ukgk · 2 months
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mrlovepainter · 1 year
Eats fungi
Within the new universe I’m planning to reuse my puppet history characters. Although they’ll have their own universe they will hold a few of their previous characteristics + roles. The ones who weren’t used would be used eventually for lore or as a supporting character.
Short summary real quick of this universe: God and his usual crew (Death, Satan, Life, Mercy) has been slaughtered and replaced by this new cast. This new cast was obviously not a good civilized one. Yes it replaced 3/4 of them but it was missing a replacement for Mercy.
Without Mercy, It brought chaos and bloodshed upon their lands, universes and planets due to the missing piece for the balance it needed. This affected millions. Creatures were born and introduced into the world and the humans had to deal with them. The humans of course existed still. HOWEVER. They’re not safe. Them and the creatures are not at peace. The humans tries to survive..however in the end they either become food or become one of them. Those wretched deformed entities.
It did not help when G0_D sent down his henchman to witness and worsen the state, “Father” the leader of the creatures. Here to observe everything and obey G0_D’s wishes for this terrible sorrowful galaxy. Father is still this “soul-absorbing” creature who resides in a manor within a dark foggy forest where a few creatures stays in as well.
“But what about the professor?” In this universe, Imaginary Mind. The supposedly “Professor Mcnasty” who should’ve stopped it all and save both humanity and puppets. Well let’s just say he was simply “remade”. Which is why Imaginary Mind exists. He’s different, remade to G0_D’s liking. I.M is a librarian who explores different universes, including alternate universes who collects books and information of history for each universe. The library he has is quite grand and unique, quite beautiful as well.
“Well is there..human characters with lore?” Yeah. There’s Yuricho, a short tempered guy who helps with I.M..well he does cause more arguments then helping actually.
Character list so far for this universe:
Gods: D34\H (death), G0_D, 54TAN
Henchmen: “Father”, “Mary”, Gradie, Gravekeeper
Creatures: Fungi, SAMUEL, Achlys, HEARTBEAT, MAN0R, C0FFIN
Humans: Yuricho Ver
“Is fungi still a silly?” Yes. Unfortunately he’s a clumsy curious dumbass. He is vulnerable and prone to attacks from other creatures and dying apparently. He’s more….well. Oblivious.
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ukgk · 2 years
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