#4:00 am and took advil and then sat on the couch for an hour until i fell asleep sitting up and then i woke up and took more drugs at
kittyhazelnut · 2 years
imagine being able to breathe through both your nostrils at once lmao couldn't be my congested self
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nakachuchu · 4 years
Red Wine | Historia Reiss
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SYNOPSIS: Modern AU - She's your assistant.
READER: female
WORDS: 1590
WRITTEN: 03/21/2021
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You were a successful CEO of one of the biggest publishing companies.
Your assistant, Historia, knew everything about you. She had to in order to continue being your assistant.
"There's no way you know everything about her," Ymir, a friend who worked at the company, told Historia.
Historia shook her head as she hurriedly scribbled down words onto a notepad. "I have to."
She got up, grabbing a pen, binder, notepad, and a cup of coffee, and walked down the short corridor to reach your office.
"What's her favorite food?" Ymir called out.
"Macaroni and cheese with bread crumbs!" Historia shouted before entering your office.
You smiled. "Hey, Historia."
"Hello, Miss L/N. I have your coffee," she said as she set it down on your desk. "Your salon appointment is at 3:00 pm, but you have an emergency meeting at 2:00 pm."
You groaned. "Is there any way you could move my appointment to 4:00? Knowing the members of the board, they could take up more than the one-hour slot."
Historia nodded as she scribbled it onto her notepad. "Done. Your sister called. She wanted to know if you were still coming to her son's 9th birthday party."
You sucked on the inside of your cheek and nodded. "Well, what am I doing on that day?"
"Sorry. The party starts at noon, but you have a deadline due at 2 pm for the factory's article. You also have a dinner meeting with Mr. Smith at 6:30 pm at the New World restaurant. You'd have to leave early to beat traffic and make it on time."
You sighed. "I can just work late the night before the party."
"Well, actually, you had me make you an appointment with the masseuse the night before so you could sleep easily after your appointment with them."
You grunted. "It's okay, I'll figure it out. Just tell my sister I can go."
Historia nodded before briskly walking out of the office.
"Oh—Historia, wait."
"Yes, sorry!" she exclaimed as she walked back in.
"Could you bring me a glass of wine?"
"Yes, right away," she said.
"And stop apologizing for nothing," you said.
"Yes, so—Uh—Yes."
Historia's face was on fire as she walked back to her small cubicle. Ymir was still there, waiting for her.
"Her favorite drink?" she asked.
Historia smiled. "Red wine."
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After everyone had gone back home, Historia and you were the only people left at the company. Historia never left to go back home until you did.
"Historia!" you called.
She scurried into your office. "Yes?"
"You know what I hate?" she asked.
Historia smiled, despite knowing how rash you could be when you were drunk. "What, Miss?"
"I hate people who don't know how to follow orders. Don't you just hate that? You give someone a simple task, and they don't even know how to follow it. I'm glad I have you, Historia. You always know what I want. Now, can you—"
"Bring you more red wine? Yes."
"You know me so well. Just bring the whole bottle. I have an article to finish and a stack of papers to sign and review. It's going to be a long night, Historia. I hope you brought a blanket."
Historia smiled and nodded. "Always be prepared, Miss. That's what you taught me."
"Good girl," you praised.
Her cheeks flushed and she turned away after bowing to you. She walked to your cabinet to grab a bottle of red wine for you.
You weren't a bad person. A woman like you was always busy. You never had time for yourself. You were always at the office, working.
But Historia was glad you trusted her enough to get drunk in front of her. The walls you usually kept up during work hours came down in front of Historia once you were tipsy enough, and she appreciated that.
When she came back into your office, you were working diligently despite being intoxicated.
Historia sat on your couch with the bottle of red wine, ready to pour it for you once you were tired of working.
Three hours later, the bottle was half empty and you were passed out on your desk after finishing your work.
Historia grabbed a pillow and blanket. She lifted your head and put the pillow under your cheek, then she let go and your face plopped onto the pillow. She unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around your body. Next, she closed all the blinds to make sure the sun wouldn't be too harsh on your face.
Historia left your office and went back to her cubicle, getting ready for sleep. She didn't mind not going home to sleep. She was extremely loyal to you, and part of it was due to the fact that you hired her.
Historia had a hard time getting hired or staying long at any publishing company. She always started from the bottom but never got too far because of people who looked down on her or bosses who got too close to comfort.
