leomacgivena · 10 months
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41717 · 1 year
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xiazai1 · 4 months
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brendonburiebot · 7 years
The death of a bachelor tour is officially over. Thank you all for the past month. What an amazing life i live
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general chomp
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drmavisandco · 7 years
  —  he shut off the engine, opening the driver-side door and shutting it, hastily making his way up the drive to arthur’s house. it was around 7 pm that night, the fields of grass swaying in the early night breeze. the large oak tree adjacent to the house was swaying along with them, a small storm would brew. mavis thought nothing of it, enjoying the cool break of the long august days: there was nothing wrong with autumn.
he didn’t answer the door when he rang the doorbell nor when he sent him a message, so mavis trudged around the englishman’s garden and tried the back door. it took him a few tries but managed to unlatch the rickety lock and step inside the kitchen. it was dim and abandoned, like most of the house. he worried arthur wasn’t even home, or he was asleep and he was just breaking and entering. but he had no doubt the englishman had took his chronosphere, and if that was true, he had to do whatever it takes to get it back.
guilty for the intrusion, he called out: “artie? it’s me, mavis! are you here?” there was no answer, nothing aside from the loud shuffling coming from upstairs. mavis looked up towards the wooden stairs and took a deep breath before venturing onward.
he went through the various warnings mr. mallory had given him: “these nations have seen a cluster of horror, they learn to forgive and forget . . . but it’s never easy.” it rang out in his mind and he feared for what he could be walking into.
he could hear shuffling coming from down the hall, he made his steps light and steady. his breathing hitched, apprehensive as he approached the door at the end of the hall. it was his office, a small room filled with books and his desk filled with papers and emergency numbers, records, etc. mavis wrapping his hand around the door knob and slowly opened the door.
the room was dark, the curtains closed and the only light being emitted was the moonlight that tracked inside the house. but he could make out the shape of arthur’s legs, “arthur? it’s mavis . . . where’s the light?” he waited for a moment, noticing the sudden shift that was his head. he was looking at him. mavis stepped inside, remembering that there was a shelf beside the door with a lamp atop of it. he found it and turned it on, the dim light revealing arthur on the floor, his back against the desk with his hands tucked by his sides.
his blonde hair was disheveled, along with his clothes, as if he had just woken up. his emerald eyes were bloodshot and dark, mavis gulped. “what’s wrong?” he asked, hesitating before inching a bit closer. he didn’t see the chronosphere anywhere near him, but could see something bulging from his pocket. he took a risk and sat down a few feet away from him, “you wanna talk to me?” he felt like he was speaking to a child, all the englishman would do was stare at him. he stared into his dulled eyes and could feel his heart sink, something must have happened, yet he was afraid to ask what.
“arthur, we’re friends, right? if something’s wrong, please, tell me.” mavis said.
arthur’s lips twitched, his eyes beginning to shift as if he was suddenly in pain. he leaned his head against the desk, slouching a bit before saying, “i have no friends.”
“of course you do,” mavis said, smiling in disbelief. “there’s me, alfred, francis, lukas — “
arthur chuckled, his eyes fixed on his lap. “those aren’t friends, sir. those are savages.” there was a cold smile on his lips.
mavis’ eyes narrowed, “arthur, where’d you go?”
he looked up this time, cocking his head to the side as he met mavis’ eyes. “i didn’t go anywhere, i was just reminded . . .” he got up, “ . . . of something i had forgotten.”
mavis stared up at him, reaching out to grab him before he got a chance to leave but as soon as his hands gripped around his pants his face was met by arthur’s shoe. mavis fell back on to the floor, holding his nose. “arthur . .” mavis coughed out, checking for blood. all he could feel was pain shooting up from the front of his mouth to the bridge of his nose, he dared to look back up towards the englishman. “give it back.”
arthur glared down at him, taking a moment to pull out the chronosphere from his pocket and letting it dangle in his hands. “for what? so you could continue to entertain yourself with our suffering and feel lucky to have never really experienced it?” he snarled, anger and hatred fuming in his eyes. “you get to die with your sins.”
mavis’ eyes widened, shocked by the vibrant disgust in his voice. “look —” he began to get up, “just hand over the chronosphere so we can talk about this — “
he cut him off, “you can’t even take pride in it,” he said, chuckling to himself, a smirk curled on his lips as he reached behind him. mavis froze as he watched the way arthur held the shotgun, aimed towards him. “might as well get it done and over with.”
mavis held his hands out, smiling nervously. “arthur, come on — don’t. don’t do it.” arthur ignored him, taking a few steps closer. mavis watched as the barrel of the gun came closer to his chest, right against his heart. he looked into arthur’s eyes and couldn’t see the bright, awkward man he found himself enchanted with every time they spoke. he placed his hands by his sides. “i don’t want to die.” he said, tears wallowing up in his eyes.
the smirk fell from arthur’s lips, hesitation evident in his fingers. “i know.” he said eventually.
