#3. in terms of rivalry escalation i think it would be very funny of him to see akira FAKE die & come back and then go. well top THIS.
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pavlikbuonarroti · 2 months ago
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super-zero-time-blog · 7 years ago
Super Light Warrior Changéríon: Episodes 1-3 Review
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The year is 1996. Toei Co. Ltd., the penny pinching and merchandise driven imaginative studio that graced the world with anime adaptations of Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball and tokusatsu hero franchises like Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, have found themselves paired up with massive entertainment force Sega (yes, the Sonic the Hedgehog guys) to release a brand new superhero show on the world.  The first idea, a planned follow up to the 1995 Keita Amemiya film Mechanical Violator Hakaider (itself a reimagining of the villain from the 70′s Shotaro Ishinomori classic Android Kikaider) falls through.  A new idea suddenly comes about from Toei producet Yoshikawa Susumu and suit manufacturer Rainbow Co. Ltd: Create a hero suit made primarily out of transparent parts. With that in mind, a cast and crew are soon brought on to create one of the weirdest tokusatsu series of the 1990′s.
So here we are and here I am and it’s Changéríon (yes the accents are how it’s officially written, it’s meant to be French, I don’t know why) time. Sorry for that long build up! Just figured it’d be what all the cool kids do. Super Light Warrior Changéríon is a doozy of a series, one that has held a cult following in Japan for 20 years after its abrupt end in December of 1996. The show featured a staff of producers (such as Shinichiro Shirakura), directors (such as Takao Nagaishi)  and writers (namely head writer Toshiki Inoue) who would go on 4 years later to help revive Kamen Rider for the Heisei era, and in general went on to be remembered for its quirky and surreal nature. Even the show’s star, Takashi Hagino, would go on to be in Kamen Rider (in a very different role as infamous serial killer Takeshi Asakura, a.k.a. Kamen Rider Ouja, in 2002′s Kamen Rider Ryuki) I decided to plunge into this series finally now that English fansubs were out, and I’ve been contemplating how to go about this. For the first installment I figure I’m just going to write up my thoughts briefly on the first three episodes of this 39 episodes series, and I may then expand upon that later and switch the format around a bit at any given time, so here goes!! 
A few things to note ahead of time
1. The head writer of this series (and, to my knowledge, the writer of the first four episodes here) is Toshiki Inoue. Inoue is a man known for his love of drama, strange humor, and plots heavily focused on miscommunication. His best known shows include Chojin Sentai Jetman (1991), Kamen Rider Agito (2001), Kamen Rider 555 (2003) some mess called Kamen Rider Kiva (2008) and oh yeah he’s written for anime, included the Death Note anime in 2005. You have likely seen something he has written if you’ve touched an anime. Or maybe not, I don’t know.
2. The suits in this. They are absolutely gorgeous, but they were infamously dangerous. 
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The Changéríon suit alone had two versions, a 100 kg (~ 200 lb) version for close up shots and a 40kg (~ 80 lb) suit for action scenes. Both were terrifying to those in it. Veteran suit actor Jiro Okamoto commented on the suit being absurdly heavy and fearing he would break it, not to mention that it was so heavy that it hurt his neck. This thing supposedly nearly sent suit actors to the hospital! And yet the action is generally decent despite the struggle in these beasts of a set of suits.
3. The opening, “OVER THE TIMES ~ Beyond The Present~” by MISA. It’s just awesome. It’s really awesome. I mean listen to it. It’s super awesome. 
Aww yeah....
SO! Now that I’ve gotten all of that out of the way, on to the reviews! The format is simple. A summary of the plot first, then my thoughts on it. I’ll see how this works and just go from there.
EPISODE 1: “A Hero!! Me?”
Air Date: April 3, 1996
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Bumbling detective Akira Suzumura is hired to investigate a series of missing student reports from a local elementary school. After a night of staking the grounds out, he soon finds himself on a new path after a freak accident and an attack by a monster from the inter-dimensional invaders known as the Darkzeid lead him to unwittingly become the warrior of light: Changéríon! But as he struggles to master his new powers and deal with the mysterious SAIDOC organization, the full threat of Darkzeid begins to awaken.
