#5 dollhairs to me for using the big brain
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devastatinglygreen · 10 months ago
ohhhh i just realized that the [redacted] is probably what leads to the [redacted] scene
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ktrxs · 6 years ago
IT’S TIME | Weekly Checkin | MYW | 5
So, in an effort to not make this super long, I decided to write in-depth weekly reviews over on another blog. All the juicy details of this week including a tweet-sized book review can be found here.
But I��ll update the fun stats here! The goals with measurements that I can track are more fun than the habits I’m trying to stop. I really think having a weekly review will really help me get a clear picture of what’s working and what needs to be adjusted.
Things are improving!!  
Days eating healthy: 11/312 Days exercising: 22/260 Weight this year: -5.6 lbs
Blog posts: 2/365 $ made: 0
P E R S O N A L  D E V E L O P M E N T
Pay off loan: $300/$13000 # of books read: 6/52 Books read: How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger
B O O M !
20 pounds. I am feeling good about that. I just switched my fitbit band back to the original one for now. I wanted to see where I was at wrist wise.
Now, I got the large band when I got the fitbit because my thought process was... I’m big-boned.. yet I’m not a woMAN. So, in the middle?
Then I bought an expensive toy and crossed my fingers over the band.
Well, when I got it, I had to wear it on the 4th loop. Then that got loose and I went to the 3rd loop. Then I was like PLEASE NO MO. because I’m one cheap ass motherfucker and I don’t want to shell the 5 dollhairs for another band
My sweet sweet little sister, Sonia, used her own money to get me an early Christmas present and I don’t know how this girl knew. But she got me the smaller band in my favorite color. THIS GIRL!
I was so happy and grateful. Now I have two colors!
So, I just switched the colors and GUISE. the bigger one is now on the 2nd loop and I am wondering my wrist will lose more inches.. centimeters? But secretly I want to keep both sizes for the color change because Im still cheap.
There’s that.
So, I planned on taking THREE weeks to finish How Not to Die because it’s MASSIVE 660 ish pages. But OMG I crammed it in one week. HOW WHY
So, now I’m thinking that I’ll just skip on the books this week because my brain is killing me.
So on Saturday, we went to an Ice Festival and saw awesome ice sculptures. The night before we drove through it and walked around because the sculptors were in the middle of making the sculptures and it was fun watching them with chainsaws.
But, then we broke the spend nothing extra rule. $12 on a funnel cake and fries. Worth it? No... But what was worth it was then going to Sheetz for some fucking goodness. because if we broke the rule might as well go all out right?
NO! I’m calling getting “extra” food was a necessity for this reason: our pipes were frozen in the kitchen. We had no water to come out to do the dishes needed to cook anything. Washing dishes in the bathroom is such a hassle. So, we got food because I did not want to wash a million dishes in the tub and run back and forth to get water. 
Things happen. Sometimes your stove breaks down and you have to order out. Sometimes your water goes out and you have to rent a hotel room for showers.
This was a necessity case it just feels like cheating because.. I mean we could’ve eaten cereal but during freezing temperatures?!? ugh.
So there’s that.
It was an unproductive week. Like reading a whole textbook instead of working productively.
I also only exercised three out of five times because FREEZING.
So I watched a video where someone challenged themselves to have a 100 hour workweek. He like died. But, still it intrigued me to have a challenge as well.
This week I want to have an 80 hours work week. 14 hour days mon-fri and then a 10 hour day on sat.
I think it will be a fun challege to get my butt into gear. And there’s no way I’m doing 100 hours, fuck that.
Also I’m laughing because to me it was an unproductive week but i literally did a writing retreat and freelance work.
Still. LMAO
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