the bullet missed his heart, the gun falling right along with him as arthur found himself watching the young man grasp onto life. mavis lied at his feet, his eyes wide as he groped the area in which the bullet entered and escaped. blood slowly circled around him, his vision becoming disorientated as he stared at the hysteric figure kneeling beside him.
arthur panicked, his fingers having betrayed him the moment he pulled the trigger. he was afraid: the moment he returned, the moment mavis walked in, the moment mavis begged for his life. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry . .” he kept repeating as he pulled mavis’ body into his arms. he cradled the bleeding young man, whispering apologies as mavis tried to hold on.
beyond them, romano had just pulled up in antonio’s car, the owner beside him in passenger seat. mavis had taken his car to get to arthur’s house, and here they all were to confront him. the italian noticed the dim light at a window towards the back of the house and didn’t hesitate to find a way inside. once noticing the open back door, they ventured in.
it was antonio who found them in the office, witnessing the horror of mavis’ slow death and arthur’s mentality. he called out to romano before stepping inside and pulling arthur away from mavis, disgusted by the blood on the englishman’s hands. romano ran in, frozen at the scene as he watched antonio pin arthur against the wall by his collar. the spaniard was infuriated, his cries echoing throughout the house as he demanded arthur to tell him what he did. romano found the gun beside mavis and made no move to pick it up, instead, he knelt beside the young man.
“lovi . . .” mavis began, but romano shook his head. he pulled out his phone, trying to dial 911 but his hands wouldn’t stop shaking. he looked up as mavis placed his weak hand over the phone’s screen. “nothing . . .” he whispered, crying. his hand moved to romano’s palm, grasping it tightly against his lips, trying to whisper his last words:
“he didn’t mean it.”
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bm-americas · 3 years
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Miniature Jar, 1000-1550, Brooklyn Museum: Arts of the Americas
Size: 2 1/2 x 2 3/4 x 2 1/4 in. (6.4 x 7 x 5.7 cm) Medium: Ceramic
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cloudragon · 7 years
The smallest things give me anxiety oh my god
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thefalserift-d · 7 years
I don’t believe it. IF she was interested in me, wouldn’t she be messaging me more?
True. Perhaps she’s waiting.
I DON”T KNOW HOW TO START A CONVERSATION BESIDES “do you watch steven universe?”
Then do that.
You want me to do it then?
We can collab on this..
I have nothing in common with her except for this art class. I don’t know shit about her except she’s a social/psychology major.
Then ask q’s.
You seem very torn. It’s like, you want to do this, but you also don’t want to.
Ok, I have many reasons.
-she’s way out of my league like hot mama
-she’s the rm of that one gay girl who basically thought I was a creep (which I am terribly sorry about, didn’t want to come off that way)
- dead week is coming and so does stress levels; maintaining a relationship is a no go
-I am socially inept at playing this sort of game and I personally have not confirmed what sort of interest she has in me
-subtly is legit and cool but ??
-didn’t she mention she had a boyfriend? perhaps I’m confusing her with someone else.
-I have mental illnessesssssssss
-I am currently in love with someone else and dating someone that is not that someone else will confuse the hell out of me/ make me feel guilty as hell
Seems like we can easily get through this *cracks knuckles*
You sure are interested.
She looks tasty af.
I looked like a mess today, don’t think she would be into me anyhow
Also, I want to see her tattoos... hehe.
You.. Are . Such. A . Perv. Stop it. No, stop that.
Mmmm.. Perhaps I’ll tease you with her, tonight?
I hate you so much, you are not allowed...
Ooh, very nice reactions. Hmm, fine. I’ll reserve this for some other time. It’s nice that I can mimic her now. As with most of the art class people.
I hate that you have that ability. OH MY GOD STOP IT GET OUT. NOW.
*dying of laughter* Ok ok ok I’ll stop. But, if you seriously want to know, why not just ask?
How do I ask? Just be like.. “Why did you give me your number?” Feels way too direct. But that’s my style, I suppose
She seemed really interested in you anyhow, was interested in your works and was hoping for some inspiration.
I am just the same story repeated over and over again. I couldn’t possibly woo anyone. I suck so much at this..
