#5sos history: tattoo edition
kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Crystal, well esteemed historian, can you do a timeline post of when Ash got his tats? As far as you know, of course; not expecting exact dates (except for the star, which I know you know!). ~ Rema
@ivebeenasleepsolong There's legitimately nothing I'd rather do more 😌 I'll try not to play favorites 😂
Ash's first tattoo was the 5SOS tally in May 2014. He teased on Twitter that he'd gotten a tattoo before finally posting a pic a few days later with the sweet message: "This band means everything to me, and so do my brothers, so I got this!"
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Next was the heart tattoo in January 2016. Again, he teased on Twitter, this time by posting a pic of himself getting tatted, with only a ❤️ emoji for a caption. A couple weeks later (on Valentine's Day no less 🤓) he finally revealed the tattoo in an Instagram post, again with a ❤️ caption. In the 5SOS Tattoo Break Down video for GQ, he explains he got it as a reminder to stay loving and soft-hearted.
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The California condor (😏) came a few months later, in June 2016. He posted a photo on Instagram with a jokey caption (that he blamed on Calum 🤭) but also in the GQ video, he describes this piece as representative of the band making a new life for themselves in CA
Those were his only tattoos until May 2018 when he got the blood moon phases (I swear I post the video of him in the chair all the time but here it is again just because 🤡). He never made an "official" post about them and I don't think he's ever really talked about them either.
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Then we jump to 2019 where things really ramped up! He got the snake, the rose, the 1994, the Late Late and The Star all in the span of 4 months 👀
In June, a London tattoo artist posted a pic of Cal's dagger tattoo - this wasn't too surprising since if you were following 5SOS's photographer at the time, Dusty Kessler, you would've seen a "freshly tatted" Cal with his arm wrapped up. What was shocking was when the same artist tagged Ash in a pic of a giant snake tattoo and it was a whole ~thing~ where fans weren't sure if it was real or not. The next day was when Ash did that live gallery painting and when he took off his suit jacket, the snake was hard to miss 😌
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He later posted a pic from the event on his Instagram, simply titling it "The Red Belly Black Snake." He hasn't talked about this tattoo at length but that type of snake is native to Australia and so it's presumably a reminder of home.
In July, the rose tattoo was also "leaked" by his artist, this time in Sydney. Shortly after, 5SOS appeared on the Fitzy & Wippa radio show where Ash showed off the tatt and explained it was for his sister, Lauren Rose. There wasn't really an "official" photo of it until about a week later when the band visited Manila for promo.
This content was also where the 1994 tattoo was first spotted (though there was discrepancy for a while over what the tattoo said) so I assume he got these done around the same time, if not the same session. The 1994 tattoo has never been discussed but it is his birth year so that feels like an easy explanation.
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Another easy explanation is the Late Late tattoo which took place in September. The band appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden and participated in a game called "Tattoo Roulette". Ash "lost" and had to get the show's name tattooed during the episode.
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THE STAR came next in October ⭐👄⭐ - during a night off on the World War Joy tour, 5SOS's photographer/creative director Andy Deluca posted on Instagram that he'd gotten a tattoo and Ash reposted it to his story. No one thought anything of it and then the next night on stage, Ash had a giant star on his giant bicep. Though often seen (👁️👄👁️), the tattoo has never been addressed by Ash; the widespread belief is that it could be a tribute to David Bowie, whose final album was titled Blackstar.
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Next came the coin and the greyhound, though the timeline here is a bit convoluted. Towards the end of July 2020, a LA tattoo artist tagged Ash in a picture of a "mortality coin" that reads Memento Mori, a Latin phrase that roughly translates to "remember that you will die." THE NEXT DAY, pictures came out of Ash getting coffee, showcasing a tattoo of what we now know is a greyhound (and which we now know is inspired by his own song but at the time we had no clue about the design or the song).
Here's why the timeline is weird: in the music video for Skinny Skinny, he has the greyhound but not the coin. He was photographed twice the previous month and didn't appear to have the tattoo yet so the greyhound must have happened between late June and late July. 🧐
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Which brings us to February 2021 😌 It appears as tho Ash may have gotten new ink on the top of his left wrist, though it's hard to tell what it is since in both videos where it's visible, he refuses to sit still 😂 The leading guess so far seems to be that it could be an eye, which I think seems likely given how prevalent eye imagery was during the Superbloom era (the most obvious example being on his "ai" logo, the letter i is literally dotted with an eye).
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If/when we get confirmation of this tattoo - or news of any others (manifest the back tattoo) 👀 - I will be sure to update this post! 😌
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The Sweetest Taste
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AU Ice Cream Shop Featuring Cake for the 5sos fic event sponsored by @maluminspace and @h0tsos
Word Count: 5,979 (I’m a long winded bitch, oops)
CW: this is smut so 18+, NSFW etc. M/M and M/F oral as well as sexual situations and strong language from the outset and throughout.
