#6 by 6 Driving Schools in Regina
gndsregina · 1 year
At Guru Nanak Driving School, Our driving schools in Regina will help you drive correctly on the highway, reducing the risk of accidents. Taking our 6&6 driving course with an expert can help you become an expert and learn new techniques. Check out these benefits and drive your car freely. Aggressive driving on the highway is dangerous, but most people don't care. 
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ludwig-van-gaythoven · 4 months
Cabin Fever - (Regina George x F Reader) Part 6
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Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George x Reader
The students of Northshore go on a school trip for a week in the forest. You end up getting to know the apex predator in a way you’d never seen her before.
Underage smoking, homophobia.
Part1// Part 2// Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6
It had been 2 days since the camping trip ended, 4 days since you last heard anything from Janis, and approximately 3 days since you kissed Regina George, and Regina George kissed you back. Not that you were counting.
The morning after, she had woken up before you and was already packing your campsite away before you had the chance to speak to her. Gretchen, Karen and Shane had already found you and you had to walk back to the meeting point as a group. Regina was back to being all over Shane again, she spent most of the walk back draped over his shoulder. She didn’t try and make the usual snarky comments towards you, she just ignored you entirely.
Back to being invisible I guess.
You sat alone on the coach journey back. Regina was sat with Gretchen and Karen again. You tried to steal a few pleading glances at her but she never met your eyes.
Your apartment feels emptier that usual when you get back. You manage to avoid thinking about the whole situation all weekend, busying yourself with video games and sleep to try and avoid spontaneously combusting from anxiety at the thought of going to school on Monday. The floor of your apartment is littered with takeaway containers, you don’t have the mental or physical energy to cook this weekend.
When Monday morning rolls round, you sort of wish you’d spontaneously combusted because it’d be much less messy than the eventual argument with Janis would be.
You’re not sure who you’re more anxious to see. It’s likely Regina will go back to ignoring your entire existence so it’s not like anything dramatic would happen. You hope.
You sigh and drag your aching body out of bed in a desperate attempt to shake off the sleep. You have a quick shower to wash away the depression of the past weekend and throw on some jeans and a T-shirt. You make sure you remember to pick up your headphones, they’re likely to be needed today.
You grab your car keys and open the car door. To your surprise, the car actually starts first time.
On the drive there you hope you hit every red light possible, or maybe your car breaks down. Anything so you don’t have to face Regina, or Janis.
Usually Janis would come over at the weekend. She thinks it’s cool you live alone and you usually spend the time playing video games together, getting drunk, smoking or just generally hanging out. Janis was the first person, apart from family that you’d told about being a lesbian. She was the first one to react positively at least. She came out to you a week later.
Because you spent so much time together you thought you might have a crush on her. She was cute, and you enjoyed spending time together. It still makes you cringe when you remember her kissing you one drunken night. You both agreed that it wasn't a romantic attraction and luckily managed to laugh it off and go back to normal. Especially since Janis had admitted to being in love with someone else who didn’t feel the same way.
Imagine Janis’s reaction if she knew you’d kissed Regina.
When you arrive you immediately spot Regina’s pink jeep, it wasn’t exactly hard to find. You also see Janis’s beaten up car, chips in the paintwork that she had filled with colorful acrylic. There’s probably no point in trying to find Regina, she wouldn’t dare risk her status speaking to you in public, so you decide to try and find Janis before classes start. You miss her a lot.
As you walk into the building you spot her and Damien in the same spot you meet every morning, does that mean they were waiting for you? Maybe Janis has forgiven you over the weekend, you haven’t had an argument before that’s lasted more than one day.
Clearly not because as soon as she spots you walking over she rolls here eyes and starts to walk away at speed. You try and shout after her but she turns at yells back.
“Sorry, don’t want you to think I’m obsessed with you!” And flips you off. Damien just gives you an apologetic shrug and follows after her.
It makes your blood boil slightly. It wasn’t just your fault! She was also being a dick!
You consider sneaking out behind the bins in the car park for a cigarette to try and calm your anger, it seems like a good plan, even if you miss the start of class.
You stay well out of the eye line of teachers as you slink out to the car park and light a much needed cigarette, you sigh out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
Someone appears out of the corner of your eye, coming around the corner of the bins. There’s nowhere to hide, you brace yourself to be chewed out by a teacher.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
It’s Janis.
You ignore her and take a long drag of your cigarette. She sighs and lights her own. You both stand in silence, staring out at the road.
“I’m sorry.” You both say at once. Janis shoots you a shy smile.
“I overreacted.” She rubs her arm nervously. “I know you wouldn’t lie to me on purpose.”
A pang of guilt sparks in your chest and makes you feel sick.
“I shouldn’t have said you’re obsessed with Regina, I know that’s opening old wounds.” You offer back.
Her shoulders loosen and she swaps her cigarette into her other hand, reaching out towards you.
“Truce?” She says with a dorky grin.
You take her hand.
“Truce.” You laugh back and shake it.
You both finish your cigarette and head back to class. It feels better to not be fighting with your best friend but you still haven’t exactly told the truth.
It’s not like you were ever going to kiss Regina again. Maybe Janis didn’t have to know this small detail.
The day feels like it’s dragging on forever, you’re too busy thinking about what happened with Regina, and debating what you should have said to Janis to pay attention to any lessons, especially not this one.
It’s health class, otherwise known as the most awkward and cringey explanation of sex done by a teacher who clearly wants a pay rise but won’t get one. Nobody is really paying attention, only the boys who laugh and yell anytime the teacher says the word ‘penis’.
This is the only class you share with Regina. She’s sitting at the back of the room, filing her nails into perfect claws, with her legs draped across Shane Oman. The sight of it makes your stomach flip.
She clearly catches you staring because she meets your eyes and scowls. She pushes her legs further up Shane’s, whose face goes red. He’s probably just got the most embarrassing hard on. You roll your eyes at her, bold move, she scowls more.
At least she’s not ignoring you entirely.
You feel your phone buzz. It’s Janis sending some stupid meme, it makes you smile, you message her back with a meme you’d saved the night before.
Regina suddenly clears her throat and interrupts the class.
“I think we should learn more about lesbian sex to help some people in this class” she smirks and sends you a pointed look.
Your face heats up. Did she know you were talking to Janis? Was she hacked into your phone? Was she worried you were telling everyone about the kiss? You feel anger boil up inside again.
Two can play at that game.
“I actually think we should learn about avoiding teen pregnancy.” You shoot back, raising an eyebrow at her. There’s an eruption of laughter and Regina looks pissed.
“At least I’m getting some!”
“Both of you, out! Go to the library and I’ll see you after class to give you your assignments, and an hour’s detention.” The teacher shouts.
Regina hops off of Shane’s lap and scoffs like it’s some huge injustice and you follow behind, leaving a generous amount of room between you.
When you get to the library you’re the only ones there. It’s silent and the air tastes like stale books. Regina practically throws her bag down and storms off to the far end of the library. You stomp to the other end in an attempt to be as far away from her as possible.
You unlock your phone and think about texting Janis about what just happened but that would require more explanation and probably cause another fight.
You slump down against one of the shelves of books and decide to scroll tumblr instead.
“You know just because you kissed me it doesn’t mean I’m like in love with you.” You glance up and Regina is standing above you now with her arms folded.
Her blue eyes are fixed on you, you trail your gaze down. She’s wearing a short white skirt and a pink crop top with a grey hoodie. Her hair bounces in loose curls against her shoulders. You hope she didn’t catch you looking.
“I never said you were.” You growl.
“I didn’t even want to kiss you.” She spits back.
It stings a little, but you can’t let her have the last word.
“Yeah well, kissing you was a mistake anyway.” You quip back. It’s probably true, you don’t regret it though. You’d kiss Regina again, a hundred times.
“That’s bullshit.” Her brows furrow. “You’re obsessed with me.”
“Jesus Regina, you’ve said that about so many people. Get your head out of your ass.” You snap and she huffs and moves closer, looming over you.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?.”
You stand.
