#4:00 am bad decisions
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Zombie. Aka a Undertale Yellow fic cause my brain cannot handle the horrors even though I was warned about them lol
So basically, this all originated from me seeing iilmunchkiin's comic of Martlet, Starlo, and Ceroba's reaction to Clovers rotting corpse (MAJOR GORE. VERY GOOD GORE BUT GOOD LORD) at four in the morning the night before. SO, I MADE A FIC TO FIX THINGS IN MY BRAIN LOL!
Anyways not promising this is good. Not beta read other than by me who is dyslexic lol
Is it accurate to the characters??? No this is the first time I've written about them lol
Anyways enjoy this fic lol
Quick warning Starlo explains what a zombie is and what they look like lol just to the extent of what I said above lol
Martlet sat next to Starlo and Ceroba awkwardly. It wasn’t that she hadn't hung out around them before! She definitely had! Just… You know… Not like this… Usually she was invited over for dinner or she would run into the two when she was in the Wild East or the two were visiting Snowdin. But today was very different.
Something really weird had happened to the whole underground and the idea of Clover’s coffin being damaged horrified her so much she decided she needed to check up on them instantly. She hadn’t really been prepared to see Ceroba and Starlo there though. They of course were polite and made space for her; it was just a very different atmosphere… You know sitting next to the stone coffin…
“Why’d you come ‘ere?” Asked Starlo trying to make small talk. Ceroba promptly lightly smacked him on the back.
“What he means is did you come here because of what happened earlier too.” She translated.
Martlet nodded slowly. It had been about just a couple hours ago. She had been sitting in her house working on a jigsaw puzzle when suddenly she had the oddest feeling. It felt like her very soul was shaking around like it was trying to leave her body and then suddenly she was out like a light. She swore there was something that happened between her soul shaking and then waking up but she couldn’t remember. She had decided a walk would be good but when she walked out of her home and saw other monsters were getting up from the ground, she had begun flying over to check on Clover's coffin.
“Yeah… The whole weird soul thing happened and I thought maybe it was an earthquake!” Martlet explained.
Starlo nodded, “Yeah had the same idea…”
The conversation was silent again.
For a while.
“Do you think anyone has lifted the coffin lids trying to see what they look like… I mean monsters turn to dust… Some monster probably got curious…” The thought of it made her sick.
Ceroba and Starlo just stared at Martlet.
“Well if they did they saw something real disgustin’.” Starlo said, looking away awkwardly.
“What do you mean?” Asked Martlet, a gross curiosity taking control.
“A lot of movies travel their way to the underground… Seen a few of em. Personally only keep the westerns. But I saw something called a “horror” movie when I was a little kid and it had something they called zombies and their flesh was rotting off of em.” Starlo explained.
“Star. Don’t ever say anything like that again,” Ceroba said, sounding like she was trying to forget what he said and was now horrified.
“Oh…” Martlet felt sick to her stomach… “You mean…”
“Maybe…” Starlo mumbled regretting the words he had let out.
Ceroba stayed quiet just staring blankly at the coffin… What had she done…
Martlet flew back letting out a shriek and yelled, “ZOMBIE!” While Starlo jumped back just as quickly trying to pull Ceroba back -who’s ears instantly pinned back at the loud sound- away from the coffin that had just made the loud “BAM!” sound.
The banging continued until eventually with one last “BAM!” the lid went flying to the wall and made another loud BAM! And shattered.
From the coffin rose a perfectly not rotted Clover who stared blankly at the three before saying only one word, “Brains.” And put their hands up in the classic zombie fashion.
Starlo wasn’t sure whether to cry or burst out laughing while Martlet just stared in shock and Ceroba sat blankly trying to process what just happened.
Starlo eventually chose both. Practically tackling Clover as he hugged the poor kid while laughing and sobbing, “My deputy’s back!”
“Zombie deputy,” Clover corrected Starlo in their flat way of theirs earning them more laughter from Starlo.
Martlet soon joined in the hugging and crying.
Ceroba while quiet for some time with only her tail wagging just the slightest bit until eventually she let out a the ugliest and loudest sob and joined the hugging and crying pile.
“You’re crushing me. Please don’t kill me again,” Clover eventually had to say as they were in fact being crushed by three full grown sobbing monsters.
#starlo uty#undertale yellow starlo#Starlo#undertale yellow#uty#ceroba#ceroba ketsukane#martlet#clover undertale yellow#fanfic#Author made dumb decisions lol#my dyslexic okay :(#staroba#just a bit of a hint maybe. You know as a treat.#2:00 am#4:00 am bad decisions
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Hangman’s First Rodeo part 4
Masterlist Pinned
Warnings: Fluff; Implied Smut; Angst; Loss of parents; Trauma; Past injuries
WC: 2.2k
Jake drops me back home after the Hard Deck and walks me to the front porch. I turn the key and open the door, “Do you wanna come in?” He smiles and checks his watch, “It’s already pretty late, darling. Are you sure?” I nod my head, “Just stay the night.” He follows me inside and makes us tea. We chat about the night. I keep telling him I am okay, but he doesn’t seem to believe me. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, “Playboy had no right to say any of that to you. Sounds like he had a thing for you and is upset that you don’t feel the same.” I nod, “Yeah. He was like that the whole time. I never brought it up to the other guys because I just wanted to focus on work. It felt so horrible to get so far in my career and then be treated like that. Like all I am is someone men find hot.” Jake pulls me in to his arms, “You are much more than that, darling. So much more.” I nuzzle into his chest, “Tell me more about you.” He smiles, “Well, we covered Texas. I got 2 sisters, who gave me 2 nieces. My parents are very involved. When I was younger that bothered me, but I like it now. They all still live in Austin. I try to go back as much as possible. They keep hounding me because it has been about 6 months since I’ve been home. Hmmm, let me think. I love college football. I am lactose intolerant. And I have no control around coffee. I could drink like 10 cups a day if no one is watching me.” I look up at him giggling, “You are actually adorable.” He grins, “Now you.” I shrug, “You already know mine.” He shakes his head, “No.. I only know about your career. Tell me about you, darling.” I look up at him, “Not much to tell. Only child. Older parents. They owned a huge cattle ranch outside of Marble Falls, distributing meat all throughout Texas. Now I “own” it, but I don’t really do anything. Just let the business people do everything and I sign off. I think they wanted me to go to college, but they passed before it was time to make all of those decisions. I felt, lost? I had always felt drawn to the military so I went down to the recruitment office. I was looking at Navy careers and saw the SEAL brochure. The recruiter laughed when I said I was gonna do it. I made up my mind then and never looked back.” Jake looks at me and carefully asks, “What happened to your parents?” I sigh, “My Dad bought a small plane and got his license. They were always flying somewhere for a vacation or business trip or just to fly. They hit weather. Plane went down. It was fast, you know? I had just turned 17.” Jake’s eyes water, “I am sorry, Y/n.” I shrug, “It is okay. I think they are proud of me.” He nods his head, “They are.”
I look over at the clock by my couch and see it is 03:00. “Jake, we should probably go to bed. I think we could stay up all night talking.” He chuckles, “Yeah, I think so too.” We get up and he starts walking towards the guest room, “Where are you going?” He turns around with his eyebrow raised, “To bed, darling.” I laugh, “Jake, I know you are a gentleman. Get over here and cuddle me.” He smiles, “Yes ma’am.”
We lay side by side in my bed. Jake’s arm is around me and my head is nuzzled into his chest. I haven’t felt at peace like this in.. I couldn’t even tell you how long. He plays with my hair and I can hear his heart beating. He clears his throat, “Y’know, I have never had anything like this before.” I look up at him, “What do you mean?” He chuckles, “Most of my relationships start off on the wrong foot. Meet them at a bar, take them home, maybe have a couple dates, then never see them again. This is new to me.” I smile, “Me too. And to think I thought you were bad news when I first met you.” He smirks, “Oh yeah?” I nod my head, “I have never seen Roo act like that. And he is very dramatic, so that is saying something.” “Bradshaw only sees work me.” “I am happy that I know Jake, not just Hangman. Or Bagman.” He kisses the top of my head, “Me too, darling.” I drift off to sleep, still in his arms.
When I wake up, Jake is still holding me. I run my hand through his hair, “G’morning handsome.” He opens his eyes and grins, “Morning beautiful. I could get used to this.” I giggle, “I’m gonna go make us some coffee.” Jake meets me in the kitchen and I hand him a cup of coffee. “Thank you darling.” I sit next to him, “How much leave do you have?” He raises an eyebrow, “Too much. Why?” “Come to my ranch.” “When?” I shrug, “Next week?” He nods, “Deal.” I take a sip of my coffee and he smiles, “Any particular reason?” “I just.. I don’t know. I just want to.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head, “I’d be honored, darling.”
The week passes by quickly. Both of our leave requests were approved and I booked the tickets, even though Jake complained about that. Next thing I know we are at the airport, holding hands and walking towards the gate. I look over at Jake, “You packed boots, right?” He laughs, “Darling, I packed everything I usually pack when I go back to Texas.” I giggle nervously, “Sorry. I always overthink on travel days. Going back makes me a little nervous every time.” “I am here, okay? And I hope you know how much it means to me that you want me to come with you.” I squeeze his hand tight, “It means a lot to me that you are willing to come.”
The flight lands and I can feel the Texas heat. We grab our bags and Jake asks, “Need me to order ride?” I shake my head, “Follow me.” He raises an eyebrow but grabs my hand and follows. I take him to the pickup area and right up to the bright red, lifted, diesel truck. He shakes his head and laughs, “You have got to be joking me.” I smile and slap the hood, “Not joking. Meet Truck Norris.” “Truck Norris?!” The driver side door slams shut, “Y/n!!” I run over and jump into the drivers arms, “Scotty!” Scotty sets me down and I turn to Jake, “Jake, this is Scotty. Scotty, this is Jake.” They shake hands and we throw our luggage into the truck bed. Jake jumps in the passenger seat and I hop in the back. Scotty looks at Jake and then looks at me, “So you never bring anyone home, ever, and then you bring back someone who looks like he stepped outta GQ?” Jake blushes and I chuckle, “Scotty, settle down. I told you about Jake.” Jake turns to me, “You told him about me? That’s cute.” I roll my eyes, “Scotty and I grew up together. His Dad was my parent’s first ranch hand, so they lived on the land. He kinda had to be my best friend. Scotty took over for his Dad when he retired.” Scotty points back at me, “Until someone had to go save the world and shit. Left me all alone on the land. You know I talk to the horses?” I look at Jake, “He’s always done that. He can’t blame that on me.” We pull onto the property and Jake’s eyes bug out, “Holy crap. Do y’all have your own zip code?” I shrug, “Kind of?” Scotty drops us off at the main house so we can unpack. We walk up to the huge front door and Jake turns to me, “When were you gonna let me know you were like.. Redneck royalty?” I laugh, “I guess now? We can drive around later. You need a shower?” “Yes please.” I point to the left, “There’s a hallway of guest rooms with attached baths there. Or to the right is the master bed and bath. Take your pick.” He rolls his eyes, “You have got to be kidding me. How many rooms are in this place?” “8 beds 10 baths. Then there’s a couple of guest houses on the property. I think it was supposed to be for when family would visit but we didn’t really have any extended family.” He grabs my hand, “I am sorry.” “Jake, it really is okay. Go grab a shower. I’m gonna do the same and then I’ll throw together some lunch.” Jake smiles and heads towards a bathroom, “Okay, darling. Thank you.”
Jake comes into the kitchen wearing Wrangler jeans and a fitted white t-shirt. I whistle as I slide him his plate, “Looking good, Cowboy.” He winks, “Had to look good for my lady.” I raise my eyebrow, “Your lady?” “Yep. Don’t fight it. You’re my lady and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I walk over and kiss his cheek, “I like the sound of that.” He pulls me into his lap, “You do?” I hum as I kiss him. He deepens the kiss and his hand move along my back. I shiver as his fingers graze my scar. He pulls back, “What are you thinking?” I bite at the inside of my cheek, “Sorry. I just.. I haven’t been.. intimate since the mission. You are the only person besides the doctor that has seen the scars. And I just feel..” He touches my cheek, “Darling, you don’t need to worry about that with me. I promise.” I furrow my brow, “But they’re so-“ He cuts me off, “Don’t. You are perfect. You are perfect and you are mine. I love you.” He looks shocked at his last sentence and my jaw drops. He starts talking fast, “That wasn’t how I wanted to say that. I am sorry. It just came out. You don’t have to-“ I touch his cheek, “Shhh, I love you too.” He smiles and pulls me into a kiss that takes the air out of my lungs. “Y/n, I have been wanting to say that since that night in your kitchen.” I smile, “Me too.” He kisses me as he picks me up, carrying me towards the bedroom. I giggle, “Where are you taking me?” He smirks, “I am going to show you just how beautiful you are.” Jake carefully lays me down on the bed and looks at me with his bright green eyes. I take a deep breath as he lifts my shirt, revealing the thick scars. He caresses them gently and plants a kiss on each. As he begins to explore my body he looks up at me, “You are everything I have ever wanted, Y/n.”
I wake up from our nap with a fluttering in my stomach. There’s a warm feeling in my chest and my head feels like it is in the clouds. Jake opens his eyes and smiles, “Hey darling, how are you feeling?” I kiss his cheek, “Amazing. How about you?” He chuckles, “Pretty damn good.” I playfully slap his arm and he pulls me into his chest. I listen to the familiar sound of his heartbeat. The past few months have been a whirlwind, but I want to freeze this moment. My eyes meet his, “I wish it could be like this forever.” He brushes a strand of hair behind my ear, “It can.” I giggle, “C’mon Jake, you know it can’t.” “Why not?” “You have to fly. I have to.. do whatever the hell it is I am going to do. Hopefully get back with the teams? I don’t know. But people like us don’t get lives like this.” Jake turns his head to the side and sighs, “You are going to go back? What about these last few months?” I sit up in the bed, “This assignment was always temporary, Jake. Eventually I will have to go back. I have to finish out this contract. It’s only a few more months, but still.” He turns around and looks at me, “Are you going to re-up?” My mind starts racing, “Jake, I don’t-“ He repeats himself, “Are you going to re-up?” Tears are threatening to spill over, “I don’t know. It’s such a big decision. This career is the only thing I have had for a decade. I don’t know if I can just give it up.” Jake shakes his head and starts to stand up, “You know there is always going to be a position at Top Gun. Comms are a top priority. We have both heard Maverick say it a hundred times. But if you need to go back, just go back.” He starts pulling on his shirt and my voice shakes, “What are you saying right now?” His green eyes scan mine quickly and then look away, “I am saying go back to Coronado. Apparently this was all temporary anyway.” He turns and walks out the door as I cry, “Jake! That’s not what I meant!”
