#5x13 boom
tpchicken7 · 8 years
Dadcliffe LIVES
Below are my theories on the Fitz/Radcliffe relationship.  Throwing them up here because, why not?
• Fitz absolutely knows that Radcliffe is his dad, has known from the start. Radcliffe doesn’t know that Fitz is his son. I think he’s kept this a secret for a couple of reasons:
o His mom warned him that his dad was not a good person.  If she left him before he knew she was pregnant (or at least before she gave birth), she must have had a good reason. o Radcliffe wasn’t exactly a good guy when we first met him, so Fitz probably had good reasons for being wary and building the relationship slowly.  He didn’t want to show all his cards too early.  
• Aida is modeled after someone names Agnes.  Agnes is Fitz’s mom.  (Perhaps his mom was using a different last name, or changed her maiden name after she left Radcliffe.) Aida would be a younger and idealized version of Agnes. So, Fitz’s surprise in 4x01 wasn’t just because of a naked lady, but a younger, model-esque version of his own mother.
o What about Jemma, wouldn’t she know that Aida looks like Fitz’s mom? Maybe not.  Nowhere in cannon has it been shown that Jemma has ever met Fitz’s mom, or that he’s talked about her with Jemma. If he didn’t want to talk about it with her, I imagine Jemma would’ve respected his wishes. o Per cannon, we only know for sure that Ward has seen the pic of Fitz’s mum, and Fitz has only mentioned her twice, to Koenig and Coulson.
• At least twice there’s been references/comments to Radcliffe having sex with Aida, which he’s always denied, but why even bring it up that way unless you wanted to infer that Radcliffe had a physical relationship with Aida’s inspiration, aka Agnes.  
• If Aida looks like Mama Fitz, it would give Fitz another reason why he saw the android as a she.  It would be hard to separate the person from the machine.  Also explains his (imo) overreaction to Aida 1.0’s decapitation.  He’s not just seeing Aida being destroyed, but his own mother.
•Explains why it doesn’t bother him when Aida calls him Leopold in 2x09. Only his mom calls him by his first name (except Jemma when she’s mad).
• If we are getting confirmation, it’ll be 4x13, “Boom” : “Meanwhile, Coulson and Mack come face-to-face with Radcliffe’s inspiration for Aida.” As of right now, we don’t know how this will happen, but bonus points if Fitz is part of this story line. We’ll possibly know more when we get promo pics/video.
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hoediaz · 3 years
bestie what dots are you connecting 👀
i am becoming more and more of a believer in s6 being Bobby's Season my dots are that may day is for sure May's Episode but that bobby is #Not going to do well with the whole daughter in a fire thing. especially with 5x16 going right into hero complex and like yea yea buck hero complex let's move on past That real quick bc like i said during the 5x17 title Discussion, bobby has a real complicated relationship to what it means to be a hero too. and a season full of children in danger is big 👀 for the buck eddie front but it's also big 👀 for bobby and i think it'd be REALLY interesting if 5b saw eddie and bobby kind of swapping roles, like 5b is eddie's breakdown → Healing arc and also bobby's everything's fine → Downward Spiral arc.
my Vision and i'm not actually like speculating for real i'm just saying if they let me in the room i would plan 5b out as first half eddie full breakdown era, total crash end of 5x11, 5x12 is madney's episode, 5x13-5x15 are eddie Healing and at the same time bobby kind of approaching the edge in the bg. maybe buck's being extra reckless and it's bringing back some of bobby's fears, maybe bobby and eddie have another talk about fatherhood and for once instead of bobby being the Pilar Of Strength we see a lil bit of s1 bobby (just like we're seeing s1 buck).
5x16-5x18 happens, it IS about eddie coming back and buck/eddie Healing together but 5x16 has bobby's daughter in a fire and you know maybe bobby doesn't save may -- now hold on hold on -- what i mean is maybe may saves both of them, so they're fine but not because of something bobby did directly, and maybe that weighs on him and leads into 5x17 hero stuff. i still think hero complex will literally refer to someone outside of our best friends, maybe someone causing accidents to save the day leading into the Big End of Season Emergency (bit of a s2 finale callback) where bobby, already not doing well, gets hurt. not massively, not like the truck bombing or the shooting, but enough, and that injury unfortunately leads him into a relapse bc this set ruined my life and i will never stop thinking about it. then boom season 6 bobby relapse/maybe some grappling with retirement/overall big bobby season
anyway lakmfslk i just think that the shooting was a massive deal for eddie's arc, but bobby was also shot and while it wasn't as severe, i do think there's something to bobby and eddie (and bathena and buddie) being so linked at the end of s4.
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captain-hen · 3 years
then what is the wrench 👀👀
judging from the boxes in his apartment, buck is (possibly) moving out, presumably with taylor, maybe she even gets a job somewhere out of state and buck decides to go with her because he feels like he has nothing to lose (especially feeling betrayed by eddie leaving)
then, assuming eddie's breakdown happens in 5x11 (because i feel like its definitely before his therapy session, which happens in 5x13), buck is there when it happens, realizes the severity of eddie's mental state and starts to think that he's not making the right decision moving with taylor after all. then, maddie and chim show up at the end of the ep (and then 5x12 is basically flashing backwards to show what happened to them) and it just solidifies buck's uncertainties about taylor. 5x13, boom, breakup
anyway this is all purely self indulgent so take it with a pinch of salt xD
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askandsmile · 3 years
i got all y'all's messages and i do think i have more to say, but at the same time i'm just like 🥴️🥴️🥴️
this season isn't great, but this episode was terrible. evan is a terrible writer. he's also a fucked up troll. he likes that he's the b*rchie king, he likes b*rchie, he projects onto them. and truly, the less we try to explain anything about this, the better.
i think i need to wait and watch what comes next (from better writer's hands tbh) until i say anything else regarding canon.
but long post ahead, cause i've been wanting to address something that it's not even coherent, but it's just making me insane lol.
we have 6 episodes ahead of us. 6 weeks. if you guys freak out with every single thing that happens, no one is going to enjoy anything anymore.
i don't have spoilers. all the spoilers i had, from when i was in the clubhouse with evan, i gave to you. the way i read the interviews, i told you. i don't have anything else to add. i never had inside info or anything like that, all my speculations were based on rumors going around *and* the bts we got.
all that i could speculate i already did.