Special thanks to @adoring-lrh for helping me edit this monstrosity.
Event Masterlist
"I'm so bored," Calum complained, leaning back against the counter. 
"Me too, but I have to train you how to close so you're not leaving early," you told him but you were just as bored as him. 
Your parents had recently expanded the family business by opening up a second Cali-Cone Dream location in the touristy "historic district" downtown. Your dad's grandparents started the ice cream shop after moving to California from Missouri after World War 2.  They'd invested their life savings in the shop and helped build the boardwalk. You’d grown up in this shop, and since it was early in the season and still slow, it was up to you to train the new hires. It was a pain in the ass, but at least your parents weren't breathing down your neck. 
"If you keep complaining I'll make you clean the freezer. You'll have shrinkage for a week," you teased him. 
"Like you wouldn't find a way to fix that," he shot back, wiggling his dark eyebrows at you. 
Calum was the only new hire you liked. Jeremy was a kiss ass to your parents, Rico was boring, and Amanda was dumber than a bag of hammers. The smartest thing to come out of that girl's mouth was her boyfriend's dick. You'd already told your Mom it wasn't going to work out when you'd asked her to cut lemons for tea and she came back with oranges. Calum, however, was funny, a quick learner, and great with customers, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous.
"How is it only 3 o clock? Can we play cards or something? If I stand here much longer I'm gonna keep eating ice cream, and this is supposed to be my hot girl summer," he pouted before giving you a saucy wink. He was a total flirt and you weren't complaining. Three weeks ago he'd barely said a word, but you two had become fast friends and he'd really come out of his shell. 
"I don't think you have to worry about that," you laughed.
 The dark blue, slightly too tight, uniform t-shirt accentuated his bulging biceps, broad chest, and golden brown tan. The Cali-Cone slogan, "The Thrill of the Taste" scrawled across his back in bright red letters kept giving you dirty thoughts. 
"We could close early, maybe show me another of your secret spots." Calum leaned towards you with a smirk and you rolled your eyes.
 A week ago you'd gotten tired of him whining that there was nothing to do now that the college bars were dead since most students went home for the summer. You'd taken him out with you after you closed up shop. You'd avoided the popular rowdy country bar, and the dark thumping underground hip hop club, choosing instead to head for the beach. You took him to a spot under the boardwalk past the large boulders known as "The Breakers" where the local police patrols usually stopped.
You brought your beach bag and a popup tent you could both lounge in so bugs wouldn't eat you alive. He'd managed to sweet talk a bottle of wine out of his landlady, who knew he was only 20. It wasn't very strong, but it made you giggly and warm. Perhaps Calum lounging next to you on the blanket had something to do with that.  After a few rosé flavored kisses his hands began to wander, and you had to put an end to it.  Calum started to apologize, but you told him that the only reason you stopped was that your cycle hadn’t ended yet. 
After that, Calum laid back on the blanket and began to talk.
He told you he was in his second year studying music composition and theory at the Strozzi Conservatory. He'd recently broken up with his high school sweetheart, and it had been painful. As a result Cal decided to not go home for the summer, deciding instead to take a workshop on-campus teaching local teens. He was a bit lonely but looking forward to the tourist season.
"This is the first time I've had time to myself where I don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks about me or what I do," he told you, taking a gulp before handing you the wine to finish off. You were sitting up and he was laying across your outstretched legs looking up at you.
"Ooh the wild college years," you laughed. You had seen many sheltered middle-class suburban kids get the first taste of freedom away from their helicopter parents and lose their minds. "If you're trying to get fucked up don't buy anything on the boardwalk. I've got a friend so at least you know it's clean." 
"Nah not like that, but good to know." Calum took a deep breath, looked up at you, and then away. The shadows from the small camp lantern made him look mysterious and brooding. "Can I tell you something? I feel like I can trust you." His voice was soft and he rolled on his side concentrating on tracing lines along the skin on your legs. 
"You can tell me anything," you assured him.
"I want to--uh I guess experiment with different sorts of types of experiences with something new. I mean, obviously new. What I mean is, not what you'd expect maybe. Shit!" Calum rubbed his eyes and you held back a smile. "What I'm trying to say is that," he paused again.
"Calum, are you into guys?" You ask, not wanting to rush, but you were running out of time. You only had about half an hour before the tide would start coming in and you had to leave. 
"Is it obvious?" He asked, his eyes wide. 
"Nope, I wouldn't have guessed at all, but I've had this conversation with a friend before. I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me, but we have to leave here in a bit." You checked your phone.
“So that’s it?” he asked. 
