#6th one is my favourite me af
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michellesneptune · 4 months ago
disclaimer: forgive me if the series doesn’t cover all twelve signs, but i don’t think i’ve known enough people to speak about everyone’s way of loving. please be patient🤗
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aries moon/1H
ooooh those little devils🔥😈 you can see the mischievous twinkle in their eyes. they’re children of Ares - the god of war! when they speak of their loved ones it feels as though they’re ready to kill for them any minute, only waiting for the right (or any😂) reason.
(just my observation, please don’t come at me) i believe that these natives are prone to being more loyal, less selfish and flaky than aries venus. aries is known to be 'the baby' of the zodiac, valuing independence and self-fulfilment greatly. however, i’ve noticed aries moons to be devoted af!! you will never catch them bad mouthing a friend or a partner.
also, from my experience, both placements like to fight, however aries venus often does it for own enjoyment, the initial chase turns them on. as for aries moons, they’re more steady. they would go to great lengths for friends and partners. you can call them in the middle of the night and ask the craziest favor, they WILL come and help.
(please keep in mind that i mean unevolved aries venuses that still have a lesson or two to learn!)
PS. they love to be treated like the center of your world, please give them attention💕
taurus moon/2H
hmmmm how do i put it… 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍! i will say that i am biased bc my boyfriend is one and the way he’s attentive, always asks about the details of my day, pays attention to my routines and shows love through acts of service🥹 you’ve probably heard the rumours and they’re true. taurus moons make the best cooks ever. and i don’t mean putting together a couple of cheap pancakes, nuh uh. their sharp senses only let them buy the best quality ingredients and cook with great care. bonus points if they prepare a dish that they know is your favourite!
i will say though, they are not the most verbal lovers. but when they’re in, they mean it. when they say they love you, it becomes a fact so obvious that they don’t feel the need to repeat it over and over. they like to settle into a routine, so don’t expect them to be flaky, send mixed signals and stir things up just to feel something/for fun (sag moons cough cough😅😅).
they also seem brutal sometimes. but i believe it’s because they see honesty as the highest form of trust. they want to feel comfortable with you. they value silence, too. they’re the type to show you their appreciation not by telling you how perfect you are but by actually putting in the work to show you your value and show that they’re worthy of being by your side.
lastly, their homes are their sanctuaries, a reflection of their feelings. usually beautiful and they look for someone worthy of letting in, to match their belongings. they get a rep for being possessive and stubborn, nevertheless with the right person they can make a sacrifice and at least try to change their ways😂😂
virgo moon/6H
okay so i know they’re said to be critical, demanding, neurotic etc but hear me out. virgo is a mutable sign, ruled by mercury and in true mutable fashion they DO get wild, fun and unhinged lol. as a virgo moon myself i am well aware of the fact that i often act like i’ve got a stick up my ass. but when i get closer to you i want it all: karaoke nights, fast car rides, spontaneous trips! sometimes i even take those things to the extreme!
they’re also said to have the highest standards. and while i imagine it’s partly true, i believe that this placement is all about accepting the biggest, weirdest quirks of your s/o (as well as 6th house synastry!).
besides, i think that we get more so insecure and self-critical in relationships, analyzing the f outta our partners, wondering whether we’re meeting their demands! we’re about the overall quality of the partnership and just want it to be perfect🥺 we’re also quite anxious and require lots of reassurance.
lastly, everyone knows it: virgo moons are like the final boss of small acts of service lol. vacuuming your flat, folding your clothes. they notice the smallest things that could improve your life and happily do them for you!
capricorn moon/10H
this one is tricky. they remind me a bit of taurus but more rough in a sense that they probably won’t pamper you with luxurious baths and gourmet food but they will do things like pay your rent, get you a job or buy a car😂. i’ve noticed them to be a bit grumpy sometimes, definitely not the softest lovers.
they’re up to giving some tough love. pushing you into a scary path that they know will be rewarding in the end. teaching you that even in the hardest lessons of saturn there is light. they’re not the most cheerful on a daily basis but - surprisingly- they are the ones that keep calm in the face of crises. they’re like okay we can’t do anything about it now let’s appreciate what we do have and focus on what we can change.
it’s because they know all to well how karma is. they had to learn it the hard way which made them so strong and resilient.
what i’ve personally noticed: they will stick by your side no. matter. what. this isn’t always a good thing as sometimes it’s best to walk away but if you’re expecting a cap moon to give up on you, don’t.
i also feel like they’re used to being the oldest sibling, the mom friend etc. please take care of them from time to time!
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that is all i have for you! thank you for reading💕 i wish all of you lots and lots of love💋 see ya
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jutdwae-archives · 1 year ago
i have no intention of offendin anyone, skz have outdone themselves like always,, so here are just some of my thoughts and what about the album i liked :)
- the beat us sooo yummy bro
- this was also like title track material 😭
- "wel-come to the stray-kids hot megaverse" 😻😻
- it honestly is ranked 1st out of the new songs 😭
- the way it switched from han's fast rap to i.ns vocals sent me to cloud 9 like kdlaifjdjd
- ranking: 1st
- rating: 10/10 ‼️
락 (樂) (LALALA):
- TITLE TRACK MATERIAL PT.2 (it is the title track tho 😭
- hyunjins part in the 2nd verse was so catchy like what-
- it was giving very much pirates of the carribean thru the song and whole mv tho 😭 (not complaining tho,, they look good)
- rank: 1st/2nd
- rating: 9.5/10
BLIND SPOT (사작지대):
- not my favourite track but its still really good
- gives very much sunny beach day vibes while playing volleyball yk 😭
- sooo trueee ^
- ranking: 5th/6th
- rating: 7.5/10
- all im gonna say is that its the 'sticker' of skz 😭😭
- there was so much going on,, but in a good way..?
- i swear if its another false alarm like changbin in 'all my life' 😭
- skz-word play is back at it againnnnnn
- comflex: combination of 'flex' and 'complex'
- rank: 5th
- rating: 8/10
COVER ME (가려줘)
- seungmins vocals when he sang "so cover me now" in a full voice
- like i was gonna cry of how beautiful it sounded
- his vocals conveyed sm emotions with that one line bro
- so many emotions were going thru me when i listened to this song
- and felixs singing voice 🥹 (all thanks to producer hyunjin 🙏🙏)
- the way we all thought it was gonna be like another red lights 😭
- rank: 3rd
- rating 9/10
- except this one is more like 'youre on a long drive staring out the window with headphones on' kinda vibe
- singer changbin 🥹🥹
- couldnt be more true bro ^
- rank: 4th/5th
- rating: 8/10
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bluntz420x · 1 year ago
Is your birth year an odd or even number? Odd.
Which one of your friends is the most outgoing? hmm, probably the younger ones, lol.
Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today? i just woke up like an hour ago, so no, i havent eaten anything yet today.
When did you last find yourself in an awkward situation? if i paid attention to stuff like that, probably more often than i think.
What did you have for lunch yesterday? i think all i had was a bagel, before dinner.
In school, which subject(s) do/did you find the most difficult? applied maths, like statistics.
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? What’s his/her star sign? wow LOL, i have no idea. i joined facebook like 15 years ago.
Who did you last say “thank you” to? Why? probably kyle. he ran in the house two times to get stuff i forgot.
Name a band you like, that starts with the same letter as your surname. nothing is jumping out to me.
When was the last time you ignored, or went against, someone’s advice? ha, i think this is another one of those things where, if i paid attention, id know the answer.
What happened? lol see above, who knows.
How many different towns/cities have you lived in? ive never lived outside of the greater metropolitan area of the immediate city near me.
Who is the 10th contact in your phone? What’s his/her favourite food? LOL thats someone in my neighborhood. i dont know them personally at all.
When was the last time you felt your heart racing? last night.
Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? OF COURSE DUH lol.
How old were your parents when they met? when they met, i believe my mom was around 25 and my dad was around 30. could have been maybe 2 years before that, tops. they didnt date long before getting pregnant with my older brother.
When was the last time you had Nutella? a few months ago. i binged it and got tired of it.
Who is your favourite character in “The Simpsons”? lisa, hands down.
How about “The Big Bang Theory”? i dont like that show. its never been that funny to me.
What are your parents’ middle names? this is a security question if ive ever seen it, lol.
Who is the 2nd contact in your phone? What colour are his/her eyes? i just saw him the other night and i have no idea, LOL. dude is high af whenever we hang out so XD
Name someone with a sexy sounding voice. my husband.
What genre(s) of music did you listen to 10 years ago? same stuff really. ive had eclectic taste my entire life.
Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s? yes, just different shades. my brother has the lightest eyes, my sister is the darkest, and that leaves me in the middle lol.
How many pets do you have? Would you like any more? i have 3 cats and 1 dog. i definitely want more, when we move into a larger space with a yard. i think max cats in a house will be 4 probably, max dogs will be 2.
Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks? still. i cannot stand carbonation.
Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? not really. i love reggae lately.
What colour are the eyes of the person you have feelings for? my husbands eyes are blue.
Is there a song that you’re fed up of hearing? no lol.
Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night? i cant remember my dream from last night. i think it was all right. i didnt wake up uneasy lol.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you couldn’t say it back? hm, if yes, it happened so long ago i cant remember lol, sorry.
Name 3 things that are in your refrigerator atm. milk, creamer, butter.
If your Facebook status doesn’t get any likes/comments, does it bother you? no. if i post, i post because i want to, not because im looking for attention.
Which friend do you confide in most? kyle mostly, then lizzy second.
What does your 6th text message say? pfft who knows, modern texting isnt like that.
What was your most recent reason for smiling? :) probably kyle lol. its usually kyle.
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings? not really. i have worked very hard to get decent at that.
Have you ever watched a Sons of Anarchy? nope.
Do you want to see The Woman In Black? i would, i guess. i like daniel radcliffe. it just looked too scary at the time.
Has a random guy ever asked you for your phone number? i dont think so.
Has a guy ever pulled over to ask for your number or call you hot? LOL no, the opposite actually, ive been heckled.
How attracted are you to the last person that kissed you? quite!
Name something that you are doing tonight. putting off actual work lol.
Are you a jealous person? uh, i mean i have the capacity to be jealous, but i dont think id be described as a jealous person.
Do you like February? not really. its the shortest month of the year, but because its at the end of winter, it feels like the longest month of the year.
Where have you lived throughout your life? just around the current area.
Have you ever known a white supremacist? probably. im pretty outspoken tho so i doubt a supremacist of any variety would tell me that they are.
What were you doing an hour ago? ugh, sitting in this same spot at my desk, feeling less lost i suppose lol.
In regards to who do you think ‘what if?’? Link XD "what if he was real" no other what ifs anymore.
Do you like the smell of a barbecue? fuck yes.
Do you get excited when you find Sanrio products at Wal-Mart? no.
Are you 420 friendly? absolutely!
Do you own a Champion’s sport bra? champions? like champion brand? no.
Do you watch Justified? nope.
How many cups of tea of coffee do you have in a day? 1-2. i drink half caff usually though.
Do you own a varsity jacket? no.
Dolce Vita or Jeffrey Campbell? who?
Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum? oof… ryan gosling. hes more my type.
Has anyone ever called you apathetic or unemotional? LOL yes, both. a therapist before, actually.
Would you rather someone you loved passionately hate you or be indifferent to you? hate me! then i have a goal to make the feeling mutual.
Have you read Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre? no, but i want to.
I bet you miss somebody right now? duh!
What are you planning on doing after this? work. snooze.
How much money do you spend in a month on clothes or accessories? barely anything. i dont like shopping like that anymore.
What was the last clothing item you wore that doesn’t belong to you? i wear kyles shirts and pants sometimes, but his stuff is my stuff LOL, so… good question.
Do you watch Jersey Shore? no.
Do you have a thing with someone? yes, my husband.
Do you have any bruises on either of your legs? i found a mystery bruise on sunday, but that happens lol.
Who was the last person to touch your stomach? kyle.
Something tragic just happened. Does your facial expression show it? most likely. im not good at hiding stuff, at least to people who know my face well enough. to those that dont, i tend to show RBF apparently.
Who is the cleverest (crafty) person you know? i really dont know. i dont like crafts, or craft people lol, so i cant think of anyone in my life like that rn.
Do you think people who know a lot of facts are really smart? no. i think most folks know enough facts to be impressive.
Welcome! And you are? your mom.
When you buy/recieve new clothes, do you instantly wear them or wash first? wash!
Do you hate using public restrooms? idk about hate. its necessary sometimes.
What’s the weirdest item you’ve seen for sale on Ebay? pft i saw a meme of a walking stick that was a bull's penis, iirc.
Do you check to make sure there’s TP before using the restroom? ha! i wish.
Do you drunk dial/text? i used to, as if it was a pastime.
Why are mall Santas always portrayed as drunken, depressed old men? search me.
Have you ever built a massive snow fort? i dont think so?
What household chore do you loathe? i dislike dishes, theyre usually gross because the boy doesnt rinse his dishes properly before putting them in the sink.
