#5 got oddly theraputic
dorkyungsoowrites · 6 years
11 Questions Tag
Rules: Answer the eleven questions you were asked, then write your own eleven questions and tag more people. (I'm too lazy to write my own, but here you go.)
Questions from @vampwrrr
1)  What are three of your oddest quirks?
Oh buddy there are a plethora to choose from haha. I guess, I've been told I walk with a very even, rhythmic gait (so much so they noticed it & pointed it out, mind you), my socks never match, and when I set things on a desk/counter I like placing objects parallel or perpindicular to each other so it's neater.
2)  What’s your favourite hair colour for men?  For women?  Why?
You do what makes you feel the best/happiest. I don't care about that stuff. This was an odd question.
3)  What was your favourite band before you got into EXO?
Um, BTS I guess. I followed them before I discovered Exo, so yeah.
4)  How would you describe your style/aesthetic?
Dorky punk with a splash of space.
5)  What advice would you give high school you?
Don't care what others think because they don't care about you. You're beautiful and smart and kind and wonderful, and your worth is not defined by the people that are or aren't around you. Don't let people push you around and walk over you so much. You deserve better. Put down that [redacted]. It doesn't help. Not in the long-term. Get over yourself you selfish, immature bitch. You are not alone in your pain. If you were to talk to your friends about it you would see that and feel so much lighter. Seek help. Your parents will not think less of you or over-react/worry. They will support your need to talk to someone professional. Men ain't shit. Stop trying to force that garbage crush, pick up your courage and ask her out. You know who I mean. Tell her exactly how in love with her you are. She'll accept you. Yes, even though you haven't come out yet. I only had the courage to kiss her twice long after high school. It wasn't the same. She deserved for you to be better to her in school. Give her all the love you know she needs and deserves. Your struggles aren't so different. Also, learn to take notes and study properly, and practice your instrument more. College me will suffer and struggle enough as it is.
6)  If you could be any comic book character, who would you be, and why?
Well I've always loved Deadpool, but to be him? Fuck no. I mean all comic book people have tragic backstories like damn. I'm gonna cop out and say Mai from the atla comics cause she's badass and is in love with Zuko.
7)  What are your top 3 favourite hobbies?  Why do you find them fulfilling?
Watching movies/tv, writing/reading and playing music. I enjoy escaping to other worlds and observing people. In these mediums you see into characters' heads a lot so it helps build this picture of humanity in its most vulnerable, most mundane and strongest states. There's no limit put on creativity and fantasy and world-building, and I find that amazing and freeing, and healing. With music there's just so much passion. It reaches everyones hearts. It's a unifying thing among humans, and gives voice to otherwise indescribable feelings. I've played all my life and I still can't properly voice how I feel when it comes to music a lot of the time. I just know that the happiest and most at peace I am in my life is while playing a piece of music. And that's precious to me, so I won't give it up.
8)  What do you like to read?  Why do you like it?
Besides fanfiction I usually read fantasy. See above.
9)  Please describe what you would like to do on your idea of a perfect day.
Sleep in, sip a warm beverage under blankets with a significant other watching movies while it rains, and watch the sunset. Possibly by a fire. Just enjoying the quiet calm and the company without worries.
10)  What draws you to your EXO bias, and bias wrecker?
Kyungsoo is talented in many areas (singing, dancing, acting, etc.). He has my second favorite singing voice of all time. He's also a very thoughtful and sincere person. At least what he shows us. He seems to be very open-minded and kind with manners to boot. Even though he can seem mysterious a lot of the time I think he has his reasons for holding back parts of himself and that's respectable. I go a lot by "vibes" I get from people and I just feel that Kyungsoo is a good person at heart. That's what lets him stand out among others for me and drew me in. And with the chance of this sounding narcissistic, his personality reminds me of me a lot of the time so I feel kinda connected to him in that way. I don't think I have one particular biaswrecker so I'll leave this here.
11)  What are three of your strongest pet peeves?
