#35th birthday shirt
fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
I gotta say I am such a sucker for Eddie and Steve genuinely not falling in love, not even seeing each other in more than a wholly friendly way, until they're well into their thirties.
No high school crushes, no trauma born romance, just two guys who sincerely did not like each other as teenagers and then grew to respect each other in the face of unimaginable strife, who figured out how to be friends somewhere in the aftermath, who maybe only managed to hold onto each other through cross-country moves and major life changes and stumbles back home and repeat, repeat repeat, simply because there was no greater attachment than having someone who gets it and gets them in an uncomplicated way.
Just friends, although maybe a different sort than Robin is to Steve or the Hellfire boys are to Eddie, and that's a big deal in and of itself for two guys who have more than their fair share of abandonment issues.
Because so long as their relationship is this, friends on the phone, friends who visit each other over the holidays, friends who-- for 18 months when they're both in their late twenties and having parallel professional crises-- live in the same two bedroom apartment in chicago and accidentally adopt a stray cat together, it's a stable thing in two lives that are otherwise anything but.
There's no reason to look at it deeper than that, no reason to really question a change in feeling that happens so slowly over so many, many years until eventually it just...is.
It's no big revelation, although it will become an important choice, but in the moment at the end of a long day of moving Eddie back to Indy where he and Will are hunkering down to write their next joint graphic novel endeavor, something just clicks for Steve.
Clicks into a place that maybe hadn't even existed before this night, sharing a beer on Eddie's new-old couch, music playing because they're too tired to hook up the TV properly, and sitting close after months apart while they've both been busy doing their own thing.
The walls of this little living room in this little house near Butler are still bare and the room is lit entirely by the glow of the kitchen filtering in and Eddie is laughing so bright and big at Steve's updates from the pottery studio where he works downtown and the way Steve suddenly wants to touch him, feel the laughter, taste it doesn't feel as sudden or shocking or massive as it probably should.
It just feels.
He's not drunk, hasn't really had the constitution for it since he passed his 35th birthday, but his body goes soft and warm in a sober replication of such a thing, and he doesn't try to stop the float of his hand to push a curl up off of Eddie's forehead-- hair shorter these days, but no less wild.
"You look good," he says, and Eddie's smile lines dig deep into his cheeks, dimples on full display as he swirls the inch of beer at the bottom of his bottle absentmindedly.
"You look like you could use some sun," Eddie tells him, still grinning, leaning into Steve's touch without an ounce of shame.
"It's November in Indiana," Steve levels him with a look that's second nature, "not all of us spent the past six months at the beach, Munson."
"Fair enough," Eddie chuckles, free hand tugging gently at the collar of Steve's shirt.
Sitting so close. Something clicks.
"Next time," Eddie's eyes had so much life to them when they met all those years ago, it's only grown in depth, the way they flicker across Steve's face tonight, "you'll just have to come with me."
It's not unclear, who kisses who, because Steve decides in that moment that he's going to kiss Eddie in the yellow glow of the kitchen light, but the way Eddie accepts it so forthright, kisses back without a beat of surprise or hesitation, it's almost like Steve just barely beat him to the punch.
He tastes like beer, tastes sun kissed and sweaty from a full day of carrying furniture inside, and Steve feels something that he's come to appreciate head-on in his life in a way he never really got a decade-plus ago.
He's got Eddie Munson grinning against his lips, licking into his mouth, both of them all but giggling as the guy crawls into his lap, and it doesn't feel like time was wasted, it doesn't even feel like finally.
It just is.
Time and space and endless ongoing choices that led them here to Eddie's hands cupping Steve's jaw and Steve's grip on Eddie's waist over an old, soft t-shirt.
"You look good too," Eddie breathes, lips against Steve's temple as they catch their breath, a teasing sort of lilt to it that has Steve pinching the skin at Eddie's hip in retaliation because he'd said Steve needed some sun, but it's pretty clear that he's about to start getting plenty.
Eddie yelps and bites Steve's ear and god, oh god, something clicks.
Steve is going to buy this man flowers.
He's going to go into work tomorrow and throw a vase on the wheel to put them in.
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maddiethedogstories · 3 months
The Birthday - Part 1
I couldn't imagine a more perfect way to spend the morning of my 35th birthday. It had been a beautiful, spring Saturday morning. I got up a little later than usual, put on my khakis and a polo shirt, grabbed breakfast at the club house with my best friends, and spent the entire morning playing golf.
Usually, weekend mornings are full of 'Daddy-duties' for me. Wake up, turn on some cartoons for the kids, change the baby's diaper and get everyone out of pajamas, make breakfast, then load everyone up in the car for the youth sports game-of-the-week. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I love being a dad. I love spending time with my kids. But, today, my birthday, my wonderful wife Madeline let me make the day just about me, and I love that too.
It was about 1:00 pm by the time I got home. I staggered into the house a little more unbalanced than usual, having had a few more than my normal share of beers on the course. In my slightly drunken state, it took me a second to recognize that something was different than normal in the house, but, after hanging my keys on the key hook and wandering into the kitchen, things started to feel off.
First, the house was clean. The toys, normally spread across the house, were all in their proper place. The kitchen counters were crumb free. The sink was clear of dishes. Now, I am not saying our house is normally a mess, but with kids, it's generally impossible to keep the house cleaner than 'slightly cluttered.'
"Love?" I called out, "The house looks beautiful? Did you and the kids spend the whole morning cleaning?"
My yell was met with silence. That was also odd. With the kids around, the house was always noisy. However, at that moment, there was nothing. No one was crying, or laughing, or yelling. The sounds of the latest episode of Bluey or Pokemon weren't blaring from the playroom. There wasn't even music playing. I started to become suspicious. Was anyone home?
With growing concern, I turned and left the kitchen and heading upstairs to the master bedroom. Maybe my wife was taking a nap? Maybe she convinced the kids to nap to? It seemed unlikely, but, in my happy, half-drunk stupor, I was ready to get to the bottom of this mystery.
I walked upstairs briskly, now more cautious about yelling out, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were sleeping. As I made it to the second floor hallway, I was greeted by more of what I had seen downstairs. An impeccably clean and quiet house.
As I passed each of the children's bedrooms, I peaked in, hoping to get some sign of what was happening. I got no hints. Each of my kids rooms was clean, organized, and devoid of life.
I finally made it to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. As I approached the room, I noticed that the door was shut. Much like the house being clean and silent, that never happened. Cautiously, and still a little unsteadily, I approached the white door to my bedroom, grabbed the handle, and cautiously pushed the door open. As I did, I was greeted by the sultry voice of my wife.
"Why hello there big boy! I see someone finally made it home for his birthday surprise!"
Like a dog anticipating a treat when they hear their master reach for the treat bag, I suddenly was overcome by an overwhelming sexual anticipation for what was coming next. I could feel my cock, flaccid and unnoticed just moments before, grow larger and harder, pressing against my khakis in a way that made my feelings for my wife obvious to anyone who could see me.
Now driven by lust, I abandoned my previous sense of caution. I flung open the door to my bedroom to reveal my wife lying on top of the comforter of our king sized bed.
My eyes were instantly drawn to my wife, lying across the bed seductively. She was wearing the sexiest, laciest black lingerie I had ever seen. It emphasized her cleavage and ass perfectly. Her long, brown hair, styled wavy, was draped over her shoulder. In her hand was a riding crop, a favorite tool for administrating 'punishments' in our house.
"Happy Birthday Baby! I thought maybe we could celebrate together today?" My wife, Melody, said seductively, smacking the leather end of the riding crop in her empty hand for emphasis. I felt blood flow to my penis as she spoke. Suddenly, my member was straining against the confines of my boxer briefs and khakis. This was going to be a good birthday.
Noticing my arousal, Melody climbed off the bed, leaving the riding crop behind, and walked up to me. She grabbed my now rock hard penis over my pants with one hand and used her other hand to pull my head down into a passionate kiss. I immediately reciprocated.
As we kissed, Melody, despite being 8 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter than me, used the leverage she had from handling my penis to maneuver me to a position where my back was to the bed as we kissed. Once I felt the back of my knees brush against our king-sized mattress, Melody surprised me with a shove to the chest, forcing me to lie on my back on the bed. Then, with a mischievous grin on her face, she reached for my belt and the buckle of the pants, expertly undoing both and ripping my pants off.
"We can't have you wearing these! They'll just get in the way!" She exclaimed as she through my khakis to the ground unceremoniously. I grinned in anticipation as Melody climbed on top of me, straddling me at the waist, and began rubbing her still panty clad pussy on my still underwear covered penis.
As she continued the motion, she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Oh, you like that big boy?" I just moaned in response. I could feel pre-cum leaking out of my penis into my underwear.
"Yeah, I bet you do, you naughty little boy," She continued. I just moaned again. However, the friction felt so good, along with the dirty talk, I suddenly was becoming worried that I was going to cum even before we started to have sex. I tried to turn my head away and think of something else, just to extend the amount of time this would last.
Melody laughed as I turned my head away, clearly aware of what I was doing. I started to blush in embarrassment at the realization that she new I was at risk of losing control even before we started fucking.
"Oh, does this feel a little TOO GOOD for you baby? We can't have that! Let's slow things down," Melody said, climbing off of me, and, thankfully, giving me the chance to slow down. I looked down at my blue boxer briefs and saw a distinct wet spot from where my pre-cum had soaked into my underwear. Melody looked at it to, frowned playfully, but didn't say anything about the stain immediately.
"I want to make this last all day for you, so let's try something else," Melody said as she walked over to our nightstand. I followed her shapely, barely covered ass as she moved around the bed. Then, for the first time, I noticed some new things about the room.
First, on the nightstand were a number of 'supplies' I had never seen before. On the nightstand was a blindfold, a contraption with leather straps I couldn't quite identify but looked like it was meant to go around a person's head, and a pair of large, noise cancelling wireless headphones. Looking closer to me, I noticed that our bed was slightly different as well. Rather than being covered in our normal comforter and pillows, the bed was covered in nothing but black satin sheets. Also, interestingly, there were now wrist and ankle restraints attached to each corner of the bed, waiting patiently to pin down whoever was strapped into to them. I couldn't help but grin. Today WAS going to be a good day. I'd never been so glad that we slowed down early.
Melody turned around from where she stood, bent over the nightstand. "Like what you see?" She asked, wiggling her ass playfully as she grabbed the blindfold in her other hand.
I laughed, "Oh yeah."
"Well, big boy, I've got something special in mind for you today, but, its a surprise, so I need you to let me take control," she said as she returned to my position on the bed. "So, first, put this on." Melody handed me the blindfold.
"Kinky," I said playfully, complying with her command and blindfolding myself.
"Oh, you don't even know," Melody said. "Now, lay back on the bed and spread out your arms and legs. Today is about me taking care of you."
Excited by where this was going, I did as she asked. I spread out my arms and legs and felt as she, with surprising expertise, strapped me into the wrist and ankle restraints.
"What's gotten into you Melly? You never want to play like this?" I asked as she strapped me in, a little disappointed that with the blindfold on, I couldn't see my wife's marvelous body.
"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Now, no more talking, baby!" She said. Suddenly, I felt something soft and rubber brush my lips. "Open up and take this," Melody suddenly said.
I did as she asked and let the rubber object enter my mouth. As it filled my mouth, I felt it suddenly stop as a hard piece of plastic hit the outside of my lips. Panic suddenly hit me as I realized what this was--a pacifier.
Since before Melody and I had even started dating, I had an ABDL fetish. Specifically, I loved the idea of diapering, babifying, and humiliating strong, independent women. I did not know where it came from, and in a lot of ways, I loathed the fetish. The idea that humiliating and infantilizing women turned me on, despite my actual strong feminist values, disgusted me.
As a result, I never acted on it and had never shared my fetish with Melody, or any other woman for that matter. That had not stopped me from viewing, reading, and eventually writing copious amounts of ABDL porn during our relationship though.
The feeling of the pacifier being pressed into my mouth created so many concerns.
First, how had Melody found out about my fetish? Had she found out about my fetish? Was she upset about it? Second, despite having an ABDL fetish, the idea of being infantalized myself disgusted me.
In my fantasies, I was ALWAYS the dominant daddy, slowly helping my partner become the helpless, infantalized adult they deserved to be treated as. I was never the one being babied. If Melody's plan was to do this to me, that was NOT what I wanted.
In the time that all of this went through my head, I was able to spit out my pacifier and yell out, "What the fuck?!?" I struggled at my bonds as I felt the wet rubber of the giant plastic nipple land on my chest. No matter how much I pulled I could not get free. Frustratingly, I couldn't see Melody's reaction to my struggles, but I could hear her laugh.
I felt the pacifier that had just been in my mouth being picked up off my chest and pressed into my lips again.
"Take this in you mouth, big boy, or suffer the consequences," my wife's voice commanded. Melody emphasized her point by squeezing my balls almost uncomfortably with her free hand.
I wasn't going to give in that easily. I closed my lips tight and turned my head to the side. When I thought I was safe from the childish soother being shoved in my mouth, I responded. "What the fuck is going on Melody, what are you doing? Is that a pacifier you are trying to get me to suck on?" I asked.
Melody with impatience in her voice, refused to answer my questions.
"You'll know precisely what is going on soon enough. Now, suck on this before I make you suck on it," she ordered, attempting to shove the rubber nipple in my mouth a third time. I refused again.
"Have it your way," she said, "this makes it more fun for me anyway."
I felt the mattress I was tied to move as Melody got off of the bed. I then heard the sound of something being moved around on the nightstand. The bed shook again and Melody got back on. I became nervous as I could feel her kneeling next to my prone form.
Suddenly, without almost any warning, I felt a sharp smack to my penis and balls. The pain, while not particular intense, as the slap was blessedly light, was unexpected and sharpe. I raised my head and yelled out. "Owww!"
As I opened my mouth, what must have been a different pacifier, given the much larger size of the rubber nipple was shoved in my now open mouth. At the same time, what must have been the leather straps I saw on the nightstand earlier, were quickly shoved over my head. I tried to spit this new, larger pacifier out. I couldn't. I could feel that with one hand, Melody was now holding the pacifier into place. With her other hand, she was tightening the straps wrapped around my head. A thrashed my head back and forth, but I couldn't stop the process. Within moments, I felt my wife stop pushing the pacifier into my mouth. However, even without that pressure, I couldn't spit it out. Given the days of my life I had spent masturbating to adult baby porn, I knew what I was wearing--a pacifier gag.
I heard Melody sigh in satisfaction as she pulled away from my body, leaving me to struggle against my restraints. "Much better," She said triumphantly, "this will go much smoother if you can't talk."
"Mmmmrrrppphh," I said, unable to form any words due to the size of the large pacifier stuck in my mouth.
I heard Melody walk around the bed, stopping at the foot of the bed. I felt her reach her hand up to my underwear and poke at the wet spot made from my pre-cum earlier.
"Oh my! Look at this, it looks like my BIG, ADULT husband had a little accident in his undies, didn't he?" she chided me with a condescending tone. I growled into the pacifier shoved into my mouth, horrified at where this was going. "I though I was married to a grown up who could keep his pants clean, it doesn't look like it though, does it?" she continued. I growled in the pacifier and thrashed around again. "Clearly, you aren't ready for big boy undies. I think you would look much cuter in diapers anyway. Let's just get this underwear off."
I felt the weight of my wife leaning over the bottom of the bed before I felt the cool metallic feel of scissors sliding up to the bottom of my boxer briefs. I bucked my hips as I felt Melody begin to cut my underwear free. I just couldn't believe what was happening. I had read this story so many times. Fantasized about it. Fuck, I'd even written something close to this once. But, every single time, I was the one removing the underwear, not the one having it taken from me. This was horrible.
"Stop that baby!" Melody said, giving my balls a warning slap as I bucked my hips and tried to prevent this indignity from continuing. "Do you want me to accidentally cut you? These scissors are sharp?"
As she spoke, I realized she was right. Even this humiliation wasn't worth injuring myself. I stopped struggling long enough to let Melody continue cutting my boxer briefs off. "Good boy!" she said encouragingly as she pulled my destroyed underwear free, exposing my ass and crotch. I felt my penis, rock hard only minutes earlier, shrivel up from the cold air and the humiliation of what was happening.
"Oh, how cute! It knows where it's going, so it shrunk up appropriately," Melody said, playfully pinching my penis. "Alright, stay here baby, I'll be back in a second."
I groaned inwardly as I heard Melody leave the room. Where was I going to go? Strapped to the bed, blindfolded, half-naked, and forced to suck on a pacifier, I was firmly detained at this point. It didn't take long before I heard Melody re-enter the room. I listened closely and could clearly hear the rustling sound that I knew must be the diaper she was holding. I listened further as Melody retook her position at the foot of our bed and placed the items she was carrying down.
"Alright, big boy, time to get you diapered for Mommy!" Melody said as I felt her lean over my spread legs.
I immediately started to thrash and scream into my pacifier. This was not going to happen to me. I was an adult. I was in control. I was the Daddy Domme! If anyone in this house was going to be diapered, it'd be Melody, not me! My struggles proved useless though. Try as I might, Melody had been prepared. The ankle and wrist restraints were too solidly attached to the bed frame, and she clearly didn't skimp on the quality of the restraints themselves. I was not going to break free. After what felt like minutes of struggling, I gave up, embracing my fate.
Melody, for her part, just giggled at my struggles. "What a silly boy, thinking he can get free of Mommy that easily?" Melody teased me as I thrashed. When I finally gave up, she said with the tone I had heard her use with our toddlers so many toys, "A you done throwing your tantrum? Good. Now, let's get this diaper on you before you make a mess on the bed!"
