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Massage guns are among the list of recent innovations made for the muscle recovery process plus since its invention in 2008, it has grown to become favorite tool for many athletes in the world looking to take demand of their muscle therapy and recovery process. A massage therapy gun is known to offer the same results as a deep cellular material massage. The beauty of this is that you can get all the positive aspects within minutes in your most convenient time while following ones schedule. It makes it easier for most people to manage their wellness, whether they are in sports or they are just fitness fans. These massage guns have been in high demand in recent years, which can just be traced to the many benefits they have to offer, from alleviating aches and pain to increased blood circulation among others. Worth note is that it also helps shorten recovery time period while it does all of these. Below are the top 10 benefits of some sort of massage gun that you should know: 1 . Sports Performance, Harm Prevention, and Recovery Core Abdominal Trainers provided by a caress gun helps improve the muscle contraction, which results in your lengthening and strengthening of the muscles and fascial flesh. Making massage therapy part of your lifestyle and post-workout routine is a good way to relieve stress. The main purpose of a massage may be to help relax the muscles and relieve tension in your body, which would help shorten the muscle recovery time concerning workouts, as toxic debris are constantly being taken off to allow the muscles bounce back within the shortest probable time. For every deep tissue massage with the massage marker pens, fluids and tension are released within the deep muscle mass and this results in improved circulation, as the blood and tissues cells exchange substances which help boost tissue metabolism. This supply of nutrients and oxygen is also improved due to the massage therapies, therefore increasing blood circulation throughout the body. It also helps prevent overtraining due to the sedating effect it has on the nervous system. The idea heals and prevents injuries, as the improved circulation assists break down adhesions and the increased production of nutrients as well as fluids could help with quick tissue repair. Sports functioning is also improved, as the massage guns help increase power and performance, which makes the muscles more flexible and successful. 2 . Advanced Vibrational Healing & Powerful Pain Relief Vibrational healing is a form of healing that is based on vibrations together with subtle energies, without any dependence on other systems of therapeutic. It is based on each person’s unique energy field and it is known to be efficient. Interestingly, a massage gun provides that same benefit, as it delivers vibrations deep into the muscle mass by using the “percussive therapy” technique. The vibrations from the knead help improve blood and lymph circulation around the body, which often helps produce more oxygen and nutrients into the muscular tissue. The result of this is speedy recovery, improved range of motion, pain relief and additionally relieving muscle fatigue and soreness. Pain in the neck of the guitar, shoulders and lower back can easily be relieved with the sophisticated vibrating effect from massage guns. 3. Rehabilitation Therapeutic massage is known to be one of the most effective forms of injury rehabilitation treatments, as it not only speeds up the recovery process but also stops re-injury. Massage guns work as a supplement to the usual injury rehabilitation process and encourage healing and treatment of atrophied muscles due to trauma or disease. Better circulation into the muscles and fascial tissues helps a injured areas to become more flexible and heal just a short time. 4. Release Lactic Acid Lactic acid versions when the oxygen levels in the body are low and the entire body begins to compensate for it by converting newly formed lactate into energy. This often happens during intense activity and the lactic acid tends to build up in the bloodstream sooner than it can burn off. This could make you feel exhausted, nauseated and have cramp feelings in your muscles. A massage rifle can reverse this, as it helps the release involving lactic acid and other toxins from the muscles to neighboring tissues. This will help reduce the risk of muscle soreness that will often comes after a prolonged exertion due to lactic acid piling up. 5. Increases Blood and Lymphatic Flow Massage markers provide deep tissue massage, which increases the rate associated with blood flow and stimulates the nerve receptors responsible for dilating blood vessels. The lymph works to remove waste and waste from the bodily tissues and the flow is controlled just by muscle contractions; this means less active people might not be thrilling enough lymph circulation while very active people may be accumulating too much of it. This could result in lymphedema if not regulated. However , with a massage gun, you can create a balance, precisely as it helps improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. 6. Invokes the Nervous System and Muscles The nervous process stimulates and regulates the activity of the muscles and controls the body’s homeostasis. For every activity on the muscles, all the nervous system gets notified. Massage guns help increase the receptors of the sympathetic nervous system, which causes vasodilation in the skin and muscles, thereby releasing tension in addition to helping the muscles relax while improving mobility. 7. Relieves Muscle Spasms and Stiffness Massage guns can certainly help relieve muscle spasms and stiffness that may arise with an intense workout. The muscle spasm often leads to ischemia in the muscles, which means the muscle is lacking adequate blood flow. This could result in spasms that are painful to the touch. Your massage gun works by applying pressure to the muscle, tendons, and ligaments to help them become relaxed, thereby limiting spasms and painful contractions 8. Breaks up Scar tissue formation Scar tissue is made up of collagen fibers that help with the maintenance of damaged fibers in the body. However , the elasticity in the tissues does not measure up with the natural muscle tissues of the shape. Massage guns provide deep tissue massage, which will help fail these scar tissues, thereby alleviating pain and reducing restriction. You can use massage guns not only for sports wounds but also for post-surgery scar tissues. 9. Enhance Range of Motion Easily Massage guns work on the muscles, connective tissues, muscles, ligaments, and joints, all of which work together to aid mobility. Along with the consistent use of massage guns, the joints will be more accommodating and less prone to strains and sprains. The tranquil muscles and fascial tissue and improved blood circulation come together to improve flexibility and range of motion of the body. Improved range would then result in added advantages like enhancing athletic capabilities and improved stimulation of the body’s natural lubricants which keeps the body flexible. 10. Wellness Benefits There are many other health improvements of massage guns apart from relaxing the muscles along with alleviating pain. This includes increased mobility, improved sleep, and even improved immunity. It is also helpful for depression and anxiety, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, and stress-related insomnia. Conclusion We all get hold of stressed from daily life activities. However , failure to manage this approach stress properly could hurt your health over time. A stroke gun could be a hack to successfully managing stress inside shortest possible time and in the most convenient way whilst getting the many other benefits attached to it.
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31 Simple Wellness Tips for Healthy & Happy Living
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Sometimes it can desire maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an awesome challenge that doesn’t fit within the realities of lifestyle. It’s tough to carry down a full-time job, eat well, train for a marathon, make homemade green juice, spend quality time together with your family/partner, and meditate for an hour every day. 😰
Of course, healthy living can incorporate all of those things (if you would like it to), but it doesn’t need to be defined by grandiose displays of health and fitness.
So much of healthy living is basically made from small things we do daily—things that are so small they don’t feel momentous, but that, done consistently over time, add up to supply big results.
Here are 31 tips to measure a healthier, happier lifestyle—all simple, easy things which will be seamlessly incorporated into your daily life:
1. DRINK A GLASS OF WATER very first thing within the MORNING Coffee’s great too, but it’s best to start out your day by re-hydrating with a full glass of water. Hydrating the very first thing within the morning helps to assist digestion, enhance skin health and boost energy.
2. TAKE the steps Taking the steps rather than the elevator may be a simple thanks to getting a touch more physical activity in your lifestyle. It also strengthens and tones your legs and core while you’re at it!
3. MAKE HALF YOUR PLATE VEGGIES A simple hack for healthy eating (and portion control) is to form half your plate veggies at each meal.
4. GET A FITBIT & TRACK YOUR STEPS Using a Fitbit (we just like the Ionic and Versa) to trace your steps is a simple thanks to confirming you’re getting enough physical activity. We aim for 10,000 steps every day, which has significant physical and psychological state benefits. The Fitbit also will remind you to urge 250 steps each hour (another important measure of health—see tip #9!).
5. SWITCH TO NONTOXIC HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS Conventional household cleaning products are filled with harmful chemical ingredients that aren't good for our health. Switching to healthier alternatives (we share an entire list in our Healthy Cleaning Guide) may be a simple thanks to reducing your exposure to environmental toxins in your home.
6. USE NONTOXIC SKINCARE & care PRODUCTS Similar to cleaning products, conventional skincare, and private care products are formulated with toxic ingredients we should always not regularly let absorb into our body’s largest organ. Reduce the toxic burden on your body by switching to nontoxic care and wonder products (see our specific recommendations on deodorant, sunscreen, and green beauty products).
7. TAKE A PROBIOTIC DAILY A daily probiotic can help with digestion, skin health, immunity, psychological state and more. Learn more about the health benefits of probiotics (and all the ways to urge them in your diet), and shop our favorite probiotic here.
8. EAT REAL FOOD Aim to only eat real food that’s made from whole food ingredients you'd have in your own kitchen pantry, or that your grandmother would recognize. (Yup, this rules out most packaged food, sorry!)
