#45m tower
mariacallous · 14 days
I crept into the inaugural Westminster meeting of The Future of the Right, a Policy Exchange project from a bygone age of Tory ascendancy. I admit it: there’s a certain schadenfreude in observing the remnants of what was the “natural party of government” for most of my lifetime as it tries to adjust to its worst defeat in history. The programme from the group that still calls itself “the UK’s leading thinktank” will mark next year’s 50th anniversary of Margaret Thatcher becoming party leader, and the 100th anniversary of her birth. Are the Conservatives capable of grasping how profoundly they have lost any sense of the country they used to govern or why their eviction was the single, clear-as-a-bell voters’ imperative? Are they willing or able to do so? Not from what I heard.
This is a project of “the right”; its commissioners include Rupert Lowe, Great Yarmouth’s new Reform MP, sitting alongside new Tory MP Katie Lam, a former Goldman Sachs vice president and special adviser to Suella Braverman. Charles Moore is their august keeper of the Thatcherite flame. They are led by Paul Goodman, a Tory grandee, who writes a column that warns: “Unless the right changes course, Britain is dooming itself to perpetual Labour rule”. Their Tory-leaning pollsters include Rachel Wolf – founder of Public First, No 10 adviser and author of Boris Johnson’s 2019 manifesto – and James Kanagasooriam of FocalData, coiner of the phrase and idea of the “red wall”.
“We in the Conservative party absolutely deserved to get thrashed,” was an opening burst of reality from Wolf. She excoriated almost everything about the party. Without change, she said, “we deserve to be consigned to oblivion”. That began to sound hopeful, alongside Lam’s “We have no divine right to exist.” Pollster Kanagasooriam also laid out their dread state. With the Liberal Democrats winning Britain’s erstwhile most rightwing seat, Surrey Heath, he said, the Tories must decide if they are for economic conservatism or social conservatism, which has recently meant fighting anti-woke wars.
The room was full of old troupers, rightist thinktankers, ex-MPs and young besuited wannabes waiting for a someday right revival. But they offered scant daylight as the floor and platform echoed with the old sounds: small state, “freedom”, “let people keep more of their money” and “make their own choices”, and “deregulate” the nanny state.
MPs selecting their sixth leader in eight years revealed the depth of their dysfunction in their round one choice of the very essence of their unelectability. Robert Jenrick topped that poll. Who is he? A man whose outings in the public eye include fast-tracking a £1bn planning application by Richard Desmond, a party donor and former purveyor of top-shelf magazines, which could have deprived needy Tower Hamlets council of £45m of revenue had it gone ahead. As immigration minister he ordered staff at an asylum reception centre for children to strip illustrations of Mickey Mouse and Baloo from The Jungle Book from the walls, warning that this was “not a welcome centre”. He would leave the European convention on human rights, though most voters want to stay. He’s anti-net zero, defying the 77% of voters who are worried about climate change. He believes any protester shouting “Allahu Akbar” should be arrested. He would vote for Trump (only 20% of British voters would do the same). As “best prime minister”, the public rate him 20% against 48% for Keir Starmer. (The other leadership contenders do scarcely better.) If his views are closest to those of the party members making the final choice, they are sunk.
Here, at the right’s ideasfest, the water is already flooding in. There are no signs of new thinking, quite the opposite. In this forum, Moore is an anchor, the original old fogey reprising the happy days of Thatcher’s arrival 50 years ago as he read from his noted biography extolling her values and convictions, and her wily politics. These days, among the post-Brexit Tory mayhem, he passes for their saner wing: at least he is not pro-Trump or Putin. Next to Lowe of the Trump-Farage party, Moore was enlightenment itself.
And yet Moore represents the core of the Tories’ problem. When he says of the Thatcher era that “it is time to stop squandering that inheritance”, he embodies the anti-state religion that makes his party unelectable. Until they think the unthinkable and escape the Thatcher fetish, until they understand that she has finally been proved wrong on almost everything, they will stay lost to modern Britain. Privatisations have collapsed into spectacular unpopularity – water, energy, rail, mail, social care, children’s homes and council homes. The “left behind” ruins of her de-industrialisations scar the social landscape. The inequality that soared under her leadership remains an economic as well as a social disaster. Deregulation’s crusade against red tape was tragically exposed in the Grenfell horror. And most people now know all this.