With that, I felt Melody lean back over the bed and place what had to be the diaper down near my resting ass.
"Lift!" My wife ordered me. Resigned to the futility of my situation, I complied, lifting my hips into the air. I felt the diaper slide underneath me.
"Drop!" She indicated. I let my ass fall onto the surprisingly soft padding.
"Good boy," She said, and I felt her begin to spread lotion over my skin. The sensation of her rubbing me brought some life back to my penis. I felt myself getting aroused again. I turned red with embarassment. The idea that I could get any sort of enjoyment out of being treated like this was humiliating.
"Oh, it looks like my little friend wants to come out to play!" Melody said as she saw my member grow harder. She immediately redirected her attention. "Well, if he wants to play, let's play!"
I started to moan as Melody gave me the most enthusastic hand job she had ever given me. She laughed as I thrusted my dick into her hand and grunted into the pacifier.
"Oh, baby likes that, does he?" She said breathily, quickly moving her hand up and down my shaft. After years of being together, Melody knew almost exactly when I was about to cum. Right as I was on the verge of bursting, she let go of my dick. Then, quickly, she folded the diaper over my penis and held it there as I came into the thick padding.
"Gotta be careful to not get any icky juices on you during diaper changes, just like with the boys!" Melody said as I moaned and came into my diaper. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red as she compared me coming into my diaper to a baby boy peeing during a diaper change. Despite the orgasm, this entire situation was torture.
Melody then quickly taped me into my padded, and now sticky, prison. She then crawled on top of me, in some sort of twisted call-back to our earlier sexual encounter, and rubbed her ass back and forth on my padded crotch a couple of times mockingly.
"Oh, this is much better," She laughed, as she bent over and pulled the blindfold off of my face. "Why don't you take a look big boy?"
I squinted as the light hit my eyes for the first time in at least a half an hour. The first thing I saw was my wife's face, staring down at me. Her made up and sexy appearance that was so attractive just earlier was just mocking me now.
"Well, take a look," She ordered.
I lifted my head as much as I could and looked down at my body. Past the ring of the pacifier that was strapped into my mouth I could see my polo shirt. Past my polo shift, sticking up just enough to be seen was a big, disposable ABDL diaper with a baby blue waist band. I groaned as I knew from my peculiar porn viewing proclivities that these particular diapers proudly labelled the wearing as a "POTTYPANTS" on the rear. The childish undergarments stood in stark contrast to my wives sexy panties, that were pressed against it.
Looking at my state, imagining what I must look like to her, I started to tear up in shame.
It only took moments for Melody to notice my building tears and place a hand comfortingly on the side of my face.
"Oh, is it embarrassing to be diapered and forced to use a pacifier, baby?" She said with mock caring in her voice, "You must be wondering why I am doing this?"
I nodded my head in affirmation, doing my best to hold back my tears.
"Well, I'm sure you've guessed by now, I've found the little 'secret' you've been hiding to me. Masturbating to the idea of grown women in diapers? What a dirty little pervert you are!" Melody began. I blushed. "I'm going to admit, at first, I was just shocked that you hid something that you were clearly so into from me. But, I was ready to show you that, despite not really being into it myself, I'd indulge in your fantasies." Melody continued.
I struggled to attempt to respond through the pacifier in my mouth, to explain that this wasn't my fantasy. I couldn't get words out though. Melody put a finger on my pacifier in a shushing motion.
"Hush, babe. I KNOW this isn't YOUR fantasy. I found the disgusting erotica you wrote. You've always claimed to be a feminist, to love women in power, and, I'll be frank, you actions had me fooled. But, the fact that all of your fantasies seem to be about belittling, infantilizing, and humiliating powerful women, I am afraid that that doesn't seem to ring true to me anymore." Melody continued.
I swallowed nervously. This was my worst nightmare come to life.
"So, for your birthday, I decided I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. I'd treat you just like you treat those poor women in the stories. By the end of this weekend, I plan to have you acting like my perfect adult-baby boy. I've sent the boys to my parents for the weekend, so it'll just be us. I even cleaned the house so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to spend the whole weekend teaching you what its like to be the victim of one of your stories," my wife explained.
I attempted to speak through the pacifier gag again. To plead for forgiveness. To explain my shame. Melody hushed me again.
"No, baby. Nothing you can do is going to change my mind. Don't worry though, by the end of the weekend, I'll let you be a big boy again… maybe," She said with a wink. Then, without warning, she pulled the blindfold over my head blinding me again.
"Now," I heard her say, no unable to see what was happening again, "Mommy has some things to set up, so why don't you be a good baby and take a nap and listen to some of my special music."
I felt the wireless headphones be pulled over my head. I tried to shake them off as best I could, but, somehow, she had tied them into the strap of the pacifier gag, tying them in place.
Once the headphones were placed over my ears, I found myself almost completely cut off from the world. I couldn't see what was happening around me and all I could hear was what was clearly some sort of hypnotic track. As I realized what was happening, I let my head fall slack to the bed and closed my eyes in defeat.
I knew, at least for the next few days, I was well and truly fucked. What a way to spend my birthday weekend.
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Man to Make Me Sweat
Tumblr media
Pairing: Rooster x Reader (Call Sign: Moxie)
Warnings: Language, Smut, so much smut, porn with plot. Age Gap, Choking, Spanking, Orgasm Denial, Over stimulation, Authority Kink.
Shout out to @thedroneranger for beta reading and listening to my word vomit! This fic was inspired by the Leslie Powell song "Man to Make Me Sweat"
"Guys thank you so much for helping me plan this!" You sqeual at the people infront of you. Rooster's 35th birthday was coming up and you had planned a surprise party with the help of the Dagger Squad, Maverick and Penny, who had agreed to shut the Hard Deck down for the party.
"You know Rooster hates his birthday." Phoenix piped up. "Yes I know, but I'm hoping my little surprise for him will change that." You smirked.
While you were a fellow Navy pilot, you hadn't crossed paths much with the Daggers until you had met Phoenix at a Pole dancing class.
You two instantly hit it off, and she had invited you out to get drinks with them the next night, that's when you met Rooster, and the rest was history. While it was no secret that you and Phoenix took the class together, Rooster had never seen you dance for him, and tomorrow that was about to change.
Phoenix had helped you choreograph a lap dance to one of your favorite songs and you were going to surprise Rooster with it.
Sure it might be a little embarrassing for your coworkers to see your moves, but you wanted your boyfriend to feel extra special for his birthday. You joked that he was going to officially be an old man, to which he defend that there was only a five year age gap between the two of you.
"Well Moxie, if Rooster doesn't appreciate, I know I will" Hangman smirked at you, causing Phoenix to promptly smack him on the back of his head.
"Ow Nix, what the hell?" He grimaced.
"Comments like that are why you don't have a girlfriend and why I have to convince Rooster not to murder you almost everyday." Phoenix responded.
"Okay children enough fighting. Boys I need you guys to go get Rooster and bring him here in one hour. Phoenix and Bob and I are going to finish setting up. Payback since you are the most... responsible of the group, please text me when you are five minutes out." You state before everyone leaves.
An hour later you were hiding behind the stage curtain you had set up. Rooster had been pouting saying how it wasn't fair that his girl wasn't there for his party because you had to work late... boy was he in for a surprise.
Hangman and Coyote had managed to convince him to sit in the strategicly placed chair you had set out.
"And now ladies and gents, Rooster's of all ages, please put your hands together for a very special performance by our very own Moxie!" Phoenix said into the microphone to the group before the music started. You had chosen one of your favorite songs "Man to Make Me Sweat" to do your routine too.
You stepped out onto the stage wearing one of Rooster's Hawiian shirts, a pair of aviator sunglasses, a white crop top and some cut off shorts.
His eyes went wide at the sight of you while the rest of the room of testosterone filled pilots howled and wolf whistled. You noticed Bob over in to corner looking like we was ready to throw Holy Water on everyone.
The first verse started and you began your dance, swaying your body to the beat, flipping your hair and keeping eye contact with Rooster.
You trailed your hands up his thighs and jerked him forward by his dog tags.
When the first chorus began you roughly dropped onto his lap and ground your hips against him. You flipped your hair and pressed your breasts in his face.
You watched him lick his lips as you dropped to the floor for the second verse. Slowly you crawled up his body and guided his hands to touch you.
By the time the second chorus came around you were shamelessly grinding on his now very hard cock as he fondled you.
When the song ended you were both panting while everyone cheered.
Rooster pulled you close and whispered in your ear.
"I'm taking you home right now to show you just how much I can make you sweat Moxie.
Forty minutes later, Rooster was emerging from your thighs after giving you your third orgasm of the night
You can't help but smile. You love it when Rooster gets like this, needy, possessive, primal.
When you first got together everyone gave you shit for dating someone who was almost six years older than you. Several of your civilian friends teased you for having daddy issues or if servicing the elderly was part of your job in the Navy. You just rolled your eyes at their comments, many of them dated men their age or younger, they didn't know what they were missing out on.
No one had ever fucked you like Rooster did, and as your relationship progressed, you didn't hesitate to let your friends know that your "old man" kept you very satisfied while their "younger models" couldn't keep up.
You were finally coming down from you high, but you still weren't satisfied. You wanted to see how far you could push him. Rooster crawled up your body leaving sloppy wet kisses in his wake. His mustache scraped your sensitive skin causing you to tremble.
You felt the fat head of his cock pressing into your slick entrance, and with one fluid motion Rooster was buried in you to the hilt.
"Always so fucking tight for me Moxie. It's like you cunt was made for me." He groaned out before setting a steady rhythm. His fingers flexed against your hips as he drove into you. You could feel his blunt nails digging into your skin.
It always felt so good when he took you, but you wanted his birthday sex to be extra special. You knew he was desperate for you, to mark you, to claim you. Especially after your little show at the Hard Deck, so, you pushed.
"It's that all you've got Old Man?" You moaned out.
His hips stopped suddenly.
"Old Man?" He grunts out while he is still inside you.
You smirk back up at him as he pulls all the way out and slams back into you causing you to arch up.
"You say Old Man like its a bad thing... you think someone younger could fuck you like I do sweetheart? I doubt they could make you cum three times before they even got inside you" He tells you as he picks up the pace. A groan leaves your lips has he drags his cock over your g-spot, the head of it hitting it with each hard stroke.
"I don't know babe, Hangman talks a big game." You shoot back at him.
A low rumble leaves his chest as he pulls out and swiftly flips you over. He pushes your face down into the mattress and has your ass up the in air on display for him.
His large hand makes contact with it causing you to yelp from pleasure and pain.
Rooster fists your hair and and jerks your head up before whispering in your ear. "Moxie baby, I'm only going to tell you this once. Don't ever say his name while I've got you naked ever again. You want to see what this old man's got... I'll show you exactly what this 'old man' is made of, I'll have you so fucked out and cock drunk you won't be able to walk straight for a week darlin"
You knew you had him right where you wanted him, but you were feeling extra bratty so without thinking of the consequences you uttered "Well, what are you waiting for old man, prove it."
That set Rooster a blaze. He roughly palmed your ass before smacking it again. Without warning he plunged himself into you. His hips pistoned against yours quickly driving you to another peak.
"Oh fuck yes Rooster, just like that" you cried out as your hands fisted the sheets. You desperately tried to meet his thrusts but he held you firmly in place.
"Guess I should have known you were a brat with a call sign like Moxie." He grunted out. His fingers dug deeper into your sides as you clamped down on him. You were so close, your body hummed, and just as you were about to fall, he abruptly pulled out.
"Bradley no..." You whined as your chest heaved.
"You didn't really think I was going to let you get away with calling me an old man with out punishment did you sweetheart?" He purred in your ear as he rubbed himself between your folds.
"I'm sorry Rooster, I was just teasing you sir." You groaned, hoping it would cause him to give in, you knew he had an authority kink.
"Have you learned your lesson Moxie?" He asked.
"Yes Sir I promise I have." You stated shaking your head.
This seemed to please him because he pushed back into you. Starting slow and working back up.
You whined and squirmed beneath him. You were even more wound up than before. Each thrust of his hips sent a delicious pleasure through you.
You could feel the tightening in your belly and your toes curling. Rooster's breath was ragged as he pushed both of you to the finish. One of his hands left your hips and made its way to your hair, grabbing it and snapping your head up. You were at his mercy and you were totally okay with that.
"Yes Bradley, right there I'm so close." You moaned out. You could feel your finish, you were so close you could taste it and then... he stopped again.
"Fuck... please...Rooster... please." You groaned.
"If you want to cum baby girl, you're going to have to be more convincing. I don't think you've learned your lesson." He mocked you.
"I promise I have, I'm sorry, I'll be a good girl Bradley, please, please, please let me cum" you babbled. You feel the hot prick of tears in your eyes. He was still deep inside you. You flexed around him causing him to hiss.
That earn you another spank. "Such a fucking needy brat." He said dropping his hand from your hair and curling it around your throat. He pulled you flush against him.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" He whispered in your ear before sinking his teeth into your lobe.
"Only for you sir. I promise I'll be your good girl. Please let me cum." You pleaded with him as tears began to slide down your face.
That seemed to make him have mercy on you. Rooster once again began thrusting into you. This time he didn't hold back, this thrust were hard and demanding. The head of his cock kissed your cervix with each one.
His hand dropped from your throat and went to your clit were he drew tight circles on it. You were so, so close after being wound up and let down twice.
"Rooster please, I'm so close... please... don't stop" you begged.
"I can feel how close you are... I know how bad you need to cum. Just say the magic word darling and I will give you what you want." He cooed to you.
Your bratty side had gone to his head and now he was on a power trip. You knew what he wanted, and he knew you were desperate but you still refused to give it.
"Please sir, let me be your good girl and cum for you. Let me cum all over your cock." You moaned.
"While that sounds amazing honey, those aren't the words I'm looking for." He shot back.
"Rooster—please!" You shouted as he gave a particularly hard thrust.
He laughed.
"Say it. Come on princess I know you're dying to cum. You're the one who keeps torturing yourself. Quit. Being. So. Fucking. Stubborn. And. Say. It." He punctuated each word with a hard snap of his hips.
You let out a pathetic whimper as the small trickle of tears turned into a stream.
"DADDY PLEASE!" You screamed throwing your head back. You couldn't take it anymore.
"That's right. That's my girl." He praised you.
Rooster picked up his efforts, pounding into you erratically while his finger worked your clit.
"Oh fuck Daddy I'm so close please don't stop." You begged him, you knew if he did stop you wouldn't be able to handle it.
"Daddy isn't going to stop until you cum all over him Princess. Come in baby I know how bad you need to. Be a good girl and cum for Daddy." He moaned in your ear.
Your chest was heaving and your heart was racing, you felt overwhelmed everything was too much and not enough at the same time. Your body was wound tight. A rubber band waiting to snap. Rooster continued his assault, pushing you further and futher toward your pleasure. His hand on your hip came across your chest and pulled you impossibly closer to him.
His lips found your ear as he panted out "Cum for me." It wasn't a statement, it was a demand, and it was all you needed to finish.
Your body shook as pleasure coursed through you, covering his cock, your thighs, his thighs, and the sheets.
"YesyesyesohyesDaddy" you babbled out as your body trembled against him.
Rooster followed closely behind you, filling you to the brim and spilling out, his release mixing with your own.
You both collapsed against the bed, thoroughly spent. It took you both several minutes to regain your composure.
You turned over in his arms to face him.
"How was that for an Old Man?" He joked. "S'good" you slurred, your body still coming down from the high.
"Happy Birthday." You murmured snuggling close to him.
"Thank you baby. How about we get a nice hot bath and get cleaned up and then change the sheets before bed? We made a mess." He said before pressing a kiss to your hair line.
"Sounds good Roo." You mumbled into his chest as he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom.
He drew a hot bath and gently set you in before climbing in behind you. You relaxed against his chest.
"Roos, you may be an old man, but I'm glad your mine." You sighed against him.
"I'm glad I'm your old man to baby." He grinned before relaxing further into the hot water.
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
I Couldn't Ask For Anything Better
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✦ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Better Man Universe
✦Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Single!Mother
✦Word Count: 9.3k
✦Warnings: Smut (finally), Daddy kink, unprotected sex, Pure fluff, Dad!Jake, Dagger squad fluff, just adorableness, miscarriage mentioned, angsty ending
✦A/n: Holy Crap! this took forever to write, I hope you guys love it!
✦Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
You had been working on getting Jake’s cake ready, you and Mathew decorated it last night and now you were just getting it in a portable cake container. It was Jake’s 35th birthday and the whole gang was celebrating on the beach in front of the Hard Deck.
Penny had a grill set up on the deck, which the guys planned on doing a bbq on, while Nat, Penny, and Lacey planned on bringing sides. You had been put in charge of the cake, and thought they hadn’t told you; you took it upon yourself to get the drinks. You’d made sure that every possible drink request and type had been met, an array of sodas and alcohol stay in a cooler, already out in the back of Jake’s truck.
Your parents got called away on a conference, and even with your father retired, the Navy still asked him to make appearances. You had all gone to your parent’s house last week for a small birthday dinner, knowing that they would be missed today, your mother and father were insistent on it. They loved Jake and wanted to still have a special day for him. Plus, the kids were more than happy about getting to celebrate and have cake twice. Even though Josephine was only 13 months, she already had a sweet tooth like her father and Mathew loved anything chocolate in general.