9. get up EVERY half-hour WHILE WORKING Reduce the harmful effects of sitting (like at your desk job) by standing up and traveling a touch every half hour.
10. GET SUNLIGHT a day Vitamin D is one of the foremost important nutrients for overall health, and sunlight may be a great source of it. Aim to urge a minimum of half-hour of sunlight each day—preferably within the afternoon, and without sunscreen (read more that here).
11. FILL YOUR HOME WITH HOUSEPLANTS Houseplants help to cleanse your indoor air (sadly, it probably needs it!), they’re pretty, and research even shows they improve mood, creativity, and problem-solving!
12. SWEAT a day Aim to sweat in how each day—whether that’s via running, biking, dancing, hot yoga, or the other physical activity you enjoy.
13. HAVE A DAILY GREEN SMOOTHIE Green smoothies as a snack or simple, on-the-go breakfast are a simple thanks to getting your greens every day. inspect our curated list of healthy (veggie-packed!) smoothie recipes.
14. exerting & BE KIND Enough said!
15. CULTIVATE A POSITIVE MINDSET “The only difference between an honest day and a nasty day is your attitude.” It’s true—mindset is everything! Cultivate a positive mindset by recognizing negative thought patterns and countering them with positive thoughts or affirmations.
16. GET ENOUGH SLEEP Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Follow our recommendations on getting quality sleep—things like keeping your bedroom cool in the dark, avoiding blue light after dark, and more.
17. START YOUR DAY WITH A HEALTHY MORNING ROUTINE Start every day with fulfilling activities that set the tone for a way you would like to feel—whether that’s inspired, relaxed, productive, or something else. inspect our list of ideas for your healthy morning routine.
18. EAT THE RAINBOW Aim to eat all the colors of the rainbow every day. (Natural colors only, no Skittles!) Get our free fillable/printable Eat the Rainbow daily & weekly tracker to assist keep track!
19. FLOSS YOUR TEETH Floss your teeth daily permanently dental health and overall health. Not only does flossing daily protect your teeth and gums, but good dental health is additionally important for immunity and heart health.
20. SPEND TIME ALONE Spending regular time alone helps to urge you to understand yourself and sign up with how you’re doing and what you would like, so you'll live your most intentional life. Some people enjoying hiking, going for a walk or run, meditating, or maybe sunbathing as a healthy source of alone time.
21. DO belongings you ENJOY This often gets overlooked as an important element of healthy living—doing things every day that you simply enjoy! Whether that’s exercise, baking, crafting, reading a book or watching TV, reserve time every day to spend doing activities you personally enjoy.
22. CHOOSE ORGANIC FOODS WHEN POSSIBLE There is a gazillion health, environmental and social reasons to settle on organic foods, so we’ll let that more detailed post do the talking and just remind you to settle on organic foods whenever possible.
23. A TEASPOON OF APPLE vinegar KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY Apple vinegar cures everything (well… almost everything!). A teaspoon of apple vinegar during a glass of water helps aid digestion, relieve bloat, boost immunity, regulate blood glucose levels and more.
24. SMILE OFTEN Smiling actually boosts your physical and psychological state, so smile as often as you'll throughout the day!
25. WORK ON OVERCOMING YOUR FEARS Fears hold us back and keep us from living life as our greatest selves. Acknowledge your fears and take steps to beat them. (One example of this is often overcoming your fear of speechmaking to open new doors in your career and private life.)
26. USE A YOGA BALL AS A DESK CHAIR Save your back/shoulders/neck and strengthen your core by employing a yoga ball as a desk chair.
27. MANAGE STRESS WITH SELF-CARE ACTIVITIES Chronic stress is detrimental to both your physical and psychological state. Get to understand your stress triggers and releases (the things which will help calm you when you’re stressed) so you'll proactively deal with stress and maintain healthy levels.
28. INTERMITTENT FASTING CAN PROMOTE WEIGHT LOSS We’re not really into dieting (restrictions are not any fun!), but intermittent fasting is more of an eating pattern than a diet. it's several notable health benefits and may help speed metabolism to market weight loss.
29. DRINK A GLASS OF WATER AFTER EVERY alcohol A glass of water after every alcohol helps to detoxify the alcohol from your body, also as slow your alcohol consumption and keep you hydrated (a key think about hangover prevention!).
30. PRACTICE GRATITUDE Practice gratitude each day—this might be once you awaken, before bed, or during your lunch break at work. Here are our favorite tips for practicing more gratitude in your lifestyle, plus a rundown of the physical and psychological state benefits of practicing gratitude regularly.
31. A WALK around the BLOCK is best THAN NO WALK in the least When it involves a healthy lifestyle, doing just a touch bit is best than doing nothing in the least. If you would like to travel on a walk but don’t have time for your usual hour-long walk, take a brief walk around the block. A 5-minute walk is best than no walk at all!
And remember: • You don’t need to do everything, and you don’t need to roll in the hay all directly. • You’re more likely to try to belongings you actually enjoy.
So, the note of which of those healthy living tips sounds most enjoyable to you and begin there!
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openwindow-win · 4 years
31 Simple Wellness Tips for Healthy & Happy Living
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Sometimes it can feel like maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an overwhelming challenge that doesn’t fit within the realities of daily life. It’s tough to hold down a full-time job, eat well, train for a marathon, make homemade green juice, spend quality time with your family/partner, and meditate for an hour each day. 😰
Of course, healthy living can incorporate all of these things (if you want it to), but it doesn’t have to be defined by grandiose displays of health and fitness.
So much of healthy living is really made up of small things we do daily—things that are so small they don’t feel momentous, but that, done consistently over time, add up to produce big results.
Here are 31 tips to live a healthier, happier lifestyle—all simple, easy things that can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily life:
Coffee’s great too, but it’s best to start your day by re-hydrating with a full glass of water. Hydrating first thing in the morning helps to aid digestion, enhance skin health and boost energy.
Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a simple way to get a little more physical activity in your daily life. It also strengthens and tones your legs and core while you’re at it!
A simple hack for healthy eating (and portion control) is to make half your plate veggies at each meal.
Using a Fitbit (we like the Ionic and Versa) to track your steps is an easy way to make sure you’re getting enough physical activity. We aim for 10,000 steps each day, which has significant physical and mental health benefits. The Fitbit will also remind you to get 250 steps each hour (another important measure of health—see tip #9!).
Conventional household cleaning products are full of harmful chemical ingredients that are not good for our health. Switching to healthier alternatives (we share a complete list in our Healthy Cleaning Guide) is a simple way to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins in your home.
Similar to cleaning products, conventional skincare and personal care products are formulated with toxic ingredients we should not regularly let absorb into our body’s largest organ. Reduce the toxic burden on your body by switching to nontoxic personal care and beauty products (see our specific recommendations on deodorant, sunscreen, and green beauty products).
A daily probiotic can help with digestion, skin health, immunity, mental health and more. Learn more about the health benefits of probiotics (and all the ways to get them in your diet), and shop our favorite probiotic here.
Aim to only eat real food that’s made of whole food ingredients you would have in your own kitchen pantry, or that your grandmother would recognize. (Yup, this rules out most packaged food, sorry!)
Reduce the harmful effects of sitting (like at your desk job) by standing up and moving around a bit every half hour.
Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for overall health, and sunlight is a great source of it. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of sunlight each day—preferably in the afternoon, and without sunscreen (read more about that here).
Houseplants help to cleanse your indoor air (sadly, it probably needs it!), they’re pretty, and research even shows they improve mood, creativity and problem solving!
Aim to sweat in some way each day—whether that’s via running, biking, dancing, hot yoga, or any other physical activity you enjoy.
Green smoothies as a snack or simple, on-the-go breakfast are an easy way to get your greens in each day. Check out our curated list of healthy (veggie-packed!) smoothie recipes.
Enough said!
“The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.” It’s true—mindset is everything! Cultivate a positive mindset by recognizing negative thought patterns and countering them with positive thoughts or affirmations.
Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Follow our tips on getting quality sleep—things like keeping your bedroom cool at night, avoiding blue light after dark, and more.
Start each day with fulfilling activities that set the tone for how you want to feel—whether that’s inspired, relaxed, productive, or something else. Check out our list of ideas for your healthy morning routine.
Aim to eat all the colors of the rainbow each day. (Natural colors only, no Skittles!) Get our free fillable/printable Eat the Rainbow daily & weekly tracker to help keep track!
Floss your teeth daily for good dental health and overall health. Not only does flossing daily protect your teeth and gums, but good dental health is also important for immunity and heart health.
Spending regular time alone helps to get to know yourself, and check in with how you’re doing and what you want, so you can live your most intentional life. Some people enjoying hiking, going for a walk or run, meditating, or even sunbathing as a healthy source of alone time.
