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ohscorbus · 7 years ago
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Saturday 11th August, 2018
I’d call this a recap but it’s going to read like a love letter to this cast and in particular, Joe. You see, Albus has always been my favourite. I’m so emotionally attached and invested in this character that I panic every time a new actor comes in to play him. This isn’t just a character I like, he’s a kindred spirit I need in my life. I’m in too deep. My biggest fear is that there will be an Albus I can’t connect with and although Joe is the fourth Albus I’ve seen now and this has yet to happen, that fear still lingers. So I’ve been taking my time and just watching and learning who his Albus is and you know what? Good things come to those who wait because now, especially after today, I’m at a place where I can say he’s become one of my favourites to watch on stage. He completely pulled my focus for the entire show today. Which is really saying something when next to him you have Jonathan doing that smile he does. You know, the one that looks like it can cure cancer and bring about world peace? Anyway, my point being, Scorpius has always been distracting for us as an audience. That character is suppose to pull on our heartstrings that way. Albus always has to work a little harder to get that reaction. (Although I do appreciate the irony of people not seeing who he is. Life imitating art and all.) Yet each Albus has been quite distinctive. Each one different from the last but still inherently the same character. To me, Sam’s Albus was defensive and impulsive, Theo’s Albus was open with his vulnerability but found hope and determination in his despair, and Joe’s Albus is resigned to his lot in life. He accepts every hit but continues on in spite of them. There’s quiet sort of maturity about him. His shield is his humour, not his actions or words. It’s such an interesting take on the character and it’s one I don’t think I could ever tire of watching.
Act One, Scene Three
After Albus and Rose had decided to check out the compartments, Albus started to walk in the opposite direction to her and began peering down the ‘corridor’ of the carriage. He ended up in front of Scorpius’s compartment but he didn’t look in straight away, he just sort of lingered outside. He was completely unaware that Scorpius was watching him the whole time with this look of recognition and awe on his face. He knew who Albus was and couldn’t look away. On stage there’s no walls or doors that show us the Hogwarts Express, yet I’ve never felt that sliding glass door separating them in this moment more clearly than I did today. It was such a heart stopping, delicate moment. There was a stillness about it. Being able to see their two worlds so separately before they become entangled. You had Albus looking at all these compartments but it’s the one right in front of him that’ll change his life. The very thing he’s scared of will make him stronger. While Scorpius is alone in that compartment, still safe in the bubble his family have kept him in for years. We could only watch and wait. Then Albus looks and makes the decision almost instantly and as Albus steps in that compartment, into his bubble, Scorpius’s world changes too. You could feel the excitement rolling off Scorpius once he started talking to Albus and Rose. This is the boy who knows his history and has dreamt of having friends like Harry Potter. Then suddenly he finds a Granger, a Weasley, and a Potter standing in front of him. I think Hogwarts became very real to him in that moment. All the stories he’s read and now he’s living it. This is quite literally the dream. Except of course they reject him. He sat down and turned his back to the door to avoid having to watch them leave him behind. But then Albus says he’s staying and Scorpius was not expecting that. You could see the internal panic as he visibly breathed in and out to calm himself. Partly out of shock, probably mostly out of nervousness. His thank you was precious. He truly meant that. Which is why I think Albus really goes out of his way to make sure Scorpius knows he’s teasing him about only staying for his sweets. That reaction (“I didn’t stay for you”) is so Albus. You know how I said before about Joe’s Albus using his humour? I think this is a great example of that. I’m sure Albus is just as nervous as Scorpius in this moment. So he’s instinctively fallen back on his dry humour. But then he looked at Scorpius and sang, ‘I stayed for your sweeeets’, making Scorpius relax almost instantly. For a lack of a better word, it’s really sweet. They’ve known each other for a matter of minutes at this point and already they’re giving each other what they need. Reassurance and a clean slate. Albus needs someone to look past his family name just as much as Scorpius does.
