#67889 she-hulk
the-tangle-web · 2 years
You Deserve Better.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Stark shouted. A hiss followed.
Stark left through the open door, storming out, rubbing his wrist, “Fine! Fine! I’m leaving!” His wrist was bruised black and purple as the man muttered in pain.
Bruce was leaning against a table, taking a slow sip from his coffee mug, watching the millionaire storm off. He let out a short scoff and shook his head, brows furrowed.
How was it Anthony’s fault? He was just trying to do his homework in the meeting room before Stark came striding in and trying to give him a pep talk on becoming a fully fledged Avenger on one condition, he takes classes lead by Bruce Banner on anger management. Like that was going to fucking work. It’s like Stark thinks he trying to join the Avengers, how delusional can he get?!
Of course, the only way for Anthony to give him a hint was to grip at his wrist, threaten to bite him and break the meeting table for the eighth time. How much more will he have to do to get some alone time to do homework.
He half assed most of it, tried on some, and called it a day. From there, he curled himself on the couch, tucking his knees under his chin and scrolling through his phone. However, he wasn’t alone. The TV was playing in the background and on the same couch was someone he knew pretty well.
Jennifer Walters is Bruce Banner’s cousin. She’s a lawyer and even had to represent him once at Nick Fury’s request. She was pissed off at him at first, reasonably so, he didn’t like her that much either, but after awhile she started to catch on that Anthony hasn’t been given the resources he should be given. She visits often because Bruce is her cousin and well, the TV is lit. Anthony didn’t mind her. If anything, he trusted her way more than anyone else in this tower. How do you explain it… she’s like that cool aunt that lets you eat as much candy as you want when your parents are away.
Jennifer didn’t mind Anthony either. All she saw was some troubled kid who needs therapy but can’t receive it because of some stupid ass guy in an eye patch and an annoying millionaire set on trying to “fix” him. She herself had trouble with her powers, still does. Though it’s not the same, she can sympathize with being given something you didn’t want. Jen was sitting on the couch, criss cross apple sauce, in her lap was a small bowl of M&M’s as she watched some random show on TV. It was comfortable silence, the two didn’t bother each other much. Though, there are some days when Anthony knows when Jen is in the building and activity wanders to find her and just sit in the same room as her. She doesn’t ask questions unless he speaks first and well- just lets him stay.
It’s nice. Anthony liked her, she understood, somewhat. Everyone else was to quick to talk, she wasn’t.
The teen thought for a moment, staring blankly at his phone. Then, he took a short breath and spoke, still staring at his phone, “How’ve you been- after- well… everything,”
Jen’s chewing slowed as she thought, brows furrowed. Her lips scrunched up and lifted to the side. She swallowed before answering, “Well, Todd is in jail-“
“Thank fucking god-“
“I got my job back-“
“As you should-“
“Aaaaaand Luke is my tailor again, by the way and no more creepy guys-“ she said with an eye roll, shoving some more chocolate into her mouth.
Anthony hummed, reaching into the bowl to steal some m&m’s to eat. Jen, whilst still looking at the TV, pulled down the arm rest on the couch and set the bowl of chocolate onto it in between the two of them. The teen leaned on the armrest, finding himself looking up and watching what the other was watching. He titled his head,
“What show is this?”
Jen hummed, glancing over at him and waving a finger, using her other hand to shove more chocolate into her mouth before chewing, swallowing, and answering, “Great British Bake Off,” she said, “good shit,”
Anthony faked a scowl, earning a snirk from the other,
Jen rolled her eyes, “Cmon, it’s fun! I know you like this show,”
The teen scoffed, “You’ll never find me alone watching this shit,”
The other rolled her eyes and shrugged, “Whatever you say,”
They sat in silence for a few moments, Anthony looking down at his lap for a short while. He thought…
“I’m glad you’re safe,” he muttered, “you deserve better,”
Jen looked over to him, her face solemn. She pursed her lips into a smile. She nudged the teen with her elbow, making him look up to catch her gaze,
“You do too.”
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the-tangle-web · 8 months
Loud ass beeping in his ears.
Being stuck restrained in some sort of metal tube isn’t a fun experience. And certainly not one Gabe wants to experience again.
His whole body under his neck was numb for the first few days. There were needles in his arms and some sort of mask over his face. After awhile, he started to gain more feeling in his body. But something wasn’t right. It wasn’t all him.
Everything else felt like flesh. But one side was off balance. He could feel it, but it wasn’t the same. It was hard to explain, but it just felt…. Different.
Carnage wasn’t far away from him. Stuck in a different clear tube. Even when separated, he could have sworn he felt how Carnage felt. Both of them were trapped and didn’t know how long it had been. He started to forget as days passed what exactly happened.
It was a muffled alarm that tore him from his thoughts. Shouts and a roar. He flinched as something cracked just outside his holding. Like something shattering. Then, he felt a familiar sensation, tendrils gripping at his legs and sneaking through his confinements. He didn’t need to look to know who it was. He couldn’t even move his head anyways. His fingers stretched downwards at his sides, and he felt Carnage grip at his hand.
. . .
Karma swallowed the scientist whole, her tongue licking her teeth as their screams muffled and the room was clear. Red lights flashing and a promise of backup.
The symbiote flinched and whipped her head around as a side of the room shattered. Emerging a red symbiote with bared teeth.
Karma growled, “Go get the others,” and she gestured over her shoulder to the opening of debris that led to another room, “we are finding Teddy and Ravage,”
“Our memories are jumbled- but your brother is not far. They are separate but in the same room. Just beyond here.”
. . .
Ravage bonded to a weak body that disoriented him. But slowly, he was able to repair what he could not after all this time. Slowly, he stepped outward from the glass cell Teddy was in. Across the room, he saw the box he used to be stuck in, now torn. Glass littered the ground.
The other symbiote shook her head, “No time, we are leaving. You both can move?”
“We are dizzy, but we will be fine,”
. . .
His head hurt like shit… he went from being restrained upright to almost face planting the cold ground. Anthony gritted his teeth, slowly lifting himself up with his arms. A large claw gently but firmly lifted him to his feet.
“Gareth is feeding. Backup is coming. We need to leave, now.”
He blinked rapidly, his gaze falling across the room. Several dead and drained bodies of scientists and Gareth still hunched over one. When the vampire lifted his head, his mouth was bloodied, but he no longer looked so crazed. His eyes dilated and his eyes shut tightly before opening again.
“What- where the fuck-“
“No time. We have to go!”
A loud crash and Anthony whipped his head over his shoulder. Heavy footsteps and shouts were getting louder.
He looked back ahead and he saw a large opening in the wall to the outside of the building. The rooms trashed and broken, research destroyed and littered with bodies.
Anthony ran on autopilot. He wasn’t sure who gave him a zip up jacket, but it was most likely Gabe. He didn’t remember when Ravage and Karma came around the corner and they all reassembled. And he didn’t remember forcing his body to sprint and jump through his opening to freedom.
. . .
Jen stood in front of the TV, her body frozen and eyes wide. An Oscorp lab destroyed and escaping it, three symbiotes and two humanoid beings. One shooting a web and swinging across to hide in an alleyway. Their faces unable to be recognized.
But she knew.
And she was relieved and horrified.
. . .
Castle was already searching the city, top to bottom, and tearing it apart.
Nick Fury and the Avengers have been failing to find the lost teen.
And Carnage led them, for the time being, the only place he knew they would be safe until the coast was clear. And safe to say, the turtle mutants had lots of questions.
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