#5 AM thoughts
Roommate!Simon who finds you fast asleep on the couch when he comes home after a mission. He gently enters your shared apartment, momentarily freezing when he hears the faint buzz of the TV and occasional small sighs.
Roommate!Simon who can't stop a smile from spreading on his face when he sees the inhumane position you fell asleep in, one leg thrown over the couch, the other partially covered by a blanket and your head hanging down in a position that's guaranteed to give you neck pains for the days to come.
Roommate!Simon who takes off his mask, gloves and tactical gear before gently lifting you in his arms and cradling your sleeping form to his chest, relishing in the rhythmic sound of your heartbeats.
Roommate!Simon whose heart skips a beat when you cuddle up into his chest, murmuring a sleepy welcome with your eyes still closed.
Roommate!Simon who eventually has to place you in your bed and tuck you in, a tender expression on his face as he watches you drift off to sleep in an instant.
part two part three part four masterlist
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fuckmyskywalker · 20 days
I need clone wars Ani to hold me down and eat me out until I’m sobbing bc he knows what’s best for me and if he says I can give him one more orgasm then by god am I gonna give him one more even if he has to force it outta me
I’ve literally been thinking about this all day 😭
18+ smut, clone wars!Anakin oral, overstimulation (if you squint).
I can see the sun and I wrote this out of anger and love <3. Hehe.
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"I don't care if you cry," He hisses, forcing your thighs apart. "If you try to close your legs one more fucking time, I promise you I will tie you to the bed and leave you on edge all night."
The threat is enough to calm you down— at least for a few seconds. Anakin said to keep your legs open, not your mouth shut. "Anakin, I can't—" There is no way to get his mind off it. His thick skull, only comparable to his cock, can seem to comprehend such a basic concept. "It hurts."
"No it doesn't," He fights back. Apparently that's the only good thing he can do— and eat you out. Descending his mouth to your swollen folds once again, Anakin uses his thumbs to spread your puffy cunt, suckling your clit with no trace of the delicacy he had hours prior. "Just give me another one, you can do it. You've done it before."
He looks and sounds desperate. You want to do it, you want nothing more than to please him, but it is becoming physically exhausting. Tears trickle down your hot, flushed cheeks, tears that don't go unnoticed by Anakin. Lifting his eyes, you can't ignore the wave of lust that swirls down your stomach all the way to your core, coating his tongue in your slick, again. It hurts but it feels good. Is that thin line where the ache and the delight merge and become an indescribable feeling.
"Don't cry," Anakin whispers, slowing down and kissing your throbbing little bud, using it as a distraction to slide two fingers back inside you. "You know I can't resist to fuck you if you cry, princess."
"I... I just love it," You manage to croak, hiccups escaping your throat, mingling with your moans and gasps. Every single sound possible, Anakin is able to pull it out of your vocal cords. "But I don't know if I can do it. I don't wanna let you down, Ani," A tiny sob makes his heart clench, mimicking your warm, stretched walls around his fingers.
"I'll be gentle baby," He doesn't let you go. If you tell him to stop, he will— but you haven't. "Just one more. Just this last one and we can go to sleep."
Curling his digits, he gently rubs your g-spot in circles, circling your clit with the flat side of his tongue. He is more cautious this time, knowing this is your limit. Anakin just needs you, craves you like the air he breathes— if not even more.
"Just this one," You finally agree, arching your back and yelping his name. Anything to please him.
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sf-97 · 2 years
so painful to the point it numbed me a little
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digitlivy · 8 months
5 am atla hc for tonight: gaang friendship bracelets (made by aang)
toph: textured beads that have different patterns engraved in each color so she remembers which bead is which color
katara: porous beads that can absorb a small amount of water in case of emergency
zuko: flint and steel beads so he doesn't need to be anxious about losing his bending again (he can work on holding fire like he did with aang before they performed the dragon dance form)
sokka: moonstone beads (he thinks it's actually made of the moon and makes him feel connected to yue) and leftover meteorite bits formed into beads
suki: clay beads made using the pigments used in the traditional kyoshi makeup to help her remember her warrior friends no matter how far she is from them
aang: he made the bracelets a bit too big for everyone because he didn't want them to be too small and have anyone feel left out because they couldn't wear it, so they each removed a few beads from their bracelets and formed aang's bracelet, leaving room for him to add any charms he wanted to from his adventures
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zhongster · 2 months
guys this is kinda specific but is anyone else not able to physically make themselves say the word “burp” (or belch)????
like i genuinely cannot make myself say it out loud or even type it with the intention of sending it to someone that isn’t explicitly into it like this community is.
i always find some awkward roundabout way of dancing around the word. for example i used to refer to it with a friend as “the thing” (ex: nanami did the thing, he feels like he needs to do the thing, he’s feeling very the thing-y)
like idk if it’s just me but i’m curious 💀
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Up rewatching the 2024 Royal Rumble and Randy deserved to have a one-on-one match against Roman given that it was The Bloodline that took him out...
