#3DS modding
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cosmicsponge2004 · 9 months ago
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Sonic & Blaze rockin' that Modded 3DS Swag!
I haven't modded mine yet since my SD Carf arrives later but it's super easy to do
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webtomo · 9 months ago
Tomodachi Life Mods
By far my most popular post on this blog is my post about the gay marriage mod by Kobazco. To my knowledge, this mod has been on hiatus for quite some time, and unfortunately will probably continue to remain on hiatus for a long time. This mod requires reverse engineering of the games code, which is complex and takes time.
HOWEVER, there are a multitude of mods that I would like to highlight that actually are available for download currently (including one that actually works around the gender issue). All of them are relatively simple to install (assuming you are either using Citra, or have custom firmware on your 3ds).
Below the cut, I have chosen some specific mods and addons I would like to highlight!
Gender Removal Mod
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This mod aims to remove any and all gendered language in Tomodachi Life, replacing any mention of "He" or "She" with They/Them pronouns. Of course, this does not get rid of the gay marriage discrepancy, but it does prevent any of your Miis from being misgendered.
The only issue in my experience, is that the European version of the mod does not change pronouns in Mii News (which I believe is not an issue in the US version of the mod). Some visual stuff is also not edited, but is possibly subject to change in the future, though the developer has not updated the mod in over a year.
Japanese & Korean Tomodachi
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This mod replaces Japanese and Korean text from those versions of the game with English text. This mod is relatively recent and still has a few issues, but I think this is a really cool mod if you want to check out the Japanese or Korean versions without having to manually translate text. Most of the text in this mod is not directly translated, and instead is pulled from the English version(s), but it does seek to translate the stuff that is not available in any English versions.
The biggest issue I have had with this mod is specifically with the Japanese version not being able to open Mii News without crashing. I have also had issues with it crashing on an emulator in both versions occasionally (and also has some text formatting errors). Regardless though, I will keep an eye on the development of this mod, as it is being actively worked on currently.
HD Mii Texture Pack
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This is a Citra texture pack that gives the Mii faces HD textures. Though not technically a "mod" for gameplay, I do want to highlight it. This texture pack exclusively for Citra that just replaces the low res Mii face textures from the Mii Maker with higher resolution textures. If you are deciding to play the game in HD on an emulator, I think this is something you will appreciate, considering the Miis make up a good percentage of everything you see in-game.
I personally have had no issues with this texture pack, though it seems that some people have had issues with lag and crashing. So, I would just be aware of that if you decide to install this pack.
Tomodachi Enterprise
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This is a mod that changes tons of food, adds custom rooms, clothing, activities, interactions, items, and more. This is a mod that I have not actually played myself (yet), but is one i am looking forward to finally checking out. This mod is currently in development and is being actively updated, and I would consider to currently be the most in-depth mod for Tomodachi Life.
The only reason I have not played this yet is other life obligations, but I have seen a lot of what's in it. I would still say that if you are interested in mods like this, I would definitely go check it out yourself!
But yeah, this is what I would consider to be interesting mods for the game if you are looking for something like that. All of these come from Gamebanana, and this is not the full extent of what is available on there, these are just some of my personal favorites. I suggest looking into it yourself if you are interested, or if you are interested in developing mods for the game yourself! I just wanted to highlight some mods that I find interesting. I may post some other mod related stuff if you are interested!
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sunnycluster · 4 months ago
Is sky for the 3Ds laggy for anyone else??
It runs a bit slow but I guess that comes with having to work with this old of hardware
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cryptidanathema · 7 months ago
I'm fascinated by the, I dunno what to call it, 3ds subculture that's been emerging now that Nintendo has officially left it behind? Technology thriving away from the corporate overlords that first put it into the world. You love to see it.
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takeyourprecioustime · 7 days ago
I made a supernatural 3DS theme pls clap
(Yes it plays the entire ghostfacers theme)
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demispark · 6 months ago
If you have a 3DS (especially a modded one), you are doing yourself a DISSERVICE by not playing Kid Icarus Uprising.
Love yourself.
Play Kid Icarus Uprising.
It's literally the best game on the console.
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forklesbian · 7 days ago
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Look! Its Sam and Max on the Nintendo 3ds!
