came the moment where I started feeling like I couldn’t take the tension anymore.
My hands slid under his boxers, touching his ass. I started sliding them down and he got the message again.
He got up and took them off, also leaving him bare in front of me.
He blushed at his turn and sat on the bed.
Are you okay? I asked
Yea, I’m just nervous, me.
Me too, but hey, it’s okay!
I kissed him again to reassure him and slowly guided him on top of me again, between my legs.
He started grinding against me again, precum leaking out of his member and getting wet with my juices.
The friction was driving me crazy; my clit being stimulated in the process.
Can I? Noel asked, wanting to take things further
Yes, go slow at first please.
Of course.
He entered me slowly, all trembling, centimetre by centimetre until he was fully inside me.
Fuck… yer so tight…
It hurt a lot. It stung. And Noel saw it.
Are ye okay?
Will be. Just give me a minute before moving, okay?
Yea, I need a minute too or I’m going to explode.
We both were a trembling mess, nervous but so wanting and excited.
I finally nodded to indicate him to move, and he put his lips on mine, kissing me while starting thrusting in me.
It still hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable. It even was pleasant. This sensation of being filled up while it still stung a bit was pleasant.
Noel started groaning lowly. He wouldn’t last long.
His hand grabbed mine, squeezing it, his lips still staying on mine. It was so tender.
Yes Y/N?
You can move a little faster if you want.
Alright, but I’m not sure I’m gonna last.
It’s okay…
He sped up his movements, causing me to start whimpering. It started to feel good.
Fuck Y/N… He moaned
My free hand came wandering on his body, ending up in his hair.
I would not know what an orgasm was yet, but I would know what letting go is.
I let myself melt under his touch and I started moaning lowly for how pleasurable it started to be.
My insides accidentally convulsed around Noel’s shaft. He stopped kissing me and looked me in the eyes.
My face was showing signs of pleasure and it drove him crazy. I felt his hand squeeze mine harder and he bit my shoulder, muffling his grunts. He pulled out at the same time and spilled himself on my stomach. It had lasted only 5 minutes, but these were the first best moments of my life. These 5 minutes that changed my life and our relationship. But I didn’t know it yet.
Noel collapsed on top of me as I left kisses on his forehead.
Soz but we had no condom… He said, out of breath
It’s okay, I don’t mind Noely.
He looked at me and kissed me again before getting up and grabbing my shirt to clean our mess or more like his mess on my stomach before leaving a kiss there and laying next to me, taking me in his arms, as we let ourselves fall into Morpheus arms.
November 23rd, 1983:
I woke up at 9am, alone in my bed, Noel was gone.
He hadn’t left a word or anything.
I was sore from the night before, and suddenly, I remember wat happened. Noel and I had sex the night before. We had been each other’s first. Something that wasn’t planned. Because we weren’t dating, right?
But I didn’t regret anything. I was scared Noel might. I did as nothing happened the whole morning.
At 2pm, having no signs of Noel when we were supposed to go to The Smiths gig, I started to worry. So I called.
Hello? I heard a feminine voice answer
Peggy? It’s Y/N.
Oh hello me beautiful Y/N, how are ye?
I’m fine, it’s you I should ask.
I’m good, thank ye.
Is…Is Noel here?
No, he went camping with Liam until tomorrow.
Okay… can you tell him I called when he’ll be back, please?
Of course. See ye Y/N.
See ya.
Yeah, I wasn’t happy and cool about it. Firstly, Noel let me down and there was no way he could have forgotten about the gig. And secondly, I felt like Noel regretted what we had done and would never speak to me again.
During a whole month, I had no news from him, until Paul called me.
December 31st 1983:
Having no news from the most important person in my life after my parents was hurting me. And there was worse. I understood a few days after what happened that I was falling in love with Noel.
But all of this was probably over. I tried to overcome this by trying to make me think about something else with books and music. It was New Year’s Eve and for the first time in years, I had nothing planned, or so I thought.
Y/N, phone call! My father shouted
I thought he was the one calling, so I literally ran downstairs.
Hi Y/N, it’s Paul.
