7su2 · 3 years
Stand Showcase: Creeping Death
We’ve released key art for the stand of previous character Joe Harper!
Check out our free patreon post to learn a little bit about the creation of this stand!
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7su2 · 4 years
Battle Background Work Has Begun!
https://www.patreon.com/posts/41125166 For patrons, you can see the first of the battle backgrounds for the game a week before everyone else. We’re starting work on more backgrounds, so stay tuned! The artwork is done by @imtonchi​, so give them lots of love!
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The sprites for the main characters above are place holder!
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7su2 · 5 years
Men’s Portraits Done!
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With the chubby male’s portraits finished, we are done with main cast portraits! We explain in the post, but moving forward we’ll be putting some sprite work behind the patreon for the time being. All other art related to the game unless otherwise stated will go up for free on patreon! Next on our agenda is finally finishing OC designs and sharing them with the world!
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7su2 · 5 years
Glasses portraits done!
We’ve finished portraits for our male glasses character!
Check the patreon page for more previews! https://www.patreon.com/posts/glasses-done-33311747
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7su2 · 9 years
Stand Feature #1: Motörhead
Hello again! I thought, after doing Update #1.6, I could explain the stands of the main character in better detail. After all, what good is a stand without its powers?
To start, we’ll talk about Motörhead.
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Motörhead is a short range power stand. It has the power to influence momentum of itself and any object it touches. The stand itself is a suit, like the one you see in this picture. This is important, as the user is completely covered, which means its power is limited to the range of the user. Motörhead, on top of the power of momentum, can also be ridden like a motorcycle. With this, Motörhead allows its user to turn on a dime or stop completely almost instantaneously. It can also allow itself to reach high speeds, comparable to a bullet train. It is not entirely limited to its motorcycle mode, though, because it can still run at high speeds.
Because it can affect other objects, it can throw objects at an incredibly high speeds. Its high strength and momentum affecting ability can make the object appear to travel as fast, if not faster, then the eye can see.
The stand is not without its weaknesses, however. As it was stated earlier, the stand is limited to its user, as it is a suit. While it can make objects thrown appear faster than the human eye, the user itself can not move that fast off of its motorcycle mode. In short, Motörhead’s physical speed, like running, is limited by its user. Further, Motörhead cannot move fast in things that limit movement, like water or quicksand, for example. Finally, and the stand’s biggest crutch, is that it requires maintenance to maintain itself in peak condition. Standard motor oil is all it requires, but if this is neglected, Motörhead will be weaker than its potential. Thankfully, however, even a neglected Motörhead is still stronger and faster than the average human or even the average stand.
If you’ve got any further questions about Motörhead or the game, I’ll update the post accordingly as well as answer via private messaging.
Until next time, remember to Shine On Like A Crazy Diamond!
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