#glen powell x reader#hangman fic#hangman x reader#hangman x you#jake seresin fanfiction#jake seresin x reader#jake seresin x you#top gun#top gun maverick
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Warnings: Fluff, Tiny hint of PTSD, Cussing, Lots of love ❤️
Words: 3562
I enjoyed writing this and I hope that you all enjoy it as well. This story will be 2 parts. Possibly 3. There will be typos. Thank you for reading ��️😘
A love that never fades
Part 1
Finally got the last box out of storage and into my house. Long distance moving and trying to get everything lined up is frustrating and very exhausting. I flopped my tired body onto the couch to rest my sore feet and back. I reached for my phone to check the notifications and I saw I had new text messages. Most were in my group chat with Cat and James (My friend and Sy's sister Catherine and her husband James who is good friend of Sy's from the Army). I replied in our group chat and went to my next set of new texts and they were from Lily (Sy's Mom).
Lily - Good morning sunshine and welcome home! We are thrilled that you are back here. We think of you as family and love you. You are always welcome at our house.
Let me know if you need any help! If you are feeling up for it later today we would love to have you over at the house for dinner and catching up. You're welcome over anytime but we will start cooking around 4:00. :)
While reading her messages I started to tear up a little bit and felt happiness in my heart. I moved away for a job opportunity little over 3 years ago. I gained a great deal of experience to further my job advancement but the feeling of being out of place and alone started to wear me down. I knew where I belonged so I put together a plan and made it happen. I replied back and let her know that I'd love to come over and that I would let her know once I was on my way.
I placed my phone on the ottoman and jumped up and started to dig around in boxes and putting together an outfit for this afternoon. Once that mission was completed I decided to turn on some music to rock out to and start working on unpacking boxes and figure out how I wanted to setup the house. Mötley Crüe - "Kickstart my heart" came on and that music adrenaline rush hit and I was rocking out all over the house cleaning out boxes while memories of Sy started to flood in and how he had taken me to see Mötley Crüe in concert a couple of times. He would always stand close to me, especially during the slow songs. He would stand behind me and wrap his arms tightly around me. Damn, I miss him. Does he miss me? Does he ever think of me ? For whatever reason we became distant after I moved. Honestly, the man is on my mind probably more than he should be, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. I sighed and shook my head and reset my focus back on the task.
I took a much needed long shower. The hot water felt so good on my sore body. Now it was time to finish getting ready and drive over to the Syverson's for dinner. I sent Lily a text to let her know I would be leaving soon and should arrive in 30 minutes. I am excited, nervous, happy and somewhat emotional on this drive. I haven't seen them in years and I have missed them so much. It is such a beautiful drive in the country to their house.
The leaves are starting to change colors for Fall. The feeling of actually being home is becoming stronger and stronger. The feeling of real happiness is sparking again. Moving back to Texas was the best decision and I'm excited for the future.
I entered their long driveway and came to a stop. I stepped out of the car and grabbed my phone to take a picture. They have Pecan trees and Oak trees along the sides of the driveway. The color of the leaves are so magical. A slight breeze blows the leaves around and the smell of crisp air flows. I've always loved their property. Out in the country. Away from the loud and busy city. Out here it's just nature and peace. I let out a content sigh and get back into the car and continue on. I parked my car and got out and looked around. Sy's truck is under the car port. He would always leave his truck at his parents during deployment. I could feel my heart speeding up just seeing his truck and all the memories I have with him. Our random adventures, driving around just because, going out to eat, sitting on the tailgate and watching sunsets. He loves that truck and seemed that he also loved having me sit next to him with his arm around me. I know that I loved it and I would put my head against his chest. I know he's currently deployed in Iraq but a big part of me wishes that this was a surprise and he was actually home because he's pulled that surprise on me before. I jumped as a dog started to bark at me and my eyes quickly located the incoming dog. "Hank!?" I quickly squatted down and greeted their Chocolate Labrador, Hank. I gave him lots of love and pets as he's trying to lick my face off and dancing in excitement. All these years and he remembers me! Then I hear laughing and look up to see Lily and Felix (Sy's Dad). I stood up and walked towards them and they met me half way. Lots of hugs given and received. They are two of the kindest people I've ever met. Chatting away in the driveway with Lily and there's good ole Hank at my side. Felix went back into the house but returned in seconds. I can hear keys jingling and slightly curious. Lily stepped away to check on dinner and Felix motions for me to follow him. We chat back and forth as we walk to Sy's truck and he hands me the keys that I heard. I looked at him and then to the truck. Felix smiles at me and says "Go ahead Sweetheart. I saw you checking out his truck when you got here." I unlocked the door and slowly slide onto the custom made leather bench seat. I looked down at the set of keys and Sy still had something on the keyring that I had made for him many years ago when I was learning different crafts. A small metal charm in the shape of Texas and I had engraved Sy and a little heart below his name. I put the key in the ignition and started up his truck. Ahhh that loud rumble. I can't help but smile like a big goof. His truck had such a distinct sound. Everything inside looks almost the same as a few years ago. I turned off the truck and slid out of and I handed Felix the keys and thanked him. He then looks at me and says "You know he loves you, right." Tears immediately start to form up as I look at him. Shocked and unsure what to do or say. Felix reaches out and hugs me tightly and as I'm crying I tell him that I love his son so much. He patted me on the back saying "I know you love him, sweetheart. You always have. You're very special to him and to us as well. You bring out a side of him that not many people get to see. You truly make him happy, dear."
Felix made sure I was okay and then stepped back into the house to help Lily with dinner. I walked around the yard with Hank by my side as I gather myself and my thoughts before I head inside. We walk up the steps and I open the door and I'm hit with the wonderful smell of Pot Roast. Lily and Felix always made the most delicious meals. I head into the kitchen and let them know dinner smells great! Lily smiles and winks at me. "We knew this was one of your favorites and we felt a good comfort meal would be perfect for this evening." Felix is making homemade mashed potatoes and rolls. I thanked them for doing so much for me and it wasn't needed. They just shake their heads at me and Felix said dinner will still be a bit and to make myself at home.
I walked around the house and viewed the framed pictures on the walls. Many pictures of friends and family. Army pictures. Baby pictures. A few of the pictures I remember and then some new ones. Pictures of Cat and James adorable daughter, Skyler. She is 2 years old. There's a picture of my Dad and Felix. They were both Majors in the Army. They had met on Base and quickly became good friends. That is how I ended up in this area during my highschool days. My parents had divorced and I picked to live with my Dad. He was transferred to Texas and of all the places we lived. This is where I felt the most at "home." A lot of that is from meeting the Syverson family and how fast they welcomed us in like we were family. Now I am in my late 30s and this is where I still feel the most at home and welcomed. I stepped down the hallway and there's one of my favorite pictures of me and Sy at a Fall festival. Both of us making goofy faces while lost in a corn maze. I can't believe that was almost 4 years ago. Another picture is me with the Syverson family on Christmas. Cat came up with the idea of doing an ugly Christmas sweater photo op and everyone actually agreed to it. That was a fun day. We did the photos after opening our gifts. So to add to the ugly sweaters we decided to stick bows on each other and do silly pictures. His family has such a great sense of humor and very laid back. All these memories makes my heart feel alive. I walked down the hall more and enter Sy's old bedroom. He always liked to stay at his parents house from time to time. Framed Army certificates, Medals, Awards and Army group pictures are hung on the walls. His stereo system and large music collection still sat in the same spot as I remembered. The top of his dresser had a couple of framed pictures. One of him with his parents before leaving for his first deployment. The second picture is of us at Cat and James wedding 4 years ago. Sy in his Army dress uniform....*swoons*. Another favorite picture of us. They had such a beautiful outdoors evening wedding. I grabbed the photo and sat on the bed and just stared at it. It's so obvious that we love each other. I have so many regrets and I'm sure Sy has regrets as well. I do hope that whenever he returns home that he will want to see me and we can talk. I miss that man so much. Half of my heart feels empty without him. Then I hear a knock on the door and Lily walks in. She sat down on the bed next to me and looked at the picture with me.
"He called us a couple of days ago. We told him that you were getting yourself settled in. I could hear a difference in his voice once I mentioned you. He sounded livelier. He asked if you were single! Oh my boy. That was his first question about you. I could hear him smile. If that makes sense. When I told him that you were single. He said he wished he could get on that plane now and come home. He probably has three more months on this deployment but maybe things will change and he can come home sooner. That would be wonderful, huh? Ya know....you should mail him a Care package. I remember when you would mail him packages and letters all the time. You helped him feel like he wasn't too far from home or alone. He knew he had people back home that cared and loved him. I think that would be quite the surprise for him on mail day! I will write down his address for you. He decided to date about a year and half ago while he was home in between deployments and that didn't last long. That girlfriend was absolutely the worst nightmare ever and really messed him up. He was really hard on himself after that. He wanted to jump in his truck and drive out to see you. He kept kicking himself for not asking you out. So many years he wanted to ask you out. He wanted to take it further with you but he always hesitated. We sat right here on this bed and had many discussions about the two of you. I believe in soul mates and I feel it in my heart that you two are meant to be. You both were teenagers when you met but even then. You both clicked like you had known each other for a lifetime and got along perfectly. It was hard for him to fully wrap around the idea he had met "the one" at such a young age. Then he went into the Army and was away so often. He wasn't sure if you wanted that life with him because you grew up in the Army life with your dad. At times he wondered if he deserved to have you in his life in that way. Each deployment changed him and I get it. I went through it with Felix. Just like you had seen a change in your Dad over the years. I told Sy that you are both strong people and can handle anything that is tossed at you. As he grew up and older he realized more and more that you were his world and didn't want to be without you and kicked himself for the past and letting all these years slip by. You two have such a special bond and no other woman has made him feel the way that you do or treated him so lovingly the way you do. I think things will fall right back into place as they were with you two and your future together will be bright and full of happiness and maybe even a wedding! Then we can officially make you a Syverson!"
Lily winked at me and I can feel that I'm blushing and my face hurts from smiling. Felix shouts from down the hall that dinner is ready!
Dinner was amazing and the best meal I've had in a long time. We sat at the table talking and catching up. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the sun was setting. The sky was covered in orange, red and a hint of yellow. I quickly jumped up and asked if one of them would take my picture with Sy's truck so I could print him a copy and put it in his care package. We rushed outside to capture the gorgeous sunset before it was gone. The sun was shining brightly through the trees. Felix took a few pictures for me and then I asked for a group picture. Of course we included Hank! It was very entertaining trying to get the 4 of us in a picture but we finally got it. I can give Sy a copy of that picture as well. We go back inside and continue to chat and catch up. Lily yawns and I didn't realize how fast time had zipped by. It was almost 10:00 p.m. I thanked them again for a wonderful evening and everything they had done for me. They followed me out to my car. I gave Hank some pets and told him bye. I hugged Lily and Felix again and got into the car then Lily stops me from leaving and runs into the house and returns with a post-it note and smiles at me. It's Sy's Military address. It's too late to shop for items tonight. I know what my plans are for tomorrow after my morning jog. I'm excited to go shopping for Sy like I use to and buy some of his favorite things. The drive home went by fast as I had many thoughts going in my brain. Having someone and something special to look forward to. It really makes each day better and happier.
I got up early and went for my usual sunrise jog. Afterwards, I went the post office to get Priority mail shipping boxes and then off to the store to buy items to put into his care packages. It's been such a long time since I've felt like this. The excitement for him to receive my packages and how he'll react when he opens. If only I could see those reactions. From the way his parents talked to me then he should be over the moon. I purchased: coffee, creamer packets, beef jerky, trail mix, oatmeal cookies, granola bars and packs of crackers. Then I decided to get some candies that were cute and a little flirty. In my head I could see him shaking his head and grinning as he pulled the items out of the box. So off to the candy aisle! I tossed a variety of different types of Hershey's kisses...they probably won't survive the Iraq heat but I'm sure he'll still enjoy. Looking around I spot Hot Tamales candies.... I mean...he is pretty damn hot. Perfect find. Tossed a couple of boxes of those in the cart. The last great find... Gummy bears! Of course. I've called him Bear for almost 20 years. Then I went to the other side of the store and purchased some hygiene products that will I will put into a different care package box. Off to the register to purchase the items. I almost feel like squealing and dancing as I exit the store. Before going home I swing by the photo center and quickly print off some copies of the pictures we had taken the day before.
I placed all of the store bags on the living room floor and then I went to browse my crafting box for cardstock, stickers, markers and glue. It's been a while since I've mailed him a package but I had kept all of the supplies. I sat on the living room floor and started working on the packages. Trying to decide on what to write on the inside flaps of the boxes. Then it hit me...."Someone in Texas misses you beary much!". Cute, cheesy, corny? I'm going to go with my heart on this and just be me. After writing that on the flaps I placed a big cute bear sticker on one flap and then placed some little red hearts on each flap. I filled up the boxes with the items I had purchased. I wrote a short note to him on the inside of a card and wrote my phone number at the bottom. I'd love to hear his voice. I placed the photos in the card and sealed the envelope. I looked at both care packages and felt like they were ready to be taped up and to be mailed. I decided to add a little extra love and put some hearts on the outside of the boxes as well. I wish I could see the looks he receives whenever he picks up his packages.