Changéríon starts out about as weird as you can expect a show like this to with a massive hoop spiralling down a flight of stairs to a narrow Tokyo tunnel and having a creepy 90′s CG entity force its soulless face out towards the camera. It only escalates by going to a dramatic sequence of Akira and his assistant Akemi seemingly armed and ready for a shootout....only for the sequence to be a harmless rescue of a local puppy. This is Inoue at his peak weirdness, something which can really be hit or miss, but it’s strangely all a bunch of baffling moments which click oddly well. Akira isn’t much of a hero in many ways: He’s clumsy, he’s a bit lecherous, selfish and lazy. He doesn’t have much cash and doesn’t even pay part-timers like Akemi well. And yet despite all of this he has his heart in the right place and it’s fun to watch him fumble around in the suit at the episode’s end. It even made me chuckle seeing him “free up” time on a completely empty schedule to help the school find their students. While some scenes do feel disjointed and a bit uncomfortable (including a very uncomfortable joke about pedophilia which struck me as more than a little uncalled for in a show aimed at children), everything is really bonkers and pretty exciting here! It all ends with the main villains being awakened and a budding rivalry between Akira and the former, intended Changéríon candidate, Hayami, as the good folks at SAIDOC quietly wonder “What on earth have we gotten ourselves into with this nut?” 
It’s also worth mentioning that this show is a definite turning point for Toei’s production, having been one of their first shows recorded on digital video rather than film, and it’s chock full of now dated CGI and strange, minimalist dark rooms for otherworldy realms. It’s kinda creepy and very uncanny, but I’d say it oddly works in the show’s favor at this point. It’s got an unintentional charm to it. There’s a borderline David Lynch feel to the Darkzeid realm bits, in all honesty. Considering how big of a hit Twin Peaks was during the mid 90′s in Japan, it wouldn’t surprise me if the set designers took at least a smidge of inspiration from the Black Lodge sequences during seasons 1 and 2 of the series. It’s not as traumatic as something you’d see Lynch do, but there’s a similarly sinister atmosphere to it all here with countless bodies wrapped in plastic...like...bags, much like Laura Palmer was.
 The combat itself is a bit strangely edited too. Lots of sped up footage and Changéríon seldom kicks (more often getting kicked around instead), which I will assume is due to that hulking suit. But it also gives us one of the most ridiculou(sly satisfying) attacks ever with the Shining Attack. Which...uh...well...
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....okay it’s pretty rad, I won’t lie. That’s pretty great. It is. It’ll get used to death in future episodes, but it’s still cool here.
First impression is a good one. It’s like this episode sets the tone for what is to come quite well.
Episode 2: “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Brain”
Air Date: April 10, 1996
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The three generals of Darkzeid awaken and enter the human world, with plans to consume humans to satisfy their ravenous appetites. Meanwhile, SAIDOC Chief Munakata explains to Akira about the threat of Darkzeid and their need for his help, only for him to swiftly turn them down and celebrate his newfound superpowers with an unlimited shopping spree. But in the process he not only angers operatives Hayami and Eri, but finds himself in yet another Darkzeid plot as Akemi and Eri are kidnapped by an otherworld monster using posessed shoes. It’s up to Changéríon to save the missing women before they end up on Darkzeid’s lunch menu!
It’s here that we see Inoue throw in another one of his big tropes with character writing: The reluctant hero. This isn’t the first time he’d written that character archetype (another great example of this is Gai Yuki/Black Condor in Jetman) but it’s something he loves to write quite often. In this case, Akira decides to just go hog wild with loans he can’t afford, and it’s actually pretty funny. Buying out restaurants for the day, loading up on shoes for Akemi, and just being a total snot and a cocky jerk until he’s forced to realize that he put his own employee in danger and team up with Hayami....after a bizarre sequence of both of them sneaking into the same Darkzeid shoe store. In drag. And not recognizing each other. In drag. Before fighting it out in front of onlookers. In drag. This is after a scene with the store owner, the monster of the week (with a literal face full of shoes in his monster form, no less) attempts to feed his kidnapped victims with mysterious goop in high heel shoes. There’s no shortage of surreal visuals here and it does get disjointed at points, yet I feel like the story comes to a more coherent point from here. 