"oh, but what if--"
well. when s4 ended, i said, "if they're gonna make veronica look like archie's second choice, i'm not going to watch s5 live". i carried on watching because they didn't, they made it quite clear that veronica is archie's first choice seven years later.
i'm saying it again, "if they're gonna make varchie go through some b*rchie drama/bullshit again, i'm not going to watch s6 live."
if i do watch it, it'll be the same by the end of it if they get a s7. you have to go episode by episode with this show until the entire journey makes sense.
that's all i can do! that's all i can control. that's all you guys can control: the time and dedication you're willing to give to this show.
(i write a fic that's never-ending and even with roughly 4 readers left, i am pushing through because i want to finish it. this is the time and dedication i'm willing to give to this show, writing this fic to those who still enjoy it and to myself, and to varchie.)
so my suggestion now is, let's watch the episodes. it's 6 weeks. are you going to be anxious for 4-5 out of 6 weeks because of something that maybe, possibly, perhaps will happen? are you going to try to make me and other people anxious because you are? i'm choosing, at this point, to trust my ship and the story they've been telling about them.
i know it's harder for bugheads at the moment (reminder that i, myself, am not one although i did love them back in s1 and do support their relationship in the core four context) because they've been dealing with another love interest, on top of cole and lili's breakup, on top of not getting a lot of content, or bts, etc, etc.
but as a varchie shipper...guys, i've been there!
i have seen reggie tell veronica they could be endgame. i have seen archie dance a duet with josie saying he'd fight for her. i have seen archie writing a song to someone else. i have seen veronica getting married to another guy, and then possibly sleep with him after sort of maybe getting back together with archie. trust me, no one in this fandom knows better what you guys are going through right now.
so yes, maybe jabitha will date, or maybe they won't. maybe bh will get back together this season, maybe they won't. it doesn't mean the end of bughead, not at all. look at all the shit other ships have been through (even b*rchies, really). you guys are fine.
is the show good right now? no, it's not. i thought it wasn't so bad until 5x08 (even with the b*rchie thing) but then it just went downhill, and 5x13 was the worst episode ever. no wonder it had 0.7 ratings. but like, does that mean it will stay so bad? i don't know. i haven't watched 5x14, 5x15, 5x16, etc. i don't know what's coming. it might be great! it might suck.
and you guys don't get it, half the varchie fandom left in s3 because there was no sight of varchie anywhere, and then we were pleasantly surprised with the best build up ever in s3C. but you know what? sometimes i wish varchie hadn't gotten back together then! so we would see more of that buildup, some actual reaction from archie seeing veronica choose reggie instead of him, etc. it would've opened a sea of possibilities for a good story.
and whether you like it or not, this is giving more space for other characters to be around. they're not developing them. they're not writing them well. but you can't deny that we have seen more of toni, reggie, fangs, even kevin and cheryl, than ever since...ever.
and it's okay if you just watch for your ship. but the show, and the writers, are not worried about you shdhshd. i think there has been a misconception about that. the ships exist within the show, and this season feels so weird because the core four is apart and bh is apart, but the show is ultimately about the characters and their good/bad decisions.
so, thinking about the characters, ask yourself: is archie in conditions to be with veronica right now? is betty in conditions to be with jughead right now? jug and archie are in their way to healing, it looks like, but betty still isn't. is veronica in conditions to be committed again atm? i don't know. will this change in a couple of episodes? maybe!
and it's same for other characters. choni are going through the exact same thing bh is, they just don't have the impending doom that is b*rchie hovering above, but i guess no one doubts choni.
but imagine if they get back to choni and just give them a few throw away lines and boom, it's all magically fixed. wouldn't they feel betrayed? don't you enjoy the aspect that bh is taking time for this reunion after they were completely shattered? i know i would've written varchie differently if i could.
anyway. it's useless to think "oh, zalben said this, evan said that, ras said this" when we can't control what they say, or how they think. we can only interpret it (90% of the time i've been right about them but whatever) and we can only watch the show in front of us and absorb something from that.
(which is hard when the episode sucks, but it's what we can do).
all this freaking out is making me stop enjoying the show, and the fandom. it's not giving anyone any joy. you guys have to calm down and i'm not being dismissive of how much a tv show can bring anxiety, but the only thing you can do is trust the process.
bughead has been a solid thing for 4 seasons. it's their first major problem. varchie has been not that solid but very, very present for 4 seasons. b*rchie has been whatever it has been for 4 seasons. jabitha is a new ship, but it's around now... but hasn't even really happened yet. like, all these characters have their stories to tell among them, and if we don't enjoy the road they take, we can only try to detach ourselves.
okay, i guess, that's it. i'm not sure if i make any sense, but i'm so exhausted of people not trusting what's being shown to them and only thinking about zalben, bdaily takes, evan, ras, yadayada, who the rvd writers liked on twitter, like... c'mon.
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historyofshipping · 4 years
When bellarke do get back together they’ll have a ton on their to do list. They need to end the confusing war on bardo and then go back to sanctum and kick sheidhedas butt. Then they have to make everyone get along to build a new society. That’s a lot for the last few episodes
Uh huh... and? Honestly, most of these are contrived storylines that can have quick ends. 
Kill sheidheda. Literally just shoot him. Boom, done. 
The war? That will be the crux of the season and I still think it’s a war with a what and not a who. Bardo wants to stamp out human nature. Either destroy that or kill the shepherd and the top disciples. Boom, done. 
It’ll probably end like s5 ended - with them looking out over some new world with possibilities. (Maybe even earth) but either way, no need to actually build the society. Just survive. 
Realistically they could do all of these things in one episode. See, for example, 5x13. 
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yurireview · 4 years
Supercorp are not in the same situation as Swanqueen
Hello dear Tumblr users, you have probably heard this phrase "The Supercorp is the same as the Swanqueen, both are Queerbaiting" and honestly ... I am tired, so it is time to destroy this statement with facts that many Supercrop and Swanqueen ignore
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The first element for which the Supercorp is in a better situation than the Swanqueen is a very simple one.
Elimination of Male "ENDGAME"
The Swanqueen were never able to remove the greatest obstacle so that the producers could have at least one option to return canon their ship ... that was Hook.
Literally the Fourth and Fifth Season a lot of the plot revolved around these 2, not to mention reducing screen time for Emma and Regina
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Everyone has different opinions but (The Supercorp eliminated Mon El) is a reality
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Many have hated Mon El since he was introduced as a slaver and not to mention the misogyny in his narrative.
