#5) Pollutants like mercury
Ongrid solar solutions for factory
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My dear friend @lvpercalia tagged me to post my 5 favorite songs right now because they know that I love these games and even more when they have to do with music.. So I'm going to be the announcer tonight on Tumblr Radio.
Broadcasting in English so that our friends from different languages can understand. It's a freezing autumn night in the Southern Cone, so we'll start with a chilly song. This is В последнюю осень (In the last autumn) by ДДT
Dear listeners, we are back. It is important to remember that Latin America allows foreign capital to exploit its mineral resources and pollute its waters. Some mining chemicals that contaminate water and affect life are: Cyanide and sulfuric acid. They acidify the water and cause weakness, hemorrhages and death to intoxicated organisms. Arsenic. Through the consumption of contaminated water and food it can cause cancer, skin lesions and neurotoxicity. Lead and mercury. Aquatic life can absorb them, causing anemia, hypertension, renal dysfunction and neurological disorders. These same effects occur in humans who ingest contaminated food. Anyway here's the wonderful musical arrangement that Insaneintherainmusic made for Mining Melancholy. Perfectly capturing the fear of the monkeys in the videogame lost in a mine and the desperation of the Latino youth in the face of the machinery of economic colonization from the global north.
Welcome back, listeners. Do we have calls? No? Well, let's continue with this evening. If there are no calls I guess they're driving or something. If you're driving, remember to stop and let the ghosts that roam the road get on. Sometimes they get cold. Sometimes they keep you from getting killed on the highway without you knowing it. Sometimes they reveal forbidden secrets about the future. Desperate secrets. Maybe if a ghost could turn on the car stereo it wouldn't play songs with lamentations, maybe it would play Japanese punk. Maybe they'd play S'il Vous Plait by Otoboke Beaver.
Welcome back listeners. Do you think Tumblr will ever die? If so, memorize this playlist. What would a playlist be without listeners. What would poems be without someone to read them at 3 o'clock in the morning in the morning when you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Today's chapter is almost over, all because @lvpercalia said only 5 songs and no more! Now an upbeat song for you to finish that thing you're doing. Remember to take breaks. This is Flute Loop by the Beastie Boys
Listeners, it's been a fun night. If you want to make your own playlist, tag yourselves or reblog this chapter and add your contributions. My hands are too cold and it hurts to move my fingers. But I can find one more song to close this meeting. Remember to close doors and windows, remember to take care of yourselves, remember to watch out for those small, almost imperceptible signs of depression or burnout like Headaches/Stomachaches/intestinal issues. Remember. Remember. Re- We end with the melancholy optimism of “Oh What Fun.” Good night.
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ms-m-astrologer · 11 months
Transiting Juno enters retrograde zone
Timeline (current events in bold)
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 09:38 UT - transiting Juno enters pre-retrograde shadow, 6°18’ Virgo
Saturday, January 13, 2024, 04:55 UT - transiting Juno stations retrograde, 21°52’ Virgo
Sunday, April 21, 2024, 02:58 UT - transiting Juno stations direct, 6°18’ Virgo
Monday, July 15, 2024, 03:26 UT - transiting Juno exits post-retrograde shadow, 21°52’ Virgo
Usual caveat: the following may not have much, if any, of an impact on you unless Juno is prominent in your chart (in close aspect to the Sun, the Moon, &/or an angle).
This is the pre-retrograde shadow, during which we become aware (however dimly) that there are problems in the ways we’re “doing” Juno. How might these manifest?
All one-to-one relationships - Look for imbalances, especially between coworkers. Are we giving and receiving in more or less equal measure? A 55-45 split can be do-able, but 60-40 is not. (For example, I have a male colleague who never, ever picks up after himself - leaves his lunch tray with half-uneaten food lying around wherever - and a female colleague who is livid about it.)
Protocol and social ritual - “Common courtesy” is so maligned. Bashing it seems to go in/out of fashion, in a back-and-forth with “honesty.” Expect some issues to arise around “manners.”
The powerless (women, battered wives, abused children, minorities, the disabled, victims) - Critical attitudes, being very strict about following the rules and regulations. Scrooge asking, “Are there no workhouses?”
The atmosphere (weather, climate, storms) - An emphasis on how air quality affects health. Not only germs and masks, but also pollution.
If we consciously set out to become aware of these issues, we’ll be in better shape for the work of Juno retrograde. The natal house which contains the swath of 6°18’ to 21°52’ Virgo is the best place to look. Just observe, without criticism or pessimism.
Juno makes several aspects during her pre-retrograde shadow. These will resonate with you if they happen to “ding” anything in your chart.
We begin on Sunday, November 5 with a nice little sextile between Juno/Virgo and Vesta Rx/Cancer, at 7°28’. Going into this with the best of intentions!
Then, on Saturday, November 11:
Juno/Virgo trine Jupiter Rx/Taurus, 9°26’
Juno/Virgo (9°28’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries (24°28’)
Juno/Virgo (9°33’) sesquiquad North Node/Aries and semi-square South Node/Libra (24°33’)
The trine from Jupiter promises a lot; whether or not it can deliver the promises is something else. Sesquiquads indicate delays, while the semi-square stalls us outright. (Given Juno’s affinity for Libra, we are most likely our own worst enemy.)
The next weekend is uncomfortable with Juno/Virgo square Mercury/Sagittarius on Saturday, November 18, at 11°49’; and then, on Sunday, November 19, a semi-sextile with Venus/Libra at 12°11’. Arguments for sure; Merc here is full of ideas, which Juno finds impractical. We may (have to) settle for a truce - remember that this is the pre-retrograde shadow, and we’re becoming aware of problems; solving them comes later.
On Thursday, November 23 - the Thanksgiving gluttony holiday in the US - we get Juno/Virgo (13°20’) sesquiquad Pluto/Capricorn (28°20’). More delays, most likely permanent ones.
On Friday, December 1, Juno/Virgo is inconjunct Chiron Rx/Aries at 15°45’. Adjustments from hurt feelings &/or old wounds.
A quartet of aspects around the Capricorn solstice:
Tuesday, December 19, Juno/Virgo trine Uranus Rx/Taurus, 19°43’
Thursday, December 21, Juno/Virgo sextile Venus/Scorpio, 20°02’
Friday, December 22, Juno/Virgo square Mars/Sagittarius, 20°08’
Monday, December 25, Juno/Virgo (20°38’) sesquiquad Jupiter Rx/Taurus (5°38’)
This time of year is always volatile all by itself - the story above seems to show some kind of surprise, which we’re trying to work with, and then Mars and Jupiter mess it all up.