Off to the Post office I go. I took a picture of me with the boxes and sent to Lily. Packages were accepted and later today they will officially be on the way to Iraq to a very special Captain. I get back into the car and Lily had replied:
Wow Honey!! You were on it this morning, huh?! You are such a wonderful person. Thank you for caring and loving our Son like you do. Thank you for loving us and we love you and glad you're a part of our family.
Each day I check the tracking numbers on his packages to see their progress. On day 10 the status on both of his packages change to Arrived to Military Post office. They made it ! Now the feeling of being nervous/anxious hits. I check the tracking again a few hours later and the status has changed. Green words that say "Package delivered to Recipient." I thought I was nervous and anxious earlier. Nope. What I feel now blows that away. I want to jump up and down, scream, cry, giggle, dance. Every emotion is hitting me. Will he call me or maybe just write to me. I can't concentrate on anything. All of my thoughts are on him and these packages I sent. Hours go by and nothing. It's almost 9:00 pm and my phone starts to vibrate and I freeze in spot. I grab my phone. Unknown number. I accepted the call and said Hello. I hear a lot of crackling. No voice. I say hello again. Still just crackling. Then I hear a deep breath...
"I miss you too, Sweet Pea."
..... To be continued 💚
Tags: @mayloma @identity2212 @happydistraction @blah80 @beck07990
#captain syverson#Syverson#captain syverson fanfic#captain syverson fanfiction#captain syverson fluff#syverson fic#henry cavill characters#henry cavill fanfiction#sy bear
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Blood and fire, they burn the same way
Angsty miguel &teen spider!reader
Notes: mentioned characters death, nothing major, sad, mentiones of threats of violence, this one is just dull really, i should really add to it ,hobie is here!,not proof read
tag list:@mvlanchqly
4:00 am
You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and well rested, it's been years since you had that kind of good sleep, is this what revenge feels like? Now you understand why villains hold grudges so bad
With a small smirk, you got up and got ready for your day, you didn't have anything to do today, so a day in the lab it is then, your mood got better at the decision you made.
Then it fell back down
There he was, right where you left him, leaning on the wall eyes so puffy you doubted he could open them
With a small huff you entered the kitchen making yourself a drink, hoping that your day wouldn't be ruined
You were almost done when you heared him a take a sharp breath,
It took a moment for him to move, standing up and walking towards you, blocking your exit,, too much for hoping you think
"Good morning " his voice was hourse, raw, painful, how much did he cry
"morning" you replied standing in front of him drink in your hand, waiting for him to move
"..H-how did you sleep?" he asked, almost shy
"good, thanks for asking" you answered
With a slight flinch he backed up, giving you room to move and go to your lab
Miguel wantched you leave and then with a click, you were gone
He wondered how hard is it gonna be, if it isn't impossible
So now, sitting in the couch his brain trying to process what happened to him in those last few days
He killed his wife and daughter because he was selfish, destroying a universe in the process
He missed his actual wife's death when she waiting for him to return, he didn't get to say goodbye, he doesn't know if he deserve to do so
And you, with you cold eyes and colder replies, pouring acid into his wounds, he deserves it, he knows he does, but he wants to do right by you, try and fix whatever shattered glass left between you two, and it seems that it'll cut him every step of the way, and he doesn't mind one bit, as long as you don't wish him dead, that's all he wants, not forgiveness, not a relationship, not love, only a middle ground, to live with you without feeling the heavy air around
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the lab door open
"thanks Ben, I'll read it and take care of it" you said getting out, a screen showing that you're on a call with ben, another saving a report
"thanks dude! I'm sorry i didnt do it last night, i was so tired i fell asleep so quick!" the voice from the screen said
"don't worry about it I'll see you next time" you said hanging up..
Then a normal door opening and closing again,, the one to your room this time
He sighed, leaning back on the couch, staring at the ceiling above him
What wouldn't he give for forgiveness?
And then the door knocked...
He stood up to open it, and was shocked to find..
In all his punky glory, with his wide and wild hair, shiny piercings, hobart brown was at his door step
He was smirking a cocky smile, one that fell the moment he laid eyes on the taller man, soon turning into a frown as he looked miguel up and down
Miguel was still confused..
Hobie recovered quick though, pushing past him and into the house, yelling "Ayo, smartass, where you at? You're never late!" into the house, it didn't surprise miguel that much, what did surprise him was you, coming out of your room, a playful frown on your face "I can get too occupied in a project from time to time" fixing you outfit
He stood there in the middle of the living room watching you walking around, collecting your, phone, wallet and anything else someone would need for an outing, hobie behind you talking about something or the other, he didn't really care
He knows he shouldn't ask, that he has no right to do so, but the words leave his mouth, forced.
"where are you going?"
You paused midway through your quick search for your stuff, looking at him, hobie also quieted down behind you, you know it a big deal when that happens
Hobie Brown was your closest friend,(he might say that someone earns such label when you have a bunch of friends, and then choose who you let in or not, which you don't, but you'll roll your eyes every time at it anyway) knows about your fathers, rather nostalgic trip he had for 12 years, only he and lyla do, he found out when came to loot in on your snacks and found you crying, rare, yes, but possible, he asked you what was wrong and you told him, what was a talk about your mother turned into your life story, he listened the whole time, only commenting after, he had alot of choice words, still does but you convinced him out of going to the universe your father was in and beating the crap out of him both for cheating and abandoning you
So now, the fact that he didn't have a "talk" with him is impressive, what's more so, is that he didn't answer miguel at the moment
Is he being funny?
No way he thinks that i must answer
Did he hit his head, is he insane?
Taking a breath, you look in his eyes, red irises, red and puffy "out." you said, continuing your tour around your house, then heading to the door where miguel stood, going past him and leaving, you could swear if you had a knife you could cut the tension he caused, as if he ever caused anything else to you
"be safe" he said
"as if they needed to hear that from you" hobie scoffed, slowly reaching his limits
"Come on we're gonna be late" you said, already out the door
sorry for not posting, just can't seem to write lately,but i promise to get them doe eventually!
#miguel o'hara x reader#spider man: across the spider verse#hobie spiderverse#miguel o’hara x reader#miguel ohara x reader#miguel o'hara#platonic#miguel o’hara x platonic reader#platonic reader#miguel x reader#miguel spiderman#miguel ohara
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Bullet to the Heart

Chapter 3
mafia!Johnny x fem!reader
warnings: slight stalking (not really but could be)
wc: 1.85k
She's leaving behind her past, escaping the trap of perfection that she's been stuck in. Moving from Busan to Seoul, the possibilities are endless... though the universe has different plans for her... plans that she never in her wildest dreams would have imagined...
chapter 2 ~~~ chapter 4
Y/N paces her apartment the entire day, constantly asking herself if she should listen to the letter from the mysterious person, or if she should just stay home… By the time she looks at the clock, it's already 8:30 pm… thirty minutes before the letter said to meet, and she still hasn't made a decision… Her mind continues racing with different thoughts and possibilities… What if I get kidnapped? What if they're actually super nice? Wait, no… I don't even know this person… Am I really dumb enough to be considering this? But what if I can make a new friend? Maybe I should give them a chance… NO no… come on y/n, stranger danger… but what if… her thoughts frustrate her… her kind nature wants her to give the stranger a chance, but her mind wars with the logic… this person, she's never seen before, doesn't even know their name… just ‘J’... she doesn't know what to do…
9:00 arrives, and Johnny is pacing by the river… his head on a swivel, looking for her… hoping she won't leave him there… hoping she'll show up… he waits patiently… 9:05… 9:10… 9:20… 9:45… time continues to pass but she never arrives… Damnit Yuta, I knew this was a bad idea… he leaves, mentally cursing himself for listening to his friend… his heart feels… hurt… deep down he wanted to see her up close… to talk to her… he knows he shouldn't want this, but he can't stay away from her… everyday he wonders what it would feel like to see her smile at him, to hold her in his arms, to kiss her pretty lips, run his hands through her hair, to simply be with her. He wants it more than anything, but he doesn't understand why… he's never been one to get pulled in by a woman so quickly… he's known for his indifference, for his ability to keep people at an arm's length… so what is it about her that has him hooked? What is it about her? He decides he's doing things his way. He's not listening to the others, he's going for her, and he's doing it his way…
Another mundane week starts, but Y/N stays in her apartment. She's still nervous about the letter she received, still feeling like she's being watched, even in the comfort of her apartment. She stays in, not visiting her usual cafes and restaurants, wanting to stay out of sight… Yuta’s words still ring fresh in her mind… You've made quite the impression… you're growing quite popular… popular with who? Impression on who? Her nerves stay consistently increased, even when she knows she's completely alone… She manages to get the work done that she needs to do, but every little noise spooks her… something as simple as the walls creaking from the wind outside, to even a drop of water from the faucet, she feels constantly on edge… all because of a simple letter and a few words from a stranger… She's constantly looking over her shoulder, even if it's just to the wall behind her… She wants to know who wrote the letter, but her anxiety won't let her even leave the apartment… she gets a call one day from her mother, groaning in frustration and reluctantly answering…
“Hi mother…”
“Darling, will we be seeing you soon? You know the whole town is asking about you…”
“I don't know mother, I'm still getting settled in…”
“Darling, it's been weeks, you're not settled yet?”“Mother, I still have to work, it's not like I just sit around all day…”“I should send your father to help you…” “No. Don't do that. Why is he even still around?”
“What do you mean dear?”“Mom, he cheated on you! Why are you staying with him?”
“I-Its complicated… and he apologized… he's been better over the last few years…”“That's not an excuse mom!”“A lady does not raise her voice, Y/N…”“Mom, I have to go.” Before her mother can answer again, she hangs up the phone, groaning in frustration… A lady does not raise her voice… there it is again… the idea of perfection that she's trying to escape… How can a simple phone call be so irritating? Her mind shifts from the anxiety she's been feeling, now to frustration and anger as she thinks about her parents. She knows that her mother only stays with her father for financial stability, and for the reputation of their company, but she can't help the irritation she feels whenever she thinks about them…
Her thoughts are disrupted when she hears a knock at her front door, and her irritation is replaced again with the anxiety from before. She slowly peaks her head out of her home office, looking at the front door, slowly inching closer… When she looks through the peephole of the door, she doesn't see anyone there. She opens the door and looks around but the hall is empty. As she looks to the ground, she sees a bouquet of flowers. Stunning red roses with white babys breath flowers to accent the roses. She slowly picks up the flowers, and sees a note.
You didn't come to the river… still I thought you might like these… ~J
‘J’... There's that initial again… that mysterious initial that sends a chill down her spine… How did they know where she lives? She looks around one more time before closing the door behind her, looking suspiciously at the flowers. She can't deny that they are beautiful, but still, she's nervous… she doesn't know who ‘J’ is, or how they knew where she lives… Something in her heart feels drawn to the mysterious person, but her logic always prevents her from finding out who they are… there's no way it's the guy with the scar… that was just a coincidence… and why would he want anything to do with me anyways? her mind on a constant loop of various thoughts.
Johnny stands outside of her door after leaving the flowers at her door steps… He makes sure that he's out of sight, but he wants to see her reaction… When the door opens, his heart stutters in his chest, simply from the sight of her… A small smile traces his lips as she picks up the flowers, but when he sees her look around again, he hides further in the shadows, not yet having the confidence to talk to her… When the door closes, he feels a mix of emotions… Sad that he can’t see her anymore, but happy that she seemingly accepted the flowers. He knows that he's going to have to show her his identity at some point, but for now, he thinks that he's content knowing that she’s at least accepting of his gesture. He knows not knowing is probably driving her crazy, but he can’t help but love knowing that he's on her mind… even if it's not the most conventional way to keep someone’s attention…
When she arrives at the coffee shop the next day, as she always does, she goes about her business, ordering her coffee and starting her work. A couple hours pass, her coffee is gone, and she's almost halfway done with her work for the day. Seemingly out of nowhere, the barista approaches her table with another coffee…
“Oh, I didn't order this…”
“No, he did…”
The barista points across the coffee shop to the man with the scar. Y/N feels a sense of frustration, and admiration. She doesn't understand why he can't just talk to her… She accepts the coffee, but she sits at her table with her arms crossed, and an eyebrow raised…
He sits and admires her from across the shop, a small smirk tracing his lips when he sees her stubborn demeanor… He sits for another moment, simply admiring her before he approaches her table.
“May I?” She motions to the empty chair, but it's clear that she's slightly… annoyed? Irritated? Curious? She feels a mix of emotions as she observes the stranger who is now sitting with her.
“Who are you?”
“Names Johnny… And what's your name beautiful?”
A small chill runs down her spine as she listens to his voice calling her beautiful… She’s never reacted to someone this strongly before… Sure shes had people approach her and flirt with her, but this feels different
“I-Im… Y/N…”
“Y/N? Well, a pretty name for a pretty face… I like it…”
She blushes at his words, looking away as she feels embarrassed. He gently places a finger under her chin, raising her eyes to meet his again.
“Don't look away, I want to see you…”
“Why? Because you're beautiful… even more so with that pretty blush… have I made you flustered?”
She's speechless… All of the thoughts in her mind are suddenly gone as she looks at him… His deep brown eyes, and the way his hair falls perfectly… He's like a work of art…
“I-I… umm… Th-thank you…”
“So… I've requested to meet you at the river, and you didn't show… And I sent you flowers… and you didn't try to find me… Why is that?”
“That… That was you?!”
“Well, who else would it be?”
“I've been trying to find you for weeks!”
Johnny's eyes widened at the revelation… She was trying to find him… while he was trying to woo her from the shadows…
“Right… I see… Why?”“You… you helped me that night… In the alley… I wanted to know who you are…”
He thinks back to that night in the alley… how he protected her from a stranger reaking of bad intentions and alcohol… He remembers the anger he felt seeing someone else put their hands on her… the rage that burned inside of him when he saw how scared she was…
“Yeah… that was me too…”
“Why… why didn't you just… Talk to me? Why did you hide?”