Are parents to blame for what their kids do on the Internet? nope! only if the parents allow unrestricted access to their children, then yes. its like kicking your kid outside in the general public to fend for themselves. what do you think theyre gonna do? children are mischievous by nature, dude.
Would you care to meet Tom, the creator of MySpace? not really. i dont care lol.
Have you ever looked at a person and thought they looked like an animal? omg yes! i love telling my loved ones what kind of animals other people look like sometimes lol.
Do you use acronyms to remember things? yes.
Do you take pills like Tylenol for the littlest aches and pains? no. i dont like increasing tolerance to pain meds needlessly.
What would you do for a Klondike bar? i wouldnt.
Don’t you think Crocs are ugly? yes, i do think they are ugly. and disgusting. if i see someone wearning crocks period, i know their feet are rank as fuck. i dont care if youre wearing socks, those are fucking PLASTIC shoes.
When was the last time you went rollerskating? a couple years ago.
What trend do you hate right now? i never like trends.
Do you really follow trends, or just wear what you like? i wear what i want to wear.
How many times do you think you go out to eat each month? too many times! too much fast food!
Do you call people “dude” a lot? yeah lol, i call everyone dude.
Who was your favorite Ninja Turtle? mikie was my favorite growing up because hes so food focused and funny. anymore, donatello, because purple is dope and hes the smarest guy.
Horror flicks make you: laugh, scream, or squirm? all of the above!
If you could become a doctor, what would you specialize in? psychology.
What’s the cutest thing a little kid has ever said to/in front of you? thats a good question. kids say the darnest things.
At what age do you plan on moving out? i moved out over 10 years ago lol.
Did any characters from TV shows scare you as a kid? Which one(s)? yes. the crypt keeper from tales from the crypt namely. the ventriloquist doll from peewee's playhouse.
What’s the saddest thing you’ve heard on the news recently? the news is always sad lol.
Do you believe that acupuncture works? i think that if someone believes it works and they get it done and they feel better after, it worked. like most things, i think faith is required.
Have you ever been hypnotised? nope, but id like to try.
If you got expelled from school, would you continue your education? LOL sure.
How long does it take before you trust a person? good question. im hard of trusting these days.
Do you ever wish you had Jedi powers? duh lol. i wish i had anything superhuman.
Will we ever get to see Jack’s face (guy from Jack-in-Box commercials)? i dont care.
Would you kick it with Jay and Silent Bob? YES DUH.
Say…would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? sure.
Would a wax museum scare you or amuse you? SCARE. even pictures of wax figures creep me out.
What’s the first food you can smell when you enter the mall? its been a long time lol, i doubt i know anymore.
Have you ever made a time capsule? What did you put in it? i never have.
What would you do if your mom or dad read your diary/journal/blog? this has happened before lol. they took me to the hospital and i got held for 2 nights, mandatory for any check in, even tho the doctor told me that night that i was fine. idiot parents lol. dont read your kid's shit and NOT talk to them later. what the fuck.
Do you turn the music up when a good song comes on? DUH.
Do you know anyone with a lisp? probably.
Do you hate going to the doctor? no.
Why did the dish run away with the spoon? Why not the fork or knife? i dont care.
What is the worst hurt you’ve ever experienced? good question. in recent memory, when i was under so much stress and trauma that my body locked up and i had to go to physical therapy at the ripe age of 32 because my back made me cry almost daily.
Do you wish time went faster or slower? slower dude.
Do you write thank-you notes? for what? lol. i dont throw parties, i dont hold milestone events, none of that.
If you were to break a Guinness Record, which one would you try and beat? im just not interested. never have been.
Are you distracted by shiny objects? i mean, probably, i am an animal. but not for long.
What’s the coolest item in your room? HA! cool. probably my bed.
Are you grateful for what you have? i practice gratitude every day. im lucky it comes naturally.
Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? who cares.
Are you scared of clowns? uh, they make me uncomfortable, but idk if im scared…
Are you accident-prone? isnt everyone? nah, not more than anyoneelse.
As a kid, what was your favorite activity on the playground? shoot, just kicking it with the homies.
Are huge muscles gross or sexy? not my thing.
Have you ever fished and caught something weird? never fished in my life.
Your final thoughts…? ugh, why didnt more time pass?
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kai-atlantis · 2 years ago
What's your favourite stupid joke in Artemis Fowl? Mine is a toss up between Artemis getting his fingers swapped in the time stream at least fifty percent for the sake of a scene of him flipping off a horde of demons and all of his silly pun-based aliases.
I love how Artemis manages to be funny, while adamantly declaring that he doesn't make jokes and doesn't really revel in comedy. Does he even realize? Sometimes I wonder 😂
Ok ok ok.. I had to think about this for a while lmao but then I realized... honestly... the whole bit from the 6th book where little Artemis sees the whole bit go down and is like "Pfft. Look at those two. Wasting time. You wouldn't catch me doing that." And I just- 😂😂😂😂 I can't help it! It's my favorite AF joke. I think it's hilarious, the stark contrast in older and younger him.
I think following that one, the part where Mulch comments "EW. Kissing another species is gross" and I don't even think he's aware and he's always shit at reading the room and I just loved it.
I also love the running gag of Artemis - FKING ARTEMIS LMFAO - where in EVERY BOOK he nearly dies because of his own weakness/uncoordination and he's like "I swear, if I make it out of this alive, I swear I'll listen to your lessons, Butler." AND THEN NEVER FKIN DOES?! ARTEMIS? 😂😂 honestly, it's relatable, and I love that from him.
Anyway, this question was super fun! Thank you 🥰🥰
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christmaximumpunishment · 3 years ago
ay yo give me 2, 17, and 31
2. Favourite Protagonist?
Oh man, you're really gonna make me choose between my literal kin and my most-written fanfic character, huh? I think Hajime only just slightly beats out Shuichi.
Shuichi's arc is so satisfying and he has a personality that is absolutely killer for shipping and fic writing at like, every point in his development.
THAT SAID, Hajime's internal arc is so fucking juicy, I'm so obsessed with his journey and the way he just reaches out to these other kids with such an insatiable need for belonging, only to discover how broken and flawed all the ultimates he's trying to fit in with is JUST SO COMPELLING! God I love Hajime. So glad he has so many friends ㅠㅠ
17. Do you have an OT3? Which one?
ironically for all my polyamorous shenanigans, most of my poly ships do not shake out to being OT3's, as in like, closed poly triads. If we're just talking any three with some kind of relationship, I think I'd say Shuichi/Kaito/Ryoma with Ryoma and Kaito just as platonic, like in some of my fics. The juiciness of these two guys who don't really see eye to eye and have mutual hangups being brought together by Shuichi is just so goddamn good. But we all know how I would improve/worsen that dynamic anyway soooo.
If you're putting a gun to my head and saying it must be a mutual closed triad, I'd say my fave is Sonia/Celeste/Sayaka. Both Celeste ships are juicy af and the bougie, high-society potential of these three is off the charts. Just three girls, rich by very different means, with a taste for danger and the risk their lovers put them in.
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
Oof, I don't mean to wish bad things on anyone, but like, I still maintain that V3 would've had a much more interesting time if either Angie or Tenko had made it out of Chapter 3 instead of Himiko. Especially in Tenko's case, where her murder was literally a coin toss between her and Himiko, I just think Himiko learning to try and to value her friendships is just too little, too late for a character that lives for 6 chapters. Tenko or Angie would have more to overcome, and much more compelling stakes in the 6th Trial.
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mercurytrinemoon · 4 years ago
Something on annual profections and how they’re bomb af
I'm in the middle of writing a post on Neptune but I was kind of miserable and whenever I feel that way, I like to stare at my solar return charts and transits, trying so see something that would give me some hope for the future. The thing is, there’s always nothing interesting happening in them so I was peeking at astro-seek (my favourite website for charts), trying to look for something different and I found a thing called annual profections. It's an ancient technique that I don't think is that popular right now, but holy shiz, it seems to be so accurate that I need to share my observations with you.
So every year your ascendant and planets shift one sign forward, activating each house respectively. The cycle repeats itself every 12 years (because there's 12 houses, duh) so you can analyze recurring themes from the past and see what's coming for the future cycles.
When you're 0-1 year old, your first house is activated, 1-2 - second house, 2-3 - third house and so on... This method requires equal/whole house system. Your planets shift with the whole chart. Let's say you're an Aries Sun in the 5th - when your 2nd house is being activated, it shifts to Taurus Sun in the 5th. Your ascendant changes from Sagittarius to Capricorn.
Now, when it comes to things you pay attention to when using profections, you can go every direction with this. You look at the ruler of your profected rising sign (use classic rulership!). It's going to be important that year. So if it's Capricorn, look at transits to a) your natal Saturn b) profected Saturn c) Saturn transits in general. If, for example, you have planets in the 2nd house natally and you’re going through your 2nd house year, these planets are also important.
Activation of each house brings focus on its topics during that year. For example, right now at the age of 29, my 6th house is the active one. I had many doctors visits this year to finally do something about my chronic health issues and also started working out (that's also a bit thanks to that Saturn that was in my Aqua 1st house for a few months) and I stick to a new workout routine now. These are very much 6th house issues. With my time lord being Moon (which is being squared by that transiting Cap stellium for months now) it’s been a hectic year and I’m kind of a mess lol.
From my quick observation, seems like the active house doesn’t have to be fully switched on right after your birthday. 2019 was a very weird year for me - had my 5th house activated. It didn’t hit me right away. At the beginning of the year, a couple of months after my birthday, I decided to buy a ukulele (I play guitar for 12 years now but REALLY felt the need to play something new). Then life introduced me to someone who, firstly, made me go into music even deeper and, secondly, makes my hormones go batshit crazy. After years of being bitter about relationships, the thought of romance seemed EXTREMELY fun to me. Now let’s break it down, my 5th house is in Gemini (so the time lord for the year was Mercury) and I have Gemini Mars there. The 5th house was in full mode when: a) Sun was transiting my profected Mercury in Aries, b) transiting Mars entered Gemini, c) Jupiter transited my natal Sagittarius Mercury and d) Mercury (along with Venus) transited my profected Aries Sun/Venus (I knoooow, that’s A LOT!). All these transits happened pretty much at the same time so the influence was strengthened. It literally hit me out of the blue... it was the most bizzare feeling ever. 
On top of that, my niece started learning guitar a year ago so I kind of help her with that from time to time. And I started learning astrology - this isn’t a 5th house thing per se, but I do see it as a hobby soooo... it counts? Now let’s summarize 5th house matters: creativity and arts? Check. Hobbies? Check. Romantic and sexual feelings? Check. Children? Well kind of yeah, check. 
Of course there were other factors, like Jupiter transiting my sign and making a trine to my natal Jupiter (it has a great ability to push me into expanding my horizons, especially in all things Venusian) and having my Saturn return (and I actually blamed all of this on Saturn, but guess it wasn’t just that). So this also shows that we need to pay attention to patterns - this is kind of what I was talking about in my synastry post, which was: a single aspect doesn’t have much power. A single transit won’t do much on itself unless you’re very sensitive to that particual planet it transits or you have a stellium or whatever... but that’s another topic. 
Ok but let’s have another general example. When we turn 6 and 18, our 7th house becomes active: it’s known as the relationship house - people usually think of romantic, commited relationships but it’s more than that. It’s about friendships and meeting new people and really experiencing all types of relations with others. What happens when you’re 6-7? You go to school: you’re put in the new environment of lots of kids you don’t know; you have your first friendships and start learning to interact with others; discovering and choosing what kinds of people you like and dislike. That’s our first 7th house year. Next is when we’re 18: we finish schools, some of us go to college or work so we’re put in a completely new environment once again. Some may start to work with others. A lot of people start commited relationships at that time (after trying it out earlier in high school during the 5th house period). And the cycle repeats itself.
We all have the same house lit up at the same age but our charts are different, that’s why our experiences are different. During some years our time lord for the year may be barely touched by anything, that’s probably why we won’t feel its influence that much; during other it may activate after a while or right at the beginning. But I did see some very clear patterns with that technique. I know some people love solar return charts and swear by them, for me personally, they’re mostly duds lol. So if you want to dive into something new and analyze your profections, I’d love to hear what you discover with it.
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smarti-at-smogwarts · 4 years ago
Theo Abbott Profile
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Name: Theodosia -Theo- Jane Abott
Gender: ....-throws peruvian powder bomb-  gender neutral tho she doesn't have the label for it.
*She goes by she/her pronouns though
Age: varies depending on when I’m writing her. 
Birth Date: January 11th XXXX
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-Blood.
Sexuality: Queer af. Bisexual. Arospec. 
Alignment: Chaotic Good. 
Ethnicity: Mixed. 
Nationality: English
Residence: Godrics Hollow. Abbott home. 
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ENFP-T [ Turbulent Campaigner ] 
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The Mage
Wand: Ebony. Dragon heartstring. 13 inches. Quite Flexible.