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But also the Supercorp at that time was very strong, it still is but at that time it was a boom ... literally opaque to the Karamel in many ways especially on Twitter-Face-Tumblr (not to mention internationally the Supercorp became even better known going to a ship
In addition, critics literally hated him (95% of the critics hated Mon El) and the ratings dropped quite a bit because the show focused so much on Mon El
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So in a way Queller couldn't save him and some would say "Chris wanted to go" and I'll tell them, really? because he really left because everyone received his character negatively.
He was so conscious of accepting that his character did not work (although before he defended Mon El but it does not matter) he accepted it
Then there was the Lames ... but this one was destroyed quickly and strangely enough it helped to increase the link between Kara and Lena ... so really I don't count this much as a "rival" ship
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This was the biggest victory for the Supercorp fandom, for the first time a lesbian ship (not canon) had the power to eliminate the main ship of the protagonist (a very bad one in my opinion)
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Second point and something that could not be done without the first (Development and impact in the series)
Many do not accept that without having discarded Hook ... they could not have real development for the Swanqueen.
But since the Supercorp was able to overcome that ... we could have an undeniable development and that right now affects the series
I will always say that the development of the Supercorp really started in the second half of Season Four.
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They focused on how Lena and Kara love each other, how Kara is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Lena
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They started to make blatant parallels with the Clois that literally anyone with a brain could see
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Season Four had a great finale and the SDCC 2019 was almost a gift to the Supercorp, almost everything there was around the Supercorp ... now Did this happen with the Swanqueen?
Obviously not, I do not deny that they have a large fandom ... but their ship has not reached this level (so in case we are very different)
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We reached the Fifth Season where something is verified that in my opinion makes the Supercorp only a matter of time
Be essential in the series and affect the course of this:
I'm not going to talk much about the first half ... but whatever they say (Everything points to the Supercorp)
Clois parallels
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Kara afraid of losing Lena
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Kara comparing her relationship with Lena to romantic relationships
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More intense looks of both, with dialogues that further increased the intensity of their relationship
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Drama ... a lot of drama
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Many say "After the crisis they did not Homo" but I disagree for many reasons
It literally all starts with Supergirl heartbroken by Lena ... while Lena felt the same way (more Lilian saying she gets weak for Kara)
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Not only did it not work, but this chapter showed that Kara really wants Lena to be by her side but wants her to return voluntarily
In fact in one of the realities they were a couple and this is undeniable
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The following chapters How was the "date"? It was uncomfortable and of course Kara did not want to be there, literally all her friends pressured her.
But they did not develop in any sense in fact they gave all the signs that Kara does not want to be with him
The last 3  "Let's develop Kara and William" but they did the opposite
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They went so far that when they had Lena and William together (the only one who noticed Kara's pain ... was Lena) and he was chasing her like a girl in love (Lex noticed it)
This scene literally killed William x Kara (because this guy does not know or know how Kara feels ... Lena does and she really loves her)
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After Lex makes them fight ... Kara was so angry and frustrated (because she didn't have Lena by her side) she thought she got it back when she came to her in the 5x17
But she left her side and she is angry that Lena "chose Lex" and also comments that "I understand how to enter another reality"
Only for Lena
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Then we had all the drama of Lena's apology to Kara ... we see the steel girl so hurt by Lena (again look at the approach that is given to both)
Compare that to Kara remembering William "the tall guy with the accent" literally total disinterest
Kara frustrations come from Lena because she wants her
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Now Chapter 19 you could say that it was a Supercorp chapter par excellence ... there were many things.
Mutual glances at the same time of romantic music
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Lena risking her life to protect Supergirl even without powers (parallel with Lois Lane who always does that)
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Kara smiling knowing that Lena will always be on her side, literally she was "bad" with Lena there because she did not want to "let her in" because Kara would not bear to lose her again
But now she knows that Lena will always be on his side
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No matter how negative you are, this one here was an exclusive moment for Endgame couples and to make matters worse, they saw that Lena has the same weight as Alex
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Lena proud face killed me (like saying ... yup, I'm his future wife)
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William instead. Do you know what it was used for? to increase the bond of Lena and Kara ... the moment Lena protects the identity of Supergirl
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Supergirl was so indifferent to William that later she did not even remember his existence
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At the end of it all, they not only made the passes (but they will now be the "partnert" that we saw in chapter 13) and their journey begins ... this is what they established this season
No William x Kara, everything here established the Supercorp
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before finishing I hope you vote for Katie Mcgrath (it is time to give our support, you can vote more than once and with other accounts)
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So do not come with the Swanqueen it is the same as the Supercorp because they are not (we respect the ship and we like it because it was born first obviously ... but the Supercorp had a better career, development and at the same time this season gave them a great opportunity )
I am sure that many will know how support for the Supercorp from critics, review pages has increased ... but not only that.
The Supercorp always makes a trend William's episodes caused the show to lose 400k in audience The 5x13 (Supercorp chapter) had the best score.
Basically the series has established that Lena is Kara's Endgame (even if she unluckily pairs her with William ... they were separated by everyone's negative reaction) literally William is 10 times more hated than Mon El.
In addition to being such a bad character that instead of supporting William ... many who did not support the Supercorp are doing so after this season.
Supercorp has the development, the support, the opportunity and currently the series alone established them as soul mates ... so this ship not only has an opportunity but the Endgame is a matter of time.
I just want to say "SUPERCORP ENDGAME"
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
do you think they have enough time this season for bellamy to end things with echo and get together with clarke? when they have a whole season ahead to move it down to and keep us hungry until then? and maybe even a s7? to me it feels they will confirm bellarke love each other romantically in, like, the very last minutes of 5x13... and then boom, tune in next year for more!
THEY DID THAT IN SEASON 4. Like. Remember the hugging, and leaving her behind? The 2199 days o’ longing? What is all that to you? Chopped liver?
And EVERY season, Bellarke has gotten DEEPER. So WHY would they replay the romantic angle, without any growth or development this season?
LOOK at the other season and compare the growth. THAT is a story. They are not withholding canon bellarke to make the shippers tune in. They are TELLING a canon love story with slow and patient development
If it were just about shippers, then the development would have stopped after s3. Or DURING. But it did not. It kept going, no matter the shipper drama. 
They are not writing this story to “keep you hungry.” They do NOT hold off because they have a new season to string the audience along. They ended EVERY season the way they were going to end it, whether they got renewed OR NOT. That 2199 days would have been ETERNITY if they’d gotten cancelled. No canon kisses. No happily ever after. They are telling the story they want to tell.
The details may change according to hollywood or politics or characters or plot twists, but the deep story, THE BACKBONE of the 100 is BELLARKE and it is STILL moving, and STILL getting closer and ALREADY entering into sexual tension which is ALREADY past what you just said they’d end on in 5.13.
