#4WD Rear Drawers
fourbyfitouts · 9 days
What common mistakes should you avoid when installing a 4x4 fridge slide?
In the bustling city where adventurous people come alive, the thrill of exploration and the call of the wild beckons from every corner. As urban life rushes by, it's easy to dream of weekend getaways filled with off-road escapades and camping under the stars. For those who seek to blend city living with outdoor adventures, a reliable 4x4 fridge slide becomes an essential companion. However, before you hit the trails, it’s crucial to ensure your fridge slide is installed correctly. In this blog, we’ll uncover the common mistakes to avoid during installation, helping you maximise your adventure-ready setup and enjoy every moment of your journey!
1. Skipping the Measurements: Measure Twice, Cut Once!
One of the most critical mistakes when installing a 4x4 Fridge Slide is failing to measure your space accurately. Before bolting anything down, grab your tape measure and note the dimensions. This includes the size of your fridge and the space in your vehicle.
A common pitfall is assuming that all 4WDs have the exact interior dimensions. Spoiler alert: they don’t! If your 4WD rear drawers are installed, ensure enough room to accommodate the slide. Trust us; you don’t want to realise you’ve made a mistake after everything is installed.
2. Ignoring the Weight Capacity
Understanding weight capacity is crucial when it comes to your 4x4 Fridge Slide. Many adventurers make the mistake of loading their fridge slide with more gear than it can handle. Check the manufacturer’s specifications for the weight limit and stick to it. Overloading can lead to breakage, affecting the slide’s functionality and your overall travel experience.
3. Overlooking Ventilation Needs
Did you know that proper ventilation can enhance the performance of your best 4x4 Fridge Slide? A common mistake is installing the fridge slide in a way that restricts airflow. Without adequate ventilation, your fridge may struggle to maintain the desired temperature, causing your food and drinks to warm up faster than you’d like.
Be sure to leave space around the fridge for airflow, and consider the positioning of your 4WD rear drawers. If your drawers block the fridge’s vents, you may end up with a warm cooler instead of a cold one.
4. Neglecting the Power Source
Let’s talk power! Many adventurers forget to think about their fridge’s power requirements before installation. If your 4x4 Fridge Slide will be used frequently, ensure it can be easily connected to your vehicle’s power source or a portable battery.
Running extension cords or trying to reach awkward outlets can take time and effort. Make sure your fridge is conveniently located near a power source to keep the good times rolling without interruption.
5. Rushing the Installation Process
We get it—adventure calls and you want to hit the road ASAP. But rushing through the installation of your 4x4 Fridge Slide can lead to mistakes that could jeopardise your trip. Take your time to read the instructions thoroughly and follow each step carefully.
6. Forgetting to Test Before You Go
Before you embark on your epic adventure, always test your 4x4 Fridge Slide and 4WD rear drawers set-up. Ensure everything slides in and out smoothly and that all components function as they should. This final check can save you from inconvenient surprises down the line.
Installing a 4x4 Fridge Slide should be an exciting step toward enhancing your outdoor experiences rather than a source of stress. You'll be well on your way to a successful installation and countless memorable adventures by avoiding these common mistakes. Installing  4wd rear drawers doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll set yourself up for success and enhance your outdoor experience. So grab your tools, double-check your measurements, and get ready to hit the road with confidence. The wild awaits, and it’s time to make the most of every moment! Happy adventuring!
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bryonysimcox · 5 years
Four wheel driving, van repairing and living slowly: Week 6, Spain
It was a week mostly spent in a cottage in the hills, editing films, fixing the van and exploring Iberic villages. It was a week of taking things slow. Here’s my round-up of week six on the road.
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By far, this has been the least ‘eventful’ week on the road. By that I mean we haven’t done loads and loads of travelling around, exploring or seeing lots of different stuff. But it has made me realise two things. Firstly, the reality of vanlife is that there will always be weeks like this one just past, where we knuckle down with work and van admin. And secondly, that time is the greatest asset of all.
Living slowly is a revelation.
I’ve always been the kind of person who tries to cram as many things as possible into a  day. Even if I’ve got a spare ten minutes, rather than just chill out I’ll look for any small job or activity I can do to ‘make the most of’ that time. The downside of this approach is that you’re always rushing around, you sometimes don’t give a task or activity the attention it deserves, and you’re often late because you never quite finish one thing before another pops up!
Life on the road feels like a therapeutic process which is deconditioning me from being so busy all the time. Rather than thinking about the next job I need to do or how I could make something even more time-efficient, I’m taking things one by one and really relishing activities which I might’ve previously avoided because they were ‘indulgent’ or slow. That has meant reading more books, cooking, and this week even playing my violin (which I promised myself I’d play, given that we’ve brought it all this way!). It has also meant reaching out to friends and family, and being there for others.
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(image) ‘It’s okay, I’m right behind you’, my latest collage for Analogue Bryony which was made in the Barraca.
I think there’s something in the ‘slow movement’ that we should all consider. In the modern world, the idea that time is the most valuable resource we have and that we should indulge ourselves in it has been replaced by the idea that time is money and efficiency is king. It’s kind of scary that I’ve had to embark on a trip like this to see how wrong that is, and to unburden myself from being a slave to efficiency.
Spending solid days and long hours working on filmmaking and admin for Broaden makes day trips and adventures even sweeter when they come.
On Thursday, I insisted that we get out and about. Even though we have spent most of the week staying in the ‘Baraca’ (the small cottage in last week’s post), George transformed the van parked on the driveway into his own editing office and practically locked himself in there from 9am - 8pm most days. By Thursday, I was keen to explore the region around us, and George was keen to test Suzi’s 4x4 abilities, so we headed north, up towards the Iberic villages of Ullastret, Peratallada and Palau-Sator.
It was only thanks to recommendations from a family friend that we found the villages, as they were tiny settlements away from the coast. We took some pretty sketchy roads to get there, but were really impressed by how well the van can handle off-road situations, especially when put into four wheel drive. Suzi the HiAce has selectable 4WD, which means that she’s only in 4WD when you switch a button and go outside, twisting the locking hubs on the front two wheels. This manual 80s style approach may seem antequated, but so far seems pretty foolproof and means that we can cruise along in 2WD most of the time when it suits.
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(images) A pretty fun morning of proving Suzi’s off-road abilities!
A series of fortified medieval towns with narrow streets and stone buildings, the Iberic villages were utterly charming.