“Dude, it’s not that serious. Tell me who you’re scoping out and I’ll let you know what’s up. That doesn’t mean we can’t have fun as well,” you told him.
He looked so relieved, and you could only imagine what it took for him to tell you that.
Calum sat up and you started rolling up the blanket. You packed up your beach bag and Calum held the lantern as you twisted and folded the tent in three quick fluid motions before sliding it into its bag. 
"How did you do that so quickly in the dark?" Calum looked impressed.
"Practice, now come on, follow me, watch your step. It's slippery," you cautioned him.
It had gotten chilly and you were both shivering as you ran back to your car. 
"You won't tell anyone at work will you? I know it's not a big deal but I don't want everyone in my business." Calum bit his lip and you could tell he was questioning his decision.
"Dude you're fine, but what made you decide to tell me?" The question slipped out before you realized it.
He looked embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I was hoping maybe you could help me out. I don't know how to read people and I don't want to make an idiot out of myself." 
"Of course," you replied, reaching over to squeeze his hand. “Did you have anyone in mind?”
“Well there’s this lifeguard. He’s blonde and has a bird tattoo on his arm,” Calum told you. 
You cringed, knowing exactly who he was talking about. “Sorry sweetie,” you replied, “ that’s Cody and he’s not only straight, he’s a complete jackass.”
Calum slumped and looked defeated. “Don’t worry sweetie,” you reassured him. “The summer is just getting started”
A clap of thunder pulled you from your daydream.  If it was going to rain there was no chance business would pick up. You glanced over at Calum perched on the stool behind the cash register playing on his phone. His dark curls were falling across his forehead and your fingers itched to play with his hair. Being bored and horny was never fun and you were willing to bet Calum could take care of both. As if he could read your mind Cal looked up and caught your eye. The smirk that spread across his face let you know you were being too obvious, but you didn't care. 
"If you keep looking at me like that I might forget I'm on the clock,"  Calum licked his lips and looked you over. "You're lucky there are cameras."
"Oh yeah? What did you have in mind? It just so happens I know all the spots the cameras can't see," you raise your eyebrows at him, challenging him to take it further. 
The loud jingle of the bells hanging from the door startled both of you. You look up to see a familiar figure ducking through the door just before the sky opened up and began pouring rain. 
"What's up Luke? Since when are you afraid to get wet," you teased the tall blonde walking towards the counter. You'd known Luke Hemmings for years, his dad was on the city council with yours and his mom taught sixth grade. He'd been a year ahead of you in school, and you'd both played varsity basketball in high school. He'd dated several of your friends, and before that, your older sister had a tumultuous relationship with his brother Ben several years back. 
"Maybe I'm sick of the pool and want my old job back," Luke shot back. He'd worked three summers scooping ice cream next to you until he turned 18 and could work as a lifeguard on the beach. 
"Sorry, dollface, I've managed to replace you, I even found someone better looking," you replied. 
The Hemmings brothers were gorgeous and always had girls falling at their feet, but you'd never been that impressed. Not that it stopped y'all from hooking up on occasion, including once in the walk-in cooler after closing the summer before your senior year. It was a small town and you'd dated, hated, or hooked up with most of the guys your age.  Luke's history was more extensive than yours. He'd not only hooked up with you and many of your female friends, but you'd kissed many of the same boys. 
He looked from you to Calum who was standing to your right suddenly engrossed in the patterns on the tile floor. You could see the flush on his cheeks and his leg was jiggling nervously. Luke looked Calum up and down, his blue eyes lingering on the younger man before shooting you an approving grin. 
"I see you found a college boy. Can't say I blame you, much better looking than that ginger from last year," Luke snickered.
"I'm gonna go check the cooler," Calum told you, barely audibly before ducking in the back. 
You looked at Luke who was as confused as you were before excusing yourself to follow Calum. 
You barely made it around the corner before Calum popped out at you nearly scaring you to death. 
"What the hell," you squealed as he pulled you into the freezer.
"That's the guy I was telling you about," he hissed as the door shut behind you.
"What are you talking about?" 
"Remember when you drove me home the other night? You asked if I had anyone in mind so you could find out which team they played for," his voice was a panicked whisper, and his dark eyes were wide as saucers.
Then it clicked. "You were talking about Luke?" I asked, my voice louder than I meant for it to be.
"Why are you yelling? Yes, obviously that's him, except you told me his name was Dylan."
"You said tall, curly hair, with a bird tattooed on his arm. Luke doesn't have any tattoos, his mom
hates them," I replied, but doubted myself now. I hadn't seen Luke in ages, he'd always been a spoiled Mama's boy and maybe Liz finally caved.  
"That tall drink of water has a hummingbird tattooed on his arm, but that's not important right now. Have y'all hooked up?" You nodded and Calum scowled. "Figures he would be straight," he sighed.