So the canon has ALREADY proven your theory wrong.
Don’t you think you should go back and think again? If your “keep us hungry” theory is not working out, then you need to come up with a NEW concept that makes sense of the story.
ASK yourself: If Bellarke is NOT being delayed to screw the fandom over, then what is happening? WHY is it going so slowly? Think about the possibilities. Consider a NEW reason.
I mean. You think there’s not enough time to get from ep1 B/E to ep13 Bellarke? Despite how EVERYTHING CHANGES for Bellamy when he discovers Clarke is alive? And how everything has ALREADY changed by ep4. And how he shows a CLEAR sexual longing for Clarke, even after reminding himself that he’s with Echo? Have you not noticed how quick everything is moving this season?
I think you’re stuck in your interpretation of season 4 and 3 and perhaps are not taking into account the changes with the reboot.
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oitnbmusic · 7 years
OITNB music - s5 episodes 10-13
Season 5 playlists: Spotify | Deezer
End Credits playlists: Spotify | Deezer
*** 5x10 The Reverse Midas Touch ***
Whissell - Take Em Down // Credits
*** 5x11 Breaking the Fiberboard Ceiling ***
Lùisa - Under The Wild Skies // Credits
*** 5x12 Tattoo You ***
White Arrows - Coming or Going (RAC Remix) // Flashback - Alex at the bar explaining “Love is Pain” tattoo
Miss Li - My Heart Goes Boom // Credits
*** 5x13 Storm-y Weather ***
Etta James // Opening scene
The Dave Clark Five - Catch Us If You Can // “Team latte” barricading
The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a Home // Last scenes and credits
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221brownstone · 8 years
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Elementary Live Tweet: 5x13 Over A Barrel "Sherlock has a new look. #Elementary"
I'm just now hearing about what happened in Quebec. Terrible, awful. Unfortunately crappy timing on all the Quebec talk in tonight's ep.
Lastly, I know I speak for our whole staff when I say that we're thinking about those affected by the shooting in Quebec tonight. Goodnight.
Brownstone business
Quiz Time! Can you name the three episodes in which these opening scenes occur?
The opening three scenes - in order - take place within the chronology of Dead Clade Walking, Bella, and Down Where the Dead Delight.
Of the opening three scenes, I wrote 2 of the source episodes, and @CraigSweeny wrote the other. Nod to our previous work. 
We wanted to use these opening flashbacks as a nod to the idea that Sherlock and Watson can't take EVERY single case they're offered.
We talked a lot about this in creating this episode. We think that, by now, they're probably offered dozens a month that they turn down. 
We're hoping for twenty-seven more seasons of the show. By the end, Sherlock will be an android and Clyde will be sentient.
Don't worry, you will see Sherlock and Joan "pay the piper" in just a moment...
The final moment of this episode - I won't spoil what it is - is TOTALLY REAL. That actually happened on our sets in December.
Case of the week
If you like @IsiahWhitlockJr - and why the hell wouldn't you - you're going to be AWASH in his glory this evening. He's amazing.
This episode has one hell of an ending. STAY TUNED Y'ALL. 
The supporting cast in this episode - led by @IsiahWhitlockJr - is INCREDIBLE. I was really, really excited about our cast list. 
I was pumped to put Watson in a situation of danger and to see her be a composed badass throughout. She doesn't shrink from fear...
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You'll notice that the date of Conor's attack was January 29th... WHICH IS TODAY OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!
[@IsiahWhitlockJr: The clock is ticking, Sherlock... statute of limitations runs out... tonight ]
The Sylmar Bust is, in fact, the biggest smuggling payload in history. How do I know? READING, Y'ALL. BOOM.
AMAZING performance from @IsiahWhitlockJr in that last diner scene with @LucyLiu. Makes my mediocre writing seem distinctly less mediocre.
Wait, what the hell did he say was inside that barrel? PLOT TWIST.
[@IsiahWhitlockJr: Maple syrup? Sheeeeeeeee-it!]
I went to college in Vermont, so I'm well versed in the controversies of maple syrup. All this stuff about quotas is true. 
"Shoot first, ask questions never" is my favorite line from this episode. 😀
Helena Blavatsky is a real woman - and a total badass. She was writing and working at a time when it was very difficult for women to do so.
If I ever publish a book, I'm going to demand that my author photo is the same as Helena Blavatsky's.
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This Act Four is tense.... I'm sweating over here.
.@LucyLiu and @IsiahWhitlockJr are amazing in this final diner scene. I've got chills, and I've seen this episode like 19 times already.
Framing this case as Sherlock Holmes vs Time Itself comes from @CraigSweeny. Brilliant way to look at it.
Behind the scenes
Hi, hi, hi! It's me! Jeff, Jeff, Jeff! Ready for another thrilling installment of #Elementary. I KNOW I AM.
I gotta give mad props to @CraigSweeny for his help on this episode. His guidance was invaluable. He's also super handsome, so that helps.
[@CraigSweeny: @ELEMENTARYStaff You advance two assertions here.  Only one is true.]
The amazing cello music in the opening diner scene is written and performed by @zoecello. We've been using her music since Season 1.
I've been wanting to do a ticking clock Statute of Limitations episode forever. This setup finally gave us the opportunity. 
One of the companies Sherlock reads off for Jack - "Hardcastle Beam" - is a nod to my mother. Her maiden name is Hardcastle. Very English.
For this episode, we filmed with a drone to create the overhead footage.
We had a lot of fun thinking up a name for the gang from Queens. I voted for "The South Queens Friendship and Cocaine Crew."
We used visual effects to add more barrels to the derelict building. Here's the BEFORE shot.
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All the close-ups of WALL CLOCKS in this episodes were shot weeks after the original scenes were filmed. #Production
I love the diner that we used in this episode. Our locations department is amazing. It's the Lindenwood Diner in Brooklyn.
For you non-hockey fans, "Les Habs" is the nickname of the @CanadiensMTL. But I wouldnt know; I'm a @NHLBruins fan.
The final song of this episode is "Tropics" by @mymorningjacket. Incredible tune.
Thank you all so much for hanging out with me this evening! It's nice to get back to live-tweeting our episodes without football in the way.
We're off for a handful of weeks, but @writergeekrhw is up next on February 19th with a NEW episode!
I hope you all enjoyed watching the episode as much as I enjoyed writing it. And thanks again for hanging out!