Thatcher used to say, “You will always spend the pound in your pocket better than the state will”, but most people would rather pay more tax than see the underfunded public realm buckle. Even if it means personally paying more tax, 40% of Britons want public services improved, compared with 27% who choose tax cuts. “The right needs a programme that will address the fundamental problems facing the country,” said one of the more sensibles. Yes indeed. But there is no sign of that on the horizon.
From the floor I asked the last question: none of those problems can be solved by less government, only by more, so how will they address them? (“AI” was the empty reply from one panellist.) Voters want more from the state, not less: better NHS, schools, environment, police and everything else. How does the Conservative party adapt to that?
The only coherent reply came from Wolf. “If Labour fails, then we can say that proves the state can’t do everything. The public will move to the right.” OK, but flip that coin: if Labour succeeds in steadily improving public services, then this party has nothing to say. Escape from Thatcher idolatry and Brexit fantasy looks unimaginable, but until someone dares to make that break, they are lost. The only comfort, said Kanagasooriam, is Labour’s victory on just 34% of the vote. And the electorate’s new volatility.
All governments fail in the end. Failure comes in infinite varieties, from events out of the blue, to loss of grip, losing touch, exhaustion of ideas and hubris. Labour is learning on the job that rational policies, such as taking the winter fuel allowance from better-off pensioners, are not necessarily good politics. (Expect a finessing mitigation soon, such as cheaper social energy tariffs for all on low incomes.)
The new volatility threatens the old duopoly from all sides. Plausible populists can spring up: never say never. But in the here and now, it is simply implausible that they could succeed on any platform resembling small-state Thatcherism. Until the budget, we don’t know how expansive Labour will be, but its greatest risk would be failing to set the public realm back on its feet after the austerity years.
Starmer removed that portrait of Margaret Thatcher from his No 10 study - and riled the right by doing so, but if ever a group needed to deradicalise itself from her, that group is the Tories. She looms, she haunts, she is ever-present. It is a debilitating deification they will have to address if they are ever to get near power again.
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utkhowaga · 4 months
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This is fun one: the Vizcaya Bridge (Bizkaiko Zubia; Puente de Vizcaya) links the towns of Portugalete and Getxo, just upriver from Bilbao, across the mouth of the Estuary of Bilbao (the last stretch of the Nervión-Ibaizabal River before it enters the Atlantic).
Built in 1893 by Albert Palacios, one of Gustave Eiffel’s students, it solved the problem of facilitating traffic between the two cities at the mouth of the estuary (which otherwise required backtracking into Bilbao). A gondola shuttles every 8 minutes back and forth, suspended from the track that hangs between two 45m tall towers, carrying passengers, cars, and cargo.
It was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in the industrial heritage category (in which is it the only Spanish entrant) in 2006.
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This day in history
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Tomorrow (May 10), I’m in VANCOUVER for a keynote at the Open Source Summit and a book event for Red Team Blues at Heritage Hall and on Thurs (May 11), I’m in CALGARY for Wordfest.