Your brain finally caught up to the situation at hand, and you had an idea. 
"Listen to me Calum, you're gonna wait on him. Offer him a strawberry waffle cone, it's his favorite," you pushed him out of the cooler and back towards the front. 
You popped your head around the corner and whistled making Luke look up from his phone. "I'll be out in a second. I keep telling Dad this freezer needs replaced, have one on the house, but try not to scare off my new employee please," you shoot him a stern look as Calum came around the corner behind you. 
"I'll try not to bite, but I make no promises," Luke laughed before turning his attention to Calum. 
You moved just out of their sight, but still within earshot to see if your little plan worked. 
"So uh, yeah, the boss said you could have a free waffle cone. She said you like strawberry ice cream," Calum started out a squeak but he cleared his throat and continued, in a deep rough tone that gave you the shivers.
"Did she now?" Luke's voice dripped honey and you could hear him smiling. "I'm surprised she remembered, but she's good like that." 
"That's why she's the boss," Calum was cautious, and you stifled a laugh. "Have y'all known each other long? Are you close?"  
"Oh we know each other very well, and we've been close, very close sometimes. She's easy to talk to, I'm sure you know how it is," Luke answered and you had to put your hand over your mouth to hold back a laugh. You'd recognize that syrupy flirtatious tone anywhere, it was obvious Luke was seducing your new employee. You peeked around the counter to see Calum handing Luke his ice cream cone. A double scoop, perfectly dipped, pink and creamy, just barely starting to drip around the edge you watched Luke begin to lap it up while keeping his eyes on Calum.  
The power flickered as Luke leaned back against one of the tables in the dining area, half sitting half standing, his long legs crossed at the ankle. He was wearing the black swim trunks trimmed in bright red every lifeguard wore on duty and a thin white reflective windbreaker unzipped almost all the way to his waist revealing his broad bare chest. You could see Calum fidgeting nervously with the ice cream scoop while trying not to stare. Luke was not making that easy, his lips and tongue working obscenely in a way that was starting to make you horny, and you knew what he was doing and why. Poor Calum didn't stand a chance. It didn't help that he'd worn basketball shorts to work and the clingy fabric made his arousal obvious even where you were standing. 
You stepped back trying to figure out your next step. Your intention had been to introduce Luke and Calum but watching them together made your thoughts wander places they shouldn't. The rain was really coming down, sheeting the windows and sounding like pebbles being hurled against the roof. Daylight had turned dark as the storm really kicked up. You could hear the guys talking as you checked the weather on your phone. You were stuck here at least another 30 minutes as a big blob of red on the radar moved through your area. 
"She said I dare you to kiss the person on either side of you, and I didn't know if I wanted to kill her or kiss her." You heard Luke's voice and realized you'd zoned out and you headed back towards the front. 
You stepped through the swinging doors just in time to hear Calum ask, "why was that?" 
"Because the girl to his left was my friend who was absolutely gagging for Luke's cock," you answered as Calum jumped and Luke laughed.
"What was her name? Crystal? Kristen?" Luke bit the tip of the waffle cone off and sucked the remainder of the ice cream out of the bottom, glancing at you before his eyes returned to Calum. 
"Kirsten, you did end up sleeping with her, " you reminded him. "Tell him who was on the other side."
Luke licked his lips and grinned. "Keeeerstin, that's right, and that 4th of July we all did crazy things if I remember correctly. To my right however was the hottest soccer player in school who I'd had a crush on for ages." 
Calum nodded and Luke's gaze flickered your way once again, his blue eyes bright and mischievous, before he continued, "I was freaking out when we kissed but then he ended up taking me back to his house and we fooled around on his sister's swing set." 
You laughed along with Luke as you watched Calum realize what Luke said. His head snapped up, blinking rapidly and his mouth opened and closed refusing to find words before you saw him look at you, then Luke, and then back to you as everything clicked into place.
"Is that what strawberry ice cream meant? Were you setting me up?" Calum asked.
"Not a setup, but wanted to see if Luke remembered the code. Turns out there's not as dumb as he looks," you walked up to Calum stopping just inches from his chest looking up at him. "And you did say you were bored." 
"What did you have in mind?" He raised his eyebrows at you, still unable to look at Luke. 
“I mean, Luke likes strawberry ice cream, and so do you. I doubt we’re going to have many customers with this rain,” you told him. 
“They closed down the beach because of lightning so no one is coming out,” Luke chimed in. 
“That’s what I was thinking, so it sounds to me like the three of us have some time on our hands,” you replied. You looked at Calum and he nodded but his eyes burned into you.
“Are you sure you’re up for that?” he asked apparently reading your thoughts. 
“I can handle anything,” you puffed your chest out and heard Luke snicker, but you didn’t dare take your eyes off Calum.
