#3racha reactions
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Sharing this meme. Because valid. And I agree.
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minzbins · 2 years
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Pairing: OT8
Genre: 🌶️
Summary: When he get jealous over another man flirting with you 
Warnings: No warning...... okay maybe just a little anger lol.
You and Chan would be at the supermarket shopping for your weekly groceries.
You are walking down the snack aisle when a man approaches you. 
“Could you point me in the direction of the milk?" he smiles as you turn to him.
“Oh, sorry….I think it’s just down the back there,” you say, pointing towards the fridge section. 
“Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?” he says, looking directly into your brown eyes. 
Chan never strayed far from you, so his ears turn red when he hears the man flirting with you. 
You are standing there in shock when the man asks, “are you interested in maybe coming on a date with me?" 
Before you could even answer the man, you hear. 
“Sorry mate… but she’s taken.” 
Chan would wrap his arm around you with his hand resting on your hip. 
Chan stared at the man until he walked away.
“It’s okay, Channie. I can turn him away myself,” you say, spinning around now facing him. 
“Sorry, I just got a tad jealous." He smiles as his hands sit on your lower back. 
He would smile at you before he placed his forehead against yours. 
“I love you,” he says before kissing you softly. 
“I don’t want you to ever forget it”, he would say, pulling away. 
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You were clubbing with Minho and your friends. 
You are dancing, and Minho heads off to get you another drink. 
Suddenly you feel a hand slide up your thigh. 
You turn around quickly. “WHAT THE FUCK?" 
You turn around and slap him in the face.
Minho hears a commotion behind him and turns around to see a man with his hands on your waist. 
Minho filters through the crowd. 
"Oii...get your hands off my girlfriend”, he shouted through the crowd. 
He pushes the guy off you and says, "she's taken, you dick” he turns to you and cups your face. 
"You all right?" he asked before turning around and walking back towards him. 
The guy ran off into the crowd.
You pull Minho back and place your hands on his chest. 
“Don’t worry about him…focus on us.” 
You kiss his lips as his hand squeezes your ass. 
“You are so hot when you are jealous.”
He laughed as he leans in to kiss you again. 
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Changbin wanted to take you out on a coffee date before he headed to work. 
“Okay, take my card and order whatever you like”, he grins at you before you get up and head over to the counter. 
You order Changbin an Amaricno and yourself a Carmel late. 
The young gentleman smiled and proceeded to ask for your name. 
Assuming it had to do with the order. 
“That’s a very beautiful name," you heard him say. You thanked him as you walked back to the table 
“Who’s that?” He scoffed.
“I don’t know, just some kid”, you replied
“Well, that kid is flirting with you.” 
“No, he’s not”, you laugh as the girl behind the counter comes over with both your coffees. 
You glance down at the cup and notice a phone number on it.
You laugh as Changbin notices, and you can see steam coming out of his ears. 
"HEY KID!...Yeah, you...I'm her boyfriend,” he says, waving at the guy behind the counter. 
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Hyunjin had a big event going on and took you to the shops to pick out a new dress.
You walked around before finally deciding to go into a shop.
He looked around for a while before a shop assistant approached.
"Excuse me, can I help you?" he would ask, interrupting.
Hyunjin became stiff and quiet as the man took you through the shop.
“How about this?" he asked, holding up a stylish dress.
“Oh I love it, what do you think Jin?"
Hyunjin just walks away.
You chance after him “jin….. what’s the matter?”
He turns around and says “he’s only helping you because he wants to fuck you”
“Baby I don’t think that is true” you said laughing. “I think he is doing his job”
He grunts and walks off “I want to go somewhere else"
You go back into the shop and thank the man for his assistance and walk back to Hyunjin. 
He walks in silence as you both walk through the shopping centre.
He grabs your hand and apologises, "I just lost my cool back there”
A/N: thank you all for read, any like and reblog is appreciated.
Taglist: @daceydeath @9900z @i-say-choco-you-say-ice-cream @armystay89
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miaroseindreamland · 6 months
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Bangchan reaction of you hurting him
Fluffy ❤️ and a little warning for smut suggestions.
Chan is sitting on the chair in your room while working on some projects. You are lying down in bed as you both chat.
"Is it going to take long?" you ask him, and he looks at you with a smile, his typical smirk on his face.
"Why, baby girl? Anything on your mind?" You blush as you put your phone down.
"I want to try something tonight."
"Oh yeah?" His smirk remains. You nod.
"Tell me." He gives you his full attention.
"I want to try doing it in the chair."
"Doing what?" He feigns a smile.
"Yeah, stop," you blush, and he chuckles.
"Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry. Come here then." You smile and approach him, starting to kiss him.
"How do we do it?" you ask as he puts his hand on your waist and picks you up.
"Put your leg here." You become really shy and try to do as he says, but because you're nervous, you almost fall, hitting his groin as he yells.
"Shit, y/n!" He lets you fall as his hands go to his groin. His face turns red as a tomato, and he rests his face on the table.
"Oh my god, Chan! I'm so sorry!" You clumsily try to get up and hold his hands.
"Shit, baby..." He whispers, and you can almost see a tear leaving his eyes. "You hurt me."
"I'm sorry! What do you need? I can get some ice!"
"No, just give me a second to breathe... Damn it! You almost broke me."
"I'm so sorry." You lay on the bed.
"It's okay," he still whispers. "Just let me breath a little. " he says as you nodded.
After some minutes he looks up from the table and sees you crying.
"I'm ok baby. Don't need to cry. " He chuckled and walks at you while pulling you to his embrace. "Why are you crying pabo?"
"It's just I wanna to do something different....but I blow up..."
