#4 bella alice and jasper polycule means edward and jacob get together idk they had more chemistry than they did with bella
yuri-is-online · 8 months
Just rewatched twilight! It's worse than i remember!
Why does Bella twitch so much?
Why does Bella blink so much?
Why does Bella deliberately ignore the red flags?
Why is Edward exhaling every line?
Why does he always look so constipated?
Why is Edward so God damn creepy?
Oh go I am so glad you gave me an excuse to say more about Twilight.
95% of the movie is close ups of the actor's faces. And all the main couple does is stare at each other in a field and talk about how Bella wants to be a vampire. They don't go out on dates, they don't talk about hobbies, they just don't do a n y t h i n g. For some goddman reason all of New Moon takes place in the woods for no real reason because I don't know if any of the characters like being in the woods. Neither Bella or Edward have personalities, Jacob has one but the author gets in the way of it because she has an agenda. She wants Edward and Bella to be together at the end of the series so she has to give all the complicated parts of humanity to her side characters so they don't get in the way of that.
I watched the movie with two friends of mine and we were trying to brainstorm ideas on how to fix it and we kept coming back to how boring the over all premise is. My one friend was less interested in the romance and more interested in the world building, the other wanted Alice and Jasper to form a polycule with Bella, but we all wanted Bella to have... something. Interests, hobbies, a fucking reason to be in the woods. My proposal was that she's really into bugs and is always out there collecting beetles and shit, she just needs to have an interest other than Edward but again. If she has those it gets in the way of the author's main goal.
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