Act One, Scene Four
As soon as Albus walked up to the Sorting Hat and stood there all happy and smiley, like he knew he’d got this, I knew this was going to be a good scene. Why? Because it made me realise this Albus doesn’t know yet. He’s got a good relationship with his dad, he’s nervous about school but he’s ‘ready’, he’s already made a friend, and now the Hat is going to listen to him just like his dad said it would. Nothing to worry about! But then that one word brings his whole world crashing down around him. Slytherin. There must be so much running through his head in that moment. Everything has changed. The future he’d expected is now unknown. Yet the worst part? His dad lied. The Sorting Hat hadn’t listened to him. (Although I’d argue it did, but you know, to Albus in this moment it felt like it hadn’t. Little did he know that house is exactly where he belongs and needs to be.) The look on his face tells you that much. This was not the answer he was expecting or on some level, hoping for. Then Scorpius’s voice cuts through the noise and Albus turned towards him. He then looked up at the Slytherin banner hanging above him before walking towards Scorpius, accepting his fate. I think for Albus, this was the first of many cases of ‘works for Harry Potter but not Albus Potter’ at Hogwarts. It’s what slowly crushes him over time. That feeling of not being good enough. For the Hat, for the other kids, and for his family.
“And be my good friend” – Albus’s face broke my heart today. He looked so heavy hearted and somewhat shocked by Scorpius’s words here. His good friend? Isn’t he already a good friend? Why is Scorpius even asking that? Albus reached out for him as the scene ended after this line and he still looked at a loss over his friend. It also made me think about the argument later on in the library. Albus is always floored and then completely guilt ridden over Scorpius’s accusations and evidence of him being an awful friend. It’s an interesting contrast with Joe’s Albus and other interpretations. I’ve seen others take that phrase and agree without a second thought because it goes without saying. It never occurs to them that Scorpius would think anything different of him. That he’d have to ask for that. Is he failing at this too?
Act One, Scene Six
“Meet the once great Harry Potter, now a stone cold Minister man” – As Amos is speaking, Delphi and Harry always shake hands. It’s not a big moment, they’re both just being polite and humouring Amos. It’s what happens afterwards that’s interesting. So Harry looks down at his hand after she’s gone. He doesn’t know why, it’s an instinct thing. Sometimes he’ll shake it or flex his fingers. Just something so small, a detail easily missed and overlooked, but there and a sign if you know. It’s great. But anyway, that’s not what had me on the edge of my seat. I don’t know if Eve always does this and I’ve only just noticed, but after she shook his hand, she slowly and subconsciously reached back for her wand with this look in her eye as she stared at Harry while he was focused on Amos. Then just as her hand was there, she seemed to snap out of it. Years she’s been watching and planning and her instincts nearly made her throw it all away. It was super interesting! It gave me a fascinating insight in her Delphi, and Delphi in general. It definitely made me pay more attention to her smaller movements for the rest of the show. Like how visibly relieved she was when Amos backed down in St. Oswalds. It makes me wonder whether that’s part of her mask, or her mask slipping. I ended up watching the show with that in mind and made me realise just how young she is. The disorganised, frantic, and repetitive words scribbled across the walls of her room (there’s a panel that just has the word ‘father’ written over and over again in her disjointed, pointy, jagged handwriting) now felt childish. I felt her age and isolation in them. They became less ‘writings of a mad man obsessed’ and more ‘rages of a hurting, angry soul’. If that makes any sense. Don’t get me wrong, she’s dangerous, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I could see more clear than ever that part of her that desperately wants her father. It drives her like it does Albus and Scorpius. (Although all three take completely different roads in terms of handling it, obviously.) That’s why she can manipulate them so easily in that respect. She understands. I know this is all level one of understanding the characters/plot. I don’t think I’m explaining it very well. I think what I’m trying to say is that Eve made me think about Delphi more than I have before. I like the idea of her slipping. That one little action created ripples, and I’ve been intrigued by it ever since.
Act One, Scene Seven
Ginny and Albus sharing a smile at the very beginning of this scene still warms my heart. I really love the openness of their relationship. They may not say anything to each other in words here but they communicate quite easily. It’s practiced and heartfelt.