This often gets overlooked as an essential element of healthy living—doing things each day that you enjoy! Whether that’s exercise, baking, crafting, reading a book or watching TV, reserve time each day to spend doing activities you personally enjoy.
There are a gazillion health, environmental and social reasons to choose organic foods, so we’ll let that more detailed post do the talking and just remind you to choose organic foods whenever possible.
Apple cider vinegar cures everything (well… almost everything!). A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water helps aid digestion, relieve bloat, boost immunity, regulate blood sugar levels and more.
Smiling actually boosts your physical and mental health, so smile as often as you can throughout the day!
Fears hold us back and keep us from living life as our best self. Acknowledge your fears and take steps to overcome them. (One example of this is overcoming your fear of public speaking to open new doors in your career and personal life.)
Save your back/shoulders/neck and strengthen your core by using a yoga ball as a desk chair.
Chronic stress is detrimental to both your physical and mental health. Get to know your stress triggers and releases (the things that can help calm you when you’re stressed) so you can proactively cope with stress and maintain healthy levels.
We’re not really into dieting (restrictions are no fun!), but intermittent fasting is more of an eating pattern than a diet. It has several notable health benefits, and can help speed metabolism to promote weight loss.
A glass of water after every alcoholic beverage helps to detoxify the alcohol from your body, as well as slow your alcohol consumption and keep you hydrated (a key factor in hangover prevention!).
Practice gratitude each day—this could be when you wake up, before bed, or during your lunch break at work. Here are our favorite tips for practicing more gratitude in your daily life, plus a rundown of the physical and mental health benefits of practicing gratitude regularly.
When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, doing just a little bit is better than doing nothing at all. If you want to go on a walk but don’t have time for your usual hour-long walk, take a short walk around the block. A 5-minute walk is better than no walk at all!
And remember: • You don’t have to do everything, and you don’t have to do it all at once. • You’re more likely to do things you actually enjoy.
So, take note of which of these healthy living tips sound most enjoyable to you and start there!
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virnom01 · 4 years
31 Simple Wellness Tips for Healthy & Happy Living
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Sometimes it can feel like maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an overwhelming challenge that doesn’t fit within the realities of daily life. It’s tough to hold down a full-time job, eat well, train for a marathon, make homemade green juice, spend quality time with your family/partner, and meditate for an hour each day. 😰
Of course, healthy living can incorporate all of these things (if you want it to), but it doesn’t have to be defined by grandiose displays of health and fitness.
So much of healthy living is really made up of small things we do daily—things that are so small they don’t feel momentous, but that, done consistently over time, add up to produce big results.
Here are 31 tips to live a healthier, happier lifestyle—all simple, easy things that can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily life:
1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning
Coffee’s great too, but it’s best to start your day by re-hydrating with a full glass of water. Hydrating first thing in the morning helps to aid digestion, enhance skin health, and boost energy.
2. Take the stairs
Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a simple way to get a little more physical activity in your daily life. It also strengthens and tones your legs and core while you’re at it!
3. Make half your plate veggies
A simple hack for healthy eating (and portion control) is to make half your plate veggies at each meal.
4. Get a Fitbit & track your steps
Using a Fitbit (we like the Ionic and Versa) to track your steps is an easy way to make sure you’re getting enough physical activity. We aim for 10,000 steps each day, which has significant physical and mental health benefits. The Fitbit will also remind you to get 250 steps each hour (another important measure of health—see tip #9!).
5. Switch to nontoxic household cleaning products
Conventional household cleaning products are full of harmful chemical ingredients that are not good for our health. Switching to healthier alternatives (we share a complete list in our Healthy Cleaning Guide) is a simple way to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins in your home.
6. Use nontoxic skincare & personal care products
Similar to cleaning products, conventional skincare and personal care products are formulated with toxic ingredients we should not regularly let absorb into our body’s largest organ. Reduce the toxic burden on your body by switching to nontoxic personal care and beauty products (see our specific recommendations on deodorant, sunscreen, and green beauty products).
7. Take a probiotic daily
A daily probiotic can help with digestion, skin health, immunity, mental health and more. Learn more about the health benefits of probiotics (and all the ways to get them in your diet), and shop our favorite probiotic here.
8. Eat real food
Aim to only eat real food that’s made of whole food ingredients you would have in your own kitchen pantry, or that your grandmother would recognize. (Yup, this rules out most packaged food, sorry!)
9. Stand up every 30 minutes while working
Reduce the harmful effects of sitting (like at your desk job) by standing up and moving around a bit every half hour.
10. Get sunlight every day
Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for overall health, and sunlight is a great source of it. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of sunlight each day—preferably in the afternoon, and without sunscreen .
11. Fill your home with houseplants
Houseplants help to cleanse your indoor air (sadly, it probably needs it!), they’re pretty, and research even shows they improve mood, creativity and problem solving!
12. Sweat every day
Aim to sweat in some way each day—whether that’s via running, biking, dancing, hot yoga, or any other physical activity you enjoy.
13. Have a daily Green smoothie
Green smoothies as a snack or simple, on-the-go breakfast are an easy way to get your greens in each day. Check out our curated list of healthy (veggie-packed!) smoothie recipes.
14. Work hard & be kind
Enough said!
15. Cultivate a positive mindset
“The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.” It’s true—mindset is everything! Cultivate a positive mindset by recognizing negative thought patterns and countering them with positive thoughts or affirmations.
16. Get enough sleep
Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Follow our tips on getting quality sleep—things like keeping your bedroom cool at night, avoiding blue light after dark, and more.
17. Start your day with a healthy morning routine
Start each day with fulfilling activities that set the tone for how you want to feel—whether that’s inspired, relaxed, productive, or something else. Check out our list of ideas for your healthy morning routine.
18. Eat the rainbow
Aim to eat all the colors of the rainbow each day. (Natural colors only, no Skittles!) Get our free fillable/printable Eat the Rainbow daily & weekly tracker to help keep track!
19. Floss your teeth
Floss your teeth daily for good dental health and overall health. Not only does flossing daily protect your teeth and gums, but good dental health is also important for immunity and heart health.
20. Spend time alone
Spending regular time alone helps to get to know yourself, and check in with how you’re doing and what you want, so you can live your most intentional life. Some people enjoying hiking, going for a walk or run, meditating, or even sunbathing as a healthy source of alone time.
21. Do things you enjoy
This often gets overlooked as an essential element of healthy living—doing things each day that you enjoy! Whether that’s exercise, baking, crafting, reading a book or watching TV, reserve time each day to spend doing activities you personally enjoy.
22. Choose organic foods when possible
There are a gazillion health, environmental and social reasons to choose organic foods, so we’ll let that more detailed post do the talking and just remind you to choose organic foods whenever possible.
23. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar keeps the doctor away
Apple cider vinegar cures everything (well… almost everything!). A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water helps aid digestion, relieve bloat, boost immunity, regulate blood sugar levels and more.
24. Smile often
Smiling actually boosts your physical and mental health, so smile as often as you can throughout the day!
25. Work on overcoming your fears
Fears hold us back and keep us from living life as our best self. Acknowledge your fears and take steps to overcome them. (One example of this is overcoming your fear of public speaking to open new doors in your career and personal life.)
26. Use a yoga ball as a desk chair
Save your back/shoulders/neck and strengthen your core by using a yoga ball as a desk chair.
27. Manage stress with self-care activities
Chronic stress is detrimental to both your physical and mental health. Get to know your stress triggers and releases (the things that can help calm you when you’re stressed) so you can proactively cope with stress and maintain healthy levels.
28. Intermittent fasting can promote weight loss
We’re not really into dieting (restrictions are no fun!), but intermittent fasting is more of an eating pattern than a diet. It has several notable health benefits, and can help speed metabolism to promote weight loss.
29. Drink a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage
A glass of water after every alcoholic beverage helps to detoxify the alcohol from your body, as well as slow your alcohol consumption and keep you hydrated (a key factor in hangover prevention!).
30. Practice gratitude
Practice gratitude each day—this could be when you wake up, before bed, or during your lunch break at work. Here are our favorite tips for practicing more gratitude in your daily life, plus a rundown of the physical and mental health benefits of practicing gratitude regularly.
31. A walk around the block is better than no walk at all
When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, doing just a little bit is better than doing nothing at all. If you want to go on a walk but don’t have time for your usual hour-long walk, take a short walk around the block. A 5-minute walk is better than no walk at all!