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Animagus: Pine Marten
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Misc Magical Abilities: Unknown undecided magical ability. ( will be edited when I figure what i want her hphl ability to be) Animagus. 
Boggart Form: Theo is terrified of being forced to be something she’s not or being trapped. This shows itself by a square room with no windows popping up in front of her. The walls the start closing in on her. 
Riddikulus Form: The walls collapse like the sides of a carboard box. 
Amortentia ( what she smells like) :  Parchment and ink. Crisp night air. Cinnamon cloves Pine trees.
Amortentia ( what she smells) : Misc smells that represent different people from the Taghd Lynch Defense Squad/her closest friends. Firewood burning. Lemon cakes. Fresh cut grass ( from the quidtich pitch) 
Patronus Memory: She’s at the Hogwarts common room goofing around with her housemates and friends. Basically her realizing she’s found a place to be herself and accepted as she is.
Mirror of Erised: Her happy and content and herself in her own home with her writing and her cat and her friends and the fuck away from Godric’s Hollow. 
Specialized/Favourite Spells: 
At Hogwarts_ Anything you can use on a prank. Some defensive spells as while Hogwarts was fairly accepting of her she did get a bit hassled ( there’s always that one occasional asshole) about both being a girl in the quidditch team and how she chooses to dress out of uniform. Some offensive spells from when she got into fights/duels in the halls along Taghd and Teddy. Her best spells are the ones used to sneak around her mother and grandmother. 
Out Of Hogwarts_ While not a spell, apparition becomes her most used magical feat as she likes to visit her friends as they all settle into her adult lives. She also learns a bit of healing spells from either Adelia or Teddy ( and at both their insistence that if she’s going to be getting into trouble out there she should be able to patch herself up a bit. ) 
*In the Taghd Dies Verse where she becomes an auror she adds a lot of offensive spells to her arsenal “best defense is a good offense right?” Theo no.
Faceclaim: Saoirce Ronan 
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Game Appearance: N/A 
Height: 5′6′’ by year 7.
Weight: Average weight for her height. 
Physique: On the thin side. Somewhere between rectangle and hourglass boy shape wise. Has muscle on her due to Quiditch. Strong facial features.
Eye Colour: Light blue 
Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde as a child. Darkens with age.  Often untidy from running or flying and held up/back.
Skin Tone: Fair
Body Modifications: None
Scarring:  Has a set of diagonal scars on her leg from when she tried to play with a splintered bat during a quidditch match. A few random scars from scrapes from school that got a little too rough before being broken up. 
Inventory: parchment. Quill. Ink. A Claddagh ring from Taghd. Random and assorted books. Notes from her friends. Her wand. Hair pins. ( she keep forgetting she has them there so she just stuffs more in her bag. No one knows how many she has in there by now, not even her)
Fashion: https://www.pinterest.com/xhowling/theo-jane-abbott/#fashion
*Theo tends to prefer Hogwarts robes and wizard fashion in general more as they’re more gender neutral. ( as in both genders wear robes though they differ in style and in Hogwarts case they do not differ at all from one gender to the other) so she wears them more.
 When it comes to muggle clothing she’s most comfortable on cable knit sweaters and plaid ( though she favors the former a lot more)  because she used to steal Taghd’s though if she has to “dress up” she’ll wear more  masc fashion. She’s influenced by Teddy’s fashion sense a bit for that. She also wears her Gryffindor tie even after leaving Hogwarts but with dress robes/a shirt and vest instead.
She tends to prefer more muted colors with like accents of one color or one point of color (i know nothing about fashion please bear with me. Hopefully the pinterest helps)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor. 
Ilvermorny House: N/A 
Affiliations/Organizations: Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Taghd Lynch Protection Squad. Gryffindor house. 
Professions: Student. Writer/Anthologist. Becomes an auror in the Taghd Dies Verse.
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy:   ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆☆☆☆
Charms:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆☆☆☆
DADA:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆☆
Flying:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Herbology:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆☆☆☆☆
History of Magic:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆☆☆
Potions:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Transfiguration:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆☆☆☆
Muggle Studies 
Study of Ancient Runes
Quidditch: Plays as Chaser and Beater reserve. 
Extra Curricular: Does writing count?
Favourite Professors: I think she’d like both  Atticus Irwin Grimsley ( @cursebreakerfarrier ) and Toby Moore ( @unfortunate-arrow ) 
*Will probably add teachers as more details of the games are release
Least Favourite Professors: Pretty much any teachers that have issues with how she dresses or are of the snobby pureblood category are a safe bet. 
*Will probably add teachers as more details of the games are release
Misc Siblings: None. Theo is an only child. 
Father: Unknown atm. All Theo knows is he was a muggleborn wizard.
Mother: Emily Abbott 
Love Interest: N/A  
*arospec but might have fwb/flings as she figures things out and possibly a platonic life partner/partners in the future. Most likely will end up living with friends as family either way. ( the friends she lives with may even have spouses of their own just...a bunch of friends living in a house as family) 
Best Friends:  Taghd Lynch ( @unfortunate-arrow ) Lu Morrison ( @rosievixen )  Arthur -Teddy- Elllsion ( @cursebreakerfarrier ) Adelia Selwyn ( @that-ravenpuff-witch)
Rival: She hates Cillian Lynch ( @unfortunate-arrow) and Ernest Ellson ( @cursebreakerfarrier​) bc they are unkind to her boys/two of her closest friends. I can imagine they do not like her that much ( seeing as Theo’s about as secretive and sublte about not liking people as a wrecking ball through the wall) 
Enemy: tbd 
Dormmates: Lu Morrison ( @rosievixen) 3rd and 4rth room mates unknown atm. 
Pets: Theo adopts a niffler in the future once she’s out of Hogwarts. Her family has very strict rules about owning pets though at some point in Hogwarts she adopts a stray cat and somehow manages to keep it a secret even when/if she has to go back home for Holidays. 
Closest Canon Friends: tbd
Closest MC Friends:  Taghd Lynch ( @unfortunate-arrow ) Lu Morrison ( @rosievixen )  Arthur -Teddy- Elllsion ( @cursebreakerfarrier ) Adelia Selwyn ( @that-ravenpuff-witch ) Fred Morrigan ( @ljthebard1​) Gabriel Sapieha ( @lizzieparkerhphm ​) Danny Gibbson ( @catohphm ​ )
Pre Hogwarts: Theo was an “indiscretion” born to Emily Abott and an unknown ( to most) muggleborn wizard. The family  kept her, fed her, made sure she knew the proper way for an Abott to act, but there was no affection to this and Theo sometimes wondered if it wasn’t only out of duty that her family did all this. After it becomes obvious that Theo who dresses in boy’s clothes, never keeps a comment inside her mind, and buckles against the propriety forced upon her more and more as the years pass is not going to be changing to fit what her family thinks she should be; it’s decided to send her to Hogwarts where she’ll at least be kept out of sight.
4th Year: Was sent to Hogwarts by her family to be kept out of sight and hopefully shape up ( with the added sentiment that if she does not, at the very least she’ll be out of sight) Met Taghd Lynch, Lu Morrison, Teddy Ellison and Adelia Selwyn. 
5th Year: tba
6th Year: tba
7th Year: tba. Graduates with her friends. Though she undoubtedly has to leave some behind as I can see her befriending underclassmen.
Out of school: At some point she moves back closer to Teddy either because she received the news that Taghd died or that Taghd almost died. ( depending on the “canon” or “Taghd Lives AU”)
At some point she might adopt a daughter who is as chaotic as she was and then some ( though much more open and less angry/defensive because Theo’s a better parent than her mother ) 
In the Universe where Tagdh dies she becomes an Auror alongside Teddy.
At some point she cuts her parents off Completely ( no letters, no firecalls, nothing absolutely nothing) whether this happens because they did something that just got to her too much or it was more a case of her getting away and going “wooow they’re actually horrible to me” remains to be seen but she’ll come to rely on her friends for moral support and also to figure out how to live on her own without their monetary support.  
Spoils her friends’ kids so so much ohmygosh she loves them.
Old Age & Death: tbd
 Temperamental and impulsive ‘’jump now, think later’’/’’it looked like a good idea at the time’’ sort of person. Disaster Bisexual. Gets angry quick but it fades just as quickly. Frank, warm, empathetic. Honest-sometimes too honest- The one in a friend group to try to make people laugh. Will encourage you to hex someone who hurts you ‘’hell I’ll help you/cover for you’’ (That Friend) the opposite of the common sense friend. ( ‘’sounds illegal, I’m in.’’ )
Theo’s general status is defensive which to her can often be loud and assertive ( and a bit abrasive though she’s usually sorry about that last one when it happens) due to insecurities that took root during her time with her mother and her family To wit, she believes she needs to defend the way she is subconsciously since it was often the case at home and this leaks into her personality. When she met all her friends her first setting was “im like this and Deal with it” expecting resistance but when she met none ( as her friends all accepted her for who she is) she became a lot less so. ( shes still loud and chaotic as that's also part of who she is but she’s a lot less defensive afterwards.)
Has a really loud laugh. When she’s goofing with her friends or talking to them and laughing with them you can hear it echo through the halls.
Is sort of...a loud person in general.
Theo’s a passionate individual and incredibly stubborn when she sets her mind to something.
Skips the sad/crying phase and goes straight to angry. Might or might not have “/don’t cry/show weakness” complex. Her other emotions however are expressed be they annoyance, happiness ( her laughter Echoes through the corridors when she’s happy about something) excitement ect ect ad infinitum.
Her poker face is  shit though. She couldn’t keep her opinions through herself if she tried. Her face will say them for her.
She’s fiercely fiercely protective of her friends and found family. ( see: “would happily hit Teddy’s dad with a blugger if she finds out about him being abusive  ‘’curses out ppl who say mean things to Adelia or Lu and half the time will wind up throwing down for it” and of course “I’m actually going to Kill Cillian” circa Taghd’s duel in the Taghd lives AU as examples)
Theo’s animagus form is a Pine Marten. She learned it specifically so she could get out of the house which she often found overbearing due to her mother, grandmother, and aunts attitudes towards her.
While her family kept her, fed her and clothed her it was done out of combination of duty and not wanting to waste magical blood. They might have love for her but it’s very clearly overridden by ( if not outright contingent on) their need forTheo being the kind of child they think she ought to be which she is very much not and only grows to stray more and more from it as she grows up) 
Theo sometimes does suspect they did it more out of duty than any love but tries not to think about it deeply or think about them at all if she can help it ( and with an entire castle to explore with friends and mischief to manage with those same friends it becomes quite easy) 
She has a fascination for the muggle world because it was her father’s world and the part of her her family shuns and kept her from knowing about.
She’s often in trouble with either Taghd or Teddy ( or both) or Lu ( or all three) and the teachers might or might not have a running tally of which combination causes the most chaos. 
Theo learns Gaelic from Taghd-they start with the swear words and then she just really wants to learn the language. 
Whereas Taghd tends to complain about getting dragged into fights by Teddy and her but does it Theo’s more like you feel the air shift next to you and...yup. Yup she’s there.
If her friends are in a fight nine out ten times she’s there too. That one of ten times she’s not there, she’s going to be soon.
Theo’s a night owl and can often be found the last in the common room reading or writing or talking to Taghd or Teddy or Lu. Sometimes she’ll sneak out to fly. ( specially on really clear nights)
She’s perfected the art of wolfing down breakfast in the last minutes before going to class or even just grabbing a piece of bread and running off to class because of this. As it'll lead to her oversleeping.
Adelia’s her mom friend and possibly one of the few people that can tell her what to do without her going ‘how bout i do anyways.png’
She writes a lot and can be seen talking animatedly about it mostly to fellow writer friend Teddy Ellison. 
She’s bit Taghd’s brother Cillian in her animagus form at least once. It was the subject of laughter in the Gryffindor table for a good week after. Theo, ( who keeps her animagus form a secret aside from her closest friends because its a way she has to get away from people or hide or cause trouble when she wants to) becomes very interested in whatever’s in front of her  and trying not to laugh when it gets brought up. 
She gets really attached to Teddy’s mom ( and is a bit jealous of how nice a mother her friend has)  as she both from her experience and what she gathers from Tagdh and other friends of hers she didn’t...think parents could be nice? Like empirical evidence just overall does not seem to be in their favor tbh (specially mothers) and she’s mystified by her and overall thinks she’s wonderful.
This also means she dislikes Teddy’s dad that much more ( though she keeps it to herself around Teddy’s mother ) because as far as she’s concerned he doesn’t deserve her or Teddy with what some of  his actions are. 
Tends to be physical with her close friends ( bumping shoulders, linking arms as they walk hand on shoulder) though on different levels depending on the different dynamics and how comfortable they themselves are with it.
She hates all the propriety she was brought up with ( one of the bonding things she Taghd had was their shared lack of decorum) but one of the things she enjoyed to learn back in Godric Hollow was calligraphy. She stills practices it as a hobby, keeping multiple colors of ink in her room at Hogwarts and later in life. She likes making calligraphy for her friends and also when they’re adults makes calligraphy for each of their children with their favorite stories. 