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kaboodlesdoodles · 11 months ago
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I forgot to post about it but I modded my 3ds yesterday!! :3
it was actually way easier than I thought lol
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theoretical-tactician · 2 years ago
Hey! So, I said I might make a list of Fire Emblem modding links, so here it is! Before anything, be sure you have a hacked 3DS so you can mod your games. You can load mods directly onto a hacked 3DS OR you can use a hacked 3DS to dump your games and play them on an emulator.
If you haven't hacked your 3DS yet, follow this guide to do so! It's easy and super safe!
I would highly recommend using a hacked 3DS as citra was taken down. Of course, if you can find a branch of citra to use or another emulator, feel free to try. Just be aware that emulators can be demanding and not all games function great.
Now, as for game modding, here are a few of my favorite things to use as well as some interesting mods others enjoy. Feel free to share mods you enjoy and I'll add them to this list.
General Modding
Paragon - This in and of itself is not a mod. However, if you're interested in dipping your toes in trying to create your own mods, this is a good starting point! This tool provides you with a friendly user interface to mess with the code of the game and create your own custom mods (don't worry, you don't need to know how to code).
Fire Emblem Awakening
Unofficial Gay Awakening - As the name says it adds gay supports in Awakening. I can't really add anything here.
Project Thabes - This is an overhaul of Awakening, akin to a sort of remix. The idea is fixing up some issues with story, rebalancing, and remixing maps. Definitely an interesting project to check out if you want a fresh experience with the game.
Twin Morgans - Y'know. If you want double the Morgan. :)
Reverse Recruitment Order - Excluding Chrom, Robin, and Lucina, all units are obtained in reverse order. Something fun to mix up your game.
Fates Stances - If you came to really love the stance system in Fates, good news! This mod implements the stance system into Awakening. Yeah, it's less broken, but way more fun.
Gender-Lock Removal - You want male pegasus knights and female barbarians? Here they are. Need I say more?
Gender Neutral Robin - For the fellow nonbinary gamers who wish for a gender neutral experience. A mod that removes all gendered text for Robin, turning it gender neutral.
Sexualization Removal - Women now have pants :)
No Ambush Reinforcements - The worst part of playing Awakening on any difficulty outside normal is that enemies act the same turn they spawn. This mod removes of that ridiculous (and honestly unfair) mechanic.
Fire Emblem Fates
Unofficial Gay Fates - It's as the name says: a mod to add gay supports to Fates. Though it's not just gay, it also generally adds additional supports between characters.
Ignis - This is a Fates randomizer that allows you to customize your own experience. This can randomize recruitment order, chest/village items, skills, classes, stats, and so on. I've been using this for years, so I can vouch for its fun and stability.
Fates HD - Just a mod to upscale textures. Meant for people playing the game on citra, not hardware.
Before Fates - This mod is currently a work in progress, but it's meant to expand the backstory in Fates. While it's incomplete, it's definitely worth keeping an eye on.
Fates Retranslation+ - If you kinda hate the translation of Fates, good news! This mod retranslates the entire game to better match the original Japanese version. It also adds some minor patches, but the idea of this mod is to fix the English translation.
Princess Personals - Legendary weapons for the princesses. Because they earned it. :)
Non-Binary Corrin - For all my non-binary pals out there, someone made a mod to make all references to Corrin gender-neutral. (Note: the mod creator is remaking the mod due to some issues.)
Playable Lilith - Do you love Lilith? Sad that she's stuck being killed off in routes and is otherwise unplayable? Well, this mod adds her as a playable character. Do it for her.
Face-Lift - This mod does some edits to characters to update things like skin tones and eye colors to look more natural/better match parents (like giving Benny darker skin rather than grey skin). It has a regular version for hardware and HD version for citra users who like having the HD mod.
Sexualization Removal - Women can finally have pants :)
Kana Promotion Outfits - A personal favorite of mine: this mod gives Kana actual unique promotion outfits. Their silly little bandana will never leave us.
Everything is Silver - Unlike the other Fates mods here, this is just a silly little challenge mod I made. It gives every weapon the silver weapon flag, causing them to debuff you after combat. It's a fun challenge run that may force you to come at the game from a new angle.
Fire Emblem Echoes
Route Swap - Just a funky little mod that swaps the two parties. So now Celica and crew are on Alm's journey and vice versa.
Model + Texture Overhaul - This mod does small fixes to texture errors and inconsistencies as well as adding some new unique models.
Echoes: RG Edition - This mod adds some new classes including a player axe user class. The additional classes can make an interesting new experience for players, not to mention this mod adds some new difficulty to the game.