0 notes
unclebeggar93-blog · 5 years
7 Cleansing Habits of the Skincare Savvy You Need to Adopt RN
K-beauty fans know all too well that washing up isn’t as simple as it once used to be. From makeup removal to exfoliation, we do what we can to go the whole nine yards. For those of us who mean well when we wash up, here are seven good cleansing habits that the most savvy of skincare devotees practice on the daily that make every cleansing session count. Trust us, you’ll want to make these part of your ritual stat.
For most Korean beauty lovers, gone are the days of cleansing our face with whatever, whenever. We carefully figure out which cleanser best suits our skin type and diligently perform the double cleanse even when we feel like passing out in bed with our full face on.
Cleansing is, after all, a crucial step of our skincare routine. Doing it wrong can have a devastating impact on our skin — breakouts, blackheads, and premature aging, no thank you. On the flip side, doing it right really gives us a head start in our pursuit of better skin.
Besides the obvious steps of double cleansing and exfoliating a couple times a week, there are small but hugely beneficial cleansing habits we can adopt to ensure we’re really doing the best we can to get our skin into its cleanest condition possible. Here, we reveal seven cleansing habits of the most skin savvy — because if we’re making an effort to wash up anyway, we might as well do it as perfectly as possible.
Habit 1: Remove all traces of heavy makeup before oil cleanser
Upgrade your double cleanse into a triple cleanse, and trust us, the benefits will outweigh the pain of spending those few extra moments.
It’s common practice to remove your makeup during the first step of the double cleanse, before you reach for a foam cleanser. Oil cleansers melt away oil-based impurities like SPF, makeup, and excess sebum, while the foam cleanser whisks away sweat and everything else water-based.
Sure, the double cleanse is way better than a single cleanse, but there’s no denying the ick factor that while you’re massaging away the day with your oil cleanser, you’re also spreading all that makeup gunk all over your skin and even coaxing it into areas that it never touched to begin with. Think black eyeliner all over your cheeks, pink blush on chin — that kind of thing.
To solve that problem, erase your heavy or “point” makeup on your eyes and lips with a makeup remover (or even an oil cleanser) before starting your double cleanse. Treat this more like a “spot cleanse” and swipe away the makeup without tainting the other areas of your face. Then move on to double cleanse your entire face and neck.
Getting your most stubborn makeup out of the way not only prevents you from rubbing dirty eye makeup into your cheeks, but it also gives your oil cleanser more room to function. Now it can more effectively erase SPF, excess sebum, foundation, concealer, and other facial makeup.
Habit 2: Spend at least a minute on the oil cleansing step
We know cleansing is just the first step of many in your daily routine, but still. Slow. It. Down.
Why a minute? You can spend more if you’d like, but 60 seconds ensures you didn’t just rush through this crucial start and that you’ve spent enough time melting away the resistant makeup and impurities that got too cozy on your skin. It also ensures you treated your skin to a nice, circulation-boosting massage. Oil cleansers are like a 2-in-1 product: Besides the obvious removal of oil-based junk, most make for awesome massage oils as well.
Oil cleansers have a texture similar to that of massage oils, and most are super gentle on the skin. Formulated to keep skin’s natural moisture intact, they’re also infused with skin-lavishing ingredients that make them great contenders as massage oils.
So take advantage of this step and treat yourself to a mini facial massage while you’re oil cleansing. More bang for your time, if you ask us!
HABIT 3: Pat face dry with your hands, not your towel
Wiping your freshly cleansed face dry with a towel is pretty counterproductive if you think about it. For starters, used towels are dirty. Unless you bring out a new, clean towel for each washing session, towels are a breeding ground for germs. They likely have been used on other parts of your body, then hung in a bathroom where germs and bacteria flourish in the damp fibers of the towel or in the moist air.
The force of wiping your face with a towel also may be too aggressive on the skin. There’s tugging, pulling, and even scratching involved that can cause wrinkles or exacerbate existing conditions like pimples and inflammation.
The safest way to dry your face post-cleanse is to air dry with the aid of gentle patting with your hands. After washing up, shake the excess water off your hands then smooth away excess water from your face and neck. Lightly pat until skin is just damp enough where water is not dripping down but skin isn’t completely dry.
Truth be told, this manual method does take quite some time. Our editor-in-chief @annapark speeds up the process of skin going from soaking wet to damp by lightly patting a paper towel on her face to soak up the excess water. This way, she’s not spending a lifetime waiting for water to dry nor is she using a dirty towel on her face. Genius!
HABIT 4: After cleansing, leave skin slightly moist before applying toner
Damp skin absorbs products better than dry skin, so it’s a little skincare hack to keep skin moist (but not uncomfortably dripping wet) before applying toner. Active ingredients soak into skin more efficiently when the surface is moist.
Consider a dry, brittle sponge versus a damp one. When you place each under running water, the latter absorbs water faster. Same goes for our skin.
If you accidentally dried your skin too much or time accidentally slipped past and your skin is dry before you can reach for your toner, spritz some facial mist to dampen skin again.
BTW this concept applies not only to toner but to almost every skincare product. So don’t wait until skin is completely dry before moving onto each step of your skincare routine. The only exception would be mineral-based sunscreen, which is designed not to penetrate into skin but to stay on the surface of skin. On damp skin, mineral SPF will get runny and look chalky.
Habit 5: Cleanse every morning
You all double cleanse at night, right? Right?! (If you don’t, you need to get on it stat.) But what about double cleansing in the morning?
Some say a water-based cleanser in the morning is sufficient. Some feel that a morning double cleanse is too drying and forgo a cleanser altogether. (Check out what contributing editor Coco discovered when she started skipping her morning foam cleanser in favor of just a swipe of hydrating toner here.
And then there are others who think that not only do you need to wash up once your alarm goes off, you need to double cleanse. Of course, your skin is probably cleaner when the birds are chirping than it would be by the end of a full day of exposure to the outside air and pollution. That doesn’t mean your skin doesn’t need a good cleanse, though.
According to AM double cleansing proponents, while you slumber, skin goes to work repairing and regenerating itself, which leads to the secretion of sebum, toxin, and oil-based impurities. Many of the products we use in our evening routine, such as heavier creams and facial oils, are oil-based and therefore are most thoroughly removed the next day with an oil cleanser. As you sleep, skin also comes into contact with the invisible dirt, bacteria, and allergens hidden on your bedding and floating in the air. Not to mention, your nighttime skincare just isn’t as fresh come morning, since it’s been oxidized and in contact with your skin overnight.
Doing the double cleanse first thing in the morning takes extra effort, no doubt, but if you use oil-infused products before bedtime or sway on the oily side, your skin may feel extra refreshed and moisturized from a double cleanse, and the new layers of skincare products you apply may perform more effectively after washing away the dead skin and oil that accumulated overnight.
A safe way to determine what kind of morning cleansing regimen is best for you is to consider your skin type, current skin condition, and beauty products you’re using. Just remember that whether Team PM or Team AM&PM, skincare aficionados wholeheartedly agree that skin does need to be cleansed somehow in the morning!
HABIT 6: Cleanse your face and neck before & after a workout session
istock/Jacob Ammentorp Lund
It’s common knowledge that we should clean our face or keep it as bare as possible while working out. Hitting the gym with a full face of makeup clogs pores and promotes bacteria buildup, leading to breakouts and premature aging. Plus, runny mascara just doesn’t go with your cute gym getup. But just as key is washing up post-perspiration.
Of course, sweat does our skin some good. Besides the healthy flush and glow we get after a good sweat sesh, sweating naturally removes impurities from skin and produces an anti-microbial called dermcidin that shields skin from bacteria.
But the problem occurs when we let sweat sit pretty on our face. Like, you know, when you decide to stop by Pressed Juicery for a post-workout refueling. When we perspire, the gunk that’s been clogging our pores, excess sebum, and other impurities get caught in the mix. So if we don’t wash up right after a workout, we’re just letting all that dirtiness mesh with our skin. The result can be breakouts, blackheads, rashes, and other irritations.
That’s why it’s crucial to clean your face immediately after your reps are over. Your sweat already started the dirty work of washing out some buildup. Do your end by cleaning off the sweat.
When that’s not possible, reach for cleansing wipes as a temporary fix before you can really go wash up or just rinse your face with cool water to not only splash away the bacteria and sweat but to also calm skin.
HABIT 7: Thoroughly wash your hands with soap before cleansing your face
We saved the most “duh” for last because if you don’t get this part right, there’s really no point in picking up a lot of these good habits.
Our hands are exposed to millions of germs on the daily, whether we’re at home, work, or school. Transferring these germs to our face leads to breakouts, clogged pores, and more serious skin conditions that would render pointless all the effort we put into our double triple cleanse and skincare regimen.
The most effective way to clean our germ-ridden hands is to physically wash our hands with soap and water by rubbing them together and getting in between fingers for a sufficient amount of time. Only then can we prevent transferring a lot of the dirt and bacteria from our hands to our faces.
