einhandertower · 5 months
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theroidalacrity · 6 months
(+)*:3 am off to get my own food,, No thanks to Somebody :3 work w:3th….<^<*(+)
I am off to get my own food, no thanks to somebody I work with..<^<
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s-q-u-i-p-a-s-k · 4 months
Was the code there before you got deactivated or is it only blocking you now?
-It was always there.
2',!o`zr8" :t;<j)/$"*$( 3X
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sacrificialgirlfriend · 2 months
i'll go rabid as i want and still get all the love i need
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rhk111sblog · 9 months
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Just Pictures of the new FPS-3ME Air Surveillance Radar (ASR) of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) at the Wallace Air Station in La Union during its Acceptance, Turnover and Blessing Ceremony recently.
The Radar was acquired from Japan and is designed for Early Warning, Land and Maritime Surveillance, Detection Fixed-Wing Aircraft, Helicopters, Ballistic Missiles and Drones
Philippine Air Force Facebook Page Post, 12/20/23 - 1615H {Archived Link}
Department of National Defense - Philippines Facebook Page Post, 12/22/23 - 1800H {Archived Link}
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fairybetch · 6 months
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dulceskull · 5 months
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me :3
me :3
Posted using PostyBirb
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Optimization of hard–soft material interfaces: A 3D printed imitation of bone–tendon connections
Most people can relate to having a laptop charger break right where the flexible cable meets the solid adapter. This is just one example of how difficult it is to effectively interface hard and soft materials. Using a unique 3D printing process, TU Delft researchers produced hybrid multi-material interfaces that reached a remarkable closeness to nature's design of bone–tendon connections. Their research findings, recently published in Nature Communications, have numerous potential applications. Despite the great difference in hardness between bones and tendons, their intersections in the human body never fail. It is this bone-tendon connection that inspired a team of researchers from the faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Material Engineering (3mE) to explore ways to optimize the hard and soft interfaces of man-made materials.
Read more.
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777heaven · 7 months
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gmanwhore · 3 months
Okay so. Only demons have typing quirks in this Au so i am not giving Azazel or Helltaker. The quirks are the following.
Pandemonica: writes in all lowercase normally but after the consumption of caffeine speaks in ALL CAPS UNTIL SHE COMES BACK TO NORMAL.
Cerberus: R3plac3s 3v3ry E with a thr33! Also throw in som3 barks 3v3ry onc3 in a whil3 Bark! Bark!
Modeus: Replace every O with a <3, trying t<3 c<3me acr<3ss as endearing.
Malina: Puts+ a plus+ after every S+ becaus+e that is+ the perfect s+core in a videogame
Zdrada: Slashes whatever she doesn't consider important, like other people
Justice: Cool zpeech! Taking thingz to the x-treme like thiz you get? Alzo all emoticonz now have glazzez B)
Beelzebub: Repeatss every Ss ssound and every Zz ssound becausse sshe iss buzzzzing like a bug.
Lucifer: Repla<es every C with < and every D with > be<ause as the law she >e<i>es what is lesser and what is worth it.
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nostalgicat173 · 4 months
I know 3 friend who pl3yed Needy Stre3mer Overlo3d bec3use he s3w th3t you could m3ke 3me-ch3n smoke weed, bought the g3me immedi3tely, m3de her smoke weed 3nd then never touched the g3me 3g3in
I know a friend who played Needy Streamer Overload because he saw that you could make Ame-chan smoke weed, bought the game immediately, made her smoke weed and then never touched the game again
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theroidalacrity · 7 months
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(+)*a Neat l:3ttle fellow Showed up dur:3ng work today!! :3t’s Not very often that w:3ld lus:3:3 come Near where we are,,but :3t’s a N:3ce Surpr:3se!! gave the Pal a treat and they went on the:3r merry way ^w^!!*(+)
Ooc translation: A neat little fellow showed up during work today! It’s not very often that wild lusii come near where we are, but it’s a nice surprise! Gave the pal a treat and they went on their merry way ^w^!
Ooc note: I’m still pretty new to image descriptions/alt text! If anybody has any notes on how I can improve it, either now or going forward, I am all ears! :]
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identitycrysys · 4 months
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underwater-lovegiver · 7 months
Hell<3 my name is Beatrs Reeden! My matesprit c<3nvinced me t<3 make a Grublr bl<3g s<3 here i am l<3l!
S<3me things ab<3ut me: I am a Fuschia bl<3<3d, and i am 8 sweeps <3ld! I like t<3 talk ab<3ut quadrants a l<3t and i am always <3pen t<3 talk ab<3ut them!
DNI: Basic DNI criteria but especially Hem<3ph<3bics since my matesprit is a l<3wbl<3<3d!
If y<3u saw my <3ld p<3sts ab<3ut a tr<3ll named Peeter n<3 y<3u didn't =)
Hello my name is Beatrs Reeden! My matesprit convinced me to make a Grublr blog so here i am lol!
Some things about me: I am a Fuschia blood, and i am 8 sweeps old! I like to talk about quadrants a lot and i am always open to talk about them!
DNI: Basic DNI criteria but especially Hemophobics since my matesprit is a lowblood!
If you saw my old posts about a troll named Peeter no you didn't =)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 11 months
Thursday 8.. November 1838
8 11 20 our apartment the 1er entresol looking into the court – terrible – nothing else vacant but some rooms au 5me – saw them – mount? ��� A- very poorly – saw her finally at 4 25 my room far off – got into bed at 5 this morning (as noted yesterday) – slept – refreshed – up at 8 – F59° at 8am and from then to 11 10 wrote all the above of yesterday and today – slight symptoms of cousin last night but put nothing particular on rather more appearance this morning but have put nothing on as yet – breakfast at 11 ¼ and had Mr. Caillet – all very sorry and civil – to have an apartment 1 story below (our present one au 3me) tomorrow after midi – then inked over accounts – till now 1 10 – A- made a sort of indirect apology for her queerness of yesterday and is right again when her neck is sso poorly says she cannot think or bear speaking to or anything! A- and I out at 1 ½ and as it had begun to rain a little took George to be ready to call a fiacre – got along the arcades and Passage Delorme to the Palais Royal and walked slowly round it, and amused ourselves till 3 when the servants dine - .:. sent George home after getting us a fiacre for r. St. V- there in 20 minutes – Letter for me from SW. to say the Fold farm is on sale belonging to Messrs. Waterhouse Empson and Saltmarshe in right of their wives – and to say also that he thought Mrs. AW. should have some steady person to live with her naming the daughter of our Mr. Walkers’ quondam clerks’ but that Mrs. AW. was as well as usual – and ending with Mrs. AW. desired him, to tell Miss W- that she wanted her – took A- to the restaurant to have a basin of soup –and read letter there – A- poorly before – now in tears – took merely a spoonful of soup – to be off on Monday next and travel right and day – did what I could to tranquillize A- the rain continued home in a fiacre in about ½ hour at 5 20 by my watch and 5 by the Tuileries clock – wrote the last 12 lines – dinner at 6 and sat talking to A- till 10 – she wrote to her aunt and sister – talked the matter over and she got less unhappy about it and more inclined to return a little less hurriedly – very fine morning and fine day all after 1 when fair and rain more or less the rest of the day – F59 ½° now at 10 ½ pm by the Tuileries – I shall go by this
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dulceskull · 7 months
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me :3
me :3
Posted using PostyBirb
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