Finally did a proper profile for Theo.
I’m hoping to get back to doing more content ( including other profiles for mcs I’ve mentioned and going back to my hphm kiddo Marti and writing out gameplay now that I have more spoons. Figured this was a good place to start.
Profile skeleton by @hogwartsmysterystory​
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nicistrying · 4 years ago
A bullet point update bc I just finished my 6th shift in a row and am extremely ready for my day off tomorrow:
Monday, the sun was shining so we went to the coast for a walk. I wasn't supposed to be at work but manager asked me to go in 4-10pm so we still haf plenty of time. It was really cold and foggy by the sea but still a lovely walk and we sat in our favourite spot and had chips and hot chocolate.
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Yesterday (Tuesday) I had some spare time in the afternoon so I did a quick little workout before work and it felt great to work up a sweat for the first time in what felt like ages!
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Today I'm hormonal af. I had warned Matthew a few days ago that I could feel myself getting really irritable, but this morning when I was stressing out looking at houses and not getting anywhere, he was talking about moving to the other end of the country for an internship he wants to do, and just kind of expecting me to drop everything and go with him. Which of course I would but I had just spent 2 hours scrolling through letting websites looking for a nice little house for us to move into, get settled and stay in for a few years until we can afford to buy a house of our own - and then he said that and I feel bad but I was so annoyed. Like why am I even bothering trying to find us a nice home if we're potentially not even going to be living here? What about our families etc? My job where I have only just now, after 9 months, started to come out of my shell and make meaningful friendships?! I went in early today to ask Manager for advice. I sat down and explained I just feel like everything is fucked and I feel so bad now bc his first question was 'well do you love him bc you have to make compromises' and I feel so bad bc now I realise I was just being selfish. Like, these internships are so hard to come by and of course I would want him to do it if he gets accepted. I can totally transfer to one of our stores down there and then come back to my current store when we come back. But then what if he finds a job there off the back off the internship and we don't come back?! I don't want to live so far away from my family. And like I said to my manager that I would just be gutted if I had to leave our store bc I really like working there, I've finally started to get a bit more confident and actually speak up a bit and I just don't want to have to start all over again. And bless his little heart he said if I was worried about friends he'd come and visit me when he and his girlfriend are there visiting her family bc that's where she's from 😭😭 which is so so sweet of him but I just feel bad now I've had the day to think about it. I feel like the glaring answer is to go with Matthew and just see where it takes us. Either we'll come back or we won't. Maybe we're not supposed to find a house and settle down yet. It just kind of freaks me out how uncertain every aspect of my life is after August since that's when the lease on our flat runs out. I'm happy at my current job bc I'm gaining a lot of experience and there are definitely opportunities to progress but I'd be putting any kind of other career plans of my own on hold to go with him. And idk am I just being selfish bc I don't even really know what I want career-wise and he does so surely we should work towards his goals first?? Yikes. This has been a rant. But that's what's been playing on my mind today. Other than worrying constantly about it and feeling guilty for being so snappy and horrible to Matthew this morning, all is well I guess. I just got home and am going to make a nice meal ready for Matthew getting home as my way of apologising and letting him know that of course I would go with him to another city where he would have an awesome opportunity. Bring on my rest day tomorrow so I can try to get my head straight 🙄
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incorrectcats · 5 years ago
Last round of my beautiful lovely amazing queens let’s GOOOOOOOOO ✊ Okay this has taken SO long, holy molly. @jelliclequeens​ 
June 6th - Griddlebone
What do you love about this queen? She’s SO extra. Literally. Looks like a cotton cloud, sings opera, kicks everyone in the ass. An icon.
What is your favorite version of this queen? Honestly, I’ve only seen like... 2 versions of Griddlebone? She always looks big and fluffy and I love that.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? I’m gonna say Bonnie Simmons because it’s the version I prefer out of the ones on Spotify.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Good question, because I have no idea. I’ll say... Bombalurina. Because, you know what? These two could rule the world of they wanted to.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? When she goes “bye” and disappeares when the shit hits the fan lol
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June 7th - Tantomile
What do you love about this queen? I think by now everyone knows that until a couple of weeks I actually didn’t like her. 1998 Tanto & Cori creeped the fuck out of me BUT I’ve found some super adorable Tantos out there and now I lover her.
What is your favorite version of this queen? I love the classical “rolled ears” style but I must admit that blue-haired Tanto from the Opera Populaire production is beautiful af.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Helen Gulston and Brittany Tooms Peel, they’re AMAZING and I’d die for them.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Cassomile, it has so much power. Also I’m starting to warm up to Tantoteazer uwu
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? Whenever she does dumb stuff like pulling Tuggers tail (in the Dutch tour, I believe). She’s so cute.
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June 8th - Cassandra
What do you love about this queen? EVERYTHING, SHE’S FREAKING AMAZING. She’s so beautiful, captivating, but also caring and lovely and so athletic, she’s just a goddess.
What is your favorite version of this queen? Hmm... I like most of them, I find them pretty similar. Buuut when the ears are rolled back? I love those wigs.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Rebecca Parker from 1998 movie, because I’m basic and I’m in love with her. But also Mette Towley from 2019 movie, she was one of my favourites in the movie!
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Cassomile, but I think that Cassalurina or Cassmeter would slap too.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? When she’s picked by Misto to do the magic trick. She’s super excited, a cutie pie.
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June 9th - Victoria
What do you love about this queen? She’s so elegant and beautiful and I just want to be half as fab as her.
What is your favorite version of this queen? I like the versions where she’s mostly white with light brown/pink details, better than the ones with black details.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Phyllida Crowley Smith (1998 movie) and Hannah Kenna Thomas (Vienna 2019)
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Victeazer, of course. My two amazing ladies being amazing together, QUALITY CONTENT.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? The solo; even after watching it a thousand times I still find it fascinating. I love it. The solo and when she finally touches Grizabella. Make me cry, Vic, I deserve it.
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June 10th - Rumpleteazer
What do you love about this queen? Okay, shit gets real here. I love EVERYTHING about Rumpleteazer. She has been one of my favourites ever since I saw the musical for the very first time. I love her. She’s funny, cute, super athletic, playful but with a soft side. She’s amazing istg I love Rumple.
What is your favorite version of this queen? All Teazers are good Teazers. (I’m not kidding, I love them all)
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Jo Gibb will always be my number one! However, Naoimh Morgan (both stage and 2019 movie), Shonica Gooden, Rose Iannacone, Anna Carina Buchegger and Georgie Leatherland are amazing too and I love them all.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Victeazer! Rumple stealing jewels for her fancy girlfriend. That’s all I need.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? Every time she’s on stage is the best moment. Okay, I’ll be more selective: her whole number, her enthusiasm during Skimble’s song, and whenever she’s cute with any other cat. Oh, and during the Jellicle Ball, she’s AMAZING. Underrated dancer. And the “Are you lean like a lynx?” moment.
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June 11th - Demeter
What do you love about this queen? Again, she’s one of my favourites so... Everything. She’s so brave and strong and I enjoy every single moment she’s on stage. One of the things I love the most about her is how despite the hardships she’s been through, she still wants to be happy and to enjoy life while she’s young.
What is your favorite version of this queen? London-based designs are my favourites most of the time. I love when her wig has this spiky style. A kind punk, that’s my girl!
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Linda Mae Brewer (Aeva May), Guadalupe Lancho, Erca Jayne Alden and Emanuelle N’Zuzi.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Demelurina, obviously. Queens of queens. This ship will end us all.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? Her number with Bombalurina. They could kill me. And whenever she reunites with Munkustrap or Bombalurina after Macavity’s attack.
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June 12th - Bombalurina
What do you love about this queen? Did I mention... Everything? She’s amazing. I love her confident attitude, how she doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything. She’s sexy, she knows it, and she’ll do ehatever she wants because she can. However, she’s also caring and loving and is always watching over the younger cats and at the same time has a great relationship with the older queens. She’s an icon.
What is your favorite version of this queen? Oof, all of them. 2017 Asian tour was particularly gorgeous and whenever I see that design I cry for hours.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Rosemarie Ford, Suzie Melloy, Paqui Sánchez Melchior and Nadia Strahan.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Demelurina!
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? When she shows her protective side. I’d die for her, I’m not lying ;; And her solo moment during the Jellicle Ball, what a moment to be alive.
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June 13th - Grizabella
What do you love about this queen? She’s quite a complex character, honestly. I love how prideful she is, and how she always keeps her head up. Go for it, queen!
What is your favorite version of this queen? I like the old school curly hair Griz better than the new version, honestly. Mexico Grizabella is super beautiful too, I love her.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Elaine Paige, Rosemarie Ford, Mamie Parris, Ana Milva Gomes, Rocío Banquells and María del Sol.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Maybe a young GrizxJelly could be cute, but I’m still bitter that they didn’t make a canon Fem!DeutxGriz in the 2019 movie.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? Memory. It’s very basic, but honestly, it makes me cry every time. 
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June 14th - Exotica
What do you love about this queen? I’m gonna be honest... I never payed much attention to her. Sorry Exotica ;; 
What is your favorite version of this queen? Okay maybe this is weird but... Do you know how she has two costumes in the 1998 movie? I like more the one that appears less lol, the “tabby” suit.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? I only know Femi Taylor!
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Hm... ExoticaxCassandra could be interesting.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? I’ve heard she has a couple of cute moments with Jellylorum at some point, but I don’t remember when ;;
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scottishstoner · 5 years ago
So I spent some time catching up on supernatural s14 and I’m on s15 now (ep 2) and honestly....I’m annoyed lol, my favourite seasons of supernatural were always seasons 1-5 especially 4 & 5 because it was the apocalypse story, god..all that, mysterious. Don’t forget they’d written supernatural for 5 seasons and that was it, they didn’t think they’d get a 6th and didn’t plan on it - so they had to just keep writing, that stuff with Chuck in the graveyard was sad af, other world Michael was right, they’re just a draft of a world - even if they’re his “favourite ones from any of the worlds” (he said smth like that). Lying to them constantly, manipulating them, sitting back watching, it all makes me annoyed, the previous seasons just aren’t the same knowing this. And Dean?? Being angry at Cas for not saying about Jacks soul - HELLO (Cas wasn’t even sure he didn’t have a soul either, it’s clearly shown and Dean is acting like he knew the entire time wtf? Cas also said nothing of “I didn’t know” tho - why tf didn’t he just say that?) This is literally Dean and Sams fucking fault - he burned his soul away because of magic SAM, DEAN (& Cas eventually got on board but he was cautious, I know Dean was too but I’ll get to that, Cas gave up his life for Jacks in heaven, they don’t even know that yet) wanted him to use to stay alive, Dean is angry at Cas but he is the one who BEGGED that woman to perform the spell for Jack. Not Sam, not Cas but DEAN is the one who convinced her to do it. And he is BLAMING everyone but himself - when he was a HUGE part of how Jack got back.
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Also God is a fucking dick they ruined his whole character, but I will say it’s been an amazing season, their best since 4-5 but it’s also ruined those seasons for me lol
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originalxresonance · 5 years ago
Shining Star Live: Syo
So, my time had come. I had never been that excited about event like this time. I couldn’t stop talking about it.  Literally I had been fangirling for a few hours and almost every positive emotion was on my face. Not to mention that I had completely forgotten about some important stuff.
From the very beginning I wanted to finish in tier 1 even though some people were like ‘Girl, are you crazy?! There’s no point getting maxed card.’ I kinda ignored them because my priority was to get all copies of my best boy’s card. So desperate. 
I had saved ~12k LP from previous events, login bonuses and ad rewards. I also had 2.3k prisms. During the whole event I spent all LP from the gift box (saved before event had started and gathered during event). Also, I spent 1.1k prisms on LP, because on 5th day I had ran out of them. Summing up, it was around 29k LP including gift box, natural and paid. 
I really love them! Not only because Syo is my best boy and Ranmaru is 3rd fave character but they are just visually appealing. Syo’s card reminds me a little bit of URs from the previous events (Bespoke Dressmaker/Shining Haute Couture and Ciel Etoile Promesse/Flossflowers Bloom In the Garden). Idolised Ranmaru’s card, the background of it to be exact, resembles me a beautiful historical place that is located near my flat. Boys look stunning in their outfits both on cards and main screen. Also I want to mention that all cards from events and gachas look better over time. 
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Umm... I opened the setlist, closed the app and cried. To be honest, I’m not a fan of Otokogi Zenkai Go! Fight!! and I think Syo’s songs have the most difficult maps. In general, I managed to ultimate combo all songs apart from the said one. I had a lot of fun playing them, especially Be Proud because it’s one of my favourite Ranmaru’s songs. Unfortunately, setlist didn’t include Cosmic Runner or True Wing and it kinda made me sad.
I ended on 148th place, which is a decent result especially when it was the first time I finished in T1. Nothing more needs to be said.