"Calm down. I'm ok." He says. "We can try again if you want." You whispered a yes and he chuckles while picking you up and securing your legs around his waist.
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besamehyuka · 1 year
Let’s Keep Her: Sweet One
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You were led to a blood red room, filled with paintings of 9 men, one had a dark red x slashed across his face, hiding it, guarding it, almost like he had been kicked out, but then again, that was your assumption.
You could really care less, but then again, he hadn’t kidnapped you, he hadn’t held you hostage, he hadn’t gripped you tightly, like now. You felt hands trace up the crevice of your back and felt eyes on you, checking you, studying you, and you instantly slapped them away. Wanting no one to touch you, no one!
“Hey.” The voice stated, much more calm and full of life, more so than the others you had encountered. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He said and you whipped around to find a younger looking male, no older than yourself,stare at you, his eyes sharp but content, full of understanding, almost as if he knew where you had been.
Like he had been in your shoes at one time. Like he had felt fear in his life. In his golden eyes, there was compassion, empathy, sincerity and you felt yourself trusting him a little bit. just a little bit, no more than that.
“I’m Jeongin.” He stated, reaching his hand out for you to take, but when you didn’t he understood, and nodded leading you into an exam room, one that you’ve seen in doctor’s offices. One that you used to feel safe in, but this time you weren’t so sure.
“What are you going to do with me?” You found yourself saying, drawing uneasy by the numerous knives and carving tools that sat beside him, and he cleaned off his desk.
“No worries, I have strict orders to not harm you. And I wouldn’t have planned to anyways. It’s against my nature, my code of conduct if you will.” He responded without your eyes on him. “I’m the healer, or chief doctor, I’m just going to do a check up and see if everything’s okay. I won’t cut you, stick you with any needles, nothing like that.” He reassured you. 
His demeanor was unlike those other men, and you felt safe so you simply nodded, slipping into the examination chair, letting him take your vital signs, pulse, temperature and anything else he needed. 
His hands worked like they’ve done this numerous times, so delicately, so patient, so demanding. Nothing too harsh, and you found yourself wanting more from him.
“I’m Y/n.” You said abruptly into the silence you had caused, wanting no more of it as he only nodded and chuckled in response.
“I know.” He stated, tracing your veins in your arms as you shivered. You could tell he had no ill intent and he seemed like he also had no intention or desire to feast upon your blood, which was good. 
“It’s just like them.” He growled, rolling his eyes as he stared at you. 
“Huh?” You asked confusion spreading through your body like a wildfire. 
“My brothers.” He responded fast. “The way they treated you, its not what a gentleman should do . I apologize for their rude behavior. Especially Minho.” 
You wondered how could he have possibly known, but he raised his hand in protest and went on to explain.
“I can tell your emotion, and then through those emotions I can relive what experiences you went through. All through touch.” He said, closing his eyes releasing his grip on your wrist. “No big deal. I won’t intrude again, I didn’t mean to, but you were projected very vividly, you were very angry and I couldn’t stop, so I just had to see.”
You bit your lip and nodded. It felt confusing, but you simply nodded. “I understand. 
“You’re very healthy.” Jeongin finally gave you your results, leaving back against the wooden table he smiled, a smile that sent shivers up your spine. He was so nice, it pained you to see him work for these assholes. What had made him come here? What on earth was he doing? 
“May I ask, are you a...”
“Am I a vampire?” Jeongin answered for you, crossing his arms over his chest as a chuckle erupted from his mouth. “God no.”
“Then.. then what are you?” You asked, your mouth starting to become dry and cloudy, same with your mind. Minho had said they weren’t just a coven of vampires, but you had thought he was just being a tease, and a liar, but so far he was telling the truth.
“I’m a Kitsune. Don’t think too much about it. It’s not important, and it won’t ever be. Just try and enjoy your time here. Once you get used to us, we won’t bother you.” He replied, smiling softly. 
Just like that, the conversation was over. 
A million questions circled your head. A kitsune. What was that? You had only heard of Vampires, werewolves, and demons. Sure you weren’t into lore and myths, but you had known what those things were. 
Suddenly, the door swung open revealing Chan, his cold red eyes fixed on yours as he took your orbs in, his blue hair wet with rain as he smirked devilishly at you, smirking as he drew near.
“So?” He asked, humming deeply, so deep it sounded like a growl, and you knew it was to claim you, to tame you almost. You make you his, but you didn’t want to be his. 
A look from Jeongin confirmed this as he dropped his gaze from you to Chan and talked about your test results. About how everything showed up normal and good, everything was alright, and Chan nodded, sighing.
Why was he sighing? Why was he sad when everything was alright?
Was he hoping you were sick so he could mark you right then and there and change you? Was he hoping you had some kind of terminal illness like cancer so he could kill you quick and drag you into his world and be his vampire queen? 
Like you could ever?!
But you didn’t want Chan! So far he had shown you nothing but impatience, he had shown you nothing but cruel torture. He had shown you what vampires were truly like. 
And you found yourself slowly becoming attracted to that man, that doctor, the one who had smiled at you, who had held your hand, and who had made you know he wasn’t going to hurt you. Who had proved it to you. 
You felt yourself falling for the sweet one, Jeongin. 
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sapphiclinos-moved · 11 months
jeongin being the first to swear in a song when you have two australians right there is so fucking funny. fair play 3racha
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dontwannalove · 1 month
finally watching the jjam performances and idk something about the unit moments being directly followed by chan's little moment when all of the members are back on stage together as a group is something that can be so personal actually but thats just me i guess!
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odiesbun · 2 years
Halloween: Stray kids ver.
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There may be mistakes in the text because my native language is not English. Thank you for your likes!
WARNINGS: fluff, Halloween, costumes, pumpkins, house decorations, etc.
