#3l smp s2
alienssstufff · 1 year
hiii !! i thought id ask you but if it's too much feel free to ignore...
i really want to get into the... life series i think it's called? or hermitcraft? (tumblr confused me a lot on the names) your art makes it seem very interesting and i've heard so many cool things and seen so many cool fanarts, but im not sure where to start since it seems to be a long series!
it usually helps me a lot when i get some sort of description of the characters in the series to know which ones i should look into to know where to start... so i was wondering if you could ramble a bit about any characters you want from the series!!! i have a big curiosity on grian, they seem very cool !
-Life Series has 4 (soon to be 5) seasons: 3rd Life [3L], Last Life [LL], Double Life [DL], Limited Life [LimL]. TLDR goal is to outlive everyone else and be the last person standing.
-Hermitcraft has 9 seasons. You do NOT need to watch every season in chronological order, they all exist as their separate thing.
Hermitcraft doesn't have ' set lore ' either hermits go on there for different reasons do different stuff and stories sprout off of that just *happen* momentarily.
I think watching the Life Series first BEFORE Hermitcraft is a good starting point bc there's less people to keep track of and improv plot happens, making it easier to pick out the faves you like and wish to continue watching on HC. Majority of the ppl in Life Series are on Hermitcraft while others are in Empires. Similar vibe of smp more lore and rules with governing different empires if you like that stuff :] there was also a crossover arc between Empires s2 and Hermitcraft S9 last year which was awesome.
As for Hermitcraft itself bwaaaa, pick any season (personal favourite is Season 7) - ppl rly like Seasons 7 8 and 9 but that's probably cuz they're newer. Current POVs in season 9 I watch: Bdubs, Etho, Scar, Grian, Tango, Beef - occasionally Impulse, Pearl, Zedaph
I did a similar ask on recommended Life Series POVs for each season HERE. Just know that the LAST LIFE ETHO/BDUBS POV compulsory event you MUST watch that at least once.
random Life Series thoughts:
Grian isn't as serious and calculative as he's popularly depicted as in fanon, he has lots of fun always he silly :]! And I think the reason just comes from his competitive approach to each season and his relationships. He treats it as it is: a game and trying to place him in an rp/lore setting makes him come off as such. In reality he's easily tunnel visioned by The Bit (things like gimmick kills, one-off plans) and trying to win and that's completely fine.
That being said I do not believe desertduo (Grian/Scar) are opposites of eachother, they have much in common and just because they are doesn't make their chemistry any less valuable. If you want to talk about opposites SCAB (Scar/Etho) is the way to go. Very apparent in 3L and especially LL: Magic vs Science, Fire vs Ice, wildcards. Scar the lover who tries to be a survivor, Etho the survivor who tries to be a lover. Their tension bleeds into Hermitcraft (see S7) as well and I wish people realised how awesome scab just is guys scab is so awesome u_u
From the architecture down to their fates, Bdubs' builds are the embodiment of his love for the people he aligns himself to each season, there's a reason why he'd rather risk his entire being to protecting places so sacred and I think about that loads. whwhwh I'd talk about it/analyse each build individually because he is my favouriteee but I am shy u///u....
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a summary post for which pov i main or have mained for each series
lovely world: c!stampy, in the sense that yes, stampy pov is the only primary pov, but he is the closest character to being stuck in my head all series (sorry helpers and villains)
dsmp: c!quackity, but i am also fairly knowledgable about c!wilbur and formerly c!tommy (the finale sucked and you heard it from me)
empires s1: e1!seablings + e1!scott. i admit i am not up to date on my povs. i might watch another pov or more in the future when i get the time and motivation
empires s2: I WATCHED EVERY SINGLE POV at the start my dude. but i dropped out on joey after the crossover (due to time limitations) and i am not quite sure about the hermit side of things, so i think only know maybe half the story for e2!false and e2!gem
evo smp: i am only about halfway through grian pov rn but just you wait, i have so many povs to get through
3rd life: i did not watch 3rd life when it first came out but i have watched 3l!flower husbands and 3l!martyn, 3l!desert duo is still on the table
last life: i have only watched ll!lizzie and i am rusty… i swear i will keep watching when i have the time and motivation
double life: i watched dl!scott, dl!joel, dl!jimmy, and dl!scar when the series first came out
limited life: i have watched every pov other than team ties and big b (the latter only for an episode)
rats smp: i mainly got my info through r!scott episodes and the odd r!owen episode and r!jimmy vod. i am not fully up to date on all the lore just yet. i have also watched all of r!shelby and r!eloise's episodes
qsmp: i am very NOT up to date on the lore because i rely on tumblr and discord for updates now, there is just too much going on. i have however watched everything about q!dan the missing man so that counts?