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Other remarks:
Time: I didn’t have much time to play constantly or check current ranking. I had a lot of personal issues that affected my scoring. It was like using natural LP for a day or two and grinding for a few hours the following day. I was falling behind all the time and I got into T1 on 6th day. Not to mention that the last day was hard because I didn’t go to bed (events end at 7 am in my time zone) so energy drink was a lifesaver. 
Resources: I already know that if I want to tier that high I have to save more LP. I don’t use them on regular basis but since Syo’s nail event I had collected 4 URs (not including SSL) and wanted to tier. If it wasn’t for them I would have saved ~6k more LP. Lesson learned.
I also made 100th bond level with my boy!
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In general I had a lot of fun taking part in this event and tiering even though I was scared af that I didn’t have enough resources and had a temporary breakdown. I’m so damn proud of myself and hope next event with my best boy will be as pleasurable as this one.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years ago
Why did you last feel like crying? This past weekend I was just extra moody and on the verge of tears.
How long ago and why did you last feel infuriated? I get easily irritated and frustrated, but it’s been awhile since I’ve felt infuriated.
Do emotions control you or do you control your emotions? My emotions got control over me a few years ago and I haven’t been able to gain it back. :/
Do you keep your friends secrets/private information to yourself? Yes.
What negative quality do your friends bring up the most? I wouldn’t want friends who did that. I do that enough myself as it is, I don’t need anyone else pointing out all my negative qualities all the time.
What quality do you think you have that others don’t think you do? I don’t know. I feel like people in my life overestimate my abilities rather than the other way around. I feel a lot of pressure to maintain that illusion. <<< Same in regards to feeling like people overestimate my abilities. Although, in terms of the long list of negative qualities I believe I have, my loved ones would disagree on a lot of them.
Do you often “jump” to conclusions? Yeppp. Always the worst ones, too.
Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting or indifferent? It could be scary depending on the situation, but I’d definitely feel anxious and uncomfortable.
Do you think you know a lot about the world? There’s a lot more I don’t know.
Do you know first aid?   No. 
Does the sight of blood make you feel sick? Y Yes. It makes me feel weak. I can’t even look when having blood drawn and getting it done makes me sweaty and weak.
Does your first name have an L in it? Nope.
Middle name have a C in it? Nope.
Last name have a R in it? Yes.
Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what?  Nope. The word above, does it have any connection to you at all? 
Do you prefer classic rock or nope alternative? Nope alternative?
Do you like Kings of Leon? Yeah. I loved when Sex on Fire first came out.
How about The Script? Yes.
Does crying make you feel better? Sometimes.
Do you know a girl called Becca? Nope.
How about a guy called Gregory? No.
Does someones background effect whether you’ll be friends with them or not Uh, well yeah. Like if they have a sketchy background or have done things I’m not comfortable with.
How about their religious background? I’d have a problem with a satanist or if they were involved in a cult.
If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? That would likely make things complicated, but I guess it would depend on the situation. Although, you’re likely just getting their side of it and it may not be accurate or they’re leaving things out that paint them in a better light than their ex. It would just really, really depend on the situation and it’d take a lot of communication.
Do you drink tea and/or coffee every day? Coffee, yes.
Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? No.
How about a fashion designer? No.
Do you wish that magic was real? I mean sure it’d be dope to make something you want appear or happen whenever you want. It could also be tricky, though, and used for the wrong reasons.
What food would you love to wipe off the face of the earth? I’m picky, so there’s a lot of foods I don’t like, but plenty of other people enjoy them so I’m not going to wipe it off the earth just cause I don’t like it.
Can you use a bottle opener? Yeah...
Do you own a cheese grater? Nope.
What time will it be in 38 minutes time? 4:26AM.
What day/date will it be in 11 days time? May 25th. Damn.
Have you ever owned a pet fish? Y Yep. I had a fish tank full of fish as a kid.
Do you prefer fire or ice? Fire in terms of bonfires and in a fireplace for the comfy, coziness of it and I love the smell of it during the fall. I don’t use ice in my drinks, so, not a big fan.
Do you rap along with rap songs? Ha, well my attempt to rap along.
When happy, do you become more talkative? Yeah.
Bowling or sailing? Why? Bowling I guess if I had to pick out of the two. Have no interest in either one, though.
What colour is your kettle? I don’t have one.
How about your microwave? Black.
Do you prefer sitting in the front or back of a car? Front.
How about in a train? On the bus? I’ve always had to sit in the middle on buses cause that’s where the wheelchair spots are.
Do you care about politics? I admit that I really haven’t been following closely these past few years. I used to pay more attention, but I just... can’t. It’s too much.
Obama or Bush?
Blair or Brown?
When did you last cook something from scratch? I don’t cook from scratch. The only cooking I do is packaged ramen.
What things make you jealous? Im rarely jealous. <<< Same. I feel envy more than jealousy.
Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right?  I am confused as to why it’s okay certain curse words but not others. And I really don’t get why in “asshole” just the “hole” part is bleeped out lol. Do you feel hungry, thirsty, sleepy or none of the above?  Right now I’m just sleepy.
What’s your Mum’s Mum called? How about your Dad’s Dad? Lupe/Charles. 
Do you prefer crepes, pancakes or waffles? Waffles and crepes.
Do you have ice-cream in your fridge right now? I think we have some.
How about chicken nuggets? Not chicken nuggets, but my brother has a bag of chicken wings.
Do you eat fish often? Never. I hate seafood. <<<< Saaaame.
Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? Nope.
Do you know anyone who is scared of you? I can’t imagine anyone being afraid of me, a stick thin, super shy, and awkward af girl. haha.
What person who has died would you bring back and why? I wouldn’t mess around with bring people back from the dead. I believe I’ll see them again one day.
Do you like watermelon? Yeah. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had any, though.
Can you remember the month of your first kiss? October. I remember that because it happened at my high school drama department’s haunted house. 
Do you make friends easily? No. I also don’t try to to be honest.
What makes you different from everyone else? DNA <<< Hahaha welp that most certainly does.
I give you a piece of paper. What do you draw/write on it? I’d do random doodles and write random words in cursive cause that’s what I do when I doodle.
What pictures or photos are up in your lounge? Is that like the living room? If so, we have a few framed photos on the shelves we have.
Do you like purple and white patterned things? Sure.
Do you know anyone called Pipa? No.
I say purple, you think… It’s my mom’s favorite color.
What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? Nothing.
Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? They’re nice, I’m just super awkward.
Does the description of your starsign correspond with your personality? Nope. I’m so opposite of how a Leo is described.
Do you have a photo album? Yeah, several old photo albums (physical ones) and several on Facebook and my phone.
What artists paintings do you find the most beautiful? I don’t necessarily go for beauty in art. My favourite painters are Dali, Kandinsky, and Klimt. Weird over beauty for me. <<< That’s how I am. One of my favorites is The Scream by Edvard Munch. I like the melting clocks one by Dali, too.
What about the most disturbing? Hmm. There’s definitely paintings I’ve seen that I thought were disturbing, but of course I can’t think of a specific one at the moment.
Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? I’ve been to two camps: science camp and Girl Scout camp. I also had to do summer school once in the 6th grade cause I missed a lot of school due to spending months in the hospital and at home after having surgery. I voluntarily took a few summer classes in college.
What was your favourite cartoon as a child? A lot of the stuff that was on Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, PBS, WB Kids, and Saturday morning cartoons on ABC.
What was your biggest fear as a child? Bugs.
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? Fly.
What about invisibility or mindreading? Invisibility.
Do you like what you see in the mirror? Nopeee.
Can you remember all your past teachers names? Not all of them, but a lot of them.
Do you like talent shows? Which ones? I enjoyed when we had talent show assemblies in elementary school. Those were fun.
Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? Yes, in math.
Do you find people taller than you intimidating? Just about everyone is taller than me.
Do you think you are better than people of a different country/background? Wow, absolutely not. I don’t think I’m better than anyone.
What’s your favourite thing about your country? We have our issues and I know other countries make fun of us, but we have a lot of good qualities and I like where I’m from.
Who is your favourite bzoinker? I don’t go on there.
What websites do you have bookmarked? The ones on the toolbar are Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Pinterest, and a couple PDFs from Bible studies.
Do you use bows and ribbons to decorate your gifts? Yeah. I love wrapping presents and making them look all nice and pretty.
Do you listen to the same type of music as your parents? What type is that? We like a lot of the same, yeah. Especially my mom and I.
What TV show scared you as a kid? Are You Afraid of the Dark haha but I also loved to watch it. That intro is what really got me. Oh, and Unsolved Mysteries. That was a show about real life mysteries and murders and such. 
Family Guy, The Simpsons or South Park? Why? Out of the three I’d pick Family Guy, but I’m not into any of them. My family loves Family Guy so I see parts of episodes here and there all the time and I’m familiar with it. Sometimes it’ll give me a little chuckle.
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eg515 · 6 years ago
8 people I'd like to know better
tagged by the lovely @gothamecco which is amazing because I'm bored af and I got to know her a bit better. so double win for me 👍
name/aliases: Erika (and I hate it with a burning passion, please never call me my name. people saying my name makes me anxious)
birthday: May 15th
zodiac sign: Taurus (and every single thing you read about Taurus is true for me)
height: ~1.75m
hobbies: binging tv shows and listening to music. and I really like baking
favourite colours: green
favourite books: I don't really have a favourite, the last one I was obsessed with temporarily was The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
last song listened to: I'm listening to an All Time Low playist right now, Dark Side of Your Room at the moment of writing this line (later followed by The Edge of Tonight, Guts and Walls. it took long to write this.)
last film watched: Aladdin, 2019 version (Naomi Scott and Mena Massaud still own my ass)
inspiration for muse: *confused stare*
dream job: psychologist, but I gave up on it a long time ago. my current job is kinda a dream job though, in a way that the pay is good, I have fixed hours and I don't have to communicate with a lot of people face to face. also, I can eat during work.
meaning behind your url: for a while I just used my name, but then I decided I didn't want people to find me here, so I changed it to this stupid "codename" I made up in 6th grade and have proudly used everywhere ever since
most people I tag never actually do this, but whatever. @hotchocolateandpillowforts @bingecrafting @between-the-phone-and-the-sky @superwholockandbooks-art @spacezombiie @five-wow @darrenschyleigh and anyone else who wants to do this bc why not. or just ignore it.
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vixx-otps · 7 years ago
VIXX-OTPS’s second survey results
This survey took place from October 30, 2017 up until November 30, 2017
Most people who participated in this survey are this blog’s followers/people from Tumblr. Therefore, it would not be representative of everyone in the fandom. This is just a fun event within this blog~
This would be a really really long post (I mean it. It’s VERY LONG). It contains graphs, charts, and reasons why people like a pair the most or like them the least. Whatever you read beyond this are simply the results of what you guys have submitted
There were a total of 532 responses
To all of those who have participated or at least shared the link to the survey, thank you very very much~ ♥ I wish I could repay you more than just saying thank you >//<
1) Who is/are your VIXX Bias(es)?
(Responders were allowed to choose as many members as they want for this question)
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If you want to compare the results from the last survey (2015), I made a bar graph for it:
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As you can see, the results are pretty much the same except that there seems to be more fans for all of the members in 2017 than in 2015~ ♥
2.) If you were to choose ONLY ONE MOST favourite VIXX pair, which pair would it be?
(Responders were only allowed to PICK ONE pair for this question)
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Again, to compare the results with the last survey’s results (2015), I’ve made a comparison bar graph:
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3.) Which VIXX pair(s) do you like the MOST?
(Responders were allowed to pick as many pairs as they want for this question)
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The results are a little bit similar to that of the second question, isn’t? o - o Anyway, here is a comparison from 2015′s survey~
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4.) If you were to choose ONLY ONE LEAST favourite VIXX pair, which pair would it be?
(Responders were only allowed to PICK ONE pair for this question)
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This is kind of different from what I expected and I’ll show you why:
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You see what I mean? o - o!!! A huge difference...
5.) Which VIXX pair(s) do you like the LEAST?
(Responders were allowed to pick as many pairs as they want for this question)
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The results are somewhat different from the last question >< By the way, this is a new question that I’ve added for this survey so I have no results to compare it with...
6.) How would you rank the VIXX pairs from:
I like them together very much / They are my most favourite
I like them just fine / I don’t mind them
I don’t like them but I don’t dislike them either
I don’t pay much attention to them / I do not see them interact enough
I dislike them / I do not see any chemistry
(I’ve made bar graphs for each ranking but if you scroll down some more, I’ve made charts for each pair~)
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Reasons why you guys like the pairs the MOST or the LEAST:
1. N/Leo: Why do you like N/Leo the MOST?
Just because / It just is
Neo is life / Seeing them together gives me so much fuzzies and the world is right again / Cannot be put into words / They are so damn perfect!