“I said, get your head out of your ass. If you’re so bothered by a kiss, why did you kiss me back?” You challenge, you’re not entirely sure where the confidence has come from but Regina has a way of getting you so riled up you can’t hold back.
She snarls and pins you against the shelf of books, her blonde locks fall either side of you and one book hits the ground with a thud, the pages splaying and creasing against the ground.
You feel like prey.
Suddenly she lunges at you. You expect pain, a fist to the face, a slap but instead you feel her lips pressed hard against yours, it feels like it’ll bruise.
You hear the door to the library open and she bites down on your lip hard before pulling away.
You can taste the metallic tang of blood on your tongue.
The teacher walks in and sets a bag down on one of the desks. He attempts to tell you both off for your behaviour in class but you can tell he’s intimidated by Regina’s icy glare.
“Because both of you decided to get yourselves sent out, you didn’t get the chance to pick your partners for this assignment, so you’ll be paired together.”
You hear Regina groan dramatically. This is familiar.
The teacher unzips the bag and pulls out a baby doll in a car seat. Your eyes widen.
“You two will be co parenting for a week. The baby has sensors and at the end of the week we will be able to track how you held the baby, how long you let him cry, when he’s fed and more. Here’s a workbook, I expect you both to fill it out during this week with the baby. If you fail this assignment, you’ll have to do it again for another week so don’t think about turning it off.” He places the car seat on the desk and hands you the workbook before leaving swiftly. He obviously didn’t want to be there for Regina’s outburst.
“This is your fucking fault for mentioning pregnancy you idiot.” She yells. This makes the doll start crying which enrages her more.
“Would you shut up! You’re making him cry.” You whisper shout back. It’s not like you care about it but you wish it would shut up before it gives you a headache.
“Whatever, you’re a single parent this week, good luck.” She shrugs, grabs her bag and leaves you with the crying doll.
You pick up the car seat and follow her out. Your car and hers are the last ones in the car park.
You watch her walk away and unlock your door and clip the car seat into the passenger side. You’re not sure if you’re supposed to put it in the back, but it’s not like it’s a real baby.
You put the key in and turn.
The car makes an awful spluttering sound and you see a plume of dark grey smoke from the back window.
The doll is still screaming and you groan, dropping your head on the steering wheel which lets out a long honk.
You hear an engine rumbling behind your car and Regina leans out the side of her jeep.
“Get in loser, I’ll take you home.”
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smusherina · 5 months
yard work - chapter 14 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 11 / chapter 12 / chapter 13 / chapter 15
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You told Mrs George (or was it Ms George now? Too soon?) that you'd drive yourself to the school. Under no circumstance did you want to sit in close quarters to Regina. Besides, you knew she'd have to be there significantly earlier because she was performing. If the thought of being near Regina made you uncomfortable, that of being in that building made your skin crawl.
Why you were even bothering to go was beyond you. You'd been made into a laughing stock, a subject for people to talk about and twist around for the rest of the break. There was no PR response you could concoct to fix this, because for one, there was no time, and secondly nobody would want to hear it.
Maybe this wouldn't ruin your entire fucking life. Maybe you'd get over it eventually. Maybe it would all turn out fine. But it didn't feel like that. You could understand Regina more now, could see more clearly what she'd been talking about when she went on that rant.
Thinking all your problems would dissolve once you were old enough was stupid. That could only be applied to something vain, like pimples and pit stains and body odour. But issues like Regina's, utter self-hatred weaponized against society and everybody around her, and yours, chronic doormat syndrome with a side of people pleaser, could not just resolve. One could not pray the gay away, could not sweep it all under the rug.
You looked at the chicken sandwich in your hand. Mrs George had made some for lunch earlier and you'd swung by after the grocery trip to get you one. Then, she'd driven back to yours, helped you pack it all away, and made a weekly meal plan with you while you ate. It'd been nice. And the chicken sandwich was divine.
Your tummy was already full, but you didn't want to stop eating. You almost never got to really stuff yourself. The feeling of it was luxurious, though painful.
You put off going for as long as you could. You left at just the last minute, cutting it dangerously close. Didn't bother changing your clothes or anything. A hoodie and jeans, your usual jacket and scarf. By the time you arrived on the scene, the parking lot was pretty much deserted. You hustled to the gym where the thing was set up and easily found Mrs George and Kylie.
"C'mon, it's- it's- it's almost starting!" Kylie hissed at you, patting the seat next to her.
"Okay okay!" You whisper shouted back, mustering a little excitement for the little girl's sake.
Most of the performances were utterly dull. To be fair, the talent show was also an opportunity to get extra credit for some classes. Several people from your Spanish class took the stage. There was poetry and a couple songs, all mediocre at best. A pair performed a salsa number, which was surprising on two accounts. One, they were both dudes and two, they were good.
After Damien's dramatic rendition of Christina Aguilera's Beautiful, it was time for The Plastics to take the stage. Karen, Gretchen, and Cady were slowly revealed by the curtain. Cady stood front and centre, Gretchen to her left and Karen to the right.
Unlike many of the other dance performances of the night, the highlight was certainly not the choreography. The wow factor was hinged on the simple fact that it was them, specifically these girls, in latex, borderline slutty Santa costumes doing a provocative dance. The audience was not thrilled, the adults' reactions ranging from mildly uncomfortable to downright scandalized, while the other high schoolers looked on in either lust or disappointment that the act was missing the thing that had made it interesting in the first place.
Regina George had been the main attraction. Without her, without her effortless stage presence making the dance seem interesting, it was actually pretty embarrassing.
You had to look away when they started doing stunts. Karen went to the floor on all fours crab walk style, while Gretchen positioned herself behind her, and Cady geared up to- you couldn't watch. Suddenly, the music cut out and a heavy thump accompanied by someone's breath wooshing out of their lungs echoed through the gymnasium.
Kylie covered her mouth in a valiant effort not to laugh. You bumped your shoulder into hers. She bumped back. Mrs George had gasped and almost surged out of her seat. A beat of silence. Then, like water rippling, laughter began to bubble out of people.
You still couldn't watch. You could hear heels clicking on stage, groaning, and some frantic whispering. Kylie had tears in her eyes and her whole body was shaking.
"What's happening?" You whispered to her.
"Cady... She... Belly flopped the stage." She managed to get out before bursting into giggles.
"What? Is she, like, okay?"
"She's getting up. The principle's getting on stage." Kylie reported while you kept your eyes firmly on your lap. "He's gonna say something, oh, Gretchen's taking the mic-"
You had to look up when you heard your full name being spoken into the microphone, but regretted it as soon as Gretchen finished the sentence:
"-is a lesbian!" Quiet. Again.
You looked down so fast your neck cracked. Through the tinnitus in your ears, you could vaguely hear the principal admonishing Gretchen, the murmurs in the hall, their heels clicking off stage.
Why was Gretchen of all people announcing your sexuality at the talent show? What did she have to do with any of this? Maybe Regina had put her up to it. It didn't seem planned, though. You thought that Regina and Gretchen weren't talking.
"What's a lesbian?" Kylie asked you, all innocence and wide eyes.
"Kylie, don't ask that, it's not appropriate." Mrs George said.
"Why? Is it a bad word?" She turned to her mother. You took deep breaths and clenched your fists. Unclench. Clench. Everything was going to be fine.
"No, but it's not good to accuse somebody like that." Mrs George tried to explain gently, but you could tell she was out of her depth.
"But what does it mean?"
"Kylie, I said don't-"
"It means a girl that likes girls." You cut in.
"Huh... So like how boys like girls, but a girl likes a girl?"
"Oh. Okay."
You would've paid so much money for it to be that simple. Why you couldn't be afforded the benefit of the doubt that you weren't a pervert, riddled with disease, and out to get people? Why was it so unbelievable that you didn't want to change the world, you just wanted to get married someday? Why did kissing girls on the mouth make you a predator?
You suspected there were no real answers to those questions. Fear. Repression. The patriarchy. Religion. The wage gap. Whatever.