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lightwood-alec · 8 years
TV Episodes 2017
13 Reasons Why (13) 1x01 - Tape 1, Side A 1x02 - Tape 1, Side B 1x03 - Tape 2, Side A 1x04 - Tape 2, Side B 1x05 - Tape 3, Side A 1x06 - Tape 3, Side B 1x07 - Tape 4, Side A 1x08 - Tape 4, Side B 1x09 - Tape 5, Side A 1x10 - Tape 5, Side B 1x11 - Tape 6, Side A 1x12 - Tape 6, Side B 1x13 - Tape 7, Side A 8 Out of 10 Cats (1) 20x08 - Jamali Maddix, Rick Edwards, Kate Humble & Joe Lycett (New Year’s Special) 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (1) 12x01- Stephen Mangan, Noel Fielding, Fay Ripley & the Brett Domino Trio A League of Their Own (9) 11x11 - Christmas Special 11x12 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part One 11x13 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Two 11x14 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Three 11x15 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Four 11x16 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Five 12x01 - Rob Beckett, Dele Ali & Stephen Mangan 12x02 - Emma Bunton, Mo Farah & Anthony Joshua 12x04 - Charlotte Dujardin, Cesc Fabregas & Romesh Ranganathan American Gods (1) 1x01 - The Bone Orchard American Horror Story: Cult (11) American Horror Story: Hotel (4) 5x07 - Flicker 5x08 - Ten Commandments Killer 5x09 - She Wants Revenge 5x10 - She Gets Revenge An Unfortunate Series of Events (1) 1x01 - The Bad Beginning: Part One And Then There Were None (1) 1x01 - Episode One Animal Kingdom (14) 1x08 - Man In 1x09 - Judas Kiss 1x10 - What Have You Done 2x01 - Eat What You Kill 2x02 - Karma 2x03 - Bleed for It 2x04 - Broken Boards 2x05 - Forgive Us Our Trespasses 2x06 - Cry Havoc 2x07 - Dig 2x08 - Grace 2x09 - Custody 2x10 - Treasure 2x11 - The Leopard Archer (2) 8x01 - Archer Dreamland: No Good Deed 8x02 - Archer Dreamland: Berenice Arrow (1) 6x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 Atlanta (10) 1x01 - The Big Bang 1x02 - Streets on Lock 1x03 - Go for Broke 1x04 - The Streisand Effect 1x05 - Nobody Beats the Biebs 1x06 - Value 1x07 - B.A.N. 1x08 - The Club 1x09 - Juneteenth 1x10 - The Jacket Ballers (8) 1x02 - Raise Up 1x03 - Move the Chains 1x04 - Heads Will Roll 1x05 - Machete Charge 1x06 - Everything Is Everything 1x07 - Ends 1x08 - Gaslighting 1x09 - Head-On Bates Motel (3) 5x05 - Dreams Die First 5x06 - Marion 5x07 - Inseparable Big Fat Quiz of the Year (2) 1x24 - Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2016 1x25 - Big Fat Quiz of Everything 2017 Big Little Lies (7) Big Time Rush (1) 2x15 - Big Time Reality Bill Nye Saves the World (2) 1x01 - Earth Is a Hot Mess 1x02 - Tune Your Quack-o-Meter Billy on the Street (18) 1x01 - And Away We Go... 1x02 - Television is the Greatest Thing to Ever Happen to Me! 1x03 - Drunk Rich 1x04 - Can Rachel Dratch Name 20 White People in 30 Seconds? 1x05 - The Meryl Streep Showdown 1x06 - Where in the World is Scarlett Johansson’s Vagina? 1x07 - Ask an Asian! 1x08 - Are You Smarter Than a Gay Fifth Grader? 1x09 - Did You Hear Madonna Died? 1x10 - Joan Rivers Gets Quizzed in the Face 2x01 - Billy Meets Mr. Singh! 2x02 - The Lesbian Lightning Round, with Andy Cohen 2x03 - Scream for an American Girl Doll, with Will Ferrell 2x04 - It’s Spock - Do You Care?, with Zachary Quinto 2x05 - Whistleblow that Jew!, with Rashida Jones and Maya Rudolph 2x06 - It’s Debra Messing, You Gays!, with Debra Messing and Christian Borle 2x07 - Do You Think Gisele Bundchen Understands the Jokes on Portlandia?, with Nas and Ashley Benson 5x08 - Curbside Conga Line with James Corden The Blacklist (4) 4x03 - Miles McGrath (No. 65) 4x04 - Gaia (No. 81) 4x05 - The Lindquist Concern (No. 105) 4x06 - The Thrushes (No. 53) Black Sails (10) 4x01 - XXIX 4x02 - XXX 4x03 - XXXI 4x04 - XXXII 4x05 - XXXIII 4x06 - XXXIV 4x07 - XXXV 4x08 - XXXVI 4x09 - XXXVII 4x10 - XXVIII Boardwalk Empire (2) 1x04 - Anastasia 1x05 - Nights in Ballygran The Bold Type (10) Brooklyn Nine-Nine (23) 4x11 - The Fugitive, Part One 4x12 - The Fugitive, Part Two 4x13 - The Audit 4x14 - Serve & Protect 4x15 - The Last Ride 4x16 - Moo Moo 4x17 - Cop Con 4x18 - Chasing Amy 4x19 - Your Honor 4x20 - The Slaughterhouse 4x21 - The Bank Job 4x22 - Crime & Punishment 5x01 - The Big House, Pt. 1 5x02 - The Big House, Pt. 2 5x03 - Kicks 5x04 - HalloVeen 5x05 - Bad Beat 5x06 - The Venue 5x07 - Two Turkeys 5x08 - Return to Skyfire 5x09 - 99 5x10 - Game Night 5x11 - The Favor Castlevania (4) 1x01 - Witchbottle 1x02 - Necropolis 1x03 - Labyrinth 1x04 - Monument Dear White People (10) 1x01 - Chapter I 1x02 - Chapter II 1x03 - Chapter III 1x04 - Chapter IV 1x05 - Chapter V 1x06 - Chapter VI 1x07 - Chapter VII 1x08 - Chapter VIII 1x09 - Chapter IX 1x10 - Chapter X The Defenders (8) Difficult People (28) Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (4) 1x01 - Horizons 1x02 - Lost & Found 1x03 - Rogue Wall Enthusiasts 1x04 - Watkin The Exorcist (9) 1x08 - Chapter Eight: The Griefbearers 1x09 - Chapter Nine: 162 1x10 - Chapter Ten: Three Rooms 2x01 - Janus 2x02 - Safe as Houses 2x03 - Unclean 2x04 - One for Sorrow 2x05 - There But for the