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Are you sometimes under the impression that your business does not quite measure up to the standard and feeling the pressure to run it in a certain way? Amongst the lightworkers and in the conscious coaching industry we are often impacted by three distinct and conflicting grids: the influencer grid, the coaching grid, and the religious grid. 👉 The influencer grid implies you need to build a shiny personal brand and have an inspiring, instagrammable lifestyle. 👉 The coaching grid insists you need to ditch your 1-to-1 sessions in favour of long-term, high touch support and create high ticket offers. 👉 The religious grid whispers that you that if you're a spiritual teacher or healer, you're not meant to charge for your services at all! These conflicting energetic influences cause a lot of confusion and paralysis. But remember, you don't have to conform to any of these grids. You can create your own path and business model that aligns with your values and goals. Your business should be an expression of your unique talents, skills, and passions, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. You can create it in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to you, and don't let anyone else dictate how you should run it So, if you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck, take a step back and reassess your personal goals and values. What kind of business would you like to have? P.S. Scholarship applications for Radiance, a 6-months programme combining energetic mastery with strategic guidance for conscious entrepreneurs close on 30 March. Don't miss out on this opportunity. Details in bio! #5dconsciousness #5dbusinessstrategy #5dbusinessactivator #5dmarketing #quantumbusiness #multidimensional #abundance #onlinebusiness #onlinemarketing #businesscoach #businesscoaching #brandstrategy #starseed #lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #5dbusiness #quantumbusiness #newearth #newearthconsciousness #coachingindustry #consciouscoach #consciouscoaching #consciousbusinesscoach #consciousbusiness #higherdimensionalbeings #multidimensionalbeings #multdimensionality #starseedbusiness #soulbusiness #soulalignedbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6Y4-6SI9M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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[RADIANCE SCHOLARSHIP FOR BRILLIANT SOULS!] I am about to do something totally unorthodox, that I have never done. Something that goes against all marketing rules and all standards of the coaching industry, that pressurises us to create “high-ticket” offers and guard them like the golden rice bowl for special “premium clients” only. Well, I am about to open the doors to my newest Energetics of Business programme, Radiance, for those who would otherwise be excluded or priced out of this opportunity FIRST. That’s right. Before the enrollment opens on 1 April, I want to give a chance to every person who would not be able to otherwise participate in the programme due to financial constraints. I am calling every committed, courageous Soul ready to step up and bring their gifts boldly to the world through a soul-aligned business to apply. Once you are awarded the scholarship, you will be invited to join and pay what serves you, an affordable monthly contribution that you get to decide yourself, rather than the full price of the programme. Radiance is a high calibre 6 month program designed to help talented Entepreneurs, Lightworkers, Coaches, Healers and Starseeds turn their supernatural abilities, passion and experience into a successful, soul-aligned online business. Radiance combines energetic tools provided by 10 Galactic Star Races with solid business strategy to help you overcome personal, ancestral and collective blocks to your full expression in the marketplace. With all the practical aspects covered - email lists, branding, product creation, funnels, payment systems, marketing, sales, and recruiting a support team - you'll have everything you need to amplify your influence and build a thriving business aligned with your soul's purpose. I will hold a livestream at 2 pm Costa Rica time today to share more details of this beautiful opportunity with you. #riyaloveguard #radiance #5dconsciousness #5dbusinessstrategy #5dbusinessactivator #5dmarketing #quantumbusiness #multidimensional #abundance #brandstrategy #starseed #5dbusiness #quantumbusiness #newearth #newearthconsciousness #consciousbusiness #starseedbusiness #soulbusiness #soulalignedbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpxd5K8yS0n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Positive thinking, mindset and manifestation became mainstream. Which is a sign of our collective evolving.
However, what you get with mainstream is usually a watered-down version of the real deal, digestible for the masses. It’s like the difference between having an authentic Thai dish from a street vendor in Thailand and eating “Thai curry” in a chain of a shopping mall food court in Europe.
The thing is not everyone is ready for authentic Thai food. It may be too spicy for some. But nonetheless it’s the real deal.
The question is: are you ready for the real deal?
If so, I want to cook you up the most authentic, delicious dish - even if it may feel like an overwhelm on your taste buds to start with.
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To open up your channels to freely receiving abundance and becoming the master creator of your ideal life, you have to deprogram yourself off of templates stemming from upbringing, religion or collective consciousness that dictate that “giving is better than receiving”
It’s a bit of a paradox but you receive and give without looking at it as a transactional matter.