But you have her a chance. You were the only female CEO in the publishing industry and you taught Historia how to work and stand up for herself.
She appreciated that and looked up to you. Along the way, she developed a crush on you.
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Historia set an alarm. She woke up two hours before work would start for anyone. She stretched and smacked her cheeks to wake herself up.
She walked into your office to open the blinds to let the sunlight in before gently shaking you awake. You swatted her hand away as usual.
"Miss L/N? The employees will start checking in in less than two hours. We need to get you awake and functional for today," Historia informed.
You sighed and lifted your head, eyes squinting at the light. You knew Historia meant well, but that didn't stop the quiet string of curses.
"Here's some Advil and water," Historia said, handing you two pills and the glass of water.
You took the glass of water and pills, quickly swallowing both pills in one go. You sniffled and rubbed your nose as you messily tied your hair back. Strands were sticking up everywhere.
Historia rushed to the other side of the desk and opened a drawer, grabbing a can of hairspray. She walked back to you and covered your eyes with one hand while spraying your hair.
Then, she patted down your hair to make it seem as neat as possible. She walked back to the drawer to put the hairspray back, then took out a stick of gum.
"Here you go, Miss," she said as she handed it to you.
"I'd be dead without you," you informed.
Historia smiled. "I know. Now, we have a meeting to prepare for."
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After a long day of meetings with the council and Mr. Smith, you came back to the office and got drunk again.
You didn't have anyone waiting for you at home, and you spent more time at the office than your own house to the point where the office was your home.
Historia was tidying up the office when you came back from your meeting, demanding red wine.
A whole bottle later, and you were out of it.
"Miss L/N, you're drunk," Historia said as you crawled onto her lap.
You pouted. "Historia, don't you like me?"
Of course, she liked you. After spending two years with you, she grew attached to you. You were the constant variable in her life.
You were snaking your hands up to her hair, tugging lightly as you kissed her jawline. Historia's face was on fire as she tried to lean away from you.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
"It's just—You're drunk and I'd rather do something when you're sober."
You pouted. "You're lying."
"Miss, I'm not. I really like you!"
"Fine. But you know I don't like talking when I'm sober."
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You tried to keep your eyes on anything and anyone but Historia. You were so embarrassed about how you acted last night.
Neither of you really wanted to bring it up because of how awkward the topic was, but Historia wanted to know if what you liked her too
"Do you like me, Miss L/N?" Historia asked quietly.
You looked up and glanced between the open door and her. Historia understood and she closed the doors softly.
"I do like you, Historia," you answered.
You tried to busy yourself with the items around your desk. You reorganized your desk and flipped through papers before sighing. "But I'm not sure if it's a good idea if we have a relationship with each other. It'll end badly and it'll be awkward for us to work with each other."
Historia pouted. "You underestimate me, Miss L/N. I've been working with you for over a year now. In the end, I get to see you every day of my life. What's more to ask?"
You weren't expecting that. "I'm not good at dating. It's weird to me. I wouldn't even know where to start."
Historia puffed out her cheeks and you thought she looked like a cute hamster. "We can take it step by step!"
"You're really too kind for your own good," you said.
"Sorry, I get that a lot."
"Stop apologizing," you demanded. "Are you free tonight?"
"Let's go out for dinner," you suggested.
Historia nodded energetically. "What should I wear? Is there a dress code?"
"We'll keep it simple," you reassured with a soft smile.
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Seeing Red
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Prompt: PMS days
Pairing: Spooky x Reader
Warning/ notes: Major fluff. Not grammatically correct. Currently on my menses which inspired this one shot. Hope it can comfort other spooky lovers during their time of the month. Enjoy ;)
Summary: Spooky takes care of his girlfriend when she’s on her menses. Just him and her!