You situate the cake in the container, making sure not to mess up the happy birthday candies that Mathew had placed on it. The brightly colored candies, stick out against the white frosting covering the chocolate cake and spell out Happy Birthday Daddy. Per Jake's request, it was a recipe that his momma had given you the last time you visited and with them not being able to make the trip this year, Jake had specifically asked for this cake. You knew that he hated not seeing them, although you had gone and visited last month for Josephine’s first birthday and celebrated Jake’s as well, it wasn’t the same.
Your attention is quickly taken away from the task at hand, by the high-pitched squeal and sound of tiny feet running down the hallway. Making sure that the cake is stable on the counter, you glance back and see Josephine running towards your legs.
Duck towel on her head, and still wet from the bath, she clutches at your leg and her eyes stay focused on the hallway she’d just ran from. Tiny strawberry blonde curls peek out from beneath the towel, as her body shakes in excitement against your leg.
“Josephine Elizabeth Seresin, I wasn’t done drying you.” 
Moments later Jake appears, T-shirt soaked and slightly panting. The laugh that falls from your lips doesn't help the situation at all. As your daughter glances up at you and sees you laughing, then looks at her father and laughs even more.
“You alright there, Daddy?” Your tone is teasing and has Jake not only coming for Josephine, but for you as well.
His hands make quick work, at grabbing Josephine and wrapping her in the towel, before grasping onto your waist and pinching at your hips. You jump back slightly against the counter, laughing until you hit the cake and it almost falls. Your laugh ceases immediately as you glare at Jake slightly, then turn to push the cake farther on the counter.
 “Don't tickle me around the cake, we worked hard on it.” Your tone is still light and airy, even as you try and put on a hard reprimanding facade for the birthday boy.
Josephine clearly agrees with you, as her little fists pat on Jake’s chest.
“Dada, da da da”
Jake’s gaze casts down at Jos, and his eyes watch her with the most lovesick, heart-wrenching stare, that makes your toes curl. Jake has always been great with Maty, but seeing him with Jos from birth to now, set off a deep need to have at least 10 more babies with the man.
“Yes, baby! You're such a smart girl.”
His finger comes to bop her on the nose as he says it, a gummy smile giggles back at him from the action. You stare at the pair, so happy and in love with the family you've created. The matching green eyes and shade of red hair she got from Jake’s mother, was a telltale sign that she was overwhelmingly an all-around Seresin.
The quietness of the house pauses the sweet moment and has your eyes glancing around in search of Maty. Though you find nothing amiss, and the strange silence can only mean one thing, your 8-year-old was up to something and trying to hide it.
“Honey did you see Maty, when you were taming the monster?”
You bring your hand up and tickle Jos’ belly when you say it. Her little form wiggles in Jake’s arms, as she climbs farther up his torso and wraps her arms tightly around his neck. Jake’s hands find her waist and bring her back down to settle on his hip, completely unfazed by the wiggly toddler.
“Yeah, he's in his room packing a bag, something about him and Amelia playing a trick Mav.”
You eye each other cautiously, waiting for the other to decide whether you're gonna let them have their fun, or if you need to stop the prank. Your head slips side to side, and you bite your bottom lip as you weigh the possible outcomes.
“I mean they're kids, come on, we should just let them have their fun. Right?”
Jake maintains a straight face, not once cracking a smirk while nodding his head along with the plan. Josephine looks between the both of you and starts copying Jake, rigorously nodding her head too.
“Yeah, but if anyone questions us later whether we knew, the answer is no, baby. It's always no.”
The stern facade cracks sightly, Jake no longer being able to hold his laughter and you both end up laughing. Slightly excited about the possible outcome, that an 8-year-old and a 13-year-old were going to pull on the 58-year-old man.
You reach over to grab Josephine from Jake and lean in to give him a quick kiss. Your lips remain resting against his for a minute, though it's long enough for Josephine to start smacking your cheeks. You pull away eyeing the little girl, before over exaggeratingly leaning in, to kiss at her cheeks.
“I shall get the Princess ready in her party dress.” The soft raspberry you blow on her belly, has her laughing incessantly. “While Daddy goes and handles his mini-me.” Your eyebrows raise at Jake, and a teasing smirk rests on your lips.
“I can't help it if he wants to take after his father, who might I add is the best.”
Jake casts a wink your way, with a shake of the head and a laugh, you're walking off down the hallway. Though before you can get far, you feel a harsh smack land on your ass cheek.
“He's got good taste like his Mama.”
You only shake your head, used to his antics, and lean into pepper kisses across Jos’ face.
“Your Daddy is crazy, baby.” your voice raises to a higher octave as you say it, and Josephine pats your cheeks while humming. “Yes, he is. Absolutely crazy!”
You glance at the watch on your wrist, before putting in your earrings and take one final glance in the mirror. Josephine sits on the bathroom counter, clapping while watching you and babbling absolute gibberish. You smile at her, then grab her and sit her on your hip. The both of you glance in the mirror, and the high-pitch shrike she does makes you laugh. Adorning your frames were matching yellow sundresses and white cardigans, that Jake had picked out and requested you wore for his birthday. The matching bows you had placed in Josephine’s hair with her space buns, completed the look and you could help but to snap a few pictures of her.
“Come on my darling, let’s see if daddy and bubba are ready.”
Moving through the master bedroom, you can hear Mathew and Jake talking while in the bathroom.
“– it has to be to the left.”
“I know bud, but mom usually does your hair.”
Your eyebrow quirks at the conversation, and a laugh falls from your lips when you see the duo standing in front of the mirror. The hair gel sits open on the counter and Jake has a comb in his mouth while trying to style Mathew’s hair. His difficulty is clearly on display, as he stares at the massive cowlick in Maty’s hair, making it harder to style.
“Everything okay in here?
Jake huffs at you in reply, his back still turned to you as he works on Maty, clearly not finding the situation as funny as you did. You move closer to the pair, Jos settled in one arm while you reach out for the comb. It only takes a second for you to sweep Mathew’s hair to the left, and tame the few pieces of hair.
“I thought you were the best?” Your tone is teasing as you place the comb back into Jake’s open hand, though the pout resting on his lips has you giving him a kiss.
“Don’t worry baby, I won’t tell anyone.”
“Yeah, you better not, I’m the birthday boy.”
You laugh at the statement and pat Jake's chest, calling out to the pair that it was time to go as you leave the bathroom. You grab the cake, though it is quickly taken from you as Jake sends you out to the truck, to get the kids buckled. You situate Jos in her car seat, while Mathew buckles himself across from her.
“All set?”
You glance back at Jake as he rounds the truck, and Mathew gives him a thumbs up while Josephine giggles as your hands dance across her belly. Jake’s hand settles on your lower back, which slowly starts to dip down and grab your butt, as he places the cake underneath Jos’ car seat.
With a spin, you push the door close and are met with a smirking Jake, whose hand has now moved to clutch at the material flowing over your hips. Though one hand raises slowly, tracing up your torso and across the sweetheart neckline.
“Aren’t you the prettiest little present, I can’t wait to unwrap you.”
The finger tracing your neck plucks at your dress teasingly, and your breath hitches as Jake ghosts his lips across your neck. Though he pulls away just before his lips meet your skin, and gives you a sly wink.
“Come on Sweets. The sooner we get there, the soon I get you home and in bed.”
Before you can even get Josephine out of her car seat, Mathew is out of the car and running for Bradley. The echo of laughter lets you know that he has in fact reached his uncle and that Bradley is already riling him up.
You unfasten the straps of Jos’ car seat and pull her out onto your chest.
“Where’s my babygirl?”
You laugh as you glance over your shoulder and find Lacey making her way to you. Her hands remain facing out, making grabby gestures at Jos. Who in turn starts laughing and reaches for her Auntie.
“What are you gonna do if yours is a girl?” Your tone is teasing as Lacey grabs Josephine, and rests her on her hip. Her small bump peeks out from under the sundress she wears, and you can’t help but smile at how your best friend is glowing. She was officially 4 months last week and the morning sickness had finally subsided.
“I think it’s a boy, but if it’s a girl, who says I can’t have two babygirls.”
“I’m not sure what I think the munchkin is. Though I do think that Bobby as a girl dad, would be adorable.” 
You turn to grab the cake, though before you can even start for the beach Javy is at your side taking it from you. You huff slightly in annoyance and both he and Lacey give to small glares.
“I’m not broken.”
Javy releases a heavy sigh at your comment, before wrapping his free hand around and pulling you into his chest.
“We know that, but the doctor still wants you to take it easy.” You go to interrupt him, though you're quickly shushed. “Don’t even say he didn’t, Jake keeps us updated and we all worry. You don’t know how scared we all were.”
You melt into Javy’s chest as he places a kiss on the top of your head, silent tears roll down your face and Lacey grasps onto to the both of you for a group hug. Planted right in the middle of you three sits Jos, who has now climbed into Javy’s arms.
The hug is broken up when you feel hands wrap around your waist and tug you slightly. Jake's cologne clouds your senses, and you fall back into his arms, as Javy and Lacey head to the group. You turn in Jake's arms and nuzzle into his chest. One hand stays wrapped around your waist, as the other moves to stroke the back of your head. His hand moves slowly, before it’s under your chin and making you look at him. The tears lining your eyes are hard to hide and you feel horrible as you see a silver lining forming on Jake’s water line.
“I wasn’t supposed to cry today, it’s your birthday.”
You try to hide the pain with a small laugh, though it does nothing to cover up the quiver in your lip.
“Sweets, there is no rule that states that you can only mourn at certain times and that you have to hide your emotions at other times.” The hand stroking your cheek brushes the falling tears away, as you nod in answer, and a lone hand brushes against your stomach.
“I just wanted today to be happy, but it feels like a part of us is missing.”
Jake wraps his arms around you tighter as the last word falls from your lips and a choked sob releases from your chest. You can feel the multiple kisses that Jake lays on the crown of your head, and you can’t help but to feel bad. Today was Jake's birthday, it was supposed to be full of celebration. Though seeing Lacey’s sweet little bump and Javy wanting to help was just too much.
It had been two months since you had lost your little angel. The small blip in time from the moment you found out you were pregnant, to losing them at four and half months felt so far away, but also like it was yesterday at the same time. It wasn’t just the pain of losing them that consumed you, but you were terrified of forgetting them. Of your memory faltering and forgetting the small butterfly flutter in your stomach, and how their heartbeat sounded.
The past eight weeks had been hell on you and Jake. You had tried to be there for him whenever he broke down, but it always seemed to trigger your own tears and left him to comfort you. The doctor had put you on an anti-depressant right after the miscarriage, given that you had a history of depression. They helped slightly, but it wasn’t only a chemical imbalance, the loss had taken a piece of your heart.
“It’s going to be okay, Sweets. I promise.”
The statement comforts you and a small smile graces your lips. Jake had never broken a promise to you, in the beginning of your friendship it had been silly promises, but as time went on bigger promises were made. To you, to the kids, and not one of them had ever been broken. Jacob Grant Seresin was nothing if not a man of his word.
With a deep breath you nod, his words on repeat in your head, and when you smile at Jake, it’s not fake or forced. No, this smile was one of love and thankfulness that you had found such an amazing man to father your children and to spend eternity with. Your left-hand rises to rest on Jake’s cheek, the light sparkles off of your wedding ring, as you pull his lips down to meet yours. It’s simple and sweet, but oh so meaningful, and when you pull away your foreheads rest together.
“I love you. Thank you for always healing my heart.”
A delicate kiss is placed once more on your lips, just a peck, before he pulls away. Both of his hands rest on your cheeks, lifting your face to meet his eyes. They stare into your soul, sharing every little piece of pain, depression, love, and joy that has made up your world together. Your hands rise to grasp onto his, a silent gesture that it would always be you and him against to world.
“I love you; I will always love you. Don’t ever forget that baby.”
Jake’s hand slips from your face and creases your arms before linking your fingers together.
“Now come on, I’ve been thinking about that cake since yesterday.”
Your laugh is light and causes Jake to smile as well. His hands tug gently on yours as he turns and pulls you down to the beach.
You wait for the stares of pity from your friends, though find none. Not one of them mentions your tear-stained cheeks, and you're thankful when Penny makes her way over to you and sweeps you away.
“Go man the grill, I don’t trust Bradley to not burn everything.” The demand is thrown over her shoulder at Jake, who only winks at you and lets out a ‘yes ma’am.”
“The cake looks great, and Phoenix has continually been on cake watch. Considering each of the boys has tried to swipe frosting from it.”
You laugh at Penny’s words, though you full-on belly laugh when you see Nat standing, practically on top, of the cake with her arms crossed. Her eyes are set in a glare towards Bradley, though moves to you, and a smile instantly forms.
“I hear you’ve got a pretty tough job.”
She slips at her drink while shrugging her shoulders to you. It’s rare to see Nat in dresses, though the sun dress she wears now fits her perfectly.
“It gave me a reason to smack Roo, so it was a win for me.”
“I’m kind of sad that I missed it.”
You feel a body brush passed you, as little hands reach out to you. Josephine grabs onto you easily and nuzzles into your chest. Your hand moves up and down her back, and the motion brings comfort to the both of you.
“Oh, don’t worry, they’ve been plotting.”
Lacey nods behind you and when you turn, you’re met with the group of seven pilots looking toward the sky, trying to hide the fact that you had just caught them staring. A laugh falls from your chest, though it ceases quickly when a whine comes from a now-sleeping Jos. Your hand gently rubs at the back of her head, while you mutter sweet nothing into her ear. The growing toddler falls back to sleep easily as you sway with her.
“Wanna make a bet?”
Nat and Lacey, both give you questioning looks, though Penny only laughs at your antics. You had always been up for a challenge or bet, especially when you were positive that you would win. You glance back to the pilots one last time, thinking for a moment.
“Give it 20 minutes and it’s gonna be Javy.”
“Why are you so sure?”
The pair of them watch you, trying to figure out what exactly you’re picking up on that they aren’t.
“Bradley already knows you’re on full alert, Bobby is too scared of pregnant Lace,” the comment earns you a small ‘hey’ in protest, though she ends up laughing. “And Jake, well he knows better. Mav, Mick, and Rueben are all bystanders, which leaves Javy.”
All three of you turn to face the boys fully, giving them a smile and wave, with the hand not holding Jos. It’s a small taunt and their reactions only prove that you know how to get under their skin.
“Javy is unofficially my third child, and I know him like the back of my hand, but he also knows me. Meaning that he might tell the boys he’s going to do something, but if he knows somethings going to upset me, he won’t to do.”
The girl's hum as they listen to you, all three sets of eyes never leaving the boys. You wave one last time, then turn back towards Pen, she has Josephine’s baby beach tent set up and ready to go. The soft snores that emit from Jos' signal that she is passed out and that she wouldn’t stir when you laid her down.
Lacey and Nat continue chatting, while you settle on the beach towel with Penny. She wraps an arm around you and lays a kiss on your temple, then clasps your hand in hers and gives you a gentle squeeze. Your sister had always been someone that you leaned on when you were younger, and over the years you had slowly stopped telling her all the traumatic details in fear, that she would see you as a burden.
Though in the last two months, besides Jake, Penny had been your rock and had experienced a good number of your breakdowns. Your parents had been wonderful, helping with Maty and Jos, and being there for both you and Jake. But it wasn’t the same, you had always been the golden girl in their eyes, even when you got pregnant with Mathew and had to leave flight school. Your father had been sad, but never held it against you, and the thought of them seeing you like this. They wouldn’t ever look at you the same if they knew how damaged you were.
“Your one-year anniversary is coming up soon,” She nudges your shoulder as she says it, and a small smile forms on your lips. “I meant it when I said I would watch the kids. I think it would be good for the both of you to get away for the weekend.”
“I know, thank you, you really are the best big sister. We both need a weekend of just us, it's just been hard.”
Penny nods in understanding though doesn’t say anything. She knew that if you talked about it the both of you would cry and she wanted nothing more than for you to have a great day.
“Though speaking of anniversaries, Maty’s adoption one is coming up. Right?”
At the mention of Jake finally adopting Mathew, a full smile breaks out across your face. “Yeah, the first week in July. Which is so weird, because Jake has been his dad since he was two, but he is finally getting to change his name. It felt like all the pieces finally fit together.” You laugh slightly, thinking about Mathew’s request in the whole ordeal. “Jake always knew that Mathew loved him, I mean look at them.” You gesture over to the guys again, though this time a game of dogfight football had broken out. Jake had Mathew thrown over his shoulder and was booking it across the sand to the endzone, while Maty clutched onto the football in his arms. “I think that Mathew asking to have Grant as his middle name, really solidified it for Jake. We named Josephine after mom and Jake’s mother, so to have Mathew asked to be named after Jake, was a full circle moment.”
Your head leans over to rest against Penny, the pair of you content in watching your family. It’s not long before Nat and Lacey find a home on the towel next to you.
“I don’t want to ruin the day,” you glance back towards Penny, who looks apprehensive about whatever she wants to say “But, have you even heard from Adam, you know after you sent the papers off.”
A harsh sigh leaves your mouth, not at Pen but at the mention of your ex. You hated talking about him, but you knew that Penny was just asking out of worry. She had seen you have breakdowns at the thought of Adam, and she never wanted you to feel alone again. Another sigh falls from your lips, and you lay down on the towel. You relax against the sand and tug on both Penny’s and Lacey’s hands, who in turn tugs on Nat’s, and the four of you lie on the sand. Silently waiting for the metaphorical ball to drop.
“I wouldn’t have sent him the papers if the lawyer hadn’t strongly suggested it. Adam didn’t want to be on Mathew’s birth certificate, and his status with Mathew was deemed as abandonment.” Another sigh leaves your lips, both of your hands getting gently squeezed in support. “I guess it’s good that we have all of our bases covered, but I feel like I’m just waiting for him to show up. Like now that I’ve made this big step, he’s going to come back just to tear me down.”