These good habits may require extra time and effort, but they can make a dramatic difference in your skin. Which of these cleansing habits do you already practice? Any other good ones you’d like to share with us?
Source: https://beautytap.com/2018/09/7-cleansing-habits/
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egooksconnolly · 6 years
Eat Your Way To Fabulous Skin
We’ve all heard the phrase that we are what we eat, right? Now that we have recalled that phrase, it’s time we sit back and take a moment to understand why we waste oodles of efforts in browsing through the shelves of beauty care shops, or surfing the cyberspace, and reading thousands of reviews before buying that one convincing skincare product for ourselves. It’s tiring, confusing, and expensive, but we still do it. Because skin care is important. Even though we have our own apprehensions about the product that we have chosen, we take the chance.
But, there’s always more than one way of doing things in life— including skincare. Have you ever wondered about eating your way out to get that glorious, pimple free, and perfect skin? We have gone a step ahead and termed this as an “edible skincare” routine.
Beautiful skin is achieved mainly from the nourishment it gets from our body. On an everyday basis, skin sheds its old cells. And for the new cells to work efficiently, they require the right set of nutrients which can be supplied only by eating the right foods, and by following a balanced diet (1). We’ve put down a list of tips on what to eat to help your skin stay radiant, soft, blemish-free, and youthful.
1. Eat Fruits And Vegetables Everyday (5 Portions)
Why get confused between the different shades of cream that suits your skin when you can gorge on an entire rainbow of colors? (we are referring to the fruits and vegetables) Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables are known to benefit the skin (2). The antioxidant-rich foods like sweet potato, carrots, spinach, papaya, etc., promote a healthy growth of skin cells in our body. Instead of resorting to an espresso shot or any kind of junk food in between your meals, eat a bowl full of fruits or vegetables. It is healthy for your body, mind, and your skin. Try to eat small portions at least 5 times in a day and see the results for yourself. You’ll be left with a blushing, radiant, and healthy skin (3).
2. Eat The C (Vitamin C)
Apart from being a super antioxidant, vitamin C is important for many other things—it supports our immune system, it helps the skin to become radiant, and it heals blemishes naturally (4). Where do you find this? In the most colorful foods like—blueberries, strawberries, papaya, guava, kiwi, oranges, etc, (5). Vitamin C is also required mainly to produce collagen (the main protein structure found in skin).
3. Never Crash Diet
If you’re on a spree of gaining and losing weight, you are indirectly stretching your skin and subjecting it to rapid changes in elasticity. Frequent changes in weight might leave your skin sagging and with stretch marks. Crash diets don’t really supply your skin with the right amount of nutrients and it speeds up the process of skin aging (6). It’s better if you opt for a balanced diet that will keep your entire body healthy. And if you still have a weight loss plan that you want to follow, do some research on its facts and figures. Explore the world of healthy diet plans and choose the one that suits you the best. A crash diet can crash the health of your skin, so it’s a big no-no!
4. Store Up On Selenium
This is a powerhouse of antioxidants. It doesn’t just work simultaneously with vitamin E and C to support the immune system; it also protects our skin against skin cancer, aging, and sun damage (7). The Brazil nuts are rich in selenium. Having just three of these nuts fulfills the RDA (recommended daily amount) of selenium (8). Mix these nuts with other nuts and make a nutty bar to snack on or just eat them whole, it’s your call. Apart from this, broccoli, eggs, wheat germs, tomatoes, and fish are rich in selenium.
5. Drink Water (Minimum Of 6-8 Glasses) To Stay Hydrated!
We go berserk choosing the right moisturizer for our skin. Some of us shift from one moisturizer to another depending on the climate (this one for summer, that one for winter). But we’ll tell you a hassle-free moisturizer hack—it’s water. Plain and simple water! Our skin requires moisture mainly to stay flexible and this can be obtained only from within. Therefore, drink enough water, at least 6-8 glasses every day (9). You can also eat fruits and vegetables that have water content in them (like watermelons or cucumbers). Avoid smoking or excessive alcohol intake as both tend to dehydrate your body.
6. Opt For Low-GI Carbs
If you’re wondering what GI stands for here, its glycaemic index—a system that ranks the carbohydrate-based foods on how rapidly they are broken down into glucose (10). Carbohydrates are also essential for our body, but most diets rule them out completely (which isn’t right). Eat foods with low GI level like beans, porridge, pulses, etc., as the carbs in them break down easily leaving you with some energy, and making your stomach feel full. Avoid high GI level foods like biscuits or sugary drinks as these can contribute to the building up of insulin which damages the collagen of the skin.
Eating right can turn out to be an excellent treatment for your skin. Practice healthy eating, stick to balanced diets, and keep your body hydrated. These reasons are more than enough for your skin to smile and thank you.
The post Eat Your Way To Fabulous Skin appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
The article source is here:Style Craze
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identybeautynet · 3 years
10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth
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10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock No woman is ever happy with the length of her hair at any given point, and so, a handy and easy hair growth tip is always appreciated. While considering this your late Christmas gift as we have 10 great hair growth tips in store for you so you can have Rapunzel-like hair you always dreamed of. What’re more these hacks comprise ingredients that you will easily find in your kitchen. Before we dive into the tips, however, it is important to understand that no two people have the same kind of hair. Just like DNA, each of us possesses unique hair texture, type and properties, not to mention how you maintain your hair as well as the effect your environment has on your tresses. So it might be possible that some tips mentioned below will not work for you as well as they would work for other people. Unfortunately, not many personalised hair care products are available in the market to address each of your hair woes. But setting the foundation right with nutritious food intake and following a hair care regime can help hair grow substantially. Here are some other tips and tricks that can promote hair growth. 1. Massage Your Scalp 2. Regular Trimming 3. Maintain A Balanced Diet 4. Shampoo Correctly 5. Indulge In A Rice Water Rinse 6. Oil Your Tresses Regularly 7. Apply A Neem And Amla Mask 8. Use Aloe Vera Gel 9. Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner 10. Use An Egg Mask 11. FAQs On Hair Growth Massage Your Scalp Image: Shutterstock Regular scalp massage not only relaxes you, but it also helps improves blood circulation and strengthens hair from the roots. Scalp massages are also an ideal way to deal with stress, one of the leading contributing factors to hair loss. Massage your scalp, a couple of times a week, before going to sleep. This not only encourages a healthy sleep cycle but also promotes healthy hair growth. Tip: Good old coconut oil is the best way to go. But you can also use hydrating hair masks or serums to feed vitamins to your hair and scalp while massaging. Regular Trimming Image: Shutterstock Our hair goes through three stages. The first stage, antigen, is when its active and the cells in the hair roots and dividing rapidly. The second stage, catagen, hair growth stops and the outer root sheath shrinks and attaches itself to the root of the hair. Split ends, hair thinning and breakage marks the last stage, telogen. Trimming your hair lets you avoid the third stage, thus helping your hair have the desire to keep growing. Mark your calendars for the periodic hair trimming sessions. Cut half or one-inch to boost hair growth. Tip: Trimming also solves damaged or dull hair issues, so ensure you get one every two months or so. Maintain A Balanced Diet Image: Shutterstock Nothing grows without its food. Plants need sunlight, snakes need the frogs and your hair needs nutrients it draws from what you eat. Food items like spinach, egg yolk, bananas and raisins are rich in proteins and vitamins that promote hair growth. It is also a good idea to avoid high levels of sodium consumption, carbonated drinks and sugar, which are the roadblocks to hair growth. Tip: As a general rule of thumb, anything that’s rich in Vitamin A, C, iron and omega-3 are good for your hair. Shampoo Correctly Image: Shutterstock Dirt accumulation and sunlight can make your hair follicles tired and brittle. Thus it's important to wash your hair in lukewarm water. However, exercise caution as excessive rinsing could be detrimental to hair growth. Wet hair roots tend to be weaker and frequent shampooing can mess with your scalp’s natural oil formation and pH levels. Also, it's advisable not to wash hair with extremely hot water. Tip: Chemicals in store-bought shampoos often function opposite to its purpose. Try to pick sulphate-free and organic shampoos for regular use. Or you can even make your own shampoo at home. Here’s how.   