Word count: 2063
As you opened your eyes you peered through the curtains of your room and noticed it was a rainy day outside in LA. The sky was somewhere between a light gray and the cusp of a white. They kind of color that hurt your eyes if you stared at it to long. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you rolled over on your back and instantaneously felt the stinging in our stomach. It was day two of your menses. They worst day of them all. often you thought about what it might feel like to get shot and came to the conclusion it couldn’t possibly be any worse than this. While you laid back staring up at the ceiling you heard your phone vibrate. Looking over all you could mutter was “shit” 8 miss calls and 15 text. You looked at the clock on the nightstand to your left 10:00 am. Opening the text you scroll to the top and began reading
‘Hey mama’-3:15 pm
Missed call 3:30 pm
Missed call 5:00 pm
‘Y/N’-5:30 pm
Missed call 6:00 pm
‘Y/N pick up the phone’- 6:30 pm
The calls and messages entwined like this for the next couple of hours until you guess your boyfriend finally fell asleep. You cant believe you slept for basically 19 hours straight. Aside from a few bathroom and water breaks where you had to use all the power you could muster up to complete those task, you somehow forgot to check your phone. Throwing your arm over your face to block out what little light was peaking through the window you could hear your roommate/ best friend Rebecca getting ready for work. BUZZZZ someone rang the doorbell. You heard him before you saw him. Out in the living room talking with you bestie, ‘where is Y/N’ he asked her. Oh no. He sounds pissed.
You laid frozen with your hand over your arm wanting the earth to swallow you whole. ‘She’s not feeling well’ you heard Rebecca respond. You always avoided Oscar on days like this because you were afraid to get mad and finally scare him away with your crazy . He burst into your room bringing the bright light from the hallway with him. You felt the irritation slowly building. Removing your hand with a sigh you look over to your right at the door. ‘Couldn’t pick up your phone’ he asked with a particular edge to his voice that brought out your annoyance to what seemed to be instantaneously. ‘I was sleeping’ you said letting acid seep into your voice. ‘For a fucking day’ he yelled. That’s it, you thought sitting up it bed which was followed by a gush of blood below causing you further annoyance.
“I’m not dealing with your shit today. 1. I spoke to you yesterday afternoon and its only 10 am meaning it wasn’t a whole fucking day. 2. Becca told you I wasn’t feeling well and instead of coming in here and asking if I’m okay you choose too come in here and yell at me like your my daddy. 3. Your not my daddy 4. My hormones are all over the place and I literally feel like i am dying so unless you plan on helping and not being an ass I suggest you leave.’ Oscar who you never ever send away looked more hurt than even mad that you yelled at him. He never took that kind of disrespect from anyone being the gang leader he is. ‘Okay, well.. what’s wrong? ummm... how can I help?’ he asked. ‘ you cant’ you replied. “Y?N...” ‘I have to go to the store and get some stuff.’ You swung you legs of the bed and tried to stand up only to be meet with crippling pain. Before you could even fully bend over to hold your stomach Oscar was there pushing you back onto the bed. ‘Your not driving like this’ he said. ‘Tell me what you need and ill get it for you’ he finished. ‘ you cant, ok its personal girl stuff’ you replied shyly. ‘ I didn’t ask you what it was. I said to tell me what you need’ he sternly answered. After writing a list that and handing it to him he said he’ll be back in 15 minutes. You took this time to take some pain medication and crawl to the bathroom just barely managing to take a shower while he was gone. Rebecca poked her head in to let you know she was heading out so you knew it was time to leave the shower so you could let Oscar back in. Standing in your room trying to figure out what to wear you decided on a pair of black leggings and one of oscars hoodie that you stole from him. You just needed to be comfy. As you were pulling the hoodie down over your head you heard the door buzzz. Heading out the the front door you pulled it open to find Oscar with 4 shopping bags. He walked past you to the kitchen and put them on the counter. ‘What exactly did you buy Oscar I only asked for a pack of pads and a soda” you asked quizzically, with what you were sure was a confused look on your face.
‘Well you said always overnight but they had 2 different kinds and I didn’t want to call you so I got both and then i got you some Advil, i mean I don’t know if that works for that kind of pain’ he said gesturing towards your stomach ‘but, i got it anyway and the lady at the store said it was good and suggested i get you something sweet and I couldn’t decide on one, so i bought one of every candy and...’ he didn’t get to finish his rambling because you walked over to him and kissed him lovingly to interrupting, he responded by holding your neck firmly in place and meeting you with the same level of passion. Pulling away for oxygen you looked up into the liquid brown eyes of Oscar Diaz and all you could say is ‘I love You’. “Go sit down mama I’m making breakfast” was his response. “Ummmm...I kinda wanted ice cream for breakfast’ you said. ‘Ice cream is not breakfast. No wonder i cant get cesear to eat any real food’ he teased you. Knowing you looked after the younger Diaz while he was locked up. ‘Hey. I eat real food but today my a baby maker wants ice cream so, I eat ice cream’ you joked. Walking over to the couch in the living room knowing he will never let you eat the ice cream first.