Grace of God, Go I 2x06 - Darling Nikki The Flash (3) 2x04 - The Fury of Firestorm 3x17 - Duet 4x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 Freedom Fighters: The Ray (3) 1x01 - Episode One 1x02 - Episode Two 1x03 - Episode Three Future Man (13) Game of Thrones (2) 7x06 - Beyond the Wall 7x07 - The Dragon and the Wolf The Get Down (11) 1x01 - Where There Is Ruin, There Is Hope for a Treasure 1x02 - Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames 1x03 - Darkness Is Your Candle 1x04 - Forget Safety, Be Notorious 1x05 - You Have Wings, Learn to Fly 1x06 - Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice 1x07 - Unfold Your Own Myth 1x08 - The Beat Says, This Is The Way 1x09 - One by One, Into the Dark 1x10 - Gamble Everything 1x11 - Only From Exile Can We Come Home Girl Meets World (1) 3x21 - Girl Meets Goodbye Glue (6) 1x01 - Everyone 1x02 - James/Janine 1x03 - Eli/Rob 1x04 - Tina/Dominic 1x05 - James/Rob/Cal 1x06 - Rob/Tina The Good Place (21) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - Flying 1x03 - Tahani Al-Jamil 1x04 - Jason Mendoza 1x05 - Category 55 Doomsday Crisis 1x06 - What We Owe to Each Other 1x07 - The Eternal Shriek 1x08 - Most Improved Player 1x09 - ...Someone Like Me as a Member 1x10 - Chidi’s Choice 1x11 - What’s My Motivation 1x12 - Mindy St. Claire 1x13 - Michael’s Gambit 2x01 - Everything Is Great! (Part 1) 2x02 - Everything Is Great! (Part 2) 2x03 - Dance Dance Resolution 2x04 - Team Cockroach 2x05 - Existential Crisis 2x06 - The Trolley Problem 2x07 - Janet and Michael 2x08 - Derek Gotham (22) 3x12 - Ghosts 3x13 - Smile Like You Mean It 3x14 - The Gentle Art of Making Enemies 3x15 - How the Riddler Got His Name 3x16 - These Delicate and Dark Obsessions 3x17 - The Primal Riddle 3x18 - Light the Wick 3x19 - All Will Be Judged 3x20 - Pretty Hate Machine 3x21 - Destiny Calling 3x22 - Heavydirtysoul 4x01 - Pax Penguina 4x02 - The Fear Reaper 4x03 - They Who Hide Behind Masks 4x04 - The Demon’s Head 4x05 - The Blade’s Path 4x06 - Hog Day Afternoon 4x07 - A Day in the Narrows 4x08 - Stop Hitting Yourself 4x09 - Let Them Eat Pie 4x10 - Things That Go Boom 4x11 - Queen Takes Knight Halt and Catch Fire (1) 3x01 - Valley of the Heart’s Delight House of Cards (13) 5x01 - Chapter 53 5x02 - Chapter 54 5x03 - Chapter 55 5x04 - Chapter 56 5x05 - Chapter 57 5x06 - Chapter 58 5x07 - Chapter 59 5x08 - Chapter 60 5x09 - Chapter 61 5x10 - Chapter 62 5x11 - Chapter 63 5x12 - Chapter 64 5x13 - Chapter 65 How to Get Away with Murder (2) 3x10 - We’re Bad People 3x11 - Not Everything's About Annalise Iron Fist (13) 1x01 - Snow Gives Way 1x02 - Shadow Hawk Takes Flight 1x03 - Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch 1x04 - Eight Diagram Dragon Palm 1x05 - Under Leaf Pluck Lotus 1x06 - Immortal Emerges From Cave 1x07 - Felling Tree With Roots 1x08 - The Blessing of Many Fractures 1x09 - The Mistress of All Agonies 1x10 - Black Tiger Steals Heart 1x11 - Lead Horse Back to Stable 1x12 - Bar the Big Boss 1x13 - Dragon Plays With Fire The IT Crowd (5) 4x03 - Something Happened 4x04 - Italian For Beginners 4x05 - Bad Boys 4x06 - Reynholm vs. Reynholm 5x01 - The Final Episode It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (10) 12x01 - The Gang Turns Black 12x02 - The Gang Goes to a Waterpark 12x03 - Old Lady House: A Situation Comedy 12x04 - Wolf Cola: A Public Relations Nightmare 12x05 - Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer 12x06 - Hero or Hate Crime? 12x07 - PSTDee 12x08 - The Gang Tends Bar 12x09 - A Cricket’s Tale 12x10 - Dennis’ Double Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (30) 4x01 - February 12, 2017 (Trump vs. Truth) 4x02 - February 19, 2017 (Russia) 4x03 - February 26, 2017 (Affordable Care Act) 4x04 - March 5, 2017 (Tibet) 4x05 - March 12, 2017 (American Health Care Act) 4x06 - March 19, 2017 (United States Federal Budget) 4x07 - April 2, 2017 (Cannabis) 4x08 - April 9, 2017 (Gerrymandering) 4x09 - April 16, 2017 (2017 French Presidential Election) 4x10 - April 23, 2017 (Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner) 4x11 - May 7, 2017 (Net Neutrality) 4x12 - May 14, 2017 (Dialysis) 4x13 - May 21, 2017 (Stupid Watergate) 4x14 - June 4, 2017 (Paris Agreement) 4x15 - June 11, 2017 (UK General Elections and Brexit Negotiations) 4x16 - June 18, 2017 (Coal Mining and Bob Murray) 4x17 - June 25, 2017 (Vaccine Safety) 4x18 - July 2, 2017 (Local News and Sinclair Broadcast Group) 4x19 - July 30, 2017 (Alex Jones and InfoWars) 4x20 - August 6, 2017 (United States Border Patrol) 4x21 - August 13, 2017 (North Korea Crisis) 4x22 - August 20, 2017 (Nuclear Waste) 4x23 - September 10, 2017 (Joe Arpaio) 4x24 - September 24, 2017 (Corporate Consolidation) 4x25 - October 1, 2017 (Forensic Evidence) 4x26 - October 8, 2017 (Confederate Monuments) 4x27 - October 15, 2017 (Equifax Security Breach) 4x28 - October 29, 2017 (National Flood Insurance Program) 4x29 - November 5, 2017 (Economic Development Incentives) 4x30 - November 12, 2017 (Donald Trump’s Presidency) Legends of Tomorrow (18) 2x09 - Raiders of the Lost Art 2x10 - The Legion of