I think it’s great how relaxed and at home Joe’s Albus feels in his bedroom. He’s lying down and one of the most chilled out Albus’s I’ve seen in terms of being comfortable with his family repeating invading his space. Probably because he doesn’t see it as that I guess… I loved Dylan’s James bragging about the cloak. The emphasis on the ‘my’ as he pointed to himself really rubbing salt in the wound. Except Albus is lying on his back and mocking him once he’d left, imitating him by mouthing back his mouths and his pointing. He then started to sit up to help Lily look for her book but once his mum took over he carried on lying down. Joe’s Albus feels less like an outsider to his family. His issue is a communication one with his dad specifically. Which is interesting, and leads me into my next point, that Tom’s Harry and Joe’s Albus really worked well with this in mind.
(Did I mention that Tom Peters was on as Harry today? I haven’t seen him before but he was barely half way through his first scene and I already knew he was going to be brilliant. He’s someone I would definitely go out of my way to see again.)
Joe’s Albus and Tom’s Harry were so different to how Joe plays against Jamie’s Harry. Or any Albus and Harry in fact. It was in scenes like this that you could really see it. Now I’ll admit my favourite versions of this scene are always the angriest ones. The ones where they shout, get all up in each other’s faces, and even hit the other with blanket). To me, the aggression made those ugly words make sense. They’re not thinking, they’re feeling. Too much. They’re both explosive when pushed so of course when that’s aimed at each other it’s going to be a catastrophic. But then today happened. The whole scene felt different, less volatile. Albus seemed more open with this Harry. He was lying down on his bed but then sat up when Harry walked into his room. Then Albus shuffled further away as Harry got closer and Harry stopped, mid speech and in his tracks. Albus realises what that movement must have looked like so he patted the space next to him on his bed and encouraged his dad to sit down next to him. He was simply making space, not trying to put distance between them. Harry continued talking and then at some point Albus brought his legs up onto the bed and sat cross legged, with his back against his pillow, so he could face his dad. By this point I was on the edge of my seat because I don’t feel like I’ve ever seen this dynamic before. This Albus was still giving his dad a chance, and this Harry was really trying. So it felt uneven worse when it fell apart. It was less explosive but hurt just the same. Albus’s resigned face said it all. Those words didn’t cut him down the way they have other Albus’s because they’re words he already believes. He’s a disappointment. It makes sense. Just like fairy wings makes sense and invisibility cloaks make sense.
Act Two, Scene Six
So ‘Hide and Seek’ is playing in this scene and right at the beginning, even though it’s the instrumental version, you hear the words ‘hide and seek’ sung as the two boys walk forwards out of the shadows and towards the light, towards Hogwarts. My head connected the two and all I could see was Albus lagging behind, looking to the left of him into the depths of the forest, while Scorpius proceeded on forwards, looking up in awe at the castle until he was bathed in the same warm light. Hide and seek. A random observation I know, but I like their differences as much as I do their similarities and the music is in show is beautiful. I should definitely talk about it more.
Act Three, Scene Seven
What struck me here was Scorpius’s happiness. He was noticeably excited to be there with Hermione and Ron. I can’t help but imagine a younger Scorpius reading all about the trio and wanting his own adventure. Now he’s here, with Hermione and Ron, and they’re doing something completely wild. These aren’t just stories anymore, he’s in one. I bet he gets a tingle. If not over that, then maybe the fact that if he’s with Hermione and Ron and surely that makes him Harry in this scenario? I’m sure that hits him later on. He’s too much of a nerd not to. (Although I’m sure part of his happiness is relief. Those two are familiar faces and he has a way of fixing things now. But thinking about Scorpius’s geeking out is way more fun.)
Act Three, Scene Nine
So while Scorpius was doing his whole ‘It’s Haaaarry Potterrrr’ thing, Albus looked round at his mum and pulled this ‘I don’t know this lunatic, I played no part in these antics’ face. I love that Albus clearly loves Scorpius, weirdness and all, but I also love that he sometimes pretends he’s judging him for it. Or maybe he is. But it comes from a place of love. The way only true, long lasting friendships can. Your best friend is judging you, but they’re allowed to because you both know they’re just as bad.
Act Three, Scene Ten
“I agree it doesn’t sound good” - What I really loved about this scene was Albus and Scorpius’s interactions. I’ve seen previous Albus and Scorpius’s share looks as McGonagall speaks but these two went beyond that. Scorpius in particular was talking/mouthing something to Albus after he spoke. I really love all these additional interactions. It reads so much like a four year long friendship should. They have that connection that makes them sometimes forget there’s other people in the room.