Sexy couple
Parent line / Mom and Dad of VIXX / The mom and dad of VIXX / They’re like the mom and dad of VIXX and I think it’s adorable / They are the real definition of VIXX’s parents / Parents are to be loved together / Parents / They are like a married couple. N is the wife seeking attention from her shy awkward husband Leo / Mom and dad of the group! / Because mum and dad! / The parents of VIXX who would always be lifelong friends / Because they act like the parents of 4 hyper kids and it warms my heart to see them call VIXX “kids” / The mother and father of the group / Mom and Dad of the group / They’re like the mom and dad of the group / Parents…?
Mutual support, care and trust / They support each other / Take care of each other really well / Understand and support each other a lot / They’re a great support system for each other / They adore and take good care of each other / It used to be more like Leo relying on N to help him overcome his shyness and to help him express himself but now, it’s more of a mutual reliance on each other. Leo relies on N as their leader and N relies on Leo for support as the other oldest member, therefore making decisions for the group and giving advice and care to the other members
N takes care of Leo / Love how N helped Leo out of his shell / N brought Leo out of his shell / Because N has always helped Leo
They have great chemistry together / Their dynamic is really interesting to observe / They are so perfectly matched / They are so wholesome together / They complement each other well / They balance each other / I enjoy their dynamic / Their relationship / Their personalities balance each other so well / Their friendship is amazing
Cute / Adorable together / They’re just so cute! / They look so cute! / Too fucking cute / They are both just so precious / Hella cute / Look extra cute together
Love how N sometimes manhandles Leo / Love how N can control Leo and Leo listens to N even though Leo is not the type to follow someone else
There’s something about their friendship that makes me adore them very much / They’re so close / All of VIXX are close but there’s something about the 90 line / Since the beginning, Leo and N have been very close.
The way they behave towards each other / Love their interactions / Their interactions are the best in my opinion / They have a way of speaking without words
They are my top 2 biases
They are lifelong friends / Lifelong friends / Because they are lifelong friends / Lifelong friend! / Lifelong friends so close and comfortable with each other / Lifelong friends
Loud and energetic with quiet and cuddly is my secret favourite / They have a love&hate relationship / The classic hate-love dynamic I’m weak for / Complete opposites but love each other very much / Loud and soft / Because they are opposites
Love the way Leo always reacts badly to N’s skinship but seeks it sometimes / Leo calls N when he wants something / Leo shows affection towards N in a cute way
The dynamic that they had in their early debut days was something I found compelling and has stuck with me to now / The first pair I had in the fandom so they have a special place in my heart / Even though it hasn’t been seen as much these days as the other pairs, I still believe in Mama Cha and Papa Leo of the VIXX Family / They were the first ones that I fell in love with
It’s a classic
They are the eldest in the group
N/Leo: Why do you like N/Leo the LEAST?
Do I still need to answer this after 4 years?
Less not liking and more bored of oversaturation / A little overrated / Too typical / It’s way way overdone and fandom cliches abound / I see it everywhere
Actually liked the pair when people remember that: a) for all his pestering, N does let Leo be Leo, b) N himself is also an introvert
I don’t like the “mom & dad” concept / It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just people force N into this mother role and I’m like, you can take care of people without being a mother / I don’t like how N always has to be the “mom” or whatever like, people always feminize him and it always comes off as degrading to N
I feel that they work much better as friends
Even though they get on well, I think that they should be paired with someone who seems to be their opposite
I keep finding them when I look for another pair / Interferes with my favourite pair
People trying to force me to like it which kind of ruined the pair for me / Shippers love to shove it down your throat
Doesn’t necessarily see them as a pair that interests me
Leo was really mean to N a lot earlier in the career and I just didn’t like it
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on N/Leo:
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2. N/Ken: Why do you like N/Ken the MOST?
They make each other laugh
They have fun together
They are really affectionate with each other
They’re just two soft floofs who want the other members to love them so they’re perfect for each other / N is clingy af and Ken is so used to getting all the affection of the group / Absolute dorks around each other / N always wants to be near Ken, like holding his hand or poking him
They are supportive of each other
The cutest dynamics
When N smiles because of Ken, it just seems so genuine and pure / N just always has so much fun with Ken / N dotes on Ken and Ken looks up to N
They stare at each other like they’re the sun or something equally cheesy
They’re very comfortable around each other
They’re the ridiculous ahjumma and diva line
N/Ken: Why do you like N/Ken the LEAST?
I don’t see content for it
I don’t pay much attention to them / I have paid zero attention to them
I think I just like them better when they’re platonically bickering at one another / They’re both too loud, combined they would cause chaos / Sometimes it seems like N does not have much patience for Ken
I chose randomly / I HAD NO CHOICE
Neither N nor Ken are my favourite
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on N/Ken:
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3. N/Ravi: Why do you like N/Ravi the MOST?
They’ve been close from the start /
I love their dynamic / I really like their chemistry whenever they are paired together for anything / they are close and complement each other
They always turn up for each other’s solo activities
I like reading about N being taken care of by his members. Ravi has the biggest tendency to do that
N has mom vibes and Ravi has dad vibes and together they have these boring parent vibes
Because I like N with everyone and want Ravi for myself so I’m giving him to N. Very generous of me, isn’t it?
I have something for dancing, I suppose? Their chemistry when they dance is great
Leader and deputy, steel and marshmallow
N/Ravi: Why do you like N/Ravi the LEAST?
I don’t know the reason why I chose them / No reason in particular / Answer was required / I had to choose a pair
I don’t pay much attention to them / I just don’t really see it. It’s more like Mama Cha supporting his son
It’s not my cup of tea
It was cute, but it’s starting to die
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on N/Ravi:
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4. N/Hongbin: Why do you like N/Hongbin the MOST?
Hongbin rejects N’s affection in public, but I know that he is whipped for N. I love their friendship so much / Hongbin gets a lot of crap because of how he approaches affection (towards N or anyone at all), but if you know about his personality, you can easily see how much he cares for N / Hongbin is so low-key protective of N / They make me happy, especially those rare occasions when Hongbin shows his love for N / Love how Hongbin tries to hide his love for N, but they have so many sweet moments and so many HOT moments
I love their love/hate relationship / Love the cute banter (Hongbin is a tsundere) / Tom and Jerry ftw / The push and pull is awesome
I think of them more platonically than anything, but I enjoy their dynamic / Enjoy watching their interactions
N babies Hongbin / I like that N is a mom to Hongbin and Hongbin totally acts like a defiant son
Love that they mean the world to each other / They are soulmates
The sass-fest is just legendary
N/Hongbin: Why do you like N/Hongbin the LEAST?
They seem awkward and uncomfortable around each other (more on Hongbin’s side) / they don’t fit well together sometimes
I feel like N and Hongbin aren’t portrayed very well as a couple
Hongbin is always teasing N and I prefer seeing N being loved / I don’t like how Hongbin tries to deny his feelings for N when the camera is on them / Hongbin (at least in the beginning) hated everything to do with N
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on N/Hongbin:
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5. N/Hyuk: Why do you like N/Hyuk the MOST?
Love their dynamic
On camera, Hyuk pushes N away, but off camera, he’s such a dependable person and obviously respects and cares for N / The push and pull is so cute
Love how N complains that Hyuk doesn’t act like a maknae
Love how N beats the crap out of Hyuk if he made a comment about N / Hyuk being that lil’ shit of a maknae and N hitting him in response. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is
They are my favourite members
It’s easy to see how genuinely N cares about Hyuk and how happy he makes him
Their interactions are so sweet
Chasang is life
N/Hyuk: Why do you like N/Hyuk the LEAST?
Hyuk always ignores N when he tries to be affectionate and acts like he doesn’t want to be paired with him and it’s annoying / I love Hyuk but why does he have to be a little devil all the time. I just wish we could see more soft Hyuk / I don’t like the way Hyuk bullies N
Their relationship feels too much like a parent and child for me / I can’t really see them as a couple / I feel like N treats Hyuk like a little brother so it’s strange to see them in a romantic way / They seem to have more of an older brother-little brother relationship / Mom N / I see it like a young brother/son and older brother/mother and it feels kinda weird, I don’t know / I don’t think their dynamics are that strong, just good friends / N is Hyuk’s mother and it just feels so wrong, he practically raised him / Feels weird, like mother and son / I just can’t see them together romantically / Their relationship seems more like relatives, with N being the trying-too-hard uncle and Hyuk being the embarrassed nephew / Too parent and child
I see them interact the least
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on N/Hyuk:
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6. Leo/Ken: Why do you like Leo/Ken the MOST?
Best chemistry / They complement each other’s personalities well
Cute / Sweet and cute / Because they are too cute
Leo is head over heels for Ken
Ken had brought out the cutie in Leo
Their subtle way of supporting and caring for each other makes me so soft
They are both my ultimate biases
They are like real brothers
Love the puppy-kitty couple / Opposites / They’re like black and white contrasting yet they are harmonious / They’re complete opposites but they work so well together / Their opposite personalities
Leo/Ken: Why do you like Leo/Ken the LEAST?
I don’t pay a lot of attention to them / I tend to focus on other pairs more / Just don’t think much about them / Haven’t seen a lot of interactions with them off-stage
The shippers. I had quite a lot of annoying encounters with their shippers. I love them but the fans just irk me
I feel like they work together as just friends / Just can’t see them together / I never really thought about putting them together
I had to choose one / No idea… / I just had to choose one
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Leo/Ken:
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7. Leo/Ravi: Why do you like Leo/Ravi the MOST?
They have great chemistry / They complement each other well / Their dynamic is really interesting / Their chemistry on and off stage / They have chemistry / Their chemistry / They just seem to fit together well
They seem to care about each other very much / They rely on each other / They understand each other quite well / They’re always quietly supporting each other / I feel like they reciprocate each other’s affection the most
Do I need to fill this in? / [Ravi voice] We started from the bottom but we just do it now / They make my kokoro go doki-doki and dokun-dokun / Because Wontaek is love / LR is life
These two are so quiet and awkward and it’s completely different when they’re performing. It’s astonishing / They are the awkward kids, and since LR debuted, they just started being dumb and more like each other and giggly. / LR did wonders with bringing Leo out of his shell and show a side of him that I can’t say I don’t love, but that is driving me crazy / They’re a relationship that I’ve seen growing since their rookie days. It just seems that with Ravi, Leo really comes out of his shell more than usual
They are so legit. So much evidence / LR is real or out lmfao / They’re really sailing their own ship
Extrovert-Introvert / Their opposite chemistry works very well with each other / I like how their opposite personalities work together to bring out the best in each other / They contrast each other very well / Awesome and opposite vibes / Opposites attract / Because of the different personalities that they carry
Despite them being so popular now, it’s still the little things between that keeps me so happy with them, as it always has / Just how easy they are with each other / Ravi is quite chill with Leo and doesn’t really make him have to express himself if he doesn’t feel like it, often speaking louder to attract attention to himself and save Leo from further embarrassment. This happens both during VIXX as whole and LR promotions. Even though Leo was the leader, Ravi did take the lead quite a bit. / Ever since predebut or MyDol, Ravi seems to be the one who Leo seems most comfortable around with and Ravi has consistently tried to make sure to include Leo and bring him into the conversation, but also protect Leo when he would rather stay quiet /
They’re my biases / They were the first two people I ever memorized in the group. I saw how they interacted and totally liked them from then / My first VIXX pair
VIXX LR / Whisper MV / Two words: Beautiful Liar / LR is a blessing / Because it’s an official pair from Jellyfish. Check VIXX LR MVs for proof / When Whisper came out, I discovered that they were a sub-unit and started liking them from then / Because of VIXX LR / During LR promotions, they seem at their happiest / *coughs* VIXX LR
Their interactions are the cutest to me / They’re really cute together. / Their skinship is soft and natural. They don’t cling to each other too much and is sweet / Sometimes their skinship is suddenly really all over the place / Mostly cute. Really really cute. Soft. Protect / They’re so cute / Skinship
They are dorks / Silly boys acting cool
They are sexy / Their tension / They gay. Very very gay / Their sub-unit’s MVs make me want to write gay fanfiction too much / They’re really sexy together / Hah… GAYYYYY / The pair that I’ve written the most about / That one VLive where it looked like Leo was seconds away from kissing Ravi if N hadn’t said anything
Hamster and owner
They are the composing pair. Ravi really goes far and beyond to bring the best out of Leo, changing melodies over and over again / Ravi loves Leo’s high notes / They’re both artistically similar, as their sub-unit keeps hinting
Leo is fond of Ravi’s extra self and finds him funny / I love seeing Leo smile because of Ravi / Like how Ravi makes Leo laugh a lot / Leo always smiles the brightest when looking at or speaking to Ravi
They love animals
Diamond bracelets / The matching bracelets that Leo felt the need to inform us that Ravi bought for him and that they both wear regularly + including in the Whisper MV
Leo/Ravi: Why do you like Leo/Ravi the LEAST?
I am a fan of another pair / Ravi be cheating! / It ruins other favourite pairs
Leo’s and Ravi’s personalities are a complete 360 of each other’s and I don’t think it would fit well / They are too different
Annoying fans / I hate their shippers. I hate when people ship them like lovers when they are close like brothers
Overrated / Never understood the hype
Completely platonic / I see them as brothers too much so I can’t imagine them romantically
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Leo/Ravi:
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8. Leo/Hongbin: Why do you like Leo/Hongbin the MOST?