“Because… As much as I know a girl like you shouldnt be involved with me, I can't seem to stay away from you…”
“What do you mean?”
“There's things that you're better off not knowing…”
“That doesn't tell me anything…”
“I know, but it's better this way… Anyways, I've got a meeting to get to…” He pulls a small card out of his suit jacket and hands it to her
“Here… Text me… Now that you know who I am…”
Without another word he walks out of the cafe. Y/N is left in the cafe in shock from the events that just happened… The guy with the scar… the guy she has been looking for for weeks finally coming out of the shadows… she finally knows who he is… Johnny… finally a name for the face that's been stuck in her mind… But he left so suddenly… A meeting? What does he do? And what did he mean when he said there's things I shouldn't know? What's that supposed to mean? Her mind, yet again swirls with thoughts and questions, but at least now she knows who he is…
#xoxo kimi#kimi writes !!#kimi’s library#bullet to the heart<3#johnny suh#nct johnny#johnny nct#nct 127#nct u#nct johnny scenarios#johnny suh fluff#johnny suh series#johnny suh soft hours#johnny suh scenarios#nct johnny soft hours#nct johnny suh#johnny suh fanfic#johnny suh x reader#nct#nct icons#nct imagines#nct 127 imagines
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I really like the transformation of this guy in a professional soccer player! Well I know the feeling to wish for another decision in the past. I work actually as a construction worker because my gf got pregnant in college and I had to earn money quickly. Now we're divorced and I don't think I'm a hero for my son. That would be different if I said 'no' in the past going my way into sports and maybe got draftet in a money-spinning sport. Maybe my son would have a poster with me on it on a wall in his room today if I decided otherwise in the past. I'd like the same program as the other guy - changing my life and my past. I take the risk not becoming a hero but please give me a chance, chronivac support
No problem, you can use the preset as often as you like, that's the least effort. You are now not quite as old as the soccer player, so with an initial age of 36 like yours, the result will be 18 years… Depending on the sport that fate decides on, your career can be almost over or just beginning. 4:00 PM, you just got off work, shall we get right to it?
Boy, I mean, you're not exactly in bad shape. But you've allowed yourself to get a little carried away, haven't you? And the tattoos would look better with less flabby skin. Well, that's going to change. Actually, you wanted to order a pizza while you were scratching your sack. But suddenly you don't feel like it anymore. Instead, you write a message to your gym buddy, with whom you have been training for a few weeks, asking if he spontaneously has time and wants to do a training session. You meet in half an hour at the gym.
The guy at the reception greets you with a fist bump. You've been part of the inventory here for a year. Some people with a fine nose may be bothered by the fact that you don't shower after work before you start training. But nobody can say that you are not a role model in terms of motivation and discipline. A year ago some things were still wobbling on you But now there's hardly any fat left and the muscles are coming really nicely. You also have your life better and better under control. No more alcohol, no more cigarettes. Your alimony checks come on time and are always covered. Even if the mother of your son doesn't want to have contact anymore, your son at least follows you on Instagram. In the meantime, you have a good 2K followers who accompany your transformation. You are proud of that, too.
20:00 o'clock, you two are done. A few more poses in front of the mirror. Four years of hard training have turned you into a model athlete. And with your fitness followers you now make more money than with your job as a construction worker. But you want to be a role model for your son, just being an influencer is not a profession. It takes you an hour to shower, shave your body and trim your beard. When you leave the studio, you want to look good. Even if it's just to go home and cook. You are a domestic person. And besides, it saves money. And you make a live stream out of the cooking, which gives you a few more followers. But it's also a hard job. By the time you've eaten and cleaned up the kitchen, it's already 11:00 pm. And the alarm clock rings at 5:00 am. Time to go to bed. Actually, at 29, when you have a body like yours, you should have more fun in life. But you've been a father for seven years, and that obliges you. With the birth of your son, you've completely turned your life around. Even though you are divorced, you still have a good relationship with your ex-wife. And your son already writes you good-night text messages. Hey, you know people who are worse off!
Your routines include drinking a liter of water before bed. It flushes all the toxins out of your body overnight. Can't be much with your diet, but you like routines. However, this often means that you have to pee again at night. Today so about 02:00 clock. You have to be quiet so as not to wake your wife and son. The little angel breathes regularly. It is nice to hear this sound from the neighboring room while you fall asleep again.
06:00 in the morning. Your wife hits you with the pillow. Like every morning, when you don't turn off your alarm clock after a microsecond. She gets her good morning kiss and you head off to the gym. You're always one of the first of the team to get there. The janitor already knows you. They call you the Swiss clockwork. Always on time, always reliable. Discipline is everything. You have the chance to live out your passion for ice hockey here. You've been on the ice since you were eight years old, and you've been a professional for four years. In Canada. An absolute dream!
10:00 a.m. Press conference. You're just 18 and you've managed to get signed by the London Knights as a European. Your stepping stone into the National Hockey League. Everything is still terribly exciting. But you are a sporting prodigy. And you've spent your whole life preparing for this moment. You speak English and French fluently. Despite the double burden, you skipped a year of school and graduated with honors. And your girlfriend is pregnant. It was not planned. But it happened. And you are both very happy.
The nursery is already furnished. Above the crib a poster of you. You have to expect that you will not see your son for one or two weeks. But he should always have a picture of you in front of his eyes.
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These will probably get broken pretty much immediately but. Last minute double feature predictions:
Identity Crisis
Tech comes back, but he's not Clone X. He's just back. They had to go get him and he's maybe injured, but he's alive. Seems too simple? Well. Continuation of that.
Hunter knew that he was alive, gathering intel on Eriadu. And didn't tell anyone, least of all Omega.
The reasons for this theory: 1. Hunter is the only one to have never directly brought up Tech, in our one shot of him with the goggles he doesn't actually look at them, he looks past them at Lula. (Extra tinhat moment too but there is a light positioned behind the goggles that make them look like they're on, implying Tech is alive.) 2. Hunter also is established in season two as calling Tech every time he falls and receiving the confirmation 'we are alive' - but Omega is conveniently unconscious for an undetermined period of time. Long enough for Hunter to have commed Tech. (Also as a 2.5 - we could even wrap Plan 00 into this, if Tech told him 'I am alive, plan 00' or something of that nature.) 3. Hunter has a SIGNIFICANT track record of withholding information. The first thing he does in this show is lie to Crosshair about being sure that the jedi kid fell to his death (lol) and he doesn't tell Omega about trying to send her with Cut and he doesn't tell Omega about Echo planning to leave with Rex and it's implied he might not be planning to tell Omega about her being force sensitive. 4. Reflects War Mantle when Tech was the one to make the decision to leave Hunter like he was told to.
Anyway Omega is Pissed. Hunter told her Tech didn't make it (technically true) and let her grieve, alone, in a cell for months. No he couldn't have predicted she would be taken, but that's what the results were.
The identity crisis is Omega wondering if she's even a real batcher if she's not being treated like one of the team that deserves to be told things? Something as important as WHETHER HER BROTHER WAS ALIVE?
Also Omega deserves to be mad okay she's been building up her Upset for seasons let her explode please.
They do at least manage to make it back to Pabu but she's still Pissed
Point of No Return
Of course they make it back in time for the Empire to invade Pabu because HEY REMEMBER THE THING VENTRESS TOLD Y'ALL VERY CLEARLY TO YOUR FACES?
Things Are Very Bad, Pabu's residents are being rounded up/several are killed
Shep and possibly Lyana are captured and arrested (I still think that shot in Juggernaut is of Wrecker carrying Shep)
Omega gives herself up hoping that it will mean saving Pabu and because APPARENTLY self sacrifice is what you DO in this FUCKING FAMILY
They do take Omega but they continue wrecking the place including blowing up the Marauder
They escape via an imperial ship after Hunter yeets several stormtroopers off of it.
Everything Is Very Bad.
#the bad batch#the bad batch spoilers#tbb spoilers#tbb speculation#I am going to be so normal for the next two hours you don't even KNOW
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Recalled • Part 4 • 28 - Nero
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TW: Menstruation + Puberty Trauma + Hinted SA
5:00 Am, her alarm clock buzzes at her before the sun even rises. Nero sits herself up in bed and stretches out her back, her abdomen seems to be cramping more than usual, but that’s just normal everyday things for a girl, right?
Nero changes into her boeuf uniform of a t-shirt and camo pants looking over at Madison and Ester, envious that they get to sleep in a bit more. She pulls a plastic bin from under her bed, searching for a box of protein bars, picking one up she shoves it in her duffle bag and takes her water bottle with her downstairs. Closing the door to her dorm she spots a hall monitor in the corner of the hallway, they’re usually here to make sure no funny business is going on, but for right now they're only here to make sure the bœufs don’t sabotage each other before their day on the field. Walking down the empty hallways to the stairwell Nero notices that it’s spitting outside, which means that it’ll mostly be a day of battle strategies. Unless of course, the sergeants want them to act out a cold war, Nero hopes they don’t go with that second option, but she knows they’ve done it before in a torrential downpour.
“Nero!” She hears someone yell, she turns around and frowns, it’s Mark. He runs up to her as she nears the military classroom.
“Listen, about what I said Wednesday, I’m sorry, I didn’t know what happened.” He pauses, “I know why you’re upset to have titles now, I would be upset too!”
“It’s fine.” She opens one of the two doors separating the classroom from the main building.
“No, you don’t understand, I’ve felt something like it before, there’s a girl who had a memory about something that would’ve happened to you if you weren't strong enough.”
Nero looks back at Mark with wide eyes, she then turns back around to open up the second door. “If you really need someone to talk to go talk to the therapist, I know people think that they can talk to me because I have one in my brain, but please don’t. I don’t want to hear about your second-hand trauma.”
She holds open the second door so he can grab onto it. “I, I understand,” he tells her.
Inside the class, all four drill sergeants and the Admiral stand around a pile of white masks with Rewind classes on them. Nero already knows all the all the classes, Friendly, Rewinds mostly made of tithes, Ward, like the name suggests they’re mostly made of wards of the state, Troubled, mostly made of Awols, and Hostile, a special class that only needs one really bad part to qualify you for it. The drill sergeants and the Admiral spot Nero and Mark and one of the drill sergeants hands them their masks. Mark is a Troubled, no surprise there, but when Nero is handed her mask she gasps a little, she qualifies as Hostile.
Nero points to Starkey’s face plate, “It’s because of him isn’t it?”
The drill sergeant nods, “Sorry, I don’t make the rules, not even the head lady does, the government wants you all to be classified this way.”
Nero puts on the mask in shame, dragging her feet to where she usually stands, it seems like the government is always behind every stupid decision, it took an entire uprising just for them to stop unwinding. One thing that Nero can say about the masks is that they seem to work like one-way mirrors, it’s perfectly clear on the inside despite the white exterior.
More and more Bœufs pour in, some smile when they’re given masks, but others look horrified, Nero feels a little better that she’s not the only person who feels this way about these masks. Nero realizes something about the masks, because they all have ball caps to cover their heads, the uniqueness of their hair is taken away, and because of their masks now their unique faces have been taken away, this was the government's idea on how to make them uniform.
“Alright!” A drill sergeant roars, “Has every single one of you been given a mask?”
Nods all across the room. “Good. Now, a lot of you might be thinking different things about these masks, these were not given to you because of the military, even your friends who aren’t Bœufs will have to wear them if they want to cross the border. Even Recalls.”
Nero grumbles, what’s the government’s problem with them? Are they not ready to face the fact that they created Recalls and Rewinds out of the necessity that no one wanted to buy unwind parts anymore?
“In the next coming weeks, you’ll be studying. You already know that we’ve split you into medics, bœufs, and ammo makers, in the military you can be split into so much more. We plan on finding what exact practicality you fall under. Now hit the books!”
Nero goes over to the shelf to pick out a book, uninterested in anything Nero waves her hand over the bookshelf, seeing if Roland will grab at anything. He does, surprisingly, it’s an aircraft manual. Nero rolls her eyes, she goes to sit down at the table Zachary was sitting at yesterday. He’s not here yet, but Nero can’t expect someone who isn’t a bœuf to be up this early.
She watches as Roland’s hand flips through the book, he flips for a while until landing on a page with a chopper, and he aggressively points at it.
“Umm, yeah, a helicopter,” She aggressively squints at her arm. “Why?”
Nero gets Roland’s arm to flip back to the beginning of the manual, if this is really what Roland is interested in well then Nero better just go along with it. He does make up most of her limbs after all.
Nero squirms around in her seat as she flips through the manual, sure, she’s been cramping ever since her first body assessment, but it feels even worse today than it usually does. Her left arm slams against the table, it seems like Roland has gotten annoyed with all her movement, so Nero sits still, holding her other hand to her abdomen.
Two figures wearing Ward masks come to sit down across from Nero, minding their own business.
“Huh, I’m surprised you two aren’t scared of me,” Nero remarks.
“Psh, think I’m scared of some beefy bœuf, I make guns sweetheart.” One of them responds, ‘She sounds a lot like Madison.’ Nero thinks.
“Madison? Also, I use those guns sweetheart.”
The same Ward lifts her mask ever so slightly, Nero was right, it is Madison. “Nero?” She asks.
“Yeah.” Nero clutches onto her abdomen harder.
“Are you ok Nero? You look like you’re trying to get a giant cut to stop bleeding?” The other Ward asks, she sounds a lot like Ester, she probably is Ester.
“God, well, that’s what it feels like, do you think my appendix is bursting?” Nero asks, now holding both hands to her abdomen.
“We weren’t made with appendixes Nero,” Ester replies.
“Darn.” Nero mutters, “So what the hell is this? A nasty stomach bug?” Nero squirms around some more, it feels like someone has stabbed her in between her legs, and is gutting her from the inside out. Her entire body is uncomfortable at this point, both her arms are trying to soothe each other and Roland has gone all knock-kneed.
