iwasbornhuman · 12 years
67impaula said: You can change me contact name to ColinandBradley Forever
I'll even make your caller id pic brolin porn. 
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You look pretty hot now that the demon isn't in you
i just snorted so hard omg fsdjakh
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iwasbornhuman · 12 years
A conversation...
Me: Here's a game we can play at our next get together guys!
Paula: Can I spike the ones that aren't alcoholic? 
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iwasbornhuman · 12 years
Ben, I don't do these for just anyone...you must be special :)
Tagged by thebaitedbear. 
Post the rules.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Let them know you have tagged them.
Tell the person who tagged you that you have answered.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? I have a tattoo of the celtic tree of life on my upper back. I had two microdermal implants in the back of my neck, but I had my dad cut them out. 
What is your favourite book? The Give by Lois Lowry. I read it the first time in third grade and it has just always stuck with me. If you haven't read it, go find it. It's amazing piece of dystopian literature. 
What was you first word? No clue. Hopefully something really crude. 
What movie can you watch over and over and never get bored of? Hocus Pocus. Or Center Stage. Or The Mummy. 
If you could erase 1 song from existence what would it be? Everything by Lady Gaga. Actually, I don't listen to the radio so I can't really think of any songs that annoy me. I only listen to things I like. I just really don't like Lady Gaga. 
What is your current computer background of? Sam and Dean's anti-possession tattoo. I really need to change it to Dylan O'brien's face. 
If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? Steal from the rich and give to the poor. The poor being me. 
If your life was a movie what would it be called? The Royal Clusterfuck
And what song would play over the credits? Bruno Mars The Lazy Song
What did you dress as last Halloween? Nothing :( Sometimes I'm incredibly boring. And by sometimes I really mean the vast majority of the time. 
What would you do for a Klondike bar? Have sex again. Ugh...just the thought of having sex again gives me the chills. 
My Questions:
If you could do scientific research on any topic, what would you research and why?
What was your favorite show as a kid?
What is your biggest fear?
What's a weird habit you had as a kid?
Have you ever had a psychic experience?
Paste a picture of the hottest person you can find on the internet, famous or not.
If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?
What's your talent?
Are you actually doing the job, training for, or planning on training for the job you wanted to do when you  were young?
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
If you won $100,000,000 how would you spend it?
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iwasbornhuman · 12 years
Everyone I care about is finally on the Teen Wolf train!
Paula, Kathryn and Zena are all on board!
We can now all fangirl about something other than Supernatural during our girl weekends together!
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67impaula replied to your post:  
your talent is limitless deeds
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iwasbornhuman · 12 years
They made me watch Karla finally this weekend. Stupid Fucking Bitch Convention. That is what our weekends are officially now called. This is our NashCon replacement. BitchCon 2012 is sadly over :(
It is now my job to buy the best party pad I can afford in Atlanta so we can have BitchCon more often. Ima need a second job so I get the down payment together sometime this year. Anyone wanna donate to the BitchCon permanent party pad fund? No? Ok :(
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67impaula replied to your post: do you ever get that not so fresh feeling? ~anon~
so that’s a yes lol
What? Why you judgin' me? 
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malwinchester · 13 years
67impaula replied to your post: 67impaula replied to your post: 67impaula replied...
i will bear this sacrifice with honor
And your sacrifice shall be remembered for generations to come. 
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