Ullastret, Peratallada and Palau-Sator all had a similar urban structure, with an old town wall and circular street pattern. Churches, markets, towers and prisons were some of the key historic buildings, and Peratallada even had a castle situated in its core. Ullastret was perhaps my favourite, not least because so many of the modified buildings featured beautifully-designed and understated architectural interventions. It was definitely apparent that Catalunya is a wealthy region, because even civic elements like street lamps, bins, railings and paving stones are well-designed and well-made, carefully crafted to remain in-keeping with the impressive historic setting.
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(images) The historic Iberic villages: peaceful and charming.
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(images) Sophisticated architectural detailing characterised these towns.
From the villages, we headed east to find one of the famous beaches along the Costa Brava - a beach I’d been recommended called ‘Aigua Blava’. We’ve had so many great travel recommendations, and surprisingly many of them have been from Australian acquaintances (it really is true that you Aussies see a lot of Europe when you visit this part of the world!). Aigua Blava lived up to its name, with aquamarine water framed on both sides by fancy hilltop houses and a small sandy beach. Unspoilt by the tourists of summer season, we practically had the whole beach to ourselves. Of course, I had to go in for a swim too.
Wild swimming feels like another part of living ‘slowly’ and of being present. It’s my way of connecting with my surroundings, of celebrating the natural world and the incredible opportunity George and I have to explore these places.
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(image) Another wild swim in the bag, still cold this time of year but the stunning setting of Aigua Blava made up for it.
On the note of celebrating the natural world, I’ve been determined to spend as much time as I can outside. That said, it can still be pretty chilly here in Spain even though it’s been really sunny. Whilst George spent most of the week putting the final touches into the running documentary in his van-office, I stubbornly insisted on working on my laptop outside, on the porch in front of the cottage and wrapped up in lots of layers! From my ‘outdoor office’ I wrapped up some graphic design for the running documentary (artwork to be released soon), researched film festivals to enter it into (any recommendations welcome), and pitched our videography services to countless potential clients.
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(images, left to right) George editing in his van office, me wearing all the necessary gear to be working outside, and the grape vines which surrounded our cottage.
Launching a videography channel and company can feel like a bit of a daunting task, but I’m generally finding that George and I have a lot of complementary skills. It’s really nice having someone to bounce ideas off, and the more we produce, film and edit together, the more we can learn from each other and fill in the gaps of our knowledge. I know it feels like every week I say we have video content coming soon, but I really can’t wait to release some stuff to show you all. That said, filmmaking is a time-consuming process and in the name of living slowly, I’m going to embrace taking as long as we need to get the videos ready!
Sunday was our last day at the cottage and saw us dedicate our time and energy to Suzi the van.
There had been a growing ‘to do’ list for the van, and so we finally set about getting it done - cleaning her out and fixing her up. It’s hard to admit it after the painful van-building process, but George and I have realised we actually really miss having a building project on the go. We both love making things, and are already plotting future tiny-houses and electric campervan conversions (yep, just six weeks into this trip…!). So on Sunday, it was all hands on deck. I cleaned the floor and all the drawers and shelves, which collect dust and dirt so quickly. I also installed some latches on cupboard doors, which have been propelling themselves open when we drive around corners.
Meanwhile, George set about replacing the headlights and reversing lights with LED bulbs. A few had blown, so we decided that if we were going to try and take off the light clusters, we might as well upgrade all the bulbs for brighter ones at the same time. The light clusters are an absolute pain to take off, and involve removing the grill and other parts (confusing construction seems to be a trend for 90s Japanese car design). Unfortunately the bulbs we had ordered for the rear lights and the fog lights weren’t the right fit, so those two are a job for the future.
George also fitted an LED light bar below the rear bumper so that we can see more with the reversing camera, and it worked first time! It’s so cool how many different types of LEDs there are on the market these days and how affordable they are. With a little bit of electrical knowledge you can do a lot of lighting modifications.
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(images, left to right) Replacing old (and dim) bulbs, removing the headlight units to get to the bulbs, and George working underneath the van to wire up our new reversing light.
Ready to hit the road again, we rounded the week off by heading south towards Valencia.
Valencia is our next destination, but we plan on splitting the journey over a few days. The first leg involved us skirting around Barcelona, naïvely taking the ‘no toll road’ option which involved a huge detour and some insane elevation. The price of the toll would’ve probably been less than the time (and fuel) spent slogging up towards Manresa at about 40MPH! Nonetheless, we battled the hills and some insane winds and finally made it back to the coastal road.
Late Monday afternoon we stopped at Torredembarra and wandered along the beach. Eerily quiet, it seems this area is popular with holidaymakers through peak season and almost abandoned off-peak. We only stayed for about an hour, walking against strong winds with a beer in hand and photographing repetitive apartment block designs. It is the curious places like this that make travelling by road so worth it, because you can stop by for a short stay and see the in-between places, places just as locals see them, and places in their off-peak state.
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(images) Golden hour scenes from the empty beachfront of Torredembarra.
It feels great to be living in the van again. We had a marvellous stay at the cottage near Palamós, but Suzi is our home, wherever that may be. I’m going to carry on living slowly and take each day as it comes.
Next week, Valencia.
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Types Of Cargo Barriers
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These are typically steel fences or barricades mounted on the back or front of a vehicle to prevent passengers in front of them from being hit by bags, luggage, or even pets placed in the back of the vehicle.
Full Mesh – Van
In this case, the cargo barriers are made from mesh, and they are designed to fit most popular panel vans, including the Opel Combo, Ford Transit Connect, Fiat Doblo, Renault Kangoo, and the Volkswagen Caddy.
Full Mesh – Passenger Vehicle
Additionally, these cargo barriers are also made of mesh, and there is an added benefit of having child restraint cut outs. This can be installed to suit the vehicle's requirements. It is generally suitable for 4WDs and station wagons and is also available in other mesh materials.
Vapour Resistant Barrier – Straight
By using this type of barrier, the amount of fumes and chemical scents entering the driver's area is limited. However, this type of barrier is not available for all vehicles.
Vapour Resistant Barrier/Kinked (VRBK)
Vapour Resistant Barrier - Kinked is similar to the Straight version, however it reduces the amount of light scattered by the window and is available to suit almost any vehicle.