Finally, on Friday, January 12, only a few hours before Juno stations retrograde:
Juno/Virgo sextile Pallas Athene/Scorpio, 21°52’
Juno/Virgo trine Sun/Capricorn, 21°52’
Enlightenment? We realize there’s a problem, it’s probably us, and the Juno retrograde will be a perfect time to address those issues.
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The Gallery (Artist's Statement & Revised Final Proposal). "Light and Shadow"
Artist's Statement:
My photo essay seeks to unveil the soul of artist creations within a gallery using Light and Shadow. Inspired by the American photographer W. Eugene Smith, I tried to capture the essence of the art while still making it my own  through the timeless medium of black and white photography and in some cases inverting the shades.
In this series, I explore the subtle nuances of the gallery space, capturing the shadows cast by the artist's creations. Each frame is a choreography of contrasts—bold shadows that become their own image and gentle highlights that reflect into some of the work displayed becoming something present but ephemeral.  I hope the absence of color heightens the drama, allowing the viewer to see through my lens what was unnoticed with the naked eye.
Smith's use of light and shadow was my influence. His ability to transform ordinary scenes into poetic narratives resonates with me deeply.  I am drawn to the way Smith's photographs convey emotion, not just through the subjects themselves, but through the interplay of light and shadow. 
I used Adobe Photoshop to alter the color images that I captured on a ProCamera app As in the hopes of honoring the legacy of W. Eugene Smith. Through my camera App, I aim to tell stories not just of the art on display but of the unseen narratives that unfold in the dance of light and shadow.
Positioned appropriately 6 of the 8 images were chosen to represent the “grey” that is American Democracy.
Real, Peace (American Soldiers wear digital camoflauge), Stars (representing US), hanging tree (representing women who were hung, and African Americans were hung unjustly, elephant (republican icon), chaotic image (democracy chaos).
Revised Proposal
I intended to document the inside of an art studio where students are challenged to create their projects using materials and concepts that they bring to the room. The room morphs from this vacant bare space to a hub of creativity and back to an empty space. In the time between its barren emptiness and the time the artists finalize and present their project there is a lot of activity and much of it is visually poetic. I had to change plans because the room wasn't lit enough to cast the array of shadows needed for my final. New concept involved shooting the effects of light and shadow on an exhibition without using flash.
I attempted to apply the techniques exemplified by American Photographer W. Eugene Smith. Smith, a renowend U.S. photojournalist. Smith is considered to be the most important American photographer in the development of the editorial photo essay. His major photo essays include World War II photographs, the visual stories of an American country doctor and a nurse midwife, and the pollution which damaged the health of the residents of Minamata in Japan. His work was in Black and White. He liked to, in his words, "sink into the background to record the human condition." I think artists have a similar advocation. Some of Smith's photographs are so powerful that they challenged perceptions of history. Artists do it to...and I want to show the space and the process they use.
8 photos taken in an Art Studio/Gallery at SBU Staller
Series of photo's showing effects of light and shadow in a studio/gallery
4. Methods and Material:
Raw images shot on ProCamera Photo App on I Phone
Photoshop for editing
Student consent for their shadows to be photographed while they create their art /Gallery consent for Exhibits to be photographed
5. References:
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Tomoko_Uemura with her mother in bath house, and Tomoko's hand are two examples of how W. Eugene Smith used compelling images, light and shadow to tell the story of the impact of Mercury poisoning in Minamata Japan.
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Brick ISO 25, F Stop 1.8, SS 1/29s
Copper ISO 100, F stop 1.8. SS 1/67s
Hanging Tree ISO 20, F Stop 1.8, SS 1/106s
Elephant ISO 400, F Stop 1.8, SS 1/67s
War and Peace ISO 20, F Stop 1.8, SS 1/29s
Globe and Stars ISO 200, F Stop 1.8, SS 1/67s
'Real', ISO 20, F Stop 1.8s, SS 1/67s (Note: Didn't cast shadows, but the lighting created extra boxes that didn't exist in the artist's original work).
Inverse "Faculty Exhibition" ISO 100, F Stop 1.8, SS 1/14s (Note: This work didn't cast shadows, but the lighting created an imprint in the artist's original work creating an illusion that it was intended to be part of the design). Didn’t use as part of exhibition. Just a tribute to the Faculty at SBU whose work I appropriated to create my own narrative about Democracy in America.
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spikyegg · 1 year
for any of you struggling with creativity today, I offer some concepts to give.
Pokemon region based on Savannah, Georgia (most haunted city in the US), actually one i'm giving a go myself
Pokemon region based on opposite sides of the Solar System (PKmN Mercury and Neptune)
Golurk and Garganacl fusion
Ocean-based PKmN region, maybe 5 box legendaries instead of two to match the oceans
Eevee clones that can't evolve for each canon region
Regional Mythicals, like the galarian bird trio
2 Box legendary designs that fuse into one when given a special item
Alolan Dwebble that's bug/poison due to the beaches being polluted, and therefore they tend to live in water bottles or paper cups
Make a boring design more interesting! (generate a random typing for a regional route 1 bird or bug, and then incorporate that typing into a new design)
ok i love you byebye /p
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kittens4jc · 2 years
As a basic note, imagine a world where the good majority of grumpuses have powers. Some recieving their powers at birth, some until they reach adulthood and on rare occurance, never. The odds between a grumpus with powers is an easy 75%, with the rest a slim chance of 25%. Most Grumpuses discover their powers at ages 5-6, so with most schools, they are tested with their powers to see which career would suit them best and they start learning the traits and skills for them. If a Grumpus doesn’t have a power, there are still basic classes where they can learn just as hard as the students with powers. So every Grumpus can be a hardworking member of society.
Characters and their powers:
Filbo- None, however he finally realizes his power at the end of the game. That is a bond between people, when he’s happy the bond between friends are strong, but whenever he’s stressed or anxious that bond weakens which explains why everyone split up. And thanks to Filbo creating the bond between him and the journalist, that helped the others to come back and reforge that bond between friends.
Wambus- Botanomancy (manipulate and generate plants), Basically comes a family with this power, after all they own a farm. However due to the soil and earth changing it makes it more and more complicated to grow plants and trees. He came to Snaktooth not only because his farm failed, but the soil being untouched by pollution.
