#34th New York Independent Battery
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New York City: People's Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine & Save the Planet
Sept. 20-23
INTERNATIONAL PEACE & CLIMATE JUSTICE WEEKEND! The US War Machine is out of control, causing chaos throughout the world and fueling the climate crisis. People power will stop it. That’s why we are organizing a series of actions in New York City from September 20 to 23 while the United Nations General Assembly meets. When all of the world leaders gather, we will say we’ve had enough of the US War Machine. We demand the US be held accountable for its lawlessness. It’s time for the US government to obey the United Nations Charter by stopping regime change operations, ending the use of unilateral coercive measures (aka sanctions) and ceasing military threats and attacks. We demand the US sign the nuclear weapons ban treaty, rejoin the Iran nuclear and Paris climate agreements, disband NATO and close bases and outposts around the world. We demand an immediate transition to a peace economy that uses our resources to meet human needs and protect the planet. ****More information on event times and other specifics will be added as we finalize details. For now, here's what you need to know: Friday, September 20 - People's Climate Strike at 12:00 pm. March from Foley Square to Battery Park. We'll bring messages connecting militarism and the climate crisis. See https://strikewithus.org/nyc/ Saturday, September 21 - Puerto Rico Independence March starting at 11:00 am at 59th St. Columbus Circle and marching to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza at the UN. It's time to decolonize Puerto Rico! Saturday, September 21 - Race, Militarism and Black Resistance in the "America's" from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the Green Worker Cooperative, 1231 Lafayette Ave in the Bronx. Sunday, September 22 - People's Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine and Save the Planet Rally and March at 2:00 pm, Northwest corner of Herald Square at 34th St and 6th Ave.  Featuring Cornel West, Roger Waters, members of the Embassy Protection Collective and music by Ben Grosscup. Monday, September 23 - Forum: "A Path to International Peace: Realizing the Vision of the United Nations Charter." Location: Community Church of New York 40 East 35th St., New York City, 10016. Time:  6:30 pm (doors open at 6 pm). David Rovics will perform. The Peace Memorial will give an award. Panels featuring representatives from sanctioned countries. You must pre-register at http://bit.ly/RSVPapathtopeace. Representatives of 120 nations met in July to reaffirm their support for the UN Charter in a revival of the Non-Aligned Movement. Some of those representatives plus grassroots groups will join us for a discussion of the ways the United States is violating the charter, how they are organizing and what we can do to hold the US accountable. https://peoplesmobe.org/ Bus coming from Baltimore, MD for Sunday, Sept. 22. Contact [email protected] for more information.
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markerhunter · 4 years
Summary Statement, 4th Quarter, 1863 – New York Independent Batteries, Part 3
Summary Statement, 4th Quarter, 1863 – New York Independent Batteries, Part 3
The last dozen in dependent batteries from New York, the 25th through 36th Batteries, feature several story lines which had not played out by the end of 1863. Thus the listing is incomplete and lacking in some respects. And, we see just nine lines:
But we’ll discuss all twelve here in order to fill in the gaps:
25th Battery: No return.  Recall, while in transit to New Orleans in…
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mtwy · 8 years
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New York Times
USA March 29th 1985
By Vincent Canby
SUSAN SEIDELMAN, you should remember, is the young director who first came to attention three years ago with ''Smithereens,'' a wonderfully funny, independently financed, $80,000 first-feature about a pushy, punkish young woman named Wren and her adventures in the Day-Glo lower-depths of the East Village and blocks west. It's now apparent that ''Smithereens'' was not a fluke. 
With ''Desperately Seeking Susan,'' her second feature, which opens today at Loews Paramount and other theaters, Miss Seidelman successfully takes the long, potentially dangerous leap from the ranks of the promising independents to mainstream American movie-making, her integrity, her talent and her comic idiosyncracies intact. 
''Desperately Seeking Susan,'' based on a good screenplay by a new writer named Leora Barish, is a terrifically genial New York City farce in which the lives of two very different young women become tangled in an Orlon web of lies, half-truths and crosspurposes. 
It's a fable that involves, among other unlikely things and people, a pair of stolen earrings that once belonged to Nefertiti; a gangster slain in Atlantic City; an earnest, uptight businessman who sells Jacuzzis and hot tubs, and who stars in his own cheery television commercials; a professional hit man; amnesia and mistaken identity; a soberly commonplace magician, and a handsome young fellow who makes his living as the projectionist at a theater specializing in the B-pictures of yesteryear. 
The film's two charming, very funny stars are Rosanna Arquette, the blond chamelion most recently seen in John Sayles's ''Baby, It's You'' and in the television adaptation of Norman Mailer's ''The Executioner's Song,'' and Madonna, one of the hottest personalities in music videos, who here has her first major role in a theatrical film and carries it off with nervy ease, as if to echo the Jerry Lieber-Mike Stoller lament, ''Is That All There Is?'' 
Miss Arquette's Roberta is a pampered, Fort Lee, N.J., princess, married to Gary, the Jacuzzi salesman and TV ''star.'' Like Ibsen's Nora, magically transported to a condo- with-pool on the far side of the George Washington Bridge, Roberta gets fed up and leaves home, though, unlike Nora, she really doesn't mean to bang the door behind her. 