Um, being rude?? Like, having your phone out while eating out with someone, texting/talking in the theater, etc. Being inconsiderate of my feelings. Like talking over me or ignoring what I just said, etc. And not cleaning up your own messes. Like it's not that hard to pick up your dishes/shoes/whatever and put them back in their proper place.
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Droog/Death Discords
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 5:16 PM
Death have a faint knock to the door, something that could have gone easily ignored if there wasn't silence save for Droog's movements. Letting himself in, Death slowly makes his way on over to Droog, mindful of any thrown shot glasses. "Hello, hello."
Carro-Last Thursday at 5:20 PM
"..."  Droog does not answer immediately, staring at the corkboard intently over his desk.  A pair of scissors lay in his right hand, the newspaper loosely held in his left.  After a moment, he sighs softly, looking back down to the paper.  "Hello, love."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 5:31 PM
"I'm assuming this is not papermache art you're getting yourself into." Coming up behind the clearly riled man, Death leaned over, slipping his arms around him to rest his cheek on Droog's shoulder. "Is it keeping you busy?"
Carro-Last Thursday at 5:32 PM
Droog looks to Death, the weight of him oddly reassuring.  He leans into him and tilts his head back, giving his cheek a kiss.  He says, "Occupying my thoughts and fingers.  But not as busy as I could, or should, be."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 6:06 PM
"Need a distraction?" Death turned his head, peppering soft kisses along Droog's throat after the kiss. "I can't imagine staring at your..." He glanced up at the corkboard he didn't understand. "Plans, being very theraputic. Join me in bed?"
Carro-Last Thursday at 6:14 PM
Despite himself, Droog chuckles, craning his head back to receive those kisses.  He takes a deep breath in, exhales slowly, and he climbs out of his chair, leaving his plans and his corkboards behind.  "Lead the way, sugar."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 6:16 PM
Death stepped back for Droog to raise, taking up his hands to lead the poor man to the bed. The mortician's shoes were toed off before he crawled up onto the bed, scooting back slowly as he waited for Droog to follow. "Lay on your stomach for me, if you'd be so kind?"
Carro-Last Thursday at 6:18 PM
Droog unbuttons his waistcoat, shrugging it off and laying it aside before complying.  He crawls onto the bed at Death's side, onto his stomach, crossing his arms to cushion his head upon them.
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 6:23 PM
Crawling around, Death moved to straddle Droog's hips, weight light upon him. Death's hands began stroking up and down the mobster's back, gentle at first as they traveled from the small of Droog's back, up to his shoulders. Slowly, but surely, his palms dressed against Droog's lower back, rubbing firm circles.
Carro-Last Thursday at 6:27 PM
Droog nuzzles into his folded arms, a low groan building in his throat.  He tries to hold still, though his back does arch into Death's hands, the tension melting and oozing from him with each firm circle.  "Mmm, if you ever get tired of working with stiffs, you could put those hands to good use on the living..."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 6:46 PM
"To still work for stiffs?" Death teased, voice holding a soft chuckle. "You've got quite a bit of rigor built up, my dear." Thumbs dug into Droog's arching spine, walking their way up as his palms worked up the canvas before him. "Is there something specific about this attack that upsets you?"
Carro-Last Thursday at 6:53 PM
"Several things," Droog says, biting at his lip.  It aches, and then it eases.  He thinks to the article.  To the buildings burned.  "The money lost in those buildings--large chunks of profit, gone.  The cost of rebuilding, massive." He rubs at his face, taking a breath.  "Where were our men? Did they go down with the buildings? Were the buildings at all occupied--it was only eight in the evening.  The daycare--what if there were still caretakers inside.  Children...waiting for their parents to come." He falls silent for a long moment before he says, "He--Crowbar.  We made a truce.  No attacks through the holidays, through the end of the year.  And then they not only didn't have the decency to follow through, they didn't even have the balls to attack us personally. They went after the revenue, sure, but-- why the daycare? There coulda been kids in there.  What the fuck did the kids do?"  He snorts and says, "Never have kids, Eli.  It melted this icy heart, make it soft."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 7:06 PM
Ahh.... So the children and the promise. Of course the costs are stressful, but Death mulled over that being expectations of the job. Children and the promise... not so much? "Oh no." Death began, leaning into roughly nuzzle the side of Droog's neck, snuffling lightly. "A soft heart. Say it isn't so, Droog, say it isn't so!"