Full Polycarbonate
Polycarbonate is used for this cargo barrier, which allows for better air conditioning and a clearer view than most other barriers. Almost all common station wagons, panel vans, and 4WDs are compatible with this barrier.
Mesh/ Polycarbonate
In the event that a passenger is locked in a rear cargo area, this cargo barrier provides an escape hatch made from polycarbonate. It can also be installed on station wagons and 4WDs.
Sliding Door
There is a sliding door that allows you to access your cargo area from the front seat, and this feature is usually only available with larger vehicles.
From the passenger seat, you can easily enter the cargo area through a door-like opening in the cargo barrier. This type of barrier is mostly found on large vehicles.
Mesh/Metal Combo
In the cargo area, these barriers are made out of mesh and have a metal bottom to provide stronger support for heavy objects. These barriers protect passengers from collisions with heavier baggage.
On the floor behind the driver and passenger seats, this barrier is perfectly placed. Almost all hatchback vehicles can use it.
Metal/Polycarbonate Combo
They are similar to Mesh/Metal Combo Barriers, except the bottom is sheet metal and the top is carbonate. Larger vehicles, such as Ford Transit, Mercedes, Sprinters, etc., commonly use this barrier.
Half Barrier
As this type of barrier is made-to-order, measurements are required, especially if your sliding drawer locks prevent the installation of a full mesh cargo net.
You should never compromise your safety and security while driving, either for yourself or your luggage. A cargo barrier will help you with that. The restricted movement of cargo in the back protects against injuries in the event of a sudden stop or collision. Additionally, it protects your cargo, luggage, and pets from damage. With Autosafe, you can rely on us to provide you with cargo barriers. Our company manufactures and provides vehicle safety products and vehicle fit-out solutions in Australia and New Zealand.
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vividracing · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/ford-invades-easter-jeep-safari-in-moab-with-five-concept-broncos/
Ford Invades Easter Jeep Safari in Moab with Five Concept Broncos
When the all-new Ford Bronco debuted, waves were sent throughout the automotive world as many predicted that the revived model would come for the beloved Jeep Wrangler. Most of us, however, did not anticipate just how bold of a move the brand would make to establish its spot and even wage war on the Wrangler in the off-road community. That being said, Ford pulled out all the stops this week when it crashed the Easter Jeep Safari in Moab, Utah. The Blue Oval sent a fleet of off-road Ford Bronco concepts to the event which is traditionally the place where Jeep unveils its latest concept trucks. 
View All Ford Bronco Parts Here
We should note that the Easter Jeep Safari event is run by a local group called the Red Rock 4-Wheelers and not the automaker itself. It ran from Saturday, March 27, and will end on Sunday, April 4. The week-long fest mainly consists of day-long trail rides departing from Moab in Utah where participants provide their own four-wheel-drive vehicle and embark on adventures planned and led by the oldest 4WD club in Moab.
The event’s website itself states that “There are no restrictions as to what type make or model of vehicle is used even though the name – dating back to the mid-60s uses the term “Jeep”. Even so, it’s safe to say that Ford was hot on the heels of Jeep when it chose to unveil its five off-road concepts and a plethora of accessories for the Bronco and Bronco Sport in Moab. Call it joining in on the party or party crashing, but this was a smart move no less and certainly got the attention of its intended audience and more! 
When Ford unveiled its Bronco and Bronco concepts in the summer of 2020, it was fairly evident that the brand would place a large focus on accessories for the trucks. After all, The Blue Oval offers over 200 factory-backed add-ons for the standard model and over 100 for the Sport trim right from launch. The five concept models headed to Moab, Utah will showcase a subsequent rollout of parts as Ford has teamed with aftermarket experts ARB 4×4 Accessories, RTR Vehicles, and 4 Wheel Parts to build them. Let’s take a closer look at these off-road beasts and their goodies so you can get an idea of how you can customize the Bronco. 
Bronco Badlands By RTR Vehicles
The first Bronco is based on the four-door Badlands trim and can be easily identified by the silver and neon green exterior adorned with topography-themed livery. All customizations on this Bronco were done by RTR Vehicles, a long-time tuner and Ford accessories partner. RTR was founded by pro drifter and Formula D racer Vaughn Gittin Jr. 
Custom RTR rock sliders and rear bumper
RTR 3D-printed grille with simulated accent lights
RTR Tech-6 wheels wrapped in 35-inch Nitto Ridge Grappler tires
A roof-mounted Project X lightbar
Custom RTR graphics throughout
12-volt Type S Blizzard Box fridge/freezer
“Ford absolutely knocked it out of the park with its all-new Bronco SUVs, so we’re pouring our passion into blending our unique experience with Ford Performance and King of the Hammers racing to create our best possible turnkey vehicle packages and performance off-road parts,” said Gittin Jr., RTR president. “RTR products are designed to turn heads and engineered to take off-road enthusiasts to their favorite destinations and beyond.” 
Bronco Badlands By ARB 4×4 Accessories
The next Bronco Badlands edition comes courtesy of ARB 4×4 Accessories, Australia’s largest manufacturer of 4×4 parts. This model boasts a number of high-performance parts designed by ARB specifically for the Ford Bronco two- and four-door variants. And, with a big “ARB” logo pasted to its doors, this concept is a hard one to miss. 
Airbag-compliant front and rear bumpers
Heavy-duty rock sliders
Differential cover
ARB twin compressor and jack
Zero refrigerator and freezer
“These accessories represent years of design and engineering collaboration with the Ford team to build parts driven by the Bronco SUV off-road heritage and styling,” said Doug Pettis, president, ARB USA. “This design represents a practical yet capable vehicle that improves performance and enhances comfort off-road.”
Bronco Black Diamond by 4 Wheel Parts
The 4 Wheel Parts Bronco started its life out as a Black Diamond Series model. The U.S. off-road equipment retailer treated it to some heavy-duty suspension and accessories like a roof rack, awning, overhead tent, and camping gear. Apparently, 4 Wheel Parts is also responsible for the lone Bronco Sport in this pack, which wears a rooftop tent along with a new spare tire carrier and its very own off-road-centric wheel and tire package.  
Modular front bumper
Skid plates
Winch platform
37-inch BFGoodrich mud-terrain tires
17-inch Method alloy wheels
Heavy-duty suspension parts
Roof rack and light mounts
Smittybilt overhead tent and camping gear
Refrigerator and air system
“To date, we’ve already added more than 30 new 4 Wheel Parts brand products that take advantage of the Bronco modular design,” said Kathryn Reinhardt, senior marketing manager, 4 Wheel Parts. “We expect that list to grow as we aim to give our customers innovative products for every type of off-road lifestyle.”