“He’ll be getting his ass kicked if he shows up,” Nat had risen up on her elbows and was now staring at you. “And that’s just me. If the boys get ahold of him, he’s going to be lucky if he doesn’t leave in a body bag.”
Her eyes hold yours; it was her way of promising that you would be protected. That they would never let him put his hands on you again, and if he tried, he would instantly regret it.
“That’s the only fact, that lets me sleep soundly at night.”
The loud gasp, followed by the two high pitch squeals has your head turning from setting up the picnic table. You miss the prank, but you watch as the aftermath unfolds. A soaking-wet Maverick has taken off running after Amelia and Mathew, who both have taken off down the beach. You laugh as Mav comes to a slow jog and then walks, the two kids still running off in the distance. Next to you, Penny is in a fit of laughter, and the glare Mav gives her only makes it worse. His walk lands him in front of the two of you, pointing a figure at the both of you before reaching for a water.
“Both of them are trouble, just like their mothers.”
You stop laughing, really trying to feel bad for the man, though you’re laughing is set off again as Lacey reappears after using the restroom.
“What happened to you?” The question is so innocent, but it’s the icing on the cake. Mav only shakes his head at Lacey, and mutters quietly about the “hooligans.”
“What’d I say?”
“Don’t worry,” Your laughing slows as you motion Lacey over to you, “the kids decided to prank him.” 
An ahh sound of understanding with a nod of the head is only there momentary, as she starts laughing with you. The both of you work hand in hand to set up the tableware, placing the finishing touches as Jake comes over to you.
His sneaky hands wrap around your waist, and he places soft kisses along your neck. You lean back at the motion, resting your head on his shoulder, as he gently sways your bodies side to side.
“How is my birthday boy?”
The question only gets a hum in answer, as a string of kisses up your neck and onto your pulse point makes you giggle slightly. Your eyes had fallen shut, enjoying to small moment with your husband.
“How’s Jos doing?”  The question is whispered against your ear, and it has your eyes opening to glance at the beach tent.
“She perfect, like always. Napping soundly, though we are going to have to wake her up soon to eat.”
“Yeah, I saw that Penny brought some of that jello she ate at your parent's. She seems to do really good with it.”
This time it’s you that hums in acknowledgment, your eyes scanning the surrounding beach noticing the lack of your friends. You glance to the cake quickly, though find that it’s still there in perfect condition.
You turn in Jake's arms, and your eyes squint in questioning of the man, who remains calm and collected. You glance around the beach further and find Nat with Bradley at the grill, Pen and Mav up on the deck, while you see Lacey and Bobby down by the water with the kids. Your eyes fall back on Jake and the small smirk that he gives you is all you need to know that their plan was underway.
“Baby, where’s Javy?” The slight lift of your eyebrow does nothing to unsettle your husband. A small shrug is all you get, followed by a wink and a gentle squeeze on your hips.
“Jacob, I know you’re up to something and I’d suggest you think about this plan and the repercussions it may have.”
His hands only tighten on your hips even more, as his head drops back into a full laugh. “and what might those repercussions be my sweet girl.”
He’s teasing you, poking at that little button, because he knows you won’t really get mad at him on his birthday. Jake pulls you in slightly so that you're pressed near chest to chest and one of your hands rises to tap lightly on his chest. While your other hand comes to trace lightly along the sweetheart's neckline and causes Jake's eyes to drop immediately to your breasts.
“If anything happens to that cake before I get pictures of you blowing out the candles,” The hand resting on his chest slowly rises and tips Jake’s head back so that he is looking at you directly in the eyes. “There will be no unwrapping of your special present.”
Jake’s lips set in a hard line at your declaration and a small pout, forms on his lips. “Swee–”
“Nope, me and Maty worked hard on that cake, and by God, I will watch you blow out 35 candles. Don’t test me, Jacob.”
The harsh tone in your voice has a small sheepish look settling on his face, as his eyes move from the cake resting on the table and back to your breasts multiple times. With a heavy sigh, Jake’s hands fall farther to grab your ass, and his face comes to rest along the top of your breasts. His face nuzzles in and his teeth nip at your chest, as you bring your hands to the back of Jake’s head to stroke his hair and laugh at his antics.  
“I’m supposed to signal when I get you away,” The sentence is mumbled but you still understand.
“What were you planning to do with the cake Jacob.”
The sound of his full name has him pulling away from your chest and staring up into your eyes. His hands tighten on your ass and you normally would chastise him for groping you so freely out in public, though there aren’t any people close enough that you’re worried.
“Sweets, I don’t know. The boys just wanted the cake, and well –”
“You were peer pressured”
Jake scoffs at the words, and his hold has tightened even more. A small squeal leaves your lips, as you jump slightly in his hold and glare at the now-smirking man.
“Baby, I don’t get pressured into things.”
The small smirk you give Jake as he struggles for the correct words doesn’t go unnoticed. The small glare he gives you is adorable something you had expected. What you hadn’t expected was Jake to grab your waist and throw you over his shoulder, like he had been with Maty earlier today.
A shrill scream lips your lips, as your world spins upside down and the only thing you see is Jake’s tan back. Your hands grasp onto his sides, to stable yourself, and stop the sway of your body with every step he takes.
“Jacob Grant Seresin, you put me down right now.”
This laugh rings through the air and the shaking of his chest slightly shakes your body with it.
“No can do, darlin’.”
If only he could see the glare, you were giving him right now, he might change his mind. Though as a harsh smack lands on your ass and causes you to jump, you also think that the glare might have only egged him on even more.
“Your panties seem to be on just a little tight,” His hand ghosts just under the hem of your dress, grabbing at your inner thigh and lightly traces your heat. “don’t worry Sweets, daddy’s gonna fix that problem real quick.”
The sublet heat ignites in your core, and you shift slightly in Jake's hold, causing the hand on your thigh to brush up against your clothed cunt again. The moan that releases from your chest should embarrass you, though the laugh that Jake releases only has your panties damping further. You watch as the sand turns into the wooden deck of the bar, and you caught sight of a laughing Bradley and Natasha.
“Nix, you’re on baby duty. Jos is still sleeping, but me and the Mrs. have some business to attend to.” You hear the door open, the harsh light of the day disappearing, and shifts into the dim light seeping through the window blinds.
“Also, don’t touch that cake, Rooster. No one touches that damn cake while I’m gone.”
You just barely catch the yup from Bradley and the loud laugh that Nat releases, though you can’t help but to smile at Jake’s words. Your hands pinch at his side, grabbing Jake’s attention, before telling him thank you.
Just as quickly as you were thrown over his shoulder, Jake has you back on stable ground. His hands settle on your waist and push you back slightly. Your back bumps back against a wall, and as your chest heaves, you glance around to see where exactly you are.
You’re both tucked in one of the back corners of the Hard Deck, hidden away and out of sight right next to a spare pool table. The heaving of your chest slows, as you look back up at Jake and find his emerald, green eyes, replaced by a dark green with blown pupils that watch every move you make.
“You’re welcome darlin’, you should know that I’d never let anyone mess up something you worked so hard on, especially if it’s for me.” A cheeky wink and smirk grace Jake’s face, and they make you smile, as you nuzzle into his palm that had come to rest against your cheek.
“But since I am the birthday boy,” A finger traces along your cleavage, and brushes gently against the shell of your neck, causing you to tip your head back. “I want to open one of my presents early.”
“Jake –”
Your protest is cut off completely when Jake dips his head down and bites at your neck, smoothing over the nip with a lick of the tongue. A high-pitched whine releases from your lips as Jake slots his leg in between your thighs and brushes up against your pantie-clad heat. The hand tracing your chest moves up your frame and settles under your cardigan. Pushing it slightly off your shoulder, before his lips go back to work on you.
It’s too hot, and with every little movement that Jake makes he presses up again you, catching your clit against the lace of your panties. Your brain is no longer processing, as you pull off the light cardigan and throw it behind Jake. Your hands find purchase on Jake’s shoulders, grabbing on the tan skin as you keen with every nip he places on your neck.
Your chest is heaving as you tug on the back of Jake’s hair and slot your lips against his. It’s hot and needy, tugging and pulling more so than soft and loving. Jake only slightly licks at your lips and has you groaning in need. The moment of needy has Jake’s tongue slipping through your lips, as a soft battle ensues between the two of you.
You pull away gasping for a breath as Jake continues down your jawline, his hand working the skirt of your dress up and over your hips. Giving you the freedom to grind down on his thigh. The motion has you pulling back with a whimper, clit overly sensitive and pulsing. 
“No, no Sweets. Take what you need.”
Jake’s hands fall to your waist, pressing you down against his thigh as another whine slips from your lips. You can’t avoid the pressure though, as Jake moves your hips to his own accord. Pushing and pulling you, forcing you to ride his thigh as you hide away in his neck, nipping on his collarbone.
“Daddy–” your sentence is cut off when Jake sends a particularly hard thrust up, to jut against your weeping cunt.
“There’s my girl, such a pretty baby.”
You can only nod in answer, as one of Jake's hands slips up to cradle your face, and the thumb resting on your cheek slips between your lips. You nip and suck at his thumb, doe eyes focused up on Jake ready to be his good girl in any way that he asks. The look in your eyes sends him spiraling, before you know it his thumb has slipped from your mouth and he’s lifting you in the air.
Your heads dazed and foggy, consumed completely by the man holding you as he lays you on top of the pool table. You go to protest; you were at the Hard Deck and supposed to be celebrating Jake’s birthday of god’s sake. Though the words escape you when Jake’s fingers trace along your slit and rips the cloth from your aching heat.
The gentle trace of his fingers is everything and nothing all at once. Your back arches off the table and your head falls back as a low moan echoes from your chest, as Jake rolls your swollen clit between his fingers.
His laugh pulls you from the momentary bliss, as Jake looks down upon you strung out before him. Small babbles fall from your lips as you beg Jake for anything more, how you had gone from thinking with a clear mind to one that was completely hazy and your only focus was having Jake screw your brains out.
“Tell me what you want darlin’, use your words.”
He’s mocking you, with every shift of your hips trying to push down on the hand that is no longer tracing at your slit but resting heavily against your clit.
“Need you, Jakey.”
“Darlin’” His thumb moves in tight circles as he draws the word out, only pausing when you cry out. “You. Know. That’s. Not. My. Name.” Each word ends in a tap against your clit, that has your hands grasping out on the table looking for anything to hold on to.
“Daa– Daddy, Pleassseee.”
The name is just passed your lips and without any warning, Jake’s fingers fuck into you. Just barely easing in, before plunging knuckle deep and hitting the soft spongy spot that makes you keen.
“You gonna let me fuck you, Sweetheart? With all of our friends just outside.”
You can only nod in response, too focused on the way Jake’s fingers scissor in your heat. A chuckle leaves Jake’s lips again, though this time before you can react, Jake's free hand comes to wrap around the back of your neck and pulls you up to meet his chest. A low moan falls from your lips as Jake’s fingers reach even deeper in the new position and the palm of his hand brushes back and forth over your clit.
“Please” The plea falls from your lips in a mantra, and your hands wrap up around Jake’s neck to pull his lips down to your own. You melt into his touch, as his tongue slides into your mouth, coaxing your mouth in a dance of need and want.
He tastes like whiskey and malt, the crown and coke you made earlier is still potentate on his lips and you wonder if it’s your husband you’re getting drunk on, or the crown coating his tongue. Jake’s free hand cradles the back of your neck, woven into your hair and guiding you exactly how he wants. Your hips rock on their own accord, chasing a high that Jake is content to tease you with.
You lick into his mouth and your breath hitches in despair, as Jake pulls his hand from your weeping cunt. You watch, breathless as Jake brings his slick cover fingers to his mouth, moaning at the taste of your arousal and never breaking eye contact.
Jake had always been cheeky in the bedroom, how could he not, when he knew that just the sight of him shirtless had you panting like a bitch in heat. Though the wink that he gives you now, begging for him to touch you.
To fuck you, in any way that he wants. You would take anything from the man, so long as he touched you. Jake’s eyes fall from your blown ones and fall to your heaving chest. His hand trails down from your neck, to grip onto the top of your dress and yanks it down. The stitching of the fabric sounds like it has torn slightly, and it leaves the material to fall below your breast.
“Jake we still hav–”
Your words are stopped, as Jake’s hand grasps your cheeks and forces you to look up at him.
“Baby, shut up for me.”
The hand that’s not grasping your face works at your bra, pulling the cups down to expose your nipples. You squirm on the green of the pool table, as Jake ducks his head down and licks at one of your nipples, before biting it. His free hand works at your other nipple, and he plays your body like his own personal instrument. Coaxing every whine, moan, and hiss from you of his own accord.
The wanton moan you release as Jake tugs on the pebbled bead has his lips unlatching from your breast.
“Those are the only sounds I want to hear from you, darlin’.” Your eyes are clouded over, hanging on to every word that Jake tells you. “Though I’m not gonna stop you from begging, you always look so pretty when you get whiny and beg for me.”
The sound of the screen door slamming against the side of the wall has both of your eyes snapping in the direction of the bar. You're hidden back enough that you can’t see who comes in, though you hear Bradley’s voice ring out. He’s yelling at someone to get the extra ice from the back, it only takes a moment before the screen door is slamming again and the tension in your shoulders releases.
You were sure that the whole group knew you were fucking, and trusted that they would take care of the kids just fine. If they needed you, they would have already been yelling at you. Though the image of Bradley, Nat, Bob, and Lacey walking in on you and Jake fucking isn’t something you want to do again. It had been just after Jake had gotten home from a deployment when Penny and Maverick at offered to watch Maty for you. You hadn’t gotten pregnant with Jos yet, though you’re suspicious that she was conceived over the long weekend.
Your thoughts are quickly brought back to Jake, as you hear the zipper of his pants being pulled down. The sight of Jake's length has you drooling, the red tip leaks precum and you can help the whine that falls from you. A deep need to feel the weight of him on your tongue, to lick the salty tang off of him and relish in the way he fills your mouth. Your gaze is lethal, never wavering from Jake’s length not even when Jake chuckles. Though the tip of your chin up forces your eyes to leave it and look at into Jake lust filled, emerald eyes.
“Sweets, as much as I would love to have you on your knees, we don’t have the time.”
“Later?” Your hand grazes his cock, and you grasp the length. Your cloudy eyes drop from Jake’s, as you lean forward and spit onto the head. You use the precum and you spit as you stroke him, your grip tightening just slightly as you work around his girth.
“Whatever want baby.” His breath sounds ragged, fucked out by his own need for you. Your hand slips for his cock, as Jake grabs your thighs and yanks you to the edge of the pool table. Wrapping your legs around his waist, as your back falls to meet the green felt.
Your eyes catch sight of the swinging light fixture above you, and you watch it as it moves side to side. The harsh smack of Jake's cock against your clit makes you keen and has your back bowing in need. The arch pushes your cunt down towards Jake's cock, though he teases you, slipping the head along your slit and pushing into you before pulling back out.
“Daddy please need your cock, need you to fuck me.”
“I know baby, daddy’s got you.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, as Jake pushes his length into your aching cunt. Small whines and whimper roll off your lips as Jake bottom out, his hips coming flush with your ass. Your heat aches in need, and your hips rock to gain any type of friction.
“Nope baby,” Jake's hands grasp at your hips and stills your hips. “Feel me, Sweets. How well this pretty little pussy takes me, how you clench around me like a fucking vice.”
Jake’s breath turns ragged, as you clench down on him and the hands resting at your hips grasp at you, knuckles turning white and surly leaving fingerprints. The quick pull back from you makes you gasp, followed by a harsh thrust that you swear is in your stomach.
Jake's thrusts are harsh and uncontrolled, the both of you chasing a high, and as you lower one hand to work over your clit, needing the added pressure. Your hand is smacked away before it even touches the bundle of nerves, a protest ready to fall from your lips. Though in its place falls a deep moan, as Jake's thumb comes to rest on you, tight circles with the perfect pressure coaxing you to ecstasy.
“Baby… Daddyyyy”
His hips never falter as your hands grasp at the pool table, finding nothing to ground you. Your head tips back, your body moving against the green, with each of Jake's thrusts. He’s unrelenting as he works you over, a silent demand and need for you to find yours before he ever does.
“I know baby, let go. Come for daddy, like the good girl you are.”
His words send you spiraling and if you cared you might have stopped the moan that bursts from you. You should care as it echoes through the Hard Deck, surely alerting everyone of your pending climax. Though you don’t. The only thing you care about now was the burning heat in your core and the way Jake’s hands feel over your body.
Your eyes open and find Jake’s as a soft hand creases your cheek, the need, and lust ever present, but also a deep love that shines through as your husband watches you. With one final flick across your clit, your tumbling, begging and whining as you finally reach the peak before crashing into the abyss. Jake's hips only stutter slightly, as he works your through, his own release within reach.
“Where do you want it, Sweets?”
“In me Jake, please need to feel you.” The small plea as you clench around him has Jake peaking. His hips slow and he coats your walls, a deep moan falling from the both of you at the feeling of Jake’s cock pulsing within you. Pushing and pulling his cum back into you, fucking it into you, before he pulls out.
Jake's chest heaves as he looks down and your pulsing cunt, clenching around nothing and pushing his cum from your heat. Without a thought, Jake’s fingers scope at the mix of you both and pushes it back into your aching cunt. You’re sensitive and with every drag of his fingers you whine, you lift up onto your elbows so you both can watch as he fucks his cum back into you.