Beffica- Neuromancy (manipulate thoughts), Have you ever have a thought that you accidentally said out loud? That’s basically Beffi’s power, and also go deep into their deepest darkest thoughts and bring it to light. That’s why she was great at her job until she did it to her boss at GMZ. Her favorite thing to do on Snaktooth? Harassing Cromdo with her powers.
Beffica: *laughs*
Cromdo: *out of her power* BEFFICA!!!!)
Gramble- Animal Friendship, as the title says, he has a strong bond with any creature, from mammals to bugs, but he can’t seem to connect with other grumpuses like how he can with animals.
Wiggle- Charm through song, again as the title says, much like a siren with her song, she can lure anything and anyone to her, well almost anyone. It seems that Gramble is somehow immune to her power which is why she and him are so close, because he loves her without the use of the power.
Triffany- Mnemomancy (memories), With a touch of an artifact or bones, she can view into a past life or significant moment the item or person has lived through. With the same power as her grandmother, Bronica Lottablog, she continued to use her powers with her research. However the longer the memory, the more exhausted she becomes afterward.
Chandlo- Super Strength, Just super strength, he can lift cribs, trees, spaceships, stone boulders, anything and everything. But much like Triffany, too much strain can lead to exhaustion
Snorpy- Magnomancy (manipulate magnetic and metal items), Just think of Peridot’s power from Steven Universe and that’s basically Snorpy’s powers, but also add being able to change the element of the metal, like turning mercury from a liquid to a solid with a touch.
Cromdo-Stochomancy (manipulate probability), this one is an odd one for sure, he can change the quality of an item with a touch, it can be the best of the best and with one touch from him, can fall apart in seconds. His company liked his skills because he can easily break an item, which leads the customers spending more money on a better model or a replacement.
Shelda- Nature (Plants, Wind, etc), Much like Wambus’s powers but add all elements of nature. Like most followers of Naturae, they are born with one nature power (ie Fire, Air, Nature, Water, etc.) and then go through ritual after ritual to gain powers for the other elements. Shellsy was originally born with wind powers, controlling air flow, but then through many decades of hard work, she now controls plants, fire, and water but her speciality is plants and wind.
Floofty- Electric, Ever had a thunder crash and a lightning flash on cue? That’s probably Floofty doing something dramatic. With their powers they have planned on make the first prosethetics solely depending on electrons from the brain. They have tried to use their powers like Frankenstein when they first got their power, but when they got on snaktooth, they realized they could bring Bugsnax back much like their favorite book. And yes they like to use Snorpy as a lightning rod causing his fur to poof up and embarressing him in front of his roommate with benefits.
Eggabell- Healing, Being very sickly growing up, it was kind of ironic that Eggabell would gain the power of healing sortly after she signed up for med school. With this power, and a simple touch, she can heal from minor cuts to broken bones. But too much will strain her
Lizbert- None, one of the 25% grumpuses on the planet that has no powers even after reaching adulthood. After a solo expidition to Snaktooth, she found the bugsnax and realized these bugsnax is the closest chance she has to having a power. Thus leading the full team expidition to Snaktooth and her becoming the queen of Bugsnax at the end.
Journalist- None, finding a love of writing the journalist joined GNN hoping to prove that you didn’t need powers to write a good story… Until the Grumpfoot story, so after recieving the tape that Lizbert had sent them, this was the one to get a good story and save their job. Lets hope they can return alive.
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Health Risks of Contaminated Water: How Manufacturers Prevent Them
Water is fundamental to life, but when contaminated, it can pose serious health risks. From gastrointestinal diseases to long-term chronic illnesses, polluted water can wreak havoc on our health. 
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In this article, we’ll explore the dangers of contaminated water and how manufacturers work tirelessly to ensure the water we drink is clean and safe.
Health Risks of Contaminated Water
1. Gastrointestinal Diseases: Contaminated water often contains harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These pathogens can lead to diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and typhoid fever. Symptoms include vomiting, dehydration, and abdominal cramps. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable to these waterborne diseases.
2. Chemical Contaminants: Water can be tainted with chemicals like lead, arsenic, and pesticides. Long-term exposure to these toxins can result in cancer, liver and kidney damage, and reproductive issues. These pollutants often come from industrial waste, agricultural runoff, or old plumbing systems.
3. Heavy Metals: Heavy metals like lead and mercury are particularly dangerous, especially to children. Lead exposure can lead to developmental delays, while mercury affects the nervous system and cognitive function.
4. Emerging Contaminants: Recently, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and endocrine-disrupting compounds have been detected in water sources. These emerging contaminants can have unpredictable effects on human health and ecosystems, making water safety an ever-evolving challenge.
How Manufacturers Prevent Water Contamination
1. Source Protection: Water manufacturers protect the source of the water they use, often drawing it from deep wells or protected reservoirs. Regular assessments are conducted to ensure the source remains uncontaminated.
2. Advanced Filtration Technologies: Leading water manufacturers, like Priti International in Kolkata, use cutting-edge purification methods, including:
Reverse Osmosis (RO): This process filters out dissolved salts, bacteria, viruses, and other impurities.
Ultraviolet (UV) Treatment: UV light is used to disinfect water, killing harmful microorganisms.
Activated Carbon Filtration: This method helps remove organic contaminants, chlorine, and other chemicals.
3. Rigorous Testing and Quality Control: Manufacturers perform regular water tests to ensure it meets safety standards. These tests screen for microbial, chemical, and physical contaminants. Strict quality control measures ensure that the water remains safe throughout the production process.
4. Sanitation and Hygiene Practices: Proper sanitation practices are essential to prevent contamination during bottling. Equipment is regularly cleaned, and employees follow strict hygiene protocols to avoid introducing pollutants.
5. Food-Grade Materials: Bottled water containers are made from food-grade materials to prevent chemical leaching. This ensures that no harmful substances seep into the water, even during long storage periods.
6. Compliance with Regulations: Manufacturers must meet stringent local and international water quality standards set by agencies like the FDA and EPA. This ensures that the water produced is safe for public consumption.
7. Consumer Education: Manufacturers often engage in educating consumers about safe water handling and storage. This helps individuals recognize potential signs of contamination and take appropriate steps to ensure the water they consume remains clean.