Settling down under the black throw that was on the couch you began to flick through Netflix trying to find something to watch. Settling on a romantic comedy. It wasn’t t long before Oscar walked over with your plate in hand. You couldn’t help but laugh as he approached you in Rebecca’s -queen of the kitchen-apron. Your attention then turned on the intoxicating smell drifting off the plate in his hand and settling in your nose. Homemade fluffy pancakes, eggs and fried salami (Oscar knew you weren’t a bacon person). He handed you the plate and placed his on the coffee table before heading back to the kitchen to remove the apron and grab your drinks. By the time he returned you were already half way through your meal. As he sat down to begin his meal. You were full and much more happy, you still couldn’t escape what you could only assume to be a stabbing taking place in your stomach but this is as happy as you were gonna get. You were content. Watching Oscar eat you eyes drifted to the santos tattoo on is neck and dirty thoughts began popping into your head. Just filthy thoughts, scooting a little closer to your man you kissed it midway him bringing some eggs to his mouth. He paused looking at you from the side through those long eyelashes with a lifted eyebrow.
That put your hormones in overdrive, you wanted him now! ‘ I liked the breakfast’ was all you could manage. Shaking his head he returned to his meal. You kissed his tattoo again, then licked it and then began sucking it. You hadn’t realized Oscar had put his dish down when he lifted you onto his lap. You were face to face, sitting on his lap you noticed he was a little hard. Biting your lip and now staring at his lips thinking of all the possibilities you could do with his mouth he smiled. Damnit the dimples. At this point you couldn’t blame the full wetness on the blood. Ugh, why did you have to have a period. ‘Hi’ he said still smiling. “Hi” you smiled back, clearing your throat “ummm... I really, really liked the breakfast” you continued. “I appreciate the gratitude and the delivery of it but, I don’t think you should start something you cant finish right now in your current state” he replied. ‘Oh’ you answered climbing off of him bringing you knees to your chest. You know his rejection was well placed and he was right but with your hormones all over the place it hit you harder than you expected. ‘Hey, hey he said moving it closer to you. You know I would do absolutely terrible things to you Mi amor, but your not at 100 right now and I don’t want you feel like you have to have sex for me to stay. Okay? He asked. ‘Yeah, umm.. that wasn’t for you but, Okay.’ nodding you moved over to curl up next to him as he finished his meal. Peaking up at him every now ad then you started thinking about how you both had changed.
You knew Oscar essentially Your entire life. Your dad’s were cool and so Oscar spent a lot of time in your fathers auto shop learning, since your dad never had a son he welcomed the apprenticeship. You were no tomboy and completely against anything other than reading. It wasn’t that far fetched you and Oscar began dating in high school. You remembered the first time getting your period and trying to explain what was happening to him; you not even knowing yourself. ‘So your bleeding’ twelve year old Oscar asked. ‘Yes’ you replied. ‘From your Vagina’ he whispered. ‘ yes’ you whispered back. “So... why does this happen?’ He asked. ‘Well my mom said when you are growing up it happens when you don’t have a baby. I think’ you replied. ‘So, your body is hurting you because you don’t have a baby?’he asked. ‘Ummm... yeah, I guess’ you answered. ‘So why not just have a baby? Said Oscar ‘ I asked that too, my dad said because he’ll kill me. So I guess I’m suppose to just suffer in silence’ you answered.
The memory bought a smile to your face and a small giggle escaped your lips causing Oscar to glance down quizzically at you now cuddled up next to him with your head on his shoulders. “ I was just remembering the first time I got my period and you thought having a baby would be the answer to all my menses related problems” you answered his unspoken question. ‘It still could be’ was all he replied shaking his head’ Smiling, most likely remembering the memory too. ‘I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier’ he continued. ‘It’s just being me...well people... its hard...-I know’ you cut him of. ‘Being you is hard and you not only have to think about you but the gang as well , Cesar....Me. I know you, your head goes to the worst possible scenario automatically. I know how worried you get. I should have checked my phone. I’m sorry too” you said pecking him on the cheek. With a quick nod of the head he returned his attention back to the screen. He wasn’t a man of many words. You two watched movies for the rest of the night. There were far and few instances when you had Oscar to yourself. When he was Oscar and not spooky. You relished these moments, these feelings and saved them for times when being is girlfriend seems less than ideal. For tonight, it’s enough to just cuddle up with your man and watch a movie.
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