Carro-Last Thursday at 7:08 PM
Droog's shoulders shrug upward.  Oh no, not the snuffling again! "It's the most terrible affliction someone like me can have.  It costs judgement, and lives.  Maybe my own.  Certainly, it cost me a few glasses in the night..."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 7:16 PM
"Mmm." Death shifted, settling to lay out on Droog's back. His hands snaked beneath the other's stomach so that Death may wrap him in a hug. The snuffling did not continue, replaced instead with kisses that peppered every inch of skin he could reach. "I am not sorry to say I am happy that this is an illness you're terminal with."
Carro-Last Thursday at 7:19 PM
A flush brightens Droog's cheeks and he hums softly, clearly pleased.  He slides one hand out from under his head, to slide beneath himself and streamline to Death's own.  He says, "I know I'm not human, but when I expire of this illness, will you bury me? I couldn't leave that to Aradia."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 7:45 PM
"I would be honored. I can bury you! Not so sure about embalming you. Would be difficult... do you know if you lose your humanoid appearance if you die?" Well, if Droog was going to speak so casually about death, so could Death! He leaned back, keeping one hand beneath Droog- the one the mobster had captured, but his free one curiously poked away at Droog, trying to find some sort of shell resistance.
Carro-Last Thursday at 7:51 PM
Just below the skin--a few centimeters, maybe an inch or two at most--there it is.  Hard, harder than bone, but much shallower within the flesh.  It is this way, all over him, though some areas, it is deeper than others.  Around the joints, much smoother than the curvature of bones and ligaments. "Hmm... Hard to say.  Only time I got close to death, I hadn't even figured out this party trick was possible yet.  Not too eager to find out just yet, but be sure to take notes, should you be around to witness me after such an experiment."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 8:46 PM
"You got close to death? Another one? Is there something you need to tell me?" Death scoffed, playing up the dramatic tone of betrayel. CHEATING on me for another Death? I see how it is! The presence of... something unusual beneath seemingly normal skin was a curious one. If he was a sdist... or his brother... Death might've fancied the idea of cutting into the skin to inspect the carapace? Beneath.
Carro-Last Thursday at 8:50 PM
Droog laughs, turning his head about to throw a wink up toward the man on his back.  He says, "It was long ago.  Probably before you were even born... ...You know, I don't know how old you are.  It's hard for me to gauge human ages still, though I am getting better at it."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 8:58 PM
"Not a day past 18." Death nodded, pecking Droog's nose.
Carro-Last Thursday at 9:01 PM
Droog laughs, giving his head a shake.  "That makes you younger than my daughter.  I'm not certain how to feel about that."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 9:04 PM
Beneath Droog went his hand again, joining the other only settling over Droog's hand now. "I'm 31, not to worry. Wonder if there is other little things I should have told you by now, suppose age is rather important."
Carro-Last Thursday at 9:07 PM
"Age is a number, and I don't mean that in the way that sexual predators mean it.  Though now, I will know what number to write on the cake on your birthday."  Droog gives the hand in his grasp a tiny squeeze.  "Which is another thing I don't know.  I find I don't know a lot about you, beyond the stuff of your personality.  The essence of you."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 9:21 PM
"Oh, the dead don't need birthdays. Don't worry yourself on that." Death squeezed Droog's hand back, nuzzling the back of his neck before giving the spine there a light nip."Jokes aside though. August 26th is my birthday."
Carro-Last Thursday at 9:26 PM
Droog groans softly, biting at his lip.  Shush, bad noise.  He says, "August 26th.  I will remember that.  We'll throw you a death day party."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 9:45 PM
"Only if you tell me your birthday. Here I've given you two answers! Where are mine?"