Number of characters in the text: 5571
Chan He's probably going to be the one who does nothing. He doesn't consider Halloween to be a holiday that can be considered very big or his favorite, no. The most he'll do is dress up in a costume and hang a garland of shards over your bed. "I thought it suited me to be a vampire, and also those shards were really cute, so I wanted to hang them in the living room." He's five years old… So if you make him a pumpkin or a Halloween card with your own hands, he'll be over the moon. "Wow, you really made that yourself? Wow!!! You're so good, thank you so much, I'm happy!!!"
Lee Know The king of acting. He'll probably want to make a little video of his transformation and how skillfully he'll scare you and the younger members in the dorm, so expect trouble. "BOOOOOO! HAHA, were you really scared?! What a laugh, are you really that scared?" But of course, he'll only do it as a joke. He has a lot of scary stories. But most of them he makes up as he goes along, to make it much scarier and more interesting. "And then I turn around and there's a woman standing there in all white and with her hair slicked back on her forehead and she's reaching out to me! Boo! That's exactly what she did, and then I ran away, but I kept hearing her standing there still saying boo! Ah, come on, I didn't make that story up, it really isn't made up!" Sexiest and most provocative Halloween costume. For example, an incubus or other demon is literally ready to go with his bare torso to embarrass you. "Come on, don't stare, baby~ You see me almost every night, isn't my body enough for you?"
Changbin He's hungry. He's hungry all the time, so all he'll be doing during all of Halloween is helping you cook and eat. In fact, while cooking, he eats, too. "I don't understand why people don't like the taste of raw dough, it's actually really good, especially if it's chocolatey! Ah, you think I'm weird?" I have a feeling he's going to be made to dress up in a ridiculous costume. Like a rabbit or a pig or Dwaekki. "Does pink look good on me? Yes? If you really like it, I'll wear it all the time."
Hyunjin He hates Halloween because he will be the one who gets pranked the most on this holiday. For example, suddenly a toy spider is tossed up to him by the scruff of his neck or accidentally jumped out from around a corner, then Hyunjin is already screaming at the top of his voice and running away. "AAAAAH, THERE WAS A HUGE SPIDER, A SPIDER! I'M NOT GOING TO BE THERE, PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE, I'M SCARED." He's the one who will have the best costume. And he'll brag about it all the time, thinking it's his virtue, because it's a costume he made himself. "You really like my suit? Thanks, honey, I made it myself~ Next year I'll make you one just like it!"
Han I have a feeling Han is a big anime fan, so he will definitely have a costume that is like a cosplay on a certain anime character. "OMG, look, I'm Gojo Satoru! How about we get you a uniform costume from Attack of the Titans and the two of us can be like cosplayers?"He really likes to nag for candy, whether he does it with the older members of the group or with you, he just HAS to get candy, preferably more than five pieces. But if someone doesn't give him the candy willingly, he'll steal it sooner or later. "HONEY, I STOLE CANDY FROM LEE KNOW-HYUN, WE HAVE TIME TO ESCAPE, LET'S RUN."
Felix The one who does spontaneous Halloween shopping. He literally flies up to you with phone in hand, happily shoving it in your face for you to look at what he ordered for decor. "Look, look! These are scented candles that smell like fall and coffee and pumpkins, they're made in the shape of crockpots, they're so cool, right? And this plaid, which also has shards and pumpkins, it's very pretty too, isn't it?" More than anything, he loves to cook, so he does that on Halloween, too. For example, he might bake some cupcakes, draw eyes on them and things like that, and also make mulled wine, which he associates with fall and Halloween. In short, a lot of food. "I decided to add pumpkin seeds here for beauty, but they turned out to be too oily for that…"
Seungmin Will Seungmin do anything during Halloween. No. He's literally the epitome of the smiley face "🧍", he does absolutely nothing. "Why do you need another garland in black and orange when you've already used one? Don't you think that's enough? Oh, are you still thinking of making pumpkins? Why?" He knows you like the Halloween atmosphere, so he'll definitely make you go with him to walk around the night city and take lots of pictures in the park. "Yeah, that's a great angle, honey. Bring the pumpkin a little closer to you, that's it, well done. Great shot, you're adorable."
Jeongin He's definitely someone who will share a lot of candy with those around him and won't keep any for himself. Most of the time, almost all the candy goes to you. "Hey, baby," he whispers, poking his head through the doorway and showing you a bucket half full of candy. "I found some more candy for you, take it." Starts the holiday preparations a week in advance, like Felix, but doesn't do spontaneous shopping, but considers with you whether you need it. "I saw a beautiful garland of black and orange pumpkins in a store near our company, I think you might really like it. We can go out this weekend and pick out what we need together."
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enluv · 1 year
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I love hearing Chan’s accent when he raps 😭
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httpdwaekki · 2 months
skinship | s.c
summary: you thought changbin hated you, but that all changed one day when you showed on his doorstep, moments away from an anxiety attack.
wc: 1.8k
warnings: descriptions of an anxiety attack
a/n: happy binnie month! i'm so happy to be doing this not only for one of my favorite boy but with one of my favorite people @straykeedz ! please don't forget to check out bee and her half of binnie month! i hope you enjoy! remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3
(p.s. if u get the reference ily <3)
my library | bee's vers. | binnie month
please consider donating to this fundraiser!