Act Three, Scene Eleven
“Are you okay, Albus?” “No” “No. Nor me.” - These lines really hit home today. I felt them in a completely new way I’ve never thought about before. So Joe’s Albus is opening up to his dad here. He’s trying. His dad asking him if he’s okay means something to Albus because he responds honestly. No, he isn’t. What broke me today was how Harry’s own honesty back may have been taken. I felt like Albus started to believe they were connecting with this conversation. That his dad was finally listening to him and they were openly talking about the things that matter. But then Harry turns the conversation back onto himself (’Nor me’) and Albus breaks. Ginny is right, Albus does want him to be honest with him, but in this moment? I think he just needs his dad to listen. This look flashed across Joe’s face, of disappointed and hurt, and then he just walked off. He wanted his dad to hear that he’s not okay and do something about it, not just have him tell him he’s not okay either. It’s easy to forget that he’s simply just a child reaching out for his parent. I know people find it comforting to know they’re not alone in their pain, but I think here Albus feels like it trivialises his own. It didn’t surprise me to see Joe’s Albus looking more upset here than he did after their argument in his bedroom. That comment before was something he’d half suspected anyway, but to have Harry still overlooking him even now really hurts him. Meanwhile Harry was left sat on the suitcase at the end of Albus’s bed and staring off into space. Harry was so wrapped up in Harry (and the loss at what to do) that he fails to see Albus. Again. Quite literally too. He didn’t look at Albus for those last lines and I don’t think that helped Albus’s thought process.
Act Three, Scene Fourteen
“Do you think I’ve been tested too? I have, haven’t I?” - Another line which left a new impression on me. I think there’s a couple of ways to interpret its meaning but today I really felt Albus’s resounding disappointment. He isn’t asking if he’s been tested because he doesn’t want to feel left out or as a way of making sense of their adventure, it was said as if he’d already accepted he had failed. This was just another failure in a long list for Albus. You could hear it in his despondent tone.
Act Three, Scene Sixteen
I absolutely adore Albus and Scorpius’s interactions here. They shuffle in closer and face each other as they talk animatedly while the scene sets up around them. It’s like they’re in this bubble and are completely unaware as the world/stage moves around them. It portrays their relationship beautifully. You really feel the history and depth of their friendship in these moments. 
“Let’s do something new, something fun” - I love, love, love, love that Albus’s idea of something ‘fun’ was to drop it off the owlery. He just sort of looked around and then stretched his arm out over the side with the Time-Turner in his hand. It’s so reckless and instinctive and you know what really intrigues me? It requires zero magic. I wonder whether that’s a conscious decision...
Back to Delphi again. I just want to add that I find her one of the most sinister Delphi’s I’ve seen. I think that’s why I’m so interested in where that comes from. This child, hidden from the wizarding world but the focus of rumours. The scary parallel with Scorpius probably isn’t lost on her. She hates Scorpius. Eve makes that blatantly obvious on stage. She’s spiteful at every given opportunity. Even right in front of Albus. It’s a fine line but it’s like she can’t help herself. I wonder if it’s because of his family and their deflection, or if it’s something more petty, like everyone believing him to be the son of Voldemort. This is what I meant before when I was trying (and probably failing) to explain what I meant by seeing her youth. It’s not about her literal age, but her approach to things. She’s focused yet reckless at times. It makes a terrifying, vicious combination. She’s definitely more like her mother than her father in that respect. With previous Delphi’s, I’ve seen her here still be quite playful and innocent with the boys. The act doesn’t drop until that very last second. But with Eve, I could see her slowing slipping. The point where she’s telling them about augureys, she was glaring down at Scorpius with this look on her face that told me she knew he was making the connections in his head, and she wasn’t scared or nervous, but enjoying it. She wants him to give her a reason to end this charade. She’s enjoyed playing with them, but she wants her goal. Now.