You bite your bottom lip, from not only how sensitive you now are, but also from how much you need Jake again. You could never tire of the man, though when he gets like this, it makes you practically insatiable. 
Though with one last push of the hand, Jake is pulling back from you and wrapping his lips around his cum cover fingers, winking at you before placing a peek against your lips. His hands find a home at your waist, as he pulls you from the pool table. He holds you steady as your legs shake, and places a gentle kiss against your temple.
“Still as sweet as ever, darlin’.”
The words are whispered into your ear and have you blushing. You push up on your toes to kiss Jake, hoping to avoid his gaze. Though the movement causes his cum to drip from your unclothed cunt, and the small squeak your release has Jake smiling in victory.
“You ripped my panties and my dress, Jacob. Everyone is gonna know.”
A harsh laugh falls from his lips before Jake grabs your cardigan and situates it back on your shoulders.
“Darlin’, people back home in Texas know. You’re not the quietest, especially when you climax.”
His words earn him a smack on the shoulder, as you move past him to go to the bathroom and right yourself before seeing everyone again. You glance back at the man, his eyes never leave your backside and the wide smile creasing his face is more than enough for you to not care if the whole world heard the two of you.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
“You best believe, I’m unwrapping the rest of my present when we get home. I still need to get my mouth on that sweet little cunt.”
You hum in response and smirk crossing your own lips as you shake your head that Jake’s words, before continuing to the bathroom.
“Hey Sweets,” the call has you pausing once again, spinning to face Jake and finding nothing but love in his eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too, honey.”
The pair of you reemerge from the Hard Deck as if nothing happened, though both Nat and Lace give you teasing smiles as you make your way over. A small smirk makes its way to your lips, causing both girls to laugh and a deep blush to cover your cheeks.
Jake had gone over to check on Amelia and Maty when you came out, both Penny and Mav stationed close enough to watch the pair, but also giving them the space to goof off. You glance over to Josephine’s beach tent and find her just waking up. The movement of her little arms has you making your way to her, and as you cloud over her line of sight has a gummy smile marring her features.
“Hello, my beautiful girl.” You pick her up easily and cradle her against your chest, enjoying the way her little hands grab at you. “Did you have a wonderful nap?”
Mumbles fall from her lips and bubbles of spit dribble down her chin, as she answers you.
“Ma ma ma ma.”
You bounce her on your hip lightly as you walk back over to Lace and Nat. Everyone had gathered as Bradley showed up with the food and placed it in the middle of the table. Maty finds you easily and clasps onto your hip to give you a hug. Your free hand brushes the hair from his face before you move down to kiss the crown of his head. 
“Momma I couldn’t find dad’s candles. Auntie Nix helped me look, but they weren’t in the bag.”
Your brows crease in thought, trying to remember where you placed them. You were sure that you put them in the bag, though they could have fallen out in the truck.
“Don’t you worry, my love. I’m sure they are just in the truck.” The three of you make your way back over to Jake, who is now chatting with Javy about the plane they were restoring. Catching sight of her father, Jos starts trying to reach out for him. The high-pitch squeal of your daughter gains Jake’s attention immediately and he’s grasping for her to toss her in the air. You smile at the duo, and overwhelming pride and love fills your chest for your small family.
Javy is quick to grab Maty, flipping him upside down and tickling him. Jake looks at you as you settle at his side and places a kiss on your cheek.
“I’m going to run to the pickup, love. I think your candles feel under the seat.”
“I can go look, Sweets.”
“Nope, you’re the birthday boy and I’ll be quick.”
Jake hums in agreement, before placing a sweet kiss on your lips. You pull away, only to be met with another kiss on the nose.
“I’ll be right back, then we can start eating.”
Jake watches as you make your way to the parking lot, quietly wondering how he had gotten so lucky. Josephine grabbles in his lap, patting at his chest as Javy talks to her in a high-pitched over.
Jake laughs at the pair, Javy and Jos were the best of buddies, the two were on the same wavelength. The number of times that Jake had come back, after asking Javy to watch her for a bit, and they were both asleep was astounding.
Though he couldn’t be more thankful for the extended family, that his own little family had in the Dagger Squad. Jacob Seresin might have been a hard ass, but seeing how much any one of his teammates cared for his children, turned him into a puddle.
“Dad, momma’s still not back.”
Mathew had been patiently waiting, though as time passed, he couldn’t help but grow impatient.
“I’ll go check on her bubba.”
Though before he can hand Jos to Javy, Mathew is protesting. Telling both Jake and Javy that he was a big boy and could help. Jake chuckled at his son, hand ranking through his unruly hair before nodding in answer.
“Go on then.”
A smile broke out across Mathew’s face before he was taking off up the sand to the parking lot.
“Watch for cars.” Jake's voice echoed across the beach, gaining everyone’s attention as Mathew signaled back with a thumbs up, then disappeared.
Jake and Javy both went back to talking with Jos, as Jake bounced her lightly on his hip. The setting California sun casts a warm hue over the beach, and Jake couldn’t help but think of you and how much you loved the beach.
Especially at sunset.
Jake had grown to love it just as much as you had, the comfort from the waves and sea breeze had become a constant in your lives. The four of you were constantly at the beach whenever the family had downtime.
Though that constant sense of safety and calm was ripped right from his chest as a bone-chilling scream echoed out across the beach.
Jake was passing Josephine off to Javy without a second thought, and sprinting towards the edge of the beach. Nearly collapsing at the sight of Mathew's tear-stained face, barreling toward him.
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maddiethedog2 · 6 months
The Birthday
I couldn't imagine a more perfect way to spend the morning of my 35th birthday. It had been a beautiful, spring Saturday morning. I got up a little later than usual, put on my khakis and a polo shirt, grabbed breakfast at the club house with my best friends, and spent the entire morning playing golf.
Usually, weekend mornings are full of 'Daddy-duties' for me. Wake up, turn on some cartoons for the kids, change the baby's diaper and get everyone out of pajamas, make breakfast, then load everyone up in the car for the youth sports game-of-the-week. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I love being a dad. I love spending time with my kids. But, today, my birthday, my wonderful wife Madeline let me make the day just about me, and I love that too.
It was about 1:00 pm by the time I got home. I staggered into the house a little more unbalanced than usual, having had a few more than my normal share of beers on the course. In my slightly drunken state, it took me a second to recognize that something was different than normal in the house, but, after hanging my keys on the key hook and wandering into the kitchen, things started to feel off.
First, the house was clean. The toys, normally spread across the house, were all in their proper place. The kitchen counters were crumb free. The sink was clear of dishes. Now, I am not saying our house is normally a mess, but with kids, it's generally impossible to keep the house cleaner than 'slightly cluttered.'
"Love?" I called out, "The house looks beautiful? Did you and the kids spend the whole morning cleaning?"
My yell was met with silence. That was also odd. With the kids around, the house was always noisy. However, at that moment, there was nothing. No one was crying, or laughing, or yelling. The sounds of the latest episode of Bluey or Pokemon weren't blaring from the playroom. There wasn't even music playing. I started to become suspicious. Was anyone home?
With growing concern, I turned and left the kitchen and heading upstairs to the master bedroom. Maybe my wife was taking a nap? Maybe she convinced the kids to nap to? It seemed unlikely, but, in my happy, half-drunk stupor, I was ready to get to the bottom of this mystery.
I walked upstairs briskly, now more cautious about yelling out, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were sleeping. As I made it to the second floor hallway, I was greeted by more of what I had seen downstairs. An impeccably clean and quiet house.
As I passed each of the children's bedrooms, I peaked in, hoping to get some sign of what was happening. I got no hints. Each of my kids rooms was clean, organized, and devoid of life.
I finally made it to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. As I approached the room, I noticed that the door was shut. Much like the house being clean and silent, that never happened. Cautiously, and still a little unsteadily, I approached the white door to my bedroom, grabbed the handle, and cautiously pushed the door open. As I did, I was greeted by the sultry voice of my wife.
"Why hello there big boy! I see someone finally made it home for his birthday surprise!"
Like a dog anticipating a treat when they hear their master reach for the treat bag, I suddenly was overcome by an overwhelming sexual anticipation for what was coming next. I could feel my cock, flaccid and unnoticed just moments before, grow larger and harder, pressing against my khakis in a way that made my feelings for my wife obvious to anyone who could see me.
Now driven by lust, I abandoned my previous sense of caution. I flung open the door to my bedroom to reveal my wife lying on top of the comforter of our king sized bed.
My eyes were instantly drawn to my wife, lying across the bed seductively. She was wearing the sexiest, laciest black lingerie I had ever seen. It emphasized her cleavage and ass perfectly. Her long, brown hair, styled wavy, was draped over her shoulder. In her hand was a riding crop, a favorite tool for administrating 'punishments' in our house.
"Happy Birthday Baby! I thought maybe we could celebrate together today?" My wife, Melody, said seductively, smacking the leather end of the riding crop in her empty hand for emphasis. I felt blood flow to my penis as she spoke. Suddenly, my member was straining against the confines of my boxer briefs and khakis. This was going to be a good birthday.
Noticing my arousal, Melody climbed off the bed, leaving the riding crop behind, and walked up to me. She grabbed my now rock hard penis over my pants with one hand and used her other hand to pull my head down into a passionate kiss. I immediately reciprocated.
As we kissed, Melody, despite being 8 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter than me, used the leverage she had from handling my penis to maneuver me to a position where my back was to the bed as we kissed. Once I felt the back of my knees brush against our king-sized mattress, Melody surprised me with a shove to the chest, forcing me to lie on my back on the bed. Then, with a mischievous grin on her face, she reached for my belt and the buckle of the pants, expertly undoing both and ripping my pants off.
"We can't have you wearing these! They'll just get in the way!" She exclaimed as she through my khakis to the ground unceremoniously. I grinned in anticipation as Melody climbed on top of me, straddling me at the waist, and began rubbing her still panty clad pussy on my still underwear covered penis.
As she continued the motion, she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Oh, you like that big boy?" I just moaned in response. I could feel pre-cum leaking out of my penis into my underwear.
"Yeah, I bet you do, you naughty little boy," She continued. I just moaned again. However, the friction felt so good, along with the dirty talk, I suddenly was becoming worried that I was going to cum even before we started to have sex. I tried to turn my head away and think of something else, just to extend the amount of time this would last.
Melody laughed as I turned my head away, clearly aware of what I was doing. I started to blush in embarrassment at the realization that she new I was at risk of losing control even before we started fucking.
"Oh, does this feel a little TOO GOOD for you baby? We can't have that! Let's slow things down," Melody said, climbing off of me, and, thankfully, giving me the chance to slow down. I looked down at my blue boxer briefs and saw a distinct wet spot from where my pre-cum had soaked into my underwear. Melody looked at it to, frowned playfully, but didn't say anything about the stain immediately.
"I want to make this last all day for you, so let's try something else," Melody said as she walked over to our nightstand. I followed her shapely, barely covered ass as she moved around the bed. Then, for the first time, I noticed some new things about the room.
First, on the nightstand were a number of 'supplies' I had never seen before. On the nightstand was a blindfold, a contraption with leather straps I couldn't quite identify but looked like it was meant to go around a person's head, and a pair of large, noise cancelling wireless headphones. Looking closer to me, I noticed that our bed was slightly different as well. Rather than being covered in our normal comforter and pillows, the bed was covered in nothing but black satin sheets. Also, interestingly, there were now wrist and ankle restraints attached to each corner of the bed, waiting patiently to pin down whoever was strapped into to them. I couldn't help but grin. Today WAS going to be a good day. I'd never been so glad that we slowed down early.
Melody turned around from where she stood, bent over the nightstand. "Like what you see?" She asked, wiggling her ass playfully as she grabbed the blindfold in her other hand.
I laughed, "Oh yeah."
"Well, big boy, I've got something special in mind for you today, but, its a surprise, so I need you to let me take control," she said as she returned to my position on the bed. "So, first, put this on." Melody handed me the blindfold.
"Kinky," I said playfully, complying with her command and blindfolding myself.
"Oh, you don't even know," Melody said. "Now, lay back on the bed and spread out your arms and legs. Today is about me taking care of you."
Excited by where this was going, I did as she asked. I spread out my arms and legs and felt as she, with surprising expertise, strapped me into the wrist and ankle restraints.
"What's gotten into you Melly? You never want to play like this?" I asked as she strapped me in, a little disappointed that with the blindfold on, I couldn't see my wife's marvelous body.
"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Now, no more talking, baby!" She said. Suddenly, I felt something soft and rubber brush my lips. "Open up and take this," Melody suddenly said.
I did as she asked and let the rubber object enter my mouth. As it filled my mouth, I felt it suddenly stop as a hard piece of plastic hit the outside of my lips. Panic suddenly hit me as I realized what this was--a pacifier.
Since before Melody and I had even started dating, I had an ABDL fetish. Specifically, I loved the idea of diapering, babifying, and humiliating strong, independent women. I did not know where it came from, and in a lot of ways, I loathed the fetish. The idea that humiliating and infantilizing women turned me on, despite my actual strong feminist values, disgusted me. As a result, I never acted on it and had never shared my fetish with Melody, or any other woman for that matter. That had not stopped me from viewing, reading, and eventually writing copious amounts of ABDL porn during our relationship though.
The feeling of the pacifier being pressed into my mouth created so many concerns.
First, how had Melody found out about my fetish? Had she found out about my fetish? Was she upset about it? Second, despite having an ABDL fetish, the idea of being infantalized myself disgusted me.
In my fantasies, I was ALWAYS the dominant daddy, slowly helping my partner become the helpless, infantalized adult they deserved to be treated as. I was never the one being babied. If Melody's plan was to do this to me, that was NOT what I wanted.
In the time that all of this went through my head, I was able to spit out my pacifier and yell out, "What the fuck?!?" I struggled at my bonds as I felt the wet rubber of the giant plastic nipple land on my chest. No matter how much I pulled I could not get free. Frustratingly, I couldn't see Melody's reaction to my struggles, but I could hear her laugh.
I felt the pacifier that had just been in my mouth being picked up off my chest and pressed into my lips again.
"Take this in you mouth, big boy, or suffer the consequences," my wife's voice commanded. Melody emphasized her point by squeezing my balls almost uncomfortably with her free hand.
I wasn't going to give in that easily. I closed my lips tight and turned my head to the side. When I thought I was safe from the childish soother being shoved in my mouth, I responded. "What the fuck is going on Melody, what are you doing? Is that a pacifier you are trying to get me to suck on?" I asked.
Melody with impatience in her voice, refused to answer my questions.
"You'll know precisely what is going on soon enough. Now, suck on this before I make you suck on it," she ordered, attempting to shove the rubber nipple in my mouth a third time. I refused again.
"Have it your way," she said, "this makes it more fun for me anyway."
I felt the mattress I was tied to move as Melody got off of the bed. I then heard the sound of something being moved around on the nightstand. The bed shook again and Melody got back on. I became nervous as I could feel her kneeling next to my prone form.
Suddenly, without almost any warning, I felt a sharp smack to my penis and balls. The pain, while not particular intense, as the slap was blessedly light, was unexpected and sharpe. I raised my head and yelled out. "Owww!"
As I opened my mouth, what must have been a different pacifier, given the much larger size of the rubber nipple was shoved in my now open mouth. At the same time, what must have been the leather straps I saw on the nightstand earlier, were quickly shoved over my head. I tried to spit this new, larger pacifier out. I couldn't. I could feel that with one hand, Melody was now holding the pacifier into place. With her other hand, she was tightening the straps wrapped around my head. A thrashed my head back and forth, but I couldn't stop the process. Within moments, I felt my wife stop pushing the pacifier into my mouth. However, even without that pressure, I couldn't spit it out. Given the days of my life I had spent masturbating to adult baby porn, I knew what I was wearing--a pacifier gag.
I heard Melody sigh in satisfaction as she pulled away from my body, leaving me to struggle against my restraints. "Much better," She said triumphantly, "this will go much smoother if you can't talk."
"Mmmmrrrppphh," I said, unable to form any words due to the size of the large pacifier stuck in my mouth.
I heard Melody walk around the bed, stopping at the foot of the bed. I felt her reach her hand up to my underwear and poke at the wet spot made from my pre-cum earlier.
"Oh my! Look at this, it looks like my BIG, ADULT husband had a little accident in his undies, didn't he?" she chided me with a condescending tone. I growled into the pacifier shoved into my mouth, horrified at where this was going. "I though I was married to a grown up who could keep his pants clean, it doesn't look like it though, does it?" she continued. I growled in the pacifier and thrashed around again. "Clearly, you aren't ready for big boy undies. I think you would look much cuter in diapers anyway. Let's just get this underwear off."
I felt the weight of my wife leaning over the bottom of the bed before I felt the cool metallic feel of scissors sliding up to the bottom of my boxer briefs. I bucked my hips as I felt Melody begin to cut my underwear free. I just couldn't believe what was happening. I had read this story so many times. Fantasized about it. Fuck, I'd even written something close to this once. But, every single time, I was the one removing the underwear, not the one having it taken from me. This was horrible.
"Stop that baby!" Melody said, giving my balls a warning slap as I bucked my hips and tried to prevent this indignity from continuing. "Do you want me to accidentally cut you? These scissors are sharp?"
As she spoke, I realized she was right. Even this humiliation wasn't worth injuring myself. I stopped struggling long enough to let Melody continue cutting my boxer briefs off. "Good boy!" she said encouragingly as she pulled my destroyed underwear free, exposing my ass and crotch. I felt my penis, rock hard only minutes earlier, shrivel up from the cold air and the humiliation of what was happening.