The show went on. You felt numb. Realistically, what could you even do? Stand up and shout that it wasn't true? That would only serve to put a name to a face. The next talents came and performed their mediocrity to the mildly interested crowd. There was a pretty good sleight-of-hand magician. Somebody had trained their cat to do tricks.
Eventually, it was Regina's turn to take the stage. You couldn't help but perk up when they announced her. Mrs George was out of her seat immediately, kneeling on the pathway to the stage with a video camera poised to film her daughter.
The curtains parted. She stood in the centre of the stage, mic stand in front of her. She smiled a little, eyes on her mom presumably.
Her hair was done in soft waves, framing her face so beautifully. Natural makeup kept light, a compromise between the bare face that you liked and the full beat she was into. She was wearing an old white tee shirt, the logo so faded you could barely make it out. That had been your shirt, you realized as you narrowed your eyes. You'd gotten it from summer camp, one that Regina hadn't been able to come with you to. After you came back she'd confiscated all the stuff you'd gotten there. Tee shirts, crafts projects, a whittled duck, braided cord. You'd always assumed she had thrown it all in the trash. On her wrist was a braided leather cord and a wood bead friendship bracelet. She had on Lee jeans that hugged her hips and thighs exquisitely. Those had been her mom's.
In her hands was the photo album. Everybody could read the front, Reggie & Jorts.
"Notice me... Take my hand..." She crooned into the mic as the soft melody of Briney Spears' Everytime began to play.
"Why are we strangers when our love is strong? Why carry on without me?"
You felt like you couldn't breathe.
"And every time I try to fly I fall without my wings," Her eyes scanned the crowd. You wondered if she was looking for you. "I feel so small, I guess I need you, baby,"
She found you. Your eyes met, hers clear and blue and somehow so sad, even as she glittered up on stage. Even with everybody's eyes on her, she was looking at you.
"And every time I see you in my dreams, I see your face," She sang so prettily, every note like a gentle caress, a soothing balm to your ears. You did so love to hear her sing.
"It's haunting me. I guess I need you, baby," Her eyes closed, like she couldn't focus on two things at once; looking at you and singing. She swayed gently with the rhythm, feeling the soft instrumental in her feet. Sneakers. Simple, white sneakers.
Her eyes opened again with the next lyrics. You tried not to overthink it, tried not to imagine things that weren't there, but maybe there was a glassiness to her eyes that hadn't been there before.
"I make-believe, that you are here. It's the only way that I see clear. What have I done? You seem to move on easy."
You swallowed, eyes closing. You weren't sure what to think. Was this her way of apologizing? Was she trying to make up for what'd been said? Hadn't she just earlier today made your life living hell?
You leaned your elbows onto your knees and cradled your face in your hands. What were you supposed to do now? She was singing to you. This was the ultimate show of sincerity, of vulnerability, but what were you meant to do with it all in your hands? Your chest tightened and your breaths shortened.
The song continued, you knew the lyrics by heart, but only once she sang the next part did you open your eyes again.
"I may have made it rain, please forgive me. My weakness caused you pain, and this song's my sorry,"
You understood. Cowardly as it may have been, Regina was apologizing to you. Though the references were obscure enough that most, if not all, people would not know who she was singing to, it was quite clear this was a song for somebody.
You rubbed at your throat. It felt constricted, like something was tightening around it.
You couldn't shake the feeling that it was too late. As much as you would've liked to weep in gratitude, be swept in the relief that she was taking you back, irreversible things had happened. None of this made sense. If she hadn't pulled the stunt today then who had? Had she told somebody? Had Janis told?
Regardless, you were an outcast. If not, then ridiculed. You were scared. You had become a target. You didn't think anybody at Northshore was capable of the atrocities you saw reported on the news, but nobody who'd become a victim did until it was too late.
As it was, it didn't matter whether or not you forgave Regina. It didn't matter if she forgave you.
"I guess I need you, baby," As the last line of the song carried throughout the gymnasium, and after the split second of stunned silence before people began cheering and clapping, you got up and left.
You'd smoke a cigarette and get out of here once and for all. Then, you'd drive home and call dad. You'd tell him everything, tell him you needed to switch schools and that you were gay and that you'd made a real mess of things.
You'd take what was given, reap what'd been sown, and forget all about this goddamned town.
Forget all about Regina George.
Notes: Took a bit longer with this one. Sorry for the suspense! Here, have some more unresolved stuff! Also, I fucking love that song by Britney Spears. I've known Regina was gonna sing it for J since pretty much the beginning and finally, she did.
Taglist will be posted separately. If you want to be added to the list, please comment on that post! Thank you!
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cheesysoup-arlo · 5 months
Cutie (pt. 1)
fluff (pt. 2)
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You and Regina had been dating for a few months now and had already broken up 6 times. This was mostly because of Regina being insecure or thinking that you’re cheating on her, then she would break up with you for a few days. She would eventually call you and tell you she missed you and you’d come crawling right back to her because you knew she still loved you but she was so worried about getting hurt she’d rather hurt you before you can hurt her. It took her about 4 months since you started dating to start trusting you a little more and this month she’d only broken up with you once.
It was Monday afternoon and school had just ended for the day. You saw your girlfriend in the hallway at her locker “Hey there pretty girl can you stop being tall for a second” you say looking up at Regina, Regina leans down to your height bending down just a little “thank you” you say before pulling Regina into a kiss, Regina kisses back the pulls away after kissing you “god you’re a dork” Regina says with a smile “ah yes but I’m your dork” you say with a wink “you know maybe I should just get you some boots so you’re a little taller because those converse are not helping your shortness” she says as she pats your head “HEY” you say with a pout and she boops you on the nose “cutie” she says with a laugh “don’t call me cute, let’s just go home please” you say trying to be grumpy “we’re not going home, remember? you said I could take you to the mall?” Regina says looking at you with her eyebrow raised “oh right, don’t be mad but I totally forgot…” you say nervously raising your shoulders into a shrug causing Regina to playfully roll her eyes “whatever, let’s go” she says heading to the parking lot assuming you’ll follow her and you do of course. You get in her pink jeep, throw your bag in the back seat then hop into the passenger seat. Regina gets in plugging her phone in the aux and putting on some music on Spotify. As she’s driving her hand finds its way to rest on your thigh, you don’t say anything but you’re definitely blushing, Regina notices and smirks. You arrive at the mall, Regina gets out and opens your door for you “aw thanks” you say hopping out of the car. You two wander around the mall, well more like Regina drags you around the mall trying to get you to try something new. “Baby come on it would look so cute on you, please” she says with a cute little pout and puppy dog eyes “ugh one of my only weakness, your cuteness” you say with a frustrated groan “yay, come on I’ll stop dragging you around, we can go home and watch a movie ok?” She says as she plays for your new shirt. The car ride home is quiet minus Regina’s soft humming to the quiet music, you feel yourself doze off like half way through the drive. “Baby, we’re home you gotta get up” Regina whispers softly in your ear, half asleep you lazily reach for her she decides carrying you in is going to be the easier option. Nobody is home so the house is really quiet “baby can you walk up the stairs? I promise I’ll cuddle with you as soon as we get up stairs” Regina asks, you softly nod as she puts you down. You very sleepily walk up the stairs tripping on the last step but Regina catches you “woah be careful cutie” you give her a dirty look “hey that’s not nice, only I’m allowed to be bitchy” Regina says playfully making you smile a little as you continued to head to her room. “Come on sleepy head let’s get you into something more comfortable then you can go to sleep” Regina says pulling you over to her closet “I thought you said you were done dragging me around today” you say sarcastically “haha very funny baby, here get changed so we can cuddle” Regina says handing you some clothes then giving you a quick kiss. You got changed rather slowly given your tiredness, you could feel Regina looking at you “ok creep stop staring at me I’m too tired to fuck you right now” you say nonchalantly, Regina doesn’t say anything she just comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist “I can’t stop, you’re so pretty and you’re my girlfriend I think I should be able to look at you if I want” Regina said resting her head on your shoulder, you blushed not saying anything “aw you’re blushing” she said tickling your sides “Regina NO!” You said trying to squirm away, Regina let’s out a genuine laugh tickling you more “Reggie please st- sto-STOP” you say through giggles “ok ok I’ll stop” she giggles as she kisses the top of your head “cuddles please?” You say looking up at her “yeah come here” Regina says pulling you over to her bed. Your head on her chest and arms wrapped around her while she plays with your hair and puts on your favorite movie.