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#15yrsago SF fanzines prefigured blogs: Roger Ebert https://web.archive.org/web/20080501000000*/https://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2008/05/fanzines_beget_blogs.html
#10yrsago Breathtaking ATM hack nets $45M in hours https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/05/how-hackers-allegedly-stole-unlimited-amounts-of-cash-from-banks-in-just-hours/
#10yrsago Porno copyright troll to Georgia judge: “Ignore California judge! They have gay marriage!” https://www.techdirt.com/2013/05/09/prenda-says-judge-wrights-order-is-inapplicable-georgia-because-california-recognizes-gay-marriage/
#10yrsago US State Department orders removal of Defense Distributed’s printable gun designs https://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/05/09/state-department-demands-takedown-of-3d-printable-gun-for-possible-export-control-violation/?sh=6db85b27375f
#10yrsago Bake a Mean Spirited Censorship Pie with the Electronic Frontier Foundation https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/05/baking-eff-not-derby-pie-trademarked-treat
#10yrsago Warcraft numbers plummet; 14% drop in Q1/13 https://web.archive.org/web/20130608102812/http://paritynews.com/business/item/1053-world-of-warcraft-loses-13-million-subscribers-in-2013
#10yrsago Forcing your employees to do dumb Scientology exercises creates a “hostile work environment” https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/eeoc-sues-dynamic-medical-services-religious-discrimination
#10yrsago Anatomy of a state-sponsored phishing attack: how the Syrian Electronic Army hacked The Onion https://theonion.github.io/blog/2013/05/08/how-the-syrian-electronic-army-hacked-the-onion/
#5yrsago Amazon has a real fake review problem https://www.buzzfeed.com/nicolenguyen/amazon-fake-review-problem?utm_term=.mtVwea25G#.kkjrZxKao
#5yrsago Victory! Fourth Circuit rules that border officials can’t subject electronic devices to suspicionless forensic searches https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/05/fourth-circuit-rules-suspicionless-forensic-searches-electronic-devices-border-are
#5yrsago Trump’s Labor Department is planning a rollback of teen labor laws, allowing kids to work in “hazardous” jobs https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/trump-administration-wants-to-train-teens-in-hazardous-jobs
#5yrsago Leaked Grenfell Towers papers: Tory politicians rejected fireproof cladding proposal for a 5.7% savings https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/08/grenfell-tower-more-costly-fire-resistant-cladding-plan-was-dropped
#5yrsago Chinese law professor: AI will end capitalism https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/theworldpost/wp/2018/05/03/end-of-capitalism/
#5yrsago Senators will be forced to vote on Ajit Pai’s decision to kill Net Neutrality https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/9/17333108/net-neutrality-congressional-review-act-cra-resolution-vote-senate
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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Aluminium Tower Scaffold
Discover our durable and reliable double width aluminium tower scaffold, measuring 1.45m in width and 2.5m in length. Ideal for industrial use, our Loyal Industrial Towers ensure safety and efficiency for your projects.
Aluminium Tower Scaffold
Click Here For More Info:-
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All Of Us Strangers (2024)
1h 45m (105m)
English (England)
dir. Andrew Haigh
One night, screenwriter Adam, in his near-empty tower block in contemporary London, has a chance encounter with his mysterious neighbor Harry that punctures the rhythm of his everyday life. As Adam and Harry get closer, Adam is pulled back to his childhood home where he discovers that his long-dead parents are both living and look the same age as the day they died over 30 years ago.
Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal
Established identity, coming out, psychedelic thriller, club, I love my parents, unhealthy age gap, porny sex scene, period-typical homophobia, mirror as a metaphor for self reflection, white couple, kill your gays
Fails Vito Russo Test
Wow. Okay. If Closet Monster and I'm Thinking of Ending Things had a baby that was also raised by Fight Club a little bit. So so good, I ate it up BADDDD. I began quivering with excitement at the tube scene and didn't stop until the ending. This really puts shit in perspective. Saltburn fucking sucked.
I would say… R, so much fucking sex
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sophia0718-blog · 2 months
In place of the main road railway and river crossing for towers above 45m, Aircraft Warning Markers (AWM) shall be fitted to the earth wires and Air Traffic Obstruction Lights (ATOL) on towers to satisfy the requirements of Authorities. * Aircraft warning markers, 600 mm diameter and manufactured in fiberglass, colored international orange(or white, red) which shall not fade, fixed on the earth wires in any required span and shall be erected, as required by Chapter 6 of Annex 14 to the ICAO Regulations, at intervals of not more than 30 m on the overall earth wire system. With twin earth wires, provided the spacing of the spheres on either earth wire is suitably staggered to provide the above requirements, the placing of the spheres can be alternated between the two earth wires at uniform spacings. *Air traffic obstruction lights on towers, ICAO-compliant High intensity type A white obstruction light on top level & Medium intensity type A white obstruction light on the middle level, with integrated Day/Night switch and flasher,  GPS flashing synchronization, power supply of batteries which will be charged by PV panels. For more details: Website:http://www.cdt-en.com/ Email:[email protected] Phone/WhatsApp:+86-13929493960
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voidsentprinces · 9 months
Okay. So...lets say for argument purposes I did get paid for playing this at 300$/hr
Getting set up to go through ARR takes me about 5 hours: 1 - 18 with all the running around you have to do, connecting aethernet, picking up additional quests to keep up with the MSQ initially until I am able to get the Brand New Armor and Ring for EXP gain.