Bronco Outer Banks with Sasquatch Package
The fifth and final Bronco is based on the four-door Outer Banks model with Sasquatch Package. This truck boasts a handful of high-tech luxury features with rugged off-road Ford-licensed accessories. This includes JAC Products rock rails, fender flares by Air Design, Trail Armor rocker panel covers by Lund, a 40-inch curved LED lightbar by Rigid on top, and a retractable full-roof soft-top by Bestop, and Bronco-branded luggage. A matte black hood wrap and Covercraft windshield sunscreen are added to reduce glare. 
The interior features accessories that optimize space and allow for secure storage thanks to a DC Safety rear cargo organizer with a first-aid kit, Tufty MOLLE straps and security drawer below, and a Console Vault center console. All of this comes in addition to the features offered by the Sasquatch Package which can be found below. 
1.2-inch Suspension Lift-Kit
Higher-Mounted Fender Flares
35-inch Mud-Terrain Tires
17-inch Beadlock-Compatible Wheels
Dana Front and Rear Locking Axles
Electromechanical Transfer Case
Heavy-Duty Position-Sensitive Bilstein Shocks
4.7:1 Final Drive Ratio
Two-inch Wider Track
Seven-speed manual gearbox
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waxedau · 4 years
Make use of 4wd spares for creating the perfect vehicle with the comfort
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Most of the people run on the way of passion for cars. Who possess a love for cars and if you are one of them, then let me tell you that the four-wheel-drive parts make your vehicle not only comfortable but also very appealing. But always remember that it could be a costly venture in case you do not undertake thorough research and get into the necessary details. Involve little space to hold specific items When you are four wheels, driver and camping storage become the most important assets to look for 4wd drawers. They involve small space and drawers made of timber which can hold specific items, separating it all from each other.
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Having 4wd rear drawers mean that you can store things in an organized way that also without having it all sitting on top of each other. It also involves little space and drawer made of timber which can hold specific items, separating it all from each other. It required a leave of skilled To improve the appearance of your car whereas other help in boosting the overall car’s performance so as to enable you to take your vehicle for a long drive in rough terrains. What you can do to alter the drive, to make it more dependable, comfortable and competent. A number of options are available when it comes to 4 wd drawers On the other hand, it required the level of skill that can own mostly decide on whether you can do this, but a lot of it isn’t that difficult. The best thing about modification on your vehicle is that you can make then to suit your car in every possible way. This is a vast topic and will increase the places that you can get to because of where you can drive. Come out with huge variates of design A lot of the standard items that you purchase from the store are not exactly what you need, and on top of this, they are incredibly expensive. Whether if you are going for a long off-road expedition, you should have an additional roof cage. So that you are able to store there all large items, like water tanks, tent, sports gear. Today there are vast numbers of designs available on the internet, and the same applies for 4wd rear drawer setups, tire carriers and various other modifications. And usually, these tasks of finer adjustment are left to proper manufactures for roof racks, spotlight, extractors, etc.
Come to an end,
While packing your car for a great off-road expedition can be a difficult task. The longer your trip is more advanced, your storage system should be. There you need much more extra space with 4wd drawers and 4wd rare drawers to get comfort as you can generate. Thus 4wd modification includes bull bars, side steps, rear bars, rear drawer setups, extra lighting in a vehicle, even create space for the exhaust system, and body lift blocks and a vast range of other bits and pieces for easy travelling. Read the full article
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localbusinessausvic · 4 years
An ultimate guide to benefits of installing 4x4 rear drawers in vehicle
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Some people are very possessive about their cars like they take very good care of cleaning, services and maintaining and no wonder show their love for a car which is a good thing. And that’s the reason for those possessive people here you will get to know how you can upgrade your car more by adding 4x4 rear drawers as it gives extensive space along with existing space.
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Do you also have a passion for cars? Because with the 4wd rear drawers installation, you can add some space to the car and also make the car appealing to watch and seat. Ultimately, these functionalities give a combo of charm and chance of adding space which helps you to store your luggage when you went for a trip or also you can use for small logistic needs.
Benefits of installing 4x4 rear drawers to car or vehicle:
For Travelling Purpose You know how difficult it is to place luggage in a car when you went for a long trip or vacation. Most of the people face this issues and become common issue which can be solved by fitting rear drawers in car as it gives the space which helps you to store your storage no matter what amount of weight and size luggage you have, and that’s the first benefit you can avail after adding rear drawers to vehicle or car. You can store travel essentials like toiletries, towels, pillow, food, cooking equipment and clothes. These essential things ask more space when you pack in a travel bag and increase the luggage while having rear drawers in the car or vehicle will separate weight and may have smooth traveling without any complications. For Business Purpose The second and foremost benefit you can avail is fulfilled the needs of the logistic industry, whether you have goods or products. You know how daunting it is to fit the amount of goods in car when you don’t have enough space to store and that’s the reason with the help of rear drawers you can add amount of space which help you to store the storage and that’s how you don’t have to hire vehicle for the job which saves your money and time.   For Residential Storage Purpose The major and most significant benefit you can avail from the rear drawer system is that you can store your residential storage like the fridge. You might be thinking that it’s not possible then it is because you can add a fridge to vehicle or car by adding 4wd rear drawers. And no wonder you can also open the fridge when pulled it out on the slide. You can also store other residential storage appliance, and that’s how can create extra storage room in the vehicle or car.   Ending!!! Are you going on a long vacation? Then add 4x4 rear drawers to your vehicle or car and store your travel essentials to reduce the luggage. Also, ensure oneself for safety and protection of the essentials and have remembering and blasting trip. Read the full article
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yellowblogau · 4 years
Everything you Need to Know about 4Wd Rear Drawer
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Do you want to buy a 4WD drawer for your 4WD vehicle? Before you make your purchase, it’s useful to read this guide and get familiar with its aspects.
What is 4WD Drawer?
4WD drawers are nothing but a set of sliding drawers, placed in the back of your car. They are made of various materials depending on the manufacturer and the price. These drawers are useful to store essential off-road tools and divide the cargo weight so that the central gravity of your vehicle is lower.