A/N: I didn’t know how to cut this into two parts and i will be posting the second immediately after this 💕
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ouatsqincorrect · 1 year
ok no one asked for this but i’m going to talk about some of my favorite little details from 1x01
1. the door to emma’s apartment have the words “cast a spell” on them (which apparently was completely unintentional but still pretty cool)
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2. i don't think this rubix cube means anything, i just like that we get this tiny little insight into emma here
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3. you can clearly see emma’s baby blanket in the background of her apartment, as well as some boxes, which i believe are the same ones that get sent to her in storybrooke later on in the season
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4. we see snow with a bluebird in the EF, and then later on, at the school, she’s with a bluebird again
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5. i know this has probably been talked about a thousand times but i love that we get this shot of emma driving by the clock store (there are so many good nods to clocks and time in this episode and throughout s1)
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6. and then of course, the nod to tinker bell
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7. there’s a painting of a pear behind regina, which is what a student hands snow (instead of an apple)
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8. speaking of apples, regina touches a clock here and then the shot immediately pans to emma setting her drink next to a bunch of apples
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9. when emma crashes the bug, we see a the monkeys from the wizard of oz and then a picture of wonderland (i doubt the wizard of oz one was hinting at s3—they didn’t think that far ahead—but wonderland might’ve been there on purpose)
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10. here charming brooding over a bowl of apples
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11. there are a lot of fairytale pictures in henry’s room in s1 (kind of looks like one of those crime scene boards lol)
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12. also henry’s emails don’t mean anything—i just think they’re funny
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13. our first hidden mickey
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14. henry's swan night light
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15. i love this shot of henry looking at the clocktower but also the fact that the library itself is so decrepit looking in s1
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16. of course, the key to the room at granny's that is given to emma has a swan on it
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17. this is kind of vague but the ring regina's wearing was actually handpicked by lana parrilla and i just love this little detail (it was meant to show that regina is still hanging onto her darker side and past in the EF)
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afh48 · 2 months
Already asked other people those but I just love hearing peoples opinions on these!! (Bechloe and mby Staubrey? :D)
Who is the nightowl, who wakes up at the crack of dawn?
Who is the better driver (according to them AND their (un)lucky passengers?
Their coffee orders?
Their one guilty pleasure they'd not even tell their s.o. about (they tots know but pretend not to :D)
When did they figure out they are part of the LGBTQ mafia?
How/when did they come out (either their families or their Bella family?)
Who's the big spoon, who the small spoon (and no, Beca, knife isn't an option)
Their secret-not-so-secret celebrity crushes?
thanks for the ask!
i admit, even though staubrey is cute and i include it in the background of bechloe works, i haven't really read any fanfic for it or have any headcanons or opinions for it.
Who is the nightowl, who wakes up at the crack of dawn?
Is his even a question?
Beca of course is the night owl, staying up late to work on mixes or something. She gets restless around nighttime and usually scrolls on her phone for hours instead of sleeping.
Chloe wakes up early. She used to have an alarm clock that had a loud tweety bird alarm (which she liked because it was fun), but after Beca complained up it waking her up all the time he switched to using the default tone on her phone. Most days she doesn't even need an alarm, she wakes up with the sun.
2. Who is the better driver (according to them AND their (un)lucky passengers?
Beca's the better driver. Chloe actually didn't learn to drive until well into knowing Beca, preferring to bike or jog everywhere. If there was anywhere she needed to go outside of biking distance, well, that's what Lyft was for (and a very whipped girlfriend)
3. Their coffee orders?
Chloe gets something unholy and far too sweet, something decked out with whipped cream and sprinkles. Sometimes she admits she doesn't need all that energy and orders a hot chocolate instead. Beca either orders sine sort of tea or black coffee. (I only drink tea and also I'm broke so I know nothing about ordering coffee.)
4. Their one guilty pleasure they'd not even tell their s.o. about (they totes know but pretend not to :D)
Guilty Pleasure by Chappell Roan came on my bechloe playlist whilst I was writing this part.
Beca loves obscure 90's and 2000's MTV reality shows. Chloe bought 50 Shades of Grey at Costco when she was an undergrad and she's read an ungodly amount of porn since (Beca did ask her about it, after borrowing her computer to back up some photos and seeing so many Archive of Our Own tabs open. "Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's hot. Sometimes it's just pretty," laughed Chloe, pressing a wet kiss to Beca's cheek. "And I like pretty things.")
5. When did they figure out they are part of the LGBTQ mafia?
Beca saw Regina George in Mean Girls (2004) when she was 10. She ignored it and denied it throughout high school, and besides, she liked guys better (Right?). And then she met a certain beautiful and very touchy redhead.
Chloe never really considered her sexuality. It didn't ever matter to her. She loved everyone and she loved so much. If anyone asked, though, Chloe would shrug and say that she supposed she was probably pansexual.
6. How/when did they come out (either their families or their Bella family?)
Beca doesn't really talk to her dad much. He found our about Chloe at some point. She came out to the Bella's by stopping as she was leaving the living room where they were almost all sitting, saying "I'm bi," and locking herself in her room for the next ten hours.
Chloe never came out, because she was never in the closet. Her parents always had their suspicions, and the Bella's all knew she wasn't straight, but she only "came out" to her family by bringing Beca home to meet them and saying "this is my girlfriend" with the biggest smile on her face (her parents had already heard so much about Beca before the two started dating).
7. Who's the big spoon, who the small spoon (and no, Beca, knife isn't an option)
Chloe usually initiates the cuddles and spooning, holding a very grumpy Beca close to her chest, so she's usually the big spoon. (Beca loves it, though she would never verbally admit that.) Beca can always tell when Chloe needs some affection and needs to be held, and she'll gladly take on the duty of the big spoon when it's called for.
8. Their secret-not-so-secret celebrity crushes?
Beca adores Rachel McAdams. The only movie Beca will ever admit to have thoroughly enjoyed watching is The Notebook. She also has a thing for Blake Lively. And she would kill for Reneé Rapp.
Chloe loves Chappell Roan. She wants to be knee deep in that passenger seat so bad. She wants to put her canine teeth in the side of her neck. "If Chappell Roan asks me to be with her," Chloe told Beca, "I'm sorry baby, but we're over." (This was a lie.)
i hope these were okay!!! thank you for the ask, this was fun!
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cleoselene · 6 months
All The Concerts!
my mom wrote down every concert she's ever been to and it's a LOT, like in the triple digits
and it got me thinking if I could name every concert I've ever been to? I am fearful I might forget some tho my MS memory sucks but here goes:
New Kids on the Block
Boyz II Men/MC Hammer
Tori Amos (x7)
Switchblade Symphony
KMFDM with Nivek Ogre
VNV Nation (x2)
Air Supply (x2)
Terri Clark (lol I hated country when my family dragged me to this one, I was in my peak Snob Goth era)
Garth Brooks (happened much later when I had learned to embrace country)
Peter Cetera
Sarah McLachlan
The Editors
Radiohead (i hated this hahah, it was so fucking boring like their music. My friend bought the tickets and I had hoped seeing them live would make it click. It did not. I was bored and cold because it was raining in Seattle)
Coldplay (was so much better than Radiohead, seethe snobby indie rock fans)
Regina Spektor
The Decemberists (literally the worst concert I've ever seen. Again I did not buy the tickets but my friend who liked going to indie rock shows always bought two tickets in hopes of getting a date and I was her backup if she didn't. To be clear even though this and Radiohead sucked, I did have a great time with my friend both times)
George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic
Barry Manilow
ummm now I'm drawing a blank but I KNOW I've been to more shows and the stupid brain damage is making me forget. I've always been to see a fuck ton of tribute bands at this supper club, and tbh they were almost all really good. The Pink Floyd one especially. Also lol in middle school once this club I was in had a band come perform and they were like... a hair metal Christian band that took mainstream rock songs like "Living on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi and changed the lyrics to like... "LIVING 'CAUSE I PRAAYYYY" and it was fucking hilarious. It's driving me crazy tho because I know there are more actual real concerts I am forgetting -_-
so i guess if you count all the artists I saw multiple times, it comes to... *maths* 28 concerts? Which tbh does not feel like nearly enough.