Nero looks over to the clock on the wall, it’s only just hit 6:45. Nero grimaces ‘Momma didn’t raise no little bitch.’ She thinks, neglecting the fact that she has no mother, nor was she raised, she looks back up at the clock, only about 10 more hours to go, Nero can do this.
It’s when suddenly she feels really gross, she already shoved her hand under her mask to put her palm to her face, and it’s oily. Why is it so oily and gross? And why can she feel pimples all over it? Why does it scar her face when she picks at them? There’s liquid leaking into her underwear, and Nero thinks her body is failing her. She’s already aware that Mason died before he was harvested, maybe Mason caused an infection and it’s spreading through her body. Nero can’t ignore it anymore, she has to go to the nurse’s office. As she stands it feels like half of all the bœufs in the room have their attention on her, or rather her butt.
“Wow Miss Mosaic, it seems you’ve had an encounter with the Red Sea.”
Every Bœuf except for her roommates erupted into laughter at this comment. Nero furrows her eyebrows, she pats her bum then lifts her fingers in front of her face, she’s horrified, there’s blood all over her fingers. She’s dying, she’s really dying, and everyone is laughing at her death.
The one female drill sergeant comes over and sighs, she grabs the aircraft manual and shoves it into Nero’s unstained arm.
“Go clean yourself up and get changed, you can go study in your dorm!” She barks.
“But, but-“ Nero stammers, how can she be so nonchalant about one of her students dying right in front of her?
“No buts, get out! You’ve already caused a biohazard!”
With not a second to lose to what she thinks is her untimely demise, Nero bolts for the double doors out of the classroom and out to the hallway, running over to the medical wing. There are so many thoughts going on in her head right now, they’re all from boys, boys don’t really know what goes on with girls all the time, but right now Nero is in cahoots with those boys. She knows she’s dying, it’s not until the voice of a woman rings through her mind does she change paths.
‘You’d be better off going to the bathroom.’
Nero puts her hand on the wall, panting after all that running.
‘I said you’d be better off going to the bathroom!’ The voice yells.
Nero looks behind her to the washroom, she walks into the bathroom and sits down in one of the stalls, realizing her mistake of not being in the nurse's office she starts crying. Her legs can’t move anymore, the cramping must feel ten times worse than a kick to the balls. She sobs as she watches blood drip down into the water, she doesn’t die on the battlefield, fighting for what she believes in, or not giving up important information to her enemies, she’ll die in a bathroom stall clutching onto an aircraft manual, alone and afraid.
She keeps sobbing as someone comes into the stall beside her.
“Are you okay? You seem pretty sad.”
“I’m, I’m, dying! There’s blood coming out of me, and I can’t do anything to stop it!” She sniffles.
“Like, in between your legs?”
“Oh,” She giggles, “You’re not dying, it’s okay, you’re just on your period, don’t worry, it’s my first time too.”
“Yeah, here, take this.” There’s an umber arm attached to a sienna hand that reaches under the stall to give her a small plastic tube with cotton in it, the arm looked a lot like Tonya’s, and the voice sounded like Tonya’s as well. ‘If it quacks like a duck, and it looks like a duck, it’s a duck.’ Nero thinks. She looks back to the plastic tube in her hand, “So, what is this?”
“It’s a tampon with a tampon insert.”
“Where does it go?”
“Up your vagina?! Your third hole.”
“THERE’S A THIRD WHOLE?!… sorry, I’m mostly made of boys… despite being a girl.”
“Oof, that must be rough, well, I hear you can find the vagina by starting from the front and working your way back until you find a divot.”
And so that’s what Nero does, she puts the cotton part to her bottom and works back to find that divot. “So what now?” She asks.
“You just push it up then push the piston on the end in.”
Nero does what she is told again, it feels weird, really weird, when she pulls her arms back up her fingertips are covered in blood. She takes a piece of toilet paper and wipes it off, setting it in the toilet.
“Then you just set the insert in the metal tin behind you.”
Nero turns her head behind her, looking at the metal box, “Huh, so that’s what they’re for.”
She flushes the toilet and gets out of the stall, while washing her hands she looks behind her, Tonya comes out of the other stall, Nero was right. Upon seeing her masked face and hair Tonya smiles.
“Oh, I heard Bœufs would be getting those masks today, it must be hard to tell who’s who, you must be so lost.” She flirts.
Nero crunches her nose behind the mask. “Uh, yeah.” Seems like not even Tonya can tell who’s who.
“Oh, umm, do you mind washing my skirt, I’ll be late for breakfast if I do it.” She says shyly, batting her eyelashes. She sets her stained skirt on top of the aircraft manual, Roland’s arm starts spazzing at this, Nero scoffs, “Sure, whatever.”
Nero grabs the stack and heads out to her room so she can change out of her own stained clothes. People look and snicker as she passes them down the hallway, she doesn’t care, there are more than enough thoughts on her mind. Tonya, freaking Tonya, once such a sweet girl that Nero had developed with, and now she can’t even recognize the little things about Nero, it makes Nero so mad.
She changes her underwear and pants, she sets down the manual on her bed and goes back down to the laundromat with all the stained clothes in hand.
“So, is it fixable?” She asks the laundry person.
“Oh yeah, of course, I’ve fixed millions of stains like this, I’ll call you over when they’re done.”
“Great! Thank you!”
She sits on one of the benches next to the washing machines, checking her phone for anything interesting, seeing if the news died down about the incident, nothing yet. Not before long Nero sees Sam sneak into the Laundromat for some peace and quiet after breakfast. He sees her and comes towards her, “Nero?” He questions.
Nero practically lunges at him, hugging him tightly, getting a yelp out of him. “Sorry, you’re just the person who’s recognized me today.”
“That’s so sad.”
“It really is.”
“What’s it like in there?” Sam asks about the mask.
“It’s cool, it’s like a one-way mirror!”
Sam frowns, “Tonya is still hanging out with those girls.”
“Ugh, she practically forced me earlier to take her stuff here to get washed, because she’d miss breakfast.” Nero groaned.
“Bullshit!” Sam gasps, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.”
Nero howls, “No, no, it’s hilarious, keep at it!” She cries of joy.
“So, how’s Roland doing, you’d know about that, right?” Sam asks.
“I don’t know, he hasn’t texted me back yet.” She shrugs.
“Hmm, maybe one day.”
As if the devil himself had heard their call and answered, Nero gets a text from Roland. Her eyes widen and she smiles from ear to ear, and she can’t stop laughing.
“What? What is it?!” Sam shouts.
“Ian and I were discussing how Hayden Upchurch would eat Fun Dip, he refused to believe that Hayden could eat it without the stick. And guess what, we’ve got an answer, he eats it with or without the stick!”
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Rogers: The Musical First Impressions
Just finished watching a recording of Rogers: The Musical, which I am so happy to finally say, is currently running at the Hyperion Theatre inside Disney's California Adventure theme park on select days through Aug. 31st!
While subject to change, Rogers: The Musical will typically run from Tuesday to Saturday, with performances at 12:30, 2:00, 4:00, and 5:30
Here is a link to the recording I watched, but there are already plenty of videos of the whole show to choose from. Just thought I'd include it since my thoughts may be specific to what I saw in this video.
Summary of Final thoughts: I was very excited about this musical actually becoming a real thing and being developed more. Additionally, I was super interested to see if Disney tried to develop it as a serious musical or leaned more into the satire and comedy of "Save the City." Bottom line, I had so much fun watching it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I am a huge theatre fan, so definitely have a few critiques, but given its constraints, for a first production, really great.
And now, if you are interested, here is my long list of more in depth first impressions/thoughts:
Even based solely on what's been adapted in the MCU, there's still a lot of history that could be covered in a musical about Steve Rogers, which this musical does attempt to cover. So, the pacing is pretty quick.
It's kinda like a slideshow where you see the snapshots, but not the details. The only times it felt like I had a break to just sit and be in the moment was during the songs/musical numbers. Now, I don't think I can necessarily say this is a negative since it is only a 35 minute musical. I just had to sorta shift my expectations.
Building off of that, for a 35 minute, theme park musical, I'd say it's pretty darn good. It had less base material compared to Aladdin or Frozen (the previous two musicals staged in the Hyperion Theatre) that could easily translate to the stage, which allowed this creative team to have a lot of freedom in how to adapt this story for the stage. And, honestly, I really enjoyed their choices.
It's Disney and it's their theme parks. Avengers Campus is literally steps away from this theatre, so they absolutely could have gone all in in designing beautifully elaborate costumes, specifically the super hero suites. But they didn't, and I kinda liked it. Part of the decision for the actors' costumes to look more like everyday clothing likely comes from the design choices made for "Save the City" when it appeared in Hawkeye, but also, if the Captain America walk-around costume was to be the one used in this musical, I feel it would actually look a little out of place. I enjoyed how the costumes weren't one-to-one reproductions, but rather representations of each character and their signature look. You can still clearly tell who is who, but it matches the more minimalist style of the stage design too.
Loved The Starkettes! In terms of costuming, loved how their looks changed between the 40s/USO look and the modern day/business look to reflect the setting. I'm debating if I want to refer to them as the narrators or the chorus, but either way, loved their interactions with the Marvel characters and responses to certain lines in the show.
At least from this video, the projections and digital backdrops looked well done. Loved how there was not an emphasis on making like Times Square look hyper-realistic.
I don't think I'd say the digital backgrounds looked cartoonish, especially in a bad way, but there definitely is an aspect to them that's meant to be stylized. Again, this then compliments the design choices of like 3 comic book covers and that whole sequence about Steve fighting in WWII.
I could be wrong, but Rogers seems to have a smaller cast than Aladdin or Frozen. Absolutely loved their performances, but sometimes it felt like the stage was a little too big or too bare for the size of the ensemble/cast (could also be due to having minimal set pieces). - This is meant as an observation not as a critique
During the scene in which Steve and Peggy are chatting about going dancing before he crashes the plane into the ice, that conversation was translated into a song. And in my head, I was like YES!!! That's how you do a musical adaptation. You take those iconic and emotionally charged lines and put them to music.
Like I said at the very beginning, there's a lot that could be covered in a musical about Steve Rogers, so I kinda appreciated how there was like a mini reprise or continuation of "Save the City" as announcements came about attacks in different locations, which corresponds to all or most of the movies Captain America has been in. It reminded me of "Drive" from The Lightning Thief of quickly condensing a bunch of events/locations into the span of a few minutes, something the musical needed given its runtime.
This way, it acknowledges those events rather than completely ignoring them, but doesn't spend a whole lot of time with each one. The way I interpreted it too, when Cap sings the very last "I can do this all day," it then feels kinda somber in that he is reflecting on having to continuously fight in all these battles, with the expectation of always "saving the city." Plus, I thought it was a great transition to the next song, which in all honesty, I could not tell from the video if it was meant to be pre-serum or old Steve.
Loved how everyone came back out in the end for the finale (it's like memory lane)
Hoping to see it in person. This recording just confirmed to me that I am going to have a good time. Literally, big smile on my face, quietly cheering and whooping throughout the show, I'm just so excited to (hopefully) go to the theatre for a purely fun/good time.
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do all !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- tired
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
tbh idk where i'm going 2 go from here 👎 i've been living off a plan i made when i was 12 (do the hs/college program, graduate w my AAS at 17, transfer to cali for my bachelors, do an internship, get my PhD, start working at a research facility, ideally get a work permit and immigrate to northern europe, hopefully meet a guy and settle down age 25-30, adopt kids, plan for my retirement) and it's like. i don't know what my needs are bc no one in my life is providing it for me. and like i talk to other msn people on tumblr and i think only one(?) person i know is pursuing higher education, but i don't think they're going past an AA. and idk it's hard to find people that are lsn-msn that are in a similar situation as i am 😓 and idk if i can or even should get a PhD, bc idk if i'll ever be able to use it and i'll be like. running my family in2 the ground paying for my education (bc they don't want me to have student debt). everything is so uncertain 4 me and it's lowk stressing me out 😓
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
I used to. I'm a big gm call/vm person though. i like calls in general, especially like short 1-5m ones. it makes me feel normal.
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
i wld ask 2 join them if anything.
4: Do you find it easy to trust others?
i think i used to be. and then i got hurt a lot and it became really hard again. I'm trying to be, but it like. freaks me out. i am a performer and if i stop performing i will crash out 👎👎👎
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night?
playing genshin i thnk
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?
i'm too drunk to recognise them
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
crash out idk. i think it'd only super freak me if they kept denying it despite everything pointing to it. bc i wld believe their words more than the evidence but i wld feel like i was losing touch w reality w/o the mewtsie backup
8: Are you close with your dad?
kinda. i know a lot about him and he knows a lot about me but we rarely like. hang out. i'm keeping a few secrets from him bc i'm not ready 2 like tell him that like yeah ur kid got raped and you thought everything was fine.
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
oddly enough no i don't think so. i'm like that w a couple of the sysmates but i don't think last night.
10: What are you listening to?
Bad Decisions - RedHook (i think???)
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
ricin. i wld crash out after like a week.
12: Do you like hickeys?
giving them, sure. receiving them, no not at all. idk i don't think i do at least. I like how they look but i hate people putting their mouths on me. freak!!!! that and i've been extremely uncomfortable receiving from nearly everyone i've ever been with. i can't let my guard down enough to enjoy it and it just becomes a Just Push Through It thing.
13: What time do you go to bed?
usually between 1am and 4am. i think usually around 2. i'm more prone to staying up later if i have to get up early
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
i think the only one still in my life is my mother. i'm getting better about cutting out people who aren't receptive to communication
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?
idk, i usually swipe with one hand and type with both. i use both, bc the former the spelling is always correct but the word is sometimes wrong, but the latter i'm more likely to make typos. recently it's been harder to type without making typos.
16: Do you always answer your texts?
sometimes. i only talk to the courtroom regularly but i try to reply to people between 20:00 and 01:30. unless i feel like talking right when i get the notif, but i usually don't.