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
you didn’t think changbin hated you per say, however you did notice his hesitancy towards you, so that definitely didn’t make you think he liked you either.
you noticed he’d keep his distance when you would hang out with the boys and forget about skinship, he avoided you like the plague. you were a very touchy person, similar to felix, you tended to cling to your friends. so you’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt your feelings even a little bit, especially because of how he clings to your other friends.
you brushed it off though, you know not everyone was going to like you but it stung a bit coming from changbin. truth be told you had a lil crush on him when you first met him but you had given up a while ago.
this changes one day however, you found yourself outside of the 3racha+hyune dorm, seconds away from an anxiety attack. you don’t remember how you made it to the building but you knock regardless hoping anyone but changbin would open the door.
luck was not on your side as the rapper opens the door, coming face to face with your panicked expression. “h-hi-“ quickly wiping your tears, attempting to plaster a small smile on your face. “sorry- is chan home?” you were fiddling with the hem of your shirt, attempting to calm yourself long enough to get to your best friend.
“no he’s at the studio- are you okay?” he asks, concern lacing his voice. “yeah! sorry to bother you, i’ll just go to the studio, sorry again!” you say quickly, turning around to make a quick exit.
“hey wait, are you okay?” he steps out, grabbing your wrist, stopping you.
you pause, attempting to collect yourself, “yeah, i just need to find chan.” you go to leave again, his grip tightens slightly. “please let me go.” you whisper, a lump forming in your throat, as you focus on the concrete below your shoes.
“y/n, what’s wrong?” he starts panicking, never had he seen you so distraught. you were usually a ray of sunshine, kind-hearted and smiley, but this- this sent a shock to his core and he knows he can’t let you leave.
he moves in front of you, going to grab your other arm when your head whips up as his hand makes contact with your skin. your eyes are wide and full of panic, unshed tears line them as the panic took over your body.
your reaction has him dropping your wrists immediately. “i’m sorry- i’m sorry, i just want to help.” his voice soft, as if he were speaking to a scared animal.
“can i help you? please, i don’t want you driving like this, it’s not safe.” he explains gently, holding out his hand, trying not to let his panic show. “no- it’s okay, i’m sorry to bother you.” you plaster a fake smile on your face as you stumble backwards, changbin catching you before you could fall. he wraps his arms around your middle before pulling your back to him.
“i’m sorry, i’m just gonna go.” you attempt to free yourself from his arms, feeling the anxiety building in your chest, weighing down on you with each passing second.
“y/n.” his voice stern as he tightens his hold, keeping you in your place. you freeze, locking eyes with the floor, refusing to look at him.
“please,” he begs softly, “let me help you.”
your facade breaks. your knees weaken as sobs wreck your body, changbin tightens his grip, pulling you closer to him. once you regain your footing, he circles around you pulling you into him once more.
you become inconsolable as your arms wrap tightly around him, shoving your face into his neck. “i’m sorry-” he cuts you off with a gentle shush. “don’t apologize. you’re okay.” he rubs soothing strokes on your back as you calm down. 
once your breathing was semi-normal he pulls away, almost missing the pain that flashes in your eyes. almost. “come on, let’s get you inside.” he grabs your hand, carefully pulling you into the home.
he leads you to the couch, “sit.” you didn’t know what came over you but as he pulled away your gripped on his hand, stopping him in his tracks.
your eyes wide, gasping softly, “i’m sorry!” quickly releasing his hand. “oh my god, i’m so sorry, i don’t know why i did that.” you suddenly realize the reality of the situation, it washes over you like a wave of cold water. you get up and make your way to the door. “i-i’m so sorry changbin-” you feel your chest tighten, the grips of your anxiety tighten with each passing second.
all you could focus on was getting out of here as quick as possible. but changbin wasn’t letting that happen.
he panics and all he can think about is calming you down, so he did the one thing he can think of. he grabs your wrist once again, turning you to him placing his lips on yours. you freeze before melting into him, placing your hand on his hip, him placing his free hand to your cheek.
once he felt you relax he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours. both of you taking a moment to catch your breath.
“why did you do that?” you whispered, still not moving. “uh, i read somewhere that if you hold your breath, you could stop a panic attack.” he pauses, taking a breath. “so when i kissed you, you held your breath.” you nod, pulling away slightly, still processing the fact that he just kissed you.
“oh, that’s really smart.” he nods with a shy smile. you quickly realize you’re still holding on to him, pulling away quickly, “oh!” you backed away slightly. “sorry-” you clear your throat, “thank you,” you make a circle motion between the two of you, “for that.” you smile shyly.
“uh yeah, anytime.” your cheeks warm as a light pink brushes his. you both stand there for a bit before you speak. “can i ask you something?” you ask suddenly, causing him to look to you.
“yeah anything.” he says, prompting you to continue. you hesitate, “do i make you uncomfortable?” you ask quietly, fiddling with your shirt once more. you glance towards him, catching the confusion on his face.
“no not at all,” he furrows his brows, “why would you think that?” he wants to move towards you but he hesitates. 
“i’ve just noticed, you just always seem,” you pause, trying to find the right words, “i guess, closed off? like you’re really open with everyone else but with me you always seem to avoid me a bit.” you can see him processing the information but the lack of response was making you panic a bit.
“well! i guess not avoid but like kinda closed off? which would make sense because you’ve known everyone a lot longer than me but you just always hug everyone and then kinda just avoid me, which is fine! totally okay! i just-” he cuts you off with a kiss.
while your rambling was super cute, he couldn’t watch the panic again. his hands on your cheeks once more, he waits for you to relax into him before he pulls away.
“i’m sorry,” he whispers out of breath, “you’re just so cute when you ramble.” you let out a breath as you smile. you place your hands on his wrists, keeping his hands on your skin, basking in the closeness of each other.
a few moments of silence pass before he moves to kiss your forehead, bringing you into him. he wraps his arms around you before he speaks, “you don’t make me uncomfortable, and i certainly wasn’t avoiding you on purpose.” he pauses as you wrap your arms around him.