on the bucket list:
Vienna Teng
Brandi Carlile
Portishead (lol this will never happen but a girl can dream)
Taylor Swift
A Perfect Circle
The Amazing Devil (which is somehow even less likely than Portishead)
SO I'LL MAKE THIS A MEME. Tell me which concerts you've been to, and tell me which concerts you feel like you MUST see before you die. @deathinthesun @an-ivy-covered-summer @swiftzeldas @sylvieons and whoever else wants to do it~
I did get Taylor tickets last year HOWEVER they were... beyond atrocious, the seats. Like, upper upper deck, BEHIND the stage with like no visibility, not even of the screens, because again: BEHIND. I had like three people trying to get tickets that day and 2/3 of us failed but my friend succeeded and she was like "do you want me to buy these? they're upper deck" and I was like yeah yeah that's okay! We can look at the screens! And then I saw the "OBSTRUCTED VISIBILITY" thing and looked at the layout and I was like...kind of devastated, honestly? It's really hard for me to do an outing like that physically, it was outdoors in April (which translates to HOT in Florida) and I just didn't see myself able to endure 5 or 6 hours at minimum in the heat without like, passing out and dying. Not to mention I'm still really scared of being in a large space with that many people because my disease-modifying drug destroys most of my immune system. I ended up selling them, and... buying my vinyl collection lol. Taylor got a lot of that money again because I bought a lot of her records. I'm kind of bummed that maybe I missed my chance forever, but again, I don't think I could have physically swung it. Plus, of the three nights she did Tampa, the show I was supposed to go to had meh surprise songs while the other 2 nights had AMAZING ones, so I know I would have been salty about that too. ONE DAY THO.
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bebepac · 2 years
Tornado Taylor 🌪
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics  prompt  # 22  “I am at my wits end with you.”  which will be in bold
I am also participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge prompt:  Can I at least tell my side of the story, which will also be in bold.  
The Book:  TRR (no royals)  Series: Chapter 6:  School Dayz  (link posted if you need to catchup)  Pairings:  Liam x Riley Word Count: 1575 Warning and Ratings:  NONE!   Mood Music Monday Song Imspiration: The Call: Regina Spektor Summary:  Riley gets roped into shenanigans with her sister.
Original Post: 03/04/23 at 9:15PM  EST.
“TELL ME THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW RILEY ANTONIA BROOKS!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!”  My father’s voice boomed in anger.
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 This was probably the most angry I had seen him in a long time.
‘I didn’t do it! I promise!”  
“I am at my wits’ end with you!”  
Taylor remained silent.
“Taylor!!!!”  I screamed at her. My sister had her look.  Her ‘She’s pleading the 5th look  where she stops answering questions.’  She wouldn’t leave me to hang out to dry like this in something I had no part of…. Would she? Her own sister  - - her identical twin at that.
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“Taylor please….”  
“Dad, she said no. She didn't do anything wrong.”
“I don’t believe either of you right now.  We’re leaving.”  
“Dad, no, I already took the written test. I took it!”  Taylor insisted.  
Dad grabbed me by one arm and then Taylor by the other taking us up to the examiner.  
“Are you able to verify which one of these girls  took the written driver’s test?”
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The examiner looked from Taylor to myself, and back again,  The both of us were dressed identically, We looked the exact same down to my sneakers.
“No…I can't tell the difference between the two of them.”  
“Didn’t think so, so we won’t be completing this driving test today.”  
You may be asking yourself how I got myself into this predicament.  I have two words for you.  Tornado Taylor.  
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I love my sister, I really truly do.  She’s smart and not just another ditsy popular girl.  
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If she put as much focus into hair-brained schemes as she put into school, she’d be on the dean’s list right now, like I am, instead of barely on  A / B honor Roll. School came pretty easy to Taylor and if she actually studied…. Like I have to study, she could be running circles around me.
But I’m getting sidetracked. Here’s how Tornado Taylor sucked me up into her vortex.
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Three Hours Ago:
I woke up that morning without incident.  Since it was a teacher’s work day and we didn’t have school, my body is used to its routine of  getting up early. I decided to make myself a bowl of cereal  while the house was still quiet.  Afterwards I showered and dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.  
She peeked her head into my room.  
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I lounged on my bed streaming the new series that had just debuted on the APP called The Vampires Live On.  I had to share my login with Taylor but at least we watched different things.  It was very rare that the two of us watched the same shows or had to restart a series.  
“Ri, Breakfast.”  
“I already ate.”  
“Oh. You’re already up and dressed?”   Taylor was still in pajamas.  
“Yeah, I’m laying low today.”
“After breakfast Dad’s taking me to the DMV to get my license.”  
“Good Luck!”  
“I don’t need luck, I have a plan.”
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I should have taken it as a warning... but I didn’t.   
Two Hours Ago
Hungry from my binge watching I came into the kitchen for a snack finding Jaiden sitting on the couch about to turn on the TV.
He looked at me in an odd way.  
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“What are you planning on watching?”
“Don’t know yet. What are you watching currently?”
“The Vampires Live On.”  
“Yeah  I heard that’s supposed to be good. You like it?”
“Yeah. You should check it out.  I’m on episode 2 it’s really good.”  
“Taylor and Dad are still at the DMV?”  
“Yep, Taylor had one job.  To make her appointment for her driving test and exam and she didn’t. Now they’re waiting to be seen. Of course she blamed the app and not herself.”  
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“God… Dad is probably livid.  You know he just hates sitting somewhere waiting.”
“I’ll be sure not to be around when they get back, he’s going to be grumpy.”  
“Yep.  I’m taking Bebe to the lake.”  
“Have fun.”  
“We will.”
One Hour Ago
I had dozed off binge watching the show and woke up when my phone buzzed.
Taylor: Riley help!
Riley: What’s wrong?
Taylor: Can you come to the DMV right now?
Riley:  Why?
Taylor:  I need you.
Riley:  Why?
Taylor:  I need a tampon. I’m in the bathroom. I’m embarrassed to come out.
Dad, even though he could be grumpy at times,  when it came to “womanly concerns”  as he called them, he had no problem going to buy what we needed and even coming back with our favorite chocolate candy in tow with him without us asking.  He knew I liked kit kats, Taylor, peanut butter cups, and mom likes a bag of bite size snickers. Dad tried to be sensitive to those things.  He had taught Jaiden to be sensitive too, and Jaiden was just like dad in that aspect.
When I didn’t respond Taylor texted again.  
Taylor:  Dad is mad at me because I didn’t make an appointment on the DMV app, and I don’t want to have to send him out to get something else, or he’ll go nuclear. Can you help me please?
Riley: I'll be there in a little bit.
I put on my shoes and  headed down the stairs.
Jaiden perked up when I walked in the room.
"Where are you going?"
"Taylor needs me."
"She's fine with Dad."
"It's a girl emergency.”  
“Oh. You should change though.”  
“No time. I won’t be gone long.”
Jaiden sighed.  Now I think my brother knew exactly what I was walking right into.  Tornado Taylor.
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I ran out the door.  It didn’t take me long to get to the DMV,  I went immediately to the bathrooms.  
“Last stall.”  
“Well open the door.”  
I was surprised to see Taylor dressed identically to me.
“What are you doing?”
“I banked on the chance you wouldn’t change your clothes.  So funny story.. I need your help for something else.”