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
no. i don't think that's an emotion i can feel. i don't like him, but i don't hate him. i hope he finds peace.
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
half an hour ago
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
my mewtsies doll and tired 😋 and matcha but we rarely see each other or talk anymore
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
i don't remember. i think i was missing something though
21: Is anyone else in the room with you?
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around?
not really. i don't think about it that much. i like being the person I want to see in the world for the sake of it.
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now?
i don't think happier. I'm about the same consistent level of happy. I have my horrors now (hopelessness) and i had my horrors then (red). but it's going to be okay. one day i will look back on this moment and be thankful i worried about myself enough to make my future better than my present.
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
to be honest, i wish i never pushed away jake. i've tried to justify it over the years, but i think. i don't agree with that. i think i would've been happier staying close to her. and like yeah, speaking terms, but it's not the same and it'll never be like that never happened
25: In the past week, have you cried?
earlier today lol
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?
black. my kuromi nightgown (winter lounge clothing) (in the summer i wear a bra and a skirt) (i hateee clothes)
27: Do people ever call you by your last name?
they used to, and i don't think i'll ever get used to being called that. no one has called me my mother's last name, which I'll probably take when I legally change my name
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now?
29: Do you have a best friend?
two 😋
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
no, i don't think so. she can do whatever the hell she wants
31: Who was your last call/text message from?
32: Are you mad at anyone?
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
the biggest age gap was about 3 years (12 and 15) (freakyBAD) (the biggest notfreaky was about 2yrs) but i wouldn't mind more. unfortunately i too fall victim to the boys my age aren't mature enough thing. but worse. they're unattractive bc they don't know how to take care of their appearance. the dating pool in my age bracket are all 4s i fear. it does not help that i'm an engineering student.
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?
she'll be 19
35: How many more days until your birthday?
um. idk. by the end of the year?
36: Do you have any summer plans yet?
visiting family, doing schoolwork, girlrotting. making the most epic travel vlog for my mewtsies. i probably won't leave my room until fall quarter starts after we get back
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
freaky wording all of my friends r queer
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?
i mean 😓 probably but i can't think about it
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
probably. but i've forgotten it
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
i don't know. there's a lot of things i do intimately that i probably shouldn't do
41: Do you think age matters in relationships?
to a degree. it depends on the type of relationship. I think equal levels of emotional maturity matters more in long term relationships than hookups. but it is rlly annoying to hook up w someone that is a Lot less emotionally mature than you. but i think people like that are annoying in general
42: Are you available?
and desperate
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?
romantically, i think just one.
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
i don't like piercings they scare me
45: Do you believe exes can be friends?
yeah, but generally not for me bc i keep most of my friends at arms length and it gets awkward
46: Do you regret anything?
sometimes. i try not to bc if i do i'll dwell on it. I'm happy with my life as it is now. I don't regret my mistakes.
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
i'm really unsatisfied in my intimate relationships and idk why exactly. what would i need to not feel unsatisfied. idk.
48: Did you ever lose a best friend?
a lot yeah.
49: Was your last kiss a mistake?
no lol she's great
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?
i don't have anyone i like atm (tired doesn't have fish guy's number)
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?
no, but i've cried in the same room as her before. i cry a lot in front of people, but it rarely gets noticed. and lowk i hate when it does, leave me alone!!!!!
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?
ofc, we're going out monday
53: What was the last thing you ate?
chicken and grits
54: Did you get any compliments today?
i don't usually get compliments anymore. last time was last thursday from someone in my class, she said my hair looked nice/was a pretty colour
55: Where are you going on your next vacation?
taiwan (probably taipei) and indonesia, java and either bali or lombok.
56: Do you own anything from other countries?
yes lol. i have a lot of clothes
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?
they r mostly queer in the gender.
58: Where have you lived most of your life?
rain and vitamin D deficiency city
59: When was the last time you took a long drive?
ummm i think 5hrs from yogya to surabaya. <2hrs nonstop does not count 2 me.
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
i don't think so, surprisingly. i'd like that but none of my friends have ever been like. freaky like that.
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?
NO i shld get 2
62: Who do you text the most?
probably tired tbh
63: What was the last movie you saw?
Her (2013)
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?
my qpp has a girlfriend lol
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?
NONE! i was a child. but considering that this ask game was posted in 2012, i fucked around and found out with two (2) people in 2024, but i did not date date any of them
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?
no lol she's like just over a year older than me
67: Do you curse around your parents?
yeah. not a lot but yeah.
68: Are you happy with where you live?
69: Picture of yourself?
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?
ermm it's complicated. I think i only have the capacity to be like. rlly emotionally intimate with one person. but like until my prefrontal cortex finishes developing, i wld not be satisfied only freaking it up with one person. like. exclusively. but i don't like open relationships either bc i need more like. definition.
71: Have you ever been dumped?
once. never again lol
72: What do you most like about making out?
i don't actually. i am not a huge kissing fan. not a mouth fan. it's an expression not an activity 2 me i get bored very quickly. i think if anything it's just like, being wanted lol.
73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?
yeah. i like it. i think i prefer it.
74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?
usually me. like i'll get really close so all of their attention is on me and ask if i can kiss them.
75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?
HAPPY TRAIL!!!!! follow the yellow brick road the rainbow w the pot of gold if their trail is happy so am i. i don't like body hair anywhere else though.
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
tired i think 😓
77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?
less than a few days yes, less than an hour no. not yet. soon chat trust
78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?
no >_< but that sounds really nice actually
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?
i think like, when people talk about what they think about me. like their first impressions of me, what x am i, etc. i like knowing how i'm perceived 😋
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?
I don't think it'd be a dealbreaker or a red flag or anything. like. ideally they don't have kids yet, but they're used to being a parental figure (e.g. younger siblings, niblings, childcare worker
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?
A few. I reciprocated ermmm two confessions and rejected maybe 4 to 6 others. I feel really bad for this one girl but I was already dating someone 😭 and i think it kinda ruined our friendship
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?
I think like. I imply it a lot. but i wld only tell doll and tired outright
83: Do you miss your last sweetie?
I think I was only seriously into like two people nonsexually. erm. i do not miss one of them at all. and the other i was never with. but. i wish we were close
84: Last time you slow danced with someone?
last July
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?
erm. idk what this means i'm going 2 be realsies w you
86: How can I win your heart?
call me pretty breathtaking gorgeous jawdropping. ask to have sex with me let me stay the night. give me a care package and ask when we can do this again Do not let me stay longer than an hour. call an uber for me. call me when you're 15 minutes away and tell me you're picking me up. go shopping with me go on late night drives with me go to bars and clubs with me do not walk me to my door when you drop me off.
Alternatively: own a horse and listen to toby keith. and be a communist.
87: What is your astrological sign?
scorpio sun gemini moon gemini rising.
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
i think writing this post. i started answering them in my drafts
89: Do you cook?
yeah but tbh i'm so tired all the time
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?
yeah. it did not go well.
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
i think casual dating with someone attractive would fix me
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?
dude it's so hard trying to get even one person to be into me these days
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?
happuy trail. also. how much they can carry. and. pretty eyes.
94: Name four things that you wish you had!
time. a vague idea of what the future looked like for me. a body that worked right. a full water bottle.
95: Are you a player?
i used to be lol #womeninmalefields but then. i got desperate. idk if i wld ever be like that again.
96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?
yes. hello. 4 people
97: Are you a tease?
it is like. part of the significant part of my identity
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?
NOT YET not from tumblr. soon. trust chat #courtroomreunion
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?
and i wish i wasn't i hate him
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?
no. i fear.
101: Hugs or Kisses?
kisses. i fear if we are close enough that wld be okay with hugging i wld not mind kissing either.
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?
idk abt shy but like. i'll like flirt with people and when they don't reciprocate i like. assume they're uninterested, so I don't make a move. i do truly deeply wish i wasn't disabled for this one reason bc i've been so much quicker to assume people aren't into me + they see me as a disabled person and not a potential candidate.
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
height or facial bone structure. or hair length
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
it depends on the context but generall yeah i like it lol
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?
DEPENDS it like so depends. it's not an immediate dealbreaker but generally. i wld not. idk if i'd tell their partner though if it was blatant cheating.
106: Do you flirt a lot?
107: Your last kiss?
G >_<
108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?
when was this ask game posted. okay so like in the past year. erm i think it was only just the two.
109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
umm tartaglia hello. i think as far as like real people go though this one country guy on ig. wowie.
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
probably G man i have one(1) girl
112: Does someone like you currently?
G's had a crush on me since like freshman year dude.
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
no 😋 maybe matcha but i like to pretend I don't
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
i loev flings
115: Ever made out with just a friend?
i mean G aside yeah matcha
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?
i don't think it matters 2 me
1 note
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SeaWorld Orlando Trip Report 3/17/24
This was such a stupid trip. Four parks and an 18-hour roundtrip drive in two and a half days, part two let's go!!!! I was torn apart trying to decide between driving 1-2 hours from our Orlando hotel back to Tampa for more Iron Gwazi rides and just staying in Orlando and going to SeaWorld. But ultimately, as it always does, work dictated my life, and I decided it would better to avoid the Orlando-Tampa traffic and get home earlier before work the next morning. But boy, did that decision hurt.
Coaster Rankings and Thoughts
I am really torn on these rankings, because I think all of the B&Ms here are really close in quality. But anyway.
1) Pipeline (x 2 rides)
I may be overrating this ride because of the newness and the uniqueness, but I think it is a serious contender for the best ride in the park, and I never would have believed that when it was announced. It has absolutely nothing to do with the old stand-up coaster model, as its predominant force is airtime rather than positive Gs. The launch has some punch to it, and there are several great airtime moments that lift your feet way off the surfboard as the seats rise up, including the little hill on the launch track, the twisted/sort-of outerbanked hill before the corkscrew, the hill going into the right turn after the corkscrew, and two smaller twisted hills at the very end. You do still get some positives on your feet as the seats move down in the valleys, which, when it precedes a hill, only adds to the awesome sensation of the standing airtime. It's not a crazy intense or wild ride, but it's incredibly unique and purely fun.
2) Manta (x 1 ride)
I love this ride, but I had a bad experience on this particular day. I got so dizzy and nauseous on that final, slow inline twist that I had to take a break from riding for an hour and a half to recover. That never happens to me. Ever. So I'm not sure what was wrong with me on this day. But regardless, this is still a great ride with great variation from the fun, relaxing feeling of flying through the inline twists, swooping turns, and corkscrew to the bone-crushing positives of the pretzel loop.
3) Mako (x 3 rides)
I have done several more hypers, B&M and otherwise, since I last rode Mako, and those experiences have firmly solidified my opinion of Mako as a mid-tier hyper. It's a super fun ride, it has a phenomenal standout element with the 5-second floater hill at the beginning, and it has several more great moments of floater in the first half. But it loses a lot of its momentum with a weak, meandering second half.
4) Ice Breaker (x 1 ride)
I really liked this ride the first time I rode it, and I remember thinking how much better the airtime would be without the comfort collars. And don't get me wrong, I am elated that the comfort collars are gone, as they ruined the ride experience. But even without them, the airtime doesn't feel that much better. The backwards spike leaves a lot to be desired, as you don't really even go vertical unless you're in the back of the train. The airtime is good and only gets stronger with each launch, which is nice. The standout moments are the little hill going into the spike (which gives some backwards air), the hill going into the top hat (which gives a strong, quick airtime pop), and the tophat itself (which gives more sustained airtime.) It gets a little into meandering terroitory in the second half. My main problem with it is that it does a lot of what Pantheon does, but just way worse. I get that it's not supposed to be as high thrill of a ride as Pantheon, and I get that it's Premier and not Intamin, but the way some people overhype this ride makes me feel like it needs to be said.
Trip Details
We got to the park at about 10:15 AM and stayed until about 3:00 PM. We tried to get on Pipeline first, but it broke down while we were in line, so we went over to Ice Breaker for our first ride of the day. We came back around for two rides on Pipeline when it was fixed. Then we rode Manta, and I somehow got so disoriented and sick to my stomach on the last inline twist that the world was spinning around me for minutes and I thought I might throw up while hanging on the brake run. I had waste about an hour and a half eating and just taking a break to get my stomach to calm down. We finally got three rides on Mako after that ordeal. I wanted to get on Kraken, but I was too afraid that I would get sick again and not be able to make the 8-9 hour drive home. So as much as it hurt me, I had to skip it.
#roller coasters#amusement park adventures#seaworld orlando#pipeline#manta#mako#ice breaker#personal
0 notes
2:00 p.m
Idk what to do. I pooped 5 times today already. I know the barricade/her being crated when I'm out there is reducing stress but I think the stress of my mother not caring about me and always seeing the dog and listening to the dog barking and whine and hearing her eat and drink water and walk around is either making my levels higher or maybe they are getting slowly lower. Idk.
I came home and I started my food. And some strange man came here to installed the new shower head which I've been dreading bc my mother wants to spray her cunt and ass with it. The one we used to have was one that wasn't something you could do that with.
After he left i turned on the water and it wasn't even hitting the center of the shower. It was spraying the wall.... I flipped shit about it at my mother cause she's like just take it down and spray yourself... I can't fucking do that cause of my ocd.. you dumb cunt.
Thankfully I was able to point it down so the water flow was in the center of our shower. I just had to clean it with lysol. I'm waiting to shave my head in a bowl so I can see myself in the mirror and look decent when I go to my dad's on Sunday cause I won't if I don't shave today or tomorrow bc my facial hair grows fast...
I now have to wait for the shower head and the floor to dry.. and everytime my mother showers i got to lysol the fucking head of the thing and the floor. The head bc she's legit going to spray her cunt and ass bc she's disgusting. And the floor bc of her bag. She can't help that part but why the fuck can't she just have left my shower alone....