“i’m so sorry i made you feel that way, i just didn’t know how to approach you.” you tighten your arms around him as he speaks. “i now see i had nothing to worry about huh?” you giggle, shaking your head before pulling away.
“i don’t know if you could tell but i like you, i have for a while but i thought i made you uncomfortable so i kept my distance.” you say looking into his eyes, his coming up to rest on your soft cheek once more.
“not at all, i’m sorry i made you feel this way.” he says, eyes sorrowful. you give him a shy smile, “it’s okay, i’m glad i know why now.” you place a quick peck to his lips, as if it was a seal of confirmation.
he gives you one in return but that quickly became many more… all over your face. you squeal as he continues his attacks, “bin! okay okay, mercy mercy!” he giggles stopping his targeted attacks before quickly picking you up, pulling a noise of surprise from you.
you quickly wrap your arms around him, “where are you taking me?” you giggle as he walks through the dorm, taking you along for the ride. “i’m taking my girlfriend to my room to cuddle because she was having a rough day.” he states proudly, planting a big kiss to your kiss as he enters his room.
“your girlfriend huh? not even gonna ask me?” you tease as he lays you on his bed. “i figured the two passionate kisses and the other kiss attack was enough to solidify that.” he shrugs, looking down at you.
you take a moment to ‘think’. “yeah that’s pretty fair.” you nod, giving him a cheeky smile. he gives you a big kiss before deciding to lay on top of you. “oof!” you giggle as he settles his weight on you.
you look down to find his boba eyes staring back at you, big grin plastered on his face. “move up more, what are you doing all the way down there?” you give him a teasing smile, as he realizes what you meant.
“yah! you’re not allowed to tease me any more.” he whines as he moves up, closer to you. “oh no?” you wrap your arms around him and he lays down once more. “says who?” he nuzzles his head into your neck before relaxing. “says me.” you can’t see his face but you know he’s pouting regardless.
“okay, i’m sorry bub.” you giggle placing a kiss to his hair. what you don’t see is the light blush that dusts his soft cheeks at the pet name. another moment of silence passes, “i’m glad you answered the door.” you say softly. 
he lifts his head to look at you, small smile on his face. “me too.” he places one more kiss to your lips before melting back into you where you both fell asleep, smile gracing both of your lips.
this doesn’t last long before hyunjin and han both wake you up with their surprised screams when they find you two.
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channieismyboy · 1 year
sleepy cuddles - skz headcanons
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members: ot8 x gn!reader
genre: fluff; headcanons of what i think skz would be like if they wanted cuddles with you late at night. - masterlist
chan - tugging your shirt to not let you leave
you and chan have been lying down in bed for a while now
it's late at night, both of you are cuddled up against each other, scrolling on your phones
you're sitting comfortably in his warm lap, until you realize just how late it is
"baby i think we should try to get ready for bed," you say while looking back at chan
as you're talking you try to get up from his hold
until chan's impeccable instincts kick in
and he grabs onto the black shirt you are wearing that he gave you, to halt your actions
you look at him once more, "you're not allowed to leave darling"
there is an expression that chan always wears when he wants something from you, and you can never say no to it (and the man uses it religiously)
it is a type of loving sincerity in his eyes that makes your heart skip a beat
"just stay with me for five more minutes, love. then we can get ready, okay?" he says, his tone so endearing, it persuades you to give into his cute antics
so you stay there for five minutes, then ten, then another 20
until you're fast asleep into his hold
minho - holding out his arms
you and minho decided to have a sleepover together
as the night comes closer, you both begin getting ready for bed
your boyfriend finishes his skincare much quicker than you, which is predictable
you love to use both yours and his products, because somehow his are always more soothing and better than yours
everytime he catches you using some sort of face cream or lotion of his he just glares (it’s a loving glare)
but you go right ahead and still use them, because you know that he doesn't mind you using his things
since your boyfriend is done, he waits for you on the bed until you join him
the moment he sees you all fresh and glowy while exiting the bathroom, he opens up his arms and wears a bright smile, inviting you to join him
"baby, come here! i need you in my hold," he says
"i'm coming don't worry," you laugh at his adorable behavior
once you settle into his warm grasp, you snuggle your head into his neck
"you know y/n, i don't mind you using my skincare, you just take too long," minho says to you in a quiet voice
"oh really? then how about you do it for me instead?" you question playfully
"next time, i will."
changbin - falling asleep during a movie
you and changbin are finally able to spend some quality time together
he's been so busy with his schedules, but you both found a time that worked
so, you both decided to stay in and watch a movie late at night
however, there's a slight problem
because it's so late at night, changbin keeps falling asleep
everytime you look at him to see his reaction to a funny moment in the movie, his head is tilted to the side, and his eyes are closed
he looks way to adorable right now, but you want to watch with him
"changbin baby, please wake up. we have to watch a movie together," you whisper gently into his ear
he wakes up slightly and grumbles "no i'm awake, i was just resting my eyes," (mhm sure you are)
you laugh at him and his denials to falling asleep, when you can clearly see he's already asleep
"well what's it gonna take to wake you up hm?"