"Oh, how cute! It knows where it's going, so it shrunk up appropriately," Melody said, playfully pinching my penis. "Alright, stay here baby, I'll be back in a second."
I groaned inwardly as I heard Melody leave the room. Where was I going to go? Strapped to the bed, blindfolded, half-naked, and forced to suck on a pacifier, I was firmly detained at this point. It didn't take long before I heard Melody re-enter the room. I listened closely and could clearly hear the rustling sound that I knew must be the diaper she was holding. I listened further as Melody retook her position at the foot of our bed and placed the items she was carrying down.
"Alright, big boy, time to get you diapered for Mommy!" Melody said as I felt her lean over my spread legs.
I immediately started to thrash and scream into my pacifier. This was not going to happen to me. I was an adult. I was in control. I was the Daddy Domme! If anyone in this house was going to be diapered, it'd be Melody, not me! My struggles proved useless though. Try as I might, Melody had been prepared. The ankle and wrist restraints were too solidly attached to the bed frame, and she clearly didn't skimp on the quality of the restraints themselves. I was not going to break free. After what felt like minutes of struggling, I gave up, embracing my fate.
Melody, for her part, just giggled at my struggles. "What a silly boy, thinking he can get free of Mommy that easily?" Melody teased me as I thrashed. When I finally gave up, she said with the tone I had heard her use with our toddlers so many toys, "A you done throwing your tantrum? Good. Now, let's get this diaper on you before you make a mess on the bed!"
With that, I felt Melody lean back over the bed and place what had to be the diaper down near my resting ass.
"Lift!" My wife ordered me. Resigned to the futility of my situation, I complied, lifting my hips into the air. I felt the diaper slide underneath me.
"Drop!" She indicated. I let my ass fall onto the surprisingly soft padding.
"Good boy," She said, and I felt her begin to spread lotion over my skin. The sensation of her rubbing me brought some life back to my penis. I felt myself getting aroused again. I turned red with embarassment. The idea that I could get any sort of enjoyment out of being treated like this was humiliating.
"Oh, it looks like my little friend wants to come out to play!" Melody said as she saw my member grow harder. She immediately redirected her attention. "Well, if he wants to play, let's play!"
I started to moan as Melody gave me the most enthusastic hand job she had ever given me. She laughed as I thrusted my dick into her hand and grunted into the pacifier.
"Oh, baby likes that, does he?" She said breathily, quickly moving her hand up and down my shaft. After years of being together, Melody knew almost exactly when I was about to cum. Right as I was on the verge of bursting, she let go of my dick. Then, quickly, she folded the diaper over my penis and held it there as I came into the thick padding.
"Gotta be careful to not get any icky juices on you during diaper changes, just like with the boys!" Melody said as I moaned and came into my diaper. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red as she compared me coming into my diaper to a baby boy peeing during a diaper change. Despite the orgasm, this entire situation was torture.
Melody then quickly taped me into my padded, and now sticky, prison. She then crawled on top of me, in some sort of twisted call-back to our earlier sexual encounter, and rubbed her ass back and forth on my padded crotch a couple of times mockingly.
"Oh, this is much better," She laughed, as she bent over and pulled the blindfold off of my face. "Why don't you take a look big boy?"
I squinted as the light hit my eyes for the first time in at least a half an hour. The first thing I saw was my wife's face, staring down at me. Her made up and sexy appearance that was so attractive just earlier was just mocking me now.
"Well, take a look," She ordered.
I lifted my head as much as I could and looked down at my body. Past the ring of the pacifier that was strapped into my mouth I could see my polo shirt. Past my polo shift, sticking up just enough to be seen was a big, disposable ABDL diaper with a baby blue waist band. I groaned as I knew from my peculiar porn viewing proclivities that these particular diapers proudly labelled the wearing as a "POTTYPANTS" on the rear. The childish undergarments stood in stark contrast to my wives sexy panties, that were pressed against it.
Looking at my state, imagining what I must look like to her, I started to tear up in shame.
It only took moments for Melody to notice my building tears and place a hand comfortingly on the side of my face.
"Oh, is it embarrassing to be diapered and forced to use a pacifier, baby?" She said with mock caring in her voice, "You must be wondering why I am doing this?"
I nodded my head in affirmation, doing my best to hold back my tears.
"Well, I'm sure you've guessed by now, I've found the little 'secret' you've been hiding to me. Masturbating to the idea of grown women in diapers? What a dirty little pervert you are!" Melody began. I blushed. "I'm going to admit, at first, I was just shocked that you hid something that you were clearly so into from me. But, I was ready to show you that, despite not really being into it myself, I'd indulge in your fantasies." Melody continued.
I struggled to attempt to respond through the pacifier in my mouth, to explain that this wasn't my fantasy. I couldn't get words out though. Melody put a finger on my pacifier in a shushing motion.
"Hush, babe. I KNOW this isn't YOUR fantasy. I found the disgusting erotica you wrote. You've always claimed to be a feminist, to love women in power, and, I'll be frank, you actions had me fooled. But, the fact that all of your fantasies seem to be about belittling, infantilizing, and humiliating powerful women, I am afraid that that doesn't seem to ring true to me anymore." Melody continued.
I swallowed nervously. This was my worst nightmare come to life.
"So, for your birthday, I decided I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. I'd treat you just like you treat those poor women in the stories. By the end of this weekend, I plan to have you acting like my perfect adult-baby boy. I've sent the boys to my parents for the weekend, so it'll just be us. I even cleaned the house so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to spend the whole weekend teaching you what its like to be the victim of one of your stories," my wife explained.
I attempted to speak through the pacifier gag again. To plead for forgiveness. To explain my shame. Melody hushed me again.
"No, baby. Nothing you can do is going to change my mind. Don't worry though, by the end of the weekend, I'll let you be a big boy again... maybe," She said with a wink. Then, without warning, she pulled the blindfold over my head blinding me again.
"Now," I heard her say, no unable to see what was happening again, "Mommy has some things to set up, so why don't you be a good baby and take a nap and listen to some of my special music."
I felt the wireless headphones be pulled over my head. I tried to shake them off as best I could, but, somehow, she had tied them into the strap of the pacifier gag, tying them in place.
Once the headphones were placed over my ears, I found myself almost completely cut off from the world. I couldn't see what was happening around me and all I could hear was what was clearly some sort of hypnotic track. As I realized what was happening, I let my head fall slack to the bed and closed my eyes in defeat.
I knew, at least for the next few days, I was well and truly fucked. What a way to spend my birthday weekend.
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jolapeno · 6 months
Hi, Jo! I'm sending 35 asks to celebrate my upcoming 35th birthday! Here's yours:
Would you prefer to lie in the grass in the sun with Javi G or cuddle in a cabin in the snow with a no-outbreak Joel?
happiest of birthdays my love! ✨🩷
I would say cuddle in a cabin with no-outbreak Joel, because Joel. and a crackling fire, snow on the sills outside, and hands inside his over shirt… 🥹 but also cause I haven’t seen javi g film so I don’t know if I’d like lying in the gras with him
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fuckyeahokadamasaki · 1 month
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Masaki’s 35th birthday shirt will be open for preorder tomorrow August 16
The 35 in the back collar was handwritten by him (if the translation is correct)
Link: https://mailivis.jp/products/ODM240801TS
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johnnydany · 1 year
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October 1988 35 Years Of Being Awesome 35th Birthday Gift T-Shirt
Get your styles: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/48811497-october-1988-35-years-of-being-awesome-35th-birthd
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creativeusart-svg · 1 year
This Queen Makes 35 Look Fabulous 35th Birthday SVG PNG Cutting Printable Files
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americassteestore · 2 years
Americastee - Top Georgia Bulldogs 2022 To Do List National Champions Job Well Done 15 0 Perfect Season shirt
Buy this shirt:  https://americastee.com/product/top-georgia-bulldogs-2022-to-do-list-national-champions-job-well-done-15-0-perfect-season-shirt/
On September 23, 2022, Netflix released the Top Georgia Bulldogs 2022 To Do List National Champions Job Well Done 15 0 Perfect Season shirt in contrast I will get this first vibrant stills of production, which showed Amaefio in complete outfit—a white evening gown beautifully embroidered with tops. glittering silver gown and diamond-encrusted tiara—she stares into the camera with uncertainty as she begins a new chapter in her life that will change the course of history.
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On the Top Georgia Bulldogs 2022 To Do List National Champions Job Well Done 15 0 Perfect Season shirt in contrast I will get this night of my 35th birthday, I sat alone on the couch on Staten Island, crying while nursing my eight-day-old baby, while my in-laws were having dinner. It’s not their fault. It’s Thanksgiving anyway, and there’s no one else to feed the kids but me. We exclusively breastfeed and don’t even use pacifiers because our lactation consultant told us not to and she was hungry. Those days, she was always hungry. When my daughter stopped long enough to give it to my husband, my mother-in-law’s famous grilled penne in Sicily had almost cooled down, but I still devoured what I could put in my mouth in those 15 minutes. I need food. Soon, she will eat again. I don’t know if I can do that.
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Home:  https://americastee.com/
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miralrd · 2 years
Best nosleep stories of all time
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Best nosleep stories of all time skin#
My eyes bulged like a child’s when I saw the bottle. “We should talk,” she held up a fifth of whiskey and wiggled it. “Nadia, what the fuck,” I said with my mouth full. I jumped and spilled my chips and salsa all down my shirt. It wasn’t intentional, our home was one of those suburban monstrosity’s with thick carpets that swallowed sound. One night when I was watching TV, she had snuck up behind me. When I told her that I wasn’t going to rent a place yet but move downstairs instead, she didn’t nod or acknowledge me, she just walked away. Nadia had been too furious to even speak with me. The next week I was living in the basement while the lawyers worked it all out. She had plenty of the stuff and hardly ever spent it. I wanted some of her money.īut just enough to live on. She just stared at the grass and cried.īut we were adults, we didn’t yell or scream. She was served on that 4th of July, after our friends went home, sulphur smoke still hanging under the streetlights.īut I told her how her beauty had run off, leaving me waking next to a face I didn’t care to recognize. I know it’s pathetic to only be wed till wrinkles do us part. A divorce was far from the end of the world. I could easily date a girl who’s 30 and get another ten-year head start on Father Time.īesides I thought, Nadia will be fine. I was still a handsome young man with the world at my fingertips. I didn’t not love her, but I just knew I could do so much better. She’s by far and away the bread winner but that doesn’t mean I was ready to be married to someone who looked so old so soon. All that work just to be berated by the family. Eighteen-hour surgeries concluding with no heartbeat. How can just ten years eclipse a face so pretty? I know Nadia went harder on herself than most. But please note the tense.Īround her 35th birthday I began to blanch when I woke up next to her in the morning.
Best nosleep stories of all time skin#
Beauty to me has always been skin deep and the moral of the ugly duckling was that he wasn’t ugly forever. The truth will come out anyway if I’m telling an accurate account of this horror so I might as well get ahead of it. But unfortunately for her 40 is not the new 30.īrain surgeons aren’t looking any younger. The neurotic neurologist with a face of deep wrinkles forged from stress and cigarettes. We had only been fighting regularly for the last five years. I thought I’d stay with that woman till death did us part. This is a brief story, but I suppose I should back up. But I vastly prefer the arguments of just a month ago when she’d yell at me about how cold I’ve become, and I’d rifle back by calling her a bitch. My wife, Nadia, hates me, so it’s really saying something.
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awareagainpsycho · 2 years
"Olive Bear Blackwood — a name, and honestly, a person that barrels through walls and transcends time; a force to be reckoned with. Today would’ve been her 35th year on this planet, and even though she’s lived a thousand lives, this is a time to reflect on the impact she’s been able to make. If you knew Olive, you’d know that she was known for many things but perhaps one of the most apparent traits about her was her uncanny ability to crack a (dad) joke. Her sense of humor was infectious and so incredibly smart and witty that she’d have to explain all, and I mean all, of her jokes to you; whether she thought you understood or not. She could make any situation, any conversation, and any subject into a pun—a true master of her craft.
It’s said that laughter is healing, and if that’s the case, Olive knew how to heal in more ways than one; she shares the same birthday with Mother Theresa for god’s sake (no pun intended). She defaults to making sure that you had everything you needed before she could get her own and this was evident in the way she’d serve you food first, sacrifice her Nintendo DS because you didn’t have one, and hold the door so you can step out of the rain before her--she’d give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. She was selfless and would do anything for those around her.
Her love ran deep, in many directions, and could eclipse the sun. She loved her sister, her nieces and nephews, and especially her father John. Eternally loyal to them, she held each and every one on their own pedestal; big shout out to her mini-me twin, Sarah. She loved every single dog within sight, and especially her own pups: Beowulf, Sloane, Dillinger, and the big chonk himself—Milk. She loved any and all horror/slasher films; no matter how awful and low budget—talk about undivided attention. Outside of the important things, she also had a love for the little and simplest of things: sneakers, buzzfeed quizzes, astrology memes, cartoon comics, and a good snack cabinet.
Despite the ever-giving love, care, and compassion that she showed others—she never saw or better yet, knew, how incredibly special she was to them. Call it a disbelief in herself, or a disbelief in others—she’ll never fully grasp and understand the impact she was able to make on an individual. She could teach you more about yourself than you could ever know or learn on your own. Olive possessed an unbelievable ability to guide others through hard times; a gift she’d soon turn into a blossoming career as a therapist. Her reach and impact was far and wide—and through multiple mediums, organizations, and groups of people. The number 35 carries a major significance and meaning; The number 3 signifies expression, expansion, growth, creativity, enthusiasm, hope, joy, optimism, communication, motivation, spiritual energy, inner peace, transparency and visualization while the number 5 is a number which signifies inspiration, choosing desires, important life choices, changes, life lessons, freedom, preferences, creativity, adaptability, flexibility, diversity, progress, and fortunate opportunities.
All things that even prior to 35, Olive had amassed and strove to perfect. An era is defined by Merriam-Webster as a period of time marked by a prominent figure or characteristic feature. Like the Queen of England, Olive’s reign on this earth ended much too soon and with not enough corgi’s. We’ll always remember her for the amazing and generous person she was; the true end of an era. Here’s to hoping that because each one of us was so fortunate to have crossed paths with a monolith, be able to carry a small piece of her in our every day lives; reminding us to laugh… and clean the bathroom, often." - VN
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thsclothing · 3 years
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Made in 87 35th Birthday ideas for Women 1987 Ladies’ Boyfriend T Shirt Get yours here: https://bit.ly/3F1K87E
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harrylovex · 3 years
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summary: chris is shy around you until he gets drunk...
warnings: fluff, kissing, alcohol usage, chris being handsy ;)
a/n: playing spin the bottle with chris would just be a dream 😩😩😩 especially if there is sexual tension between the two of you, gaaaawwwdd this is what i’m dreaming about tonight
it was your friend emily’s 35th birthday and she was having a huge party at her house.
everyone you knew was going, including your favourite person in the whole world, chris evans.
you two had been introduced to eachother at a summer barbecue a few years back by emily, and you had been pining after him pretty much since then.
you and him had hung out with eachother a few times at other gatherings and you got on really well, but chris was shy around you.
he was reserved around everyone really, it had nothing to do with you. it was his nature.
but, when he would get drunk, it would be like something in him switched. his shyness would completely disappear and he became the life of the party.
you knew that chris secretly did like you, he would never admit it sober though. on the occasions when he would get drunk, which was pretty much every party, he would get really handsy with you.
he would keep you with him all the time, holding your hand and squeezing your hips, pulling you onto his lap whenever he sat down. he liked to be protective over you, and you cherised every minute of it. it was the only time when you could be close to him.
a few times, chris had kissed you, taking you by surprise. it would usually happen when you had to leave, a long goodbye kiss, his hands grabbing at your waist as he moaned into your mouth.
both of you remembered everything that happened when you were drunk, but it was never brought up.
you had never met anyone nicer than chris. he was incredibly charming and down to earth, always thinking of other people before himself, not to mention unbearably handsome and sexy.
emily knew how much you liked chris, she had spoken to him about it before, asking him questions about you, but he was never one to talk about his feelings. he liked to keep it private.
you turned up to emily’s and her husband opened the door, greeting you.
you stepped inside, eyes landing on emily in the kitchen. you made your way over to her.
“happy birthday!” you embraced her in a hug, shoving her present into her hands.
“y/n thank you so much! let me get you a drink.”
she led you over to the drinks table, pointing to an array of wines. as she prepared you a glass, your eyes scanned the room.
“no point in looking for chris. he’s not here yet.”
you blushed, embarrassed at being caught. emily just laughed, handing you the glass.
“i’m making us all play some fun college games tonight. it’s time you and chris got together.”
you laughed, wondering what she was planning.
you spoke to a few of your friends, catching up on what had been going on in their lives.
“chris! hey you look great!”
you had your back turned to the door, but you knew by the sound of chris’ voice that he had just arrived. your palms started to turn a little sweaty.
pull yoursef together y/n, you thought to yourself.
you quickly finished your conversation, turning to find chris.
he was by the bar cart, grabbing a beer. he was wearing a white long sleeved t-shirt and some blue jeans. the t-shirt was insanely tight and left little to the imagination.
you inhaled deeply before walking towards him. he caught your eye before stepping towards you.
“y/n hey! long time no see!” his eyes lit up, embracing you in a huge hug.
you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. you shut your eyes for a moment, taking in the feeling of his body pressed against yours, his hands squeezing your hips slightly.
“how have you been?” you asked, leaning beside him on the counter.