Despite the goofier antics, there’s still that underlying sinister aura to the Darkzeid generals. Their designs are legitimately creepy and their hushed meetings in dimly lit rooms, murmuring about their need to consume humans and how darkness will consume their own world could easily give a kid nightmares. Even I was amazed at how well the monster suits were pulled off in this show. The villains look like villains, and they’re fittingly mysterious.
In terms of action, Changéríon gets his aptly named Gun Laser, a really nifty weapon with a gimmick I love! Y’see, it runs on disks that he summons from his chest. And the discs spin. Go figure that Sega would manufacture all these toys with a disc gimmick. Not only was it the peak of the CD boom, it also made me chuckle thinking about how they had moved into CDs with the Sega Saturn at around the same time. (Plus the Gun Laser just looks really dang cool!)
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 We’re getting places now that the initial stage has been set! Slowly but surely, we’re getting places! 
Episode 3: “A Bunch of Brides”
Air Date: April 17, 1996
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Brides are mysterious disappearing at the altar! Darkzeid is behind this! Akira plans to counter these objections to holy matrimony with the help of Hayami and Akemi...but time and again things keep going south! Can he save the day and stop these foul occurrences? Meanwhile, in a basement lab, Chief Munakata struggles to develop the sidekicks Akira needs in his battle...
If you haven’t figured out that this series is meant to be goofy at this point, I don’t know what to tell you. This is a pretty fluffy and light episode with some good gags strewn throughout. Perhaps the funniest is Akira’s futile attempt at teaching Hayami how to flirt with women. It’s done with the most 90′s montage imaginable and it killed me with how good it was. The follow up is the sequence in the above shot, which I won’t spoil the full context for, but it also got a laugh out of me. There’s slapstick, there’s snark, there’s a simple but weird vibe to this whole episode and it’s totally fine. We’ve gotten into the groove of the show at this point it feels like, and I look forward to where it goes from here. The most interesting element plotwise is seeing Munakata’s struggle to get a set of mysterious robots up and working for Akira to use. It’s made clear that he and his research are mocked by his superiors, who don’t even think that Darkzeid is real, let alone a threat. Poor guy needs more respect! But we’ll see where things go with these machines in the next episode.
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With 36 episodes left to go, Super Light Warrior Changéríon is certainly an odd, yet familiar show to me. I can see the early elements of Heisei Kamen Rider at play here with how it’s shot, the eerier villain designs, the quick cuts and kinetic feel to the action and the quirky humor and characters. It’s like seeing a mix of Metal Hero aesthetics with Super Sentai pacing making something of a hybrid that will have a lingering impact. Next time I’ll cover episodes 4-7, or perhaps change up the pace a bit. Expect some cool new robot buddies next time, but other than that I’m as in the dark as everyone else!
Hopefully my rambling didn’t scare you away by now, and we’ll be ready for more adventures to come, soon!
And remember! SOMEBODY LOVES you. And SOMEBODY NEEDS you. 
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shazzeaslightnovels · 4 years ago
Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai 2
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Author: Touki Yanagimi
Illustrator: Kippu
Label: Fujimi Fantasia Bunko
Release Date: 20 September 2012
My Score: 4/5
The first 4 volumes of this are pretty formulaic in that they each give us the backstory for our heroines and develop them so this volume focuses on Mari, who we briefly saw as a minor villain in volume 1. Mari is a witch working with Haunted and his organisation, Valhalla, but she works with him on the condition that he does not involve regular, innocent people as his sacrifices for his magic. In the prologue, she finds out that he broke this promise. Before things can really escalate with them, Haunted is attacked by two inquisitors who he brutally murders in front of her and casts an amnesia spell on her before she is captured by more inquisitors. She’s taken in by the academy who want to use her to lure in Valhalla so she is assigned to the 35th Test Platoon to look after her (of course, the Platoon are given none of this information and are just told that she’s a new student and they have to look out for her in case her witch status is revealed to other students).