What lures the romantically inclined Roberta away from her probably fake fireplace is a series of personal ads she has been following for some months, each headed ''Desperately Seeking Susan,'' followed by a message from ''Jim,'' who sets up the time and place for their next rendezvous. On impulse one afternoon, Roberta decides to spy on one such rendezvous in Battery Park, where, after a series of unfortunate misunderstandings and a bop on the head, she finds herself with no memory of who she is, though everybody seems to think she's Susan. 
Madonna plays the real Susan, a slightly more focused variation on the eccentric, free-living heroine of Miss Seidelman's ''Smithereens,'' which is not to say that Susan is more conventional, only that the film surrounding her is. Susan is one of society's most winning bandits, but her crimes are essentially victimless. She has no pad of her own and sleeps around for convenience as much as for pleasure. Dressed in her miniskirts, rhinestone boots, and enough New Wave junk jewelry to start her own thrift shop, Susan looks like a piece of performance art on the hoof. 
Through a succession of perfectly implausible coincidences - this is, after all, a farce - Roberta, the protected princess from Fort Lee, starts living a reasonable facsimile of Susan's wayward life. She is housed, against his better judgment, by Dez (Aidan Quinn), the projectionist, who is the best friend of Susan's main man Jim (Robert Joy), and works as the on-stage assistant to the world's most optimistic, second-rate magician (Peter Maloney) in a Village club that would attract only the seediest of conventioneers. 
Susan, aware that the mob might be after her for reasons she never worries about, eventually connects with Roberta's husband, Gary (Mark Blum), and Gary's sister, Leslie (Laurie Metcalf), who, her imagination expanded by expose magazines, suspects that Roberta may be either a housewife-prostitute or a housewife- lesbian, and maybe both. Gary, dazzled by Susan's manners and glittery raiment, takes her back to Fort Lee, which seems as exotic to her as the Village is to Roberta. 
It's no easy thing to keep this kind of farce spinning with seeming effortlessness and, toward the end, ''Desperately Seeking Susan'' becomes a little desperate itself. Miss Seidelman and Miss Barish never find that single, explosively funny, climactic confrontation scene in which all of the characters would converge for sudden recognition. The movie ends sweetly, but sort of piecemeal. 
Miss Seidelman's principal talent is for bringing cockeyed characters to life with great good humor and no condescension, and she's as wicked about life in the new bohemia as in the new suburbia. ''Desperately Seeking Susan'' is full of funny, sharply observed details, reflected in Santo Loquasto's witty production design as well as in all of the dozens of individual performances. The cast is virtually a Players Guide to the variety of performing talent available in New York. Miss Arquette and Madonna are delights, as is each member of the huge supporting cast, from Mr. Quinn, Mr. Blum, Mr. Joy and Miss Metcalf, through Mr. Maloney and down to those people who appear in split-second cameos, including Anne Carlisle, from ''Liquid Sky,'' and John Lurie, the star of ''Stranger Than Paradise,'' who is seen here as the silhouette of a musician behind a window shade.  ''Desperately Seeking Susan'' is not, however, an inside joke. It's a New York movie that, like Times Square at 4 A.M. or Central Park at high noon, is available to everyone. ''Desperately Seeking Susan,'' which has been rated PG-13 (''parental guidance suggested''), includes some vulgar language and partial nudity. 
A Genial Farce 
DESPERATELY SEEKING SUSAN , directed by Susan Seidelman; written by Leora Barish; director of photography, Edward Lachman; edited by Andrew Mondshein; music by Thomas Newman; produced by Sara Pillsbury and Midge Sanford; released by the Orion Pictures Corporation. At Loews 84th Street, at Broadway; Loew's 34th Street Showplace, between Second and Third Avenues; Loews Paramount, 61st Street and Broadway; Gemini Twin, 64th Street and Second Avenue, and other theaters. Running time: 104 minutes. This film is rated PG-13. RobertaRosanna Arquette SusanMadonna DezAidan Quinn GaryMark Blum JimRobert Joy LeslieLaurie Metcalf CrystalAnna Levine NolanWill Patton IanPeter Maloney LarrySteven Wright RayJohn Turturro VictoriaAnne Carlisle 
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markerhunter · 7 years
Summary Statement, 2nd Quarter, 1863 – New York Independent Batteries, Part 3
Summary Statement, 2nd Quarter, 1863 – New York Independent Batteries, Part 3
Continuing with the second quarter, 1863 summaries, we turn at last to the “high dozen” of the New York independent batteries.   The quarterly summary contained lines for batteries up to the 32nd:
But to provide a complete assessment, we’ll discuss up to the 36th in the administrative section for an even dozen.  To facilitate that discussion, we will break those dozen into three groups.  The…
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markerhunter · 7 years
Summary Statement, 2nd Quarter, 1863 – 2nd New York Artillery Regiment
Summary Statement, 2nd Quarter, 1863 – 2nd New York Artillery Regiment
Sandwiched between the summaries for the 1st and 3rd New York Artillery Regiment is this lonely line:
That line:
Battery L: At Haine’s (Hayne’s Bluff, Mississippi with four 3-inch Ordnance Rifles. Captain Jacob Roemer commanded this battery, assigned to the Ninth Corps detachment sent to reinforce Grant at Vicksburg.
I discussed Battery L, 2nd New York’s complicated history in a post for the…
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