Getting through ARR itself with Trusts takes roughly 8 hours. And Post-ARR takes roughly 12 hours depending on the queue wait times for the Crystal Tower Raid.
From then on I can get through every story chunk in roughly 6 - 16 hours. Except for Shadowbringers and Endwalker which take me double that cause I can get to the half way point in each at about 12 hours of playing. Trusts also take a good 30 - 45m to complete dungeons.
But lets say I have finished the MSQ up to Post where it is gear locked I am doing the All To 90 again. Well I'd need to grind out Ironworks, Shire, Scaevan, and Deepshadow Gear for Fending, Maiming, Striking, Scouting, Aiming, Healing and Casting Gear. Doing the daily roulettes necessary usually takes 2 - 3 hours. And I don't ever unlock normal raids so that limits me to a total of 570 Tomestones of Poetics a day. Lets assume I am a new player who hasn't pre-ordered the newest expansion, so I'd have to get the "earring" gear too and two "rings" gear pieces as well.
A complete set with weapons and all for all jobs of DoW/DoM of Ironworks Gear is roughly 30,385 tomestones. Assume that same estimate for Shire, Scaevan, and Deepshadow Gears we got ourselves a grand total of needed 121,540 Tomestones total.
So lets say I ran the MSQ at 300$/hr with each chunk.
ARR Prep (1 - 18) without Road to 90 or any other additions except Brand New Ring at roughly 16? 6 Hours: 1800$
ARR Afterwards - 8 Hours: 2400$
Post-ARR dependent on queue times - 12 hours: 3600$
Heavensward - 12 hours: 3600$
Post-Heavensward - 6 Hours: 1800$
Stormblood - 16 Hours cause the aether currents and Ruby Sea is an ass to travel FUCK THE LOCHS: 4800$
Post-Stormblood - 9 Hours IN DEATH DO OUR SOULS SING: 2700$
Shadowbringers - 24 hours: 7200$
Post-Shadowbringers - 16 hours: 4800$
Endwalker - 24 Hours: 7200$
Grand Total of: $39,900 from 10 - 12 Days of Gameplay assuming its uninterrupted by cats demanding cuddles. Set to the maximum time its taken me because bathroom breaks, food, sleep, etc.
But even if I was done doing the MSQ and was passively doing the Gear Grind. We got ourselves 121,450 Tomestones to grind up at 570 a day if I am unlucky and get no bonus. 215 Days of grinding more or less.
570 for roughly 3 hours of gameplay a day: 900$ casually a day.
Over the course of 215 Days longest grind? 193,500$ total from playing "casually" for the tomestone grind.
Now, I only have 1 character who has gotten all this done. Lets see the total playtime from both DoW/DoL/DoM/DoH to 90 and geared up to me contently, first shot with a few hiccups and a shorter grind cause I have pre-ordered had Fenrir for travel and already had a Deepshadow gear for just sprinting through MSQ?
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46 days. 46 x 24hr = 1104 hours x 300/hr = 331,200$ + 18hrs (5400$) = 336,600 + 30m (150$) = 336,750$ total for getting everything to 90. And I haven't opened up additional raid questlines, cleared the Gold Saucer or anything else. No PotD or HoH or whatever the Allagan one is either. Just MSQ, some beast tribe rep for aiding in leveling crafting and gathering and grinding the Daily Roulette and Deliveries.
336,750$ for the 90 grind.