Contaminated water poses significant health risks, but water manufacturers play a key role in safeguarding public health. By protecting water sources, employing advanced purification technologies, conducting rigorous testing, and complying with strict regulations, manufacturers like Priti International ensure the water we drink is safe.
As consumers, it’s important to understand these processes to make informed decisions about the water we consume. By doing so, we can reduce health risks and trust that manufacturers are doing their part to provide clean, safe drinking water.
If you’re looking for a reliable water treatment solution, connect with Priti International, the leading water treatment plant manufacturer in Kolkata.
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hilcoindustrial · 2 days
Flue Gas Treatment Plant: An Essential Step Towards Cleaner Air
As industrialization advances, the need for cleaner air becomes increasingly urgent. Flue gas, released from industrial processes like power generation and chemical production, contain harmful pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These emissions contribute to environmental problems like air pollution, acid rain, and global warming. To combat these issues, flue gas treatment plant (FGTP) have become essential for mitigating harmful emissions before they enter the atmosphere. Hilco Industrial, a leader in the sale of used industrial machinery, offers high-quality, pre-owned gas treatment plants that provide an affordable and effective solution for industries looking to minimize their environmental impact while adhering to regulations.
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Understanding Flue Gasses
Flue gasses are the byproducts of combustion processes. When fossil fuels such as coal, oil, or natural gas are burned, the combustion generates energy but also produces various gaseous pollutants. Without proper treatment, these emissions can contribute to environmental issues such as acid rain, smog formation, and global warming. Therefore, treating these gasses is crucial for industrial plants that wish to comply with environmental regulations and reduce their carbon footprint.
Key Components of a FGTP
A flue gas treatment plant is a complex system that employs multiple technologies to clean and purify gasses. Below are some of the key components typically found in such plants:
1. Scrubbing Systems: One of the most common methods for treating flue gas is through scrubbing systems. Wet scrubbers generally use a liquid. Dry scrubbers, on the other hand, use a dry reagent, often lime or sodium bicarbonate, to neutralize acidic gasses.
2. Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs): Particulate matter, which can include tiny particles of ash, dust, and heavy metals, is removed using electrostatic precipitators. These devices use an electric field to charge particles, causing them to stick to collector plates, from which they can later be removed and disposed of safely.
3. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR): Nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) are some of the most harmful pollutants in flue gasses, contributing to respiratory issues and environmental damage.
4. Activated Carbon Injection (ACI): This technology is particularly useful for removing mercury and other heavy metals from flue gas. Activated carbon is injected into the gas stream, where it absorbs pollutants, which can then be captured and removed.
5. Filters: These filters ensure that fine particulate matter does not escape into the atmosphere, improving overall air quality.
Benefits of a FGTP
The advantages of installing a flue gas purification are numerous, both for the environment and industries:
Compliance with Environmental Regulations: Governments worldwide are setting increasingly stringent air quality standards. An FGTP helps industries meet these regulations, avoiding potential fines and shutdowns.
Reduction of Harmful Emissions: By removing pollutants, FGTPs minimize the harmful effects of industrial emissions on public health and ecosystems.
Improved Public Image: Companies that invest in clean technologies demonstrate social responsibility, improving their public perception and gaining favor with environmentally conscious consumers.
Flue gas treatment plants are indispensable for industries aiming to reduce air pollution and meet stringent environmental standards. By removing harmful pollutants, these plants contribute significantly to cleaner air and a healthier ecosystem. For businesses seeking cost-effective options, Hilco Industrial is selling industrial equipment including gas treatment plants, providing an opportunity to invest in environmentally responsible technology without the high costs of purchasing new systems.
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digitalsanstha01 · 23 days
In our rapidly evolving digital age, the accumulation of electronic waste, or e-waste, has become a pressing issue. From outdated smartphones and old computers to broken appliances and obsolete gadgets, e-waste is an ever-growing concern for both individuals and businesses. Proper disposal and recycling of these items are crucial not only for environmental protection but also for the conservation of valuable resources. If you’re looking for a reliable solution, “Waste Material” is the e-waste collection center you can trust.
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Understanding E-Waste
E-waste encompasses a broad range of electronic devices that are discarded or no longer in use. This category includes items like televisions, computers, printers, and even household appliances. These devices often contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can pose significant risks to human health and the environment if not handled properly. “e waste collection center”
The Importance of Proper E-Waste Disposal
Improper disposal of e-waste can lead to severe environmental consequences. Toxic substances from e-waste can leach into the soil and water, causing pollution and harming wildlife. Additionally, many electronic devices contain valuable materials like gold, silver, and rare earth elements that can be recycled and reused. Efficient recycling not only helps in reducing pollution but also conserves natural resources and supports sustainable development.
Why Choose “Waste Material”?
1. Expertise in E-Waste Management
At “Waste Material,” we specialize in the safe and responsible collection, sorting, and recycling of e-waste. Our team is well-trained in handling various types of electronic waste, ensuring that each item is processed according to the highest environmental and safety standards.
2. Comprehensive Services
We offer a wide range of e-waste collection services tailored to meet the needs of both residential and commercial clients. Whether you’re an individual with a few old gadgets or a business with large quantities of electronic waste, we have the resources and expertise to handle it efficiently. Our services include:
Pick-up Services: Convenient pick-up options for your e-waste, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Drop-off Points: Easily accessible drop-off centers for those who prefer to bring their e-waste to us.
Data Destruction: Secure data destruction services to protect your sensitive information before recycling.
Certification: Certificates of recycling and data destruction for peace of mind and compliance with regulations.
3. Environmentally Friendly Practices
Our commitment to environmental sustainability is reflected in our processes. We ensure that all e-waste is recycled in an eco-friendly manner, with a focus on minimizing landfill waste and reducing the environmental impact. We follow strict guidelines to separate hazardous materials from recyclable components, ensuring safe disposal and efficient recovery of valuable resources.
4. Compliance with Regulations
E-waste disposal is governed by various regulations to ensure proper handling and recycling. “Waste Material” adheres to all local and national regulations regarding e-waste management. Our compliance with these regulations guarantees that your e-waste is handled legally and ethically.
5. Community Engagement and Education
At “Waste Material,” we believe in the importance of community awareness and education about e-waste. We actively engage with local communities and businesses to promote responsible e-waste disposal practices. Our educational initiatives aim to inform people about the environmental impacts of improper disposal and the benefits of recycling.
How to Get Started
Getting started with “Waste Material” is simple. Here’s how you can take advantage of our e-waste collection services:
Contact Us: Reach out to us via phone, email, or our website to schedule a pick-up or find the nearest drop-off point.