They’re my biases
Shy bebes / They’re introverted
So cute / They’re cute as heck
Leo is so soft for Hongbin and I love it so much / Love how Leo always cuddles up to Hongbin because he’s very comfortable in his presence and love how Hongbin lets him / Leo’s soft spot (obsession??) for Hongbin is soft and pure / Leo adores Hongbin the most / I think Leo has such a soft spot for Hongbin and it’s the cutest thing / Hongbin can make Leo smile, which is a big deal for him
Forever playful together
Those moments where they’re just quiet and enjoy each other’s company
It started with that fart episode on MTV diary where N was gathering everyone and then Leo and Hongbin were watching stuff together
I think they’re beautiful together
Lil petty shits who like to judge people for their own amusement
I really love their friendship / They’re really good friends
Because Leo mentioned that Hongbin used to be more rambunctious and rebellious during his trainee days and often skipped his training sessions, but Leo taught him well and helped him, which I think is cute
Leo/Hongbin: Why do you like Leo/Hongbin the LEAST?
I could not skip the question and chose one with my eyes closed / Had to choose one / I just had to pick one
Just never took a liking for it
The shippers are something else
I don’t see them interact that much but maybe that’s just me / I feel like I don’t see them together too often / I don’t see much of them on my dashboard
Tsundere + Savage = that’s no no~
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Leo/Hongbin:
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9. Leo/Hyuk: Why do you like Leo/Hyuk the MOST?
The manhandling / How Hyuk always bullies Leo
I think they are just so cute together / Because they look so cute together
I like that they are both so different but at the same time compatible / They show their affections differently to one another
They’re my two favourite members
I like their dynamic
Like a true sibling relationship
Like how their relationship has progressed
I find Leo doing to Hyuk what N does to Leo and it’s cute
Leo/Hyuk: Why do you like Leo/Hyuk the LEAST?
I don’t like that Hyuk bullies Leo / I don’t like how they’re mostly portrayed as Hyuk being the dominant one, always teasing poor Leo
I personally don’t see them interact much / I don’t see very much content of these two so I never developed a liking for the pair
Didn’t read any fics about them to boost my ideas about them
I just don’t see it
I’m sticking to my three favourite pairs, I don’t really cross-ship
I just feel like their personalities are very different from each other
They don’t click as much as an OTP to me / I don’t vibe with it
They just seem like father and son to me
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Leo/Hyuk:
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10. Ken/Ravi: Why do you like Ken/Ravi the MOST?
They ship themselves / They practically hang off of each other 24/7
Because it’s so obvious how crazy Ravi is about Ken? Can anyone even deny it at this point? / Ravi is so warm for Ken / Ravi touching Ken and calling him cute / The way Ravi clings to Ken is just… Hehehe / Ravi loves Ken so much and Ken loves being loved / The way Ravi fanboys over Ken all the time is like, the most precious thing I’ve ever seen
They are cute together / They just always seem so cute together / Very cute and pure / They’re the cutest and purest / I think they’re really cute
Love how close they are to each other / They’re so fond of each other / Giggly and loveable pair / So sweet, so amazing / Their chemistry is just so good / They get along with each other really well / They kind of remind me of kids, in the pure and sweet sense, when they’re together / They’re very affectionate and supportive or they look out for each other — that’s the relationship that I want with my friends or boyfriend / Because of how comfortable and affectionate they are with each other / Their friendship in general is super adorable / I love their dynamics / I find their interactions fun and sweet /
They’re lovers, jk jk / The Rose lyrics have me convinced they’re probably secretly dating / They’re actually married / They honestly look like a real couple to me sometimes / JUST LOOK AT THEM OH MY GADDD / Boyfriends legit / THEY’RE SO IN LOVE ALREADY HOW CAN I NOT LOVE THEM. IMAGINE KEN. WITH RAVI. FIGHTING FOR ATTENTION. OVER BUTT. GOOD CONCEPT.
Their skinship / The way they look at each other makes me cry, it’s so sweet and loving / I love how clingy they are / They show so much love and happiness but still play around with each other / You can always tell how much they mean to each other by the looks they give / They’re always giggling and having a happy time together / Their skinship!
Too soft for words / They’re soft
They’re very silly together
They would make a good sub-unit
I love my sons
Ken/Ravi: Why do you like Ken/Ravi the LEAST?
Because of the shippers. They started becoming popular and they kept talking about them and it kind of annoyed me. / I can’t stand the shippers. They make everything about them all the time and it’s so annoying
I don’t find it as interesting / Just a preference / Just don’t think about them all that much / Dynamic that I’ve spent the least time invested in / Just don’t care all that much
They bring out the annoying in each other
I just picked one / I was forced to pick an answer
I’ve seen it around too much / They’re overrated
Ravi treats Ken exactly the way he treats Butt, but people see a pair. I don’t get it.
Too many moments that I hope the other pairs had that much too / They give me diabetes / They just scream fanservice / Too much skinship
I see it more like a brother-brother relationship
They haven’t grown and changed. They’ve pretty much always been the same lovebirds
Feels too one-sided on Ravi’s part
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Ken/Ravi:
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11. Ken/Hongbin: Why do you like Ken/Hongbin the MOST?
They are the brightest and funniest pairing to me
Ken/Hongbin: Why do you like Ken/Hongbin the LEAST?
I feel my IQ lowering when they’re together
They just don’t interest me together / Not much chemistry / I don’t really notice them together / I never really see them interact that much / I don’t know, I just don’t see them together / They click the least to me / Don’t seem to interact a lot / Not my favourite dynamic / There’s never enough of it / I don’t see any chemistry for them other than platonic / I haven’t really seen much content from them / I don’t really ever think about them as a pair / I haven’t see much about this pair
Their personalities seem like real opposites / Have little in common / They just seem like an odd match / They look awkward
They have more of a only-friends vibe to me
I had to choose one / Had no choice
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Ken/Hongbin:
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12. Ken/Hyuk: Why do you like Ken/Hyuk the MOST?
Fun dynamics! Fun dynamics everywhere! / They’re the funniest together
Because one is the real maknae and the other is a fake maknae, I think it’s cute
They’re perfect
Immortals fic / The Immortals fanfic
They’re adorable together / They just seem soft and compatible / The cutest together / They are the cutest boys ever
They’re a mess, but a good mess
They actually have many genuine moments together (a.k.a not just purely fanservice)
They are also so talented and have amazing visuals
Ken/Hyuk: Why do you like Ken/Hyuk the LEAST?
I had to choose an answer / I had to choose / An answer was required / I closed my eyes and chose / I don’t know / Had to pick an answer
As an OTP, they don’t grab my attention / They just don’t seem super ship-y / They don’t interact as much / Haven’t seen much from them
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Ken/Hyuk:
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13. Ravi/Hongbin: Why do you like Ravi/Hongbin the MOST?
Their overall friendship is really admirable
Despite seeming like polar opposites, they’re actually super close to one another and I think it’s so cute / They have really contrasted appearances and interests but they look really good with each other
They’re so cute when they work together
They act like those womb-friends
Ravi/Hongbin: Why do you like Ravi/Hongbin the LEAST?
A weird pairing
I don’t know
I don’t really see a match here
I haven’t seen many gifsets or I’m just not paying enough attention
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Ravi/Hongbin:
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14. Ravi/Hyuk: Why do you like Ravi/Hyuk the MOST?
Their moments are so rare, yet they’re so beautiful
I think their dynamic is very fun
Ravi/Hyuk: Why do you like Ravi/Hyuk the LEAST?
They give more brotherly feels than a pair sort of feel
I don’t see a lot of them
They just kinda don’t fit in my head, I don’t know / Just don’t really see anything there / Never appealed to me / Just don’t have any memorable things with the pair at the moment / I’ve just never seen anything related to it
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Ravi/Hyuk:
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15. Hongbin/Hyuk: Why do you like Hongbin/Hyuk the MOST?
They’re partners in crime / I love that they’re two mischievous kids together with the most contagious smiles and laughter, they’ve never failed to bring a smile to my face / They are also the demons of the group that harass the others together / Evil duo / Best evil duo ever / Evil maknaes. They make me smile
They’re often joking around, but they genuinely care for each other and get along very well / I love their sense of humour despite them being two little devils to their hyungs / They are idiots and that makes me happy
They have such a great relationship with each other / Their interactions are always so pure / Their chemistry is honestly the best / They secretly care about each other
They’ve grown so much since MyDol
There’s no need to be obvious
Evil gaming geniuses
They look nice together / They seem super fun
They’re cute
Hongbin/Hyuk: Why do you like Hongbin/Hyuk the LEAST?
They seem like brothers in my eyes
It makes me go >:^(
I’m not aware of their interactions
And here is the chart for the 6th question. It’s the same except that it focuses on Hongbin/Hyuk:
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109 notes · View notes
mind-body-and-spirit · 7 years ago
I’m bored ignore me
Describe your current mood/feelings
I feel awful. I’m so unhappy in my current situation and I got a glimpse of what it’s like to be outside of it and I can’t wait to make that happen.
Which is your favourite country that you’ve been to?
Ireland probably.
What are the first things you notice when you look at/meet someone?
Smile and usually eyes but I haven't been great at that lately.
Have you ever been in love/are you in love currently?
I have been in love, I’m not currently.
Are you currently in a relationship?
I am not. 
Would you ever date someone online?
I’d date someone that I met online but not someone I couldn't be with in person.
Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?
Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
Night is more my thing.
What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
LOL no.
Would you choose love or money?
Right now, money probably except for one person that I would choose over that. 
When did you lose your virginity?
When I was 18.
 Do you prefer men or women?
Men usually but gender really doesn't matter to me. I’m attracted to personalities.
Do you have a sex playlist?
No but I’ve heard someone else’s and I am totally into it.
When was the last time you had sex?
Saturday 🙊
Has anyone ever gone beyond your personal line of respect sexually?
Where is the most romantic place you would want to have sex?
When I picture romantic sex it’s usually in a bed, sooooo.
Where is the weirdest place you would want to have sex?
What would you do if you were ever caught having sex?
Depends who caught us.
Would you ever go to a bar just to get sex?
I’d go to a bar to flirt.
Has anyone ever tried to pick you up in a bar?
Would you have sex in a movie theater?
YES that’s so risky I dig it.
Would you have sex outside?
I would as long as its not dirty.
Would you have sex in a bathroom?
Does anyone have naughty pics of you or are you on film?
There’s pics of me out there.
Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name?
Not physically said it but I have thought of someone else and almost said it.
Would you ever use ‘toys’ in bed?
I would.
What would you do if your partner suggest a threesome?
I’m down.
How many people have you slept with?
(1/2) If your lover/crush were in your bed right now, what would you do?
Sex probably.
(2/2) Then?
CUDDLE he’s great at that and probably talk a lot. 
What are your favorite bands? 
Set it off, Beartooth, Grayscale, As it Is, Mayday Parade.
What are your favorite singers? 
Barret Wilbert Weed, Taylor Louderman, Carrie Hope Fletcher, I’m obsessed with the Broadway stars right now.
What are your favorite albums? 
I’m LOVING the Mean Girls Cast Recording right now, also Dear Evan Hansen and Heathers. Only Human by Calum Scott is pretty good, and The Greatest Showman.
What are your favorite songs? 
Would You Be So Kind - dodie
Someone Gets Hurt, Revenge Party, World Burn, I’d Rather Be Me, and Apex Predator all from Mean Girls
Requiem, Waving Through a Window,and You Will Be Found all from DEH
And I’m gonna stop now because this list could go on forever.
What is the best concert you’ve ever been to? 
Oh gosh. Can I cheat and say Warped?
How did you first find out about your favorite band/singer?
Okay top two: I found SIO by accident at the mall in Hot Topic in 2009. Loved them ever since. And I found Barrett through Heathers.
If someone asks you what music they should check out, what are your go-to recommendations? 
Usually SIO unless were talking about musicals.
What was your first concert? if you haven’t been to one, what do you want your first concert to be? 
Omg Hilary Duff when I was like 8 probably.
How do live performances, whether they’re from your friends or professionals, tend to make you feel? 
Singing in the shower or singing in the car?  
Both but I sing in the car more. I only sing in the shower when I’m home alone, but I love that more cause acoustics and the steam is good for the voice.
If you could pick one instrument to learn how to play, what would it be? 
What is your singing voice like? what singers do you remind yourself of? 
I’m a mezzo/alto. I try my hardest to be like Barrett tbh.
Have you ever been involved in any music programs? which ones and for how long?
Uh yeah like all through high school and college.
Which instruments do you know how to play? what’s your skill level? 
Flute/picc - advanced but I’m probably a bit rusty since I haven’t practiced in a while.
Piano, guitar, and ukulele - self taught/beginner
How do you feel about video game soundtracks? 
I like them if they’re super dark/edgy cause it’s fun to dance to.