he now suddenly wakes up and looks at you cutely, "cuddle me until i wake up,"
you both know that he won't ever wake up, but you decide to cuddle your too good to be true boyfriend
you both stay there on the couch, in each others arms until the morning comes
hyunjin - opening the light and him complaining
you decide to surprise hyunjin with a late night snack
so you head to his dorm and greet the 3racha members who also live there, you ask where hyunjin is so you can surprise him
they say he's sleeping, but that doesn't stop you
you head to his room quietly, and open the door
you are greeted with a sleeping dumpling in his bed
you take a second to admire the loose strands of hair that are scattered across his face
then you look to your right and see all the artworks, and leftover sketches spread out messily on his desk
you want to move them, so you can place the food on the desk instead without damaging his work
so you turn on the light to see your surroundings better
however, that caused hyunjin to wake up all groggy
"turn off the lights-" he says in a moody tone, but he gets caught off the moment he sees your face
suddenly his expression and tone become a lot softer at the sight of his pretty partner
"why are you here? i thought you were han annoying me again for a sec"
"no silly it's me." you say with a laugh
"i got us some late night snacks. let's eat together." you say to him gently
"okay baby, but lets cuddle first" hyunjin says, opening the covers to invite you in
jisung - wrapping an arm around your waist
you and jisung are both homebodies, it's a well known fact
so your dates are usually spent in the comfort of his dorm
you both decided to go to bed early instead of staying up to watch a movie
you wake up in the middle of the night and try to get into a more comfortable position
you attempt to move away from jisung for a bit, so you can stretch a little
however, your actions were cute short as han reached his arm out and wrapped it around your waist, and pulled you incredibly close to him
you feel your back touch his chest and abdomen, and his warm steady breaths on your exposed shoulder
his hold on you is tight, "it's better like this," is all he says before placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder
you smile at his comment, "alright baby, if you insist. goodnight."
"goodnight baby, i'll be dreaming of you."
felix - distracting you from work
it's currently late at night, and here you are slumped over on your bed and facing your computer
you have been trying to get through all the piles of unattended assignments
and you haven't stopped since a few hours ago
you boyfriend however, has been making it difficult to focus, as he's now negotiating with you to halt your work
"come on baby, you've been working all day!" (it's only been two hours) "you should take a break and spend time with me," felix says
he has come to join you on the bed and is now laying his head on your lap
"i'm sorry lixie, but i really need to focus on my work. give me another hour that's it" you say, your eyes haven't left your computer
yet you can still see the sad expression plastered on your clingy boyfriend's face in your peripheral vision
that face always makes you look at it, so you look down to meet felix's eyes
he smiles now that he's gained a bit of your attention
so, he resumes his nagging
"it's almost twelve in the morning y/n," (it's 9 p.m.) "it's too late for you to work. let's cuddle instead,"
you look at your computer then you face felix, you repeat this motion for a second time
cuddling felix seems way more fun than doing homework, plus you've finished a good amount of work already
"alright fine, you win. but you gotta let me work in a few hours okay?"
"okay." felix says while engulfing you in a tight hug. he knows he won't let you work until the next day
seungmin - falling asleep with glasses on
you catch seungmin half asleep on the bed as you enter the room with some tea
he asked you to make some for him because 'y/n's is always better' (he's just too lazy to do it himself)
nevertheless, you agree and make some lavender tea
yet when you come he's laid comfortably on the fluffy surface with a warm knit cover to keep him warm
he looks so cute you can't stop yourself from taking pictures of him at every angle, as you set the tea down
(you can't wait to show him in the morning and see his annoyed expression)
but you notice one thing, his glasses are still on
you try your best to remove them without waking seungmin
but the moment you touch the frames, he opens his eyes and looks at you
you're able to remove them quickly and set them aside
you see seungmin look at you quietly, "hi" you say
he doesn't answer, instead he takes you by the arm, and makes you lay on top of him
"uh seungmin baby, i can't move" you say, voice restrained a bit at the position you're in
"that's what you get for waking me," he says
"i was doing you a favour you know, and i got us tea"
"well, your reward is laying on top of me," he retorts
jeongin - laying on his chest
you feel at peace right now
you’re laying in bed with your caring boyfriend jeongin
you both decide to sleep after a long day spent together
as you lay beside him, you notice that he seems a bit sad
since this is unusual, sp you ask your sweet boyfriend why he has that look on his face
"i can't sleep without holding you in my arms." he simply states
you feel a smile forming on your face (how can a grown man be this adorable?)
"then how about i lay on your chest?" you ask
he nods and lays on his back
you get into position and cover you and your boyfriend until you're both snuggled against each other
his chest of comfortable, and you hear his heartbeat faintly
with rises and falls of his chest, you feel yourself become more and more tired
"aw you look so cute," you hear jeongin say. "i bet you'll sleep faster if i play with your hair."
"i'm willing to take that bet," you say
his fingers gently massaging your scalp make you drift even deeper to sleep, until your breaths are even, and eyes completely closed
"goodnight love," jeongin says, before he too falls asleep
a/n: hey babes, i tried to find snearios that matched skz , i hope i did a good job!! i hope you're all doing well <3
Do not repost, translate, or post any and all content on any other websites, profiles without notifiying me and asking for my consent first, as well as giving me credit.
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jilixthinker · 6 months
hii 👋🏻 i don't know if this has been written before but i saw it in a comment and wanted to read it for skz.... 👀
🎀you are asking to put a ribbon on his d🎀 aaaand the reactions and maybe the events that follow 🤭🤭
it could be changbin or 3racha or skz all separately, whatever you want 🩷
candy boy
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=͟͟͞♡ changbin × fem!reader
=͟͟͞♡ ribbon challenge
word count: 1.2K
content warning: explicit sexual content, established relationship, sub!changbin, oral sex (m receiving)
a/c: this took forever and i am very sorry! but Binnie was so perfect for this and I just needed to give it a go. hope you’ll forgive me hun ❤️‍🩹
=͟͟͞♡ please consider reblogging if you like my works!
Changbin eyes are pleading, lashes long and pretty against his full cheeks and a tiny tear nestled on the corner of his eyes. He’s been watching you for several minutes now, as you diligently apply some makeup on his face. The blush you did choose for highlighting his features is of a pretty cool shade of pink, and it matches the lipstick that you carefully selected between the ones he picked earlier. It’s a little bit sticky on his lips, and it shines as if it was a layer of caramelized sugar. It surely gonna taste sweet.