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rahulp678 · 1 year
BG Aspiro Ravet: Your Gateway to Luxurious Living
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Are you in search of the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and elegance for your dream home? Look no further than BG Aspiro in Ravet! This remarkable residential project, strategically located near the 45m BRT Road, is your golden opportunity to own a piece of luxury in one of Ravet's finest landmarks. With spacious apartments, a plethora of amenities, and excellent connectivity to major hubs, BG Aspiro promises a lifestyle that's second to none.
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
Christmas Spiral
Christmas Spiral by Danny VB Via Flickr: spiral stairs - Taking the stairs to the top of the "Arc de Triomphe" gives you this view at the end. Well worth the effort you put into it. It took me at least 20 minutes to reach the top. La vue qu'on a après une longue montée dans les escaliers qui mènent vers le toit de l'arc de Triomphe. Se je me souviens bien, ça m'avait pris une vingtaine de minutes pour arriver jusqu'en haut. stairway inside the "Arc de Triomphe" in Paris, France. Located at one end of Paris’s most famous avenue, the Champs Elysees, the triumphal arch is older than the Eiffel Tower, but is somewhat new in the tradition of building arches to celebrate victories. The Romans did it much earlier. In fact, the Arch of Titus had inspired Napoleon to build this 19th-century tribute to his ‘Grande Armee’. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was added in 1921. The ‘eternal flame’ is re-lit every evening at 6:30 pm. Today it is one of Paris' most famous tourist attractions and millions of visitors climb the long stairway to the top every year. The Arc de Triomphe stands at 51m (167 ft) high and 45m (148 ft) wide. The monument is so large that a daredevil pilot once flew his plane between the arches. The long climb up 284 steps to the top of the Arc de Triomphe is well worth it.
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New Post has been published on http://ezyshopz.com/viral/2018/06/24/giant-dart-vs-oobleck-from-45m/
This time the Giant Dart takes aim at 8 x Doors, 3 Hay Bales, a Dishwasher and Oobleck! SUBSCRIBE ➤ http://bit.ly/SubHowRidiculous BUY NEW MERCH ➤ http://tidd.ly/8b33c00b
SOCIALS Instagram ➤ (@HowRidiculous): http://bit.ly/FollowHRonInsta Facebook ➤ http://bit.ly/HRFacey Twitter ➤ (@howridiculous): http://bit.ly/HRTweety
Cheers to Mark from Fabwest Fabrications in Perth for making the giant dart for us, you’re a legend!
A big thanks to the awesome crew at the Gravity Discovery Centre in Gingin for letting us use their 45m leaning tower for our own experiments. If you wanna head out there and check it out, it’s not far from Perth. Western Australia: http://gravitycentre.com.au/leaning-tower/
What’s the 44 Club you may ask? Well it all started in the outro of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyLPMhp7qbs where we wondered if anyone was still watching the video at that point, and to comment 44 (Scott’s fave number) if they were. Brett then said 44 Club get on board and the rest is history. The 44Club is the official How Ridiculous fan club made up of people who love our videos and watch them right to the very end. We’ve even got 44 Club merch now! So yeh, that’s the story. Pretty random but good fun at the same time.
We are passionate about seeing children released from poverty and we would love you to consider sponsoring a child with Compassion. We visited our sponsor children in the Philippines and were blown away by the difference that child sponsorship can make. To find out more about sponsoring a child right now, check out: http://cmpsn.co/howridiculous
Music by Chillhop: http://chillhop.com/listen Birocratic – Shakedown: http://soundcloud.com/birocratic Listen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify
For Business or Media Inquiries: [email protected] For Licensing Inquiries: [email protected]
For online use, you may embed this YouTube video – for usage in other players please contact us for permission. © Copyright 2018 How Ridiculous
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te-quiero-verde · 3 years
Pass the happy! 🌻 When you receive this, list five things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications. 💛💛💛 (that's what you get for stalking me^^)
Okay FIRST OF ALL: I haven't stalked you in... what? A few days? THAT'S AGES!!! And also: why would listing things that make me happy be a punishment? I'M GOOD AT DOING THAT!! A LOT OF THINGS MAKE ME HAPPY!! YOU'RE SUCH AN IDJIT SOMETIMES!!