So when you receive something, practice being comfortable in the thought that you received it “just because.”
No strings attached. No guilt. No fear of judgement.
Only gratitude for the gift.
You don’t have to “deserve” to live the life you dream of. You don’t even have to “earn it” by giving first. You simply have to BE!
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I have experienced it time and time again where my mentors of the past tried to fit me into their mould, in the name of “getting out of the comfort zone”. The consequences were terrible: both for myself personally and for the business.
It took me nearly a decade of entrepreneurship to learn to trust the wisdom of my Higher Self and do things my own way. The results were ease, spaciousness and a deep sense of satisfaction… and of course, a healthy, sustainable bottomline.
Translating your uniqueness into your business and deprogramming the external pressure to do it a set way.
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I was hitting a brick wall in my life. No matter how hard I pushed, grinded or hustled in my business, I felt like I was going round in circles. Even when I experienced success, it was followed by an even bigger setback.
This led to increasing levels of frustration, and exhaustion.
And then that frequency of discouragement permeated everything.
Ultimately, it led to one of my businesses failing with huge liabilities and my entire investment portfolio followed like a house of cards.
And because at that time my whole identity revolved around my net worth and image, it hurt.
But then, through that total crisis and burning of my old identity, my Galactic Guides were with me. As they taught me how to download their light technology, every area of my life has undergone a profound and rapid transformation: from finances and business, to relationships, to vitality, alignment, peace and wellbeing.
The great news is, this light technology is for everyone and that includes you.
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New to my space? Welcome!
If you listened to some of the Light Language transmissions - you may feel like you already know me a bit. But I just want to take time and share with you what my Soul mission as a Starseed & Light Language Activator & Soul Business Coach is all about.
As the human collective is evolving, our understanding of energy work including my area of specialism - Light Language - has a chance to evolve too. As we are waking up, getting activated and discovering the power of the unseen realms, we are being called to use energetic tools with more precision and understanding.
Because in times of accelerated consciousness expansion, the law of attraction, manifestation and affirmations are barely scratching the surface of what we have available in terms of transformational energetic tools - both simple and more sophisticated.
And this is where my Soul Mission comes in! I am here to help those who want to use Quantum Technologies, including sound frequencies (Light Language) as a powerful tool for transformation, connection, healing.
If you are a heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneur I want to introduce you to the little known secrets of the energetics of business and money.
If you are a Starseed or a descendant of Lemuria, Atlantis or other ancient civilisations, I want to guide you to claim your cosmic heritage, which includes activating many supernatural abilities and gaining conscious mastery over these divine gifts.
Now, over to you! Let me know what you do, what rocks your world and I'll do what I can to support you on your Soul Mission. ❤️
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It’s a bit of a paradox but you receive and give without looking at it as a transactional matter.
So when you receive something, practice being comfortable in the thought that you received it “just because.”
No strings attached. No guilt. No fear of judgement.
Only gratitude for the gift.
You don’t have to “deserve” to live the life you dream of. You don’t even have to “earn it” by giving first. You simply have to BE!
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To open up your channels to freely receiving abundance and becoming the master creator of your ideal life, you have to deprogram yourself off of templates stemming from upbringing, religion or collective consciousness that dictate that “giving is better than receiving”
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Quick check: is your Soul singing or squeaking?
Often when we look for our "soul purpose" or "mission" we get caught up in big picture ideas of what alignment looks like.
When you're doing something that makes your soul sing, that's a strong indication that you and your business entity are working well together and in alignment with your soul purpose.
Are you en-JOY-ing what you are doing - day to day?
Is your soul singing? If not, how can you change course?
#soulwisdom #soulawakening #starseedsunite #starseeds #starseedawakening #humandesign #soulmission #quantumbusiness #5dconsciousness #5dbusinessstrategy #soulalignment #soulaligned
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The focus of most business mentors is HOW MUCH money you want to make.
The missing element seems to be: HOW do you want to receive it?
Your business model needs to be a reflection of your uniqueness. There are many ways you can market your services and products, sell and serve your customers. And the important thing is not to copy what worked for your mentor, but to discover what FEELS good to you.