“busy with work, i’ve been looking forward to this party for ages.”
your conversation flowed easily as he sipped his beer. he asked about your work and your family until a few other guests arrived.
throughout the rest of the evening, you mingled with your friends, sipping through a few glasses of wine.
the lounge was crowded with people, all chatting happily. you peeked at chris a few times, seeing him laugh at a joke emily’s husband was telling.
he caught your eye sometimes, smiling cheekily at you as he raised his sixth beer bottle of the night, poking his tongue out before swallowing the liquid.
you realised that the alcohol had reached his system around an hour later when you felt a pair of hands slide over your hips, soft lips kissing your ear. you were leaning elbow-first against the island in the kitchen, your back to everyone else.
you smiled to yourself before turning around, knowing that you would find yourself face to face with chris.
the feeling of his lips against your ear tickled, making you laugh. you spun yourself around, holding onto his biceps as his hands rested on the counter on each side of you.
“chris you are so drunk!”
he smirked, licking his lips. his eyes were incredibly dilated, his cheeks rosy.
“so...? i’m having fun.”
“i can tell...why have you taken a sudden interest in me then? had enough of everyone else?”
“well, everyone is super boring, and i haven’t spoken to you in a few hours. plus, i like talking to pretty girls like you.”
you laughed, moving your hands from his biceps to his chest.
“you have no filter when you’re drunk.”
he smiled, grabbing your hand in his.
“i need to go for a piss, come with me?”
“ugh chris, you sure do know how to impress a girl with that language.”
“so is that a no?” he pouted.
“i never said that.” you mumbled, making him smirk.
he grasped your hand tighter, pulling you upstairs towards the bathroom.
you fixed your hair in the mirror while chris relieved himself, laughing at him when he nearly fell over.
you stood to the side as he washed his hands, staring at him through the mirror.
once he had finished, he pulled you towards him, burying his face in your neck as he gripped your hips.
“god you smell so delicious.” he mumbled.
“so do you.” you smiled, running your hands through his hair.
“and you look gorgeous in that dress, it’s making me go crazy.”
you laughed, pulling chris’ face up so you could see his eyes.
“chris you would never say or do any of this if you were sober.”
“haven’t you ever heard of that saying? sober thoughts are drunk words. i can never bring myself to do this stuff when i’m sober, i get shy easily.” his eyes darted from yours for a second.
“well there’s no need for that, you must know by now that this thing we’ve got going on is mutual right?”
he laughed, nodding.
“i guess yeah, the things we do drunk you never mentioned afterwards so i just sort of put it to the back of my mind.”
“i never mentioned it because i know how shy you are when you’re sober.”
“okay well, we’ll talk about this later yeah? work something out.”
you smiled, pulling at his ears. “fine.”
he entwined his hand with yours again, pulling you out of the bathroom.
just as you walked out, emily came rushing up the stairs.
“guys! we’ve been looking everywhere for you...” she paused, looking at your hands suspiciously. “did you just have sex in my bathroom?” she smirked.
“no!” you said defensively.
chris just smirked.
“whatever...come down to the lounge, the foods here.”
you walked behind emily, swatting at chris’ hands when he tried to pinch your butt everytime you took a step down.
you grabbed yourself another glass of wine, silently watching as chris got himself another beer, he was going to have such a hangover tomorrow.
you went to sit yourself down at the table, but not before chris grabbed your waist, pulling you up.
“what are you doing?”
“i want you to sit with me.” he pouted.
“you’re such a simp.”
he laughed, not seeming bothered by your comment.
you sat next to him throughout dinner, using a single fork to feed yourself as chris had occupied himself with holding your left hand in his lap.
you smiled as you ate, hoping that tonight could be the night when he got over his fear of being embarrassed to show affection when sober.
everyone chatted through dinner, not bothered by you and chris being affectionate. they were used to it by now.
afterwards, emily ordered everyone to sit in a circle in the lounge. no one protested because they were all pretty much drunk, going along with the game.
chris pulled you into his lap, kissing your temple.
“you two, no sitting-in-laps allowed. not for this game anyway.”
you laughed, moving to sit next to chris. he wasn’t happy about the seating change, pulling you as close to him as he could.
“okay i’ve been reminiscing about the good old college days, so tonight we’re gonna play spin the bottle.”
some of the guests groaned, rolling their eyes.
you looked at chris, but he just winked at you.
emily placed one of the empty beer bottles in the middle of the circle, spinning it quickly.
you watched as it spun round, everyone silently waiting.
it landed on john, who was sitting across from you. the guests um’ed and ah’ed as john crawled into the middle of the circle, leaning over to give emily a quick peck.
emily laughed, clapping her hands. “okay! who’s next?”
it went on like that for a while, boys kissing girls, boys kissing boys and girls kissing girls.
when it got to your turn, it landed on brad, who was sitting near chris. you heard chris inhale deeply, making you smirk.
you reached over, giving brad a small peck whilst he smiled greedily at you. chris never let go of your hand, his grip tightening.
you sat back laughing a little at chris who looked like he was about to lose his shit in the next three seconds.
“chris, relax.” you kissed his cheek, shuffling closer to him.
“i fucking hate this game.” he mumbled in your ear, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“chris! stop being a dick and spin! it’s your turn.”
you laughed at the comment made by john. chris kept a straight face as he spun the bottle, his fingers tapping on your knee.
it landed on you. you felt everyone’s eyes on you as you looked up at chris, who was now smiling like an idiot.
your hand went to his cheek as he leaned in to capture your lips with his.
after the peck, you went to pull away but chris held the back of your neck firmly, kissing you harder.
you laughed in your head, kissing him back enthusiastically.
“okay guys...guys! get a room for god’s sake.”
you felt a pair of hands pull at your shoulders, pulling you and chris apart.
everyone was staring at you two, laughing hard. a rush of embarrassment washed over you and you blushed, looking over to chris.
he was still smiling, enjoying himself.
you tried to keep a straight face as you slapped chris’ chest softly, but he grabbed your hand and made you laugh.
“what? i saw an opportunity and took it.” he kissed your knuckles as you smiled.
a few more rounds were played, but you could see that chris was getting bored. to be honest, so were you, you wanted to get chris alone.
finally, a few people got up to leave as it was getting late. emily ordered a few taxis while pulling you to the side.
“you and chris can sleep here tonight if you want. i prepared the spare bedroom just in case. a few of us are hanging out in the lounge but the garden is free if you want some space.” she winked.
you laughed, thanking her for being so understanding.
“oh and by the way, i’m not letting you two back in the house until you sort yourselves out.”
you rolled your eyes, walking back over to chris who was waiting by the sofa.
he was still drunk, but less so. his eyes were bloodshot and he looked tired.
he stayed silent, pulling you in for a hug as you waved goodbye to the guests.
“emily said that we can sleep here tonight if you want? she prepared the spare bedroom.”
“that sounds like a great idea. i don’t think i’m sober enough to go home anyway.”
you laughed. “can we go and sit outside by the fire?”
chris nodded, pulling you towards the back doors.
the fireplace was already running, chris dragged a chair as close to it as possible, plumping up the pillows before lifting you effortlessly onto his lap.
you draped your legs over his thighs, resting your head on his chest.
“you’re quiet. what are you thinking about?” you questioned him, your fingers tapping his collarbone.
he laughed under his breath, sitting up straighter.
“i was just thinking about earlier. how you said that you feel the same. is that true?”
“chris, of course it’s true. do you really not see it?”
“well most of the time i just think that it’s because we’re drunk.”
“it’s not, i promise. the reason i only show affection at parties is because i know how difficult it is for you sober.”
he smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
you turned your head to look at him. “emily’s been trying to get us together ever since we met.”
you laughed, running your hand along his abs, over his t-shirt.
“yeah, she’s obsessed with us.”
chris laughed, kissing the top of your head. the two of you fell silent for a few minutes.
you were relishing in the feeling of chris’ cheek pressed against the top of your head when he spoke again.
“so...what do you say we give it a try then? you know...“ he paused. “this whole relationship thing.”
you looked up at him, smiling. “mr evans...are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
he smirked. “maybe i am...do you accept?”
“yeah...yes i do. i would love to be your girlfriend.”
he started smiling widely, pulling you closer to him so he could reach your lips.
he pressed his lips against yours, his hand running up and down your back.
you smiled into the kiss, parting your lips a little to give him access.
he saw the opportunity and took it, pushing his tongue into your mouth to meet yours.
you pulled back after a while, breathing heavily.
“if i knew you could kiss like that i would’ve asked you out ages ago.”
you laughed, snuggling back down into his chest. you inhaled deeply, smiling to yourself as you eyes started to close.
tags: @before-we-get-started
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valdomarx · 4 years
A Marriage of Convenience
Octoberfest romcom tropes day 1: fake dating
Jaskier pushed his ale aside and broke the wax seal on the letter. As he read the contents, his face pinched into a frown.
“Anything important?” Geralt asked, glancing up from his soup. 
Jaskier chewed his lower lip. “Not really. It’s from my family.” He took a breath. “They’re going to disinherit me.”
Geralt raised an eyebrow. “What did you do this time?”
Jaskier scoffed. “Nothing, thank you very much! But it’s my 35th birthday next month, and the stipulations of the Lettenhove family will are quite clear. If the oldest son isn’t married by the age of 35, inheritance passes to the next married cousin.”
“Very keen on weddings in Lettenhove, are they?”
“Rather less keen on unmarried bachelors, actually.”
Geralt grunted. “That’s too bad. I imagine a viscount’s fortune could have come in handy for you.”
“Oh, I don’t care about the money.” Jaskier waved a hand dismissively. “It’s just,” he sighed. “I have younger sisters who rely on me for support. If the inheritance goes to cousin Edward, he’ll turn them out without a penny to their names.”
“That’s unkind.”
“It is.” Jaskier slumped. He was glad to have left Lettenhove and its court intrigues behind, but the thought of his sisters being at the mercy of his greedy cousin was unconscionable. He knew too well all the terrible things that could befall a woman alone in the world.
“This will,” Geralt said, stirring his soup absentmindedly, “does it have any rules about who you have to marry?”
“No. Any old wedding will do. But it’s not like I’m going to find anyone willing to tie themselves to me in the next month.”
Geralt shrugged one shoulder. “I’ll marry you.”
Jaskier choked on his ale. “You?”
“Why not?”
“Because…” he broke off and mopped the sweat from his brow. Because I’ve been in love with you for decades. Because I’ve fantasised about you saying this in a million different ways. Because having to pretend it’s real is going to break my heart.
Geralt reached over the table and patted his hand. “It’ll just be pretend,” he said, as if that were in any way reassuring. “This is a problem easily solved. Let me help you.”
Jaskier sagged. This was going to be a disaster.
“This is going to be a disaster!” Jaskier paced anxiously around their room. “There are so many ways this could go horribly wrong.”
Geralt sat on the bed counting bundles of herbs. “It’ll be fine.” He was infuriatingly calm. “We’ll head to Lettenhove, have a quick wedding, get your family off your back, and be on our way. It’ll only take a few days.”
“But,” Jaskier kept pacing. “We’ll have to. You know. We’ll have to do couple things. There are certain… expectations of a newly married pair.”
Geralt got to his feet and placed his hands on Jaskier’s shoulders, stopping his anxious traipsing. “We’ll manage. Can’t be any worse than fighting drowners.”
Jaskier looked into amber eyes and felt his heart turn over in his chest. “Everyone will expect us to be holding hands, and kissing, and gods know what else. And you can’t do that.” He sighed. “You don’t even like men.”
Geralt leaned in closer, close enough that strands of his silver hair tickled Jaskier’s cheek. “I like men just fine,” he said, and pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Then Jaskier did something terribly foolish. His body moved before his mind, his feet stepping closer, his arms wrapping around Geralt’s neck. He kissed him, hard, and to his astonishment Geralt kissed him back hungrily, lips parting to allow Jaskier to taste him fully, tongue exploring, hands roaming, and by the time they broke apart Jaskier was flushed and breathing hard.
“See?” Geralt said, his deep voice sending a shiver up his spine. “We can do this.”
Jaskier wrote to his family to tell them the good news, and he and Geralt wasted no time in heading off to Lettenhove. The journey was long but nothing they were unused to. They traveled by day, slept under the stars by night, and Geralt even picked up a few quick contracts to help pay their way.
It was comfortable, and normal, and Jaskier could almost forget about what he was about to put himself through.
At least, until they reached the outskirts of Lettenhove and they heard the whoosh of an incoming portal. The ground shook, the air rippled, and through the rent in reality stepped Yennefer, terrifying and beautiful as ever.
She raised one perfectly arched eyebrow at them. “I hear congratulations are in order.”
Jaskier couldn’t even bring himself to come up with a snarky reply as she swept past him and went to Geralt. He stood back and watched the two of them, powerful and dazzling together, each other’s equals in capability and composure.
He had never had a chance in this competition, he thought bitterly. He would be pretending with Geralt, while she had his heart for real.
Jaskier was left at camp while Geralt and Yennefer went off to do... whatever it was they did together. (He could guess what that was.) He spent a cold, lonely night with no one but Roach for company, berating himself for feeling so hurt by something he knew from the beginning was nothing but a ruse.
With their arrival in Lettenhove proper, there was nothing to do but face his family. The brightest spot of his day was walking into the estate and having his sisters squeal and jump on him just as they had done as children.
He stopped laughing and caught his breath long enough to introduce them. “Essi and Priscilla, this is Geralt.” My husband to be, he thought, and something twisted inside him at that. “Geralt, these are my troublesome sisters.”
Essi dipped her head and Priscilla performed a theatrical bow. “We were wondering if Jaskier would ever settle down,” Essi said with a sly smile.
“But seeing how handsome you are, I can’t blame him!” Priscilla replied, and the two of them broke into fits of giggles. 
Geralt, for his part, took them with good humour. Where Jaskier had been expecting him to be dour, he smiled indulgently and took each of their hands in turn and pressed a kiss to their knuckles, resulting in another uproar of giggling.
“Thank you for that,” Jaskier said quietly as they made their way to the room waiting for them.
Geralt inclined his head. “Have to make a good impression on the future in-laws,” he said, the corner of his lips quirking upward in amusement. 
The rest of his family were predictable as clockwork. Cousin Edward was sour, his father was distant, and his mother was simply relieved to see him married off as was proper. Geralt sat through all of it with more patience and good grace than Jaskier would have thought him capable of.
The day of the wedding itself passed in a blur. With such short notice the ceremony was terribly paired down by noble standards, but still, there was the formal breakfast, the dressing in formal garments, the journey to the temple outside of the city, the clamour of priestesses and officials and his family, the exchanging of rings, the reading of texts, and of course the formal dinner.
Jaskier barely remembered any of it. Looking back, the only thing that stuck out in his mind was the feeling of Geralt’s hand clasping his own during the handfasting. And the way that, whenever he was feeling overwhelmed over the course of the day, Geralt’s hand would find his own and give a comforting squeeze. 
Finally the ceremonies were complete and they were left in peace in their chambers, the two of them alone for the first time all day. Geralt’s hair had been braided into two slim plaits running either side of his face, though by now they were starting to become mussed. He’d even put on a shirt of dark blue silk as opposed to his standard uniform of all black. The effect was quite stunning.
As the door closed, Jaskier’s shoulders slumped and he breathed for what felt like the first time in hours.
Geralt cupped one cheek tenderly. “You good?”
Jaskier exhaled, letting the anxiety and stress of the day slowly unwind. He looked into Geralt’s warm eyes and felt, for once, safe and unjudged. “I’m good.”
Geralt brought their lips together, soft as could be, and Jaskier’s knees shook. He grabbed Geralt’s forearms to hold himself upright and, desperate for some sort of control, some sort of meaning, he pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. 
This was a bad idea, he was aware, but Geralt felt so good in his arms. He ran his hands through silky silver hair like he’d always wanted to, he pressed himself close to that muscled chest he’d spent more time than he should have admiring, and he moaned unrestrainedly when Geralt picked him up, locking his legs around his waist.
This was a terrible idea, he knew, but Geralt carried him over to the bed with firm, confident steps, and the temptation to touch, to hold, to kiss was overwhelming. This would only lead to heartache, but he was weak in the face of love, as always. 
Geralt laid him out and took him apart with soft lips and careful fingers and a wicked tongue, and it was everything he’d been dreaming of for years, and yet so much more intense than anything he could have imagined. Geralt was dazzling beneath him, warm amber eyes and pale scarred flesh, beautiful and kind and more than he could possibly deserve.
Nuptial celebrations in Lettenhove were mercifully brief, and with the ceremony completed and recorded to the satisfaction of the genealogists, they were free to depart.
There were, however, some customs which could not be avoided.
“You’ll be honeymooning nearby?” Jaskier’s mother asked, with the understanding that this was not a question.
“Actually, we thought -”
“They’ll be staying in my cottage, won’t you?” Priscilla interjected. She’d availed herself of her position, such as it was, to secure a tiny ramshackle cottage on the Kerack coast. It wasn’t opulent but it was, thankfully, far from prying eyes.
Jaskier gave her a tiny nod of thanks and she winked.
“A cottage?” His mother’s lip turned up in distaste. “How quaint.”
“And there’s ever so much to pack, so we must be on our way -” he excused himself with a bow, tugging Geralt behind him.
Out of the view of their parents, Priscilla and Essi set upon him with hugs and kisses, thanked him for saving them from the horrors of cousin Edward, and packed up an obscene quantity of cheeses and wine to take with them.
By the time they departed the estate, Jaskier was even smiling.
It was quiet and calm on the coast. The cottage overlooked the sea, rolling and tempestuous, and had just enough space for a kitchen, a bed, and a bath. They had everything they needed, even a stable for Roach outside.