Indulge In A Rice Water Rinse Image: Shutterstock This trick hails from the Chinese village of Huangluo, popularly known as the land of Rapunzels. The women there are known for their extra-long tresses, which gave them a place into the Guinness Book Of World Records. Rice water is Asia’s best-kept secret for hair growth since ages. Instead of discarding this precious potion in the sink after cooking, soak your hair in it. The amino acids and carbohydrates present in there will not only give your hair some volume but will also protect it from damage. Tip: Ensure you use a little extra water when cooking your rice so you have enough water to rinse your hair length. Oil Your Tresses Regularly Image: Shutterstock There is no better option than oiling your hair to nourish and moisturise it naturally. Coconut oil, castor oil and jojoba oil can all strengthen the hair from roots to tips and reduce the occurrence of split ends. Budget hair care products, usually, have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties in them. This helps to retain the moisture in the scalp and prevent microbial activities that often lead to dandruff. The minerals present in them improve the quality of hair and help in growth. Tip: Indulge in a hot oil massage once a week at least, and add a few curry leaves to the oil for better growth and a great aroma. Apply A Neem And Amla Mask Image: Shutterstock Making for a great Ayurvedic remedy for hair loss, neem and amla are two easily available A-class ingredients for hair growth. You can turn them into a paste and apply on your hair or even consume them directly. These herbs hold the properties that can give you the shiny, voluminous and healthy locks. The antibacterial properties in neem help your tresses promote healthy growth. Tip: Neem and amla extract can be used as a hair serum that can be applied daily. It cools your scalp and speeds up your hair growth process. Use Aloe Vera Gel Image: Shutterstock You can give your hair full spa treatment with just aloe vera. It is the finest moisturiser, cleansing agent, repairs and strengthening agent for hair follicles. Gently massaging your scalp with aloe vera gel can not only cool your scalp and mind, but aloe vera also houses vitamin A, B, B12, and C, and folic acid, all contributing to cell regeneration and cell growth. Its collagen property acts as a proactive layer against the scorching sun for your hair. Tip: If you do not have access to freshly-harvested aloe vera gel, use a good quality store-bought product. Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner Image: Shutterstock Coffee can be used as a leave-in conditioner for hair growth. It detoxifies the scalp and promotes blood circulation, thanks to the phytosterols present in it. It’s the caffeine that helps in making hair smooth and shiny. You can even use it as a hairspray. Coffee also helps prevent premature grey hair or balding in both men and women. Tip: Brewed coffee powder mixed with ingredients like honey, olive oil and yoghurt can act as a homemade hair mask that benefits the hair growth process tremendously.   beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Use An Egg Mask beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock You may or may not like the odour, but using egg yolks is the simplest way to boost your hair growth. Eggs are a powerhouse of vitamins and act as a source of iron, sodium and lectin which are necessary for hair growth. They moisturise and nourish your hair while preventing damage. Egg yolks help restore brittle and dull hair by regulating oily scalps. Tip: You can get rid of the smell from your hair by mixing egg yolk with cinnamon and honey. This can function as an easy-to-make hair mask. FAQs On Hair Growth Q. Is it safe to take hair supplements for hair growth? beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock A. Supplements such as biotin, viviscal and other multivitamin tablets may help promote faster hair growth. Although it’s imperative to check with your physician before taking any medicines. Side effects may be seen on some, as people react differently to the medicines. It’s always safer to rather opt for a good sleep cycle, a balanced diet and an adequate water intake. Q. How long does it take to grow hair? A. Don’t expect a change overnight just because you left the hair mask on overnight. Hair growth takes its own time and we can only help promote it in a way that the natural process is not hindered by any foreign element. Studies say that on an average half an inch growth is expected in a month, under usual conditions. This means six inches per year. Consistent care and sticking on to your hair care routine can show speedy results. Stress, hypertension and depression can also be detrimental to your hair growth process. Also Read - 5 Natural Ingredients You Can Use To Moisturise Hair Instead Of Oil Subscribe to our YouTube channel People who viewed this also viewed. beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth, beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth, beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth , beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth   Read the full article
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identybeautynet · 3 years
10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth
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10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock No woman is ever happy with the length of her hair at any given point, and so, a handy and easy hair growth tip is always appreciated. While considering this your late Christmas gift as we have 10 great hair growth tips in store for you so you can have Rapunzel-like hair you always dreamed of. What’re more these hacks comprise ingredients that you will easily find in your kitchen. Before we dive into the tips, however, it is important to understand that no two people have the same kind of hair. Just like DNA, each of us possesses unique hair texture, type and properties, not to mention how you maintain your hair as well as the effect your environment has on your tresses. So it might be possible that some tips mentioned below will not work for you as well as they would work for other people. Unfortunately, not many personalised hair care products are available in the market to address each of your hair woes. But setting the foundation right with nutritious food intake and following a hair care regime can help hair grow substantially. Here are some other tips and tricks that can promote hair growth. 1. Massage Your Scalp 2. Regular Trimming 3. Maintain A Balanced Diet 4. Shampoo Correctly 5. Indulge In A Rice Water Rinse 6. Oil Your Tresses Regularly 7. Apply A Neem And Amla Mask 8. Use Aloe Vera Gel 9. Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner 10. Use An Egg Mask 11. FAQs On Hair Growth Massage Your Scalp Image: Shutterstock Regular scalp massage not only relaxes you, but it also helps improves blood circulation and strengthens hair from the roots. Scalp massages are also an ideal way to deal with stress, one of the leading contributing factors to hair loss. Massage your scalp, a couple of times a week, before going to sleep. This not only encourages a healthy sleep cycle but also promotes healthy hair growth. Tip: Good old coconut oil is the best way to go. But you can also use hydrating hair masks or serums to feed vitamins to your hair and scalp while massaging. Regular Trimming Image: Shutterstock Our hair goes through three stages. The first stage, antigen, is when its active and the cells in the hair roots and dividing rapidly. The second stage, catagen, hair growth stops and the outer root sheath shrinks and attaches itself to the root of the hair. Split ends, hair thinning and breakage marks the last stage, telogen. Trimming your hair lets you avoid the third stage, thus helping your hair have the desire to keep growing. Mark your calendars for the periodic hair trimming sessions. Cut half or one-inch to boost hair growth. Tip: Trimming also solves damaged or dull hair issues, so ensure you get one every two months or so. Maintain A Balanced Diet Image: Shutterstock Nothing grows without its food. Plants need sunlight, snakes need the frogs and your hair needs nutrients it draws from what you eat. Food items like spinach, egg yolk, bananas and raisins are rich in proteins and vitamins that promote hair growth. It is also a good idea to avoid high levels of sodium consumption, carbonated drinks and sugar, which are the roadblocks to hair growth. Tip: As a general rule of thumb, anything that’s rich in Vitamin A, C, iron and omega-3 are good for your hair. Shampoo Correctly Image: Shutterstock Dirt accumulation and sunlight can make your hair follicles tired and brittle. Thus it's important to wash your hair in lukewarm water. However, exercise caution as excessive rinsing could be detrimental to hair growth. Wet hair roots tend to be weaker and frequent shampooing can mess with your scalp’s natural oil formation and pH levels. Also, it's advisable not to wash hair with extremely hot water. Tip: Chemicals in store-bought shampoos often function opposite to its purpose. Try to pick sulphate-free and organic shampoos for regular use. Or you can even make your own shampoo at home. Here’s how.   Indulge In A Rice Water Rinse Image: Shutterstock This trick hails from the Chinese village of Huangluo, popularly known as the land of Rapunzels. The women there are known for their extra-long tresses, which gave them a place into the Guinness Book Of World Records. Rice water is Asia’s best-kept secret for hair growth since ages. Instead of discarding this precious potion in the sink after cooking, soak your hair in it. The amino acids and carbohydrates present in there will not only give your hair some volume but will also protect it from damage. Tip: Ensure you use a little extra water when cooking your rice so you have enough water to rinse your hair length. Oil Your Tresses Regularly Image: Shutterstock There is no better option than oiling your hair to nourish and moisturise it naturally. Coconut oil, castor oil and jojoba oil can all strengthen the hair from roots to tips and reduce the occurrence of split ends. Budget hair care products, usually, have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties in them. This helps to retain the moisture in the scalp and prevent microbial activities that often lead to dandruff. The minerals present in them improve the quality of hair and help in growth. Tip: Indulge in a hot oil massage once a week at least, and add a few curry leaves to the oil for better growth and a great aroma. Apply A Neem And Amla Mask Image: Shutterstock Making for a great Ayurvedic remedy for hair loss, neem and amla are two easily available A-class ingredients for hair growth. You can turn them into a paste and apply on your hair or even consume them directly. These herbs hold the properties that can give you the shiny, voluminous and healthy locks. The antibacterial properties in neem help your tresses promote healthy growth. Tip: Neem and amla extract can be used as a hair serum that can be applied daily. It cools your scalp and speeds up your hair growth process. Use Aloe Vera Gel Image: Shutterstock You can give your hair full spa treatment with just aloe vera. It is the finest moisturiser, cleansing agent, repairs and strengthening agent for hair follicles. Gently massaging your scalp with aloe vera gel can not only cool your scalp and mind, but aloe vera also houses vitamin A, B, B12, and C, and folic acid, all contributing to cell regeneration and cell growth. Its collagen property acts as a proactive layer against the scorching sun for your hair. Tip: If you do not have access to freshly-harvested aloe vera gel, use a good quality store-bought product. Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner Image: Shutterstock Coffee can be used as a leave-in conditioner for hair growth. It detoxifies the scalp and promotes blood circulation, thanks to the phytosterols present in it. It’s the caffeine that helps in making hair smooth and shiny. You can even use it as a hairspray. Coffee also helps prevent premature grey hair or balding in both men and women. Tip: Brewed coffee powder mixed with ingredients like honey, olive oil and yoghurt can act as a homemade hair mask that benefits the hair growth process tremendously.   beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Use An Egg Mask beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock You may or may not like the odour, but using egg yolks is the simplest way to boost your hair growth. Eggs are a powerhouse of vitamins and act as a source of iron, sodium and lectin which are necessary for hair growth. They moisturise and nourish your hair while preventing damage. Egg yolks help restore brittle and dull hair by regulating oily scalps. Tip: You can get rid of the smell from your hair by mixing egg yolk with cinnamon and honey. This can function as an easy-to-make hair mask. FAQs On Hair Growth Q. Is it safe to take hair supplements for hair growth? beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock A. Supplements such as biotin, viviscal and other multivitamin tablets may help promote faster hair growth. Although it’s imperative to check with your physician before taking any medicines. Side effects may be seen on some, as people react differently to the medicines. It’s always safer to rather opt for a good sleep cycle, a balanced diet and an adequate water intake. Q. How long does it take to grow hair? A. Don’t expect a change overnight just because you left the hair mask on overnight. Hair growth takes its own time and we can only help promote it in a way that the natural process is not hindered by any foreign element. Studies say that on an average half an inch growth is expected in a month, under usual conditions. This means six inches per year. Consistent care and sticking on to your hair care routine can show speedy results. Stress, hypertension and depression can also be detrimental to your hair growth process. Also Read - 5 Natural Ingredients You Can Use To Moisturise Hair Instead Of Oil Subscribe to our YouTube channel People who viewed this also viewed. beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth, beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth, beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth , beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth   Read the full article
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identybeautynet · 3 years
10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth
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10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock No woman is ever happy with the length of her hair at any given point, and so, a handy and easy hair growth tip is always appreciated. While considering this your late Christmas gift as we have 10 great hair growth tips in store for you so you can have Rapunzel-like hair you always dreamed of. What’re more these hacks comprise ingredients that you will easily find in your kitchen. Before we dive into the tips, however, it is important to understand that no two people have the same kind of hair. Just like DNA, each of us possesses unique hair texture, type and properties, not to mention how you maintain your hair as well as the effect your environment has on your tresses. So it might be possible that some tips mentioned below will not work for you as well as they would work for other people. Unfortunately, not many personalised hair care products are available in the market to address each of your hair woes. But setting the foundation right with nutritious food intake and following a hair care regime can help hair grow substantially. Here are some other tips and tricks that can promote hair growth. 1. Massage Your Scalp 2. Regular Trimming 3. Maintain A Balanced Diet 4. Shampoo Correctly 5. Indulge In A Rice Water Rinse 6. Oil Your Tresses Regularly 7. Apply A Neem And Amla Mask 8. Use Aloe Vera Gel 9. Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner 10. Use An Egg Mask 11. FAQs On Hair Growth Massage Your Scalp Image: Shutterstock Regular scalp massage not only relaxes you, but it also helps improves blood circulation and strengthens hair from the roots. Scalp massages are also an ideal way to deal with stress, one of the leading contributing factors to hair loss. Massage your scalp, a couple of times a week, before going to sleep. This not only encourages a healthy sleep cycle but also promotes healthy hair growth. Tip: Good old coconut oil is the best way to go. But you can also use hydrating hair masks or serums to feed vitamins to your hair and scalp while massaging. Regular Trimming Image: Shutterstock Our hair goes through three stages. The first stage, antigen, is when its active and the cells in the hair roots and dividing rapidly. The second stage, catagen, hair growth stops and the outer root sheath shrinks and attaches itself to the root of the hair. Split ends, hair thinning and breakage marks the last stage, telogen. Trimming your hair lets you avoid the third stage, thus helping your hair have the desire to keep growing. Mark your calendars for the periodic hair trimming sessions. Cut half or one-inch to boost hair growth. Tip: Trimming also solves damaged or dull hair issues, so ensure you get one every two months or so. Maintain A Balanced Diet Image: Shutterstock Nothing grows without its food. Plants need sunlight, snakes need the frogs and your hair needs nutrients it draws from what you eat. Food items like spinach, egg yolk, bananas and raisins are rich in proteins and vitamins that promote hair growth. It is also a good idea to avoid high levels of sodium consumption, carbonated drinks and sugar, which are the roadblocks to hair growth. Tip: As a general rule of thumb, anything that’s rich in Vitamin A, C, iron and omega-3 are good for your hair. Shampoo Correctly Image: Shutterstock Dirt accumulation and sunlight can make your hair follicles tired and brittle. Thus it's important to wash your hair in lukewarm water. However, exercise caution as excessive rinsing could be detrimental to hair growth. Wet hair roots tend to be weaker and frequent shampooing can mess with your scalp’s natural oil formation and pH levels. Also, it's advisable not to wash hair with extremely hot water. Tip: Chemicals in store-bought shampoos often function opposite to its purpose. Try to pick sulphate-free and organic shampoos for regular use. Or you can even make your own shampoo at home. Here’s how.   Indulge In A Rice Water Rinse Image: Shutterstock This trick hails from the Chinese village of Huangluo, popularly known as the land of Rapunzels. The women there are known for their extra-long tresses, which gave them a place into the Guinness Book Of World Records. Rice water is Asia’s best-kept secret for hair growth since ages. Instead of discarding this precious potion in the sink after cooking, soak your hair in it. The amino acids and carbohydrates present in there will not only give your hair some volume but will also protect it from damage. Tip: Ensure you use a little extra water when cooking your rice so you have enough water to rinse your hair length. Oil Your Tresses Regularly Image: Shutterstock There is no better option than oiling your hair to nourish and moisturise it naturally. Coconut oil, castor oil and jojoba oil can all strengthen the hair from roots to tips and reduce the occurrence of split ends. Budget hair care products, usually, have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties in them. This helps to retain the moisture in the scalp and prevent microbial activities that often lead to dandruff. The minerals present in them improve the quality of hair and help in growth. Tip: Indulge in a hot oil massage once a week at least, and add a few curry leaves to the oil for better growth and a great aroma. Apply A Neem And Amla Mask Image: Shutterstock Making for a great Ayurvedic remedy for hair loss, neem and amla are two easily available A-class ingredients for hair growth. You can turn them into a paste and apply on your hair or even consume them directly. These herbs hold the properties that can give you the shiny, voluminous and healthy locks. The antibacterial properties in neem help your tresses promote healthy growth. Tip: Neem and amla extract can be used as a hair serum that can be applied daily. It cools your scalp and speeds up your hair growth process. Use Aloe Vera Gel Image: Shutterstock You can give your hair full spa treatment with just aloe vera. It is the finest moisturiser, cleansing agent, repairs and strengthening agent for hair follicles. Gently massaging your scalp with aloe vera gel can not only cool your scalp and mind, but aloe vera also houses vitamin A, B, B12, and C, and folic acid, all contributing to cell regeneration and cell growth. Its collagen property acts as a proactive layer against the scorching sun for your hair. Tip: If you do not have access to freshly-harvested aloe vera gel, use a good quality store-bought product. Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner Image: Shutterstock Coffee can be used as a leave-in conditioner for hair growth. It detoxifies the scalp and promotes blood circulation, thanks to the phytosterols present in it. It’s the caffeine that helps in making hair smooth and shiny. You can even use it as a hairspray. Coffee also helps prevent premature grey hair or balding in both men and women. Tip: Brewed coffee powder mixed with ingredients like honey, olive oil and yoghurt can act as a homemade hair mask that benefits the hair growth process tremendously.   beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Use An Egg Mask beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock You may or may not like the odour, but using egg yolks is the simplest way to boost your hair growth. Eggs are a powerhouse of vitamins and act as a source of iron, sodium and lectin which are necessary for hair growth. They moisturise and nourish your hair while preventing damage. Egg yolks help restore brittle and dull hair by regulating oily scalps. Tip: You can get rid of the smell from your hair by mixing egg yolk with cinnamon and honey. This can function as an easy-to-make hair mask. FAQs On Hair Growth Q. Is it safe to take hair supplements for hair growth? beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock A. Supplements such as biotin, viviscal and other multivitamin tablets may help promote faster hair growth. Although it’s imperative to check with your physician before taking any medicines. Side effects may be seen on some, as people react differently to the medicines. It’s always safer to rather opt for a good sleep cycle, a balanced diet and an adequate water intake. Q. How long does it take to grow hair? A. Don’t expect a change overnight just because you left the hair mask on overnight. Hair growth takes its own time and we can only help promote it in a way that the natural process is not hindered by any foreign element. Studies say that on an average half an inch growth is expected in a month, under usual conditions. This means six inches per year. Consistent care and sticking on to your hair care routine can show speedy results. Stress, hypertension and depression can also be detrimental to your hair growth process. Also Read - 5 Natural Ingredients You Can Use To Moisturise Hair Instead Of Oil Subscribe to our YouTube channel People who viewed this also viewed. beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth, beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth, beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth , beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth   Read the full article