Prepare Your E-Waste: Gather your old electronic devices and ensure they are ready for collection. If you require data destruction, inform us in advance.
Schedule Collection: Arrange a convenient time for our team to collect your e-waste or plan your visit to our drop-off center.
Enjoy Peace of Mind: Rest assured that your e-waste is being handled responsibly and that you are contributing to a greener planet.
Proper e-waste management is essential for protecting our environment and conserving resources. By choosing “Waste Material” as your e-waste collection center, you’re opting for a service that prioritizes safety, sustainability, and compliance. Join us in our mission to make the world a cleaner and greener place. Contact us today to start your journey towards responsible e-waste disposal! “e waste collection center”
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templardom · 27 days
The Celestial Vendettas
This what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. 1 Corinthians 2:13 (NIV) ✝
Then He said to me, “Go in and see the wicked abominations they are committing here.” Ezekiel 8:9 (BSB)
Wealth is treacherous, and the arrogant are never at rest. They open their mouths as wide as the grave, and like death, they are never satisfied. In their greed they have gathered up many nations and swallowed many peoples. Habakkuk 2:5 (NLT)
Is this how you repay the LORD, O foolish and senseless people? Is He not your Father and Creator? Has He not made you and established you? Deuteronomy 32:6 (BSB) 
Why has the wicked man renounced God? He says to himself, “You will never call me to account.” Psalm 10:13 (BSB)
The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his sin entangle him. He dies for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly. Proverbs 5:22-23 (BSB)
Calamity will surely destroy the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be punished. Psalm 34:21 (NLT) 
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digitalsanshta · 1 month
In today’s rapidly advancing digital age, the proliferation of electronic devices has resulted in a significant challenge: electronic waste, or e-waste. With the increasing pace of technology, devices quickly become obsolete, leading to a growing pile of discarded electronics. Addressing this issue is not only essential for environmental sustainability but also offers a lucrative business opportunity. Waste Material, a pioneering company in waste management, is at the forefront of this green revolution with its cutting-edge e-waste recycling plant.
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The Importance of E-Waste Recycling
E-waste recycling plant contains hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can cause severe environmental and health issues if not disposed of properly. Additionally, e-waste is a rich source of valuable materials like gold, silver, copper, and rare earth metals, which can be recovered and reused. Recycling e-waste reduces the need for mining new raw materials, conserves natural resources, and minimizes the environmental impact of electronic waste.
Waste Material’s Commitment to Sustainability
Waste Material is committed to addressing the global e-waste crisis through innovative and sustainable recycling solutions. Our state-of-the-art e-waste recycling plant is designed to efficiently process a wide range of electronic waste, from small gadgets like smartphones and tablets to larger items such as computers and home appliances. Our mission is to create a sustainable future by turning e-waste into valuable resources while protecting the environment.
How an E-Waste Recycling Plant Works
The process of recycling e-waste involves several stages:
1. Collection and Sorting
The first step in e-waste recycling is the collection of electronic waste. Waste Material offers convenient e-waste collection services to ensure that discarded electronics are properly recycled. Once collected, the e-waste is sorted based on type and condition. Functional devices may be refurbished and resold, while non-functional items are sent for recycling.
2. Dismantling
After sorting, the e-waste is dismantled into its components. This involves manually or mechanically separating the different parts, such as circuit boards, batteries, plastics, and metals. Dismantling is a crucial step, as it allows for the recovery of valuable materials and the safe disposal of hazardous components.
3. Shredding and Material Recovery
The dismantled components are then shredded into smaller pieces to facilitate the extraction of valuable materials. Waste Material’s advanced recycling technology ensures that precious metals like gold and silver, as well as other materials like copper and aluminum, are efficiently recovered. These recovered materials can then be reused in the manufacturing of new products, reducing the demand for virgin resources.
4. Refining and Purification
Once the materials are recovered, they undergo refining and purification processes to remove any impurities. This step is essential to ensure that the recycled materials meet industry standards and can be used in the production of new electronic devices.
5. Disposal of Non-Recyclable Materials
While the goal is to recycle as much material as possible, some components may not be recyclable. Waste Material follows strict environmental regulations to ensure that non-recyclable materials are disposed of safely, minimizing their impact on the environment.
Benefits of Partnering with Waste Material
Choosing Waste Material for your e-waste recycling needs offers several benefits:
· Environmental Impact: By recycling e-waste, you contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution and the conservation of natural resources. Waste Material’s eco-friendly processes ensure that harmful substances are safely managed and that valuable materials are recovered.
· Regulatory Compliance: Waste Material adheres to all local and international regulations regarding e-waste disposal and recycling. Partnering with us ensures that your e-waste is handled in compliance with legal requirements, reducing the risk of fines and penalties.
· Economic Advantages: Recycling e-waste not only helps the environment but also provides economic benefits. The recovery of valuable materials reduces the need for new raw materials, lowering production costs. Additionally, Waste Material’s recycling services can help businesses offset disposal costs through material recovery.
· Corporate Social Responsibility: Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability enhances your brand’s reputation and strengthens relationships with customers, investors, and stakeholders. Waste Material offers customized recycling solutions that align with your corporate social responsibility goals.
As the world continues to embrace technology, the challenge of managing e-waste will only grow. Waste Material’s E-waste recycling plant offers a comprehensive solution that not only addresses environmental concerns but also provides economic and social benefits. By choosing Waste Material, you are not only helping to reduce the impact of e-waste but also contributing to a sustainable future.
Join us in our mission to create a greener, cleaner world. Together, we can turn waste into wealth and make a positive impact on the environment. Contact Waste Material today to learn more about our e-waste recycling services and how we can help your business achieve its sustainability goals
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3rtechnology · 3 months
What is E-Waste and the Process of E-Waste Recycling
Our ever-growing dependence on technology comes with a hidden cost: electronic waste, or e-waste. E-waste refers to discarded electrical or electronic devices, ranging from smartphones and laptops to televisions and refrigerators. Due to their rapid obsolescence and complex composition, e-waste poses a significant environmental threat if not disposed of responsibly. However, proper e-waste recycling offers a sustainable solution, recovering valuable materials and minimizing environmental damage. 