“I’m down if y’all are,” he challenged, finally looking at Luke. 
Am I really going to do this? Your thoughts were racing and your heart was pounding as hard as the rain. CAMERAS you thought before remembering you'd been the one who updated the security system and there was a workaround.
Thunder crashed so loudly you felt it shake your bones. No one would come around today, and it made no sense to stay open or send Luke home in this storm. 
"Calum, go make sure the back door is locked, Luke if you could flip the bolt and get the blinds," you told them before you ran back into the office where money was counted. Behind the desk was the breaker box and you flipped the switch that shut off the security cameras and half the lights. 
You poked your head out at Luke and motioned for him to follow you towards the back. You bumped into Calum as he came back towards the front.
"Where are you going?" He asked
"Break room, even with this storm I'm worried about someone peeking in," you reply.
"Really?" Calum was skeptical.
"Around here you never know," Luke told him.
You flipped the light switch, but only two bulbs lit up casting the room in soft blue light with long shadows. 
"So I hear you got a tattoo, Hemmings," you said, trying to break the ice. Calum looked even more nervous than you felt, and you silently asked Luke to take charge. 
He winked at you unzipping his jacket and shrugging it off his shoulders. You noticed he was still lean and lanky but he'd definitely filled out, added some muscle definition. Sure enough, there on his right bicep was a small hummingbird. 
"I can't believe Liz finally caved," you teased.
"Honestly I just went and did it, and then dealt with the consequences. She's still mad, but nothing I can't handle," he replied. Luke looked over towards Calum. "You have way more than I ever will, can I see them?" 
Calum nodded and came up beside you. He started off nervous, but as he explained his tattoos starting with his parents’ initials on his hands, working up past his wrists, to the lovely bird with his sister's name, he explained when and where he'd gotten them. Some, like the thistle on his left bicep, had special meaning relating to friends and family. While others, like the spade and the horseshoe, were aesthetic choices. 
"Is that it?" Luke raised his eyebrows and bit his lip. 
"Nope," Calum smirked, warming to the other's man's attention. He reached behind his neck and in one swift motion pulled his shirt off over his head. You felt your pulse quicken and heard Luke suck in his breath next to you. Calum was brawnier, broad-chested with black ink on brown skin. Without realizing it you reached out to touch him, trailing a fingertip along what looked like a feather etched underneath his collarbone.
"What's this?" You asked, feeling your insides quiver when he turned his brown eyes towards you. 
"It's a silver fern, my mom's Maori from New Zealand," Calum's voice was a sultry whisper.
"And this?" Your fingers slide down to the "Choose Life" on his chest.
"It's from Trainspotting and- OH," Calum moaned as you absentmindedly tugged his nipple.
"Do that again," Luke told you, his hand sliding down over his dick now a bulge in his black and red lifeguard trunks. 
You tugged, harder this time, and were rewarded with a sound somewhere between a moan and a hiss. Calum licked his lips before his mouth hung slightly open as your fingers traveled to the other one, repeating the motion. Both men moaned in response and Calum noticed Luke palming himself through his shorts.
"Enjoying the show?" He asked with a slight smirk.
"Oh my God yes," Luke responded, squeezing his cock slightly. "All I can think about is the two of you sucking me off." 
"I'm down for that," you reply. "What do you say Cal." 
Uncertainty crept into his expression and he paused, "I want to but I've never done that before."
"If you want I can show you," you offered, the idea had you excited like never before. 
"Is that ok?" Calum asked.
Luke's blue eyes went wide. "Fuck yes, please," he whispered.
You untied the drawstring on Luke's shorts and tugged them down past his hips letting his long cock spring free. Rock hard and leaking as you wrapped your hand around the shaft, you could feel his body react to your touch. You stood on your tiptoes and playfully kissed his lips before you sank to your knees in front of him. 
You looked up at Calum who was watching your intently, lips pursed in concentration. 
"You know what you like so start there. Personally I like to tease a bit to start off," you tell him, flicking your tongue around the tip. "You wanna keep it wet and keep it moving. I think spitting is gross but if you gag a little it gets everything nice and sloppy." You took Luke's cock in your mouth getting it slick and shiny as you bobbed your head, taking him further down your throat each time until your nose was almost touching his belly. 
"Oh shit," you heard Luke's growl above you as you came back up for air. You continued pumping him with your hand as you looked up at Calum. 
"Come on, you try," you beckoned to him. 
Calum was eager now, as he kneeled next to you, looked up at Luke, and wrapped his hand around your much smaller one as you stroked Luke's cock together. 
"Oh God," Luke moaned, the sight almost sending him over the edge. 
Calum leaned forward and brushed his lips against the taut skin before his tongue darted out to get his first taste. Luke's knees started to buckle and he leaned back against the break table which was inches behind his thighs. Calum hesitated, eyeing the table before glancing at you, but both you and Luke knew the table could easily hold his weight. 