new life smp: i am watching every single episode. from every pov. this sadly means i am missing out on nl!meghan because she just streams it
pirates smp: i am watching all yt episodes that come out but for now i am still catching up on vods. if i had to pick my most watched pov at this moment it would be scott again
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
I just got an ad during dinner for the "Aha" drink .
i cannot make this up
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gerry4mike · 3 years
have my ethubs au bcs i like it
several things before i copy paste it here: i explain things quite chaotically so it may be a pain 2 read. also i do not understand tumblr im here because trafficblr >>>> traffictwt Please Dont Exile Me. also there are typos and mistakes bcs i am lazy. its nothin too professional so . can b read as whatever
bdubs is the god of time, one of several gods who were worshipped in the area. nobody knows their names, they are just callled god of time, god of nature, god of life, etc. and they vibe in their god place only sometimes comin back 2 like vibe set some prophets ec. so weve got bdubs, god of time., hes tired, i mean, he has the tiring task of takin care of time and time is a circle that keeps repeating. in the moments of rest he sleeps and repeates his life constantly from the moment of him becoming the god to the current moment. so, bdubs is besties w cleo and cleo is the god of life, but also death. peopple usually think of them as of two different people, ecause the god of life appears in a beautiful light and is wonderful; the god of death is filled w decayin flesh and gray skin. but both of them are cleo. and so bdubs' prophet died, like humans do, so bdubs had to ascend in the form of a human, to find a new prophet. the myth is that if u get handed a specific type of a clock by a human it means that the god of time has chosen you to b the next prophet. so, bdubs chooses a man w a long, white braid and elf ears. but - but ! - the man laughs at him ! "you wont get me this easilt", he says. after talkin w him for a bit, it tunrnrs out that his name is etho and - BOOM ! - he is an atheist ! the only atheist in the whole area and hes pretty well known for that, with people constantly trying to make him believe in the gods. bdubs could give up and find a new prophet, sure, but that etho guy is interesting - so he stays w him. and they talk. and they bond. and they get close. and suddenly, bdubs doesnt want to make him believe in the gods, bcs it would mean that he had to go back. and both of them wouldnt just hang out anymore. thats not good. so they just vibed. and one day, cleo appeared in front of him, with tears running down her cheeks and she told him that those who are above them - those higher than gods, the ones who Watch - have noticed what theyre doing and that such a close relationship between a human and a god shouldnt be. and those who Watch, the watchers, theyre going to take an action against them. "like always", she cries, holding onto his shoulders. "please, bdubs. not anymore”.
bdubs doesnt understand her, but his heart hurts. she dissapears and he wonders, still smelling the rotten flesh. those who Watch - the watchers - they are higher than gods. they are scary. they do not care for anything beyond themselves and their fun. gods are just pawns, supposed to be stuck in their place so the real fun - stupid, impulsive humans - can survive, cause wars and suffer all over again. its entertaining to the watchers. and thats why the gods cant get close to humans - if they grow attached to them, they would stop allowing the humans to be used as sacrificed in the great game of blood, orchestreated by the watchers. bdubs knows this - and yet, he looks at etho, and he cant let go. and he doesnt want to leave him there, in this awful human world. he is different than other gods. maybe he can talk to watchers, beg them to let them take etho with him to the place where gods live and grant him immortality? or to switch their places, so etho can be immortalized and be forever worshipped as the god of time and he, bdubs, could stay on earth as a weak human whos destiny is death? he wishes he could do that. the days go by and one day, when he and etho are in the walk in the forest, laughing - bdubs has never felt so alive before (he has always been stuck in a time loop, resurviving, and now hes living) - when they see a weird sihouletete floating above the ground. etho takes out his bow, because it may end badly for them, and they get closer. the floatring individual has wings on both sides of his head. they are colorful, bright, and they cover his eyes. "bdubs. etho. nice to see you again", he says, tilting his head and smiling widely. they both are confused, theyve never seen him before. "i am here for an execution." the watcher takes out his bow and seems to stare right into their souls, even if his eyes are covered. "once again. an execution of a god who got too close to a human" etho protectively stands in front of bdubs and aims his own bow at the being. they hear a laughter, the sound so similar to creature's voice, yet it doesnt come from his mouth. "god of time, even after such a long time, you cant remember yourself" and he shoots, wihtout hesitation, right at etho. bdubs didnt have much of a choice, did he? either way, hes gonna die, and hes not bringin etho down with him. so he pushed him away, arrow going right into bdubs' throat, causing him to fall on the ground. hes a god. an arrow shot by a human hand wouldnt hurt him, but this was a hand of the one who Watches. it was a deadly shot. pain wasnt something he ever felt before, but right now it was present. it was sweet. and he remembered. oh, he remembered. he laughed bitterely. etho was by his side, asking "why", putting a cloth over bdubs' throat. he didnt get an answer; he only got a clock in return. and when etho held it into his hands, he felt something so different. he dissapeared, appearing in the real for gods, screaming bdubs' name, but then he got confused. what was the word he was screaming? did it mean something? he couldnt remember it nor the letters that were in it. he shrugged, hiding the clock, a symbol of his divine power, into a pocket of his jacket and went to do work. he ehard that he have just lost a prophet, so he has to choose another one, right? ah, the hard life of a time god. several years later, while choosing a prophet, he met a man named bdubs, who caused his heart to hurt. he didnt give him the clock just yet - he wanted to get to know him first. this human made him feel so curious. what was about him, that made his heart ache? in another real, the goddes of life and death was sitting in front of table, once again crying over her friends' souls. her fate was tragic - people were afraid of one of her form while loving the other, not knowing it has always been the same person. but there were gods suffering far more. like the time god, who really was two people, eternally stuck in a repeating cycle. their lives could never change, like a hand of a clock cant change its trajectory.