Understanding E-Waste
Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to discarded electrical or electronic devices. This category includes a wide range of items such as computers, mobile phones, televisions, and home appliances. With the rapid advancement of technology, the lifespan of electronic devices has decreased, leading to an increase in e-waste. Proper disposal and recycling of e-waste are crucial due to the hazardous materials it often contains, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium.
The Importance of E-Waste Recycling
E-waste recycling is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it helps prevent environmental pollution. Electronic devices contain toxic substances that can leach into the soil and water if not disposed of correctly. Secondly, recycling e-waste allows for the recovery of valuable materials like gold, silver, and copper, reducing the need for mining and conserving natural resources. Lastly, it helps reduce the volume of waste in landfills, promoting a more sustainable approach to waste management.
The E-Waste Recycling Process
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1. Collection and Transportation
The first step in the e-waste recycling process is the collection and transportation of electronic waste. E-waste can be collected through various means such as dedicated drop-off points, special e-waste collection events, and door-to-door pickup services. Once collected, the e-waste is transported to recycling facilities for further processing.
2. Sorting and Categorizing
At the recycling facility, the e-waste is sorted and categorized based on the type of device and the materials it contains. This step is crucial as different devices require different recycling methods. For example, computers and mobile phones are handled differently from refrigerators and air conditioners due to the varied components and materials used in their manufacturing.
3. Dismantling
After sorting, the e-waste is dismantled manually or with the help of machines. Dismantling involves breaking down the devices into their individual components. This step is essential for separating hazardous materials from recyclable ones. Components such as circuit boards, batteries, and plastic casings are removed and set aside for further processing.
4. Shredding and Material Recovery
Once dismantled, the e-waste undergoes shredding. Shredding breaks down the components into smaller pieces, making it easier to extract valuable materials. After shredding, the materials go through various separation processes to recover metals, plastics, and glass. Techniques such as magnetic separation, eddy current separation, and water separation are commonly used to separate and recover different materials.
5. Refining and Purification
The extracted materials often require further refining and purification to be suitable for reuse. Metals like gold, silver, and copper are sent to smelting facilities where they are purified and turned into raw materials for new products. Similarly, plastics are cleaned and processed to create new plastic products, while glass can be melted and reused in new electronic devices or other applications.
6. Disposal of Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste components that cannot be recycled, such as certain types of batteries or materials containing heavy metals, are safely disposed of according to environmental regulations. This step ensures that harmful substances do not contaminate the environment.
The Environmental Impact of Improper E-waste Disposal
Improper e-waste disposal poses severe environmental consequences. Here's how:
Toxic Leaching: Electronic components often contain hazardous materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium. When disposed of in landfills, these materials can leach into the soil and groundwater, contaminating ecosystems and posing health risks.
Air Pollution: Incineration of e-waste releases harmful toxins and greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution and climate change.
The Benefits of E-waste Recycling
E-waste recycling offers a multitude of benefits:
Resource Recovery: The process recovers valuable materials like precious metals, plastics, and glass, which can be used to manufacture new products, reducing the need for virgin resource extraction.
Environmental Protection: E-waste recycling minimizes landfilling and associated environmental damage. By recovering hazardous materials, it safeguards soil, water, and air quality.
Conservation of Energy: Extracting raw materials for new electronics requires significant energy. Reusing materials from e-waste reduces energy consumption and the associated environmental impact.
3R Technology
8002 S 208th St E105, Kent, WA 98032
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pooma-today · 3 months
The relationship between technology and the environment is complex and multifaceted, encompassing both positive and negative impacts. This topic explores how technological advancements affect the environment and how technology can be leveraged to address environmental challenges.
1.Solar Power: Advances in photovoltaic cells and solar panels have made solar energy more efficient and affordable.
2.Wind Power: Innovations in turbine design and materials have increased the efficiency and output of wind energy.
3.Hydropower and Tidal Energy: Technological improvements in harnessing water flow for energy production contribute to sustainable energy solutions.
4.Energy Efficiency:Smart Grids: Implementing smart grid technology optimizes energy distribution and reduces waste.
5.Energy-Efficient Appliances: Development of energy-efficient appliances and lighting reduces overall energy consumption.
1.Satellite Monitoring: Satellites provide comprehensive data on deforestation, ice cap melting, and other environmental changes.
2.Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices enable real-time monitoring of air and water quality, aiding in pollution control efforts.
3.Sustainable Agriculture:Precision Farming: Use of GPS and IoT for efficient use of resources like water and fertilizers.
4.Genetically Modified Crops: Development of crops that require fewer resources and are resistant to pests and diseases.
1.Disposal Challenges: The rapid obsolescence of electronic devices leads to growing amounts of electronic waste.
2.Toxic Components: E-waste contains hazardous materials like lead and mercury, which can contaminate soil and water.
1.Mining for Rare Earth Metals: Extracting metals used in electronics and renewable energy technologies often results in significant environmental degradation.
2.Deforestation: Expanding infrastructure for technology can lead to deforestation and habitat loss.
1.Data Centers: Large data centers consume vast amounts of energy, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.
2.Cryptocurrency Mining: The computational power required for mining cryptocurrencies has significant energy demands.
1.Recycling and Reuse: Technologies that enable efficient recycling and reuse of materials to reduce waste.
2.Product Design: Designing products for longevity and recyclability.
3.Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS):Carbon Sequestration: Technologies that capture carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes and store them underground.
1.Electric Vehicles (EVs): Advancements in battery technology and charging infrastructure are making EVs more viable.
2.Public Transportation Systems: Technology enhances the efficiency and convenience of public transportation.
1.Urban Planning: Utilizing technology for better urban planning to reduce environmental impact.
2.Green Buildings: Incorporating sustainable materials and energy-efficient designs in construction.
The interplay between technology and the environment presents both opportunities and challenges. While technological advancements have the potential to significantly mitigate environmental issues, they can also contribute to new problems if not managed responsibly. A balanced approach that promotes sustainable development, regulatory oversight, and public awareness is essential for leveraging technology to create a positive environmental impact.
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imarcmarketreport · 6 months
LPG Tanker Market Size, Outlook, Growth and Forecast 2024-2032
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IMARC Group's report titled "LPG Tanker Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032", The global LPG tanker marketis expected to exhibit a growth rate (CAGR) of 5% during 2024-2032. 