Carro-Last Thursday at 9:48 PM
"Ha... I don't have a birthday." Droog hums, pausing a moment, before saying, "Given I was not born.  At least, not the me that is me.  I'm not certain if the first of me was born or not, either.  But I do have a cloning day."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 10:04 PM
"But if you were cloned, were you not born? So... cloning day would be the same! I take either or. What is your cloning day?"
Carro-Last Thursday at 10:19 PM
"To be born implies sexual conception, gestation, and, well.  Birth.  Followed by infancy, and growing through the periods of development.  I came out of the tube fully grown.  As for my cloning day... I believe the calendar date is 'May 20.'"
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 10:46 PM
"Wait, you were never a child?" Well, that explains no baby carapace, but most carapace took on human forms anyway! So... he never really saw many.
Carro-Last Thursday at 10:48 PM
"No.  I suppose I did come out a little younger than I appear now, but I would characterize that more as...late adolescence than childhood.  Cloned carapacians, with few exceptions, are made to be, well, made within a few days.  In some cases, a few hours.  We go from a few strands of DNA to whatever state of being the Overseers has deemed necessary in an extremely short amount of time, so we can immediately get to work."
Cloneclone-Last Thursday at 11:13 PM
"The more I learn, the more my heart breaks. I am sorry, I never mean to come off as I pity you... I just. Well." Death nuzzled Droog's back, the space between shoulders. "Simply seems as if I'm stuck in a state of perpetual fret."
Carro-Last Thursday at 11:42 PM
Droog gives his head a shake, a warm chuckle in his throat.  "No, no.  You didn't come off that way at all, love.  I'm sorry if my response fanned the flames of your fret.  I'm simply stating facts."December 30, 2016
Cloneclone-Last Friday at 12:35 AM
"Ahhh-- haha! Lord have mercy, I'm going to get myself stuck in a circle of worry if I respond to that how I wish. Alright, alright." Death leaned up, nuzzling into Droog's hair and shaking his head back and forth with a huff. "I love you."
Carro-Last Friday at 12:37 AM
Droog laughs then, a full-bodied laugh, and he turns his head as best he can to steal a kiss from Death's lips.  "I love you too, my little fret bat.  So very much."
Cloneclone-Last Friday at 1:38 AM
Oop. Death went a'shaking with that laugh. It took him a moment to realize what Droog wanted there, and it wasn't given right away for the simple desire to play a tease, before eventually giving Droog a quick peck. "Speaking of. Have I ever shown you the bats who live in my attic?"
Carro-Last Friday at 1:52 AM
Aha! A quick pay off, for all that tease.  Droog leaves himself partially twisted, partially propped up, to better converse with the man on his back.  He gives his head a short shake. "No, you haven't, though you've mentioned them.  I would so like to make their acquaintances.  Do they have names?"
Cloneclone-Last Friday at 2:02 AM
Death pushed himself up, on his hands and knees over Droog if he so wished to roll over and look Death eye to eye. "They have not! Actually. I couldn't tell either of them apart anyway. Or well, all three of them. Since winter, another has come to my attic. They're small, brown little things with a love for spooking me when I wake up at night to one or two of them swooping around my room. But that's what I get for not fixing that hole in my room."
Carro-Last Friday at 2:09 AM
Droog does indeed roll over then, reaching up to pull Death down upon him.  Chest to chest. "You have a hole in your--baby, why didn't you tell me? I can patch a hole, no problem.  No more bats, either."
Cloneclone-Last Saturday at 2:34 AM
"Well, if there is no hole, how are they going to see me? They spook me, but I spook at everything." Death took Droog's face and rubbed his nose on the others. "You spoil me rotten, Droog! You are going to make me fat on it all, I am sure of it!"
Carro-Last Saturday at 2:36 AM
Droog laughs and he says, "That you do, little spook.  Do you like having the bats around, then?" At that, he grins widely and he says, "Oh no, you've found me out.  I'm going to spoil you...to death!"