Doom 2x11 - Turncoat 2x12 - Camelot/3000 2x13 - Land of the Lost 2x14 - Moonshot 2x15 - Fellowship of the Spear 2x16 - Doomworld 2x17 - Aruba 3x01 - Aruba-Con 3x02 - Freakshow 3x03 - Zari 3x04 - Phone Home 3x05 - Return of the Mack 3x06 - Helen Hunt 3x07 - Welcome to the Jungle 3x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4 3x09 - Beebo the God of War Legion (8) 1x01 - Chapter 1 1x02 - Chapter 2 1x03 - Chapter 3 1x04 - Chapter 4 1x05 - Chapter 5 1x06 - Chapter 6 1x07 - Chapter 7 1x08 - Chapter 8 The Lodge (3) 1x01 - The New Girl 1x02 - Reality Check 1x03 - Opportunities Luke Cage (6) 1x08 - Blowin’ Up the Spot 1x09 - DWYCK 1x10 - Take It Personal 1x11 - Now You’re Mine 1x12 - Soliloquy of Chaos 1x13 - You Know My Steez Master of None (5) 2x01 - The Thief 2x02 - Le Nozze 2x03 - Religion 2x04 - First Date 2x05 - The Dinner Party Making History (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - The Shot Heard Round the World Me, Myself & I (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - The First Step The Mindy Project (17) 5x08 - Hot Mess Time Machine 5x09 - Bat Mitzvah 5x10 - Take My Ex-Wife Please 5x11 - Dibs 5x12 - Mindy Lahiri Is A White Man 5x13 - Mindy’s Best Friend 5x14 - A Decent Proposal 6x01 - Is That All There Is 6x02 - A Romantical Decouplement 6x03 - May Divorce Be With You 6x04 - Leo’s Girlfriend 6x05 - Jeremy and Anna’s Meryl Streep Costume Party 6x06 - The Midwife’s Tale 6x07 - Girl Gone Wild 6x08 - Doctors Without Boundaries 6x09 - Danny in Real Life 6x10 - It Had to Be You Mr. Mercedes (3) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - On Your Mark 1x03 - Cloudy, With a Chance of Mayhem Mr. Robot (10) 3x01 - eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h 3x02 - eps3.1_undo.gz 3x03 - eps3.2_legacy.so 3x04 - eps3.3_metadata.par2 3x05 - eps3.4_runtime-error.r00 3x06 - eps3.5_kill-process.inc 3x07 - eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk 3x08 - eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko 3x09 - eps3.8_stage3.torrent 3x10 - shutdown -r Narcos (4) 1x01 - Descenso 1x02 - The Sword of Simon Bolivar 1x03 - The Men of Always 1x04 - The Palace in Flames New Girl (1) 6x04 - Homecoming The Night Of (7) 1x02 - Part Two: Subtle Beast 1x03 - Part Three: A Dark Crate 1x04 - Part Four: The Art of War 1x05 - Part Five: The Season of the Witch 1x06 - Part Six: Samson and Delilah 1x07 - Part Seven: Ordinary Death 1x08 - Part Eight: The Call of the Wild NTSF:SD:SUV:: (22) 1x01 - One Cabeza, Two Cabeza, Three Cabeza...DEAD! 1x02 - The Birthday Party That Was Neither 1x03 - Exes and Oh-No’s! 1x04 - The Risky Business of Being Alone in Your Home 1x05 - Dolphinnegan's Wake 1x06 - Tijuana, We've Got a Problem 1x07 - Full Hauser 1x08 - Up Periscope, Down with San Diego 1x09 - Cause for ConCERN 1x10 - Piper Doesn't Live Here Anymore 1x11 - Twistin’ the Night Away 1x12 - I Left My Heart In Someone's Cooler 2x01 - 16 Hop Street 2x02 - The Real Bicycle Thief 2x03 - Sabbath-tage 2x04 - Lights, Camera, Assassination 2x05 - Time Angels 2x06 - Whack-A-Mole 2x07 - Robot Town 2x08 - Comic-Con-Flict 2x09 - The Return of Dragon Shumway 2x10 - Family Dies Powerless (9) 1x01 - Wayne or Lose 1x02 - Wayne Dream Team 1x03 - Sinking Day 1x04 - Emily Dates a Henchman 1x05 - Cold Season 1x06 - I’ma Friend You 1x07 - Van vs. Emily: Dawn of Justice 1x08 - Green Furious 1x09 - Emergency Punch-Up Preacher (8) 2x01 - On The Road 2x02 - Mumbai Sky Tower 2x03 - Damsels 2x04 - Viktor 2x05 - Dallas 2x06 - Sokosha 2x07 - Pig 2x08 - Holes Prison Break (10) 4x01 - Scylla 5x01 - Ogygia 5x02 - Kaniel Outis 5x03 - The Liar 5x04 - The Prisoner’s Dilemma 5x05 - Contingency 5x06 - Phaeacia 5x07 - Wine Dark Sea 5x08 - Progeny 5x09 - Behind the Eyes The Punisher (1) 1x01 - 3AM Queer as Folk (UK) (1) 1x01 - Episode 1 Riverdale (7) 1x01 - The River’s Edge 1x02 - A Touch of Evil 1x03 - Body Double 1x04 - The Last Picture Show 1x05 - Heart of Darkness 1x06 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! 1x07 - In a Lonely Place Saturday Night Live (2) 42x19 - Chris Pine / LCD Soundsystem 43x03 - Kumail Nanjiani / P!nk Scream Queens (4) 2x07 - The Hand 2x08 - Rapunzel, Rapunzel 2x09 - Lovin’ the D 2x10 - Drain the Swamp Sense8 (11) 2x01 - Happy F*cking New Year 2x02 - Who Am I? 2x03 - Obligate Mutualisms 2x04 - Polyphony 2x05 - Fear Never Fixed Anything 2x06 - Isolated Above, Connected Below 2x07 - I Have No Room in My Heart for Hate 2x08 - All I Want Right Now Is One More Bullet 2x09 - What Family Actually Means 2x10 - If All the World’s a Stage, Identity Is Nothing But a Costume 2x11 - You Want a War? Shadowhunters (20) 2x01 - This Guilty Blood 2x02 - A Door Into the Dark 2x03 - Parabatai Lost 2x04 - Day of Wrath 2x05 - Dust and Shadows 2x06 - Iron Sisters 2x07 - How Are Thou Fallen 2x08 - Love Is a Devil 2x09 - Bound by Blood 2x10 - By the Light of Dawn 2x11 - Mea Maxima Culpa 2x12 - You Are Not Your Own 2x13 - Those of Demon Blood 2x14 - The Fair Folk 2x15 - A Problem of Memory 2x16 - Day of Atonement 2x17 - A Dark Reflection 2x18 - Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen 2x19 - Hail and Farewell 2x20 - Beside Still Water Sherlock (3) 4x01 - The Six Thatchers 4x02 - The Lying Detective 4x03 - The Final Problem Silicon Valley (10) 4x01 - Success Failure 4x02 - Terms of Service 4x03 - Intellectual Property 4x04 - Teambuilding Exercise 4x05 - The Blood Boy 4x06 - Customer Service 4x07 - The Patent Troll 4x08 - The Keenan Vortex 4x09 - Hooli-Con 4x10 - Server Error Smallville (1) 9x06 - Crossfire Stranger Things (9) Supergirl (1) 3x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1 Superstore (3) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - Magazine Profile 1x03 - Shots and Salsa Teen Wolf (6) 6x11 - Said the Spider to the Fly 6x12 - Raw Talent 6x13 - After Images 6x17 - Werewolves of London 6x19 - Broken Glass 6x20 - The Wolves of War Time After Time (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - I Will Catch You Trial & Error (13) 1x01 - Chapter 1: A Big Crime in a Small Town 1x02 - Chapter 2: A Wrench in the Case 1x03 - Chapter 3: The Other Man 1x04 - Chapter 4: An Unwelcome Distraction 1x05 - Chapter 5: Right-Hand Man 1x06 - Chapter 6: Secrets & Lies 1x07 - Chapter 7: The Case Gets Big 1x08 - Chapter 8: A Change in Defense 1x09 - Chapter 9: Opening Statements 1x10 - Chapter 10: A Hostile Jury 1x11 - Chapter 11: Unusual Suspect 1x12 - Chapter 12: The Defense Rests 1x13 - Chapter 13: The Verdict The Twilight Zone (1) 3x08 - It’s A Good Life Twin Peaks (9) 2x11 - Masked Ball 2x12 - The Black Widow 2x13 - Checkmate 2x14 - Double Play 2x22 - Beyond Life and Death 3x01 - The Return, Part 1 3x02 - The Return, Part 2 3x03 - The Return, Part 3 3x04 - The Return, Part 4 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (13) 3x01 - Kimmy Gets Divorced?! 3x02 - Kimmy’s Roommate Lemonades! 3x03 - Kimmy Can’t Help You! 3x04 - Kimmy Goes to College! 3x05 - Kimmy Steps on a Crack! 3x06 - Kimmy Is a Feminist! 3x07 - Kimmy Learns About the Weather! 3x08 - Kimmy Does a Puzzle! 3x09 - Kimmy Goes to Church! 3x10 - Kimmy Pulls Off a Heist! 3x11 - Kimmy Googles the Internet! 3x12 - Kimmy and the Trolley Problem! 3x13 - Kimmy Bites an Onion! The Vampire Diaries (2) 8x00 - Forever Yours (Retrospective Special) 8x16 - I Was Feeling Epic Veep (10) 6x01 - Omaha 6x02 - Library 6x03 - Georgia 6x04 - Justice 6x05 - Chicklet 6x06 - Qatar 6x07 - Blurb 6x08 - Judge 6x09 - A Woman First 6x10 - Groundbreaking Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later (8) When We Rise (8) 1x01 - Part I 1x02 - Part II 1x03 - Part III 1x04 - Part IV 1x05 - Part V 1x06 - Part VI 1x07 - Part VII 1x08 - Part VIII Will (7) 1x01 - The Play’s the Thing 1x02 - Cowards Die Many Times 1x03 - The Two Gentlemen 1x04 - Brave New World 1x05 - The Marriage of True Minds 1x06 - Something Wicked This Way Comes 1x07 - What Dreams May Come The Young Pope (10) 1x01 - First Episode 1x02 - Second Episode 1x03 - Third Episode 1x04 - Fourth Episode 1x05 - Fifth Episode 1x06 - Sixth Episode 1x07 - Seventh Episode 1x08 - Eighth Episode 1x09 - Ninth Episode 1x10 - Tenth Episode Total: 675 TV 2016 TV 2015 TV 2014 TV 2013 TV 2012
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alexturner · 7 years
what are your favorite episodes of castle?
Sorry this took me so long, anon. I just had to take a while to think of how to answer this, because there’s so many episodes I love! I’ve listed all of them below and there are a lot… there are some episodes that are extra special to me, they’re bolded.
Flowers For Your Grave (1x01), Little Girl Lost (1x09),Tick, Tick, Tick…. (2x17), Boom! (2x18), Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind (3x09), Setup (3x16), Countdown (3x17), Cops & Robbers (4x05), Kill Shot (4x09, Stana is fucking BRILLIANT in this one), Cuffed (4x10), The Blue Butterfly (4x14), Pandora (4x15), Linchpin (4x16),  47 Seconds (4x19), Always (4x23),Swan Song (5x07), Target (5x15), Hunt (5x16), Scared to Death (5x17), The Wild Rover (5x18), The Lives of Others (5x19), Still (5x22), Watershed (5x24), Valkyrie (6x01), Dreamworld (6x02), Number One Fan (6x04), Like Father, Like Daughter (6x07), Under Fire (6x11),Driven (7x01), The Time of Our Lives (7x06), Kill Switch (7x08), I, Witness (7x13), At Close Range (7x18), In Plane Sight (7x21), Hollander’s Woods (7x23),PhDead (8x03), Witness for the Prosecution (8x10), The Blame Game (8x12), Heartbreaker (8x16), Crossfire (8x22).
The storyline of the case of Beckett’s mother’s murder is possibly my favourite ever on television? So all the episodes that get her one step closer to answers: Sucker Punch (2x13), Knockdown (3x13), Knockout (3x24), After the Storm (5x01), Recoil (5x13), In the Belly of the Beast (6x17), Veritas (6x22).
And my second favourite storyline is the one with the triple killer (3XK), so all the episodes that deal with him are mega faves as well: 3XK (3x06), Kick the Ballistics (4x04), Probable Cause (5x05), Disciple (6x09), Resurrection (7x14), Reckoning (7x15).
It’s a huge list but, Castle’s had a long running time and I am a really big detective enthusiast 😋. What are your favourites, anon?
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