“Baby…” he whispers, a small whine escaping from his parted mouth, “how long is it going to take?”
You finish brushing the blush on his cheekbones and pout at him. “Binnie, you promised that you were going to stay still.”
Changbin shifts from his position. He is sitting on a chair, in front of the wall mirror of your bathroom, and he is wearing nothing but a big fluffy sweater. Pink, of course. His plush thighs are parted and the shiny head of his small cock is peaking out from the soft bush of jet black hair just at the end of his happy trail. That is soft as well, you know that. He always use shampoo and conditioner on that as well, and you always spend an insane amount of time caressing and twirling your fingers around his curls. But not today. Today he has to wait.
“Yes, I know – but…” he continues, puffing some air out. The fabric of the sweater accentuates the softness of his chest, and you softly let your hand fall in between his clothed pecs, “it kinda hurts now.”
Your gaze ends up on the soft pudge of his tummy, barely covered by the only piece of clothing he is wearing and you pinch it between your thumb and index, making him shiver. “Does it?” you ask, fake sweetness on your tone. “That’s because you got all hard while I was making you pretty, baby. If it would have stayed soft, it wouldn’t hurt for sure”.
Changbin sighs and his cock twitches in between his legs. “I tried,” he insists, “but you keep touching me, it’s not my fault.”
That’s not completely untrue. You have been teasing him for the last 30 minutes. Your thighs purposely brushing against his bare skin and hands wandering on his chest and shoulders, lightly grazing at his nipples from above the fabric. He’s been waiting for you to finish his makeup, as you asked, but he got hard, that was almost inevitable.
But he was the one asking for this in the first place. You were peacefully testing some new products that you’ve been wanting to try for a long time, and he interrupted you by showing you a tiktok video of some guy doing something called “ribbon challenge”, demanding your attention and pleading you until you finally gave up.
And now there he is, flushed and aroused, pretty makeup applied on his round and soft face, and a small tight ribbon tied at the base of his chubby tiny cock.
The ribbon is pink – as his sweater and as his face – and the tie is constricting his length at the limits of decency. If he just had stayed soft, it wouldn’t hurt. But you did nothing to make him stay soft.
“And what do I have to do about it?” you ask. Your lips find their way to the soft spot behind his ear and you place a humid kiss there.
Changbin hiccups and a pleading whine leaves his lips once again. His cock is bobbed against the fat of his inner thigh and the curls above it curls are glistening with a few drops of white precum. The ribbon stands cutely just an inch below that, the pink color in contrast with the redness of his length. The tip leaks just a pearl of dense liquid from the slit and Changbin eyes run to yours.
“I’ve been good. Please. Please, I’ve been good. Am I not pretty?” he asks as his cock tries to gain some friction by closing his legs a little. Your own knee quickly stops the movement, slotting in between his sturdy thighs.
“You are so pretty, Binnie. The prettiest,” you concede, pressing another languid kiss on the corner of his sticky lips. “I was just teasing you. What do you want, baby? You want my lips?”
Changbin almost mewls at your question and he nods furiously, making you chuckle. “Yes, please. Please, your mouth. Need s’ much, Binnie needs it.”
His cockhead bumps again his belly as you shift from your position to kneel down on the floor. The slap on the skin is lewd and wet, and it draws a thin stripe of precum on his bellybutton. Changbin soft grunts are delicious and you always try to elongate this moment more than you can just to feel him becoming restless under your touch. But today you played with him enough, and you decide to give him what he’s asking for as you lower you face, filling your lungs with his strawberry scent and finally mouthing at his shaft before grabbing the base of his cock with two of your fingers.
Changbin hisses what sounds like a curse, and you cup his balls with your other hand, suckling just at the gummy tip and swirling your tongue around it. “Like this, baby? My sweet candy boy wants me to eat him up like this?” you breathe, giving another kitten lick on the underside of the puffy head.
Changbin gulps again. “Yes. Oh god, please, yes. Thank you, thank you.” he pants out, teeth biting the fat of his bottom lip.
You smile mischievously as you grip his length, slapping his cockhead against your tongue. You do it a few times until Changbin is a shivering mess above you, and a spurt of white liquid shoots out of him. You use your thumb to spread it on your lips, mimicking the way you applied the clear lipstick on him.
“Baby, ah– please,” he keens as you slap his cock on your wet muscle a few more times before his hips buck forward and you curl your fingers around the base of his length once again. He lets out a shuddering breath, and with a quick movement you sink your head down to engulf the entirety of him.
When you feel him twitching against the roof of your mouth, you detach from his cock with a pop, hand lazily cupping one of his balls and rolling it on your palm. “Binnie, baby,” you coo, “I want to have fun too.”
Changbin pants heavily and hisses a painful whine at the loss of your heath. His cute face is flushed with a thin layer of sweat and the lipgloss is imperceptibly smudged on the corner of his lips. “W-what do you mean?”
You smile, and you nose at his tummy, biting it softly. “I mean…” you puff as you start a slow rhythm of stroking his aching girth, “that it would be so nice if you could pop that little ribbon with this cute little cock of yours. What do you think about that, baby? Can you get hard enough?”
Changbin eyes are glassy and teary, but he nods nonetheless. “I can. Binnie can.” he mutters in between his teeth, cock already engorged and impossibly red under your lustful gaze. “Binnie can make it,” he assures you with devotion. “Can make it pop.”
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©️ jilixthinker, 2024. please do not copy, translate, or republish my works anywhere.