"It's fine, keep going," you pulled back and gave his arm a nudge.
"Are you sure? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do,” he replied.
"You're sucking a dick not disarming a bomb, just don't bite and you'll be fine," you told him with a giggle.
Calum swirled his tongue around the tip and you saw Luke grip the table's edge, his knuckles white. Calum began sucking, softly, and slowly before gaining confidence he built up a rhythm. Luke grunted, his eyes screwed shut and his chest heaved.
"Stop," he pleaded, "you're gonna make me cum too fast." 
Calum pulled back with a pop. "I thought that was the point,"  he smirked up at the older man.
"God what I wouldn't give to let you both take turns riding me," Luke moaned, grasping his cock tightly, fighting for control. 
"What's wrong Luke?" You reached up and ran your thumb along Calum's plump bottom lip. "His pretty mouth got you all excited. Thinking about how you're the first guy he's ever sucked off? About how lucky you are?
"You keep talking like that and you're gonna make me cum in my pants," Calum warned you.
"Not yet, I wanna help with that," Luke growled. 
"We gotta finish you first," Calum grinned and got back to work. Luke cursed loudly as his cock disappeared down the other man's throat. Calum stopped and almost pulled back but kept going. 
You looked up at Luke, he was staring down at the two of you with half-open eyes. You reached up and cupped his balls, giving them a gentle tug. That sent him over the edge.
"Oh shit I'm gonna come," Luke yelled, bucking his hips. Calum tried to swallow but he started coughing so he leaned back, cum dripping from his chin and splattering on his chest. You watched Luke fight to keep his eyes on Calum before they rolled back in his head as his knees shook and his breath escaped him in ragged gasps. 
He sank to the floor next to the two of you watching as you pulled Calum in for a kiss tasting Luke on his lips. When you broke away, Luke was there kissing you first and then Calum. 
"That was so good, let us take care of you now. I bet you're ready to burst. Let's see what we're working with here," he said as he reached into Calum's shorts. You both smiled as Luke pulled out a cock that was a bit shorter but thicker than Luke's. 
"Damn Cal, you've been holding out on me," you purred in his ear as you moved behind him. 
"I would've fucked you that night on the beach if you'd let me," he admitted.
"I was indisposed, but we'll have to make up for that," you tell him before you kissed your way up his neck.
"Raise up a bit," Luke told him as he pulled his shorts up before laying on the carpet. He positioned his head just under Calum's balls blowing on them as you reached around and massaged Calum's cock. "This is gonna be all I think about tomorrow at work. I'm gonna be rock hard sitting up in that chair just thinking about what I wanna do to the two of you." 
A huge thunderclap seems to shake the building and the lights flickered as your lips found Calum's neck as you nipped at his skin. You'd been fantasizing about marking up his throat and couldn't resist leaving a mark. He whined in response and pushed back into you before moaning as Luke's mouth went to work getting Calum's cock nice and wet before sucking and humming on his balls. You continued to suck tiny bruises on Calum's flesh as Luke's mouth stayed busy alternating between working over Calum and talking dirty. 
"I'd love to watch you fuck her before I come up behind you and take that ass. Imagine being between us, having your cock buried in her pussy while you're stretched and full," Luke told him and the idea gave you the most delicious thrill. The idea of Luke fucking Calum into you had you aching for your own release, but right now you wanted to make Calum feel good. You twisted your hand slightly as you stroked his cock.  Calum's head rolled back resting on your shoulder, moaning over and over as you kept one hand on his dick and the other tugged his nipples. You couldn't see what Luke was doing but you heard sucking noises between Calum's moans. 
"I'm getting close," Calum warned you. "Oh God keep doing that," he gasped and you could hear Luke humming as he sucked. 
You jerked him faster, concentrating on the tip, tugging his nipples harder as your teeth grazed along his shoulder. 
He erupted onto Luke's chest with an "Oh God" that was both a prayer and an exultation. Luke quickly moved so he was sucking the tip and the two of you worked together to drain every drop. 
Calum slumped back against you and you peppered his skin with kisses as you felt him shudder as he came down from his high. 
"That was incredible, I don't think I can feel my legs," Calum said as he shifted so he was no longer kneeling. 
"I bet," Luke laughed as he got up. He walked over to the sink in the corner by the refrigerator and grabbed some paper towels. He got himself cleaned up before bringing some back for you and Calum. 
"Are you ok?" Luke asked when he noticed you were breathing heavily. "Do you need your inhaler?" 
You reached out your hand so he could help you up. "I'm fine, that was just intense and I got excited," you winked at him as you stood up. He pulled on your arm and caused you to stumble and fall into his chest. He wrapped you in a cuddle and bent his lips closer to your ear.