I was a bit disappointed but tried to hide it.
Oh hey Paul!
Have ye anything planned tonight? I’m soz for being late to propose but our kid and I are organizing a little party tonight, do ye want to come?
Huh, yeah, of course!
Noel will be there. I know ye haven’t seen each other for a few and I think that’s a bad thing so…
Okay. Do I have to bring something?
Just a few bottles if ye can, we have the rest.
I’ll be there.
At 6pm, I put on my favourite blue night dress, some make up, a faux-fur coat, some boots, took a full bottle I had under my bed, my pack of cigarettes and left for the party.
When I arrived, I saw everyone but Noel. And when he arrived and saw me, he totally avoided me.
I didn’t understand, we didn’t do anything wrong.
By 11pm, everyone was having fun when I was sat on a chair, tipsy, and had no trace of Noel. So I went outside, smoking cigarettes on cigarettes.
By 11:55, someone opened the door and joined me. Here he was, standing in front of me. He hesitated.
Hi… he started
Hi… I pursued
Can…Can I sit with ye?
Yes. I even think you should.
I know. We have to…
Talk? Yeah.
He sat next to me, lighting a cigarette, and taking a puff before blowing smoke in the cold humid air.
Why Noel? I asked
I needed to think.
About what happened? Noel, if you think I regret it, I don’t and I loved it. If it had to happen again, I would let the exact same thing happen.
I don’t regret it either and I loved it too.
Then what’s the fucking problem?
I…I feel like ye won’t feel the same way but…
I realized I love ye Y/N.
I was stunned, we felt the same.
And yer not saying anything so not hard to guess ye don’t and I fucked up.
You’re wrong, you didn’t. I feel the same Noely. For the last month I realized this too. I thought you regretted what happened and that you never wanted to see me ever again.
Oh no Y/N, the past month I couldn’t stop thinking about yer lips on mine, how I held ye tight when we slept, how I loved being inside ye and making love to ye. How I always want to spend time with ye. I mean it Y/N, I love ye.
We heard the others inside start counting down the countdown, 1984 was about to begin.
Okay, fer 1984, I want ye to be me girlfriend and I’ll start it by kissing ye.
Okay then 4…3…2…1…
And Noel crushed his lips on mine, deepening the kiss by letting his tongue dance with mine.
And when we separated, he looked at me, smiling like an idiot.
Happy new year Noely.
Happy new year, me lovely girlfriend.
And as soon as his sentence was over, the fireworks started lighting the sky, and we watched it, hand in hand.
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lgwifey · 2 years ago
ok ok ok so I know this is super shorty but imagine yn in toxic still dosent know if Liam actually likes her and values her and then he comes home with her name tattooed and she has no clue if it’s a publicity stunt or not..all she knows is that it’s gone to far and she is his even if she dosent want to be
toxic - request
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90s!liam gallagher x fem!reader
warnings : none i dont think ? also i'm really really sorry if this is horrific babes, i'm running off 3 hours of sleep from two days ago and a hangover that i swear is actually going to be the death of me x
not proof read
Everything had been going well.
Well, okay.
Actually no, everything had been going okay-ish. The '-ish' part was very important.
It was going okay-ish in the scence that since the 'going out' incident, Liam had basically been advoiding her at all costs. If they weren't told directly by both of their management teams that they both had to be at a certain place together then there was an 80 percent chance that the younger Gallagher wouldn't show up.
His little stunts like this had been getting her in deep trouble off of her management, she didn't know whether Liam had been facing the same backlash or not since he hadn't spoke to her in three days.
He hadn't spoken to her in three days because he hadn't been back to the flat in two days.
That's the reason y/n was holding the cold plastic against her ear as the fingers of her empty hand tapped a rhythm against the kitchen counter's worktop.
"So you've seen him ?"
"Yeah, kid's been stayin' at the studio."
For some reason, relief danced through y/n's body. She let out a shaky breath and thanked the man on the other side of the previously panic filled call.
"Cool, okay. Thanks Noel."
"No problem, would've thought you knew the twat was here, since y'know."
