#60 us dollars in my country like RH dolls
brush-it-gently · 2 years
I don’t want to bother people in that post, but I want to talk about the new characters design, so let’s gooo
Clawdeen: Meh. I don’t like it, but I feel kinda neutral about it. Doesn’t look like the same person anymore, but we are kinda way past that I suppose. 
Draculaura: Love her. Very cute, BUT. I do see sparks coming out of her hands. Still think it’s a weird choice to make her into witchcraft.
Frankie: Love their design! I especially love how it seems like Mattel is making their pronouns canon. Really cute, and I want to see their prosthetic leg.
Deuce: Looks fine. Not much to say about it tbh.
Cleo: Mmmmmmm I don’t like her but I’m not sure why. I always had the impression that Cleo had an air of maturity and superiority to her, and I’m not feeling it from this design.
Heath: Looks ugly as sin.
Lagoona: Cute, but not giving Lagoona at all. Apparently they’re making her latina because of the Monster of the Blue Lagoon, but I thought that even tought her name is a reference to it, she’s not this monster’s daughter. But ok. She was my favourite character, upset to say goodbye to her old vibes.
Toralei: It’s fine. I don’t know. I don’t feel positive or negative about it.
Bloodgood: Looks really good!! Another change I’m hapy about, it does seem more modern and I feel like it gave her more character.
Some general closing toughts: Meh, it’s fine. It seems like the changes seen in the live action movie are all going to be canon, and were not a decision by the movie makers, but Mattel. I have mixed feeling about it.
On one hand, they seem to be going for more explicit diversity, which Monster High was always about, and I love it. Love that Frankie is non-binary. However, if they’re going along with the movie, I guess they’re making Deuce Clawdeen’s love interest. I guess we can say goodbye to hopes of canon lesbian Clawdeen? Also, not every media needs relationship drama. I hate love triangles and I think that’s what they want to introduce?
In the end, I get that this reboot is meant for entirely new fans, and very much Not For Me. But I do think they could have capitalized on the nostalgia for the old dolls a little bit more (and I tought they would, given the reproductions and collectors dolls) and attract new and old fans. I think Frankie is an example of character that could succed in doing both.
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