Cloneclone-Last Saturday at 2:50 AM
"I do! Just... not when I'm trying to sleep and they're definitely not. They're very cute though, I've yet to get them too friendly. They don't mind me getting close to them, and they're sooort of? Dinner trained, but when it comes to touching, they're still not interested in that aha." Little kisses peppered Droog's cheeks and nose as he spoke, before Death took his turn again. "Spoiling me to me? Such a devil, you are."
Carro-Last Saturday at 2:52 AM
Droog happily returns those showers of kisses as Death speaks.  A new game--words, or kisses.  He says, "My, oh my.  You're a regular Dracula in the making.  The creatures of the night are yours to command.  And yes, I am told I am the devil in flesh.  It's a shame, really.  All I want to do is...pamper you, and...kiss you... Make love to you..."
Cloneclone-Last Saturday at 4:00 AM
Death's eyebrows raised, near vanishing into his hair with that proclamation. O-oh, well! "As long as you're gentle." Death rolled off Droog, just for a moment. His coat was removed, pants to follow, leaving him in his undershirt and boxer briefs. Dressed down for bed, Death shifted to press against Droog's side. "There we go."
Carro-Last Saturday at 4:06 AM
Droog watches Death undress with a somewhat surprised expression.  He turns just so to look at Death, his hand running down the length of his lover's arm.  Such warmth... He says, "Are you certain? How are, ah... How are you feeling?"
Cloneclone-Last Saturday at 4:09 AM
Death pauses to give Droog a puzzled look... before sitting up straight suddenly, turning a darker shade of red. "Oh heaven above, I was getting ready for bed! Oh jeez, I picked the wrong tone to dress down, I'm so sorry! I did not mean to imply anything!!"
Carro-Last Saturday at 4:10 AM
Droog blinks once before bursting into laughter--not mocking, but laughter nonetheless.  "B-baby, you... you said 'as long as you're gentle', I'm-- oh sweet frog, I'm sorry!"
Cloneclone-Last Saturday at 4:12 AM
"I know! I was kidding, and I- aaah! Okay, okay, putting everything back on now." Death rolled back over to collect everything back up, slowly dying inside.
Carro-Last Saturday at 4:13 AM
Droog reaches over and gently grabs Death's arm.  "No-- no, baby, wait, I'm sorry.  Please, don't.  Don't fret.  I'm sorry."
Cloneclone-Last Saturday at 12:42 PM
Death was about to flutter right back into another fit as Droog apologized all over the place. Good lord, he's got the man saying sorry so much, how awful. He pursed his lips though, trying to stop them from going into an apologetic circle. "Alright, alright." He rolled back over, shifting himself back over to the mobster so that he could once again tuck himself against Droog. "No more sorrys. I'll stop if you stop."
Carro-Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
"No more sorrys."  Droog wraps his arms around Death then, holding him close.  He pushes his fingers through his inky hair, giving him a kiss.  He has been, all the while, chuckling--apologies laced with mirth and sincerity now faded away for the remnants of amusement.
Cloneclone-Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
"No sex either. At least--" A kiss interupted him, and Death took it and ran, giving his own kisses. "At least not right now." Wrapping his arms around Droog, Death attempts to roll over so Droog was on top of him. ...The attempt may have been a valiant effort, but a failed one unless Droog helped him out a little.
Carro-Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
It takes a little guesswork to figure out what the little bat was scheming, but Droog catches on and rolls overtop of Death.  He looks down at him, curious, before nodding.  "No sex, not right now.  Absolutely."
Cloneclone-Last Saturday at 1:33 PM
Wiggling about after, Death worked on tugging the blankets over them. It was a bit of a process, considering they were ontop them, but a bit of difficult tugging later and the comforter was rested over them. After, the undertaker laid back comfortably, letting himself play body pillow for Droog. "Maybe later." Nails dragged over Droog's scalp, petting at his hair.
Carro-Last Saturday at 1:44 PM
The mobster is entirely impressed by Death's persistence. They could have gotten up long enough to get the comforter, but this was fine also. He annoyed the stubbornness of Death. He settles happily to rest on his living body pillow, nuzzling his cheek gently as a purr rumbles in his throat. "Whenever you would like, my love. I'm on your schedule."
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