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“I don’t like where this is going Taye…”  
“So I totally didn’t study for the written test, can you take it for me?”  
“What?   No!!!!”  
“I will totally ace the driving part.”
“Taylor no! This has to be illegal or something. NO! Or the very least identity theft.”
“Theft is a strong word, especially if I’m letting you borrow my identity.”
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“That is not how it works Taylor!! Did you even need the tampons? Stupid me of course you didn’t!!!”
There was a knock on the door.  
“Taylor, they called your number, time to take your test.”  
“Okay Dad, I’ll be right out.”  
“Riley come on!!!”  
“No.”  I said in a forced whisper.
“Riley please!?!?!?!”
“Then you’re stuck in here until we can sneak you out.”  Taylor commented in a matter of fact way.     I couldn’t believe I got myself roped into Taylor’s shenanigans yet again.  
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About thirty minutes later Taylor returned.  
“Dad went to the vending machine to get us drinks.  Let’s get you out before he sees you or your car.”  
I had almost made it to the door out of the DMV when I heard my father’s voice.
“What’s going on here?”
I turned around to face my father.
“Hey Dad.”  
“Riley, what are you doing here?”  
He took a moment to look at the two of us, his face turning bright red.
“Taylor Jeanine Brooks you have three seconds to tell me what’s going on.”  
Taylor smiled her megawatt smile, “So Dad, funny story….”  
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“Nope, nevermind, that’s probably going to be a lie. Riley, tell me the truth.”
“TELL ME THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW RILEY ANTONIA BROOKS!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!”  My father’s voice boomed in anger. This was probably the most angry I had seen him in a long time.
Annnd… we’re back to where you guys came in.  Tornado Taylor got me again.   I could expect nothing less than World War  Brooks when we all got back home.  I was able to drive myself back home, and you know what?  I didn’t feel the least bit sorry for Taylor having to ride all the way home with our father who was as angry as a disturbed hornet’s nest.  
The moment we got home  Jaiden came into the living room when he heard all the commotion.  
“Riley, give me your car keys. You’re grounded.”
“But Dad…. I didn’t do anything.  Can I at least tell my side of the story?”  
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“She had no clue what she was walking into Dad. Look at Riley’s phone.”  Jaiden spoke up for me.  
At that moment, I could have completely saved myself  and given my father the phone, but something was stirring in my stomach.  
“Riley, give me your phone.”  
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Shocked, Taylor glared at me.  Even though Tornado Taylor was a mess at times, read all the time, I still loved her to the moon and back again.
“I am trustworthy, and if I say I didn’t take the test for her, you should believe me Dad.  Despite the overwhelming data that says we did something shady.  You should believe ME….I’ve never given you a reason not to trust me.  So, if not giving you my phone right now means I’m grounded too,  I guess I will be grounded too.”  
I dropped my car keys on the table and walked upstairs towards my room.  
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In the distance I heard the equivalent of my sister falling on the sword for me.  
“Dad, please don’t ground Riley.  She did nothing wrong, this is all my fault.”
From that moment on, the relationship between us changed.  My sister never again saw me as someone she could manipulate to get what she wanted, but let’s be honest, she should have never been looking at me that way in the first place.
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🐢 and Gina :)
1: Their favorite song
2: Their birth stone
3: Their favorite school subject
Music, specifically choir
4: Their biggest talent
pissing off eobard thawne her voice.
5: The meaning of their name
Regina: Queen, Maria: Bitterness, Rivera: River
6: Something they've never told anyone
She was going to propose to Siv if Obergefell passed (it did, but she died before that happened)
7: Their best friend
8: Their favorite trip (if they've ever taken one)
Driving up with Siv to Seattle to go see Taylor Swift live.
9: What they would name their future child
Antonio or Antonia, after her little brother
10: Their favorite season
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15 Questions for the writer
Tagged by: @bioniczaunites Tagging: @ionianelder @songofsilentechoes @thegoldentigress @regina-tenebris and whoever wants to
1: Are you named after anyone?
I was named after a Saint, Saint Nicholas of Bari. If I recall, the story was that my parents were driving through one church named after him, and my mom's religious and she liked the name. Ironic because I am VERY atheist. And yes, I am unironically named after the Saint that would inspire Santa Claus.
2: When was the last time you cried?
Last Thursday when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy 3. And I cried A LOT
3: Do you have kids?
HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Nope. I'd like to be a father, but in the future. waaaay in the future.
4: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Ironically no? My humor tends to be about me being direct, and sarcasm is dancing around the subject. I do use it, but not that much.
5: What's the first thing you notice about people?
If they talk a lot. Not really a thing that's good or bad, but there are certain people that really REALLY like the sound of their voice, and it grates upon my ears. I am also a talker, but you have to be pretty close to me and I know when to shut up, so I can see how I handle that person.
6: What's your eye colour?
Brown and Green. Yup, Heterochromia, but very hard to notice.
7: Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Call me old fashioned, but I like it when stories end on a good note. Even if the good note is dark or bittersweet, I don't know, if the ending isn't good it feels like I just didn't finish watching the whole story.
8: Any special talents?
I have a very, VERY good memory. The issue is that it's very selective and not up to me as to what I remember or not, but I can quote you the 14 mins of Vaas time on Far Cry 3 or interesting war stories from World War 2. But if you want me to remember something I dislike? Oh no way.
9: Where were you born?
Argentina, in Capital Federal. I have...no love for my country and wish to escape whenever I can but for now I am content here.
10: What are your hobbies?
11: Have you any pets?
Noooooooooope. I do want to get a British Bulldog and call him Scrotum tho. (Cause Wrinkly, you see)
12: What sport do you play/have you played?
I played Tennis, Football (the real one not the American one) and Boxing. Out of all, boxing was my favorite.
13: How tall are you?
I'm 185cm , or around 6 feet I think? I don't know, I don't know walmart shooting units.
14: Favourite subject in school?
History. Always been my favorite.
15: Dream job?
I like my job as a designer. If I could, I'd like to learn and be more of an artist, but I suck at it.
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gndsregina · 1 year
6&6 Driving Course
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At Guru Nanak Driving School, Our driving schools in Regina will help you drive correctly on the highway, reducing the risk of accidents. Taking our 6&6 driving course with an expert can help you become an expert and learn new techniques. Check out these benefits and drive your car freely. Aggressive driving on the highway is dangerous, but most people don't care. 
Training professionals from a reputable organisation will help you reduce your carelessness. An authorised driving instructor will watch over you while you drive or talk on the phone. Our professional guidance from a trained instructor can help build confidence. 
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ludwig-van-gaythoven · 6 months
Cabin Fever - (Regina George x F Reader)
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Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George x Reader
The students of Northshore go on a school trip for a week in the forest. You end up getting to know the apex predator in a way you’d never seen her before.
Underage smoking, underage drinking, implied ED
Part 1// Part2// Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6
School trips were never really your thing. Sure it was good to be out of classes but to you it just seemed like an extension of school and honestly you’d rather be anywhere else.
One of the teachers thought it would be a bright idea to take you all out of school for a week to spend it in a forest ‘immersed in nature’. Possibly their tactic to get everyone to stop being at eachother a throats especially after the whole Cady incident a few months back.
It didn’t help that your best friends Janis and Damien both ended up getting sick at the last minute so couldn’t come with you , now you had to stay in your shared cabin alone. At least you didn’t have to room with a random person the whole trip, small mercies I guess.
The coach drive there was boring. You sat near the front, making sure to put your bag on the seat next to yours so nobody tried to sit with you. Of course Queen Regina and her minions took ownership of the back of the coach, that’s why you decided to sit upfront. Best to stay out of the firing line.
It’s not that you hated Regina, you understand why she’s the way she is. It’s a smart move to position yourself at the top of the food chain to avoid being mauled. Your tactic has always been to just steer clear of the food chain entirely which has worked so far.
The coach finally comes to a stop after a few hours and everyone shoves their way off and mills around in groups before a teacher starts to call out names and lodge numbers so people can go and unpack.