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navy-leader · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
3l x dsmp au
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riacte · 3 years
Hi the 3rd lifers have given us a branding nightmare, all 3L S2 spoilers will be tagged last life smp / last life spoilers ^_^
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some of my favourite duos (other SMPs + some hermitcraft, no particular order)
Skizz and Logic. cant really explain more than that but loving the moment in the twitch rivals lobby when Skizz was trying to punch Logic then it turned out Logic was trying to give him a flower
Martyn and Skizz. they bonded surprisingly well during 3rd Life and even during twitch rivals Skizz kept praising Martyn's parkour skills and said "i love that dude". thank u Skizz i am cry now /pos
Jimmy and Pixl. SUCH a great duo! Pixl is extremely competent at Minecraft and Jimmy is not (affectionate). love the unintentional lore they're giving us on Empires too. 10/10
Grian and Scott. cant really explain this one either? i really loved their interactions on 3L and they just seem like a great duo cuz Grian is a chaos gremlin and Scott is just as chaotic but hides it better.
Skizz and Etho/Skizz and Grian. lotsa Skizz ones but he has great dynamics with everyone. these two partnerships are rly chaotic and i wanna see more of them going into 3L S2.
Ren and Martyn. i don't think i need to say any more than that :3
(may add more later)
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dark-fairy-type · 3 years
If there is anything I need to tag, please let me know. No questions asked, just automatically respecting the request(s). I might slip up, so remind me if I ever forget.
I try to tag anything flashy, but I have no idea what is and isn't safe for viewing, and no amount of examples will make it make sense to me. So I tag it all just in case.
Topic: Tag
Homestuck: Homestunk
Clothing: Fashions/Fashion
Important: Importanttag
Minecraft: Minecraft
Drawfee: Drawing Coffee
Drawga: Drawing Saga
Drawtectives: Drawing Detectives
Secret Sleepover Society: SSS
Resident Evil Village: Reezie Eevil Vil
Marine Animals: Marine Critters (I need to change this one)
Animals: Animals
Kingdom Hearts: KH
Warrior Cats: WC
Creepypasta: CrepePasta
Goatlings: Goat Game
Hermitcraft: HC
3rd Life: 3L
Last Life: LL
Double Life: DL
Limited Life: LimL
Secret Life: SL
Real Life SMP: RL
Afterlife (Origin+X Life) SMP: ALSMP
Rats SMP: Ratsmp & Ratsmp Paris Edition
Hanhua Riji/God Troubles Me: Hanhua Riji
Razia's Shadow: RS
Empires SMP: Empires & Empires S2
Bring Down Heaven (The City Stained Red, The Mortal Tally, God's Last Breath): BDH Spoilers
Romantic Killer: Romantic Killer
Tiger & Bunny: TB
FAItH The Unholy Trinity: FTU3
Ghost Trick: GT & Ghost Trick Spoilers
Asks: Answered Asks (because sometimes people are nice and explain things I don't understand, but reblogged nonetheless because I liked it.)
Posts: Rare Post
TricksterTox Reblog: My Art
Specific Characters: Tag
Obey Me! Characters-
Lucifer: The one who needs bonking
Mammon: The greedy one
Leviathan: The one that's basically me
Satan: The bookish one
Asmodeus: The pretty one
Beelzebub: The sweet one
Belphegor: The sleepy one
Lord Diavolo: My husband! / The Prince one
Barbatos: Goth Boyfriend / The tired one
Mephistopheles: The jealous one
Simeon: The writing one
Luke: Little brother! / The one quaking with anger
Raphael: The one with heavenly spears
Thirteen: The one named a number
Solomon: The eccentric one
Lilith: The fallen sister
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
Grian confirmed it during the break in MCC yesterday that 3L episodes come out tmmrw (Tuesday)!!
okay anyone who wont be able to watch tomorrow, BLOCK THE FUCKING TAG 3L SMP S2 BECAUSE I WONT BE SHUTTING UP ONCE I WATCH IT
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