As the manucian carried on, the irish girl's eyebrows twined in.
Why would she know why he had been staying at the studio ?
"Why is their a new song youse lot are working on or something ?"
Noel paused for a moment.
"No. Since y'know what the brothers have made him do."
It was a statement that was spoken to her like a question. A question she didn't know the answer to.
"What've they made him do ? He ain't told me anything."
"Shit ! You don't know ?"
"No Noel, I don't know. What has he done ?"
She was becoming slightly aggitated at his lack of answer to her question. Her finger tips where no longer tapping, rather failing at digging into the solid countertop .
"Well i'm not telling yer over the phone, i'll send r'kid back to the flat."
"I'll see yer on Sunday y/n."
The phone buzzed with the faint sound of Noel Gallagher hanging up on her.
Subquencly, a loud smack echoed through the bare 'home' as the white landline was hooked onto the wall again.
It was just past midnight when the front door of the apartment block was buzzed open and the singer was awoke by her door being locked back up.
The tele gave off a laugh as the old sitcom episode finished replaying.
The lights where all off in the flat, apart from the hallway which beemed a mild white through the ajar door.
"Didn't wake yer up did I ?"
As Liam appeared from the other side of the, now slightly more open, door, y/n felt her heart thud.
Not out of some kind of relief that he was back, just because she hadn't expected someone to appear.
"No, course you didn't."
Her body readjusted itself against the couch, the throw blanket being sorted back over her body from where it had slid.
"What's the thing that they made you do then ?"
"Who ? Management ?"
She gave a small hum, watching as he walked past her, to the television to turn it off.
"Wasn't really a 'make', just somethin' the bastarts suggested would help us out after your mishap."
She raised an eyebrow, watching as he threw the parka coat onto the corner's rocking chair and slid his sleeve up his arm, just above his elbow.
Upon slight of it, her heart dropped.
To be fair to her, Noel could've gave a bit more warning. A bit of preperation for something he knew she'd hate.
Her name, clearly inked, onto Liam's skin.
A tattoo of her name, on him.
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years ago
Pictures of you-Chapter 15 (90's Liam Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90's Liam Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: fluff AF, language, maybe a few spelling mistakes. (smut back in the next chapter guys ;) )
Words: 1194
Summary: Take a look into Y/N and Liam's new fatherhood and motherhood.
A/N: Hey guys ! Here's chapter 15 ! It's shorter than usual. I decided to talk about something important in some motherhoods which is the baby blues, but don't worry, this chapter is still cute. See you on Wednesday for our weekly oneshot !
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September 1999- London:
After giving birth to Lennon, I was exhausted, so the thing I was doing the most was sleeping. But there was something else. I had a growing ache.
I just thought that my bipolar disorder’s depression was coming back, but it was different, and felt worse but wasn’t.
Liam was often going out for fresh air with our son in the baby carrier.
Paparazzi were here to take pictures, but happily, baby Lennon was well hidden.
He was sitting on one special bench, opposite to a little lake where ducks were bathing.
Baby Lennon was sleeping with his head against his father’s torso. He was so peaceful.
Liam had found its other strength.
He was kissing his head, hugging him, staying there for about 45 minutes before coming home and putting our son to bed.
Then he come to our bedroom to hug me.
Hello sweetheart.
Wakey wakey!
Ye sleep too much.
I need to, I’m exhausted.
The more ye sleep, the more ye’ll feel exhausted.
I carried your child for 9 months; I’m going to need 9 months of recovery.
I’m going to prepare something to eat. What do ye say about some nice pastas with a pesto rosso sauce?
I’m not hungry.
Ye don’t eat anything…C’mon Y/N, ye need to be healthy. Fer ye and fer Lennon. He needs good milk to feed him.
He’s got you, you can feed him. Bottle-feed him and let me sleep.
Y/N, our son needs ye. Ye haven’t touched him since he was born, what’s happening to ye?
And I started crying uncontrollably. I, myself didn’t know what was happening to me.
I’m not good enough to be a mother Liam, I don’t deserve to be his mother, he needs a better one. I won’t get better I know it, I feel it.