Anyways I'm very fearful I'm going hyper I had 4 normal poops and Dihherea for my 5th... I'm so fucking stressed about Riley and my mother truly doesn't care at all. I got to sabotage her. But I can't do it while she's in the crate. I can't do it while my mother is sleeping in the living room bc for all I know she could be awake and catch me. So it has to be in the kitchen and i have to call Riley in there so she thinks it's her.
I can't live like this much longer. Riley already broke like 500 things to begin with so I'm not sure breaking more will even do anything but make me feel bad. I just wish my mother would make the right decision.
As i consider taking repatha... I consider that case study of the person with thyriod storm. And how stressed i am about the fucking dog that never leaves. And until this stressor goes away if she ever does i don't think I can fucking take it. As it sit in my fridge... and I know I should but what if I get thyriod storm bc this dog never leaves and everything is always stressful.
Going to my dad's will be like a vacation. I get to see the kids. I can try to connect with my dad. Unfortunately the years of trauma make me anxiuos the night before so I'll have to take more xanax to sleep but everytime I get there I'm like why was I anxiuos. This is fun it's nice seeing everyone.
I got to get rid of Riley. I have to otherwise I'm going to die here.
0 notes
June 2007
June 4, 2007
goodbye the longest year of my life.
sometimes i want to blow my head but not in a hottopic kind of way.
i am global warming.
i am toxic.
sometimes i am glad i saved everything for a rainy day.
i am a wish.
i am under your skin.
i love you and life:
separate but never equal.
fuck it.
its all okay.
"Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run..."
posted by xo at 8:05 PM
June 6, 2007
“its easy to get older not so much wiser”
"yes, piglet"
"nothing, i just wanted to be sure of you"...
posted by xo at 8:40 AM
June 7, 2007
“fuck the palm readers, i love mirror breakers.”
i have an obsession with sitting inside a confessional in church and hearing someone else spill their guts for once.
id almost take an oath for it.
get me out of new york.
this city only gets me up to making bad decisions.
love, the last boy.
posted by xo at 10:40 PM
"the christian in christian dior, damn they dont make them like they used to anymore..."
if i bashed your head in how good would the secrets be that poured out.
posted by xo at 4:00 PM
June 9, 2007
“late night snack”
the light splashes in and out. its almost violent. everything rational inside of me tells me that its the dull white of a voicemail. but my eyes are playing tricks on me. i see it purple textured velvet. the tv is blaring whatever. i can see light is sneaking in the cracks everywhere of this suite. like vermin. take a vote, the eyes have it. there is too much space here. between me and everything else in this room. i wish i had a habit bad or not just to pass the time. just trying to fight the big black sadness.
June 9, 2007
“sic transit itum”
Theres an opposite to deja vu. They call it jamais vu. Its when you meet the same people or visit places, again and again, but each time is the first time. Everybody is s stranger. Nothing is ever familiar.
This isn't learning from my mistakes anymore so much as it is damage control. I might as well be trying to paint a house that's on fire.
Posted by xoat 11:33 PM
June 11, 2007
“counting sheep and you.”
tour life has got my fingers spitting from a pornographed philosophers mind. girls with bruises in designer patterns. too full off the diet pills to be hungry for iceburg lettuce and water lite when it shows up. i trapped you in my head a long time ago. i am a treasure chest filled with trash. two orders: one near tears and one beer tears. just put em on my tab.
dont you dare tell me about true fucking love. i spit and punched and blood for it. and now i want to sleep inside of it.
June 12, 2007
dont you feel bad for the suicidal cat thats stuck with 9 lives.
my head only goes from zero to rage.
like a domesticated animal giving into instinct.
carved our names into a tree
and i dont care that i saw it first in some movie.
i think ill always go back and see if it sticks.
i feel like the santa maria. like i got there just after the discovery.
heads like this are gonna go extinct.
posted by xo at 5:53 AM
June 14, 2007
everybody is dropping like flies.
the truth is i am a slave to my head and my thoughts, not the other way around.
i am the hand up the skirt of this moment. over underwear, under pants.
under medicated. underwhelmed.
me and you in a not so private corner.
duke it out with our lips and teeth.
ill find the love if its there between your cavities.
dust it off.
its a cold hard ride back from where ive been.
what ive seen.
and what ive done.
or how ive come undone.
apples that make your teeth bleed
love that makes my heart coma-
keep careful count of your tears in that corner-
the market is shit.
they arent going for what they used to.
keep em in a jar-
bury them in a wine cellar.
so you can remember when you felt like just a madman.
im a trust junkie.
i need a fix.
i have so much i want to say. none of it is eloquent or poetic- referencing change and belief- lies and betrayal. how sometimes this ride doesnt feel fun anymore, when the press is controlling it. i will post when i have formulated all of the thoughts. i am tired of constantly defending this, its enough to defend it to the world- but to defend it to believers has drained me. i am only human, a kind of lousy one at that. i am 1/4 of this thing that has felt magical to me for so long. i dont want to lose it. i hope this makes some sense.
i hope i am a boomerang on its way back not some stone sinking in the sea.
thank you to everyone who has stood beside this and me- in both the light and the dark. it means more than a handshake or hug or song,,,
on a good note. the video felt genuinely fun to make. so thank you for taking part in it. the smiles are real.
posted by xo at 11:49 PM
June 17, 2007
“i may be just a dime store prophet. but youre a dollar store whore.”
so i guess i am on the up. thunder on runways cant even kill the boredom. the tips of my fingers bruised from the letters on the typewriter. but if feels so much more final than this. and that is why i love it. and i said the last time i was put in handcuffs it was over a can of spraypaint. she said 'someday i want to spraypaint with you". and that is why i love her. in a backyard, lying on the couch on a sunday kind of way. one that is not explained or thought out. but runs up the back of your legs to the back of your head and crashes out of my mouth whenever you show up. what keeps your head together when you feel the tilt and spin of the world. what keeps those club jaws grinding in between the trips to the bathroom. the best week never. theyre taking stabs at me while im leaning and yawning, but sometimes YOU get through. pinpricks become blackholes and i feel my moods pulled into them. whats up with my obsession with your obsessions. been writing so much lately the paper is starting to add up. theres a part of me that wants to take a match to it sometimes late at night- the same part inside that cant walk next to balconies for fear that i am going to jump off of them.
i can make a mess of anything. but its strange to say when a stranger can bring you peace. you just swaying in the heat of the meet and greet. a face and a voice i dont know. just a tap on the shoulder and a "keep your chin up" from you. but there was a kindness there that brought me back. thank you.
June 19, 2007
so obvious but: i fucking hate this sugar free low carb diet world. i want the wild fucking west. i want love in handcuffs. i want more scars. i dont want this fucking future. meth bake sales to lower global warming. sweat shop work to burn calories. i hope this ship burns before it sinks. i hope this planes air goes bad before it crashes. i dont want this to be an affair anymore, i want to walk down the aisle with catastrophe. lets go to hell just for the weekend. your happiness is making me miserable. waste the time of my life. and if that mocking bird wont sing, im gonna buy you a diamond ring.
i only feel in love on the stage and on the side of a pillow. everything in between just makes me wish myself to pieces. please dont put me back together, keep me in a box under your bed.
June 20, 2007
i hate explaining my own interpretations to people. id rather you come up with your own- but this one seems to be pretty glaring....
there is a distinct difference between the idea "seasons change, but people dont" and the idea "everyone changes". this difference is simply the connotations of the two. in the former: the idea is brought forth that there are certain parts of you that are inherently there. forever. whether they are a part of your DNA or how you were raised- they are so deep and solidly rooted they cannot change. to me these are your ideals, your morality, your internal monologue. they remain constant though are defined differently as your mind and heart mature. to simplify, people who are kind have something switched on within them that will not change. on the other extreme malicious people will always be malicious. not to say there isnt gray area between the two- where someone who is kind can act maliciously and vice versa. obviously there are more rare examples where something can impact someone in such a tremendous way that it will cause a deep change in them. these remain constant through celebrity, through tragedy, through happiness, through loss. i can feel certain things in myself and ways that i know i will always feel- no matter what else changes around me. if you read my actual diary entries from when i was 14 to now, while the language and subject matter has changed- and hopefully has gotten a bit better. my subconscious impacting me and my decisions seems to remain faithful. however, what was meant by the latter "everyone changes, i used to be tiny", is the idea of growing up. honestly, i am not who i was a year ago or 5 years ago or 10 years ago. i think i would hate myself if i never changed. this is an experiment more than anything. if new cultures, people, and art didnt impact me and change me than this would be fraudulent. we expect any of our fans who have been with us from the beginning have grown and changed. i hope most of these changes are for the better, though i know i am human and make mistakes. sometimes i turn right when i should have turned left. but anything you loved or hated about me from the beginning have not changed- these are the things that make us each different from each other and either magnetize or polarize from others.
June 22, 2007
“the AMERICAN dayDREAMer - die-a-tribe”
when they rip the tickets i hope im on the ride with you. sleepless in seattle and pretty much everywhere else- wont bore you with the details, but actually i probably will. you dont have to be a train to come off track. dont have to have feathers to flee the coop. i dont gotta tell you about my adventures, i keep them in my head and forget them and remember them every once in awhile. i watch them on projector screens while you are talking about your magazine or countdown. were flypaper baby- but nothings sticks. molded from teflon and porcelain. doesnt take much shining around for you to want to get back under that rock you crawled out from. i found a point when i was searching for pointlessness. i found a love when i was looking for madness. gonna save your sweat for when we get to heaven. autocratic hearts and throats- tongues loving on the skin and words- listening too carefully and robbing them of their beauty. you only think im blooming when im wilting on the outside. dying to be dearly forgotten, not wrongly remembered. florescent yellow in the toilet bowl. i love holding strangers hands, pulses matching, beating just off the p.a. speakers. you dont have to sell me on how this isnt real, cause my guts are whats in deep not my head or my heart. sometimes i get the feeling when i walk into a room like im in some movie from the forties where ive been shipwrecked and marooned on a desert island, only to return to a life that is no longer mine. or maybe just a raft adrift, except i slept through the s.o.s. calls. the caveman frozen in ice analogy works as well, only i am too lazy to transcribe it. im projecting. im bobbing and weaving. im deflecting. only cos i want to mean more than all of this. i lost it at woodrow and nichols, brakes ground to my teeth. just a kid strung out on neon lights
June 26, 2007
dear man in the mirror: get over yourself.
i love it when people wonder how its gonna end.
my right hand is fucked.
boxers fracture im pretty sure and a cut down the front that we super glue every night.
if i shake you yr hand with my left thats why.
im clumsy-
with both actions and words.
what happens in vegas stay in vegas except for when brendon hit me with a bowling ball.
deaths just the other bookend on this thing, so who cares.
posted by xo at 12:28 AM
June 28, 2007
The world is your oyster, what does that mean? That I'm just grinding sand waiting to be sucked down by box dye blondes and chased with hynotik. .... dumb-luck, but there's no such thing as smart luck. Think It got us kicked out of vegas. Happy as a clam but how happy can clams be? Dreaming of being steamed or robbed of their only worldly possession, pearls, sounds like a total soccer mom fantasy- only with upscale spas and mugger fantasies. I am a starfish waiting to regenerate a point. Till then, I am kind of pointless. I got a bad rap for not caring but I still pay taxes and wear my seat-belt in back seats- though I'm considering changes. I am a fixer-upper. Feeling the buzz but too far off the hive for any of the other bees to get it. And man I gotta tell you, the years are like friends in your old hometown. They stop being so friendly. They only want to reminisce. And no matter what they keep moving and changing you whether you want them to or not. The doctor says I need to stop talking with my fist and do more talking with my mouth. I told him I was never too great at that either- that it was usually my mouths talking that had to get my fist involved in the conversation. He said well then I had better start throwing a good left or hope I can play bass one handed. Neither seems too reasonable right now. Thinking maybe I should just stop all together. I order every movie in hotel rooms just so I don't feel alone. Its a very home alone moment for me, you know without the holiday music and cute culkin looks, but I'm hoping you are catching my drift anyway. Yes, for those who wonder there are other journals online. Sometimes I kind of leave bread-crumbs to get home to them for you. Sometimes I just space out. I also have a pen and paper diary and some letters and what not that I have been typing on my typewriter. I've been working on other visual art too, nothing I like well enough to show anyone. Its more for my own piece of mind. Drive, fuck, and sleep safe. I'd like to know that you awaken in the morning with out a headache or blurry eyes. Love is in the air, just get ourselves the right equipment to grab it. Its like moths headed for the brightest light, which aint me. But I'm ready to sweat and run and get there. And just cause you got a scar on your wrist or a charcoal stomach, were supposed to get eachother? Cause I don't really even get me. I'm too busy calling everyone else crazy- in these late slurred debates on how everyone else is not exactly like us- to worry about you calling me crazy. Tho all the other rhymes for crazy work on me lazy, hazy, etc.
someone has some great pictures of this past week. if i find any, ill post some.
June 28, 2007
from pete's friends or enemies blog

June 28, 2007
“the pretend”
i never really appreciate the compliments people give me. i feel like people say them because they feel like they have to- "youre hot"- except in my head i dont see myself that way so it doesnt mean a thing. "you played great tonight"- except i probably didnt because its not really my thing. "i love your words"- except they only make sense to me out of patricks mouth. "i love you"- but you wouldnt if you knew me. and so on.
but the other day my friend told me: "you have an incredible sense of the pretend". and it made me shake. just in the way that its all i believe. i dont care too much for the ins and outs of the world we are inside. i like the one in my head far better. it is not chronological or pragmatic. but it meant alot to me.
as did this...
so i cant fully remember writing this entry. that is because my brain is scattered and resets all of the time. the only thing i save room for are faces and memories. maybe it is a collection of entries. but apparantly someone cared enough to remember or patch together an entry from a year ago... so thank you (i think they made little changes or additions here and there). its funny because i am in vancouver all over again, it rings so much more true now.