Things called Gary
Watching videos of things getting crushed in a hydraulic press... or thrown off 45m towers... or shredded in one of those really powerful shredders xD
Looking at the lights in towns or cities in the distance at night
Comfy chairs
Idjits 💕
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Aluminium Tower Scaffold
Discover our durable and reliable double width aluminium tower scaffold, measuring 1.45m in width and 2.5m in length. Ideal for industrial use, our Loyal Industrial Towers ensure safety and efficiency for your projects.
Aluminium Tower Scaffold
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howtofightwrite · 4 years
Followup: Runtime
The False Flag story involving a South African was from The Fourth Protocol by Fredrick Forsyth. They made a film of it with Michael Caine and Pierce Brosnan.
Thanks, I couldn’t remember. I think I’ve griped about this before, but there’s something really unfortunate about The Fourth Protocol‘s film.
It’s fairly common for multiple edits to exist of a given film. Usually we think about this in the context of theatrical and extended cuts. The former is the version seen in theaters, while the latter is a longer version saved for home video release.
Sometimes there’s dependencies between the director’s preferred version of the film and what the studio releases to theaters, resulting in a an eventual director’s cut. Ironically, these have become something of a marketing ploy to drive home video sales. The marketing idea is, “this is what the director intended for you to see,” even in films where the theatrical cut really was the director’s vision.
In rare cases, the theatrical and director’s cuts will be radically different films. Payback (1999) is one of the rare examples where we can see both versions of the film. The studio, at the direction of Mel Gibson, fired the director and reedited a crime film into a borderline comedy. DVD releases exist for both films, and director Brian Helgeland goes into detail in his commentary track. If you want to see how much editing and some reshoots can change a film, this is an amazing example.
Beyond that, there are also frequently multiple TV or broadcast cuts. These will trim the film so that it can broadcast with commercial interruptions and fit in a standard time slot. These is they have very strict time requirements. In the US, the film needs to be in increments of 45 minutes. (45m, 1h30m, 2h15m, 3h, ect), in the UK the magic number is 50 minutes. (So, 50m, 1h40m, 2h30m, 3h20m.) Once you add commercial breaks, these will lock down to full hour time slots. So, in the US, if you have a film that runs for 1h43m, and you want to put it on network TV, you need to cut thirteen minutes to fit into two, one hour timeslots.
There are extremely rare exceptions. In ’97, there was a (mostly) unedited airing of Schindler’s List (1993) on network TV. From what I remember, the only advertising were unique 15 minute commercial slots from Ford before and after the film. They may have also run one during an intermission.
Outside of that kind of exception, you can’t cut the ads. That’s how the networks make money. So, if it’s a choice between cutting parts of a film that are necessary for it to make sense, or cutting back on ad buys. The film is a secondary consideration.
In rare circumstances a film will run longer on TV than in theaters. Usually this is because the film is running close to moving up a bracket. So, if you have a film that’s got a run time of 1h28m, and you’ve got some random footage you can splice in, you might add two minutes of material to the film so can be sold to TV markets. One example of this was Heat (1995), where Michael Mann was offered the option to add 17m of material to bring it up to a four hour time slot. Mann declined, and the network cut 40m to take it down to a three hour slot.
Length is also a serious consideration for the theatrical runtime. The longer a film is, the fewer times a theater can show that film on a given screen in a single night. This is why theatrical run times over three hours are exceedingly rare. A theater needs have time to run the film, clean up the theater after a showing and prepare for the next showing. When films get above 3 hours, that starts to seriously cut into how many times a given film can be shown per screen, per night. Meaning, the less money the theater makes. You can see this in action if you look at the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings films. Fellowship and Two Towers are two minutes and one minute short of three hours long, respectively. Return of the King coming off the previous two blockbusters managed to sneak up to 3h21m, but by this point the theaters were comfortable with the idea that the film would be a reliable moneymaker for the 2003 holidays, and was worth losing screenings.