As soon as you turn the corner you hear Regina’s shriek of horror.
“Eww, what the fuck are these. I thought we were staying in chalets”
You roll you eyes. The cabins were clean, neat, maybe a little rustic. Of course Regina would still have to be dramatic about it.
“I’m sure forcing us to stay in one of these is some form of neglect.” She snarks at Mrs Norbury as she takes her hot pink suitcase over to her accommodation.
Luckily you get assigned one of the cabins at the edge of the forest, it’ll be quiet. Unfortunately it’s the next cabin over from the plastics. Not that they’ll even notice you there, I’m not sure any of them even know your name. It feels safe to be invisible, if not a bit lonely.
Once everyone is settled, a teacher comes round to each cabin explaining that tonight you can just get settled. No hiking or activities today, just a campfire and dinner later. That suits you perfectly. You sit on the creaky bed in your cabin, pull out your Switch console and start to get lost in a game. Hours pass before dinner call and you make your way, alone to the campfire.
You sit on your own, out of the way of all the different high school cliques. At this point you wish Janis and Damien were here. It feels vulnerable sitting alone.
To distract yourself you watch the other groups like a documentary maker. Noting the way they interact, the tension between them and the clique next to them. However nobody quite catches your eye like Regina.
She’s like a lioness. She has this invisible hold over everyone. They can all fuck about in their own groups but as soon as someone steps a foot out of place she roars and swishes her mane and everyone scampers back to obedience.
Currently she’s sitting at a bench with Gretchen and Karen, they’re talking enthusiastically about their plans for the trip; makeovers, cabin decoration, girly shit. Regina seems zoned out, she’s been pushing the same bit of food around her plate for a good 15 minutes. Every few minutes it’s like she’s trying to solve a puzzle, rearranging everything until teachers tell us to go back to our cabins and rest for the evening. You’re not sure you saw her eat a single thing, the food is probably not up to her standards.
Regina stands and suddenly seems snapped out of her trance, flashing a grin and summoning Karen and Gretchen back to the cabin with her.
You follow, a good distance behind. No point getting too close to danger, and slip back to your Cabin unnoticed.
There’s not much to do alone in a forest so you end up putting on a movie and start a new page in your sketchbook. Janis and Damien are the only ones to know you draw. That’s how you ended up speaking with Janis in the first place. If that news ever got back to Regina she’d probably have something to finally pick on you for, but so far you aren’t even on her radar.
You lose a lot of time sketching out some of the trees you can see out of the window, lots of tall, looming pines fill the page, you start to sketch a lion between the trees.
Eventually darkness creates a blanket around the forest. There’s a soft glow from many lamps outside of cabin doors, but past that, the forest seems endless in the dark. It’s 10:30pm. Teachers are fast asleep. Students definitely are not.
You hear snickering coming from the plastics cabin. Their lights are still on, not that you care at all.
Since all the teachers are asleep you decide that it’s probably safe to sneak out and have a cigarette. You stand down the side of the cabin so that your silhouette is obscured slightly by a bush and hunt through your pockets for a lighter. Finally you light the cigarette, trying to blow the smoke downwind, away from the teachers window.
“Karen! Fuck! Would you just stop puking, shut up!”
You watch from the shadow as Karen falls out of the door and begins to heave into the bush next to their window. Gretchen follows quickly, shaking Karen by the shoulders, desperately trying to get her to shut up so they don’t wake anyone. Regina steps out too, slightly loosing balance and nearly falling down the steps after them.
Clearly they’re all drunk. Someone must have snuck alcohol in.
Regina tries to keep a composed look but you see panic flash across her face briefly as her eyes scan around them, watching for any witnesses. You stay completely still against the cabin wall.
Karen finally stops for a second and they grab her by the arms to try and get her back inside. Their balance isn’t very good either and on the way in Regina’s foot connects briefly with a terracotta plant pot which wobbles for a second and then crashes to the ground, smashing over the front step. A sound that cuts through the night air.
The light to the teachers cabin flicks on.
You quickly drop the cigarette and stomp it out before silently scrambling back into your room, making sure the door closes soundlessly, watching intently through the window.
Mrs Norbury storms over to the plastics lodge, already suspecting they caused the noise.
You can’t make out exactly what’s being said. There’s a lot of shouting, from both parties. Then Mrs Norbury leaves, and the plastics light goes off too.
You quickly get into bed. It’s unlikely anyone will check in on you, but you decide it’s time to sleep anyway, it’s late, and drift off to the sound of the wind through trees. The wind sounds faintly like a roar.
In the morning you shower and begin to get changed when there’s a knock at your door.
“Regina will be rooming with you for the rest of the week, make sure she doesn’t try sneaking out.”
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propertylisting · 9 days
‼️𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧‼️ 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗦𝗘 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗮, 𝗟𝗮𝗴𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝗮𝘁 🏠𝗔𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗮 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗡𝘂𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗶 𝗧𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 (Near Xavier School Nuvali, Miriam College Nuvali, Ayala Malls Solenad)
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𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗲: ₱30,000/month ☑️3 Bedroom ☑️2 Bathroom ☑️1 Car Parking ☑️Unfurnished / Bare Unit ☑️2 Storey Townhouse ☑️Newly Turnover Unit ☑️Brand New Unit ☑️Lot Area: 50 sqm ☑️Floor Area: 60.50 sqm ☑️Near Village Entrance
𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗺𝘀: ☑️Minimum 1 Year Contract  ☑️2 Months Advance ☑️2 Months Deposit
𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: ☑️Photos Posted Is Not The Actual Unit. ☑️ Schedule A Viewing For The Actual Unit. ☑️For Residential Purpose Only. ☑️Not For Any Business/Office Purpose. ☑️Need Time To Apply For Electricity & Water.
𝗪𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲: ☑️Sta. Regina Homes Subdivision (2 mins. walk)
𝗡𝗲𝗮𝗿: ☑️Amaia Steps Nuvali (6 mins. drive) ☑️Xavier School Nuvali (7 mins. drive) ☑️Miriam College (9 mins drive) ☑️Qualimed Hospital Sta. Rosa (11 mins drive) ☑️Ayala Malls Solenad (12 mins. drive) ☑️Adventist University of the Philippines (16 mins. drive)
𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:  Ecology Avenue, Nuvali, Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna
For more details and viewing, please call. ☎️𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗡𝗼: +639913542867 ☎️𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗡𝗼: +639913542867 ☎️𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗡𝗼: +639913542867
Follow the Facebook Page. ➡️𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗣𝗮𝗴𝗲: https://www.facebook.com/propertylisting25
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faizansdefensive · 2 months
Faizan’s Defensive Driving School
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Faizan's Defensive Driving School is an SGI Certified Class 5 Driving School in Regina, Saskatchewan. We offer commercial SGI 6 and 6 training, brush-up lesson, and car rental for your class 5 road test. We issue an official SGI certificate upon completion of SGI 6/6 Training. Our goal is to be the BEST Mindful Defensive Drivers, Protect others and ourselves and save time and money. Our experienced driving instructors in Regina will assess your needs and abilities and then adapt your training sessions to your specific learning style. If you are looking for the best multilingual driving school near Regina, Saskatchewan, feel free to contact Faizan's Defensive Driving School.
Address : 3261 Green Stone Rd, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4V 3R4, Canada
Phone : 306-737-5612
Business Email : [email protected] 
Website : https://www.defensivdrivingschool.ca 
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DefensivDrivingSchool 
Twitter : https://twitter.com/defensiveschool 
LinkedIn : https://ca.linkedin.com/in/muhammad-faizan-22b5541b6 
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/defensivdrivingschool 
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rebelbyrdie · 3 months
2024 Ficlet Day
Ficlet 6 Pt 5
“No Lena, you know I can’t.”  
Regina Mills sighed into the phone.  Her sister was half-a-globe away and still driving her crazy.
“But it’s Bean’s first birthday!  Her favorite auntie has to be here!”
Here, for Zelena, was London.  Regina was currently in Los Angeles, LAX to be precise, and headed to Boston.