What Kind of Configuration do you need?
Well, the configuration depends on how you are going to use the 4WD drawer. Vertical drawers are for those who are about to install the fridge slider or anything that requires height-wise layouts. Horizontal drawers are for those who need more space inside their boot. When it comes to storage, you can consider double or single drawer. The single drawer is for the equipment that needs to be separated. Multiple drawers are suitable if certain equipment needs to go to specific places. Multiple drawers ensure everything is on the place and safe.
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Are they Heavy?
When travelling, one must consider GVM – Gross Vehicle Mass. It must meet the maximum weight that you can carry inside your vehicle including itself. Filling each compartment of your vehicle can increase the chances of accidents and injuries. Therefore, the GVM must be below its maximum weight. Also, your 4WD drawer must be manufactured with various materials to put up with your weight requirements. Some general material may include: Aluminum Plywood Galvanised steel Sheet metal Fiberglass When you are buying a 4WD drawer, check the components and search for the listed metals.
Do I need to Crash Test them?
The static weight of your cargo can increase 20 to 30 times more than its actual weight during an impact. This can lead to many serious injuries or even worse – death. When you are buying the 4WD drawers, ensure they are tested for crash bearing so that you know how safe you are during an impact. Even when installing the drawer, make sure that the anchor is properly placed so that it doesn’t move when on jumps and off-road driving. Even the perfect drivers meet accidents once in their life so it’s always crucial to prioritize safety over every feature.
What to Pack in the Drawer?
One must disperse 4WD drawer weight evenly. Long drawers are a bonus because you can put as many things as you want that can be heavier too. For small drawers, you have to be picky as you can’t put much weight on it. Below are some of the essentials you can pack: Spare clothes Towel Cooking equipment Toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothbrush & paste, deodorant, toilet paper, etc.) Snacks and Food Items Sleeping bag or Tent Apart from the above things, you can go for some emergency stuff too. First aid kit, printed map, Torch and some unused batteries, Fire igniters, Hat, Sunscreen, Fire extinguisher, Tie-downs or rope, Bug spray, Bog plank, Tools, non-perishable food, and Bottled water. 4x4 Shelf or single compartment, choose your 4WD drawer now! Read the full article
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aublog1 · 4 years
Will It Be Okay To Invest In 4wd drawers? What Are The Benefits?
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Traveling would become more fun if you can bring essentials with you wherever you go. But, how to manage them all while enjoying the time with family? Will it be preferable to hold things everywhere you go? Nope! There come 4wd drawers in the picture. To take the luggage to the next level, you should carry hardware with you so it will remain with you for a long time and can be helpful.
What Are 4wd rear drawers?
When it comes to 4wd drawers, you need to know that they are a set of sliding drawers that are set in the rear side and can produce the same using certain materials by relying upon the value you are about to spend on the same. One of the most important things you can include is, you can utilize the store by going 4*4 romping hardware. This will permit the vehicle to remain on the ground for the specific task.
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You need to pack the significant stuff first
It will become unrealistic if you try to utilize the same stuff when handling an outdoor trip. You will come across a few determination procedures where it will become important to organize the basic needs. The important thing you can include is, you should convey gear that could help you in the movement. At a certain point, you should be careful while you start packing. Make sure to not forget important stuff in the 4wd drawers. Also, you should remember to keep the important stuff catchy so you don’t need to find all the stuff while you are in a hurry or in need.
Quality resting and cooking gear
At a certain stage, it will become important for choosing the quality resting that is the most probable thing you need to include before you start to work. You will come across various options to prepare and nourish the drawer for further use. Generally, it is important to convey an extra burner that would be helpful to screw legitimately for the LPG bottles. Wrapping up! What would you like to know about 4wd drawers for convenience? Share your concerns through the comment section and we will be there in your help. Do you have any questions? Ask us, we would love to answer. Have a happy ride!     Read the full article
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digitaltrades · 4 years
Everything You should Know about 4x4 Rear Drawers
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You might have seen people installing 4x4 rear drawers in their vehicle and wondering why do you even need it, right? Well, there are various purposes for installing a 4x4 rear drawer in your vehicle and you can use it in any way you want. For better understanding, we have discussed everything that you should know about 4x4 rear drawers. So let’s get started!
What exactly a 4x4 rear drawer system & how can it make your trip trouble-free?
A 4×4, four-wheel drive or 4WD is the 4-wheel vehicles drive train that let all four wheels to collect power from the engine concurrently. A 4x4 rear drawer in such vehicles helps to keep the weight light in the back of it. They offer the driver to put things inside the drawer instead of keeping it on the seat or trunk. The 4x4 drawers are the best storage solution in your vehicle that is spacious enough to store any type of items including tools as well. This avoids damage during an impact and prevents things to keep on falling when you are driving through rough roads or curvy roads. These drawers are not only spacious or to keep everything arranged inside your 4WD vehicle but it also saves lives during an impact. A few more Benefits There are many other benefits of installing a 4x4 rear drawer in your 4WD vehicle. Read the below points: More Room As we already know it’s easy to put your stuff inside a 4x4 rear drawer, they are specious. You can put almost everything inside your drawer such as bag, sleeping bag, toolbox, rope, clothes, equipment, etc. You can go for a single compartment drawer or multiple compartment drawers. It all depends on you and your basic travelling requirements. Such as, if you like to go on a hunt, buying a single compartment drawer will be the best idea as you can put your gun or pistol inside it. Easy Packing When it comes to travelling, packing stuff is the biggest challenge. Not anymore! You can put your extra stuff inside the 4x4 drawer and shun the time it would have been taken to place and manage stuff inside your trunk or maybe the back seat. All you have to do is just open the drawer, place things inside it accurately, and forget. The slider of the drawer can be locked; therefore, you can keep the things managed throughout your journey. Get more privacy You get more privacy regarding your stuff as you have safely put it inside the 4x4 drawer. Your nosy neighbours will not even notice whether you are going somewhere. Therefore, it provides privacy to your activities and the things you are carrying with yourself. Wrapping Up The 4x4 rear drawers can be utilized in many ways. It depends on you and how you want to use it. It can have many other benefits apart from comfort and spaciousness that you can figure out once you start using it. So get one now! Read the full article
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4wdsupacentre-blog · 5 years
Prepping for.... your next camping trip!