Playable Berkut and Fernand - As stated in the title, you'll be able to use Berkut and Fernand should you so desire.
7-Eleven Collab Enabler - Are you aware of the Japan-only limited time 7-Eleven collab with SoV? Well, if you weren't now you are. And you can access these items.
Gender-lock Removal - Gender locked classes have always been an issue in Fire Emblem. But now you can remove that restriction with this mod. Not only are classes unrestricted, but the Ram Village boys now have a triangle attack.
Installing Mods
Assuming your 3DS is hacked, you should be using luma to mod games. Once you have your mod files, installing them is extremely easy. Load up your SD card and go into luma > titles and create a folder with the corresponding title id to your game.
Once you have a folder for your game, drop the mod files within (remember to unzip them, and they should be a romfs folder). If done correctly, it should look something like this.
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There's one final step before you run your modded game, though! Reinsert your SD card in your 3DS and then hold SELECT while powering the console on. The luma config menu should come up. Select "Enable game patching" then press START to save.
You only ever have to do this luma step once. So once you've enable game patching, you can freely switch out mods on your 3DS and they'll run automatically. If you want to disable mods, either delete them from your SD card or disable game patching.
Just like with hardware, modding games on citra is extremely easy. All you have to do is open citra, right click the game you want to mod, and click "Open Mods Location" from the menu like below.
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This will create/open a mod folder for the title you selected. Just like on the 3DS, all you have to do is insert your mod folder here. It should be inside a romfs folder like below.
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If you did everything correctly, then your mods should take effect when you next run your game on citra.
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t1tans0rd64 · 6 months ago
My O3DSxl (left) and New 3DSxl (right). I've had these both for a couple of years. The old 3ds is a hand me down, and the new 3ds is one I bought second hand for about 50 quid. I've modded them both, but I mainly use the old 3ds mainly just because it's the one I'm most attached to. I mainly use the New 3Ds as a PS1 emulator since the O3ds can't emulate ps1. I'm saving up to get a refurbished PS Vita for Christmas =)
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the-wonderously-strange · 3 months ago
Two online friends of mine suggested I mod my 3DS, but I never did so due to fear of ruining it, especially since it wasn't cheap! Plus, I'm pretty vanilla, I didn't really feel the need to have all those extra bells and whistles that come with modding.
That said, there were a few Japanese exclusive games I'd wanted to play, but didn't exactly want to buy an entire Japanese 3DS to do so. I'm still basic and plan to buy physical copies for all the games I want though lol.
So, the other day, I sucked it up and did so and yay! I didn't break anything!
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Oh, Nintendo and their obsession with AR in the early 2010s.
I adore Project Mirai DX, and really wanted to play the first game, which never came to the US. The Japanese site had a download for the AR cards, which was nice, but the best part was that in the first Project Mirai game, you can add your Mii to photos in the AR station! Something about me is that I LOVE Miis.
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I also downloaded a theme! I just love how cute and bright it is. :D
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tardigradetv · 5 days ago
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Hitoya 3DS 'cause why not
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universe-4162 · 1 month ago
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I got a little drunk last night and modded.
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asterdotash · 3 months ago
making my 3ds the most girlypop device i own has been so good for my mental state and i am not even kidding when i say that
downloading a cardcaptor sakura theme that plays the intro music instrumental in the background whenever i boot it legit makes me smile every single time and playing around with my silly little friends in tomodachi life these past 2 days has been so fun like !!!!!!!!!!
augh i love this silly little console so much it brings so much happy :3
and streetpass!!! even with netpass i get so much silly from it, esp the gardening minigame :D having a little garden and growing cute little flowers is so dang rewarding and seeing my lil mii dancing around whenever i get streetpass/netpass hits is so !!!!!!
i wanna do physical mods so bad (usb-c charger, clear hardcase if possible) but even what i've done with the software just makes me so happy
maybe i should get a stick-on skin for it or something in the meantime,,,,,,, (っ- ‸ - ς)
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cancelable slide my pride and joy that i continue to be annoying about i love this so fucking much
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strip4kaneshiro · 28 days ago
More 3DS stuff because I’m so cool like that:
Thinking of buying the original 3DS XL in either mint, white, or pink. My childhood console is a bit small in my hands now, being short aside💔. But looking for consoles in GOOD CONDITION that aren’t being price gouged to hell is far and few between omg.
Pls someone in America let go of that pink/white/mint 3DS you don’t need it (manipulative and deceitful intent /j)
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