“She’s a baby.  She won’t miss me.”
Firstly, Regina was only Robyn’s favorite because she was her only aunt.  Secondly, she loathed the weather in England.  Last, but not least, If she was going to see any child anytime soon, it would be her own!
“Papi is bringing Henry, a king’s ransom in gifts, and all of my love.  I have to be in Boston or Mother will kill me.”
It was only barely an exageration.
“Bloody Hell.  Fine!  I will take lots of pictures and videos, and blame absolutely anything that goes wrong on you.”
Regina finally smiled.  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I’ll come visit soon, scout’s honor.”
She hung up before she could hear Zelena’s rude reply.  She knew exactly what her sister had said.  They’d never been fucking girl scouts.  
It was true, when some girls were learning to sell cookies, they’d been learning how to lie, cheat, steal and kill.  Every girl had to have a hobby, after all.
Regina checked her watch and sighed.  She should have taken the private jet.  Her mother had insisted on it, though.  Her flight from China to England was much longer and she needed it more.  
She, naturally, wasn’t going to miss her granddaughter’s birthday.
“Another, please.”
She signaled the bartender.  She needed at least two more drinks to numb the migraine she felt coming on.  She was flying first class and sent a prayer to whatever God that would listen that it would be a quiet, peaceful flight.
“Oh.  I’ll have what she’s having.”
As she was having a Long Island Iced Tea, heavy on the PGA, Regina raised her eyebrow.
The woman beside her was dressed casually and slid onto the neighboring stool without as much as a hello.
“I just got off a flight from Sydney.  Lady had two babies, both of them screamed the entire time.”
Regina winced, that sounded like Hell thirty thousand feet above the earth.
“Add it to my tab, Mia.”  
She smiled and pushed the perky bartender a crisp hundred-dollar bill.  
Regina paid because she had money, felt sympathy, and okay because the woman was gorgeous.  She had long blonde hair with just a touch of curl to it.  She was athletic enough to be tight and cut, but feminine enough to curve where it mattered.  She had a sweet and somewhat mischievous smile.  Regina was a sucker for a sweet smile.
“Thanks.  I’m Leia.”
Leia, clad in a off-the-rack red leather jacket but a tailored pair of Hugo Boss slacks and and Armani top, offered her hand to shake.  She wore no rings, but did have a watch that piqued Regina’s interest.  It was a Patek Philippe, but she wore it with the face on the inside of her wrist.  Interesting.
“A pleasure.  I’m Regina.”
The bartender quickly and quietly, presented them their drinks.  
Emma raised her glass and tipped it towards Regina, “To seeing an angel after fourteen hours in pure hell.”
She couldn’t help it, Regina laughed.  She threw her head back and truely and fully laughed.
“I’m no angel, Miss-”  
The blonde clinked their glasses.  “Kelly.  Leia Kelly, but please call me Leia.  Anytime I hear Miss Kelly I think of-”  She shuddered.  “-nuns.”
Regina took a sip of her own drink.  She had been raised Catholic and had a healthy mix of fear and loathing for nuns herself.
“Catholic school?” 
Considering Leia’s accent, last name and age she was easy to peg.  Irish-Catholic Boston girl, probably middle class who wanted to be more.  That’s why she had designer office clothes, but cheaped out on the jacket.  
“Yup.  Not to mention the group homes.  That’s what they call orphanages these days and the nuns run them tighter than the drill seargents.  I swear they do something to them in nun acadamy that turns them evil.
Oh.  Regina flinched internally.  This was someone who was really working her way from the bottom up.  She wasn’t coasting on Daddy’s credit card after all.  Not that she had room to talk about that.  That information changed Regina’s opinion immediately.  Leia had grown up poor, joined the military, and had gone on to more.
“And home is Boston?”
Regina tried to stay cool, no need for Leia to know she was being so closely scrutinized.  
“Guilty as charged.  I’ve lived all over the country and world, but I still can’t shake the accent.  I’m actually headed back there for a meeting.  If they don’t mess up the flight that is.”
She might miss the baby’s birthday, but maybe this trip wasn’t a total loss.
“What a coincidence, Dear.  I’m headed to Boston myself.”
//End Flashback//
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The Complete Survivor's Guide To We Live!
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"Everyone you’ve ever loved may be dead, but radio isn’t."
We Live! Is a fun and one-of-a-kind new podcast. Only it’s not a podcast. It’s a radio show. And here’s everything you need to know to understand the deadliest new program available today.
The Backstory!
We are all living during a zombie apocalypse. You, me, and everyone else. The governments of the world urge the public to remain calm and to practice social distancing. From an isolated lighthouse in the Pacific Northwest, vlogger Regina hosted the We Live - Life After Reanimation podcast to help those afflicted with the psychological stressors of killing their infected family members better cope with a post-apocalyptic planet.
Life was serene until Joe Deez, a renegade pariah and former 1990’s radio DJ from New Orleans, stumbled upon her sanctuary and high-quality studio. While squatting, Deez slowly encroached on the show’s format. Incorporating many outdated Gen X tropes such as conversations about recreational drug use and sex, Joe used his background in shock jock radio to inadvertently offend Regina’s listeners.
The Zombie Carnival!
An overnight sensation, the We Live Zombie Carnival Morning Show catapulted the two to fame in the modern dystopia. Now, Queen Regina and Joe Deez are a pair of odd couple podcast hosts living on an island in the Pacific Northwest who have nothing better to do during their isolation than reach out to the outside world and entertain themselves. They’ve recreated the shock jock-style radio show concept now that the FCC has abandoned all regulations. And they air their show from the safety of their shoreline lighthouse.
Understanding the Format!
We Live isn’t your average podcast. The show follows the old-school morning show format that was popular back in the day. Broken up into four segments, each show consists of current events, call-in guests (who end up always dying live on the air), and the best underground music on the planet. Literally.
Starting at 6 o’clock in the morning, Gina and Joe begin every Friday with a top story. It could be anything from a zombie outbreak at the NBA Finals to their station manager faxing over new formatting procedures. But whatever the story is, it will carry through the rest of the show until the final, unforgettable moment.
Killer Music!
Each segment of We Live ends with an unbelievable song you’ve probably never heard before. Unfortunately, Joe usually plays it to fill the “dead air” after a guest has been attacked and eaten by a horde of zombies over the phone. Although a tragic ending, these untimely deaths provide a great opportunity to hear some of the best music out there today.
The amazing music gives listeners a college radio station vibe. And artists who have graced the show with their presence include Five Fingers of Funk, Bobby Edge, Immune, Lauryl Sulfate, and The Allergies. You can find these great artists and download their music at the Joe Deez Bandcamp page.
The Characters!
Queen Regina lived peacefully on an isolated island off the coast of Washington state in a picturesque lighthouse hosting a self-care podcast until former shock jock, Gen X DJ Joe Deez shows up and weasels his way into becoming her co-host.
Joe Deez has no filter and he’s the chaotic ringleader of the We Live Zombie Carnival! After convincing Gina to turn her podcast into a wacky morning show, he usually shows up to the show late and up to no good.
Red hosts the lighthouse’s afternoon drive-time show On the Road with Red. She travels the country in her El Camino and keeps listeners informed on everything happening out there in the post-apocalyptic world.
Susan Gunderson became the show’s main advertiser when her dead husband set up an endowment to air commercials for her Post-Apocalyptic Trading Post before he was eaten by the zombies. Susan is dead. Or is she?
Neil is the lighthouse station manager who never shows up. He usually blames his absence on taking care of his son JORDY but Gina and Joe think he’s too afraid of the horde to make it into work. He’s known for being the bearer of bad news.
Dr. Ricci is the head of the CDC and he keeps listeners informed on his experimental cures for the Zed Head disease. Unfortunately for him however, call-in guests get him confused for a relationship advice doctor.
How To Listen!
New episodes of We Live premiere every Friday morning at 12 a.m. EST. You can find episodes on Spotify and iTunes. Click here for a link to the show. Make sure to follow We Live on social media on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube!
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