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mikey180 · 1 year
Y/n: He got tired of me complaining about how many dishes we were using. We had an argument and now we're here.
Y/n motions to tighnari stubbornly drinking soup out of cupped hands, most of it spilling on his lap
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where-the-cicadas-sing · 11 months
Real talk we need to give them a better duo name besides Fitza and that’s a ship name 💀
Both tied to anarchy. Fit came and grew up from an anarchist world. Phil is an anarchist
Both coincidentally have ‘Minecraft’ as their last name lol
1) Phil lives on and inside the wall. Fit lives next to it.
2) Whenever there is tasks, they tend to run off together with their kids and do their own thing
3) Whenever things get hectic or loud, Phil, if he can, leaves (Irish goodbyes) or stick to an area where it’s more quiet. Fit usually sticks with him whenever Phil’s at more social chaotic scenes. Which usually are nearby walls
Not exactly the literal meaning of wallflower that is “shy” but *gestures*
Also this is their duo emoji thing: “🪶💚”
I don’t make the rules sorry 💔 (yes I do/j)
yeah 👍 the sillies deserve a duo name that ends with duo but also isn’t a jokey duo like old men yaoi lmao
that’s all I had say thanks
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bisasterqueen · 4 months
Me trying to sleep
My brain: hey you awake?
Me: I guess?
My brain: Do you think the other 999 parts of the thousand winds ship the Traveler with anemo users?
Me: .....what?
My brain: Do you think Venti has to stop his 'siblings' from having shipping wars?
My brain: Or do you think he's running the betting ring?
Me:*screaming into my pillow*
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arrowfox1 · 4 months
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You know what I'm up at 5am thinking this stuff again. So I dug out the drawins I had and played them out. Yes there all part of my au recurring tower and yes there all unfinished and no I suck at noisette drawings and that's why she's not here. Idc if they look bad or not anymore because I want my au to be real and I'm taking this too slowly I feel. Also the building one is newer and is called sound studios (brought to you by NTV) and it's my own design I came up with myself cause I used to do drawings of buildings. (I also want to make other buildings like a log cabin for vigi and some of scenes and maybe write a story better then the one I wrote when making this au.)
(I hate 5am thoughts. Hurt my head and I can't sleep because I thought something and it bugged me so much..)
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Roommate!Simon who only finds out you're sleeping with a stuffed toy, months after living together. It all begins when the plushie ends up mixed with his laundry and he finds the toy discarded on the bed
Roommate!Simon who has to do a double take because he hasn't owned a stuffed toy since he was 7 and what was one doing in his bed?
Roommate!Simon who then finds you out in the living room, a distressed look on your face as you seem to be searching for something
"I take it this is yours?", he asks as he holds the plushie between the very tip of his fingers because God forbid he is seen in the proximity of something such as childish as a toy
"Oh my God, Mr. Huggles!"
Roommate!Simon who can't help but blush when you snatch the toy from his hands and proceed to cuddle it in plain sight, squishing your cheek against the soft plush
It's been years since somebody held him that way
Roommate!Simon who comes home after a mission and finds you fast asleep on the couch, a blanket draped over your body as Mr. Huggles is squished between your arms and chest.
Roommate!Simon who becomes touch-starved and needy for the kind of affection you show to Mr. Huggles
Roommate!Simon who offers to do the laundry so that he could get his hands on Mr. Huggles. The feeling of the soft plush is foreign against his calloused hands and he takes a breath in, your scent still lingering
Roommate!Simon who buys you a Casper stuffed plush instead, having no regrets about lying about the plushie that now rests in his travel bag.
part one part three part four masterlist
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morgan-fairchild · 1 year
Soldier, Poet, King isn't a song about Christianity. It's a song about Dru, Ty and Kit.
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Thinking about how Harlequin’s Son / Michael Mayne was conceived of as having been an Obsidian rogue at some point or another- queer themes and family ties aside, I think it would be really funny if DC used this to canonize humor as Obsidian’s primary weakness.
No, I’m not joking.
His powers are deeply tied to his emotions, and his ability to torment people with their own soul/sins/fears/traumas is one of the most terrifying in the DC universe. How hilarious would it be if the best way to keep him from doing so…was to make him laugh?
(As I’m sure the Harlequin’s Son would attest, easier said than done)
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zhongster · 2 months
guys nanami is definitely the king of “excuse me”, “please pardon me”, “i apologize”
he’s also for sure the king of deep chesty belches hidden behind a fist and a closed mouth.
he’s a big ass boy with a broad frame and a sizeable appetite to match, his burps are pretty much always gonna be loud.
but he’s a sweetie so always with the “excuse me”
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softistdom · 5 months
more of my voice
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thatpaperartist · 4 months
Slightly cursed Stardew Valley HC idea:
You're dating Morris, are Pierre's younger sibling(probably through adoption), but you aren't sure how to explain this two the two of them(without them possibly wanting to go after each other's throats).
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