While Mari and Takeru’s relationship is an important part of this volume, I can’t help but find her relationship with Ouka more interesting. Ouka has a lot of hate towards witches that she’s not about to let go of and Mari also takes an instant dislike towards Ouka. It is played quite cliche with Mari pretending to be into Takeru to get a rise out of Ouka and Mari’s chest getting some comments but I love the way the it ends up playing out more like the rivalry two characters would have in a shounen manga and I enjoyed it a lot. It was a shame that we didn’t get to see much of her interacting with Ouka and Ikaruga in this volume so that we could have gotten some more interesting dynamics.
Mari herself is someone who has been through a lot of shit in her life but she still hasn’t given up hope and holds steadfast to her belief that magic is ultimately for giving happiness to people. She dreams of a world where witches aren’t hunted and are valued members of society. Due to this, she gets called naive by Haunted but I can’t help but admire her resilience. She’s also quite funny and I love the scene where she pretends like her and Takeru have a romantic thing going on to get a rise out of Ouka and there’s this illustration where she’s sweating and really trying to force herself to act this out. She’s got a lot of room to grow as a character and I look forward to seeing that journey.
We also get more from Lapis and Haunted in this volume! Lapis, the relic eater that Takeru formed a contract with at the end of last volume, is still much of a mystery since she tends to show any emotions but one thing is clear: she thinks highly of Takeru. Sougetsu, the prinicipal of the school, sets her up as a student under the pretense that she’s Takeru’s little sister... even though they look nothing alike and some of Lapis’ comments have the other students thinking that something incestuous is going on. Haunted is very much a Narita Ryohgo character (think Izaya Orihara) with long-winded speeches about how lovely Mari’s face of despair is. His relic eater partner, Nacht, is no slouch either when it comes to being a good villain. I also noticed that Haunted seems to change his personal pronouns every once in a while. For example, he uses “Watakushi” to refer to himself at one part of this volume and later refers to himself using “Boku”. It’s an interesting character trait that I’m going to try to keep tabs on.
One thing that I really like in this series is that, while Takeru does end up playing the main role in the climactic fights, the heroines also play a pivotal role in them. Ouka would probably have beat the boss from last volume if Sougetsu hadn’t interferred (or, I assume that’s what happened. I don’t think it was ever clearly stated) and Mari’s no slouch in this volume either.
I ended up rating this volume a 4 because my love for Mari brings the volume above a 3 but the cliche scenes in this volume mean that I can’t bring myself to rate it a full 5.
Adaptation Notes:
You know, I was trying to be optimistic about the anime. I remembered it being quite awful but I was hoping that was just because I was one of those adaptation haters at the time and that it would be much better on the rewatch and, while it is definitely not the worst adaptation I’ve ever seen, it’s still pretty bad and fails to capture the charm of the original light novel. I have no issues with an adaptation cutting shit out in order to make a memorable anime but I have an issue with an anime cutting out good characterisation and keeping in all of the bad ecchi scenes that even the source material fans aren’t particularly fond of.
Like the first volume, this one is adapted into 2 episodes for the anime. And, like the adaptation of the first volume, so much is cut in the way of characterisation but they still kept in the few ecchi scenes the light novel had. Takeru probably suffers the most in terms of characterisations as he just comes off as a bland protagonist in the anime where he definitely does not in the light novel because he has actual flaws that the reader can see. I do like that Takeru gets this magical girl-like transformation sequence as he equips Lapis though and I do like the armor design for Nacht. Granted, it’s in service of some clunky looking action scenes but whatever. As I expected, the bloodiest and most interesting parts of Mari’s flashback are cut to the point where it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense why Mari blames herself for people dying. Mari and Ouka are given less to do in the climax as well. You can also kinda tell that they’re running out of budget already as there are several moments that cut away from the action scene to focus on someone’s face. So, yeah, I’m still not pleased with the anime adaptation but I’ll admit that it could be worse. At least the ED song is good.
Next volume is Ikaruga’s and my memories say that it’s a pretty amazing volume so I’m looking forward to reading it.
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