"and like florence nightingale and nurses through history. we fall in love with those were protecting and curing. we dream big and then wake up everyday and hunch over computer screens. and everytime we let our fingers go it amounts to a little more than the worlds smallest violin paying just for you. here i am half asleep between vancouver and salt lake city. can't remember the last time i had a conversation with you that wasn't from between the dotted lines of the highway. i don't want sheep or parrots. i feel like we have a vested interest in each other. it's love of sorts. you were there in the beginning, you've stuck around when everyone else climbed aboard, i hope you're there when it's gone. for all the times we've come off course, you have always served as a compass. steady. unforgiving. at times hard to find. but you were always there. this probablly isn't worth your time to read. but as long as you do we'll keep playing small, secret shows. we'll keep writing this. we'll keep ignoring what they say. this is we- everyone- the haters, the newbies, the so, the ckk, ock. a collective [[sigh of relief]]. everyone always asks what's the cure of growing up? this is it. it's you. the smiling faces screaming and 'doging' security in the front row. the kid that waits outside after the show until their hands are blue just to say hi. don't ever let me fucking forget it. we don't deserve this. but now that we got it. we will do our best to keep it like a kiss in the corner of our mouths. for our heads to your speakers, to your ears, to your mouths, to you, your fingers, to us, to our mistakes, to our heads and back. the new songs are coming. what if for one moment we became everyone we dreamed we could be? there is a buzzing from outside of this darkened room. as though if i walked down the hallway past their sleeping faces, red in the warmth of the afternoon. i would walk into the first day of my life. light gleaming off the windshield- like the wizard of oz after the color washes over everything. like i could start all over again- only with the same faces that are imprinted on my heart forever. and my same bed. and dogs. and ex- loves. and friends. save your troubles for another day, they wern't at the end of the hallway. baby boy, you're too busy writing tragedy to notice. we're shaping up to do big things. and you're nothing special. except.. what if you are? "
posted by xo at 8:01 PM
June 29, 2007
i never really appreciate the compliments people give me. i feel like people say them because they feel like they have to- "youre hot"- except in my head i dont see myself that way so it doesnt mean a thing. "you played great tonight"- except i probably didnt because its not really my thing. "i love your words"- except they only make sense to me out of patricks mouth. "i love you"- but you wouldnt if you knew me. and so on.
but the other day my friend told me: "you have an incredible sense of the pretend". and it made me shake. just in the way that its all i believe. i dont care too much for the ins and outs of the world we are inside. i like the one in my head far better. it is not chronological or pragmatic. but it meant alot to me.
as did this...
so i cant fully remember writing this entry. that is because my brain is scattered and resets all of the time. the only thing i save room for are faces and memories. maybe it is a collection of entries. but apparantly someone cared enough to remember or patch together an entry from a year ago... so thank you (i think they made little changes or additions here and there). its funny because i am in vancouver all over again, it rings so much more true now.
"and like florence nightingale and nurses through history. we fall in love with those were protecting and curing. we dream big and then wake up everyday and hunch over computer screens. and everytime we let our fingers go it amounts to a little more than the worlds smallest violin paying just for you. here i am half asleep between vancouver and salt lake city. can't remember the last time i had a conversation with you that wasn't from between the dotted lines of the highway. i don't want sheep or parrots. i feel like we have a vested interest in each other. it's love of sorts. you were there in the beginning, you've stuck around when everyone else climbed aboard, i hope you're there when it's gone. for all the times we've come off course, you have always served as a compass. steady. unforgiving. at times hard to find. but you were always there. this probablly isn't worth your time to read. but as long as you do we'll keep playing small, secret shows. we'll keep writing this. we'll keep ignoring what they say. this is we- everyone- the haters, the newbies, the so, the ckk, ock. a collective [[sigh of relief]]. everyone always asks what's the cure of growing up? this is it. it's you. the smiling faces screaming and 'doging' security in the front row. the kid that waits outside after the show until their hands are blue just to say hi. don't ever let me fucking forget it. we don't deserve this. but now that we got it. we will do our best to keep it like a kiss in the corner of our mouths. for our heads to your speakers, to your ears, to your mouths, to you, your fingers, to us, to our mistakes, to our heads and back. the new songs are coming. what if for one moment we became everyone we dreamed we could be? there is a buzzing from outside of this darkened room. as though if i walked down the hallway past their sleeping faces, red in the warmth of the afternoon. i would walk into the first day of my life. light gleaming off the windshield- like the wizard of oz after the color washes over everything. like i could start all over again- only with the same faces that are imprinted on my heart forever. and my same bed. and dogs. and ex- loves. and friends. save your troubles for another day, they wern't at the end of the hallway. baby boy, you're too busy writing tragedy to notice. we're shaping up to do big things. and you're nothing special. except.. what if you are? “
June 30, 2007
I have a new girlfriend
The iphone.
posted by xo at 4:46 PM
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♡ Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Sainz!Reader SMAU ♡ Requested: Yes | you can send in your own requests here <3 ♡ Warnings: Cussing, Gossiping, Potential misspellings (not proofread), Rushed text dialogue? Female reader, Plot twist?/Plot surprise?? Idk, Slander of Landon (If more let me know) oh yeah and potential cliffhanger (I forgot where I cut the story so its a 50/50 if its considered a cliffhanger or not 😼) ♡ Desc: Rumors are not new to the f1 community, but when a f1 gossip page digs into a certain driver’s life and puts details of their private life on blast it starts to become an issue. With fans coming to their own conclusions and developing their own stories how will their relationship prevail through it? What new information about the driver and his personal relationship will be revealed to the public? Keeping boundaries up between you and your fans is quite a difficult task that Charles soon realizes. ♡ Notes: This part picks up with dialogue with the reader and charles on the phone shortly after he was called by his PR team, im ngl I kinda didn’t have this part planned out😭😭 but I figured you guys deserved something different that added to the story besides the social media parts since I couldn’t get the sms to work </3 HOWEVER please feel free to interact, and tell me what you think of the series and stuff so far it really helps boost my confidence!! Also don’t feel shy to send asks or just talk to me im in need of mutuals and more ideas to create!! (Part 4 will be the final of the series, might add mini wips here and there but no more big parts, so send in ideas for more things to write please!!!) ♡ Guide: f1 masterlist | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4.1 | part 4. 2 | series masterlist
[00:01 incoming call "Lord Percival"]
Y/n dials Charles’s number and waits for him to pick up, after a few rings she hears the phone connect and a shaky breath from the other end of the phone. “Charles what happened mi amor” said y/n in a soft and gentle tone. Charles sighed as she could hear him place the phone down on a surface as she heard a little clink once it hit the table. Through an almost muffled voice, head in hands as Charles responds “I messed it all up amore”, there was a brief pause as he took a deep breath in and picked up the phone again “Aides from my slip up that I DO NOT want to mention right now, the PR team told me that I needed to make a statement to get a hold of the situation, they said they didn’t want to force me to release everything but if it gets any worse then its either I spill everything or I give up my seat for the next few races since they don’t want me in the frontlines giving way for the company to get a bad reputation”. Y/n sighs and tries her best to offer support and console him by speaking gently once again “It’s okay mi amor, everyone makes mistakes sometimes I mean hell, look at lando… his parents made a mistake with him but he turned out okay” she said which prompted a weak laugh from Charles. “And besides, I support you and every decision you make. You have my full trust, I promise you I’m alright with going public if that means less stress and pressure on you.” She says before letting a comfortable silence fall between them for a moment. “I know and I love you for how supportive you are for me, unfortunately unlike lando’s parents mistake with their… mess of a kid, I am just worried that this wont turn out okay, I don’t want anyone trying to talk badly about you and get between us” Charles said trailing off softly. Y/n stifled a laugh when he slandered Lando with her before replying again “Charles, Mi Amor, My Everything… I promise you no matter what happens I will not allow it to get between our love and bond we share. We have been through so much and I don’t plan on ever stopping so you better put on your big boy pants, pull them up and realize that no matter what you do or what results from this, or any situation for that matter, we will always stay together as strong as ever.” Her words of encouragement causes Charles to smile and regain his confidence temporarily, as he stands up he quickly utters some words into the phone “I love you so much Y/n, thank you for always being here to pick me up when I’m down. I think I have a plan of how I want to handle this, I’ll text it to you later if I get the chance and if I cant tell you via text I’ll just tell you later tonight. Ti amo.” The call ends leaving a silence surrounding Y/n, she smiles to herself knowing that Charles will find a way to correct the situation that will make him feel more sane so he doesn’t start speaking in tounges again on the floor.























♡ DO NOT STEAL, TRANSLATE, OR COPY MY WORK ONTO ANY OTHER PLATFORM !! ♡ f1 masterlist | Inbox | previous part | next part | series masterlist ♡ Sidenote: thanks to @obsessedovermadrid with letting me brainstorm and run some ideas through with them when I was somewhat unsure about the writing part of this one! ♡ Taglist: [let me know if you want to be added! striked through url means tumblr wouldn't let me tag you] @stinkyjax @thef1diary @a-beaverhausen @ireadthensuetheauthors @dutifullyannoyingfox @ushygushybaby @janeholt3 @obsessedovermadrid @bokutos-babyowl @multi-fandom-fan221b @shiftermeance @mxdi0 @d3kstar @boiohboii @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
#counterfics#.formula1#formula one x reader#f1 x reader#f1 smau#f1 series#f1 scenario#f1 imagine#formula one#formula racing#social media au#charles leclerc x y/n#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc smau#charles lecrelc#carlos sainz#lando norris#sainz!reader
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Technopreneurship Innovative Idea Presentation, BSIT-IS AND BSIT-BTM
February 16, 2024, afternoon ( CIC AVR ).
The day of the make-up class between BSIT-IS and BSIT-BTM.
The make-up class flow is as follows:
The first presenter is from the IS, my major, and then the BTM. The mayors of BTM and IS have decided this.
A student needs to select one of his/her innovative techno ideas to present in front of us students, and our facilitators. They have a limited amount of time to explain it thoroughly.
After the student shares his/her selected techno idea, the facilitator asks questions about the idea so that we know the idea better. Then, our facilitator will give us the opportunity to ask the presenter for further clarification.
And finally, the decision-making is where our facilitator asks us if an idea is unique or good, and then he makes the final decision. The rating used is thumb-ups ( Good ), thumbs-down ( Bad ), and thumbs sideway ( Neutral, needing to refine the idea more ).
Our facilitator decided to have a make-up class every Friday (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM), and the make-up class finally happened. This is the day that I have always been thinking about. The day when I thought about the possible questions they would ask, and how I answer them, I looked for all possible blindspot and finally found nothing, but in the actual presentation that I observed, I found I had been too naive, I had been only thinking about the simple question without depth. That class taught me many things, including approaching my ideas with depth, not just surface level.
The sharing of ideas made me nervous and anticipate what would come next. The idea that they have shared has taught me a lot of lessons. The process of presenting the idea let me realize that it will have a lot of challenges, from how I presented it, to how I should answer the question that is fired toward me and my idea. Even though I have gained a lot of knowledge from observing how they present their idea, and I have also learned how to answer questions that will satisfy them, I am still nervous due to the sheer amount of people, and my idea not being unique too.
That make-up class is exciting and intense due to the questions and answers given by the presenter. Sadly, due to the limited time, I have not been able to present my idea, but nonetheless, I have learned a lot of things and what I should do to make my idea unique and good. Thanks to the previous presentation, I have reinforced my knowledge and refined my thought process. This also taught me to look at things differently, not just from a bystander perspective.
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Some bumps in the Road...(part 1)
July 21, 2023 - Happy Birthday to ME!
Well - I wrote this blog late last night and finished it early this AM and apparently did NOT hit POST NOW! Then I shut my computer down because I couldn't get Lion King to run without glitching and you know what happened to the post I had worked on for a few hours... DANG IT! I appear to be distracted.
Katelyn is sick. I think she had food poisoning as we all had different food for lunch and she was the only one that got all the symptoms of food poisoning. That started about 4:30 yesterday after another amazing day. So let me start from the beginning of yesterday. I'll get to the bad stuff toward the end. (She is much improved - FYI)
July 20, 2023
We had a leisurely breakfast - so leisurely that we kinda' missed our departure time so I simply recalculated and came up with another plan. Who can look at time when you are laughing and talking about places we have seen and things we have done? Instead of the Korean War Memorial we would go directly to the Eisenhower Memorial directly across from the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum where we had timed tickets to enter at 10:00 AM. PERFECT!!
The Eisenhower Memorial leaves me wanting. I really want to like it, but I can't understand it.

Behind the two main pieces - Ike as General (above) and Ike as President are excerpts of some significant speeches he gave - but you wouldn't know it unless you decided to see if there was anything on the back - but the wall. Also there is an abstract wire "something" that is supposed to be a picture of Point du Hoc on the beaches of Normandy but NO ONE would possibly know that unless you read the brochure - which I did. I took this image off the Internet and - well - what the hell is that?
Plus there are these huge column in the front of the memorial that are just there. Weird. I did take the kids around the back and we read the speeches - but I spent most of my time thinking - WHO APPROVED THIS!?!?! I have seen it in the morning, afternoon and night and I'm still not feeling it. Moving on.
My plan had only 2 hours scheduled for the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum - and that was a big boo-boo on my part - because the kids needed more time. We had a tour of the Supreme Court scheduled at 12:30 SHARP and to make that we would need to leave exactly at noon. With only 45 minutes to go and having never left the first gallery, I called a meeting. I suggested we skip the Court (since I'm still furious about all the recent decisions they are making regarding women's control of their own freaking bodies.) Senator Stabenow's office made the reservation for us - which was nice - but the time didn't really work. So we extended our Air & Space Time.





We opted for a planetarium show - which was awesome and left me feeling like a moron- the kids know so much about the current exploration of our universe and I know so little - my mind was blown as they discussed what we had watched. Then it was time for lunch.

On to Arlington Cemetery. But that will be part 2. Gotta' run.
Stay tuned....
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