For an in-depth analysis, you can refer sample copy of the report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/lpg-tanker-market/requestsample
Factors Affecting the Growth of the LPG Tanker Industry:
Technological Innovations:
Innovations in tanker design focus on optimizing vessel efficiency, increasing cargo capacity, and reducing environmental impact through features like hull design and ballast systems. Moreover, propulsion systems advancements include the adoption of cleaner and more fuel-efficient technologies, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) propulsion and hybrid power systems, reducing emissions and operating costs. Furthermore, safety measures innovation involves the integration of advanced navigation systems, onboard monitoring technologies, and emergency response protocols to enhance crew safety, prevent accidents, and mitigate environmental risks. These innovations benefit in improving sustainability, operational performance, and safety standards.
Rising Demand for Energy:
The growing adoption of LPG on account of the increasing demand for energy is offering a positive market outlook. LPG serves as a versatile and relatively clean-burning fuel for various purposes, including residential cooking, heating, and industrial processes. Apart from this, countries are seeking to diversify their energy mix and reduce reliance on more polluting fuels like coal and oil, which is catalyzing the demand for LPG. Moreover, LPG is compatible with renewable energy sources like solar and wind, making it an attractive option for balancing intermittent energy supply.
Increasing Preferences for Clean Energy:
The increasing awareness among individuals about environmental concerns is supporting the market growth. Moreover, industries are seeking cleaner energy sources to combat climate change. LPG is considered cleaner as compared to traditional fossil fuels due to lower emissions of pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. Besides this, governing agencies of various countries are implementing policies and regulations to incentivize the use of cleaner fuels. They are focusing on reducing environmental pollution to align with sustainability goals, which is bolstering the market.
Leading Companies Operating in the Global LPG Tanker Industry:
BW Group
Dorian LPG Ltd.
Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.
Kuwait Oil Tanker Company S.A.K
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd
StealthGas Inc.
STX Corporation (Afc Mercury Co. Ltd)
The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd.
LPG Tanker Market Report Segmentation:
By Vessel Size:
Very Large Gas Carrier
Large Gas Carrier
Medium Gas Carriers
Small Gas Carrier
Very large gas carrier represents the largest segment as it is designed to maximize efficiency in LPG transportation.  
By Refrigeration and Pressurization:
Fully Pressurized
Fully Refrigerated
Extra Refrigerated (Ethylene Gas Carriers)
Fully pressurized holds the biggest market share due to their enhanced versatility and flexible operations.   
Regional Insights:
North America (United States, Canada)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Others)
Middle East and Africa
Europe enjoys a leading position in the LPG tanker market, which can be attributed to stringent environmental regulations aimed at reducing emissions.    
Global LPG Tanker Market Trends:
The expansion of infrastructure for LPG storage, processing, and distribution is propelling the market growth. Various countries are upgrading their energy infrastructure to accommodate LPG imports and distribution, which is impelling the market growth. Moreover, infrastructure development initiatives, such as port expansions and terminal upgrades, facilitate the loading and unloading of LPG tankers, reducing turnaround times and enhancing operational efficiency. Furthermore, investors in the LPG tanker market are tracking infrastructure development projects to assess future demand trends and identify investment opportunities in regions undergoing energy infrastructure expansion.
Apart from this, the rising demand for LPG for heating purposes among individuals is supporting the market growth.
Note: If you need specific information that is not currently within the scope of the report, we will provide it to you as a part of the customization.
About Us:
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the companys expertise.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
IMARC Group 134 N 4th St. Brooklyn, NY 11249, USA Email: [email protected] Tel No:(D) +91 120 433 0800 United States: +1-631-791-1145 | United Kingdom: +44-753-713-2163
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contentmarketing011 · 7 months
Celebrate Holi Sustainably with Organic and Natural Colors
Holi, the festival of colors, is a vibrant celebration that marks the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. It is a time of joyous gatherings, music, dance, and, most importantly, the playful splashing of colors. However, amidst the revelry, it's crucial to consider the environmental and health impacts of the traditional synthetic colors commonly used during this festive occasion. Fortunately, there's a growing trend towards embracing organic and natural Holi colors, which offer a safer and more sustainable alternative.
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Why Choose Organic Holi Colours:
Organic Holi colors:
Organic Holi Colours are made from natural ingredients, such as flowers, herbs, and plant extracts, making them environmentally friendly and gentle on the skin. Unlike synthetic colors, which often contain harmful chemicals like lead, mercury, and asbestos, organic and natural Holi colors are free from toxins and pose no risk to health or the environment.
Holi herbal colors:
Holi herbal colors are derived from a variety of natural sources, including turmeric, indigo, beetroot, marigold, and henna. These ingredients not only produce vibrant hues but also offer additional benefits for the skin and hair. For example, turmeric is known for its antibacterial properties, while henna can condition and strengthen hair.
Organic India Gulal:
Organic India Gulal is another popular choice for those seeking organic Holi color. Made from natural ingredients sourced from organic farms, Organic India Gulal is biodegradable and non-toxic, ensuring a safe and eco-friendly celebration.
Phool organic color:
Phool organic color derived from floral waste, is yet another innovative and sustainable option for celebrating Holi. By repurposing discarded flowers from temples and weddings, Phool organic color not only reduces waste but also provides livelihood opportunities for local communities.
Benefits of Organic Holi Colors:
Synthetic colors often contain harmful chemicals that can cause skin allergies, rashes, and eye irritation. Organi and natural Holi colors, on the other hand, are gentle on the skin and pose no risk to health, making them suitable for people of all ages, including children and those with sensitive skin.
Environmentally Friendly:
Synthetic colors not only harm human health but also pollute water bodies, soil, and air. By choosing organic Holi colors, you're reducing your environmental footprint and contributing to a cleaner and greener planet.
Cultural Preservation:
Many organic Holi colors are made using traditional recipes passed down through generations. By supporting artisans and local communities who produce these colors, you're helping to preserve cultural heritage and traditional craftsmanship.
Unlike synthetic colors, which contain non-biodegradable chemicals that persist in the environment long after Holi celebrations are over, organic and natural Holi colors are biodegradable and eco-friendly, ensuring minimal impact on the ecosystem.
Tips for Using Organic Holi Colors Safely:
1. Choose organic and natural Holi colors from reputable brands or sources to ensure quality and authenticity.
2. Conduct a patch test before applying any new color to your skin to check for allergic reactions.
3. Wear protective clothing, such as old clothes or a white kurta, to minimize staining.
4. Use organic oils or moisturizers to protect your skin and hair from color damage.
5. Avoid throwing colors directly into the eyes or mouth to prevent irritation or ingestion.
This Holi, let's embrace the spirit of sustainability and celebrate responsibly by choosing organic and natural Holi colors. By making this simple switch, we can enjoy a colorful and joyful celebration while safeguarding our health and the environment for future generations. Let's paint the town green, red, yellow, and blue with organic Holi colors and spread the message of love, unity, and eco-consciousness. Happy Holi!