Even though it was only for a few days, Jaskier imagined Geralt would be bored and unhappy, feeling trapped in a place so small. But he seemed content: riding along the coastline in the morning, brushing Roach out, going fishing in the afternoon, preparing the catch for their evening meal.
Jaskier showed him his favourite spices and how to prepare the fish with butter to make it rich and indulgent, and in the quiet moments he wrote poetry or simply sat on the battered chair on the porch of the cottage and watched the waves.
Geralt returned to the cottage with a net bulging with fish and a smile on his face. He’d been doing that more recently, Jaskier had noticed, smiling in a way that seemed natural and unforced. He even left his armour and swords in the cottage and waded down to the sea in just his trousers and shirtsleeves, disarmingly casual.
It was comfortable, almost domestic. 
And it was a torment, showing Jaskier a tiny glimpse of a life he’d never have.
Their last night on the coast, Geralt cooked the remainder of their provisions into a feast, poured the best wine they had, and set a fire in the hearth. He piled up blankets and pillows, laid down their warmest furs, and pulled Jaskier into his arms in front of the flames.
“Thank you,” he said, dotting kisses in a line up Jaskier’s neck, “for taking such good care of me.”
Jaskier fidgeted unhappily. “You’re the one doing me a favour,” he reminded him. That seemed important to remember. This was a favour from a friend, nothing more.
Geralt hummed against his neck, the vibrations rippling against his skin. “I can see some advantages to me,” he murmured, continuing his line of kisses up Jaskier’s jaw and toward his lips.
Jaskier, stupidly, allowed Geralt to turn him around, hands delicate around his waist, allowed him to bring their lips together. He allowed a kiss, soft at first, and then another, more intense, moaning into Geralt’s mouth. 
“Can I interest you in an early night?” Geralt purred in his ear, and everything in Jaskier’s body said yes, and everything in his mind said no.
Eventually, his mind won out and he pushed Geralt away. 
“No,” he said, struggling to keep his voice steady. “I can’t. I won’t. I’m sorry, Geralt, but this was a terrible mistake.”
He pushed himself to his feet, ignoring Geralt’s sad expression. He was hit by the urge to run, but there was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Tears welled in his eyes.
“Hey,” Geralt’s voice was so soft behind him. “It’s okay, Jaskier. Whatever it is. I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. I won’t do it again.”
Jaskier deflated. He turned to face Geralt, watery eyes and all. “That’s not the problem. I don’t want you to stop. I want this to be real.”
Geralt stood carefully still. “What do you mean, real?”
Jaskier took a breath, tried to imagine how to explain himself, how to convey what he felt. “I’m in love with you!” he snapped in the end. Not his most eloquent work, but perhaps his most honest.
Geralt tilted his head. “I know,” he said. He looked down at the ring on his finger. “Isn’t that the point?”
“The point?” Jaskier exploded. “The point!” He couldn’t stop himself from waving his arms as he ranted. “Oh, sure, I’m certain that the ideal marriage is between one person who’s hopelessly in love and one person who’s indifferent and besotted with another. I’m sure Yennefer will be delighted when she hears about this whole situation.”
Geralt’s eyes narrowed. “You think I’m in love with Yennefer?”
“Yes! Obviously!”
He paused, obviously weighing his words. “That night when she visited us outside Lettenhove, she wasn’t surprised by the news. She told me congratulations, and that it had taken long enough. I think she knew long before I did that I wasn’t in love with her, not really. My heart already belonged to another.”
Jaskier’s breath caught in his throat. “You mean… You and her, you’re not...”
Geralt shook his head. “What she most wants is something I can’t give her.”
“And you?” Jaskier asked, dreading the answer.
Geralt took his hand. “What I most want,” he stroked his thumb over the ring around Jaskier’s finger, “is something I already have.”
Jaskier’s heart leapt. It was almost too much. It was overwhelming. “You really love me?”
Geralt smiled softly. “I really do.”
Jaskier threw himself into Geralt’s lap, arms around his neck, foreheads pressed together. “Tell me again,” he said, because he was needy.
“I love you,” Geralt said, kissing down the side of his face. “I love you,” he said, lacing their fingers together against the furs. “I love you,” he said, their bodies moving together, finally free to feel with the intensity they had been hiding for so long, their scents mingling together with the fresh salt tang of the sea.
The sun shone brightly and the wind whipped their hair as they packed up Roach the next morning. Jaskier paused to admire the view one last time: The rolling waves, the steep cliffs, the shingled beach. 
Geralt slipped his arms around his waist from behind and dropped a kiss just beneath his ear. 
“What does our life look like now?” Jaskier asked, eyes on the waves.
He felt Geralt’s smile against his hair. “Much the same as before,” he said. “With perhaps a few improvements.”
Jaskier turned then and kissed him fully, no need to hold himself back, taking Geralt’s hand and running his fingers over the ring there.
“Ready to head back to the Path?” 
Geralt smiled, and Jaskier would never tire of that. “Ready if you are,” he said with softness in his eyes, “husband.”
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adalz · 3 years
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pairing: Porco Galliard x f!Reader / (mention of) Erwin Smith x Reader
summary: you thought that this was your life - doomed to eternal boredom, nostalgic for an absent husband - until you met a charming skipper with golden eyes
tags: modern AU, skipper!Porco, husband!Erwin
cw: infidelity/adultery/cheating, nsfw (or at least very very suggestive) minors pls dni :)
world count: 2.8k
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As far as you could remember, Erwin had always been passionate about sailing. You still had vivid memories of the day you met him for the first time. It was a warm summer afternoon; you were meeting with some friends on the port. He was the first person you noticed among the crowd. His blond hair was blowing in the wind, his open shirt flapping gently as he chatted with one of his friends. Your friends made fun of you as you listened to him ramble on and on about boats all afternoon long, pointing at the sailboats passing in the distance. It was the summer of your 18th birthday, and that same evening you made love in his little room overlooking the harbor. 
You married sometime later, both of you cradled by teenage love, overwhelmed by dreams and by the idea of a bright future. Indeed, you made a beautiful marriage, far from being loveless. But you both drowned in habit, in routine. He made a career for himself in finance, far from the sea and its mirage, while your fragile health forced you to rest, to live carefully. 
He had bought a huge house on the cliff, even as you were no longer talking about children. There was still the ocean breeze, to soothe your aches and your dark thoughts. At first, he often came home, curling up in your arms, breathing in your clothes the sea air, his fingers sliding on your bare skin. You opened wine, he sometimes smoked, and, in honor of your past years, you used to make love before the view of the ocean.
Then obligations became more pressing, more urgent, and slowly, you had found yourself alone there, in that villa, Nifa by your side to assist you and the ocean as the only mirror of your boredom. Sometimes, you would receive packages from the other side of the world, from forgotten places. On them, his lovely writing traced “Mrs. Smith”. It was often jewelry, dresses. Sometimes even paintings. And with each of his gifts, you felt the weight of time passing, and your marriage fissuring a bit more. It was just taking a step back for a better jump.
On his 35th birthday, Erwin bought himself a sailboat. There were lots of guests in the villa's grand salon that day, and you were finally living again. The hubbub of guests was soothing, and the stifling attention, here, in your own sanctuary of boredom was delightful. People were laughing, moving from one room to another, illuminating the garden and the terrace with their presence. You recognize old friends, colleagues from the past. All evening long, your husband hand was in the small of your back as you almost waltzed between the guests. 
Below the cliff, in the middle of the calm waves, a boat had appeared, its large sails stretched out in the late afternoon wind, and everyone applauded. She was a competition model, you were told. The best sails, you were told. But when Erwin leaned over to you, whispering in your ear, "We'll go for a trip, okay?", then nothing else really mattered.
You believed it at first. You looked forward to the weekends with unusual excitement. Nifa often told you that you were looking brighter. Happier. But the promises died with the wind. Under your windows, the best boat of all, the one everyone had sung the praises of, abandoned to the solitude of the waves. Such beautiful sails down, waiting for someone to use them, waiting for Erwin to come home. In the end, it was just one more accessory to dress up the beautiful coastal picture. A beautiful villa by the sea, a longing wife dressed in the most beautiful fabrics and a boat mooring by her windows. Leaning against the railing, you looked at it. You were two to be alone. 
It was Nifa's idea to hire a skipper; to make sure the boat would not rust, that it would be in good condition if one day, someone wanted to use it. She was the one to call your husband. Erwin agreed; she made a few other phone calls and one morning, in the middle of the living room, a man appeared.
From the top of the stairs, you gazed at him before he could see you. He was a young man, maybe in his twenties. His skin was prettily bronzed, and his blond hair lightened by the sun reminded you of something familiar, an impression of déjà vu.
He suddenly stood up when he heard you coming down the stairs and his eyes widened on your figure before either of you could say a word. They were of a warm color, sweet like honey, and unconsciously, something in you had given way. He introduced himself, speaking softly, in a suave voice: "The name’s Porco Galliard, Mrs. Smith. I’m the skipper. For the boat." 
You couldn't help but laugh at his formality, asking him to simply call you by your name. He smiled at your outburst of laughter, and, almost whispering, he breathed out your name, sliding on his lips, clenching your heart. In a tender gesture, he grabbed your hand and kissed it softly. 
At first, he was discreet, calling you "madam" whenever he saw you, hardly hiding his smirk, which made you frown before laughing. And every time he met you, he couldn't help but gently take your hand and place a kiss on it. One afternoon, after you offered him a cup of coffee as you sat on the old stone stairs leading to the small beach, you asked him where he lived, and he told you he rented a narrow room in town, near the harbor. You allowed him to stay on board whenever he wanted to. 
From your bedroom window you sometimes saw him, pulling in the mainsail, shirtless on the deck, the reflections of the water playing with his broad figure. Sometimes he saw you too, his hand protecting his eyes from the sun, bright smile as he waved his hand in your direction.  
Somehow, he reminded you of a cat, lounging in the sun before disappearing for days, and reappearing one morning. When he was tired of canned food, he would come knocking on the door for a meal, almost begging for attention. Free and endearing, that was the kind of man Porco Galliard was.
One evening, as you were about to have dinner in the garden, bathed by the setting sun, he appeared from the stairs leading to the beach. Surprised to see him here at such a hour, you asked him where he was going, and he answered that he was going to meet some friends in town. You invited him to have a glass of wine with you and with the brightest smile you had ever seen in your life, he accepted.
And as you leaned against the railing, the sailboat below you still vibrating with its new life, the warm skin of his arm brushing against yours, you realized that you were no longer alone. You talked about everything with him. About boats, about cats. About journeys. Strangely, he reminded you of moments already past. With a warm smile, he said: “With a sailboat like this, you'd probably already saw everything!”
You told him how you had never been on a boat. He turned his head toward you, frowning in incomprehension. How could that be? Mr. Smith had never taken you to sea? You sighed, your heart heavy with the realization. He must have noticed your melancholic expression because he caught your hand.
"Come with me tomorrow," he said, softly, his eyes melting into yours. His fingers slightly slid against yours. He was captivating.
"I- I can't I have to-..."
"Just tomorrow morning. Before it gets too hot. We can eat on board. If you’d like. I'll show you around the coast."
The morning after, you put on a summer dress and a hat to protect yourself from the morning light. On the beach, Porco helped you climb into the tender, pulling you gently with one hand, the other one behind your back. Once boarded, the fresh wind caressing your face, you watched him maneuver the tender toward the sailboat, anchored a little further away. The still timid sun reflected its fiery colors on his face, dancing on his bare arms.
He was in a perky mood, his delicate attention always turned toward you, holding you close to him to help you on board. His hands lingered against your sides as he led you around the sailboat, helping you down the few steps of the companionway, to the cabin. The space was narrow, a small table on the left, next to a space for cooking and on your right, a padded bench -or maybe was it a bed? - with some cushions to rest. You could feel that the place was inhabited, some clothes and books poorly hidden. The sunrays filtered through the high windows overlooking the deck, warming up the room. It was even warmer near him.
"Do you want to take the helm?" he shouted, his hair blowing in the wind, his voice echoing through the air. The sails hit the ocean wind as you sat on the cockpit bench. You laughed at the suggestion, shaking your head sharply, one hand on your hat to keep it from flying off. He motioned you to come closer and said again, "It's not hard, I promise! C’mon, I'll show you!"
Grabbing your hand, he pulled you behind the helm, positioning himself behind you. He pointed at the floating tell-tale and tried to explain everything you needed to know to sail correctly. He didn't have to speak too loudly, so close to you. His voice was warm against your ear, his body solid against your back. His arms framed your body on either side of the helm, firm under your sway, making sure you were balanced. In a swift movement, he removed your hat, his lips sliding briefly against your hair, there behind your ear, and he whispered, "I can't see in front of me, sorry." A vivid feeling came over you at his words, blood rushing to your ears. The sun never looked so great in your eyes, and he was shining just as brightly behind your back. You could guess the smile in his voice as he shouted in the wind, "That's life!" 
In the late morning, he dropped anchor in a calm, shady cove. The calm movements of the hull and the ocean breeze made you sleepy. You urged him to go for a swim, seeing him eagerly looking at the calm, warm water. He smirked at you, before stepping over the cockpit, walking onto the deck. You glared at him as he checked a few knots and he stood up. He pulled his shirt over his broad shoulders, revealing his finely sculpted body, his skin sinfully tanned. With a kick, he removed his pants, a pair of swimming trunks underneath. In all his beauty, he turned to you, the sun in his face, asking you one last time if you didn't want to come with him. You assured him that you would rather rest and with a last smile, he dived forward, his body sinking into the turquoise water.
Lying on the little bed in the cabin, you felt the boat shake slightly as he probably climbed back on. You heard the splash of the water, and then his footsteps on the deck. As he descended into the cabin, you stood up slightly, eyes on him. 
"Sorry," he said carefully, " I didn't mean to wake you up."
His body was still damp, drops tracing grooves down his neck, down his stomach, his shirt probably discarded somewhere on the dock. He approached in the narrow space, and you stood up abruptly. You could feel the heat of his body, the smell of sun and salt on his skin. The sea air in his hair and the sun having kissed his nose and cheeks a thousand times and you were dying, dying to do the same. 
He stuttered something, apologizing for being so close, your quick movement having surprised him. But for nothing in the world would you have let him be sorry for that. He probably thought you were indifferent to his charm, you, the long-forgotten wife hidden away in her villa by the sea, but that was far from the case. You were burning for him with a flame that you thought had been extinguished long ago.
You had felt the sea your whole life, from behind your windows, the one that crashed to die below, on the beach, but never the one that stretched forever, immortal, the one that was free, always so free.
Almost against you, he said in a breath, "You’re beautiful..." and you understood that he was burning with the same fever as you. He was staring straight into your eyes, so close, the languid honey of his eyes and you were overwhelmed with unrealistic thoughts. His usual smirk had left him. He leaned in, his breath short against your mouth and whispered, "May I?" 
It was you who filled the distance between you, your lips crashing into his. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you against him, and nothing was yours anymore, you were losing yourself in a spring you never expected, there on board of a failed promise. His breath was short against your skin, and you could feel that he wanted more, even more, the same desire deliciously consuming you.
His hands danced forgotten refrains on your shoulders, on your neck and on your cheeks. In one swift movement, he lifted you up, your hips clinging to his, as your back met the wall behind you. His lips assaulted your neck, his fingers sliding down the straps of your dress. His hands were quick to grasp at your breasts and he coaxed sighs from your mouth, himself grunting, intoxicated by your scent, your skin.
You felt him against you, proud and glorious, against your stomach. And when his hands lifted your dress, finding the fabric of your panties, you let him do it with a smile. When you felt his slender fingers waking you from a longing intimacy, you shuddered. Sighs died on the opal sea, sweet words of praise as he started thrusting into you, growling with wild desire, his hips slamming sensually against you. His hand was pressing against your core, taking you further away to the seventh heaven. His arms could have merged with your hips, his body anchored into yours in a heady back-and-forth and your last doubts died in the grueling heat. It was a dance you never wanted to stop, your body reacting with instinct, and finally, finally you came back to life.
Intoxicated with the warmth of his skin, your hands slipped in his hair, kneading at the skin of his shoulder as he kissed every inch of your skin, drawing secret signs against your breast with his teeth. On his lips died tender words as he slowly rested his head against your shoulder. There, answering to the butterflies in your stomach, you felt his lashes beat against your skin before he came to taste your jaw with his mouth.
Your mind was lost as your body awoke to blissful renewal, feeling the abandonment coming, the gradual movement of his pelvis against you, and his husky, sensual voice against your throat. An intoxicating dance that threatened to sweep everything away. You could feel his muscles pulsing, shaken by something strong, by a growing pleasure and there, between his arms, you let him take it all away in a wave of devastation. 
Perhaps you cried in unison, your arms tightening around his shoulders. Perhaps you clawed at his soft skin. Perhaps you did, but you didn't remember, blown away by a slow, twisting pleasure. 
When you came back to your senses, sensations on the surface of your skin, one of his hands remained against you, drawing small circular movements, accompanying your descent. Your breaths mingled, your hearts beating attuned. You were still vibrating with pleasure, and oddly, you started to laugh. He was still frowning, and he looked at you with confusion before bursting into laughter in turn, laying a multitude of kisses against your face. Your knees buckled as he put you down, and he barely caught you. Slowly massaging the bottom of his back, you pulled his shorts up, as he smoothed out your dress.
"That was..." he tried to say but you waved him to silence, a finger against his lips. He looked at you in wonder, his bright smile drawing a small dimple on his right cheek. You came closer to him, placing a soft kiss on his nose, and breathed, "’That's life’, right?"
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