New Post has been published on https://www.4wdsupacentre.com.au/news/prepping-for-your-next-camping-trip/
Prepping for.... your next camping trip!
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Prepping for disasters is becoming more and more popular for many people in society, from young families to solo “survivalists” the threats experienced in the world and on the news are getting scarier and more regular and more complex every day. But what does it mean to be a prepper? Generally, it follows many of the same pathways as getting set up for camping, from ensuring you have enough food for extended periods to being equipped to survive “off grid” without requiring restocking at regular intervals. In many ways, the prepping community, nomadic tourers and 4WD enthusiasts all share a lot in common and whether you are prepping for a natural disaster or getting ready for extended trips around Australia Adventure Kings has just about all the gear you need to look after yourself and your family!
Starting off with a self-maintaining power supply, whilst 240V is what we are all familiar with, a 12v power system using one of the reliable Adventure Kings 12v Solar panel systems coupled with a deep cycle AGM battery. with a system like this you can passively keep your whole setup charged and because of the PWM or MPPT voltage regulators once everything is setup it will self-manage, meaning much less fuss, and plenty of power for all your needs! With a solid 12v power supply at hand most of your issues are sorted. Starting with refrigeration to keep food fresh, with the Adventure Kings Fridge Freezer range you have plenty of options for keeping your food fresh and refreshments cold. But one of the most useful Adventure Kings accessories, is the Adventure Kings Vacuum Sealer sucks all the excess air from around your food products ensuring they take up heaps less space, as well as keeping your food fresher for longer, this has added advantages for meat products and even snacks, by preserving food products you can pack more food for longer escapes without needing to regularly restock. This awesome accessory also allows you to pre-prepare meals by cooking at home before hand and separating out the components the meat and sauce of spaghetti Bolognese, you can freeze the vacuum bag and when it is time to eat, all you need to do is boil up some water and chuck the whole vacuum bag inside to defrost and reheat, once the meat is warm, you can cook your spaghetti with the boiled water. This simplicity means you can make meals to last for months at a time. To be self-sufficient, campers have to rely on themselves for all manner of things, this means that chopping wood and prepping food and even putting up shelter, all of which can be done with 4WD Supacentre gear, one of the hallmarks of being self sufficient is operating a fireplace with efficiency. With firewood being an essential resource for cooking and keeping warm, the efficient burning of wood is critical, for this you can get your hands on an Adventure Kings Camp Oven Stove compact for transport and with its tall chimney, it draws smoke up and away from your camp, as well as being able to fully control the temperature with the butterfly valve in the flue, and because of the control of airflow you can completely burn through your wood resulting in much less ash, and a hotter flame for the small amount of fuel. The ability of the Adventure Kings Camp Oven to fold small and pack into the back of a vehicle for traveling. With all of the equipment you might need for either prepping or camping, a set of Titan Rear Drawers for the rear of your vehicle can help to organise everything, with a range of different sizes to suit most vehicles on the road, a set of drawers also adds security to the gear in the back of your vehicle. Many people have installed drawers in their vehicle, to solve the problem of storage space and staying more organised when you are out and about. All of the Adventure Kings accessories are suitable for installation with minimal fuss and the inclusion of an easy to decipher instruction manual, along with many of the hand tools you might need to install. There is no doubting that preppers and 4WDers share a lot in common, specifically the desire to get off grid, and being more self sufficient than the average Joe, to find out more about how to get your prepper setup sorted, or If you were just looking to extend your next camping trip away from powered campsites, the team at 4WD Supacentre are keen to give you expert advice on how you can improve your setup for less! To find out more about the entire range of gear available at 4WD Supacentre or to see the best possible prices on your next bit of gear head over to www.4WDSupacentre.com.au or call their expert team on 1800 88 39 64 to get expert advice no matter where you are!
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fourbyfitouts · 3 months
Conquering the Elements: A Guide to 4x4 Fridges
For the adventurous soul, venturing off-road with your trusty 4x4 opens a world of possibilities. But keeping your provisions fresh and drinks ice-cold on such expeditions can be a challenge. Enter the 4x4 fridge slide, a hero in disguise for any off-road adventure.
What is a 4x4 Fridge?
Unlike your standard kitchen refrigerator, a 4x4 fridge is a portable powerhouse designed specifically for the demands of off-road travel. Built with ruggedness in mind, these fridges can withstand bumps, vibrations, and extreme temperatures – perfect for traversing rough terrain and keeping your food and drinks at optimal temperatures.
Key Features of a 4x4 Fridge:
Durability: Constructed with heavy-duty materials like stainless steel and high-density plastic, 4x4 fridges are built to endure the rigors of off-road travel.
Efficiency: These fridges are designed for low power consumption, ensuring they don't drain your vehicle's battery on long journeys. Many 4wd rear drawers models come with dual power options, allowing you to connect them to your car's DC outlet or a household AC outlet.
Temperature Control: Advanced compressor technology allows you to precisely control the temperature inside the fridge, transforming it into a freezer or keeping things cool depending on your needs.
Capacity: 4x4 fridges come in a variety of sizes, from compact units ideal for day trips to larger models that can hold enough food and drinks for extended adventures.
Portability: Designed for easy transport, most 4x4 fridges are lightweight and have handles or tie-down points for secure placement in your vehicle.
Benefits of Owning a 4x4 Fridge:
Freshness on the Go: No more relying on coolers filled with melting ice. A 4x4 fridge ensures your food stays fresh and safe to consume, even on extended off-road trips.
Frozen Treats: Imagine enjoying refreshing ice-cold drinks or even frozen treats on a scorching off-road adventure. With a 4x4 fridge slide with a freezer function, that dream becomes reality.
Versatility: These fridges aren't limited to off-roading. They're perfect for camping trips, road trips, picnics, fishing expeditions, and even tailgating parties.
Choosing the Right 4x4 Fridge:
With a variety of 4x4 fridges available, selecting the right one depends on your specific needs. Here are some factors to consider:
Capacity: Think about the amount of food and drinks you typically need for your off-road adventures.
Power Source: Do you plan to primarily use the 4x4 rear drawers with your vehicle's DC outlet, or will you need the flexibility of an AC outlet connection as well?
Features: Consider features like dual-zone temperature control (allowing for separate fridge and freezer compartments), digital displays for temperature monitoring, and LED lighting for easy access in low-light conditions.
Durability: Opt for a fridge built with high-quality materials and a reputation for withstanding tough conditions.