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asbestgid · 2 years
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В Свердловской области утонул еще один подросток Трагедия произошла вечером 1 августа в деревне Усть-Бугалыш под Красноуфимском. По информации территориальных органов МВД России в регионе в летний период 2022 года зарегистрировано 9 фактов чрезвычайных происшествий на водных объектах с участием несовершеннолетних детей, из них 7 - со смертельным исходом. Купальный сезон в самом разгаре, погода позволяет организовать комфортный отдых у водоёмов, но, к сожалению, начинает пополняться печальная статистика погибших на воде. Несмотря на все рекомендации, статистика трагических случаев возрастает. Администрация Рефтинского совместно с государственным инспектором пожарного надзора, работниками 61 пожарно – спасательной части 59 ПСО ФПС ГПС Главного управления МЧС России по Свердловской области в ежедневном режиме патрулируют водные объекты. Подробнее: https://asbest-gid.ru/news/v_sverdlovskoj_oblasti_utonul_eshhe_odin_podrostok/2022-08-04-41717
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brendonburiebot · 7 years
WWhat’s good 😜 u slutty homestuck trash 👅🏠413🏠 is glubbin here and u know w)(at that means!! ♥ HOME-SUCC season has arrived ♋ :33 get your shipping wall ready!! ♈ pop ur quivering nook ♎ 4ND PR3P4R3 FOR 4 DOUBL3 MOB1US R34CH4ROUND! 🍆🍑 IF U WANT TO GET RAWED 👉👌 Till Grist Pours Out 🍊 ThIs 413 🎁 SeNd tHiS To 15 Of yOuR HoMoSuCk pAlS! 👩👨 if u get 0 back 😔 ur a lonely seadwweller!♣♠ if u get 5 back 😌 ur a 8ad 8itch! ♦♦if u get 10 back 😘 ur a poppiin hot playa twofold! 🔥🙌 SHARE in 41
what does this mean
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victoriavirat · 3 years
Cheap Homecoming Dresses
Do you want to be the queen in school? Then come to KATEPROM. Our cheap homecoming dresses can be customized. Kateprom offers you a number of affordable homecoming dresses that are perfect for young people's special events, such as junior high school prom, sweet 16 years old, holiday parties or special occasions. Do not hesitate! Choose a stylish back-to-school dress for yourself and become the queen of the school!
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reciperesolutions · 3 years
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Secret mushroom burgers!! In an effort to eat less red meat, but also my absolute favorite hamburger buns sitting in the pantry nearing closer to expiration, I thought I’d try a mushroom-beef hybrid burger. The first time I saw this on a menu was during an out of town weekend, and I really couldn’t tell much of a difference. Then I remembered a dear friend gave me a similar kind of recipe years ago (it was soooo good):
...but when I pulled that up, it was a measly 4 oz of mush to 1 lb of beef (plus there was bacon, haha). So in search of a better mushroom-to-meat ratio, I eventually found another that called for 8 oz fresh mushrooms with good instructions on general rules:
So I took these as inspiration and it worked out great! I didn’t have any bacon on hand but I did have pancetta - that worked fine, though I do think bacon would be better. I took most of the seasoning from the first link otherwise, but the second link was helpful to get the process down for optimum mushroom integration.
So here’s my resulting burger recipe, combining my inspirations from this meal and my own previous own burger creations!
- 1 lb max ground beef
- 8 oz fresh mushrooms
- 2 tsp soy sauce
- Generous dash of S&P (truffle salt, if you have it!)
- 4 strips of cooked bacon, crumbled
- 1 heaping tbsp French onion dip mix (dried)
- 2 tbsp Worchestshire sauce
Using a blender, pulse the mushrooms to a mince. By hand, mix all ingredients EXCEPT Worchestshire sauce. Form into 4 equal patties; top each patty with 1/2 tbsp Worcheshire sauce.
I cooked these 4 minutes on each side in a cast iron skillet (medium high with a layer of XVOO) since our grill isn’t working. Rested for about five full minutes. Served on toasted buns with raw red onion beneath the patty. The results were impressive: cooked to a really good medium rare, and SO tasty!! My esteemed taste-tester (and meat lover) commented on how good the meat was and was shocked when I told him it had half a pound of mushrooms in it (and he doesn’t even like mushrooms!). The meat was really juicy and NOT dense, but filled you up nicely. Didn’t come out greasy, either. Honestly, this is the best tasting burger I’ve ever made. 100% is going to be my new go-to!
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awesomecloudcity · 3 years
Il rapporto sul mercato dei software e degli strumenti GDPR copre le tendenze future con la ricerca 2021-2027 |Software e strumenti GDPR – BrianzaDonna - BrianzaDonna
Il rapporto sul mercato dei software e degli strumenti GDPR copre le tendenze future con la ricerca 2021-2027 |Software e strumenti GDPR – BrianzaDonna – BrianzaDonna
#Cloudcity | #ITNews | @SilvioTorre https://www.brianzadonna.it/uncategorized/41717/il-rapporto-sul-mercato-dei-software-e-degli-strumenti-gdpr-copre-le-tendenze-future-con-la-ricerca-2021-2027-software-e-strumenti-gdpr/ Il rapporto sul mercato dei software e degli strumenti GDPR copre le tendenze future con la ricerca 2021-2027 |Software e strumenti GDPR – BrianzaDonna  BrianzaDonna
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franklong12 · 3 years
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GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Ripped For Reprehensible New Claim About COVID-19 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s newest fee... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/gop-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-ripped-for-reprehensible-new-claim-about-covid-19/?feed_id=41717&_unique_id=60e45d1701486 #Coronavirus #COVID19 #MarjorieTaylorGreene
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ranzwarcom · 3 years
Google’s Guacamole may be premature, but it sounds ripe to become an Android feature
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