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identybeautynet · 3 years
10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth
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10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth Image: Shutterstock No woman is ever happy with the length of her hair at any given point, and so, a handy and easy hair growth tip is always appreciated. While considering this your late Christmas gift as we have 10 great hair growth tips in store for you so you can have Rapunzel-like hair you always dreamed of. What’re more these hacks comprise ingredients that you will easily find in your kitchen. Before we dive into the tips, however, it is important to understand that no two people have the same kind of hair. Just like DNA, each of us possesses unique hair texture, type and properties, not to mention how you maintain your hair as well as the effect your environment has on your tresses. So it might be possible that some tips mentioned below will not work for you as well as they would work for other people. Unfortunately, not many personalised hair care products are available in the market to address each of your hair woes. But setting the foundation right with nutritious food intake and following a hair care regime can help hair grow substantially. Here are some other tips and tricks that can promote hair growth. 1. Massage Your Scalp 2. Regular Trimming 3. Maintain A Balanced Diet 4. Shampoo Correctly 5. Indulge In A Rice Water Rinse 6. Oil Your Tresses Regularly 7. Apply A Neem And Amla Mask 8. Use Aloe Vera Gel 9. Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner 10. Use An Egg Mask 11. FAQs On Hair Growth Massage Your Scalp Image: Shutterstock Regular scalp massage not only relaxes you, but it also helps improves blood circulation and strengthens hair from the roots. Scalp massages are also an ideal way to deal with stress, one of the leading contributing factors to hair loss. Massage your scalp, a couple of times a week, before going to sleep. This not only encourages a healthy sleep cycle but also promotes healthy hair growth. Tip: Good old coconut oil is the best way to go. But you can also use hydrating hair masks or serums to feed vitamins to your hair and scalp while massaging. Regular Trimming Image: Shutterstock Our hair goes through three stages. The first stage, antigen, is when its active and the cells in the hair roots and dividing rapidly. The second stage, catagen, hair growth stops and the outer root sheath shrinks and attaches itself to the root of the hair. Split ends, hair thinning and breakage marks the last stage, telogen. Trimming your hair lets you avoid the third stage, thus helping your hair have the desire to keep growing. Mark your calendars for the periodic hair trimming sessions. Cut half or one-inch to boost hair growth. Tip: Trimming also solves damaged or dull hair issues, so ensure you get one every two months or so. Maintain A Balanced Diet Image: Shutterstock Nothing grows without its food. Plants need sunlight, snakes need the frogs and your hair needs nutrients it draws from what you eat. Food items like spinach, egg yolk, bananas and raisins are rich in proteins and vitamins that promote hair growth. It is also a good idea to avoid high levels of sodium consumption, carbonated drinks and sugar, which are the roadblocks to hair growth. Tip: As a general rule of thumb, anything that’s rich in Vitamin A, C, iron and omega-3 are good for your hair. Shampoo Correctly Image: Shutterstock Dirt accumulation and sunlight can make your hair follicles tired and brittle. Thus it's important to wash your hair in lukewarm water. However, exercise caution as excessive rinsing could be detrimental to hair growth. Wet hair roots tend to be weaker and frequent shampooing can mess with your scalp’s natural oil formation and pH levels. Also, it's advisable not to wash hair with extremely hot water. Tip: Chemicals in store-bought shampoos often function opposite to its purpose. Try to pick sulphate-free and organic shampoos for regular use. Or you can even make your own shampoo at home. Here’s how.   Indulge In A Rice Water Rinse Image: Shutterstock This trick hails from the Chinese village of Huangluo, popularly known as the land of Rapunzels. The women there are known for their extra-long tresses, which gave them a place into the Guinness Book Of World Records. Rice water is Asia’s best-kept secret for hair growth since ages. Instead of discarding this precious potion in the sink after cooking, soak your hair in it. The amino acids and carbohydrates present in there will not only give your hair some volume but will also protect it from damage. Tip: Ensure you use a little extra water when cooking your rice so you have enough water to rinse your hair length. Oil Your Tresses Regularly Image: Shutterstock There is no better option than oiling your hair to nourish and moisturise it naturally. Coconut oil, castor oil and jojoba oil can all strengthen the hair from roots to tips and reduce the occurrence of split ends. Budget hair care products, usually, have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties in them. This helps to retain the moisture in the scalp and prevent microbial activities that often lead to dandruff. The minerals present in them improve the quality of hair and help in growth. Tip: Indulge in a hot oil massage once a week at least, and add a few curry leaves to the oil for better growth and a great aroma. Apply A Neem And Amla Mask Image: Shutterstock Making for a great Ayurvedic remedy for hair loss, neem and amla are two easily available A-class ingredients for hair growth. You can turn them into a paste and apply on your hair or even consume them directly. These herbs hold the properties that can give you the shiny, voluminous and healthy locks. The antibacterial properties in neem help your tresses promote healthy growth. Tip: Neem and amla extract can be used as a hair serum that can be applied daily. It cools your scalp and speeds up your hair growth process. Use Aloe Vera Gel Image: Shutterstock You can give your hair full spa treatment with just aloe vera. It is the finest moisturiser, cleansing agent, repairs and strengthening agent for hair follicles. Gently massaging your scalp with aloe vera gel can not only cool your scalp and mind, but aloe vera also houses vitamin A, B, B12, and C, and folic acid, all contributing to cell regeneration and cell growth. Its collagen property acts as a proactive layer against the scorching sun for your hair. Tip: If you do not have access to freshly-harvested aloe vera gel, use a good quality store-bought product. Try A DIY Coffee Conditioner Image: Shutterstock Coffee can be used as a leave-in conditioner for hair growth. It detoxifies the scalp and promotes blood circulation, thanks to the phytosterols present in it. It’s the caffeine that helps in making hair smooth and shiny. You can even use it as a hairspray. Coffee also helps prevent premature grey hair or balding in both men and women. Tip: Brewed coffee powder mixed with ingredients like honey, olive oil and yoghurt can act as a homemade hair mask that benefits the hair growth process tremendously.   Use An Egg Mask Image: Shutterstock You may or may not like the odour, but using egg yolks is the simplest way to boost your hair growth. Eggs are a powerhouse of vitamins and act as a source of iron, sodium and lectin which are necessary for hair growth. They moisturise and nourish your hair while preventing damage. Egg yolks help restore brittle and dull hair by regulating oily scalps. Tip: You can get rid of the smell from your hair by mixing egg yolk with cinnamon and honey. This can function as an easy-to-make hair mask. FAQs On Hair Growth Q. Is it safe to take hair supplements for hair growth? Image: Shutterstock A. Supplements such as biotin, viviscal and other multivitamin tablets may help promote faster hair growth. Although it’s imperative to check with your physician before taking any medicines. Side effects may be seen on some, as people react differently to the medicines. It’s always safer to rather opt for a good sleep cycle, a balanced diet and an adequate water intake. Q. How long does it take to grow hair? A. Don’t expect a change overnight just because you left the hair mask on overnight. Hair growth takes its own time and we can only help promote it in a way that the natural process is not hindered by any foreign element. Studies say that on an average half an inch growth is expected in a month, under usual conditions. This means six inches per year. Consistent care and sticking on to your hair care routine can show speedy results. Stress, hypertension and depression can also be detrimental to your hair growth process. Also Read - 5 Natural Ingredients You Can Use To Moisturise Hair Instead Of Oil Subscribe to our YouTube channel People who viewed this also viewed. beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth, beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth, beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth , beauty tips : 10 Easy And Simple Tips To Boost Hair Growth   Read the full article
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