Lord of the Rings is also an example of how studios could break away from that requirement by having extended versions released on multi-disk sets after launch. Now, the specific example was a bit complex, because the three films were shot together, there was a three year release schedule to begin with, and the extended cut DVDs were a blatant marketing tactic to keep people paying attention to the films throughout the year.
So, what does all this have to do with The Fourth Protocol? I really want to be able to recommend the film. In my, entirely subjective, opinion, this is the best performance I’ve ever seen from Pierce Brosnan. He plays a better James Bond here than in the actual Bond films. (And, by that, I mean, more in keeping with the literary version of the character, rather than the cinematic version.) This is a film where he’s playing the villain, and delivers an excellent performance.
Michael Caine is great. That shouldn’t be a surprise, he is a fantastic actor, but he is in his element here as an aging intelligence officer who’s being pushed to irrelevance.
So, it’s a really good film. But, it’s impossible to see. Or, at least, it was the last time I went hunting for it.
The version of The Fourth Protocol available on DVD today is a seriously shortened cut. I watched a cable TV version back in the mid-90s, and there was a lot of material that was completely absent from the DVD version when I tried to introduce Michi to it a few years back.
I don’t know what happened. My original thought was that the version I saw on TV must have been extended for an extra hour. This is plausible, because the film’s official runtime is 1h59m, meaning it would need to split up over a third hour, with an extra 16m of footage for American TV. Except, I think the version I originally saw, on TV was close to the theatrical cut, while the version available on DVD is (for some reason) a TV cut. It edits out a lot of important plot points, and the entire film suffers for it. One specific example that comes mind was Matt Frewer’s character basically just disappearing without warning. In the 2012 DVD cut, he literally stumbles off screen drunk, and disappears from the film entirely. There is a lot of missing content, and it wouldn’t surprise me if that version of the film is missing 30 minutes of material. (I can’t find the disk to verify the run time, and Amazon insists it’s a complete cut, which is not the case.) Which sucks. It’s definitely a product of the mid-80s, but there was a lot to recommend the film. It’s just really unfortunate that there’s a garbage cut getting passed off as the theatrical version. Among the things that were cut, we lose a lot of interesting depth to Brosnan’s performance, and even Caine’s character gets reduced to more of a cliche.
In case it’s not apparent, this disappoints the hell out of me. A lot of times, this kind of thing happens because no one checks the data. A production company has, “a copy,” of a film or TV series they released, and then doesn’t check to see what the state of that is. This isn’t even situations where the originals were lost, it’s simply a substandard version got added to the pile as, “the official,” copy.
So, this doesn’t mean that original cut of The Fourth Protocol is gone forever. Just, the last time I went looking, I was very harshly disappointed. I would have chalked this up to a faulty memory. It wouldn’t have been the first time I misremembered the plot or individual scenes from a film I caught on TV once. However, when I went looking for it, I found I was not the only one who remembered a longer cut of the film.
If you can get the full cut, I do strongly recommend Protocol. It’s a better film than you’d expect. It’s certainly a product of late Cold War anxieties, but it is a solid film. Unfortunately, I’m not sure you can find an intact copy today.
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Followup: Runtime was originally published on How to Fight Write.
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wizardnuke · 4 years
tony stark on reddit: My (45M) husband/boss (109M) just blew up a building while looking for his ex-boyfriend-turned-brainwashed-nazi-assassin (109M). Am I the asshole for wanting him to come home and stop blowing up buildings?
steve, also on reddit: maybe your husband should be able to do what he wants despite the fact that there are actual real life consequences of his actions
bucky, ALSO on reddit: please lock ur husband in ur basement or something if his ex wanted to be found he would've showed up at the avengers tower
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Hey if you like Dude Perfect, may I also recommend How Ridiculous to you? HR is the Australian version of DP, but with more destruction. They started as a trick shots channel but these days most of their videos are dropping stuff off a 45m tall tower and either trying to bounce it on a trampoline or trying to smash something else that's at the bottom. And definitely good natured himbos--they understand 0% of the science behind what they do
Ooh, thanks, I’ll have to look them up. Tbh I only know dude perfect cause my little brother went thru a phase where he LOVED them
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