"I haven't forgotten about you princess," Luke's words made you shiver with the anticipation. You could tell your panties were soaked and your core throbbed as Luke gripped your hips and lifted you on to the break table. He stepped between your legs and put this hand under your chin and pulled you in for a kiss. Calum was still on his tongue as it tangled with yours and you tasted his essence which was sweeter than Luke's. His hands tugged at your shirt and you broke away to let him lift it over your head. He kissed you again as you fumbled with your bra, unhooking it before you tossed it across the room. Luke's mouth moved to your breasts and you saw Calum still seated on the floor as he watched you with Luke, his eyes glazed over with lust.  
When your eyes met Calum jolted out of his gaze and scrambled to his feet. You almost laughed as he tripped over his own feet as he readjusted his shorts, but at that moment Luke's mouth closed over your stiff nipple and the laugh became a moan.
Luke's fingers were clawing at your waistband and you lifted your hips as he pulled your shorts and panties down at the same time. 
The rain was beating against the roof in sheets now, but you could barely hear it over the sound of your own heartbeat.
Luke spread your legs and stepped back to show Calum. "She how pretty and wet she is for us. We gotta give her something special as a thank you. Want me to show you how to make her squirm," Luke teased, running a finger in between your soaked folds, and you pushed your hips up with a frustrated grunt. 
"Nah," Calum looked you dead in the eye with the cockiest smirk you'd ever seen in your life.
"Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I've been fantasizing about this for weeks," he was talking to Luke but his eyes were on you. "Tell me princess, do you taste as good as you look. I bet you're as sweet and juicy as a pink Starburst." 
You don't even recognize the sound that escaped your lips when Calum's mouth moved between your thighs. His tongue danced and moved in ways you'd never experienced, curling inside you before swooping up between your lips and lapping up your nectar. His pillowy lips sucked on your clit alternating with soft cool puffs of air over your fevered skin.  
Luke buried you in a flurry of kisses and you didn't know where each one was going to land, your mouth, breasts, neck, belly, shoulders, along your hairline or on your fingertips. 
Calum was relentless, barely coming up for air as he buried his face in your pleasure. You felt like a live wire as your nerves danced under your skin while Calum's tongue found every pleasure spot. Your heels beat the table in time with the storm raging outside as your orgasm started to build. You wanted to praise him or cry out but Luke covered your mouth with his. 
You arched your back almost slamming your head back on the table as Calum furiously worked on achieving your high. He wasn't going to let up until you were screaming for him, and you gladly obliged. Your climax hit you hard enough to see stars and your whole body let go.
"Damn baby," Luke's voice was in your ear but sounded very far away. 
You tried to close your legs but Calum wouldn't let you. He held them open still sucking your clit his fingers buried inside you as he coaxed another orgasm out of you.  He moaned into your skin as you drenched his face, your thighs, and the table as you came undone. He didn't stop until you were whimpering from being overstimulated, and only then did he finally pro back. 
He stood up and grabbed Luke for a kiss leaving the tall blonde as breathless as you were. The storm was still raging but your heartbeat was returning to normal. You sat up, a bit embarrassed by the mess.
"Sorry about that, can one of y'all get some towels?" You ask even though you hated to interrupt them. 
"Don't apologize," Luke stroked your thigh, and Calum did as you asked. "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen." He looked over at Calum, "will you teach me how to make her squirt like that." 
"Hell yeah," Calum answered as he gently cleaned you up. He landed a tiny kiss on your nose. "Thank you," he whispered, almost too softly to be heard. You reached down and squeezed his hand as you shared a smile. 
"How about I help y'all close up and we head back to my apartment?" Luke asked. 
"Great idea, we'll order pizza and see where the night goes."  You slid off the table, wobbled a bit but Calum wouldn't let you fall.
"Sounds like a plan, boss," Calum grinned. "Can we get ice cream too?" 
"Sure, what flavor?" You asked as you pulled your shorts up and Luke tossed your bra to you.
"Strawberry," they answered in unison before you all cracked up.
"Oh this is gonna be a great summer," you called over your shoulder as you walked out of the room.
@kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @ghostofmashton @sexgodashton @sublimehood @ihatetigers @calteahood @5-secondsofcolor @tea4sykes @wildmichaelflower​ @noshamenion​ @punkrockpreferences​ @rosecolouredash​ @cal-pal-cuddles​ @damselindistressanu​
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annaflaviabastos · 4 years
#16 Artists That Brazilians Would Love To See At Rock In Rio
Publicado em: https://www.hercampus.com/school/casper-libero/16-artists-brazilians-would-love-see-rock-rio
One of the best days of this year was the day we received the confirmation that Rock in Rio would happen in September of 2021. And along with that confirmation, come the expectations and speculations about who is going to be in the line-up of the most important music festival in Latin America. We don’t have that many confirmed attractions just yet, but that just means we get to dream a little and talk about artists we’d love to see on those stages. Here’s a few of the artists fans are dying to see in Rio next year.