Act Three, Scene Nineteen
“Craig. Get away. Get help!” – Albus is bound on the floor and at the mercy of Delphi and yet his first words were to try and save Craig. I just wanted to highlight this before I make my next point. (I will fight anyone who tells me this boy doesn’t have the loveliest heart.)
“Avada Kedavra!” – Albus looked away as her words rang out. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Craig. He knows their meaning, he sees that flash of green. He knows, and he’s broken by it. The way she said the word ‘spare’ a few lines later really looked like they cut into him. He tried to save a spare, both Cedric and himself, but instead he’s created a whole new one. It wasn’t until the very end of this scene, when Delphi stands in front of his body with the Time-Turner in her hands that he finally looks. He was stood next to her and he looked over his shoulder at Craig’s body on the ground before looking back and finally placing his hands on the Time-Turner. It was such a heartbreaking moment. It was slow and felt fragile. Like he couldn’t leave, not without acknowledging what he’s done first. It added even more weight to his line (“what she did to Craig…”) a few scenes later.
Act Four, Scene Three
“The Bathilda Bagshot?” – Albus nerding out over Bathilda is everything. He went up and slightly stroked the door, and then ran away when it opened. His ‘acting casual’ as she walked past him afterwards was atrocious. The boy has no chill, and he calls Scorpius out for this! Bless.
Act Four, Scene Eight
The ‘Made Leanne Cry’ Award today goes to… James Howard! (He always looks far too happy every time I tell him.) So, background context. Although he didn’t do it today, Joe’s Albus has been running over to Scorpius during Act Four, Scene Three during his geek out over Bathilda. He focuses him and gets him to breathe in and out in time with him. It’s really sweet and a true testament to their relationship. Acknowledging your anxiety and panic attacks with someone and then letting that person not only see you but help you in your weakest moments speaks volumes as to how much Albus means to Scorpius. While I know that moment on stage is by no means a full blown panic attack, it’s just Scorpius freaking out so much he forgets breathe, I love that Albus recognises the signs instantly and stops his own geeking out to help him. We know they’re that close but to see it in such a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moment says how these actions aren’t even a big deal to them. They will help and protect and save each other without question and move on with their day. I’m completely digressing now but that’s why I love Joe and Jonathan’s Albus and Scorpius so much. Their portrayal of the friendship is subtle but everywhere and so rich. Anyway, back to James Howard. So after they had all been reunited and hugged it out, Scorpius was trying to process how they’d got there and talk to them about Delphi and of course he started to stumble with his words and Draco, just like Albus, focuses him and makes a point to take a long, deep breath in and out as a way of telling him to do the same. It broke me. Jonathan is consciously playing Scorpius with these panic attacks in mind. It’s who his Scorpius is. I’ve always personally imagined Scorpius having these kind of issues so that in itself is nothing new, but I thought it was something he would probably keep hidden from his dad. So seeing that Draco was one hundred percent aware and knew exactly how to help him was unexpected but so completely welcomed. They may be having some communication issues but Scorpius needs his dad just as much as Draco needs him. I don’t know if it’s because it’s just the two of them but I feel their desperation and reliance on each other so much more than I do with Harry and Albus. Their relationship is so intense in those scenes once they’re back together it leaves you knowing without a doubt that they work through their issues.
One last point on this. I really love that Scorpius has the unwavering support of the two people in his life he needs the most. The fact that he doesn’t have to hide it from either of them and that they both play yet another role in his life, an important one too, really warms my heart. I’m glad Scorpius has this. That feeling when you can’t breathe and the moment when your vision falters and you can’t focus properly on the sounds around you, only the feeling of your chest as its about to burst, it feels life threatening and terrifyingly endless. Yet he gives them the power to pull him out of that. To be the light in the darkness. It speaks of so much trust and love. Again, it’s another ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moment but it gave you such an incredible insight into Scorpius and his relationship with his dad. This cast are exceptional at providing these little moments. Look out for them!