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Study: Global deforestation leads to more mercury pollution
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-global-deforestation-leads-to-more-mercury-pollution/
Study: Global deforestation leads to more mercury pollution
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About 10 percent of human-made mercury emissions into the atmosphere each year are the result of global deforestation, according to a new MIT study.
The world’s vegetation, from the Amazon rainforest to the savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa, acts as a sink that removes the toxic pollutant from the air. However, if the current rate of deforestation remains unchanged or accelerates, the researchers estimate that net mercury emissions will keep increasing.
“We’ve been overlooking a significant source of mercury, especially in tropical regions,” says Ari Feinberg, a former postdoc in the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) and lead author of the study.
The researchers’ model shows that the Amazon rainforest plays a particularly important role as a mercury sink, contributing about 30 percent of the global land sink. Curbing Amazon deforestation could thus have a substantial impact on reducing mercury pollution.
The team also estimates that global reforestation efforts could increase annual mercury uptake by about 5 percent. While this is significant, the researchers emphasize that reforestation alone should not be a substitute for worldwide pollution control efforts.
“Countries have put a lot of effort into reducing mercury emissions, especially northern industrialized countries, and for very good reason. But 10 percent of the global anthropogenic source is substantial, and there is a potential for that to be even greater in the future. [Addressing these deforestation-related emissions] needs to be part of the solution,” says senior author Noelle Selin, a professor in IDSS and MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.
Feinberg and Selin are joined on the paper by co-authors Martin Jiskra, a former Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione Fellow at the University of Basel; Pasquale Borrelli, a professor at Roma Tre University in Italy; and Jagannath Biswakarma, a postdoc at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. The paper appears today in Environmental Science and Technology.
Modeling mercury
Over the past few decades, scientists have generally focused on studying deforestation as a source of global carbon dioxide emissions. Mercury, a trace element, hasn’t received the same attention, partly because the terrestrial biosphere’s role in the global mercury cycle has only recently been better quantified.
Plant leaves take up mercury from the atmosphere, in a similar way as they take up carbon dioxide. But unlike carbon dioxide, mercury doesn’t play an essential biological function for plants. Mercury largely stays within a leaf until it falls to the forest floor, where the mercury is absorbed by the soil.
Mercury becomes a serious concern for humans if it ends up in water bodies, where it can become methylated by microorganisms. Methylmercury, a potent neurotoxin, can be taken up by fish and bioaccumulated through the food chain. This can lead to risky levels of methylmercury in the fish humans eat.
“In soils, mercury is much more tightly bound than it would be if it were deposited in the ocean. The forests are doing a sort of ecosystem service, in that they are sequestering mercury for longer timescales,” says Feinberg, who is now a postdoc in the Blas Cabrera Institute of Physical Chemistry in Spain.
In this way, forests reduce the amount of toxic methylmercury in oceans.
Many studies of mercury focus on industrial sources, like burning fossil fuels, small-scale gold mining, and metal smelting. A global treaty, the 2013 Minamata Convention, calls on nations to reduce human-made emissions. However, it doesn’t directly consider impacts of deforestation.
The researchers launched their study to fill in that missing piece.
In past work, they had built a model to probe the role vegetation plays in mercury uptake. Using a series of land use change scenarios, they adjusted the model to quantify the role of deforestation.
Evaluating emissions
This chemical transport model tracks mercury from its emissions sources to where it is chemically transformed in the atmosphere and then ultimately to where it is deposited, mainly through rainfall or uptake into forest ecosystems.
They divided the Earth into eight regions and performed simulations to calculate deforestation emissions factors for each, considering elements like type and density of vegetation, mercury content in soils, and historical land use.
However, good data for some regions were hard to come by.
They lacked measurements from tropical Africa or Southeast Asia — two areas that experience heavy deforestation. To get around this gap, they used simpler, offline models to simulate hundreds of scenarios, which helped them improve their estimations of potential uncertainties.
They also developed a new formulation for mercury emissions from soil. This formulation captures the fact that deforestation reduces leaf area, which increases the amount of sunlight that hits the ground and accelerates the outgassing of mercury from soils.
The model divides the world into grid squares, each of which is a few hundred square kilometers. By changing land surface and vegetation parameters in certain squares to represent deforestation and reforestation scenarios, the researchers can capture impacts on the mercury cycle.
Overall, they found that about 200 tons of mercury are emitted to the atmosphere as the result of deforestation, or about 10 percent of total human-made emissions. But in tropical and sub-tropical countries, deforestation emissions represent a higher percentage of total emissions. For example, in Brazil deforestation emissions are 40 percent of total human-made emissions.
In addition, people often light fires to prepare tropical forested areas for agricultural activities, which causes more emissions by releasing mercury stored by vegetation.
“If deforestation was a country, it would be the second highest emitting country, after China, which emits around 500 tons of mercury a year,” Feinberg adds.
And since the Minamata Convention is now addressing primary mercury emissions, scientists can expect deforestation to become a larger fraction of human-made emissions in the future.
“Policies to protect forests or cut them down have unintended effects beyond their target. It is important to consider the fact that these are systems, and they involve human activities, and we need to understand them better in order to actually solve the problems that we know are out there,” Selin says.
By providing this first estimate, the team hopes to inspire more research in this area.
In the future, they want to incorporate more dynamic Earth system models into their analysis, which would enable them to interactively track mercury uptake and better model the timescale of vegetation regrowth.
“This paper represents an important advance in our understanding of global mercury cycling by quantifying a pathway that has long been suggested but not yet quantified. Much of our research to date has focused on primary anthropogenic emissions — those directly resulting from human activity via coal combustion or mercury-gold amalgam burning in artisanal and small-scale gold mining,” says Jackie Gerson, an assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Michigan State University, who was not involved with this research. “This research shows that deforestation can also result in substantial mercury emissions and needs to be considered both in terms of global mercury models and land management policies. It therefore has the potential to advance our field scientifically as well as to promote policies that reduce mercury emissions via deforestation.
This work was funded, in part, by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.
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