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besamehyuka · 1 year
Let’s Keep Her (Remastered) {All Parts}
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Part 1: Truck Load
Part 2: Sweet One
Part 3: I Can Read Your Mind
Part 4: Just Shut Up Already!
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sapphiclinos-moved · 11 months
something about chans parts in comflex are so early 3racha ? like it's the level of insanity we haven't heard from him since 3days
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inniebin · 1 year
What nicknames bf!skz would give you~
Pairing - ot8 x reader
Genre - Fluff, angst-ish for Seungmin (sorry minnie stans 😭)
CW - Smacking (affectionate!!), mention of worshipping, bad language.
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There was one time when him, Changbin and Jisung were working on an upcoming comeback and you were sitting on the couch with the younger members of 3racha while Chan was on his chair. He had gotten a notification on his phone and looked down to read it and spoke without looking up, "Baby girl, can you go get the food we ordered? It's just arrived." You stood up and ushered a quick "Yeah" as you left the room while Changbin and Jisung were looking at each other with their eyes wide. Chan hadn't realised he had called you 'baby girl' until you had left and he heard the other two burst into laughter and tapping his shoulder. He quickly smacked their heads and told them to shut up before you came back in. You came back and didn't even question why Changbin and Jisung were wiping tears from their eyes and catching their breath while Chan was blushing like crazy.
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You two were just cuddling on the couch watching some shitty movie on the TV when you looked up at Minho and called his name. "Hm?" he hummed without taking his eyes off of the screen. "I want a kitten" you said which got him to look down at you, smiling "Already have one." He laughed when he saw your confused face. "You do?" You thought he only had Soonie, Doongie and Dori. "Yeah, you. You're like a kitten, clingy as hell and always pestering me." You smacked his arm, "Hey! Rude..." He smirked at your reaction. "I never said that was a bad thing, Kitten." You blushed and tried to focus on the movie again, not before catching him smirking into your neck before giving it a peck.
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Honestly? He calls you by a bunch of nicknames but his favourite has got to be 'princess'. He thinks that you look like a princess so he most definitely thinks that you should be treated like one. He pretty much worships you and the ground you walk on. You can't even go an hour without him calling you 'princess'. Be it when you're spending time together and just chilling or when he texts you while he's producing another song or practicing in the dance studio. If he's the one to text first then you should fully expect to see it starting with 'Princess' or 'Hey princess'. His goodbyes definitely include the word too, "Bye Princess!!" or "I love you, see you later princess ❤". Blushes like mad and tells you to stop when you call him a nickname but thinks it's fine to call you by one 24/7. Gets all giggly when you call him 'Prince' because he thinks it's cute that you two have matching nicknames.
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Stays want to know why his favourite thing to paint are flowers. The answer? That's the nickname he has for you. He has a whole sketchbook just for drawing and painting flowers. If you dye your hair? He paints flowers only that colour until you change it. He has a second sketchbook that he fills with flowers. Every page is covered, except the middle two. Those two pages have a drawing of you in the the middle and at the top "My Flower" is written in cursive. Around the drawing of you are things he has written himself. Things that remind him of you and how he feels about you. On your 1 year anniversary he had given you the complete sketchbook and once you see the middle pages, you start to cry which in turn makes him cry too. Little did you know that he would do this every year and when your 4 year anniversary hit, instead of it being a drawing of you it was a drawing of a ring with the words 'Will You Marry Me?' at the top.
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I know this is simple but... 'baby'. Whenever he's writing a romantic song he makes sure to have at least one 'baby' in it. He knows that you know it's his nickname for you so he found a way to dedicate every song to you without mentioning your name. I also think that Jisung would want to be more private with relationships. I'm talking private, not even the members know about you. Jisung told his members about you a few weeks after your 1 year anniversary, announcing it publically 2 months later. He thought that his first live after the announcement was hell. STAYs were constantly teasing him in the comments about finally knowing who 'baby' was in all his songs, making him blush while you're laughing at him from the other side of the room.
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He called you 'Chick' once when you firsted dating and it kinda just stuck with him. He was so happy when he was able to choose his SKZOO to be a chicken. Whenever they are touring and you're not able to join them, he'll steal some of his favourite perfumes of yours and spray Bbokari with them. He likes to pretend that it's you that he's hugging every night to help him fall asleep. Not before sending you a 'goodnight' voice message obviously. If you wear an outfit that he loves then he'll try find Bbokari a matching version and get you to take photos together and put the in the 'family photos' album on his phone.
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He doesn't really like nicknames so when he does use one on you it's normally 'love' and it normally means he's done something that he thinks you'll be mad at or he's just not had a good day. Today? His day was horrible. He kept messing up choreography to the point where he had to sit out and he just couldn't get his lines right in the studio. You walk through the front door to see all of the lights off, the only source being the reflection of Seungmin's phone on his face as you see him lying on the couch with himself wrapped in a blanket as you go to make yourself a drink in the kitchen. He notices you and whispers a small "Hey, love." Your attention is immediately shifted from your glass to him. "What's wrong?" You look at him with a worried expression. His eyes start to tear up, "Today was just shitty..." You rush over to him when you hear a quiver in his voice and kneel down so you can hug him. "Hey... you're fine, tomorrow will be better. I promise." You say before you tell him to scooch over and let you under the blanket so you can smother him in cuddles.
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He had just got back to your shared apartment after a long day of preparing for a comeback, stuff like practicing choreo and recording lines. He was too tired to even get himself to your bedroom because he caught sight of you watching TV on the couch and literally plopped next to you. His head was resting on your right shoulder and you moved your left hand up so you can play with his hair. "Hm... Bub that feels nice." He muttered as he started nodding off to sleep, 'Bub?' you thought. You decided not to wake him up and quiz him on it, deciding to do that in the morning so you could also see his flustered face.
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