Act Four, Scene Nine
This is going to seem like a really weird note to make but between scene nine and ten, they kind of lower the lights and the actors do this thing where they slowly move into place before snapping into the scene as the music and lights do. (It shows movement of time and I love it.) Anyway, sometimes the actors do things in character during this slow motion bit that make my heart burst. Like, Samuel’s Scorpius would do this little wave at Albus because they had just been separated while Albus slept and Scorpius was, presumably, hanging out with his dad. Anthony’s Scorpius would tuck his hair behind his ear. And, like father like son, Alex’s Draco once smoothed his hair down as he walked through the door. All these tiny actions brought me such joy. Is that weird? Anyway, Joe joined the club today by waking up during this part and doing this big yawn. I think I giggled. It’s so Albus-y. I love it. That boy’s relationship with sleep reads like a love story. He’s such a teenage boy.
Act Four, Scene Ten
“Draco, trust my dad. He won’t let us down.” – Two things about this scene. One, the look on Scorpius’s face as he looks between Albus and Draco is priceless. He’s on the edge of his seat (literally), not knowing what his dad will do after being spoken to like that. I think there’s also a little bit of awe in there? Albus speaking to his dad without fear means something when your dad is Draco Malfoy. Making friends isn’t easy when your family has that reputation. The fact it doesn’t phase Albus isn’t lost on Scorpius. (Although personally I do like to think they already sort of know each other. They’ve been best friends for four years, there’s no way they haven’t met each others parents yet. And I’ll fight anyone who doesn’t believe Albus met Astoria. You think a mother who knows she has years left not decades wouldn’t go out of her way to meet her son’s only friend?) Anyway, Draco doesn’t say anything back but his fingers were working overtime.
(To explain that last comment for those of you who haven’t read many of my recaps before, James’s Draco does this thing where he rubs this thumb and forefinger together, going round and round in frantic circles, whenever he’s stressed or anxious or angry for some reason or another. I think it’s a form of control for him? Like he’s channeled all that energy down into his fingers so it’s manageable. I’ve always been a big fan of this but now that we have Jonathan who’s emphasising Scorpius’s own anxiety, it’s added a whole new layer to it. Maybe that’s why he opened up to his dad or maybe how Draco spotted the signs. I really like the idea of these two helping each other out that way.)
And secondly, once Draco decides not to contest the plan anymore he pulls Scorpius (and sort of herds Albus) over towards the back of the church and behind him while he helps transfigure Harry. Today, once Draco had turned round and was facing away from the boys, Albus turned to Scorpius and pulled this face which can only be described as the grimace emoji. That kind of ‘eek! I can’t believe I just did that!’ face. It was great. He seemed so confident in the moment but obviously inside and afterwards he was not so chilled.
When Harry has transfigured into Voldemort, he turns round and faces everyone in the church. The reactions are what you’d expect. From Ron’s ‘bloody hell’ to the memories and fear cursing through Draco leaving him looking rather drained. But nestled behind the adults and peering through are Albus and Scorpius. I couldn’t see Scorpius that well but Albus’s face was loud and clear. His face hardened as he looked at ‘Voldemort’. It was unexpected but the more I think about it, it’s really not. For a boy with confidence issues he does have a tendency to tackle things head on. Visually though, it made such an interesting mix of reactions!
Act Four, Scene Eleven
“Alohomora!” - Joe’s Albus does this thing with his wand every time before he uses it. He holds out his arm and then wipes it on his sleeve quickly a couple of times. I love it because it’s a quirky Albus thing. But it also makes me a little bit sad when I think why he might be doing that. Because to me it reads like he’s doing it because he doesn’t believe in himself. He doesn’t trust his wand or his magic not to fail him. So maybe he’s cleaning it? Hoping by polishing it, it will somehow make it work better? Maybe he did it once and then he managed to successfully cast something and now he thinks he has to do it every time. Or maybe it’s just a ‘thing’ but you know me, I like to read into everything and make it angsty. It definitely feels like it’s something to do with his temperamental relationship with magic. Albus isn’t a Squib or bad at magic, it’s a self esteem issue that hinders his ability. The more pressure he puts on himself, the more it falters. The second he convinces himself he’s going to fail, he does. Back in the wand dance (Act One, Scene Four), Albus pulled this face as he held up his wand that clearly told us he knew this wouldn’t work but hey, he was going to have a go anyway. Of course then when he doesn’t work he’s proved himself right. Jump forward to this scene and what’s interesting here is that in this moment failure is not an option, and it’s in moments like this when there’s no time for doubt that Albus always succeeds. (For example, the cushioning charm as he jumps off the train.) Yet Albus still stopped here to swipe his wand across his sleeve before he cast. He’s exposed and there’s lethal spells flying all around and he still stops! I wonder if whether it’s a case of that seed of doubt being so ingrained in him that he still has to do it, or if it was done subconsciously out of habit, or even because he knows he can’t fail and does it to (in his mind) make sure he doesn’t fail.