Liam felt powerless. He took me in his arms as I sobbed uncontrollably.
Me love, what’s happening to ye? He said, panicked
I grabbed his armpit and squeezed it as he kissed my head.
Liam took the phone and called to his brother’s place. It wasn’t Supernova Heights anymore; Meg and Noel had moved since then to welcome their daughter somewhere else.
As Lennon was born only a few days before, Peggy was still staying at Noel’s.
What’s up our kid? Noel said, answering the phone
Hi Noel, can I talk to mam please?
Noel went to call Peggy.
Hi mam, can ye come over? I need ye.
Is everything alright?
Tell me, what’s happening me boy?
It’s Y/N, she’s not doing fine, that’s why I need ye to come over. I also called her therapist.
Okay, I’m coming, I’ll be there in a few.
Peggy arrived at the moment my therapist was about to leave.
What’s happening? Liam asked
Your wife suffers from a baby blues.
Oh dear… Peggy answered, worried about me
What’s that exactly? Liam pursued
Don’t worry, it’s not unusual, it’s not a big deal. 30 to 80% of new moms suffer from this. It won’t last, but if it lasts call me and take her to me. How long has she been like this?
Since we came home. How can I act on this?
Just stay with her, show empathy, be patient, be kind, listen to her, compliment her new role as a mom. Within a few days, she will get better. Or even tomorrow, who knows?
I’ll make her something to eat. Liam, let me talk to her. We will understand each other between mothers. Peggy said
Alright mam. I trust ye. I hope she’ll get better soon. I love her. I fucking love her beyond everything mam.
I know.
The morning after, after Peggy talked to me and after Liam took great care of me, I woke up to the sound of my son, crying his room, through the baby phone.
Liam, not knowing I was awake, got up and went to Lennon’s bedroom.
Hey, what’s up little man? Ye hungry? Yous nappy full? Let me check that. Oh yeah, yous nappy’s full, without a doubt. Shit, it stinks!
I laughed to myself.
I heard my husband sing him a lullaby, but it didn’t stop Lennon from crying. Then he started singing I am the walrus. And this time, it worked.
Ye like it? Ye like it when I sing The Beatles to ye, John Lennon Gallagher?
I chuckled to myself.
It’s only Lennon Gallagher. I murmured
Alright, yer all-clean mate, let’s go see yer mam now, don’t ye think it’s a good idea?
Liam came back with our son in his arms in our bedroom.
He laid him in the middle of the bed, between us two.
I turned around and finally opened my eyes, smiling. This day was a better one.
Hey, say hello to yer mam.
Good morning! I said
My son was awake and looking at me, his tongue poking out from time to time.
I put my little finger between his lips, and he suckled it.
I think he might be hungry.
Yeah, I think you’re right.
I sat and raised my tee, which was soaked with milk, by the fact I didn’t touch my son since we came back from the hospital.
I took him in my arms and fed him. Liam caressed our son’s head.
Are ye okay? He asked, looking at us two
Yeah. Are you?
Tired but okay.
A silence took place, but it was soon interrupted by my dear husband.
Thank ye Y/N.
For what?
Fer giving me what I never hoped fer. Ye gave me a fucking wonderful life. And I’m soz I’ve been mean to ye at the beginning and I fucked up these past two years. I love ye Y/N. I fucking love ye. Ye gave me everything I wanted. And ye made me a better man.
I smiled
I love you too Liam.
We kissed and I looked at Lennon who had fell asleep.
Take him in your arms, lay him on your torso but only skin on skin. I want to do something.
He executed himself and I took my camera.
I sat next to the bed.
Now look at me.
He did, and I took the picture.
I showed it to him after.
It’s a dead good picture me love.
I’ll have it printed. It’s a good picture indeed. A very beautiful one, with my two favourite people in the whole universe. Now I’m gonna take a good and needed bath.
I prefer to see ye like this, me.
It’s us now Liam. We’re a family. And I want to fight for it to work. I want to fight all my problems, these fucking illnesses, for you, and for Lennon. For our family. It will make me, it will make us stronger. You are my strengths.
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