Do you feel comfortable appearing on video or do you feel totally out of place when in front of a camera and microphone? Are you enthusiastic about writing or do you feel a block every time you try to put your message into an email, blog article or social media post?Do you enjoy going deep with one client over a number of months or does it feel better to work with a variety of clients in one-off sessions? Or maybe teaching groups is what rocks your boat?
These are just some of the examples with online personal brand businesses - but the same principle can be applied to physical enterprises.
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Your energy field is your most precious asset.
It is expressed through your body.
Are you ready to let JOY and PLEASURE be your compass en route to success?
#spiritualcoach #beyondmindset #moneymindset #money #consciousbusinesscoach #consciousbusinessmentor #abundance2022 #consciousbusiness #frequencyshift #newearthleadership #spiritualgrowth #divinefeminine #divinefemininepower #divinefeminineenergy #divinefemininespeaks #divinefeminineawakening #5dconsciousnesss #coachingonline #coachingbusiness #manifestingmoney #businesscoachforwomen #businesscoaches #abundancemindset #abundancementality #5dbusinessstrategy #5dbusinessactivator #quantumbusinesscoach #businesscoaching
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Are you ready to reclaim your own divinity and step into the role of the Architect of Your Own Destiny?
Quantum learning gives us an opportunity to explore a plethora of incredible techniques and powerful transformational tools on our own terms. You can channel in exactly what you need for your Souls' evolution. Upgrades, codes, manifestations, superpowers, bending the fabrics of reality - you all have it within your reach. It's just a matter of desire, intention, practice and exploration.
#consciousbusinesscoach #newearthleadership #frequencyshift #5dconsciousnesss #5dconsciousness✨ #5dascension #newearthfrequency #5dascensiontools #5dascensioncodes #5dbusinessstrategy #newearthً #newearthnow #newearthcodes #newearthshift #lightworkersmentality #quantumbusinesscoach
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When was the last time you took a break from producing “content”?
Let me tell you one thing: when we focus on producing content - quality or not - it can quickly drain us and leave us the very opposite of prolific. If you’ve caught yourself in the rut of “content production” then the best thing you can do is to take a romantic break with your business.
Simply connect and enjoy.
Until you find this spark back.
Until your expression in the online world flows straight from the heart.
Until you will no longer be able to call it “content”.
Until whatever you bring to the world becomes a beautiful, beloved creation.
#5dbusiness #5dbusinessstrategy #contentcreator #contentcreation #contentmarketing #contentcreators #lightworkersunite #manifestation #manifest #manifestyourlife #manifesting #onlinebusiness #expression #expressionqueen #soulawakening
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There is this very prominent pattern in the world of coaching and personal development whereby coaches define themselves by the size of their turnover. But they do not define me or my identity.
Attaching labels such as 5-figure, high 6-figure or even 7- figure coach only leads to frustration, desperation and feelings of inadequacy. 5-figure coaches feel compelled to pay 6-figure coaches to learn their “secrets” whilst 6-figure coaches are under pressure to pay their dues to 7-figure coaches.
When will it stop? It will stop when you start choosing your next mentor based on their frequency and the energetic match between you and what they offer. And if it costs a premium, so be it - as long as the choice comes from your Soul and not from a place of inadequacy. And it will stop once you decide not to define yourself by the size of your launch or yearly turnover and instead start tracking your success by how aligned you are to your Soul’s true north.
#consciousbusinesses #consciousbusinesscoach #consciousbusinessmentor #consciousbusiness #frequencyshift #newearthleadership #5dconsciousness✨ #5dconsciousnesss #coachingbusiness #scarcity #scarcitymindset #manifestingmindset #manifestingmoney #newearthshift #newearthfrequency #5dascension #newearthcodes #5dbusinessstrategy #5dbusinessactivator #quantumbusinesscoach
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When you create something fresh and original and straight from the heart, it contains your unique energetic signature. Your Soul's very essence. And it doesn't matter if it's something as big as a book, a piece of music or art or something as seemingly insignificant as a graphic or a social media post. It's still got your resonance all over it.
You are creative, original and innovative by your very nature. Align with your soul and you will never even feel tempted to copy anybody else's work, style, appearance. You will let your authentic, unique expression flow and resonate in the world.
#expression #unique #creativity #5dbusiness #5dconsciousness #5dbusinessstrategy #5dbusinessactivator #5dmarketing #quantumbusiness #multidimensional #abundance #onlinebusiness #onlinemarketing #businesscoach #businesscoaching #brandstrategy #starseed #lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation
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