On a personal note, as someone who’s struggled with OCD for the past fifteen or so years, that connection with cleaning and something working right isn’t lost on me. I’m not saying that’s what it’s about, or that act is a compulsion for Albus, but it could so easily be because that need to clean isn’t always about cleanliness. It’s sometimes just the act itself. It’s your brain telling you that you have to do this process otherwise something bad with happen. Sometimes you’re not even aware, you subconsciously do it with little thought. Other times it chips away at you until you break. Or worse, those times when you do it with no resistance because you’re convinced those voices in your head are right. This thing will work if only you do this process first. I’ve never really thought about what it would be like for a wizard with OCD before but there’s no way it wouldn’t affect their magic. Especially if it was in relation to their wand. Again, I’m not saying that’s what it is, but if it was then I could understand Albus not wanting to fight it in that moment. 
You know what? It almost reminds me of Scorpius’s wand too and how Anthony felt the carvings on it were a kind of self harm born from Scorpius’s grief. Magic is so greatly affected by your emotions and both Albus and Scorpius have to deal that. They both do it in different ways but what’s interesting is that, in theory, they’ve both focused all that negative attention onto their wands. This physical extension of their magic. I might be completely wrong here but it definitely makes for an interesting line of thought...
Act Four, Scene Fifteen
“I’m going into pigeon racing. I’m quite excited about it.” - Another Joe thing that I loved! When he said this line he leaned into his dad and pointed upwards as if pointing out a pigeon in a nearby tree. Sadly, Harry didn’t look so he never reacted to it but Albus was having a great time teasing his dad. What a beautiful way to end the show. I love their mutual hug afterwards of course, that always feels like a conclusion. But seeing where their relationship was and where it’ll be again was something we need even more than that.
Trying to summarise this show in a few sentences is impossible. I’ve just written six thousand words on something I’ve been watching over and over again for two years now and I could still easily say more. That’s what I love about this play. You can’t see and know and understand it all. No one ever will. Every cast and every show gives you something new. I sat there today and I’m still in awe of the beauty of this story and its translation onto the stage. I tell people that this is my favourite instalment of the Harry Potter series and they’re baffled by that. I love the books and using my imagination because yes, even though it’s happening inside my head ‘why on earth should that mean that it is not real’? And as much as that is true, this play brings me out of my head in that sense. It makes it real in a way a movie can’t. I’m there at Hogwarts with Harry and better than that, I get to share the experience with others. Imagination is great but it’s so personal. No one’s Hogwarts in their head is going to be the same as anyone else’s. You’re always going to be alone in that sense. But there in the Palace Theatre I’m not. We’re all watching the same thing. It’s that Scorpius feeling of realising you’re not reading about this adventure, you’re part of it. 
I think because I purposely distanced myself from fandom until Cursed Child, I never felt that inclusion of the wizarding world that way. Fandoms can be so destructive but here I’ve found a community of kind and passionate people (fans and actors alike) that has been so welcoming. It’s what Hogwarts should be. Every new cast feels like a new term, and each show feels like a lesson. You live, you laugh, you learn, and I come away feeling a little bit more connected to this world that I’ve loved since I was a child. My family often ask when I’m going to grow up and give up on Harry Potter and it confuses me every time. You don’t outgrow Harry Potter, you grow with it. I found myself in the teenage version of these characters and I still see myself in the adult versions now. They’re real to me, to a lot of us, and getting cast after cast who understand that is what makes this show what it is. Their skills as actors are of course phenomenal, but it’s the heart and energy they put into every show that makes it magical. That doesn’t come from acting lessons or theatre experience, it’s a feeling you just have if you’ve grown up with the books. It stays with you and inspires you.
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