Caring for Your 4x4 Fridge:
Regular Cleaning: Maintain proper hygiene by regularly cleaning the interior of your fridge to prevent mould and bacteria growth.
Proper Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation around the fridge, especially when using it in a confined space like your vehicle.
Safe Storage: When not in use, store your fridge in a cool, dry place with the lid slightly open to prevent moisture build-up.
Final Words
Investing in a 4x4 fridge slide is an investment in your off-road adventures. With its durability, efficiency, and ability to keep your food and drinks fresh, it becomes an essential companion for conquering the elements and making the most of your off-road experience.
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bashaaustralia · 5 years
High-Quality Fridge Slides and 4WD Bash Plates for Your Vehicle
The owner of the 4WD vehicle enjoys the long drives gliding through the off-roads and beaches. However, one should not be overconfident that their vehicle will not trouble them as they must be fully conversant with the 4WD accessories and the glamour it bestows on the vehicle. Knowing all about 4wd bash plates will help in case it malfunctions. The smooth ride and functioning of all the wheels give you the high that no other vehicles can give you. 4WD vehicles are designed to withstand the rough off-road drives with the toughest exterior parts that will withstand the rough and tumble of the road. Hence, these plates have to be of premium quality.
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When you are driving a car and camping storage becomes a major issue, having to stack things is a tough job. For such situations, you should buy fridge slides for your four-wheel drive. Having drawer's means that you can store things in an organized manner, without having it all sitting on top of each other. They are usually part of a drawer system in a 4x4 vehicle, which houses a rack that you can pull out when you want to make the use of it for various purposes. It is the most efficient way to store a fridge, and you can open the fridge once you have pulled it out on the slide.
These involve little spaces and drawers made of timber which can hold specific items, separating it all from each other. This provides the separation that you need. If you pack your tools correctly you won't have to empty the rear of the vehicle to get them out when something goes wrong; you just have to slide that compartment or rack to get your things. For more information, visit the official websites of top companies that deal with 4x4 accessories.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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A 4WD adventure with basic food prep facilities and limited food storage doesn’t mean you need to go without tasty meals. I’m not suggesting you serve up 3-course gourmet dinners every night, but there are plenty of ways that you can enjoy wholesome, tasty food at camp.
My trips usually take me to beautiful but isolated areas, the sort of place where at the very best you may be able to pick up some fruit or vegetables in a can… yuck! So in order to avoid bland gruel in a pot each night, I have come up with a number of tips to help you prepare quick, easy and tasty camp meals.
I attempt to ensure any meal on my meal plan meets at least two of these requirements:
Easy to cook
Limited ingredients from the fridge
Quick to prepare
On top of this, the following tips are important for long camping and 4WDing trip?
Our Land Cruiser has a full drawer system in the rear along with a decent sized tub for food and a smaller tub for snacks. Any storage solution you use (food packaging included) needs to be of decent quality, as things do get bounced around in the back of a 4WD. Sometimes you can’t avoid glass containers, so pad them out with rubber, tea towels or anything that will absorb the shock.
Items that need cooling
A 12V fridge/freezer in the back of your 4WD makes a world of difference. If your budget doesn’t allow for this then an esky with ice will work for up to a week, which can be quite effective if you apply a few tricks of the trade. You can take fresh meat, have cold drinks and take more perishable items along with you. That said, fridge and freezer space becomes a premium, and you have to do everything you can to fit it all in.
Last year, we travelled for 5 weeks in the Kimberley and split our 55-litre Evakool fridge into a half freezer/half fridge. We managed to take 5 weeks worth of meat in the freezer and picked up fresh produce wherever it was available.
Rather than fresh milk we took about 35 litres of long life milk, as one bottle was running out, we would pop another one in the fridge to cool down.
Taste and nutrition
A tasty meal is a great way to finish a day of adventure, and nutritious food prepares your body for the next. The trick is to find meals that combine taste and nutrition with ease of preparation, preferably containing ingredients that require minimal cold storage. We have made everything from sushi to roast meals, chicken pesto pasta, BBQ’s and teriyaki chicken on our adventures.
Easy dish with plenty of colour. Pilbara, Western Australia.
You won’t be looking forward to a bowl of 2 minute noodles a few days in if that’s all you’ve packed for your trip, not to mention that they are pretty average for your health. Having variety means you’ll look forward to each meal, rather than it just being a means to an end.
Switching up what we eat when is worth considering too. If you don’t plan on leaving the campsite for the day, then it may be easier to prepare a big roast lunch during sunlight hours, and keep dinner simple so there is minimal pack up before departure the next day.
Food with a long shelf life is your friend on a long 4WD trip… food with a long shelf life that does not require refrigeration is your best friend! Think UHT milk, tinned tuna, canned lentils & beans and pretty much anything that is dehydrated or preferably freeze dried.
Bread is a staple that makes food preparation pretty easy, there’s not much you can’t slap between a few slices to make a sandwich, but it just doesn’t last, especially in warmer regions. Any bread we take is consumed during the first few days for lunch, if we want more then we make it on the go, bread baked in a camp oven is pretty special.
Wraps are fantastic alternatives. They last for ages, taste good and can be used with a myriad of fillings. Turkish bread and pizza bases last well too.
Ease of cooking
I try and keep meal preparation to under 30 minutes. Food preparation space is likely to be limited in the campsite. If the meal requires more than 2 pots or pans, it’s too complicated!
You’ll find food tastes better when you are camping anyway, leave the 5-course degustation menu for an evening meal when you are at home!
Fresh seafood
If you can catch it, we are in. From delicious blue manna crabs to fish and crayfish, we eat a huge amount of seafood when travelling. This reduces the need to take as much meat, and you get to eat delicious, fresh seafood instead!
What can you do at home?
Preparation of your food at home will save you a massive amount of time and effort while you are on the road.
1. Repackage and marinate
One of the first things we do when preparing for a long 4WD trip is to remove the packaging and divide food up into the portions required for each meal. This also means you don’t have excess rubbish to deal with and you save on fridge space.
If a freezer is not an option, then vacuum sealing your meat makes it last substantially longer in a fridge. Most butchers will do this for free.
Any meat that is going to be marinated can be done at home before you freeze or vacuum seal it. The marinade has longer to be absorbed, and it’s one less messy job for the campsite!
