iredreamer · 4 years
Hi there! I’m sorry to bother you. But i recently watched Gentleman Jack and fell in love with Ann(e)! Ann Walker is my heart and she should be protected at all costs lol. I found myself in a rabbit hole off all thing GJ and I noticed you are extremely knowledgeable in the life of Anne Lister I was wondering if any of the books you’ve read focused on AL’s relationship with AW? I just love them together and would love to know more about their life. Thank you!
Hello! If you are mostly interested in the Ann(e)s relationship and if you’re new to the Anne Lister world I’d say the best book to start with is the companion book of the show “Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister” by Anne Choma. It focuses on the period we see in the show, mostly on the Ann(e)s relationship from courtship to marriage. It’s good to start with because it does have diary entries and quotes but the author explains everything you need to know to better understand the time period and Anne’s position/situation/attitude etc.
• Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister (Anne Choma) This is the companion book. Good to start with especially if you’re interested in the show and in the Ann(e)s relationship (mostly focused on the courtship).
Other 2 books to check out are “Nature’s Domain” & “Female Fortune” by Jill Liddington. These 2 are basically very little edited journal entries with very little commentary. They are maybe “harder” to read because not everything is explained and some things need a little bit of interpretation.
• Nature’s Domain: Anne Lister and the Landscape of Desire (Jill Liddington) All about 1832. It’s basically all journal, very little commentary, all about Anne Lister courtship of Ann Walker (this is my personal favourite).
• Female Fortune: The Anne Lister Diaries and Other Writings 1833-36: Land, Gender and Authority (Jill Liddington) Again, it’s all journal entries and it focuses on the period of her life that goes from 1833 to 1836 (estate management, Ann Walker moving in, marriage, Anne, Ann, Marian, Aunt Ann & Anne’s father all living together at Shibden, etc.).
#anne lister: books here you’ll find all the posts where I talk about books/papers about Anne Lister.
You can find more info here: Master-post: Anne Lister content on this blog.
If you’re interested in Ann Walker I’d suggest to check this out: Steve Crabtree and Diane Halford discuss their research and what happened to Ann Walker after Anne Lister’s death. 
Hope this helps and let me know what book you decide to pick up and what you think about it : ) have a nice day!
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