1. Lady Gaga
Ever since the cancellation of Lady Gaga’s show in Rock in Rio 2017 due to health issues, her Little Monsters were left devastated (get it?) because it would’ve been her first time on a Brazilian stage since the Born This Way Ball Tour in 2012. Now, three years after that tragic moment, fans are still all over the Rock in Rio socials asking them to bring their Mother Monster to the festival, and I’m sure we can give you a million reasons why she should come.
2. Queen + Adam Lambert
The absolute living legends of Rock n’ Roll, the ones who helped make the first edition of the festival such a huge success all the way back in 1985 and who are still gathering fans to this day: Queen. This British band made history in its first trip to Brazil during the 80s and had a great - and very emotional - show back in Rock in Rio 2015 as well, and people can’t get enough of them, as has been the case for about six decades now. Their performances are always so powerful they can make the audience feel like we’re “the champions of the world” just for being there every single time. I don’t think we’ll be able to stop the tears as soon as the first notes to “Love Of My Life” start playing, but we all want to see it again on that stage. Definitely a favorite of many, the Aussie quartet was trending on Twitter a few weeks ago in Brazil with “5SOS no RiR” (5SOS on RiR), that’s how much we want them to be in the line-up. Their first time on Rock in Rio was back in 2017 and fans have been dying to see them again ever since. The energy during the whole performance is unmatched even by other 5SOS shows and if you watch any video of them playing at the festival you can hear how much the crowd loves them. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to see another one of their guitar battles live on stage, maybe this time with a song off of their latest album? This band was made to perform live and we are all waiting anxiously for it, although I will say it’d be a lot easier to wait if Rock in Rio would just confirm their presence.
3. 5 Seconds Of Summer
Definitely a favorite of many, the Aussie quartet was trending on Twitter a few weeks ago in Brazil with “5SOS no RiR” (5SOS on RiR), that’s how much we want them to be in the line-up. Their first time on Rock in Rio was back in 2017 and fans have been dying to see them again ever since. The energy during the whole performance is unmatched even by other 5SOS shows and if you watch any video of them playing at the festival you can hear how much the crowd loves them. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to see another one of their guitar battles live on stage, maybe this time with a song off of their latest album? This band was made to perform live and we are all waiting anxiously for it, although I will say it’d be a lot easier to wait if Rock in Rio would just confirm their presence.
4. Harry Styles
It’s no secret that we all adore Mr. Harry Styles and he’s made it clear he loves Brazil as well (remember that tattoo on his thigh?). Then, saying Brazilians would love to see him on the Rock in Rio stages is an understatement. Can you imagine what a version of Kiwi or Watermelon Sugar live at Rock in Rio would look and sound like? I’m sure we would all go crazy if it happened, I mean, who doesn’t want to see Harry’s face when one of the largest crowds in the world sings his lyrics back to him? Can this happen, please?
5. Little Mix
Mixers everywhere are crazy over their new album, Confetti, there’s no doubt about that. And a new album usually means new live performances from the group, which is making Brazilian fans more and more hopeful about seeing their faves at Rock in Rio, especially after they had to cancel their stop in the festival back in 2019. For now, let us hope we’ll hear them sing some sweet melodies in Rio in a few months.
Leia mais em: https://www.hercampus.com/school/casper-libero/16-artists-brazilians-would-love-see-rock-rio
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
Hello, do you know when Ashton got the tattoo of an eye on his wrist? I’ve never seen it before 🤔
We started getting glimpses of it in photos/vids around February this year, in fact when I posted my tattoo masterpost (which oops I guess I should update soon) we weren't even totally sure what it was. In March, Ash confirmed what it was and explained what it meant but it's usually obscured in some way by his bracelets so we only started getting clear shots of it in the past few months (and still haven't gotten a great view of the word "formlessness" which is underneath the eye).
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Hello Miss 5SOS Historian! Would you happen to know the background to Ashton’s heart tattoo? And the snake
Hello! Ash talks about his heart tattoo around 5:20 in this video, that he essentially got it as a reminder to himself to stay soft hearted. The snake tattoo I can't think of a particular interview to link to but I feel like he's mentioned it in passing a few times that it's a red bellied black snake, which is native to Australia.
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
exteme small brain but do you know what the little word tattoo thingy is on ashtons back tattoo on the arm opposite of the rose and latelate show?? i saw it in a pic and was confused bc i never saw any talk of it and i looked for another back pic of him and found it again and i am?? confused??? extremely???? heLP????
There aren't a ton of great photos of it but it's 1994, the year he was born! 😌
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