2. Premix any dry ingredients
Where a meal requires a mix of spices or dried vegetables, combine them in a zip lock bag and label it before you leave. It’s so much easier to do this at home than out bush. And it’s easy to grab it from your food tub when it comes time to prepare your meal.
3. Cook in advance
We always cook a few meals prior to departure. Soup or the mince and sauce ready for a spaghetti bolognese are easy to prepare at home and even easier to warm up on the campfire.
Not a bad set up for dinner with family & friends. Holland Track in Western Australia.
Planning your meals
I hate the thought of being locked into cooking something that won’t satisfy my culinary cravings, so it’s important to allow for some flexibility in your meal plan. For a 3 week trip, we plan for 21 days of breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Plus a few extra meals and some emergency tinned rations. Each morning we consult our taste buds and make sure the ingredients for the chosen meal will be defrosted and made accessible for that night.
For breakfast, we try to keep it fast and simple, and will usually eat cereal or oats. If we have more time, we will do pancakes, bacon and eggs, fruit and custard or omelettes.
Our midday meal is often bread or wraps, with salad, cheese and meat (ham, beef, salami or tuna). Our salad is cucumber, tomato, alfalfa sprouts and mayonnaise. Other options are a cup of noodles or soup, mee goreng, hamburgers or toasties and crackers.
For dinner, you have a huge range of options; Soft tacos, roast beef, sushi, fish and chips (get a chip cutter!), stir-fry, nachos, steak, chicken katsu curry, chops and vegetables, hamburgers, satay chicken, a BBQ, spaghetti bolognese or anything else that tickles your fancy. We will have dessert a couple of times a week, which is usually fruit and custard, golden syrup dumplings, damper or scones.
What food do we take?
Here are some of the more common items found in our fridge and camp pantry.
Tinned food: Beetroot, sweet corn, baby corn, pineapple, mixed fruit, tuna, spaghetti, tomatoes, baked beans and corn.
Fresh produce: Cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, apples, oranges, onions, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, snow peas and baby corn.
Snacks: Nuts, dried fruit, muesli bars, BBQ noodles, fruit.
All this food preparation can be daunting at first. But the more you do it the easier it gets, and the more adventurous you become. The smell and taste of a roast lamb or chicken curry cooked over an open fire is incredibly satisfying, especially when you have planned and prepared it yourself. Take the time to get it right and you’ll have a fantastic holiday.
Everyone seems to have their own camping food hack, what’s your secret to easy food preparation in the bush?
The post Meal Planning for Outback 4WD Adventures appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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4wdsupacentreau · 6 years
Titan Rear Drawers - Perfect for everyone! - - https://www.4wdsupacentre.com.au/news/4216-2/  A set of Titan Rear Drawers will change the way you pack your 4WD – Not only are they extremely handy but they are built extremely t... h ...pic.twitter.com/yLLGPDx9DI
Titan Rear Drawers - Perfect for everyone! - - https://www.4wdsupacentre.com.au/news/4216-2/  A set of Titan Rear Drawers will change the way you pack your 4WD – Not only are they extremely handy but they are built extremely t... h ... pic.twitter.com/yLLGPDx9DI
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Install Premium 4WD Accessories in Canberra for Your Car
4WD accessories in Canberra are a lot of fun to put on your car, but they can be incredibly frustrating and expensive if you rush into it without putting some serious time into planning what you want. Cars which use 4 wheel drive technology have been around for a very long time and are extremely popular. This results in better traction and road grip, allowing you to drive in all sorts of land. Even though four-wheel drives were designed primarily for off-roading, it is extremely popular among people who use it for their daily commute as well due to the many benefits they provide.
Some 4x4 accessories include suspension lift kits, body lift kits, bull bars, side steps, rear bars, snorkels, electronic chips, exhaust modifications, GPS systems, slide-out drawer sets, inverters, overhead consoles, sound systems and a huge range of other bits and pieces. you can choose as per your desire and liking according to your budget.
Off-road adventure demands an updated 4x4 car with all its dashing accessories. There are several glamorous stores of 4x4 car accessories which serve your needs by giving your car an entirely new look. It flaunts all the advanced 4x4 parts for your car like there are solar blinkers for guiding you on those stubborn paths, road studs and delineators for making the moves and turns comfortable, radiation portal monitors to keep you safe and warning lights to guard you wherever you head to. There is definitely no limit which brings a unique element to your car and at the same time makes it comfortable for you to hang out anywhere and at any point in time. Visit official websites of top 4WD accessory selling companies for more details.
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rivkarevans · 6 years
It’s a great Aussie tradition to get out and camp during the summer holidays – with seemingly less and less time off, it is critical to get yourself organised before you head out on the tracks, to maximise your relaxation time. We’re going to help you get dialed in with the very limited spare time you have before your escape this summer. Starting with packing your gear, Adventure Kings offers a HUGE range of durable canvas bags. Built tough out of the same durable canvas found in the Adventure Kings swag range – the hard wearing 400gsm ripstop polycotton canvas is not just waterproof, but also built to take a beating!
With your canvas bags sorted you will have to pack everything into your 4WD! There are many options to keep everything in its place but our favorite is a set of Titan Rear Drawers – they are built out of galvinised steel with double roller bearings and topped with a hard wearing marine grade carpet. We offer a set of Rear Drawers in a range of different sizes that are perfect for almost any vehicle, and with a little know how and a handful of simple tools, anyone can fit a set to the back of their 4WD. Titan Drawers are built solid and offer 4WDers and campers a way to secure all of their gear in place, and even under lock and key, no matter what you need to store inside. Not to mention the heavy duty spring loaded anchor points found on both sides of the top, which are ideal for tying down your 12v Fridge Freezer or other bulky camping gear! Sometimes you need to bring everything including the Kitchen Sink if this is the case, you should definitely consider adding a set of solid steel Roof racks like the Adventure Kings Full Length Steel Rack to the top of your 4WD. When you add a solid steel roof rack to your vehicle you open up all the possibilities, such as adding an Adventure Kings Awning to the side of your roof rack. as well as being able to easily carry all your bulky gear like swags, surfboards and even your Adventure Kings Gazebo!
from 4WD Supacentre via 4WD Supacentre on Inoreader https://www.4wdsupacentre.com.au/news/summer-camping-organisation/ from 4WD Supacentre https://frwdsupacentre.tumblr.com/post/182185735626
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