What soundtracks do you enjoy listening to the most? 
Mean Girls, Heathers, DEH, Man of La Mancha, basically any musical.
How do you feel about musicals?
You’ve probably figured this out already but I live for them.
What are some songs whose lyrics you relate to? 
Would You Be So Kind - dodie
Are You There? - Bare (taken out of context, of course)
parts of Beautiful - Heathers
Breathe In Breathe Out - Tich
I’d Rather Be Me - Mean Girls
Someday - Zombies (taken out of context)
Do you prefer songs that have good melodies or songs that have good lyrics? 
BOTH. I usually really like songs that feel good to sing (good melodies) but I will download and listen to a song just for the lyrics.
Look at your country’s song charts, listen to the first unfamiliar song you can find, and share your opinion on it.
Billboard Top 100 said Psycho - Post Malone. And I hated it. 
Any cover versions that you think are better than the original? 
Chandelier - PVRIS from Punk Goes Pop
Uptown Funk - Against The Current & SIO
How often do you listen to music? 
Literally every day.
How do you feel about classical music? 
I love it.
Would you ever want to have a career in music? 
I think it would be fun but like realistically probably not.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is music to you? 
16.5 I couldn’t live without it.
How do you feel about rap music? 
Not a fan.
How has music affected you as a person?
It’s been my life since like 6th grade so it pretty much made me who I am.
What songs do you listen to when you’re sad?
I just listen to Mean Girls all the time
But sometimes Bare bc sad
What songs do you listen to when you’re in a great mood? 
Still Mean Girls.
What songs do you listen to when you’re getting ready for sports/to work out?
Anything from Mean Girls (do you see a trend here?)
What is your favorite movie?
The Kissing Booth was good, The Greatest Showman, I mostly listen to music.
What are you currently watching on Netflix/Hulu?
Skins UK (for the second time)
What shows have you finished?
13 Reasons Why, Grey’s, The Fosters, Misfits, Skins UK, Dance Academy, Degrassi, Backstage
Do you binge watch shows on Netflix or Hulu?
Netflix if I can find a good one. Hulu is for episodes that I missed when they aired.
What colour palette are you most drawn to?
Cool tones. Blues, purples, silver, but also rose gold.
What other country would you move to if you could?
Ireland or England
Which accent do you find most attractive?
Would you rather be able to shapeshift or teleport?
Teleporting would solve a lot of my problems.
Would you do a destination wedding? where at?
Does Disney World count?
Dream honeymoon?
....Disney World.
Which celebrity’s voice do you wish you had? 
Would you rather live on a beach, mountaintop, on a farm, in the city, or in the forest?
The middle of a big city.
Do you still want to be what you dreamed of as a kid?
No I wanted to be a marine biologist and work at Sea World.
Would you rather live in a functional tree house, a rustic but renovated barn, and old stone cottage, a tiny house, an antique victorian character home, or an artistic cob home?
Antique victorian character home with an updated interior that's modern but still preserves the charm.
What do you want your life to look like in 1 year?
Living in a big city (preferably Baltimore or DC) and having a real job.
4 favourite youtubers?
I've really been into Shane Dawson and the squad lately. Also Soph (Sophdoesnails), Shelby’s DCP vlogs, and Sophie Lousie
What would your absolute dream partner look like?
Goofy smile, bright eyes (not necessarily in color, but like they light up when they’re excited and have life to them), taller than me, got meat on his bones
What would your absolute dream partner be like?
Sweet, an absolute nerd, adorable, knows how to charm the heck out of me, ambitious (I’m describing someone if you haven't caught on yet)
7 names that you really love?
James, Amelia, Sophie, Noah, Riley, Madison/Maddie, Samuel
Do you like your name? what would you change it to if you could?
No I hate it, I’d change it to Elizabeth which is my middle name. 
What is your biggest but most impossible-seeming dream in life?
Living in the middle of NYC
Do you collect anything? why’d you start?
Tsum Tsums because they’re cute af and I can’t resist, and I really want to start collecting pins.
When you’re hanging out in your room, do you usually sit on the bed, a chair, the floor, or somewhere else?
How many pillows are on your bed?
6 because I bought all of the pillows for the apartment aside from the two he brought and I took them when I left.
Do you share a room with anybody? Have you ever (as in long term, not a sleep over)?
I don’t currently, but I shared with Lexi when were little, I had roommates for 3/4 years of college, and I shared with Nick in our apartment until the end.
Are there any posters or artwork on your walls? What are they?
I have an SIO poster, a One Direction poster, posters of the 5SOS boys, and a Callahan family crest from Ireland. (I really need to redecorate).
Where do you keep your clothes?
Dresser and closet (and the laundry basket of unfolded clothes that never seems to get emptied)
What color are your walls?
Is your mattress on a frame or the floor?
On a frame.
What position do you sleep in?
On my side usually but I can sleep in all positions really.
What’s your favorite part of your room?
My bed.
What’s your least favorite part of your room?
It’s a god damn mess right now and that it heats up with the morning sun so it’s always hot.
How many hours a day on average do you spend in your room?
LOL way too many.
Have you ever been told that you spend too much time in your room/never go outside/live in your room/etc?
Yeah all the time.
Is there a desk in your room? Do you actually use it for homework?
There is and no I literally don’t but I should.
Is there a tv in your room?
Yes there’s a TV in my room.
If your bedroom could look any way you want, forgetting cost and practicality, what would it look like?
Clean and Tumblr-y
Do you put stuff under your bed?
I don’t try to but stuff ends up under there.
If you play an instrument, do you practice in your room or somewhere else?
When I was in college I rarely practiced in my room. If I do practice now (rarely) I do it in the living room.
Do you charge your phone next to your bed?
On my bed.
How many windows are in your room?
Just 1. 
Do you have a private/connected bathroom?
No I wish.
Do you keep makeup, jewelry, lotion, perfume/cologne, and hair stuff in your room or the bathroom?
It’s in my room. I keep it all in the Alex 5 drawers from IKEA.
What is your dream job?
HR but I’ve also been super interested in marketing lately? Also interior design or wedding planner.
What’s your favorite sport to watch on TV?
Baseball but also hockey? I’ve never been a hockey fan until I started watching the Preds in the playoffs this year and I’m totally into it now.
Who is your favorite athlete?
Nick Castellanos 😍
Have you ever been in love?
I have.
Do you currently love someone?
It’s unrequited and complicated so I just say no usually.
Do you want a relationship?
Not right now. In the future, yes.
How long was your longest relationship?
Over 2 years.
How long does it take for you to know you love someone?
Not long.
Is it special to you if your s/o meets your parents?
Depends on the situation. Like for my exes it wasn’t but if I started dating someone in Tennessee it would be different cause my parents live 500+ miles away.
Do you watch Game of Thrones?
I’ve watched parts of it.
Have you ever been to Michigan?
Lived here for most of the 22 years I’ve been alive.
Have you ever went on a road trip with a boyfriend?
Nick and I drove back to Michigan once but we were mad at each other the whole time so there's that.
Do you support abortion?
I have no say over what someone else does with their body.
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Introvert hardore.
Glitter or feathers?
Daisies or buttercups?
Have you ever self harmed?
Are you more rational or emotional?
Emotional lmao.
What’s something you love to do but feel guilty about after/during?
Inevitably someone makes me feel bad every time I have sex with someone I’m not dating. 
Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later?
Lol, not for that reason, although I would love it if he did ask me out.
Do you ever turn your phone off because you don’t want to talk?
The only time I ever did that was after Ashlyn died because I was mad at Nick because he wouldn’t stop playing video games with his friends to come over.
Have you ever been to a gay pride parade?
Not a parade but I went to the pride festival in DC this past weekend.
Would you take your dream job if it were out of the country?
More than likely. I’m in a position where I could right now.
What is your zodiac sign?
What do you like to do when you’re home alone?
Sing very loudly.
Should the guy always pay for the date?
No. I’m hella independent and most of the time I hate when other people pay for shit.
What kind of music calms you down?
Most music calms me down.
Who did you last go to a park with?
I went walking on a path/river thing with sunshine this past weekend. It’s not really a park but like idk?
Have you ever been robbed?
My iPod got stolen when I was like 12.
When was the last time you were on an airplane?
Last week.
Are you currently crushing on someone? 
Do you think your crush likes you back?
I actually don’t know how he feels? I know he liked me at one time and then a thing happened and we accepted that we couldn’t actually be together but then we were together and it felt really right and I don’t know how he feels now.
Is anyone currently crushing on you?
Other than him probably not.
Have you ever been in a long term relationship? 
Yes two.
Have you ever been asked out? 
Have you ever asked someone out? 
I've pushed someone to ask me out but that’s the closest.
Have you ever kissed your crush? 
Has your crush ever kissed you? 
Are you more of a flirt or a hopeless romantic? 
Do you have a crush on the person you last kissed?
Have you ever confessed your feelings knowing they were unrequited? 
Lol story of my life.
If the person you like/love was with you right now, what would you say/do?
Um we would probably be cuddling and talking or kissing honestly. 
Have you ever broken up with someone? 
Have you ever been broken up with? 
Not officially. Only for a break and then he begged for me to take him back.
Do you like cuddling? 
Have you ever had romantic feelings for a best friend?
That’s usually how it works for me.
Tell me about your crush:
Hair color? 
Eye color? 
Brown or green(? I’m pretty sure they’re brown and I suck I know)
We’re the same age but he will not tell me his birthday so
He’s a little bit taller than me, he’s not scrawny but he’s not big either, like the perfect dad bod.
Clothing style? 
He barely has any clothes. He wears like jeans and t shirts and shorts he can find on sale basically. 
He's a TOTAL nerd and I’m so into it.
Computer stuff. He likes techy stuff and board games.
Are they your type? 
I don’t really have a type. He's got a killer personality and he’s SO sweet and charming and that’s what gets me. 
When did you started liking them? 
Like January I think?
Do you talk to him/her everyday? 
Not everyday.
Do you talk about them to your friends? 
Yes Colby lets me talk about him all the time.
Do you like hearing their voice? 
Yeah, it’s nice.
Do you like receiving text messages from them?
Um, yeah? That seems like a weird question.
Do you like their laugh/giggles? 
His laugh is adorable. 
When you see them, are you shy? 
NO he makes me feel so comfortable. I’ve never felt so comfortable around someone I wasn’t dating.
One day will you be with him/her?
Honestly, probably not but maybe?
Do you get jealous when he/she talks to the opposite sex? 
No. This is weird, but we actually encourage each other to get out there and be with other people since we really can’t have each other and we’ve accepted that.
Will you wait for him/her, to be yours?
I honestly don't want anything right now, so I’m willing to wait for now. Once I’m settled and know what I want in life I’ll move on if were still not together. 
Are they more shy or outgoing?  
He's outgoing
Y'all have the same group of friends?
Does your crush smell nice?  
I mean, yeah. He doesn’t wear cologne or body spray or anything but his normal human smell was nice?
Does your crush have a nice smile?
That goofy smile tho (yes).
Are they kind to you?  
Yes he is SO sweet it hurts.
Are y'all considered friends or acquaintances?  
We’re friends. 
When’s the last time you saw them?
Do you have their phone number?  
Yeah but we usually talk through snapchat.
Is your crush talkative or more of a listener?
He's a talker but he’s a good listener too.   
Can they speak more than one language?  
90% sure he can speak at least some German. 
Where did y'all meet?  
Do they live close to you?  
No. He's literally over 500 miles away.
Have you ever been to their house? How about their bedroom?
Yes and yes.
Do you even vaguely believe your crush is interested in you? 
I answered this earlier. It’s complicated.  
If given the chance, would you have sex with them?
Have you ever hugged or kissed your crush?  
Ever seen em naked? Do you wanna?  
I have, and I wouldn’t say no to doing it again.
Does your crush have long hair?  
No it’s super short.
Do you think you’ll lose contact with your crush within 5 years?
I hope not but maybe.
Is your crush more naughty or good/innocent?  
He can be both.
Is your crush gay/straight/bisexual/transgender?  
When I asked him he said “bi-ish” so 
Is your crush a freak? Sexually speaking…
I’d call it adventurous and experienced.
Is your crush a virgin?  
Do they have any pets?
Do they have a job? If so, where do they work?
Yes he has a job at a company which I’m not going to name. 
Do you know if they have an STD or not?
If he does he hasn’t told me, and it’s kind of common courtesy to tell someone you have an STD if you sleep with them sooooo   
What kind of music are they into?  
Um, rock probably? He also likes musicals so there’s that. 
Their fave color? If you don’t know just guess
His favorite color is blue (even though he’s blue/green colorblind). 
How long have you known em?  
Less than a year.
Their fave type of food? Guess if you don’t know
I don’t know but probably like burgers cause he tried to take me to a bar for food. 
When will you see your crush again?
Quite possibly never which is literally awful to think about. Hopefully sometime in the future.
Is your crush extremely confident?
He’s pretty confident.
What’s ultimately stopping you from making them yours?
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